Re: OFF TOPIC: W/95 term progs > COM5? RESOLVED

1998-09-22 Thread Edward J Young

Thanx for the reply
Problem is resolved. 

They  show up in the device manager, and I know they work because of
diagnostic utilities provided with the board. The problem was that non of
the apps I used would see com5. Hyperterm still won't, but PCPlus did
after some configuration of PCPlus. So problem is resolved. 

Thanx again, 


On Tue, 22 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Edward J Young writes:
> [snip]
> > I need to use the board to communicate serialy with some other systems. To
> > do this I need a  com program that will work with com5 and above. I know
> > this is possible, but since com ports above 4 are nonstandard in the
> > W/World, most programs don't go up there. I believe it's simply that they
> > have hardcoded their programs, not that it's not possible. 
> Ok, are the additional serial ports shown in the device manager menu?
> (Settings, Control panel, System, Device Manager, Ports) If they show there,
> you should be able to use Hyperterm.
> -- 
> -= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
> Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
> @[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
> --... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Re: OFF TOPIC: W/95 term progs > COM5?

1998-09-20 Thread Edward J Young


I guess I didn't make myself clear. I need a com program to *use*
ports, not  to verify that they work. I already know that they work, and
that the card is working. I know this by some other diagnostics which
the board came with. The new ports are mapped to com5 and above. 

I need to use the board to communicate serialy with some other systems. To
do this I need a  com program that will work with com5 and above. I know
this is possible, but since com ports above 4 are nonstandard in the
W/World, most programs don't go up there. I believe it's simply that they
have hardcoded their programs, not that it's not possible. 



On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Kent West wrote:

> I've never played with more than 4 com ports, so this may not work at 
> all, but you can give it a go. Attach a modem to one of the ports (say, 
> COM5), then from a "Command Prompt Only" (or "Restart Computer in MS-DOS 
> Mode") prompt, enter a command like:
>echo ATDT(phone_num_of_your_second_line) > COM5
> and see if the modem dials your second phone line. If so, then you know 
> the card is (at least partially) working.

OFF TOPIC: W/95 term progs > COM5?

1998-09-19 Thread Edward J Young

Sorry to ask about a W/95 issue here, but I need to validate a board on
W/95 before I use it on Linux. 

I need to be able to talk to my extended serial ports using a terminal
program. I can't find any Software that will open a terminal and talk to
anything above COM4. PCPlus, hyperterm, etc are hardcoded to COM4 and
below, so I can't even get started with those. 

I am using a Cyclades 4yo board which adds 4 more serial ports and works
under Linux. Too bad W/95 apps are limiting me. 

Ed Young

kpilot errors out with lib error

1998-09-12 Thread Edward J Young

I've been trying to run kpilot but when I try to invoke it I get the

kpilot: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

dpkg sez that kpilot is installed:

Alaska:~# dpkg -s kpilot
Package: kpilot
Status: install ok installed
Installed-Size: 1207
Maintainer: John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 3.0.2-1
Depends: kdelibs0g (>= 2:980312), libc6, libstdc++2.8 (>= 2.90.26-1), qt1g (>= 
1.33-5), xlib6g (>= 3.3-5)
Description: PalmPilot/III hotsync package
 Kpilot provides file transfer and sync capabilities for owners of
 the 3COM PalmPilot or Palm III PDAs.  It currently includes conduits
 for mail, datebook, and memo pad.

It seems that my libraries are installed correctly:

Alaska:~# dpkg -S libkfile
kdelibs0g-dev: /usr/X11R6/lib/
kdelibs0g: /usr/X11R6/lib/
kdelibs0g-dev: /usr/X11R6/lib/
kdelibs0g: /usr/X11R6/lib/

I have the latest kdelibs0

Alaska:~# apt-get install kdelibs0g
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, kdelibs0g is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 220 not upgraded.

What could the matter be???



As user: swap capslock/cntrl?

1998-08-28 Thread Edward J Young

How do I swap the capslock and control keys on a standard PC keyboard as a
user only?  (not as root)

I need to do this so I don't get Carpel Tunnel from straining to hit the
control key when running emacs all the time. 

