Re: Gnus: alles QP schreiben

2001-05-19 Thread Frederick Page
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) wrote:

Nach langen Diskussionen hier habe ich mich überzeugen lassen, dass
dies die in de.ALL gern gesehene Variante ist, und deswegen habe ich
die Gnus-Maintainer darum gebeten, das (8bit) als Default

War das falsch?

Nein, das war sicherlich richtig, aber wie ich im Vorgänger-Artikel

Mittlerweile sehe ich einfach nicht mehr ein, irgendwelche Rücksicht
auf die OjE (L)User zu nehmen, die mich ihrerseits mit TOFU und
sonstigem Schrott belästigen und möchte wieder QP schreiben

Vielleicht ist Dir nicht bekannt, daß OjE bei QP einen weiteren, üblen
Bug aufweist: bei Antworten auf einen QP- oder Base64 encodierten
Artikel läßt OjE das Quote-Zeichen  weg. 

Wenn der OjE (L)User das nicht manuell korrigiert, sind Quotes und
Eigenanteil praktisch nicht voneinander zu unterscheiden und der Typ
handelt sich massig Rüffel der anderen Teilnehmer ein. *eg*

Etwas subtiler als der begin-end Trick, ich muß dann nichtmals etwas
schreiben, das machen dann schon die anderen ;-)

FFPX   Frederick

Why do they put braille dots on the drive-through ATM machine?

Re: Gnus: alles QP schreiben

2001-05-19 Thread Frederick Page
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Wiehl) wrote:

Ich habe jetzt aber (setq mm-use-ultra-safe-encoding t) in ~/.gnus.el
geschrieben, und es scheint zu wirken. Keine Ahnung, ob dadurch etwas
anderes kaputt geht -- Benutzung auf eigene Verantwortung. ;-)

Scheint auch bei mir zu wirken, hab gerade in eine Test-Gruppe
erfolgreich gepostet. Vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine Bemühungen.

Bis denne!


What do you call a man with half a brain? Gifted.

Re: Outlook, die Schweinepest des Internets

2001-05-19 Thread Frederick Page
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilfried Kramer) wrote:

Sind doch 4 Zeilen, ohne Kamm gesendet. Wo siehst Du das Problem?

Ich scheine seltsamerweise der Einzige zu sein, der Kamm sieht. Das
sieht schwer danach aus, als ob das Problem auf meiner Seite läge,
bzw. vor'm Bildschirm sitzt :-(

Gnus warnt mich übrigens you have lines longer than 79 chars (...)
Du drückst diese Warnung anscheinend einfach so weg, das erstaunt
mich nun schon, da Du Wert auf standard-konforme Beiträge zu legen

Die Beschränkung auf 72 Zeichen gilt für den reinen Text, nicht für
die Signatur.

Hm, das mag natürlich sein, daß Gnus zwischen Signatur und dem Rest
des Bodies unterscheidet und Nikola (da Signatur) nicht warnt, mich
aber schon, da ich (ausnahmsweise) die Sig zitiert habe.

Die Sig. wird üblicherweise nicht zitiert, so daß im Ergebnis keine
Zeilen mit mehr als 80 Zeichen erscheinen.

So ist es, ich mußte die extra manuell reinkopieren, Gnus entfernt die
beim Follow-Up freundlicherweise schon.

Irgendwelche Mißverständnisse noch offen (u.U. auch bei mir)?

Nein, ich scheine etwas falsch konfiguriert zu haben. Danke für die
Hinweise und bis denne!


The difference between a rooster and a blonde? The rooster yells
cock-a-doodle-doo, the blonde yells any cock'll do

Re: Hitting web site consistently dropped ppp connection?

1999-03-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi John,

you wrote on Sun, Mar 21 1999:

Sounds likely, but any modem that does so is defective.  The modem should
ignore +++ unless it is preceded and followed by a pause.

It normally does, but IMHO the pause is not required. Anyway, the
default value (US-Robotics/3Com) in Register S02 is 043 (the plus
sign), changing this to something different should solve the problem

You normally don't need the escape codes.

