Subscribing trouble.

1999-11-21 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I can't seem to get subscribed to Debian-user. I do use the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address, but the confirmation message
only comes after several hours (when I subscribed in the past this only
took a minute or so). When I reply to that message nothing happens. I've
used several different e-mail accounts, but with same non-result. Is there
a possibly problem with the list-server? Thanks -- Hans

#!/Perl question

1999-09-02 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I'm trying to learn some Perl. I found an on-line book which is Unix
biased, but the scripts all start with #!/usr/local/bin/perl (which makes
sense if you have compiled and installed it yourself). However, on my
Debian system Perl was of course put in /usr/bin/perl. So how can I write a
Perl script that be executed on a variety of systems (Unix/Linux/DOS)?? 

-- a somebody who last programmed in BASIC back in '84. (Please don't
laugh. I was young and my teacher made me to).

Partitioning done. And then?

1999-08-29 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I have one of those bright days and for the life of me can't think of how
to proceed.

1) I made the following partitioning.
   /dev/hda5 50M (for /)
   /dev/hda6 100M (for SWAP)
   /dev/hda7 250M (for /var)
   /dev/hda8 550M (for /usr)
   /dev/hda9 550M (for /usr/local)
   /dev/hda10 1500M (for /home)
2) I installed the base on /dev/hda5 and I can boot with LILO from /dev/hda3.
3) hda7-10 all have a ext2 file system.

Now my thoughts were to first move the contents from /var to /dev/hda7,
then automount hda7 with an entry in /etc/fstab (/dev/hda7  /var
defaults,auto   00). 

So I first mount /dev/hda7 on /mnt, then issue cp /var /mnt but the only
thing that shows up on /mnt is lost+found.

So forget about that then. I see a lot of people talking about sym-linking,
but from where to where? Do I put this sym-link in /, /var, or on
/dev/hda7? The content of /var still has to be moved to /dev/hda7 one way
or another. Where do I go wrong? Hope somebody can tell me where my mind
strays away from Unix-thinking. TIA


Re: make-kpkg and 2.2.12

1999-08-27 Thread Hans van den Boogert
At 06:25 PM 8/26/99 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
make (menu)config
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
dpkg -i ../kernel-image-2.2.12_custom.1.0_arch.deb

These four steps work fine for me (though I'm still using 2.2.10).

Shouldn't there a make dep after make clean?

-- Hans

Is this smart HD partitioning?

1999-08-25 Thread Hans van den Boogert
My Acer Travelmate 512T laptop (Celeron 366, 96 MB RAM), has a 4.6 GB IBM
hard drive in it. I partitioned it as follows...

/dev/hda1 primary Fat32 (1000M)
/dev/hda5 logical Fat32 (900M)
/dev/hda6 logical Fat32 (800M)
/dev/hda7 logical Linux (1000M)
/dev/hda4 primary Linux ext2 (840M)
/dev/hda3 primary Linux swap (100M)

Now I find that the hard drive is constantly accessed and reset. I mean
that it seems the disk is being accessed for a second, then goes back to
inactivity with an almost crackling noise. If the disk was reading data
this would seem normal, but it happens out of the blue, while there is no
process running that requires disk access.

This happens both under Linux as well as Win98, but it is more pronounced
under Linux. 

I was wondering if it could be because the partitioning I did was too
minute. My idea was to keep all the Fat32 partitions on one side of the
disk, all the Linux partitions on the other.

I was thinking myself to re-partition as follows, just to experiment...

/dev/hda1 primary Fat32 (1000M)
/dev/hda2 primary Fat32 (1700M)
/dev/hda3 primary Linux ext2 (1840M)
/dev/hda4 primary Linux swap (100M)

I have a similar partitioning scheme on my desktop and it works fine. Still
I want to check with you guys first to see if I am on the right train of

-- Hans

RE: Is this smart HD partitioning?

1999-08-25 Thread Hans van den Boogert

The crackling sound sounds like the scan that updates your find dB. When you
do a find on your computer it checks this dB for locations of things(to be
simple). Anyway I think you Linux parts are too big, hence it seems as if it
locking up. I had this problem. I would split /dev/hda7 and /dev/hda4 into
different partitions such as:

That was a good hint, but that doesn't explain why it happens both under
Linux and Win98. 

Some other strange things: when I give the CPU some work to do (like
constantly playing MP3 files) it stops. I also noted that the internal
clock runs slow (about a second an hour), so I think I'll bring it back for
a replacement: the machine is four days old. -- Hans

Re: xf86setup q's

1999-08-24 Thread Hans van den Boogert
At 05:25 PM 8/23/99 -0700, you wrote:

i've got vga monitor, which plugs into a port at the back of the
computer.  i don't have a video card for the monitor, meaning that the
monitor connects to the motherboard via ribbon from the port.

