Re: popclient .poprc file

1997-05-09 Thread James LewisMoss
 mono == mono  troop writes:

 mono Hello, I just edited my .poprc file so it looks like this:

 mono defaults proto pop3 localfolder /var/spool/mail/troop server
 mono user blah pass secret server
 mono user blah pass secret server user
 mono blah pass secret

 mono Problem is, as soon as i start popclient it exits with a
 mono segmentation fault. As soon as i comment 2 out of the 3
 mono 'server' lines in the .poprc (so only 1 is active) it works
 mono okay.

 mono question: am i missing something in configuration? as far as i
 mono know the above file should work fine.

First off stop using popclient and get fetchmail.  The rc files are
basically the same (took me about 15 minutes to convert), and it is
much more stable, and does much more.

Second if you decide to ignore the above. :)  Make sure that the last
line in the file is a blank line.  I.e. make sure there is a return
after the last command line.


@James LewisMoss [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Blessed Be!
@   |  Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: latex/databases

1997-05-09 Thread James LewisMoss
 Colin == Colin Telmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Colin I am beginning a review of a literature on the relations
 Colin between the governments of Canada and will be writing small
 Colin summary reports on each article/book/etc. Rather than just
 Colin filling a directory with latex files, I am wondering if the is
 Colin a simple-to-use database that I could use to store and
 Colin manipulate these reports? That's quite an open-ended question
 Colin and I am happy with filling a directory with latex articles,
 Colin but I thought I would ask if there is a practical
 Colin alternative. My first thought was to just use bibtex and store
 Colin the report in the optional notes section, but that doesn't
 Colin seem like the best way to go if the report is anything beyond
 Colin an abstract. Any thoughts, no matter how off base they may
 Colin seem to be, are welcome. Cheers, Colin.

I'd use qddb.  Is a flat text database based on tcl/tk.


@James LewisMoss [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Blessed Be!
@   |  Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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1997-04-30 Thread James LewisMoss
I'm getting some errors while compiling after upgrading my system
recently (and no I have no idea what was actually upgraded.  it was
from unstable (yea I know), and I baiscally let dselect choose).
Anyway doing `locate ctype.h' on my machine gets me:

When I leave it like this I get an error
In file included from conftest.c:2:
/usr/include/ctype.h:1: No include path in which to find ctype.h   

When I change the first line of /usr/include/ctype.h to `#include
linux/ctype.h' I get:
/tmp/cca256631.o: In function `read_c_string':
undefined reference to `_ctype'   

(so it looks like _ctype isn't declared in libc)

OK... What I'm wondering is.  What do other people have on their
systems, and what does it look like?  Is there a

Thanks for any help

@James LewisMoss [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Blessed Be!
@   |  Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

/usr/include/ctype.h is:
#include_next ctype.h

#undef isalnum
#define isalnum(c) (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c))

/usr/include/linux/ctype.h is:
#ifndef _LINUX_CTYPE_H
#define _LINUX_CTYPE_H

#define _U  0x01/* upper */
#define _L  0x02/* lower */
#define _D  0x04/* digit */
#define _C  0x08/* cntrl */
#define _P  0x10/* punct */
#define _S  0x20/* white space (space/lf/tab) */
#define _X  0x40/* hex digit */
#define _SP 0x80/* hard space (0x20) */

extern unsigned char _ctype[];
extern char _ctmp;

#define isalnum(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_U|_L|_D))
#define isalpha(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_U|_L))
#define iscntrl(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_C))
#define isdigit(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_D))
#define isgraph(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_P|_U|_L|_D))
#define islower(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_L))
#define isprint(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_P|_U|_L|_D|_SP))
#define ispunct(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_P))
#define isspace(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_S))
#define isupper(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_U))
#define isxdigit(c) ((_ctype+1)[c](_D|_X))

#define isascii(c) (((unsigned) c)=0x7f)
#define toascii(c) (((unsigned) c)0x7f)

#define tolower(c) (_ctmp=c,isupper(_ctmp)?_ctmp-('A'-'a'):_ctmp)
#define toupper(c) (_ctmp=c,islower(_ctmp)?_ctmp-('a'-'A'):_ctmp)


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Re: globally override/fool dpkg dependency mechanism?

