Re: Avoid reboot by loading initramfs again

2014-10-20 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule
DM I think  it depends  on what  you're trying to  achieve and  what you're
DM trying to avoid.

Well my first idea was to have a kind of management OS that I can load
in memory to do some stuff like disk partitioning, fsck, etc...

For example one idea I have in mind is BTRFS snapshots. I can take a
snapshot of my root, and when something goes wrong, I run the
management image to revert the root FS. So I'm looking for a way to
stop the system, run the management image and restart from there. This
way, I can avoid all the hardware and memory checks while booting.

Note that kexec is already doing that [1]. My question was more on how
to cleanly stop and run my memory image.


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Re: Avoid reboot by loading initramfs again

2014-10-20 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule
SW See Qubes
SW Its what Amazon uses for AWS. Its based on Fedora but idk of a Debian based
SW distro with a similar focus

My use case is more for a server environment so this is not what I'm
looking for here. I really mean managing the machine from a memory
image without a livecd or anything else.

But this may fit for another idea of mine [1].


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Re: Avoid reboot by loading initramfs again

2014-10-20 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule
GD Have you considered statically linking the kernel to all the required
GD modules and disabling hardware detection?

Yes I do. And this is the kind of kernel I use for my servers but this
will not help for what I'm looking to achieve here.

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Avoid reboot by loading initramfs again

2014-10-19 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I wonder if one can avoid a complete reboot of the system just by
halting the operating system but right after load the initramfs and
restart from there?

Basically when we reboot, we only want to reset the operating system
state but rarely to do all the hardware checks again. And for a kernel
update, there is kexec.


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init spawning multiple cf-execd processes at once

2014-07-21 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I've added a new line to the /etc/inittab file to monitor the CFEngine
daemon and restart it in case this one dies.


The cf-execd is re-spawned as expected, except the fact that multiple
processes are created at once.

I therefore have about 20+ cf-execd processes running where I only need 1.

Any idea what's causing this and how to solve it?


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Re: Virtualized desktop

2014-07-01 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule
 You may be interested in

Yes Qubes is approaching what I'm looking for.

The more I think about it and the more what I'm looking for is
actually a virtual machine manager.

I see it like a windows manager. Your computer boots and load this
virtual machine manager as it will be doing with GNOME, then you can
switch the VM as if they where windows and assign a screen or two or
other devices. In a perfect world, I also see USB over IP to share
devices connected on another host.

I will take a closer look to Qubes.


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Virtualized desktop

2014-06-28 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I'm looking to renew my hardware and I'm wondering how Debian can help
me to virtualize my desktop environment.

My first go was to have 2 Intel NUC and 2 screens, one NUC more stable
and one I can play with. I want to use both screens with both
computers so this implies to also have two KVMs.

Then came the idea to virtualize everything. Make both computers a
hypervisor cluster (using Xen or KVM) and run all systems virtualized.
But at which point can this be done for desktop system?

Here are some points I'm blocking with:

1. I want two screens and be able take make each VM to use one (left
or right) or both screens. Maybe by pressing some keyboard shortcuts.

2. I want mouse a keyboard to be moved to the VM of my choice or
dedicated to one VM and use Synergy [1] for the others.

3. I will have somewhere a Windows VM so good support is needed.

4. What about the graphics? Can I still make use of Blender for
example? How the graphic card shared between each VM?

5. I'd like to make both hypervisor work together. Can I use the local
drive of each computer to ensure migration and folder sharing?

I see many advantages which this setup:

1. I can freely test, new VM and we are done.
2. I can make a snapshot at any time just in case and go back if my
system crashes.

And some drawbacks:

1. I will never have full performance of my hardware.

Is it for you something that can be done or no way?


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Re: PXE, automatic installation and reboot

2013-07-26 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I finally opted for some iptables rules:

-A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m recent --name tftp --update --reap --seconds 5 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m conntrack -m set --match-set tftp_hosts src -p udp --dport 69 
--ctstate NEW -j REJECT
-A INPUT -m conntrack -m recent --name tftp --set -p udp --dport 69 --ctstate 
NEW -j SET --add-set tftp_hosts src

This will allow consecutive TFTP requests with a timeout of 5 seconds.
If the host is already in the IP set, it is rejected.