Try to run the program SuperProbe (must be in /usr/X11R6/bin if I remember
correctly). But having written that, you'll probably have a pretty new
motherboard with a chipset that SuperProbe won't recognize. 

Second best: Just go for the standard SVGA driver and try 640x480 at 8 bpp.
If that works try 800x600 at 16 bpp. If you got it running first solve your
other hardware problems and if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday
afternoon only then look into your hardware spec deeper.

Hope this helps.


Save me: LILO!

1999-08-15 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Call me stupid. I re-installed Win95 on /dev/hda1, of course forgetting
that this would alter the MBR. LILO won't react to any action of Shift,
Ctrl or Alt after the boot beep now, so my Linux system on /dev/hda3 can
not be booted. What do I do to re-install LILO? (Sorry to say I can't find
my Linux boot disk in the mess. I've just moved, so that is an excuse :-)
Thanks and have a nice Sunday -- Hans

Øder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und vinger-slingers ur
to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yøobetcha! (These wise words courtesy
of The Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show)

OFF-TOPIC: hardware advice needed.

1999-08-15 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Next week I'm going to buy a notebook (Acer Travelmate 510 series). If you
could choose, what would you rather buy

1) configuration with a Celeron 366,
2) configuration with a Pentium II 333.

The price difference is about US$155, for which I could

- upgrade from 32 to 64 MB RAM
- get modem and network PCMCIA cards.

The rest of the spec is the same for both machines, so I'm just interested
in your opinion regarding the performance of the Celeron and PII. In test
reports it always comes up that performance between the Celeron and PII is
very close and I wonder if this is true. I'm not cheap and I would happily
fork over an extra US$150 if needed, but I rather put my money where it is
most useful and RAM and PCMCIA cards are very useful. I have to note that
I'm not that CPU-power hungry, but still

Thanks, -- Hans

LILO saved me!

1999-08-15 Thread Hans van den Boogert
The non-solution: I got into my system with a boot disk, ran LILO which
returned with Added Linux * then it still didn't react to any Shift, Alt
or Ctrl key. While I was in my system I read the LILO doc which talked
about installing LILO, then activating the Linux partition, then rebooting.
Problem there was that after I activated /dev/hda3 (Linux), /dev/hda1
(Win95) was not bootable anymore. With cfdisk you can create two bootable
partitions, but that also didn't work. 

The solution: Brad was right that with a Debian installation disk you can
mount an existing root and swap partition and make it bootable (again)
without touching the rest of the system. Just read the menu items carefully
and pick what you need. I had it done and fixed in 30 seconds Kudos for
Brad and Debian.

But while I'm at it: I would like for LILO to come up at boot without
having to wait for the beep and a slam on either Shift, Alt or Ctrl. There
was something in the LILO doc, but has anyone experience with such a setup
and what do you have to watch out for? 

-- Hans

P.S. For the curious: After I moved my PC to my new location it started
rebooting in the middle of whatever I was doing, especially in Windows, but
not at regular intervals. I took the machine apart and indeed there was a
DIMM which was not quite correctly mounted in its socket and that was
probably due to the move. But after I fixed that it still did reboot at
random. (I checked power cables, power levels from the mains, etc. too, but
this also didn't help). It didn't seem like a Windows problem, but I
reinstalled it anyway and during the install it did it again. I took the PC
(P200MMX, 64 MB RAM) apart again and found that the CD-R was quite hot. The
CD-ROM was quite hot too and when I touched my HD (Quantum 3.2G, 76 k RAM,
1.5 years old, in use 10-16 hours a day during that period) I alsmost burnt
my fingers. I kept the case off, put an ordinary house fan on the open side
and for already six hours no problems whatsoever. I have to note here that
I moved from a house with A/C to one without and that temperatures here in
Taiwan are in the 90-95F range during daytime in summer. This Quantum HD
makes a lot of noise too and I already have a replacement IBM 6.5G, 500k
RAM ready. Awesome disks, these IBMs and very quiet too. After recapping
further I think that when Windows was using the Quantum disk a lot for
swapping the rebooting occured. Linux doesn't demand so much from the disk,
so that's why this random rebooting only occured once when I was running Linux.

Re: Good HTML editor for debian Linux?

1999-07-22 Thread Hans van den Boogert
At 11:24 AM 7/21/99 -0700, you wrote:

  I'm just curious what people are using to write HTML with on Debian, 

The available editors ive tried so far all seem *so* clunky and unsuited
to the task...  cut and paste works irregularly if at all, no facilities
for previewing.. etc.  Am I missing some obvious choice? Ive used
Gxedit, nedit, thisedit, thatedit..

Basically what I'm looking for is a workhorse editor that I can use as
my main HTML tool.

Is there anything Linux-friendly with anything approaching the feature
set of the program that I am used to, BBEdit on the Power Macintosh...

Any suggestions are welcome..  I'm also looking for HTML template and
preprocessor solutions...