1997-04-27 Thread James LewisMoss

Make a directory like 'perl-5.003' somewhere. Make sure you have
debmake.  Change into that directory and do 'deb-make'.  It'll set up
a couple things.  create a 'Makefile' in the top level that responds
to clean, all, install (but does nothing).  Change into the debian
directory and edit the control file to include the same things perl
does.  Also edit the rules file to remove the check for root.  go up
one directory and run dpkg-buildpackage.  This should leave a couple
dummy packages sitting one directory up.  Install the perl one, and
you'll now have perl installed (as far as dpkg knows).  But just a
dummy version.

(What I did for ntex when I installed it do dselect would stop telling 
me that package so and so recommended latex.  Just grabbed all the
provides out of the standard tex packages, and put them all in one
line for ntex).


@James LewisMoss [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Blessed Be!
@   |  Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: Critical Times article on Linux

1997-04-24 Thread James LewisMoss
 Nico == Nico De Ranter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  [reply diverted to debian-user]
   The Times, a respected British newspaper, published an article
   that was offensively critical of Linux in its Sunday edition.

 Nico Is there any place on-line where I could read that article, I'm
 Nico getting curious :-) ?

Yup. Go to yahoo. look for 'The Sunday Times'. go to that site. fill
out the info they need. do a search for linux and there you are.
(sorry I didn't save the direct url)


@James LewisMoss [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Blessed Be!
@   |  Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: lprm says Permission denied (fwd)

1997-03-05 Thread James LewisMoss
 Nils == Nils Rennebarth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Nils On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:
  On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Nils Rennebarth wrote:
  lprng has removed the possibility to automatically remove Files
  after printing. This is however necessary to remove spooled
  jobs. How do you work around this problem?
  I'm not sure what you mean. Files in the lprng spool directories
  do get automatically deleted after you must be
  talking about something else.
 Nils I must confess that it was long ago I tried to set up printing
 Nils from Windows clients with samba. It worked by copying the
 Nils to-be-printed files to /tmp on unix and issuing a lpr
 Nils command. I then was puzzled about the many big files in /tmp
 Nils with strange names until I got the idea to add a -r switch to
 Nils the lpr command to remove files after printing. It worked from
 Nils then on and I never tried to setup anything and only remembered
 Nils that the -r switch was vital for operation with samba.

The latest lprng ignores this switch and the -s (symlink) switch, but
accepts them now.  Too many people were having problems with stupid
programs (including the Oracle database) that made bad requests (and
couldn't be set to do anything else) to the printer subsystem.  -r
isn't used because lprng is completely network based.  (i.e. even on a
local machine the file will not just be copied from a location on
disk).  This is a security feature.  -s is similar.

Ahh another note.  One fo LPRng's `features' is a much heightened
security over the basic lpr.  More informative output from lpq
requests.  Easier running modification of the daemon.   Better support
for filters.

(I switched a bunch of machines over from different printing systems
lp, lpr based.  The users were a little thrown off by the different
output format, but it made dealing with the printers from machine to
machine much easier).


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

Re: xemacs is ignoring my tab key

1997-02-26 Thread James LewisMoss
 Harmon == Harmon Sequoya Nine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Harmon Just ran xemacs and was using it to edit a C++ program.
 Harmon Unfortunately, when I try to indent using my tab key,
 Harmon xemacs totally ignores it.  I've looked through Learning GNU
 Harmon emacs but to no avail.

 Harmon Also, I tried to change the tab settings using the ESC-x
 Harmon edit-tab-stops so that my tabs are every 4 characters, but
 Harmon after doing so, the tabs that are already in my C++ source
 Harmon remain at every 8 characters.

 Harmon Any info you can give me on this will be greatly appreciated.

Try this little bit of code:
(setq-default tab-width 4)
;; this stops insertion of tabs completely so only uncomment if you
;; like that (which many people don't, but I do :)
;; (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (setq count 120)
  (setq tab-stops '())
  (while ( count 0)
(setq tab-stops (cons count tab-stops))
(setq count (- count 4

As to tab not indenting do C-h k tab and see if it says something
like 'indent-line'.  If not your keymap is messed up for one reason or

Try this:
(setq-default c-tab-always-indent t)

Another thing to look for when you are having problems like this is to
do C-h a word.  This will give a listing of all functions and
variables that contain word.  Helps me greatly when something is
working the way I expect.


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: Package configuration philosophy

1997-02-25 Thread James LewisMoss
 Yoav == Yoav Cohen-Sivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Yoav  My proposition - let's go for the more casual, yet
 Yoav sophisticated user. A user that DOES want to read the Fvwm man
 Yoav page to learn how to set it up to his own tastes, BUT doesn't
 Yoav want to do it 2 hours after installing the system and in the
 Yoav meantime he would like a nice default to help him get along.

