magicfilter and (pdf = postscript) problems

1997-10-16 Thread J.Sigbrandt


Need to get pdf file printing working using magicfilter.
The printer is a LaserJet 4P (no postscript module)

Looked at the bug reports and came across the suggestion to 
include this line in the ljet-filter file:

# PDF - Added by CRT 97/05/12
0   %PDFpipe/usr/bin/acroread  -toPostScript   

After experimenting with this, I've come to the conclusion
that, on my machine at least, this is *not* a good idea.  It would
be best to use ghostscript directly.

Assuming a test file name of 'test', I've tried a few experiments.
First of all I needed a .pdf file, and the easiest way to obtain one 
was to create one from a postscript file using ps2pdf.  

to .ps using pdf2ps

Convert test.pdf to a .ps file using pdf2ps.
One time when printing there were a few aesthetic 
problems (the first lines of the 2nd page were overlaid on the 
first page). However at least it did print on the LaserJet.  
Another time the first sheet had some errors (not identical 
to before, but similar: 'operand stack: --nostringval-')
But the main printout was clean.

(in support of above weirdness here is another report:;
admitedly using a different printer)

Same again, except final actual viewing and printing done 
in gv.  Again the first sheet had the beginnings of the 2nd
page, but the main printout was good.

Tried a different file.  First it was converted to postscript
using pdf2ps, then viewed with gv and printed.  No problems.

use gv to print .pdf

Secondly the pdf file was viewed directly in gv and printed. 
This time there were problems.  Again the first line of the 2nd 
page followed by a few lines of ghostscript type error messages 
appeared on a first sheet.  However the printout itself
appeared *unblemished* on a separate sheet.

use gs to print .pdf

Thirdly, tried using the magicfilter commandline for postscript
directly on the test.pdf file:

gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sDEV=ljet4 -sOutputFile=\|lpr test.pdf

This time there were no problems at all. :-)))  One problem with
the above command line is that ghostscript requires a ^D to exit.

The aesthetic problems encountered were probably those documented 
in the file /usr/doc/gs/NEWS.gz

Due to the above success I tried to add the following line to

0   %PDFfilter  /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sDEVICE=ljet4 
-sOutputFile=- -

but this again gives the lpd error:
lpd[16653]: lp: Daemon filter 'f' terminated (13)
My guess is that ghostscript isn't exiting cleanly after the conversion.
The 13 corresponds to value of status.w_termsig in lpd file printjob.c
w_termsig is defined in /usr/include/waitstatus.h

The following DejaNews article seems to be using the same idea tho :-?[EMAIL PROTECTED]serv
admittedly, again, using a different printer ...

catting into gs to ljet4

Using the following command gives errors:

cat index.pdf.ps2pdf | gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sDEVICE=ljet4 
-sOutputFile=\|lpr -

The errors are:

Unrecoverable error: ioerror in bytesavailable
Operand stack:
--nostringval--  --nostringval--

Unexpected interpreter error -12.
Error object: (f80)op(174:bytesavailable)0x802ccf0
Operand stack at 0x80f3478:
0x80faea4: 0x03 file --S-rx--- 0x0001 0x080f6d70
0x80faeac: 0x03 file --S-rx--- 0x0001 0x080f6d70
Execution stack at 0x80f34cc:
0x80fc80c: 0x0f oper --F---e-- 0x 0x0801ef80 = %interp_exit
0x80fc814: 0x12 str  --F-rxe-- 0x 0x =
0x80fc81c: 0x03 file --L-rxe-- 0x0001 0x08104048
0x80fc824: 0x05 mpry --G-rxe-- 0x0020 0x0815d694
0x80fc82c: 0x05 mpry --G-rxe-- 0x0057 0x0815db30
0x80fc834: 0x05 mpry --G-rxe-- 0x0039 0x08132c76
Dictionary stack at 0x80f33f4:
0x80fd03c: 0x02 dict --Gwrx--- 0x 0x080fd18c
0x80fd044: 0x02 dict --Gwrx--- 0x 0x08141e18
0x80fd04c: 0x02 dict --Lwrx--- 0x 0x08102090
0x80fd054: 0x02 dict --Lwrx--- 0x 0x08102090
0x80fd05c: 0x02 dict --Gwrx--- 0x001c 0x0814fd8c
0x80fd064: 0x02 dict --Gwrx--- 0x 0x08158960
0x80fd06c: 0x02 dict --Lwrx--- 0x0815 0x081042dc

to .ps using acroread

Convert test.pdf to a .ps file using acroread.  Obtained a 
postscript file, but when attempting to print to a HPLaserJet4P, 
lpd gave the error:

lpd[16425]: lp: Daemon filter 'f' terminated (13)

However the same file *would* print fine to a postscript printer.