Since this is a system at Univ. of Colorado, and I'm not root, I need to
do it in user space. 


Ed Young

Is down?

1998-08-20 Thread Edward J Young

I've not been getting the debian-users digest list lately, and I can't hit
the site. 

Is there a problem on my end or debians's.

If this is making it to the list, someone please respond and let me know. 

Thank you, 

Ed Young

Off-topic:non-scsi tape backup?

1998-08-20 Thread Edward J Young

Sorry if this is off-topic, it's just that this list has proven to be so
helpful in many areas. Please suggest any alternate news groups that may
be better for this question. 

I've not been receiving the debian-users
digest list lately
and am reposting this in part to test if this bounces, and to reissue the

I'd like to get my tape backup working under Linux. 

I have a connor QIC-3020 Travan tape system. This drive has a separate
controler which is connected to an ISA slot. It uses the same IRQ (6)
as the floppy and the same DMA channel (2). I believe this is a tape
drive which could connect directly to the floppy controler, but I
never could get it working that way. 

My questions are: 
Is anyone familiar with this type of tape backup system, and has
gotten it working under Linux? 

DoI need the interface card or is it better to run it directly
from the floppy controler? I'm not interested in performance (speed)
since I'll do backups lat at night. 

Is this an ftape issue and if so, how do I proceed to configure? 

Thanx in advance for any help. 


Ed Young

Connor QIC-3020 Tape backup?

1998-08-15 Thread Edward J Young

I'd like to get my tape backup working under Debian. 

I have a connor QIC-3020 Travan tape system. This drive has a separate
controler which is connected to an ISA slot. It uses the same IRQ (6)
as the floppy and the same DMA channel (2). I believe this is a tape
drive which could connect directly to the floppy controler, but I
never could get it working that way. 

My questions are: 
Is anyone familiar with this type of tape backup system, and has
gotten it working under Linux? 

DoI need the interface card or is it better to run it directly
from the floppy controler? I'm not interested in performance (speed)
since I'll do backups lat at night. 

Is this an ftape issue and if so, how do I proceed to configure? 

Thanx in advance for any help. 


Ed Young

Re: Proportional fonts in Kde?

1998-08-10 Thread Edward J Young

Thanx for the tip. That fixed the problem in Emacs, I believe, or
atleast is a workaround. 

Strangely, Xemacs now has reverse video and hard to read fonts. I've
never been able to try xemacs because of this problem. 

I'll check into this problem. 

Thanx again, 


On Sun, 9 Aug 1998, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Aug 1998, Edward J Young wrote:
> > I updated my KDE packages, to 1.0and now GNU emacs19's fonts are
> > different, and very difficult to read. The video is now reverse video and
> > very difficult to read. 
> Yeah, KDE 1.0 did the same thing to me.  What happens is that KDE installs
> some very poorly constructed app-defaults files in
> /usr/share/apps/kdisplay/app-defaults/.  They made emacs completely
> unusable on my system, and screwed with Netscape in suble ways.  I
> couldn't figure out where that directory was refered to in the KDE
> scripts, so I simply deleted it.  THings went back to normal.
> These files are installed as part of the kdebase package, and honestly, I
> think they're so bad that they're worthy of a bug report.
> noah
>   PGP public key available at
>   or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Version: 2.6.2
> ZIzUpqWQTsnO703hV+suqYw3qvFUO38XhiE6i28Xdep3ArWneT9LRFRhQ+GJtIuB
> qJr0T4M7qWVao22aAnp9mpEsFiia0Afau5xyngXMKKhl5lcPmQPBzd43GnHvoRws
> ecA+Sar6jMc=
> =UtJ6

Proportional fonts in Kde?

1998-08-08 Thread Edward J Young

I updated my KDE packages, to 1.0and now GNU emacs19's fonts are
different, and very difficult to read. The video is now reverse video and
very difficult to read. 

I believe that they are now non
proportional fonts. So when running dired, for example, now the files
and permissions etc, don't line up. 

