Umlaute verschwunden.

2004-09-03 Thread Helmut Metzdorf

 also wenn ich mich recht erinnere, hatte ich damit eigentlich nie
 Probleme. Aber ploetzlich (ich glaube es war nachdem ich einen 2.6er
 Kernel installiert hatte) geht gar nichts mehr. Weder dpkg-reconfigure
 console-data noch dpkg-reconfigure locales waren erfolgreich.

 Merkwuerdig ist allerdings, das die Umlaute nur auf der Konsole
 (einschliesslich xterm) verschwunden sind. Meine meist genutzten 
 Programme unter X (mozilla, xemacs) kennen sie nach wie vor.

 Irgendwer eine Idee?



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Umlaute verschwunden - Nachtrag.

2004-09-03 Thread Helmut Metzdorf

 Da kam mir doch gerade so eine Idee.
 Habe doch immer noch nen alten 2.4er Kernel auf der Kiste.

 Also rebootet und wer glaubts? Nun sieht alles wieder fast
 normal aus. Hier kann ich auch auf der Konsole rumnörgeln,
 ändern oder sonstige Überlegungen anstellen.

 Nur das eszet sieht auch hier etwas merkwürdig aus.

 Also tatsächlich ein Kernelproblem?



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Re: Umlaute verschwunden.

2004-09-03 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 04:35:22PM +0200, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
 $ echo SCREEN_FONT=lat9u-16  /etc/console-tools/config
   Ersatz des Zufalls durch den Irrtum.

 Hi Elimar,

 Vieleicht generell eine gut Idee, aber der Font hat leider nicht mal
 die HÃlfte gebracht. Die Umlaute kleingeschrieben sind jetzt da, doch 
 die grossen sind weiterhin Murks und auch das eszet vermisse ich nach
 wie vor.


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Mail-Problem und Test.

2002-07-10 Thread Helmut Metzdorf


 wenn diese mail in der Liste erscheint,
 habe ich mein Problem wohl selbst lösen können.

 Danke dennoch.


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Re: ..rsync via ssh per Script.

2002-02-18 Thread Helmut Metzdorf


  wie einige richtig bemerkt haben, war ssh etwas paranoid
  bezüglich der Rechte auf dem Homeverzeichniss (/var/www)
  des Apache - users.

  Dies und der Hinweis auf den DEBUG-mode des sshd
  waren der Schlüssel zur Lösung. 

  Nochmals vielen Dank an alle.


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Re: ..rsync via ssh per Script.

2002-02-15 Thread Helmut Metzdorf


  nun, ich will hier kurz auf beide Antworten eingehen.

  ein kurzes Nachschauen zeigte, das www-data (natürlich der
  Apache-user) bereits eine Shell (/bin/sh) besitzt.

  Nachdem ich gestern entdeckt hatte, das der Wurm bei der
  ssh config zu suchen war ist mir auch su -c als einfachere
  Testmethode in den Sinn gekommen. 

  Habe auf dem Ausgangsrechner in /var/www/.ssh/config
  BatchMode yes
  PasswordAuthentication no
  Mittels su - www-data -c 'ssh-keygen -t dsa' 
  und su - www-data -c 'ssh-keygen -t rsa'
  entsprechende Schlüssel erzeugt, 

  mittels scp die entsprechenden Dateien
  /var/www/.ssh/ /var/www/.ssh/
  auf den Zielrechner kopiert

  und dort mittels cat  authorized_keys

  uns so sah dann die Ausgabe des Tests aus (nur der 
  entscheidende Teil natürlich).
debug1: service_accept: ssh-userauth
debug1: authentications that can continue:
debug1: next auth method to try is publickey
debug1: try pubkey: /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: authentications that can continue:
debug1: try pubkey: /var/www/.ssh/id_dsa
debug1: authentications that can continue:
debug1: no more auth methods to try
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).

 nach der ssh manpage müsste das klappen.
 tut es aber nicht (wie leicht zu sehen).
 habe auf dem Zielrechner leider bisher vergeblich 
 nach einem logfile gesucht, der diese Zugriffsversuche
 etwas detailierter beschreibt.