Thank you!*

Chris Beaumont

Look over here for downloads:

-- Hans

Re: Here's an easy question, how shutdown debian?

1999-07-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert

shutdown -h now is good. Remember to run it as root.


KDE comes with KDM which has a shutdown function which ordinary users also
can invoke. Seems handy for stand alone  PCs, but on a network this might
be dangerous. -- Hans

E-mail with exim tip.

1999-07-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
There was some discussion on how to set up Exim a few days back. I found
the following article in the Linux Gazette
( and it was useful (for
me at least), because of the real world example given. Sofar I have been
less than enthralled with the HOWTOs on mail as they seems outdated and
lack good rwe's.

Still Exim on my machine is not working properly yet, but that is because I
haven't played with all the options yet. But if somebody could tell me
quickly how to start the thing as a daemon at bootup I would be grateful (I
know, this is basic Unix stuff, but I can't find the proper documentation
explaining this stuff), as right now I start everything by hand each day.
-- Hans

Network setup.

1999-07-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I want to setup a home network of two machines (mick and mack) connected
with ethernet cards, mick having a ppp dialup link to the internet as well.
I don't want to do masquerading yet, simply mick being able to talk to mack
and vice versa, while mick can also go on the Internet via ppp.

When I do a clean install on mick (having both eth and ppp) the setup asks
for a router and DNS server. Can I safely answer no to those two
questions and get by with amending the /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts files?

I'm thinking of...


domain (this being my local domain name)
nameserver IP number of my ISP's nameserver

/etc/hosts localhost loopback

I'm afraid to get into routing trouble, where mick doesn't query the ISP's
DNS server. I had this before: the local network worked fine, but I
couldn't get mick to route to the internet for addresses other than
192.168.01 and 192.168.02.

Any reassuring and encouraging words appreciated on this Sunday :0)

-- Hans

Re: Network setup.

1999-07-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert

 I'm afraid to get into routing trouble, where mick doesn't query the ISP's
 DNS server. I had this before: the local network worked fine, but I
 couldn't get mick to route to the internet for addresses other than
 192.168.01 and 192.168.02.

Not sure what you mean by that last sentence, since you say you are *not*
connecting mack to the internet. Off the top of my head I wonder if you had
'defaultroute' set as a ppp option?

No, the problem is with mick. 

First I did #ifconfig eth0 netmask up
Then, #route add -net
Then, #route add default ppp0

Routing to mack went fine, but I couldn't get through to the net. The above
procedure was taken from the Net-3 HOWTO

I'm also not sure about something in pppconfig: it asks you for an IP
address, but strongly advises you not to change the 'noipdefault' . It
furthermore suggests that if you have a local IP (I read in this: the
intranet's IP of your machine, but I could be wrong) and an IP from your
ISP, to enter them as (where the x-es represent
the ISP assigned IP), so separated with a colon. In case you get a dynamic
IP from your ISP (which I do), then just use the local IP ending with a
colon. I tried both 'noipdefault' and but I am not sure which
one actually worked. I simply ping to my provider and then to mack to see
if I can get through.

The NET-3 HOWTO is pretty clear about the network setup, but I'm pretty new
at this and would like some reference. The answer to my first mail already
helped a lot, so thanks.

Cheerio, Hans

Re: Network setup.

1999-07-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert

 Not sure what you mean by that last sentence, since you say you are *not*
 connecting mack to the internet. Off the top of my head I wonder if you
 had 'defaultroute' set as a ppp option?

He does if he used pppconfig, but he may also have a default route to the
ethernet interface in /etc/init.d/networks, put there by the install.

But isn't that changed when you invoke #route -add default ppp0? -- Hans

Re-install question.

1999-07-10 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I messed up my system again, so I want to do a re-install. I still have
access to the partition, so can I move the /home and /usr directories to
another partition, then re-install Debian and move back /home and /usr to
their original places? -- Hans

Re-install question 2

1999-07-10 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Okay then on the /usr/local and /home, I'll backup those. But isn't there a
way to tell dkpg what packages were installed and reinstall them? Ah, I
remember there was a discussion on that a while back, so I'll check the
archives first. Thanks -- Hans

E-mail for dummies - 3

1999-07-08 Thread Hans van den Boogert

E-Mail: Hans van den Boogert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08-Jul-99
Time: 21:01:58

This message was sent by XFMail

I have XFMail setup now, so I can finally mail under Linux. Thanks for all the
help. The next step will be to setup fetchmail and exim, but that will take
more time.

-- Hans

Multiple CD installation tip.

1999-07-06 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I don't really know why people think it is difficult to install Debian from
the 2 CD set. I admit, it took my a while to before I figured it out and
this is a real minus, but I think dselect rocks.


After you install the base system, put the first CD-ROM of the Debian
distribution in the tray, fire up dselect and run 'update.'