I actually went and got the 'TheNextLevel' package from redhat (it's a
fvwm95 setup that is the standard desktop for redhat) and installed it
with alien after I installed Debian.  I then modified it to do fvwm2
instead of fvwm95.  Anyone who wants a fairly nice setup should
consider it.  It takes some tweaking however to make it work right
under Debian.  It seems to be distributed under the GNU Public License
as well if anyone wants to tackle making a package out of it (i might
if anyone is interested (fvwm2 not fvwm95)).


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: FTP problems (not DSELECT)

1997-02-24 Thread James LewisMoss
 William == William Chow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 William On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Bubonic wrote:

  Okay this is weird.
  I can FTP to my machine, but only to anonymous.  UNLESS, the
  account that I am FTPing to is running bash for a shell.  If it is
  running tcsh, it says: user access denied.
  Any ideas?
  I find this rather strange.

 William Yeah, you should try reading the docs. There is a file in
 William /etc that lists all the shells that are allowed to login to
 William your system, called, surprisingly, shells. Add /usr/bin/tcsh
 William or wherever you tcsh binary is stored. This was covered in
 William the telnet man page, I believe, or in login.


Do you enjoy flaming people or were you just having another bad day?
This is the third or fourth time I've seen you needlessly flame
someone.  And if it was covered in the telnet or login man pages
(which I don't know if it is actually, and it seems neither do you
since you didn't say definitely) why would you expect someone to go
look in those for info on ftp?  Oh and just for fun I checked ftp and
ftpd man pages and the info isn't contained there.



@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: X window problem

1997-02-24 Thread James LewisMoss
 Lu == Lu Jimmy Chenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Lu On Mon, 24 Feb 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

  run this after changing environments (i.e. changing to su): export
  DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 (note: bash specific, csh uses setenv
  DISPLAY localhost:0.0) If this still fails, run xhost + and
  read the man page on xhost to find the correct setting later.
  HTH, Brandon
  On Mon, 24 Feb 1997, Lu Jimmy Chenji wrote:
   Hi ALL, I installed X recently in my PC and having problem under
  perticular situation. When I logged in as root or normal user, I
  can run X window programs, e.g. xclock, oclock, xman, etc.  But
  when I logged in as normal user and then logged in as super user
  then I cannot run X window programs. When I try to run xclock for
  example, I will get the following messages: Xlib: connection to
  :0.0 refused by server Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect
  to Server Error: Can't open display: :0.0 I got some messages in
  /var/log/xdm-errors as well: 385 X: client 5 rejected from local
  host X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server
  shutdown). PEX extension module not loaded XIE extension module
  not loaded Please help.  Thanks in advance.

 Lu After I execute export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0, I got the same
 Lu errors. I can't run xhost + because under superuser X Window
 Lu program won't work.

 Lu I appreciate any comments.  Thanks.

I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here, but if I have a window
open where I am root I can not open windows unless I do one of two

1)  do 'xhost +localhost' (not in the root window, but in another

2) If I am using XAUTH style authorization I can do
   'XAUTH=/patch/to/user/.Xauthority program to run' and that will
   work (because of course root can access the authority file).

Does this answer the question?


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: Automount (amd) cdrom and floppy

1997-02-20 Thread James LewisMoss
 Jonas == Jonas Bofjall [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jonas On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Hayao Nakahara wrote:
  Yes you can. The followings are some of my /etc/adm/
  files. On such configuration, I can mount cdrom by accessing
  /l/cd, mount floppy with ext2 format by /l/fd mount floopy
  with fat format by /l/msdos. and explicitly umount cdrom by amq
  -u /l/cd, and so forth.

 Jonas What I and many other DOS - Linux migrates wishes for, is a
 Jonas driver with which I can remove my floppy at any time. This
 Jonas would require that the floppy never is write cached. Once I
 Jonas heard of a program called SuperMount which could do this, but
 Jonas I never got it to work (it was old, and required kernel
 Jonas patching). What I really don't understand is if your amd stuff
 Jonas here is a solution to this problem or not?