 Any Ideas?



 ps: zumindest klappt die Alternativmethode 
 rsync via NFS mounted Directory.

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Host key verification failed! bei rsync via ssh per Script.

2002-02-13 Thread Helmut Metzdorf


 vieleicht kann jemand helfen?

 wie im Subjekt angegeben versuche ich rsync via ssh 
 mit einem Script zu starten und erhalte genannte 

 das Problem ist nun, das Script wird von einem System-
 user (www-data) ausgeführt, der kein Home-verzeichniss 
 hat. Hätte sonst versucht ~/.ssh (mit dem RSA-Schlüssel
 des remote Host) dorthin zu kopieren.

 Ne Idee?



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Xemacs21.4 Bugreport - welches Packet?

2002-02-03 Thread Helmut Metzdorf


  vor knapp zwei wochen habe ich auf meinem Arbeitsplatzrechner
  ein neues Perl-modul installiert. Dabei hat dselect zugleich
  unter anderem Xemacs upgedatet, mit unschönen Folgen.

  Dired funktioniert nicht mehr, es kommen regelmässige Meldungen
  das das Autosaving Probleme macht und nach dem editieren von
  Programmdateien stelle ich immer wieder fest, das zwar eine 
  Datei mit meinen Änderungen auf der Platte ist, jedoch mit 
  völlig anderen Berechtigungen als das Orginal.

  Bei Perl-Programmen sehr lästig (executable).

  Eines dieser Packete muss wohl die Ursache sein:
  testing  xemacs21-mulesupport 2001.12.16-1   (3019.3k)   
   Editor and kitchen sink -- Mule elisp support files 
  testing  xemacs21-basesupport 2001.12.16-1   (12947k)   
   Editor and kitchen sink -- compiled elisp support files 

  Aber welches?

  Außerdem sieht mir das Datum als Versionsnummer doch sehr 
  suspekt aus.

  Any ideas?




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Re: where is linux-utils?

1999-04-12 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Quoting Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I don't seem to have a linux-utils package installed and it is not listed on
 the Debian website.  Is it called debianutils? I have that.

 AFAIK you have to look out for the util-linux package.

 so long


Re: SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel

1999-04-05 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Quoting Randy Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 as far as i know the SB 128 PCI is based on the chip es1371
 so i would try CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371=y instead.

 hope that helps,


Re: Loading packages from zip drive

1999-03-25 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Quoting Chris Reay [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The process appears to
 be collecting information about the packages but doesn't get very far at
 all, and after a while finds too many errors ... and returns to the
 dselect menu without installing the packages.

Hi Chris,

 IMHO there are two possible causes for your problem, first if you start
 dselect to install packages first time (i.e. after installing just the 
 base-system) it tries to install all packages selected and all preselected
 packages (i. e. all packages with category essential and category standard)
 that means, you have to go through the select process with absolute care,
 setting all such preselected packages to HOLD you dont have on your zip-disk,
 or else make shure you include all that packages on your zip-disk (i know
 it's possible, tried it myself).

 Second thing to keep an eye on is the directory-structure on your zip-disk
 that (IMHO) has to mirror the original directory structures of the mirror
 you got your packages from. e. g. dists/stable/(architecture)/main/(category
 e. g. devel, base, doc etc.)/(package) because thats where dselect tries to
 find them and of cause complains if they are not there.

 hope not having told trash


Menu access to /usr/doc

1998-11-07 Thread Helmut Metzdorf

considering myself still a novice to linux i spend lots of time
reading documentation. first i complained about most of it beeing
compressed text but soon i found a solution (zcat | xless).

but the laborous method of tangling through several subdirectories was 
something quite itching, so next i tried to write a menu-sourcefile to 
provide faster access, but soon found it to be a tantalus-task when i 
got an idea of the total volume even with a rather spartan installation.  

so i started thinking about how a programm schould be designed to do
the job. and now i'm rather content knowing there's no text-document
(plain or compressed) in /usr/doc (and all subdirectories) further 
away than two mouseclicks - neatly ordered to their appropriate 
section (devel, libs, admin, utils etc.) and sorted.

what to do now?

there are two alternatives:

1. leave it as is and be content with it.

