Re: Debian 12.5: pigz 2.6-1 fails with error message (Upstream issue 111)

2024-04-03 Thread Jonathan Chung

I think that the core problem which led to this also was on GRPCs side.
They should not tell users to compile their library but rather point
them to install it from their distros' packet manager
( if
possible. I will try to do the switch tonight as I just use GRPC as
library in a project and don't need to change anything in the GRPC

Have a nice day,

Jonathan Chung

Am Mittwoch, dem 03.04.2024 um 08:35 +0200 schrieb Thomas Schmitt:
> Hi,
> Chung  Jonathan wrote:
> > Yes, I think the local fix is the way to go.
> I wrote:
> > > (You forgot to Cc:
> > > Consider to send your mail to the list address, too. I too would
> > > then
> > > resend my following reply to the list.)
> Since my "following reply" is quoted in Jonathan Chung's reply to the
> list
> i don't have to resend it. (I gave my opinion that the problem is not
> a
> bug in the context of Debian 12 or 13 and pointed to
> for a private fix of the
> problem.)
> Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > Your problem is one that plagues Linux. You compile and link
> > against
> > one version of a library, and then you runtime link against another
> > version.
> This should not be a problem with a well maintained library which
> cares
> to stay ABI compatible with its older releases.
> In the present case it was a bug in the loading program pigz which
> prevented zlib from being usable.
> > I consider it a
> > security bug since essentially random libraries are being loaded at
> > runtime.
> > To fix the problem yourself, add an RPATH to your LDFLAGS when
> > building your program:
> >     -Wl,-rpath=/path/to/expected/libz -Wl,--enable-new-dtags
> Well, this is nearly as unflexible as static compilation but does not
> seem to prevent the use of a replaced library at the given path.
> Using .so files has its advantages and disadvantages. For a distro
> the
> advantage (without the pigz bug) is that customers of different
> versions
> of a library can be consolidated to using the newest available
> version.
> An advantage for the user is that bugs in a library can be fixed
> without
> the need for re-building all its customers.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

Debian 12.5: pigz 2.6-1 fails with error message (Upstream issue 111)

2024-04-02 Thread Jonathan Chung
Dear sir or madam,

I'm new with Debian bug reporting and thus need some help with that.
pigz 2.6-1 on Debian 12.5 fails to execute due to a fixed bug on

Installing the version from sid resolves the issue which is clearly not
optimal. I think the fix should be backported.

Can someone help me to file a bug report?