Kind regards


Re: apt-get question

1999-03-20 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Shawn,

you wrote on Sat, Mar 20 1999:

In hamm, it was such a task to install a package in dselect because
it rolls through every single package on the dist.  Does slink
resolve this problem and more specifically, is apt-get the

You may have overlooked it: there was an apt in the original hamm
distribution, maybe a little hidden in directory tools on the first
(binary) CD. Could be installed with dpkg -i /mnt/cdrom/(path)/apt...

In dselect you then got the option apt-get, switch to that,
configure /etc/apt/sources.list correctly, select your packages with
dselect (helps resolving conflicts), then quit dselect (don't install
with it!) and issue in the shell apt-get dselect-upgrade. This
prevented the ennoying check of all packages already in hamm. But you
had to mount the cd-rom first (dselect did that for you if it wasn't
already mounted).

I'm still on hamm, but I see no reason, why this shouldn't work with
slink or potato.

Kind regards Frederick

Why don't cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny.

Re: Exim wierdness

1999-02-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Jim Foltz,

you wrote on Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:48:00PM -0500:

I am experiencing some wierdness with exim. I run fetchmail and download
say 30 messages, but only some of them show up in my mail box.

(some filters snipped)

You did not specify, what to do with the messages, that *don't* fit 
into your filter-patterns. So I suggest the following (of course
you'll need to adjust those):

#  deliver personal mail to local account fpage
   deliver fpage

#  this takes care of emails from cron, uucp, news, etc.
   $sender_address matches (uucp|news|root)@thebetteros
   save $home/mail/statistics

#  *LAST* filter pattern in~/.forward as safety-net
#  if filter reaches this point and mail is still undelivered:
#  save to abnormal and email root (it's alias) about this
   not delivered
   mail text Abnormal Delivery! $header_subject
   save $home/mail/abnormal

Tell us, if it works.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi John Galt,

you wrote on Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:13:38PM -0700:

I dunno about scoring--I rarely use the function, but I re-migrated back
to TRN when I realized that SLRN had no killfiles, what I consider to be
an essential tool in USENET.

You might want to read /usr/doc/slrn/SCORE_FAQ.gz, I quote:

Subject: 4. How do I score postings from a specific person?

Score: -

assigns a score of - to the person [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A score of - is a special score. If an article scores this value
on a given test, any other tests for the article will be skipped and
*the article will be killed*.

What's your problem?

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: CRASH: filesystem went read only

1999-02-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Richard Harran,

you wrote on Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 05:14:30PM +:

I just had a huge panic, when my file system 'spontaneously' turned read

man tune2fs

Your device has reached the time between two file-system checks. Wait
until the checks are finished, it should become rw again after that.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-21 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Steve Lamb,

you wrote on Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 09:22:34PM -0800:

*WHY!?*  Anyone familiar with mutt would know that it was modeled after
a newsreader, SLRN!  So why contribute to bloat by having those two
functions in the same program, especially mutt, when one can have mutt and
slrn with similar key mappings, similar colors, etc, etc, etc...

Well I tried pine at first (it did news, but not too good), then tried
SLRN, which was pretty good, but had no nice filtering/scoring. Then
I tried tin and it's IMHO great.

mutt is also highly configurable (as tin), so if you put some work
into it, you get them both to your liking. The biggest disadvantage of
SLRN was the only basic filtering.

In short, any patch to mut to mangle it to read news will fall severely
short of slrn or any other dedicated news reader.

Absolute agreement.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-20 Thread Frederick Page
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 11:05:56AM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

problems using mutt to send mail to a lot of people at once.  Pine's way
of handling the addressbook and aliases works better for me.

It's the other way around here: I used Pine for email and news, was
content about the way it handled email, but it sucked for news. And it
did not have color, which is very helpful (for me).

Now I use mutt and tin and am quite happy with both.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: Smail - Exim: If smail works, why change?

1999-02-20 Thread Frederick Page
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 11:54:31AM -0500, Jim Foltz wrote:

Hi Jim,

Is there any compelling reason to switch from smail to exim?