Then take out the first CD-ROM, put in the second CD-ROM and do an 'update'
again. If dpkg comes back with the message that info on 2250 packages has
been updated you're there.

Use the slash and backslash to find what you want and the fun can begin. If
the package you want to install is on the other CD-ROM dkpg will ask for it.


Regarding vendors of Debian CD-ROMs: I bought my set from the Dutch Debian
Distribution Initiative (, which are
just two brothers/students who want to put their CD-burner to good use.
They burn on Arita media (one of the largest CD media producers in Taiwan,
who also produces Philips CD-ROMs. My girlfriend made a handsome profit
with their stock, no kidding), although the DDDI can't guarantee anything
either, of course. 

But what I mean to say is, if you want to buy Debian on CD-ROM, then do
that from people who at least use Debian themselves and who are not out for
a profit or name recognition. I guess apart from DDDI there are more these
initiatives to be found on

Hope this helps anybody. -- Hans

E-mail for dummies - part 2

1999-07-05 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks for the response guys. Sofar I understand that

qmail and fetchmail are MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents), right?

fetchmail downloads messages from a pop3/imap server and puts them into the
local mail delivery system. (Besides, where do the messages end up and in
what form?)

Then exim (Mail Delivery Agents) delivers the mail to local users (I
presume in /home/username) after which the MUA (Mail User Agents, like
XFMail or some other marvel).

So what about sending mail then? Using 'smail' sounds obvious, but how does
the route from MUA to the SMTP server go.

I've installed fetchmail and exim, but haven't had time to read the man
pages. Does anybody have a good way to convert man pages into readable
ASCII text, so I can print them out and read them off-line? (The purchasing
of a notebook is still in the pipeline, so printing will have to do for now

-- Hans

E-mail for dummies.

1999-07-04 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Sofar I'm quite happy with Linux, Debian and the documentation. If you read
all you can find on the subject, use your senses and experiment a bit you
can always get done what you want. 

However, for me the one thing that still remains a mystery is the setting
up of a mail system. I'm used to telnetting and Pine to read my mail, but
now with a stand alone machine, a ppp connection to my ISP I just can't
understand how the whole setup works. I've read the NAG and MailHOWTO, but
both were written in such a way that I can't find no head nor tail. 

Could someone please post a quick mail-system setup for dummies? As said, I
simply want to connect to my ISP, collect/download my mail and read it in a
browser-like X program like Mahogany. What is the principle setup? (Please,
explain a bit!!!) What programs do I best use for what? What do these
programs do? How do they interconnect? What is the sequence of collecting
and sending mail?

Is there any other on-line documentation besides the NAG and MailHOWTO? I
have lots of time to read, much less to work on my system :-(  Thanks for
the help. -- Hans

Re: MP3 -- WAV

1999-06-25 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks, bedankt, merci, gracias, xie xie. It worked, but alas the header of
the MP3 file was corrupted, so even Sox couldn't help out here. -- Hans

At 04:18 PM 6/24/99 +0200, Remco van 't Veer wrote:
The following will create a.wav from a.mp3.

  mpg123 -s a.mp3 | sox -t raw -r 44100 -w -s -c 2 - a.wav

On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 20:50, Hans van den Boogert wrote:

 Does anybody know of an app that decodes MP3 to WAV or AU? 

Echelon Saddam Hussein RAF stealth Rule Psix Clinton RSA Zimmermann CRI
Kosto MDMA plutonium Khaddafi SIGINT VX Shell XTC semtex coup heroïne abuse

MP3 -- WAV

1999-06-24 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Does anybody know of an app that decodes MP3 to WAV or AU? 

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Hans van den Boogert
And nobody mentioned the best thing that happened to mankind since sliced
bread: the Tab WM!!! I set up aliases for the programs I need in .bashrc
('net for netscape, 'wp' for WP8, 'sound' for the sound apps, etc. Just
open a window, type the alias and off you go. Simplify thy life. -- Hans

Re: Too many posts for my mailbox

1999-06-14 Thread Hans van den Boogert
 My mailbox cannot handle the number of posts this list generates,
 especially not when I'm away for the weekend or even week. What should I
 do to participate in this mailing list without clogging my mailbox?

I suggest you subscribe to debian-user-digest, as I do. You'll recieve few
big messages (with 10-15 posts in them). It is very convenint.

I did it differently: I got myself a free Geocities e-mail account and
subscribed to all the Linux lists I wanted using that address. Geocities
has a POP3 facility, so I just configured two accounts in Eudora and
download all the mail from the Geocity's server to my HD. (I still haven't
configured PPP on my Linux box, so I use Windblows for the time being).

Serves another purpose too: I keep all the entries posted on the list
(takes up space, but that's okay). When I have a problem I first make a
search of all the entries I have on my HD before going on the net or
posting a question myself. Nine out of ten times I can find the answer in
the postings from the last month.


pon/poff for ordinary user.