1.1 look out for some other playground. 

2. prepare to distribute it i. e.:

2.1 write some general documentation.
2.2 review the source and add documentation there.
2.3 add a copyright notice (GPL of course)
2.4 prepare to extend it to support other WM
(it's for tvwm2, cause that's what i use) 
2.5 find a public accessable place where i get 
permisson to place it for others to get it.
2.x i'm sure it will take more, but i don't know
what (jet).

advice deerly needed.


Problems compiling

1998-11-06 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Mario Filipe writes:
  Hi Everyone
  Can someone explainwhy the following happens :
  14:53:09# gcc -O2 -o iwconfig iwconfig.c -lm
  /tmp/ccc10981: In function `float2freq':
  /tmp/ccc10981(.text+0x53): undefined reference to `pow10'
  /tmp/ccc10981: In function `freq2float':
  /tmp/ccc10981(.text+0xdd): undefined reference to `pow10'
  /tmp/ccc10981: In function `get_info':
  /tmp/ccc10981(.text+0x691): undefined reference to `pow10'
  /tmp/ccc10981: In function `set_info':
  /tmp/ccc10981(.text+0x86f): undefined reference to `pow10'
  /tmp/ccc10981(.text+0xc35): undefined reference to `pow10'
  Mario Filipe 
  - -
 the index of libc shows:

 * pclose:Pipe to a Subprocess.
 * perror:Error Messages.
 * pipe:  Creating a Pipe.
 * popen: Pipe to a Subprocess.
 * pow:   Exponents and Logarithms.
 * printf:Formatted Output Functions.
 * psignal:   Signal Messages.
 * putc:  Simple Output.
 * putchar:   Simple Output.
 no function pow10 and therefore the linker comlains.
 maybe its the funktion pow, you might want.

 - Function: double pow (double BASE, double POWER)
 This is a general exponentiation function, returning BASE raised
 to POWER.
 hope that helps,


worse off with debian 2.0?

1998-10-10 Thread Helmut Metzdorf

maybe someone can tell me something about the very weird behaviour
of my computer after switching from Debian 1.3.1, Kernel-Version 2.0.30
to Debian 2.0, Kernel-Version 2.0.34. 

on both OS i ran a self written program that may be busy for months
at least, doing some evaluations. 

while running it at the old setting i just noticed that maybe some
other applications sometimes seemed a bit slower. although this programm
relies heavily on disk-IO i never noticed the hard-disk-indicator-lamp
did more than just blink now and then. firing up top told me my program
was happily running in background leaving the processor hardly any 
time left to idle (averages 0.0% to 0.4%).

but that has changed far to the worse with my new setting. suddenly 
loading xemacs just will take up to 3 minutes and working with it 
sometimes seems to stop (i. e. it takes some seconds until my monitor
shows the results of my typing). the hard-disk-indicator-lamp seems
more a light than an indicator. now top tells me that there is time
enough and to spare for the processor to idle (averages 40.0 to 60.0 %).

of course i would appreciate more some hints what to do about this
situation than pure explanations.

Helmut Metzdorf


1998-09-19 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Hi there,

this is a request for approval (or corrections) and some questions.

After i read on this list about problems with autoup i decided for a 
clean new install of Debian 2.0 instead. Having carefully backed up
all my personal settings etc. all went rather smooth.

But when i installed the isdnutils-package and some configuration script
was run (isdnconfig) i firsthand decided to read some docu first. There
i noticed that a lot of the layout in the config files has changed. 
Having now read (i think) all availible documentation i made my mind up
how to continue. But beeing unsure i´d like your comments on my

1: use the old config files (pap-secrets, host.conf, hosts,
resolv.conf)by copying them to the appropriate places (/etc,

2: my old entries in isdnlog.conf are placed in callerid.conf.

3: country- and areacode as well as my MSN and my providers phonenr
   have to be set in isdn.conf.
 Question: There was mentioned a ~/.isdn, where to find any info on
   that, and what is it good for?

4: take my old ioptions file and edit device.ippp0 accordingly, ignoring
   the mass of new options.