How about this:

Ease of configuration with Exim, and Procmail (with it's cryptic
recipes) becomes obsolute, because Exim has already very powerful
filtering capabilities in kind of a basic language. 
There's also an Exim-monitor (for X)

Example for filtering with exim:

#  take care of mailing list debian-user
   $header_X-Mailing-List contains
   save $home/mail/debian-user

# Save all non-urgent messages by weekday:
   $header_subject: does not contain urgent  AND
   $tod_full matches ^(...), 
   save $home/mail/$1

Convinced? :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Cnews: potential minor bug

1999-02-15 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

experimented a little on which news-server to use: cnews or inn. Finally  
decided for inn and removed (not purged) cnews via dselect.

Only problem was the cron-job (/etc/cron.d/cnews) remained, was not de- 
activated and caused lots of emails, because the pathes and files were (of  
course) not found.

Just wanted to bring this to attention, hopefully this is the right place?

Kind regards


Exim and Mailagent?

1999-02-13 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

I'm getting email and news from my UUCP-provider, have setup exim, inn and  
pine, tried to run Mailagent (instead of procmail), set up my ~/.forward  
according to the mailagent-docs to the following line (including the  
quotation marks):

| exec /usr/lib/mailagent/filter -o /home/fpage/.bak

However, in Exim's errorlog I find (all in one line):

1999-02-13 03:15:03 10BUbm-Dw-00 ** | exec /usr/lib/mailagent/filter -o
/home/fpage/.bak [EMAIL PROTECTED] D=userforward T=address_pipe:
exec command not found for address_pipe transport

The corresponding entries in my /etc/exim.conf are

# Director
  driver = forwardfile
  file = .forward
  modemask = 002

# Transport
  driver = pipe

What did I do wrong this time? :-(

Kind regards


Re: exim and uucp

1999-02-11 Thread Frederick Page

I have exim and uucp working here. In the main configuration settings:

Thank you very, very much for your extremely helpful exim-config. What
can I say? (Look at my mailer!) IT WORKS !!!

I really appreciate your help!

Kind regards


No such site (UUCP-News)

1999-02-10 Thread Frederick Page
Hi all,

I'm getting Email and News via UUCP, email works (can read and send), I  
get news, can also write, but they don't get sent :-(

When I do  uupoll downtown  I get no such site and only receive news.

I use uucp, exim, inn and pine, all from the original Debian distribution  
CD 2.0 (Kernel 2.0.34).

My UUCP provider is downtown, my linux-system-name thebetteros, my point- 
name is ntrulez, my email-address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the following config-files (stripped commentaries)






system downtown
alias downtown.UUCP
time any
baud 115200
port ACU
phone 02418863200
protocol ig
protocol-parameter g packet-size 1024
protocol-parameter g window 6
protocol-parameter g remote-packet-size 1024
protocol-parameter g remote-window 6
protocol-parameter g timeout 12
protocol-parameter G packet-size 1024
protocol-parameter G window 6
protocol-parameter i packet-size 1024
protocol-parameter i window 6
protocol-parameter i remote-packet-size 1024
chat-timeout 90
chat ogin: \L word: \P
call-login untrulez






organization: User of a better OS
server: downtown


downtowngzip   10048576  18,19,20,21,23,1
news.oche.degzip   10048576  18,19,20,21,23,1




*:: -no- : -no- :!*
stdin:Read Post:::*
localhost:Read Post:::* Post:::*

Sorry for the long mail, but I did not just want to write news don't  
work :-)

Kind regards


Re: apt for hamm

1999-02-07 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Chris,

you wrote on: 06 Feb 99 at 19:13 (received 07.02.99)
about   : _apt for hamm_

Can someone tell me where I can find the version of apt that works for

On the first CD in directory /tools

You'll need to install it with dpkg -i

Afterwards dselect will have the additional option (Access method) of apt.

Kind regards   Frederick

exim: socket bind () failed

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

sorry to bother you again with another exim-question, I already RTFM, also  
several howtos but could not find anything (/var/logs/exim/mainlog),  
everything seems to work, but those messages keep popping up:

1999-02-04 23:43:16 socket bind() to port 25 for address (any) failed:
Address already in use: waiting before trying again
1999-02-04 23:43:46 socket bind() (...)
1999-02-04 23:44:16 socket bind() (...)
1999-02-04 23:53:00 Start queue run: pid=180
1999-02-04 23:53:00 End queue run: pid=180

Several hours pass, exim delivers email, gets email, but then again, those  
socket bind msgs come up again. Doesn't seem to do anything bad, but exim  
keeps writing those msgs in it's paniclog and it ennoys me.