1999-06-09 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I like pon/poff to be available to ordinary users of my system. Now I have
to su before being able to turn on and off the ppp connection to the net.
Does somebody know how to go about this? -- Hans

KDE's delay time.

1999-06-08 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Am running Slink with KDE 1.1.1 installed from the debs on snowcash.

I find that after clicking on buttons in the control panel there is a
considerable delay before KDE comes up with the application or menu. I
doesn't matter that much, but I was wondering if this is because of my
system, or a general quirk of  KDE. Other wm's don't have this problem. -- Hans

Further question re. dpkg and apt (was: Re: GNOME Installation)

1999-06-02 Thread Hans van den Boogert
M I'm trying to install GNOME by hand, and I need to install
M libgnome32 to continue.  When I try to install it, I am told that
M it depends on having libgnomeui32 installed.  But when I try to
M install that, it says i need to already have libgnome32 in.

You have to install these packages simultaneously. with dpkg -i
package1 package2.

SO the best thing is to copy all files into a directory (in /tmp or
such), and run dpkg -i *.deb

Q1: Does this solve the dependency problems on the fly? 

Q2: Can you use a similar syntax with apt? If so, what is that syntax?

I read the comment on AOL. Even if you can get thru on the net then it is
still preferable for many people to first download the packages during a
quiet time and then install them later. I thought to set up apt with access
to the CD-ROM and a directory with the downloaded files, so it could figure
out the dependencies and get the files from either place. However, apt
needs a packages.gz file for the directory in order to know what is in the
directory. I haven't figured out what the solution for this is. If someone
has an idea then mail it to the group please.


pciutils package (was: Sound blaster 16 pnp)

1999-05-24 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Another tip that might be helpful; if you are using slink, install pciutils
package, which provides
lspci utility which can be invoked by pnpdump when called with the
argument '-c
Once lspci is installed pnpdump worked fine for me, I did not have to make
modifications in /etc/isapnp.conf

That explains something I experienced before. Thanks for the tip.

BTW, this pciutils package is not in the basic Debian 2.1 set up, yet with
every boot up the kernel invokes lspci, which is doesn't find of course. Is
this an oversight from the team who compiled the installation list, or is
there a reason for omitting? Seems a bit strange to me.


SCSI card driver setup: how?

1999-05-23 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I've got an Initio 9100S SCSI card, which is not recognized by Linux out
right or build in the kernel setup. On the web site of Initio
( there is a Linux page with drivers. I downloaded
the package which contains three files...
- ini9100.c
- ini9100.h
- ini9100.lib
There was no description on how to install them that I could find on the
site, so could someone give me a hint on where to start? Thanks.



1999-05-20 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Sofar I'm pretty happy with Linux, except for X Window. I haven't found one
window manager which makes it easy for a user to put a shortcut on the
desktop or in the application menu. I talk mainly about shortcuts for
Netscape and WP.

Sofar I've used fvwm95, icewm, qvwm and windowmaker, with the latter having
the nicest look, alas being also the least straight forward.

If I use my standard rule for Win95 software (if I can't understand the
basics of a program within 15 minutes I'll throw it off my computer) then I
would have thrown off X Window already a long time ago. I suspect I am
making a fundamental mistake about the usage of X and window managers, so
could some of you shed a light on this for me?

Hans on line

1999-05-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
5 minutes ago there was nothing, now it's on line. And guess what? 'Powered
by Debian' it says in the top right corner. -- Hans

What is SCI UNIX?

1999-05-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I have some old ethernet cards (EZ-3200P+ series, which are supposed to be
NE2000 compatible) and the disk with it has a Unix driver, but specifically
an SCO one. What does SCO stand for and might the driver be compatible with


P.S. I haven't compiled a new kernel with NE2000 support yet. I was just

Aliases in .bashrc

1999-05-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I made the two following aliases in the .bashrc in my home directory

alias mcd='mount /dev/hdb /cdrom'
alias ucd='umount /cdrom'

They work fine, but I also want to immediately jump to /cdrom when I mount a CD. Thus I ammended the mcd alias to read...

alias mcd='mount /dev/hdb /cdrom|cd /cdrom'

This didn't work and I wonder if this is because aliases can only execute one bash command, or if I did something wrong.

The solution, I guess, would be to write a shell script and make the alias point to that, but I think one line aliases are neater.


I've got myself a hanky. (Was: SB 64 still not there)

1999-05-13 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks all you guys for the help with the configuration of my SB AWE 64. I owe you all. I am some steps closer to a working solution now, but we're not there yet.

First I rewrote the isapnp.conf file with all the suggestions incorporated. After the isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf initialisation I got the following...

Board 1 has Identity 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e:  CTL00c3 Serial No 195476758 [checksum 0c]

So that looks good (I hope).