No it isn't.  The best you can do here is set a time limit for how
long it'll stay mounted.  As soon as you (say your cdrom will mount on
/cdrom) change directory to /cdrom amd will mount it.  As soon as you
no longer are accessing /cdrom (cd ~) amd will start counting down.
After a specified amount of time it'll dismount it.  Problem is you
can't just take it out without checking that it has been unmounted, so
every time you go to take it out you have to do df or some such. :(

The problem with the kernel doing it is that it has to figure out what
kind of filesystem is on the zip disk, floppy, etc.  AND it has to
know where to mount it.

I suppose you could set amd to a very short period of time before it
umounts something.  I'm not sure what kind of problems this will
cause, but I suspect it isn't such a great idea.

Ideally (on my first thought on this) it would be nice to have some
user space program mounting things (but never unmounting them) so that
it can do the filesystem check based on a number of things rather than
coding it in the kernel.  The kernel should then sense when a user
requests a disk eject (of course this doesn't work on floppies since
it isn't a requested eject rather a forced eject (one nice thing about
Macs IMO)) and umounts the disk.

Of course this is much easier in the Dos/Win(3.1|95) world since you
don't encounter 10 different partition types. (more?)

If I'm missing some wonderful way to do this I'd love to know. :)


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: sysklogd 1.3-13

1997-02-20 Thread James LewisMoss
 Mikael == Mikael Hallendal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mikael Hi! Why is it that the new sysklogd in 'unstable' dependens
 Mikael on an old bash and not on the new one?

 Mikael Is there any packages that dependes on bash 2.0-2 or is it
 Mikael just to downgrade it to the one in section stable so that I
 Mikael can get sysklogd working??

I was wondering that as well.  I just forced it to install (dpkg
--force-depends -i sysklog...) and everything seems to be fine. :)


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: Is there a dictionary for abbreviations like WTF?

1997-02-19 Thread James LewisMoss

  Hi, I would like to resolve these many abbreviations today, as AKA
  (also known as) WTF (???) ... So, is there any appropriate
  dictionary?  Thanks. Andreas.

Missed the beginning of this conversation.  Hope I'm not repeating

Online web computer dictionary:

Word list and other site:

Webster site:
I've attached an emacs interface to a webster dictionary below.

There was a post in comp.os.linux.announce today concerning a
commercial dictionary that can now be obtained.

I find myself using the online computer dictionary quite often.  The
word list site is great for creating really huge ispell lists.  I also
use the webster emacs interface frequently when I'm in emacs.  The
last I don't know much about other than it was posted just recently.


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

Description: Binary data

Re: Upgrading by shaky ftp...

1997-02-19 Thread James LewisMoss
 Kevin == Kevin Traas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  How will dselect react to the PPP-link going down while upgrading
  by ftp? Sometimes I can be on for hours without problems,
  othertimes the connection drops every 5-15 minutes...
  Can I just reconnect and restart dselect Install/Upgrade and it
  will resume with regetting the last (incomplete) .deb file?

 Kevin I've had success with this only because I have a static IP
 Kevin address with my ISP.  If you are running PPP with dynamic
 Kevin addressing, then I think you can forget it

No it works fine.  dselect notices after a short while that it is no
longer connected and checks to see what it did get.  (including
excluding any partially retrieved packages)  And goes into install
mode 'Do you want to install the packages retrieved?' or some such.
Just type n and hit install again.  It'll reget the partial file and
continue on.  When you got them all install them. :)

(Happens to me all the time)


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: fetchmail

1997-02-19 Thread James LewisMoss
 Rob == Rob MacWilliams [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For instance, my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], so I
  answered here. This tells smail that mail with this
  name is meant for it, and that any mail it sens out should look
  like it came from this address.
   for Any other names, answer with any other domain names that
  may arrive on your machine

 Rob Don't you want your localhost name here?  It seems to me that
 Rob cron, etc. would otherwise send your system messages to your
 Rob ISP?  For instance smail, if a message bounces it would go to
 Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] not back to you even if it was generated
 Rob internally.  That is my concern, my ISP doesn't need to have my
 Rob error messages sent to him.  Maybe I'm out to lunch, I hope so,
 Rob because it would make my config job much easier.

bounces occur while your MTA is talking to the machine it is
delivering to.  So it does the bounce and does it correctly to the
local machine.  (at least with sendmail I assume smail is the same)
Heck I have sendmail on my machine translating both hostname and
usernames to different ones and there is no problem.