To be more specific: I run Kernel 2.0.34 (Hamm) and the official  
distribution 2.0 from Linux Press. Also UUCP and EXIM from that  
distribution (installed the binaries, did not compile).

My /etc/exim.conf looks like this (only relevant parts):

# Transport
  driver = pipe
  user = nobody
  command = uux --stdin --nouucico --requestor \
'${if eq {$sender_address}{}{mailer-daemon}{$sender_address}}' \
$host!rmail $pipe_addresses
  return_fail_output = true

# Router
  driver = domainlist
  transport = uucp_rmail
  route_list = * downtown

The rest is more or less defaults. As I said: it seems to work fine, it  
just complains but does everything I want.

Kind regards Frederick

Re: Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy.

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Christopher,

you wrote on: 04 Feb 99 at 15:53 (received 05.02.99)
about   : _Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy._

Whenever Apt fetches new packages, is there a way for it to save them?

Yes, I believe so. Sorry, I don't know the exact syntax, but remember to  
have read it with man apt-get. There is an option, that makes apt just  
download the files, without installing them.

Preferably, if Apt could understand the local directory hierarchy and
automatically put them in their place that would be wonderful.

I dunno where apt stores those files, but there's a way to find out :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: exim: socket bind () failed

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page
Hi George,

you wrote on: 04 Feb 99 at 17:01 (received 05.02.99)
about   : _Re: exim: socket bind () failed_

Looks like more than one exim is running or tries to run.  Do you happen
to have exim running as both a daemon and in inetd? Do you have a cron job
that runs the queue that tries to start exim in daemon mode (-bd set?).
Looks to me like there are too many listeners.

Thank you very much for your valuable info. I'm still a newbie and don't  
know much about those things, but will try to look into that. Did not  
configure anything about two instances of exim (at least not intentional).

I appreciate your help very much.

Thanks and kind regards


Re: How to upgrade sendmail ?

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ryszard,

you wrote on: 05 Feb 99 at 15:26 (received 05.02.99)
about   : _How to upgrade sendmail ?_

Could anyone explain me, how to upgrade in Debian sendmail ? I'm using Debian
2.0 and I would like to upgrade my sendmail to version 8.9. How can I do that
having only sendmail's sources? I can't uninstall debianized version of
sendmail because of dependency on mail-transport-agent. How can I solve such
a problems?

Get the sources, put them somewhere.

cd /usr/src
dpkg-source -x /(yourPath)/sendmail.8.9.dsc

This will patch the sources, extrakt them and put them into the right  
place. Then you

cd sendmail8.9
debian/rules binary

and (hopefully) get a *.DEB package in /usr/src. This custom-version (even  
if it's the same version number) can just be installed by

cd ..
dpkg -i sendmail8.9.deb

and will upgrade your existing sendmail.

Kind regards


Re: Goodbye, people!

1999-02-04 Thread Frederick Page
Hi kaynjay,

you wrote on: 02 Feb 99 at 20:11 (received 03.02.99)
about   : _Re: Goodbye, people!_

will get there.  What I do have is a system that doesn't crash every five
seconds, it is fast and very configurable  I guess what I'm trying to say
is if I can work with this O/S anyone can.  It just takes time.   Use
Windows but keep plucking away at Linux:)  Give yourself something to
compare Windows to.

I have to agree with you, Kent.  My primary system is still OS/2 (note the
mailer) but I am slowly moving into Linux/Debian.  I have far less time than
I'd like to spend with it, but I can see the benefits down the road.

Now if I can only get X up to a state my wife would find palatable ...  :)

Same here, Windows NT user, *but* already using a UUCP provider for my  
emails and news (CrossPoint). At first, I messed up the system about each  
and every day. Formatted the HD about 12 to 15 times and re-installed  
Linux (had /etc/* saved) :-)

Finally compiled my custom-Kernel with soundblaster support and it even  
worked! Boy, was I proud! Managed to install netscape finally, set up a  
PPP provider, can surf the WWW. All went surprisingly smooth (thanks to  

Then I became cocky, just wanted to switch to Linux with UUCP. Installed  
sendmail, procmail, pine and failed miserably. Gosh, I really hate  
sendmail-config, that's a real pain in the you-know-what.