Then modprobe -a sound, and the speakers produced a short blip to, while lsmod showed the module was loaded with 24 pages (whatever that may mean).

I did a cat /dev/sndstat and that also looked good

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Thu May 13 18:06:48 CST 1999 root,
Linux P200 2.0.36 #2 Sun May 9 20:53:11 CST 1999 i586 unknown)
Kernel: Linux P200 2.0.36 #2 Thu May 13 18:08:47 CST 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 5
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

Only the MPU-401 didn't have drq 0 as it should have.

The big test came with this: cat > /dev/audio, however the following returned

# cat > /dev/audio
Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer
bash: dev/audio: Cannot allocate memory

Using /dev/dsp gave the same result. I thought it might have to do with the kernel compilation, so I did it over again according to the book, but no positive result.

I am not really sure how much buffer I shoud assign. I have a AWE64 Value and that card has 512k RAM on board. When I compiled the kernel I entered 512k, so I hope that is right.

If you have any ideas, then I hope you can pass them on. Thanks again.

Background: I do a lot with plain audio, especially editing of sound files for my English classes. These files can run in the hundreds of MB and although Windblows95 can handle these without too much problems I need to run them over a LAN and that poses more problems. I'm not interested in MIDI, so if that doesn't work out it's okay.



Re: I've got myself a hanky. (Was: SB 64 still not there)

1999-05-13 Thread Hans van den Boogert
OKay, okay, that was of course HANKIE what I meant. - H

Off-topic: what is bogoMIPS?

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I understand what MIPS is (Million Instructions per Second), but what does
the bogo stand for? My 486-33 measures 4 bogoMIPS during Linux boot-up, so
how is this calculated? -Hans

Re: wordperfect

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
What I like to know is how to put a shortcut on the X desktop for Word
Perfect. Can't figure out where to look. -- Hans

I'm in tears: SB 64 still not there.

1999-05-12 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I'm at wits end. For already two weeks I'm trying to get my Soundblaster AWE 64 working under Slink with a 2.0.36 kernel. I've done all the reading, poked at all places possible, but can't nail the problem down. Of course this is due to my inexperience with Linux, but give me a break and help me if you can, okay? (sniff)

I'm using a Pentium 200MMX with AMIBIOS v2.4 with the following settings: PnP aware O/S: Yes; DMA channels: PnP, IRQ 5: ISA/PnP (IRQ 5 is the one used by SB AWE 64).

I baked a new 2.0.36 kernel for use with the card, as described in the Soundblaster-AWE-HOWTO, but during bootup the message appears that SB AWE 32 has not been detected.

I used isapnp to configure the card and there the problem seems to be. After I do a pnpdump > isapnp.conf, this file contains a lot of conflicts, all FATAL. I checked for IRQ, DMA and IO conflicts, but there don't seem to be any. Apart from the SB AWE 64, which is the only ISA card in my PC, I have a network card and SCSI card (both PCI). Under Win95 I can't find any conflicts either.

Has anybody had this problem before, or can give me hints on what next steps to take now? As a last resort I thought about baking a 2.2.x kernel, which is supposed to have better PnP support. But that would also mess up my Debian 2.1 system and as I have been busy with Linux for only a month or so I don't want to do that.

For good order, below find the raw output of the pnpdump..


# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1.16 1998/10/09 22:19:06 fox Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 0c 0b a6 bd 16 c3 00 8c 0e)
# Vendor Id CTL00c3, Serial Number 195476758, checksum 0x0C.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string -->Creative SB AWE64 PnP--
# Vendor defined tag:  73 02 45 00
# Logical device id CTL0045
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x39
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3a
# Device supports vendor reserved register @ 0x3c
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if required
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE CTL00c3/195476758 (LD 0
# ANSI string -->Audio--

# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
#   Next DMA channel 5.
# 16 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may not execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0220
# Maximum IO base address 0x0220
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
# (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0330
# Maximum IO base address 0x0330
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 2
# (IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
#   Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0388
# Maximum IO base address 0x0388
# IO base alignment 1 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))

#   Start dependent functions: priority acceptable
#   IRQ 5, 7, 9 or 10.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
# (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   First DMA channel 0, 1 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 0))
#   Next DMA channel 5, 6 or 7.
# 16 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may not execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may 

Modules after kernel upgrade.

1999-05-08 Thread Hans van den Boogert
I use Debian 2.1 with kernel 2.0.36.

I baked a new kernel for use with my AWE64 Soundblaster. In the process it
was adviced to rename /lib/modules/2.0.36 to /lib/modules/2.0.36-old before
installing the new kernel package. After intstalling there was a new
/lib/modules/2.0.36 directory, but essential files like ps2aux.o were
missing, making me have to live without a mouse now. 

Do I have to bake a new kernel now for these modules to be included and
automatically activated, or can I still remedy the situation afterwards.
Understand the kernel needs to trigger these modules, but how is that
exactly done? With a initiating file maybe? I hope anybody can give some
background apart from a workable solution.