Is the problem the default font in KDE? 

If so how do you chang the default font in kde? 

Any other ideas? 

Thanx Ed

change from fvwm95 to kde?

1998-08-03 Thread Edward J Young

I installed Debian 2.0 with fvwm95 as the window manager. I'd now like to
use kde. I installed all the packages and am able to run kde, but it seems
to be running on top of fvwm95. 

How can I change the window manager to kde? 

Where is the window manager invoked? 

Thanx in advance. 


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Netscape won't invoke rvplayer.

1998-08-02 Thread Edward J Young

Got the user access to audio working. Thanx. 

Now, how   do you get Netscape to invoke the rvplayer when I click on a
realaudio clip? 

I installed both Netscape and rvplayer using the Debian package
installers. First Netscape and then rvplayer, if that matters. 

Thanx in advance, 


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only root can hear sound..?

1998-08-02 Thread Edward J Young

I've got something of a catch 22 going  with regard
to rvplayer and netscape, and the oss sound driver. 

I loaded the oss sound driver for my 2.0 config and it works nicely, but
for root only. 
play -v /usr/lib/xemacs-20.4/etc/sounds/
results in: 
/dev/dsp: Permission denied

I can't run netscape as root (a security issue) and I can't hear audio as
a user. Rvplayer works only under root root as well. I can start it up as
a user, but can't hear anything, presumably because of th permissions

Thanx for help on this matter. 


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RE: Small Laptop, etc

1998-07-25 Thread Edward J. Young

I din't believe it matters, but the laptop is a T1900, not a T2100 as I
said before. 

Thanx for all the responses, though. 


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Re: + deselect broke emacs

1998-07-08 Thread Edward J. Young

I should mention that in the deselect screen, there are headings for
packages that are headed as "obsolete", one being emacs. Does this mean
what I think: that emacs 19.34.? is now obsolete because I've upgraded
around it and now it needs upgrading too? Probobly. 

There are some other packages labeled "obsolete" as well. 

How should this be handled? 

One other question:
Where can I get a CD in the Denver area? I would order a CD of 2.0 but it
seems to still be in a state of flux and I don't want to have a CD which
may or may not have a fully stable Debian system. 



On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Edward J. Young wrote:

> I have upgraded from 1.3.1 to hamm with some difficulty, but feel like
> I'm getting there. My latest problem is that when invoking emacs from a
> console, I get "segmentation fault", and no emacs. 
> I don't believe that emacs was upgraded during the deselect process so I
> suspect that the version I had (v19.34.?) requires the old libc, though I
> realy don't understand the issues here.
> How do I rectify this?  By running deselect and upgrading Emacs. I'm loath
> to try that since emacs is huge and a download would be epic, but if
> absolutely necessary I will. 
> If it matters, My upgrade went like this: 
> -several more iterations of INSTALL since the first ones resulted in
>  brokenly uninstalled packages. 
> -dselect and running SELECT to get X running (but that's another
>  posting...)
> Now deselect reports no brokenly installed packages and I believe that all
> the necessary packages are now installed. 
> So again, how do I fix emacs? 
> Thanx in advance. 
> Ed

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null + deselect broke emacs

1998-07-08 Thread Edward J. Young

I have upgraded from 1.3.1 to hamm with some difficulty, but feel like
I'm getting there. My latest problem is that when invoking emacs from a
console, I get "segmentation fault", and no emacs. 

I don't believe that emacs was upgraded during the deselect process so I
suspect that the version I had (v19.34.?) requires the old libc, though I
realy don't understand the issues here.

How do I rectify this?  By running deselect and upgrading Emacs. I'm loath
to try that since emacs is huge and a download would be epic, but if
absolutely necessary I will. 

If it matters, My upgrade went like this:
-several more iterations of INSTALL since the first ones resulted in
 brokenly uninstalled packages. 
-dselect and running SELECT to get X running (but that's another

Now deselect reports no brokenly installed packages and I believe that all
the necessary packages are now installed. 

So again, how do I fix emacs? 

Thanx in advance. 


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