Then switched to exim (instead of sendmail), that worked better, I  
received email, got confident again, but configuring a mailer to UUCP is  
more work than I thought.

Now I'm waiting for some good prince to come along and help me with that  
:-) (already posted the question exim and uucp here today).

But I'm stuck with Linux now and I'm really working to make it my *only*  
OS, no matter what cryptic configs I may have to run.

Kind regards


no permission for rnews

1999-02-04 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

finally got exim up and running with uucp. Everything seemed to work: I  
received email, even could send it.

But when I got news via uucp, the uupoll gave me error-messages and sent  
the following emails to root:

-- schnipp ---

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
following address(es) failed:

unknown local-part downtown!news in domain

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from uucp by thebetteros with local (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 108U1T-3E-00; Thu, 4 Feb 1999 20:01:07 +0100
Subject: Execution failed
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 20:01:07 +0100

Message from UUCP on ntrulez Thu Feb  4 20:01:06 1999

Your execution request failed because you are not permitted to execute
on this system.
Execution requested was:

-- schnapp ---

What's wrong? I did uupoll as root, don't understand this. Could someone  
please tell me which commands to man and/or to issue? Do I need  
additional software, besides UUCP, exim (kind of sendmail), procmail and  

Another mail was sent to root:

-- schnipp ---

A UUCP execution request failed:
The request was made by
The following files have been saved:

-- schnapp ---

So the good thing is: the news are saved, but how do I get them back?  
Which command do I need to run in order to re-try and deliver the news?

Thanks for your help and kind regards


exim: I get mail but cannot send

1999-02-03 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

after trying to configure sendmail (pain in the neck) to work with uucp, I  
gave up on sendmail and (thanks for the exim-thread) tried exim.

Now this really went smooth, I also read some of the docs and had it set  
up quite nicely. Wow, *this* is really a difference.

Haven't set up procmail yet, but tried an uucp-connect (uupoll provider)  
logged in as root and this time it really worked! sendmail just needed  
about 2 minutes for each email, before it got trashed, I found those in  
an error-directory later (ok, so I did configure sendmail incorrectly).
Exim delivered the mail in an instance.

Logged in under my normal user-account and wow! The email was ready for me  
in pine. Man, was I glad! Even the German character-set was correct, I  
could read and write umlaute. I was so proud, you won't believe it (ok,  
I'm a newbie).

Happily responded to the emails and made a cc to two other email-addresses  
of mine. Haven't got the responses (yet?), it's two hours by now.

My responses are located with cryptic names in /var/spool/exim/input,  
obviously ready to be delivered but don't seem to get transmitted to my  
uucp provider.

What did I do wrong this time? :-( Any help will be appreciated and I  
apologize already for these dumb questions.

Kind regards


Re: exim and uucp

1999-02-03 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Carey,

you wrote on: 03 Feb 99 at 23:51 (received 03.02.99)
about   : _Re: exim: I get mail but cannot send_

My responses are located with cryptic names in /var/spool/exim/input,
obviously ready to be delivered but don't seem to get transmitted to my
uucp provider.

/var/log/exim/* should have info about why your mail is just sitting
there.  See what sort of messages you've got.

Thank you very much for this valuable information. I got through the docs  
a bit more and realized, I had been sending the mail to smarthost (instead  
of uucp).

Now I pretty much left the /etc/exim.conf on it's defaults and added the  
following lines first (before local_delivery):


  driver = pipe
  user = nobody
  command = /usr/local/bin/uux -r - \
${substr_-5:$host}!rmail ${local_part}
  return_fail_output = true

I have to admit, I don't have the faintest idea, what I wrote here, I just  
took this example from the docs, as it stated, that this was a valid uucp- 
configuration taken out of an actual running system.