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PXE, automatic installation and reboot

2013-07-25 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I've setup and environment to automatically install some Debian boxes
via the network using PXE, TFTP and Preseed. If this part is working
fine, I'm facing a little issue when the installation is done.

I'm trying to make everything automatic with no human intervention. The
problem is that when the installation is done, the box will reboot, boot
again using PXE and start a new installation process.

How can I prevent that without having to monitor every installation
process? The idea would be to kind of deny access to `pxelinux.0` when a
host had already made a request.


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Email management workflow

2012-08-28 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I have a bunch of email accounts that I connect to using the POP3
protocol and Thunderbird. This is mainly done to keep the different
servers clean of emails and also to keep a backup of all my emails on my
workstation. Of course, all the emails within my workstation are also
backed up regularly.

Now I'm like the young guys and I get an Android phone. My problem here
is about sent email. I can configure my Android phone to leave the
emails on the server and then remove them later from the server using my
workstation. But as sent emails are saved locally, I will lose the
emails sent from my phone.

I know about IMAP but one of my concerns is to being able to have access
without an Internet connection and I also like the fact to clean out all
my emails from the servers.

Any idea?

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Git and Quilt

2012-07-09 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I have a core project on which I maintain a set of patches using Quilt.
This allows me to make changes to the project without touching the files
so I can upgrade to new versions easily.

I keep my patches and the core project in a Git repository. When I want
to change something, I apply my patches using Quilt, then I revert all
my changes and I just commit the resulting patch.

I would like to have a branch where all my patches are applied to deploy
the code but I can't find any good way to do this.

If I create a new branch from master and apply the patches, I will have
conflicts on the next merge. I need something to apply the patches
before the merge (maybe using one of the hooks?).

Any idea?


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Re: Git and Quilt

2012-07-09 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule
On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 16:12 +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
 On Monday 09 July 2012 15:26:50 Jimmy Thrasibule wrote:
  I have a core project on which I maintain a set of patches using Quilt.
  This allows me to make changes to the project without touching the files
  so I can upgrade to new versions easily.
 I don't really see the point. Couldn't you get a similar result by 
 your own branch beside master branch ?

And you're totally right. I wanted to do this the right way without
touching the core but, I can just use another branch. I totally forgot
about this option...

 Unless your patches are needed outside a git repo (for example debian patches 
 are needed in Debian build systems outside of a git repo), you probably don't 
 need to maintain your modifications with quilt.
 I must have missed something there.
 All the best
 -- -o-   irc: dod at

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Apache, mod_rewrite and directory context

2012-06-04 Thread Jimmy Thrasibule

I'm trying to pass everything that is not a file to `index.php` as a
request parameter without using a `.htaccess` file.

A request to must be rewritten to

I'm using Debian Squeeze (6.0) and Apache 2.2.16. Here is my
configuration file:

VirtualHost *:80
  DocumentRoot /var/www/example

  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error/example.log
  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access/example.log combined

  IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,R=301]

  Directory /var/www/test
AllowOverride None
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.php

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
  RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

The first call to `mod_rewrite` within the _VirtualHost_ scope will as
expected change to But, the second call in
the _Directory_ does not seems to work and calling will throw a 404 error.

Here is the result in the log file:

(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /test
(3) applying pattern '^/(.*)' to uri '/test'
(4) RewriteCond: input='' pattern='!^www\.example\.com
$' [NC] = not-matched
(1) pass through /test
(3) [perdir /var/www/example/] strip per-dir
prefix: /var/www/example/test - test
(3) [perdir /var/www/example/] applying pattern '^/(.*)$' to uri 'test'
(1) [perdir /var/www/example/] pass through /var/www/test/test
File does not exist: /var/www/test/test

What did I miss?


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