Have a nice weekend.


Humor a bit....

1999-04-24 Thread Hans van den Boogert
The following are new Windows messages that are under
 consideration for the planned Windows 2000:

  1. Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue.

  2. Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.

  3. Press any key except... no, No, NO, NOT THAT ONE!

  4. Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner.

  5. This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another

  6. Windows message: Error saving file! Format drive now? (Y/Y)

  7. This is a message from God Gates: Rebooting the world.  Please
 log off.

  8. To shut down your system, type WIN

  9. BREAKFAST.SYS halted... Cereal port not responding.

 10. COFFEE.SYS missing... Insert cup in cup holder and press any

 11. File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N)

 12. Bad or missing mouse. Spank the cat? (Y/N)

 13. Runtime Error 6D at 417A:32CF: Incompetent User.

 14. Error reading FAT record: Try the SKINNY one? (Y/N)

 15. WinErr 16547: LPT1 not found. Use backup. (PENCIL  PAPER.SYS)

 16. User Error: Replace user.

 17. Windows VirusScan 1.0 - Windows found: Remove it? (Y/N)

 18. Your hard drive has been scanned and all stolen software titles
 have been deleted. The police are on the way.

 19. User Error: Intelligence Resource Level Insufficient

 20. Netscape.exe... Bad file name...
 May we suggest M/S Internet Explorer? (Y/y)

I'm not giving up: backpack CD-ROM drive.

1999-04-20 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Hi group. I'm not giving up and still want to find a way to install a full
Linux system on a 486-33 notebook with a backpack CD-ROM drive.

Done: (1) insmod paride, (2) insmod epia, (3) insmod pcd

After insmod pcd it gave the message:
   pcd: pcd version 1.05s, major 46, nice 0
pcd0: epia 1.02, Shuttle EPIA at 0x738, mode 1 (5/3), delay 1
pcd: No CDrom drive found
/lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/pcd.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

I have been reading in the parport mailing list and Device or resource
busy seems to be a common problem with backpack CD-ROM drives. So common
it seems that I'm a bit amazed that nobody has thought of a solution.

From correspondence with others some points came out.
1) 2.0.x kernels can't handle two modules controlling the same device.
2.2.x kernels can.
2) Device or resource busy means that already another module is
controlling the parallel port. 

Q1: how can you check if which module is controlling what? (the startup
messages don't give me a clue).
Q2: how can you disable modules that you don't need?

As I still want to install a full system from CD-ROM on this 486-33
notebook I thought of some alternatives:
1) Use a boot floppy with a 2.2.x kernel to get the CD-ROM working and
install the system then. 
Q: Does anybody know where to find a disk image of a boot disk with a 2.2.x
2) Use a null modem cable to connect to a desktop and piggy back ride on
that systems CD-ROM. 
Q: I don't know if the Linux base system supports null modem connections.
Anybody any idea?

Sorry for my long ramblings. I am new to Linux, but I hope by taking
logical steps and elimination to understand the workings of Linux as soon
as possible. Any input is highly appreciated.


2.2.x boot floppy. (was: I'm not giving up: backpack CD-ROM drive).

1999-04-20 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thanks Jarek,

 Q1: how can you check if which module is controlling what? (the startup
 messages don't give me a clue).

Type `lsmod` to see which modules are currently loaded.

 Q2: how can you disable modules that you don't need?

`rmmod module` will remove the module.

You might also want to try using `modprobe` insted of `insmod`.
Check if you have `lp` module loaded and if you do remove it.

All done, no positive result.

The only two modules that are loaded are epia and paride (used by epia), so
no lp and thus nothing seems to be in the way.

Next step: who knows where to find a boot floppy using a 2.2.x kernel?


A file is not always what you think it is.

1999-04-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Follow up on the scripting problems I had... IT WORKS Of course, the solution was simple and it came to me in those early morning hours when you're mind is clear and creativity flows through your veins: I wrote my script under Windblows 95

Background: I have two machines: Pentium 200 desktop running Win95 and a 486-33 notebook on which I installed the Debian 2.1 base system.

What I did:
- write a script using Notepad under Winblows on the P200. Saved it as a .txt file.
- copied it on a DOS formatted disk. Changed the filename to one without the .txt extension.
- copied it on my notebook in the directory /root
- chmod it, and ran it with the result file not found

Apparently a .txt file written under Win95 can be chmod-ed, but not executed. I used ae to write a simple script from scratch under Linux and it worked no problem at all.

That makes me wonder: I have to install some packages on the notebook to get the external CD-ROM drive working. If I copy them from the CD-ROM on a DOS formatted floppy and then transfer to the notebook, will I get the same kind of trouble? 