Investigating further, by grabbing the command used by magicfilter:

gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=test.lj4

reveals the following error message in gs:

Error: /undefinedresource in true
Operand stack:
   false   --dict:13/13--
Execution stack:

experiences during the installation of frozen

1997-05-05 Thread J.Sigbrandt

I installed dpkg-mountable from projects/experimental and installed
from a mountable partition.

I left it overnight and when arriving back the next morning was greeted
by the following messages:

attempt to access beyond end of device
02:00: rw=0, want=16, limit=2
Directory sread (sector 32) failed

Rebooted and this message never came back.  During the process of rebooting
LILO hung on LI which was solved by booting from the rescue and re-running
lilo.  (my guess is that some of these problems at least were due to having)

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/i486-linuxaout/
(no such file or directory, skipping)
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/i486-linuxaout/
(no such file or directory, skipping)
ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/i486-linuxaout/
(no such file or directory, skipping)

igor the ldconfig's messages are nothing to worry about
james that's simply because the symlinks are left dangling because the
  package was removed and not purged

first message went away after installing a new version
2nd and 3rd messages kept repeating peridocally throughout the upgrade
(I had previously removed all my fortran stuff, being short on space)

gpm reports that it can't find /dev/ttyS0

unable to lock dpkg status file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
this means your system is messed up badly

menu-?? : Dpkg is locking status area: forking to background
and wait for /var/lib/dpkg/lock to become unlocked

igor and the dpkg lock problem is supposedly fixed in the new menu package

having checked no dpkg or dselect were running I deleted the file.
However the message still kept coming back. I saw it often, but then
again I ran dselect many times in order to get the configurations right.

When given the choice between xinit, startx, xdm, the script never allowed
me to choose and went straight into xdm mode.  Admittedly thats what I
usually use, but I had been toying with the idea of removing this.
That meant that I needed to do a C-A-F1 to get back to the installation
which might have less experienced users stumped!

igor jay:  however that startx/xdm problem should be reported jay the 
computer was left in a completely unusable state at one point.
jay Everything remained unconfigured.
jay xdm was cycling in and out, whenever I logged in.
igor ouch
jay It was exceedingly difficult to enter the log9n, passwd and kill xdm ...
  took about 15 minutes
igor yeah... this is bad  
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jay I think alot of the problems may have been caused by the root partition
  being full.
jay err ... having filled up.
igor oh
jay I'm not sure tho.
jay The good news is that once xdm was taken care of, a few cycles thru
  dselect cured most of the problems.
igor see, now you can't report bugs except that dpkg should know beforehand
  when the disk is going to fill up, but I believe there are several
  bugs already open on that topic...

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experiences during the installation of frozen

1997-05-05 Thread J.Sigbrandt


Sorry for sending that last message.  It was a draft and needed extensive
editing before being sent.  I clicked on the mouse whilst my mailer was
being redrawn and disaster 

Apologies to igor and james whose names appear in the mess ...


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How I installed frozen using dselect.

1997-05-02 Thread J.Sigbrandt


Dselect only gives one the choice between mounting stable or unstable.
I wanted to beta test frozen before the release date and so needed to
somehow convince dselect to allow this - but found no option to.
(I hear that using ftp install this isn't the case, but I installed from
a mounted drive)

Here's the solution:

I keep the debian distribution on /mnt/debian.
First make an alternative top structure.

mkdir /mnt/debian2; cd /mnt/debian2

Now recreate the directory structure that is contained in /mnt/debian

#This wee line creates a secont root tree
ls -1 --directory ../debian/* | sed 's$\.\.\/debian\/$$' |  \
xargs -n 1 -i ln -s ../debian/{} ./{} 

Now we must trick dselect into believing its installing unstable

rm unstable; ln -s ../debian/frozen ./unstable

Thats it!  Now just tell dselect where the alternative tree is rooted and
say yes when dselect prompts whether you want to install the unstable


ps: am not on the mailing lists so please CC any comments 
pps: if anyone wants a point and click GUI interface to the above, then
just mail me and I'll put something together for you using 
widtools.  We could call it Xdefrost  ;)  hehe!!

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