> >Oct 11 00:08:36 isharagi dhcpcd[188]: timed out waiting for a valid DHCP
> >server response
> It gets the address instantly if I start it as follows:
> >isharagi:/# dhcpcd -h (hostname)
> Whereas just typing "dhcpcd" causes it to pause for a long time,
> as it does
> when it tries running it at boot time.  The cable modem shows activity so
> it's doing something.  What am I failing to configure properly?  If these
> configurations are ok, what's doing this?  It used to work so I figure I
> must have
> changed something and made it broken.

some dhcp servers apparently need you to add -h hostname for some obscure
reason (i don't know why, i just remember hearing something about that
somewhere), so i suggest you check out its config man file for the

on an almost related note, i had a weird issue when i tried to use dhcp on
my linux box... it'd send a dhcpdiscover, get a dhcpoffer ... and then
nothing. then, one day it worked, out of the blue. *shrug*

ps: you could always run tcpdump while trying to start dhcpcd, to see just
wtf it's doing.


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