I did not change the directors configuration but added those lines:

#Specifies how remote addresses are handled  #

  driver = domainlist
  transport = uucp
  route_list = * downtown

  driver = domainlist
  transport = uucp
  route_list = * downtown

(I left the following lines as they were)

  driver = domainlist
  transport = remote_smtp
  route_list = * downtown bydns_a


Now exim really can deliver mails, but the following errors are in the  

1999-02-03 22:47:33 107qNu-31-00 Unfrozen by forced delivery

1999-02-03 22:47:33 107qNu-31-00 ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=uucphost  
T=uucp: Child process of uucp transport returned 69 from command: /usr/ 

1999-02-03 22:47:33 108A8z-78-00 =  R=107qNu-31-00 U=mail  
P=local S=1319

1999-02-03 22:47:33 107qNu-31-00 Error message sent to  

1999-02-03 22:47:33 107qNu-31-00 Completed

The same message is generated by exim and emailed to root.

I'm really desperate, I get email, but cannot send it, due to the above  
problems :-(((

Can you or anybody enlighten a poor newbie?

Thanks very much and kind regards



1999-02-02 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

I was wondering about the following. I login as root, then cd /usr/src  
then dpkg-source -x /mnt/cdrom/(...)/bla.dsc. I customize the source and/ 
or compiling-options and issue cd bla and debian/rules binary in order  
to get a package bla.deb in /usr/src.

Then dpkg -i bla.deb and dpkg will replace any already installed binary  

So far, everything is smooth and to my liking (I hope, I did do it  
correctly, I'm still a newbie at this?)

I was wondering, what will happen, when I get another distribution and do  
e.g. an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it then replace the bla-package with  
a newer version (if there is a newer version in the new distribution) or  
will it leave my customized package alone?

Could anybody enlighten me?

Thanks and kind regards


Re: Silly question

1999-02-02 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Daniel,

you wrote on: 01 Feb 99 at 04:13 (received 01.02.99)
about   : _Silly question_

I'm sorry if this is a really silly question, but I was wondering where
one goes to get apt-get and the necessary utilities to upgrade a hamm
system to slink via ftp?

It was already on my distribution CD (the first CD, binary), but it was in  
folder tools. So you just need to dpkg -i apt-get from that folder.

Kind regards


Re: dpkg-source

1999-02-02 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Remco, hi Ben,

you wrote on: 02 Feb 99 at 09:22 (received 02.02.99)
about   : _Re: dpkg-source_

 It will upgrade the package.

 Does apt not respect packages that have been held?

It does, so that's indeed a way to enforce your own packages.
Thanks for pointing that out :-)

Thank you both very much for this valuable info, really does help me in  
planning my installation.

Kind regards


Re: kernel source

1999-01-29 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Robert,

you wrote on: 28 Jan 99 at 15:06 (received 28.01.99)
about   : _kernel source_

I just installed Debian Linux and can't find the kernel source code anywhere.
There is no /usr/src directory on my system.  What package do I need to
install?  Thanks,

Enter dselect, press space, then / (search), then kernel-source and  
choose the package 2.0.34 (if you are running hamm).

Then startx, then cd /usr/src/linux (this is a link to the actual 2.0.34)  
then make xconfig. Be sure to read the HowTo on Kernel-compiling.

Kind regards


Re: netscape

1999-01-29 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Brian,

you wrote on: 28 Jan 99 at 15:10 (received 28.01.99)
about   : _netscape_

I've run into this before, but can't remember how to solve it.
When I try to run netscape (downloaded from netscape's site - v4.5), I get
the following error:
can't load library ''

You can either install some libs from the oldlibs section (don't  
remember which though) or get the netscape 4.5 from folder unsupported,  
make sure, the name has glib20 in it. That's the version to support the  
newer libs in kernel 2.x instead of 1.3

Tried finding using dselect in
the frozen dist.  No luck.

The name of the package is something else (sorry, don't remember).

Kind regards


Re: netscape

1999-01-29 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Brian,

you wrote on: 29 Jan 99 at 10:16 (received 29.01.99)
about   : _RE: netscape_

The only thing I can find on netscape's ftp site is the linux20_glibc2
version under:

This is the version, which will run without additional (old) libs unter  
Debian Hamm (2.0.34).

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: boot messages/logging

1999-01-25 Thread Frederick Page
Hi tony,

you wrote on: 24 Jan 99 at 22:05 (received 25.01.99)
about   : _boot messages/logging_

I'm at a loss to find the way to get all the
boot messages logged to a file.  Is there a
recommended procedure or configuration file
change that I can make?