 Question: do i have to use the no..-options where i had
-..-options   before e. g. novj instead of -vj?  

5: lookup the scriptfile that sets the base values via isdnctrl   
(isdn.ippp0?) and check it against the old script i was using.
 Question: there the defaultroute is set, mustn´t i delete it again to 
   disable dial-on-demand?

6: the option file for isdnlog (isdnlog.isdnctrl0?)
 Question: should i change some of the default parameters or can i
leavethem untouched?

7: edit /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/isdnutils to disable dial-on-demand.

8: remove the not configured lines from the config files.

Until here i´m rather shure there will be no major misstakes, but from
now there´s only questions left. 

How to change, set permissions (which permissions?) to initiate an
internet session as user xyz, preferably using xmonisdn and how to
change the according scripts besides eliminating the leading exit 0
- working examples wellcome - ?

Can i insert the commands for mail-processing in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/isdnutils and do i have to precede the fetchmail
command with su -u xyz when the acording .fetchmailrc is in /home/xyz?

In my old setting i had a one line script to reset the default route
because sometimes it happened that it was lost during a session, should
i keep it?

Oh, i see this has gotten longer than intended, but i can´t help it.

Thanks in advance


Special (Chessfriends) Question!

1998-04-29 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
hoping to be not the only member of the ICC (Internet Chess Club)
here I am asking for advice for the setup of xboard for connect
to ICC.


1. it seems my password (using an .ics file) was not transmitted 
(or too fast to be recognized?). 

2. the manpage to xboard says that more parameters to be used
with xboard can be defined in the file .Xdefaults. Because there 
was no such file before I created one in my users home directory
~/ where all the other dotfiles (.xyz) were placed. But it seemed
all this parameters were ignored.

3. when I established the connection by adding the password 
manually i noticed that the transmission from ICC was illegible
by the amount of seeks between. Is there a method to filter them 

Thanks for any help in advance

  Helmut (missed-chance)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Install Mailsystem HELP! continuation

1998-04-19 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Hi it s me again,

this is just to prevent you from proposing things I allready have

Saturday: making up my mind I decided the true error to be -
  From the manpage smail(8): If the -bd option was used,
thenbind() failed:  Address already  in  use  implies 
that   another process is already listening on the SMTP socket. 
  So where to look for that villian blocking the SMTP socket.
  Remembered that mozilla had been running during some (all?)
  af the previous tests. So make shure it is not running.
  New test: one more possible cause eliminated.
  Maybe the ISDN logging demon is interfering?
  /etc/init.d/isdnlog stop
  New test: one more possible cause eliminated.
  Check this list: sorry, no new hints.
  Running out of ideas, reading the Xemacs info to relax,
  setting up a ~/.emacs file to make shure the from- Header
  will be OK (when I ever come to that).
  Quit for today.
Sunday:   Desperate start trying silly things. disable isdnlog
  and unload ISDN subsystem (no i dont have any internet-
  connection any more) and still smail is complaining.
  Should I continue and remove first module hisax and then
  ppp for further tests? Dont think I am that silly.
  Look up the manpage again and find at the bottom a reference
  to Smail Administration and Installation Guide.
  Hire AltaVista to lookup the web for it. Just getting
  references to the manpages.
  Install xarchie to have a further look at the ftp-sites.
  Write this message.

hope for help.


p.s.: this periodic cronjob (runq) is getting me nervous.

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Install Mailsystem HELP!

1998-04-18 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Hello, debian fans (I hope so) out there

trying to set up a mail system I have run into problems.

1st: I have dialup connection to an ISP using ISDN (ipppd) and have all
of that running and tested (ftp, www, etc.).

In my attempt to give the last remnants of B.G. on my computer a
farewell I just need just one thing more - a running mail system.