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-21 Thread James LewisMoss
 Carl == Carl Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Carl I have XTerm handling colors, and 'ls' will also generate
 Carl colors, but only for file types such as directories and
 Carl executables.  The 'dircolors' executable just sets up
 Carl LS_COLORS='', which isn't very useful.  The documentation for
 Carl 'dircolors' refers to using 'dircolors --print-data-base' for
 Carl help on what format to use, so I saved the output and tried
 Carl running dircolors on it, but it still sets LS_COLORS to a null
 Carl string.  Does anybody have any information on how to get 'ls'
 Carl to colorize files by file name, such as the old color-ls used
 Carl to do?  Unless I am completely missing something obvious, it
 Carl looks like either 'dircolors' doesn't work, or the
 Carl documentation is completely wrong (this is running on Debian
 Carl 1.2).

You have to give dircolors a file to look at to create it's database.
I have the following file in my home directory, and run dircolors as:
eval `dircolors $HOME/.dir_colors`


# Configuration file for the color ls utility
# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
# the system defaults.

# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
# off.

# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
TERM linux
TERM screen
TERM console
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
TERM con80x25
TERM con80x28
TERM con80x30
TERM con80x43
TERM con80x50
TERM con80x60
TERM xterm
TERM vt100

# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)

# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# Attribute codes: 
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
NORMAL 00   # global default, although everything should be something.
FILE 00 # normal file
DIR 01;10;37;45 # directory
LINK 01;36  # symbolic link
FIFO 40;33  # pipe
SOCK 01;35  # socket
BLK 41;30;01# block device driver
CHR 40;33;01# character device driver
ORPHAN 01;05;37;41  # orphaned syminks
MISSING 01;05;37;41 # ... and the files they point to

# This is for files with execute permission:
EXEC 01;32 

# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)
.exe 01;32
.EXE 01;32
.com 01;32
.COM 01;32
.btm 01;32
.bat 01;32
.BAT 01;32
.tar 01;37;41 # archives or compressed (bright white on red)
.tgz 01;37;41
.tpz 01;37;41
.arj 01;37;41
.taz 01;37;41
.lzh 01;37;41
.zip 01;37;41
.z   01;37;41
.Z   01;37;41
.gz  01;37;41
.zoo 01;37;41
.rpm 01;37;41
.deb 01;37;41
.uu  01;37;41
.tz  01;37;41

.jpg 01;37;44 # image formats (bright white on blue)
.gif 01;37;44
.bmp 01;37;44
.xbm 01;37;44
.xpm 01;37;44
.png 01;37;44
.tiff 01;37;44
.tif 01;37;44
.ps 01;37;44
.epsf 01;37;44
.ras 01;37;44
.tga 01;37;44
.fts 01;37;44
.pm 01;37;44
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Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-20 Thread James LewisMoss
 Shaya == Shaya Potter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Shaya On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Nathan L. Cutler wrote:
   John == John [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 John I finally got X Windows up and running, and I'm using fvwm95,
 John but when I try and start a new sheel, the message xterm_color
 John appears in my login window.
 John Also, how do I set the LS_OPTIONS so that my directory listings
 John will be in color?  Right now I am using an alias, but that's a
 John sloppy way to do it.  Also, does fvwm95 support colorized
 John listings?
   I don't know anything about fvwm95, but if you put the following
  line in your .bash_profile or equivalent, 'ls' should display in
  eval `dircolors`

 Shaya I don't think this works anymore, I think the color-ls was
 Shaya folded into the normal ls, and you have to put all the aliases
 Shaya in your .bash_{rc,profile} manually.  However, I can't verify
 Shaya this since my system at work doesn't seem to want to accept
 Shaya any connections right now except for telnet's to port 25 (so
 Shaya at least I know it hasn't crashed :-) )

Here's what I got in my .bashrc to set up color.

if [ $ANSI = true ] ; then
  eval `dircolors ~/.dir_colors`
if [ $ANSI = true ] ; then
  LS_BIN=/bin/ls --color
alias ls=$LS_BIN -FC # removed argument 'o' from these three lines
alias l=$LS_BIN -lFC
alias dir=$LS_BIN -l
alias cls=clear ; $LS_BIN

(I check earlier in the file to make sure I'm on a terminal that can
deal with ansi codes.  At the moment I just hard code the terminals I
know won't work.  Anyone know a better way?)

And as to xterm I just added (as someone on this list suggested) the
XTerm*customization: -color

to my .Xdefaults file.  Others have said that cating the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color file on the end of the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm file will have the same effect.


@James LewisMoss | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blessed Be!
@  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Linux is cool!
@Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours. Bach

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