P.S. This is new to me: I can use apt to install a single package, isn't it? Or do I still have to use dpkg. Basic question, I know, but I did so much reading/researching that my mind is getting a Linux overload right now. Still having fun, though.


PARIDE almost working (but not quite).

1999-04-19 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Me again. What I did

- Installed Debian 2.1 including base system from 9 floppies on a 486-33
notebook. Selected paride to be a module in the kernel.
- Logged in as root.
- Did insmod epia to load the protocol module for the Shuttle parallel
port CD-ROM I happen to have.
- Did insmod pcd after which it gave the message:
   pcd: pcd version 1.05s, major 46, nice 0
   pcd0: epia 1.02, Shuttle EPIA at 0x738, mode 1 (5/3), delay 1
   pcd: No CDrom drive found
   /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/pcd.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
- Had a script run to make the device pcd0.
- Of course, mounting /dev/pcd0 /cdrom gave an error and namely  
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/pcd0 as a block device
  (maybe 'insmod driver'?)

Somebody already pointed out to me that under the 2.0.36 version Linux
kernel you can not load two modules for the same parallel port and that
maybe there is already a printer module installed. Is this so? How do I
check that? How do I gracefully kill that other module? Your hints, tips
advice (and money to buy a better notebook) are highly appreciated.


Looking for trouble.

1999-04-18 Thread Hans van den Boogert
There doesn't seem to be a special group for Debian Newbies, so I hope
y'all don't mind me bringing up some questions here. I did a lot of reading
on Linux and Debian, but I now have a copy of Debian 2.1 and am trying to
get a system up.

Background: Dutch, teacher, location: Taiwan, 32, shortwave DXer. 
System1: Pentium 200MMX, 64 MB RAM, 3.2+6.1 GB HD, S3 Trio64, Soundblaster
System2: Twinhead Slimnote 486-33, 8 MB RAM, 305 MB HD, VGA monochrome

What I did sofar: Installed Debian 2.1 with base system on the Twinhead,
with 9 floppies.
Aim: Connect a parallel port CD-ROM (Shuttle EPIA) and install the rest of
the system.

Remarks: I cleaned the HD and reformatted it as one partition (305 MB).
However, Debian 2.1 installation couldn't get cfdisk going and thus I used
the second console to manually partition and set the swap. 

1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
/usr/bin and want to go to /usr?
2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
typing man ls for example, the system returns with command not found.
In /bin and /sbin I also can't see any man-binary. There are man pages
stored, but in .gz format. Is it normal that the man command is not
installed? How to open/read .gz files.
3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
run, or the system says command not found. Example:

#! /bin/bash
echo The time and date is..

Saved as telltime, then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
As said, when executing telltime the system returns command not found.
I know that you have to watch the path, but even when I put this script in
/ or /bin it still won't run, while installed commands like date do run
from almost every directory. What do I do wrong?
4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
with problem solving.

Thanks for the help.


I was riding on the e-train
I was whistling to the rhythm
I was thinking 'bout my livin'
I was feeling pretty fineI asked the time
.Got a poke in the eye.

(Sheryl Crow, The Globe Sessions)

More trouble ahead....

1999-04-18 Thread Hans van den Boogert
Thank you James, March, Richard, Oliver and Jan for answering my questions.
It seems indeed that the base system doesn't come with the man command. A
bit strange, but who am I to comment on that :-)

I still haven't solved the script problem, though.

- I have used ./telltime, but still no luck.
- I have changed the mode to 0777 (or +u if you prefer).
- I have checked the PATH and put the file in /bin and /usr/local/bin, both
of which are in the path.

BTW, Oliver, $ type telltime comes back with bash: $: command not found.
Bash is installed and in /bin.

I have used a mini-Linux distribution (tomsrtbt 2.0.36 - the most Linux on
a floppy. Never leave home without it) to boot and then change the mode
according to the above. Still no result.

A wild guess of mine is that I maybe did something wrong when I cfdisked
the harddrive. As I said, when installing Debian 2.1 the installer didn't
want to execute cfdisk and so I partitioned by hand and skipped that step.
When booting now I see the following

Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2
VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
Adding Swap: 20940 swap-space (priority -1)

Exqueeze me, but what is VFS and is the fact that my Mounted root (hda1) is
readonly correct?

The reason why I need this problem solved is that I want to use paride to
connect a parallel port CD-ROM and thus I need to make a /dev/pcd (which
also doesn't come standard). Once I have the CD-ROM I can install the
system in full, otherwise I will have to start thinking about buying some
extra floppies and install it via that medium :-(

I'm still having fun, though. Problem solving is the fastest way to become
smart. Maybe that is street smart, but it'll come in handy sooner or later
:-) At least I find Linux a lot more logical than MS-DOS, although I can't
wait to install Moonlight Commander, because I really miss a commander like
that. Should be standard in every distribution.

From a dark and gloomy Taipei (no wonder at 10:20 pm) greetings from,