And thats what i did:
Sunday:load and install (using DSELECT) smail, fetchmail
Monday:study the Network-Administration-Guide.
Tuesday:   finish with NAG and switch to the Net3-Howto, Mail-Howto, 
   Offline-Howto and the PPP-Howto.
Wednesday: Next the manpages and online docs at /usr/doc.
   Feeling prepared for a first test. OK. Cause I have 
   subscribed to two mailing lists, this one and the german
   list, there is nearly allways mail to be fetched. 
   Set up the .fetchmailrc, dial in to your provider,
startfetchmail (verbose and keep of course) and see what
   connect to mailserver OK.
   password OK.
   xxx messages to get.
   retreave messege 1.  (till here its just my words.)
   SMTP connect to (null) failed
   bla, bla
   SMTP transaction error while fetching 
   normal termination Code 9.  (didnt note that either)  
   So far it was what I had expected cause the manpage said
   there has to be an MTA (Mail Transport Agent) ready to
   take over.
Thursday:  Reading more closely the smail manpage, ah, there it is.
   The options -bd will cause it to listen for incomming mail 
   and process it. Shuffling my feet, cut the green around
the house, clean up my kitchen (I have just a private
account at
   a commercial ISP, and he will charge bussines fees if I dare 
   using the account during bussines hours).
   Dial in to my ISP.
   Start smail -bd
   Start fetchmail
   Same error.
   Checking the log files finding in /var/log/smail/...
   bind() failed address already in use
   Browse the net (www) loading down the ISDN4Linux FAQ
   loading down Bernd Hailers ISDN documentation (URL´s in
   Browsing through this mailing list: someone wrote
   he could read his mail using fetchmail (how that?).
   Anyway its too late, lets call it a day.
Friday:Checking the manpages on procmail more closely, they say
   procmail can be used as MTA, OK lets try that next.
   Shuffling my feet (again). Paing a visit to downtown,
   write thanks to a guy that helped you on this list - more 
   then overdue.
   Set up ~/.forward
   Set Up ~/.procmailrc
   Dial in to my ISP.
   Run fetchmail
   Same error
   Retry it in different combinations (files in /root/
   or in $HOME/).
   Starting fetchmail as root or as user.
   All the same.
   What to do next? (besides studying the doc I have loaded down
   yesterday -the Bernd Hailer docs helped me a lot
settingup my internet connection-.)  
   Write this message and hope.

Thanks in advance,


p.s. The (of cause futil) attempt of cron to run smail every 20
minutes  (runq) just gives me nerves. Is it save to edit the
appropriate  crontab (/etc/smail/crontab?) ore even emove it?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Patience, this will get longer

1998-04-06 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Since January I am trying to learn a bit about Linux,
and beeing lucky to find answers to most questions either
in the online documentation or else searching the www.
There are still two thing that bother me, 1st: though I´ve
read all install files, manpages and docs of fvwm2 several times
I just cant see where xdm starts the initial xterm, where i dont like
its geometry (its just partly hidden by my button bar). 
2nd: where to look for instuction about the file background.list
you have to place in your homedir to get a random selected
rootbackground, about the associated command randline I´ve found
nothing too. (I´m just bored to reset the link background.jpeg
manually whe I want to see a new picture in the rootwindow.)

So far my severe requests for help.

But I´m sorry, there are still three minor questions. Till now
I´m running windows still because of two reasons. 1st: I´ve not jet set
up a mailsystem and i dont think it a good idea just using Netscape
as I´m doing it here (any recommendations). 2nd: I´ve just stored
a backup of all the changes (customization) as well as from all the LDP
and other documents in my windows partition and will have to keep
it therefore untill I´ve decided what backup-hardware to use instead.
I really dont like to reinstall 30 Megs from floppies (recommendations

That now leaves the last point.
I´ve written a few tiny programms that manage to summarize access to
all text documents in the directory /usr/doc in a single menu-structure.
Till now its just the programms and a short shell script to run them
in propper sequence. No documentation so far. But if other guys were
interested in that I would appreceate any help how to forward it.

thanks in advance.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Programming hints.

1998-03-20 Thread Helmut Metzdorf
Beeing busy to write a programm I would like to add a routine
that forces it to shut down orderly (closing files etc.) when
recieving a SIGTERM from the system, because the program itself
is doing work that will keep it going for months at least.
Can somone tell me of already existing programs where i can study 
the source to learn about that subject?


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