After boot, just type

dmesg | less

to review all boot-messages. Use less to save them to a file (or just  
dmesg  file)

Kind regards


Re: Re-Partition Ext2?

1999-01-24 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Bob,

you wrote on: 23 Jan 99 at 16:24 (received 24.01.99)
about   : _Re: Re-Partition Ext2?_

Partition Magic 4.0 will do this.  I found that after doing so it was
necessary to boot from a floppy and run lilo.

Thank you very much for this info, although I was hoping for a non- 
commercial tool :-)

Kind regards


Re-Partition Ext2?

1999-01-23 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

sorry for the probably dumb question: is there any tool to re-partition a  
HD formatted with ext2 and without loosing data? Kind of a fips (DOS-util)  
or the commercial tool Partition Magic?

I just wanted to create another small linux partition for testing.

Thanks and kind regards


Re: dualboot linux and NT?

1999-01-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Jean,

you wrote on: 20 Jan 99 at 13:14 (received 21.01.99)
about   : _Re: dualboot linux and NT?_

 That's exactly the problem, you need to have a FAT16-partition within the
 first 1024 cylinders of the first harddrive. The so-called C: (speaking in

This is clearly not true.  I have a dual boot configuration on my Dell
Inspiron with one IDE harddrive configured as follows:

  MBR   lilo

I'm sorry, I did not make myself clear enough: what I meant is, if you  
have the NT-Bootmanager on the MBR of your hd, it needs the NTLDR,  
NTDETECT.COM and BOOT.INI on the first Fat16-partition. I have the  
following configuration (three SCSI-hds, each 2 GB):

MBR: NT-Bootmanager

sda1 Win 95 (fat 16) 1 GB
sda2 Win NT 4.0, SP3 (NTFS) 1 GB
sdb1 Linux (ext2) 1.9 GB
sbd5 Linux swap 0.1 GB
sdc1 Data (fat 16) 2 GB

And I boot LILO with the NT-Bootmanager, also works fine.

  partition-1   Windows-NT, 4.0-service pack 4, NTFS
  partition-2   FAT32, pagefile.sys, only used for virtual memory

How does that work? I was always under the impression, that Fat32 was not  
supported by NT 4.0.

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: debian installation

1999-01-22 Thread Frederick Page
Hi rod,

you wrote on: 21 Jan 99 at 23:15 (received 22.01.99)
about   : _debian installation_

my system started blinking every half second.  It was locked up so I =
rebooted.  Same thing.  Now, I have selected the packages for home =

Try the following:

install Debian, after reboot only select BASIC. This mode is tested (while  
the others also gave me many errors). Then install X-Server after that and  
answer NO to the question do you want X to startup upon boot?.

Kind regards


Thank you!

1999-01-20 Thread Frederick Page

Hi good fellas,

I just wanted to thank everybody who helped me. I now got netscape running  
just fine, re-compiled the kernel (even successfully) :-) and have a nice  
and clean system.

Kind regards   Frederick

Re: dualboot linux and NT?

1999-01-20 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Tom,

you wrote on: 18 Jan 99 at 15:30 (received 19.01.99)
about   : _Re: dualboot linux and NT?_

WinNT can not boot directly from a slave disk, as far as I know.

Well, it *can* boot from any disk and any partition, no matter what.

It needs to have it's boot files on the active partition on the master

That's exactly the problem, you need to have a FAT16-partition within the  
first 1024 cylinders of the first harddrive. The so-called C: (speaking in  

Daryl made several mistakes. Win NT needs a (small) FAT16-partition (C:)  
in order to boot, this partition has to carry the NTLDR.EXE, boot.ini and  
other hidden files.

I triple-boot my machine with Win 95, Win NT and Linux, no problem at all.  
linux is on the second hard-disk (the first is completely occupied by both  

Here's what to do: create a small FAT16-Partition at the beginning of the  
drive (Partition Magic, e.g.), put NTLDR and other NT-files there (rescue  
installation). Boot Linux and create a boot-floppy (if you haven't already  
got one).

Boot Linux and enter

dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1 of=/boot/bootsec.lin

this copies the bootblock from your hd (you might need to change hda1 to  
hda2 since hda1 is your fat16-partition) to /boot/bootsec.lin

Create/modifiy /etc/lilo.conf


now run

lilo -v -v

Now copy the bootsector to your first fat16-partition (whereever you  
mounted it)

cp /boot/bootsec.lin /mnt/drivec/bootsec.lin

Now rescue the NT-system (with your NT-CD) restore boot-loader, etc. etc.

Edit the boot.ini (on fat16) and add the following line


(remember this file has attributes r s h!)

You'll have to re-run lilo and copy the bootsec.lin after kernel-changes  
(another distribution, re-compile, etc.)

Kind regards


Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-19 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ossama,

you wrote on: 17 Jan 99 at 20:17 (received 18.01.99)
about   : _Re: xconfig, menuconfig_

kernel-package and kernel-source are two different things.

Sorry, I confused those :-( Since I'm still working on UUCP with Linux,  
I'm running NT (sorry) right now. Have copied your valuable article on my  
FAT-partition and will try your tips later (when Linux is up again).

Let me/us know if you still have problems.

Thank you very much for your patience. I know these are pretty dumb  
questions, I also try to RTFM first :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries

1999-01-18 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Torsten,

you wrote on: 17 Jan 99 at 20:16 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries_

$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep 'libc5.*X'

Thank you very much, the problem was the older netscape. I will get the  
glibc version and try again.

Learned a lot from your info though :-)

Kind regards


Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-18 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ossama,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 22:13 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: xconfig, menuconfig_

There are no such packages.  They are Makefile targets.  Go into your
Linux source directory and do make xconfig or make menuconfig.

It does not work, I still get the message no target. I also cannot  
locate any files with patterns xconfig or menuconfig.

I did install the kernel-package.

I don't understand, what I'm doing wrong.

Kind regards


cc: debian-list

Re: Warning on mounting partitions: automate e2fsck?

1999-01-18 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Carl,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 22:33 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Warning on mounting partitions: automate e2fsck?_

Why can't the same process (init?) that
autochecks the root partition, just automatically check the others
instead of warning me?

You might want to read man fstab. AFAIK you can edit the numeric arguments  
(e.g. issue a 2 instead of a 1 or even a 0 in order to tell linux, that  
the file-system does not need checking).

I have only vague knowledge of what happens when a Debian system
bootstraps, so please make any answers fairly basic.

I'm a newbie myself :-) but give it a try anyway :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Torsten,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 09:28 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries_

I also have serious trouble with Netscape 4.5 (from, only  
version available for Linux). I run the kernel 2.0.34

First try installing the xlib6 and xpm4.7 packages from the oldlibs

Those packages are installed on my machine.

If you still got problems, please check if /etc/
contains at least the following lines:


If you still got any problems, please ask us again.

My /etc/ looks like this:


ldd netscape gives me the following (ran ldconfig several times as root) = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = not found = /lib/ (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x4000d000) = /lib/ (0x400cb000) = /lib/ (0x40103000) = /lib/ (0x4014) = /usr/lib/ (0x40149000) = /lib/ (0x40186000) = /lib/ (0x4019f000) = /lib/ (0x40244000)

The first missing libs (did not check all of them) are located in /usr/ 
X11R6/lib. Since I am a linux-newbie, I may have messed with the system in  
earlier tries to get netscape running. I copied some libs, made soft- 
links, etc. but to the best of my knowledge, I un-did all this again. My  
previous attempts caused netscape to find all libraries, but abort on  
startup with message segmentation fault :-(

Shall I de-install and re-install some components (dselect, apt-get)?

Kind regards


xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page

Hi *.*

I'm linux newbie and guess this is kind of a dumb question, but I cannot  
find menuconfig or xconfig (trying to make the config-files in order to  
compile my kernel). (Running hamm, 2.0.34)

Which package do I need to install?

RTFM-answer welcome, but please name the man or howto :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-17 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ossama,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 22:13 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: xconfig, menuconfig_

There are no such packages.  They are Makefile targets.  Go into your
Linux source directory and do make xconfig or make menuconfig.

Thank you very much for your information, I will try so later.

Kind regardsFrederick