Q: Mass Text convert Linux-DOS?

2001-03-30 Thread Jonathan Gift

I have a great many text files I have to convert from Linux to DOS
format. I tries recode by hand once but it took hours. There has to be an
automatic way.

I tried the following but it only acted on the top level of directories
and not the files and subdirectories below. Any help greatly

- Snip -

for file in ~/documents; do
recode latin1..ibmpc $file

- Snip -





Recode Help Solved-Thanks

2001-03-30 Thread Jonathan Gift

I got two great replies that work flawlessy. Thanks a great deal for
what may appera a little work on your end, but on mine, with 5-600 text
files, was no joke.

Again thanks.




Re: Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-29 Thread Jonathan Gift
Andrea Vettorello wrote:
 Don't remember the right name, something like etlinux, IIRC it's a Debian
 modified for embedded HW and should be working with 2 MB (but i could be 
 try looking at http://www.prosa.it

I found one, SmallLinux, but will look up yours. Thanks.




Re: Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-29 Thread Jonathan Gift
Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
 i remember seeing linux that works in 512k ram.  forget what it was called,
 but i yahoo'd it under +linux +286

This must be a record. Found others at 2MB. Will follow up. Thanks.




Re: Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-29 Thread Jonathan Gift
Joey Hess wrote:
 Linux Elks will run on 286's (or 8088's) with 512k of ram, but it's
 basically a fork of the kernel for those old machines, and has nothing
 like all of linux's capabilities.

Will it run Vim at least?





How hard get high res working?

2001-03-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm running 1152x864 on a 17 inch right now but am playing around with
getting and running a 21 inch. I would probably like 1600x1200 on that
but heard XFree has limits around 1200 lines? Is that true and how does
one get around it?

I'm on a strict potato right now running an ATI card with 8MB on board.





Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

I don't think so. I have an old, very old, laptop floating around with
2MB ram on it. Anyone know of a Linux distro that will run on it? Maybe
one of the embedded one's?

Ironic that PDA's are more powerful nowadays.





Re: Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan Gift
William T Wilson wrote:
 You can make Linux boot in 2MB.  However, 1.2 was the last kernel that
 would do so, IIRC.  See if you can scare up an ancient Slackware
 distribution from 1994 or so :} This is really ancient history Linux-wise;
 a fun project just to prove you can do it, but doubtful you'll be able to
 do anything useful with it.

Not worth it as a project. But thanks. I'll post something about Dos and
Dos Vim sigh.




OT: FreeDOS work on own?

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan Gift

I have an old 286/386 notebook that's not much good and since I can't
load Linux on it, I need to put DOS. Anyone got a DOS boot disk I can
transnfer the OS over with? Or can I use FreeDOS, and if so, how?





Re: OT: FreeDOS work on own?

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan Gift
albi wrote:
  I have an old 286/386 notebook that's not much good and since I can't
  load Linux on it, I need to put DOS. Anyone got a DOS boot disk I can
  transnfer the OS over with? Or can I use FreeDOS, and if so, how?
 i don't quite get your plan,

Thanks for getting back to me.

The machine has no OS and here in France I don't have access to my old
DOS disks. What I need is just to boot in DOS, so a boot disk with
sys.com to transfer the system, of and format.com as well.

Or, a fully functional base DOS I can install on the notebook. In which
case, is there one for free on the net I can download and slap on

 but if you would like to run DOS on that machine,
 i think Caldera's DOS is much more advanced than FreeDOS

I just need to boot.

 i happen to have DR.DOS 6 and Novell DOS 7 myself,
 and i did try Caldera's OpenDOS 7.03 and i also tried FreeDOS
 a while ago

See, I need an old MS or DR DOS...

 btw, i guess you know how to make a 
 bootdisk from an downloadable image ?

Using winimage, yes! Otherwise, er, instructions particular to this

Any help appreciated in getting this thing up and running. I don't need
any of the other DOS apps. Just something to format and boot and
trasnfer the sys file to the hard disk. I can then boot and run vim,
getting some use out of the thing.



Re: Q: Any Linux on 2MB Ram?

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan Gift
Andre Berger wrote:
 There was a floppy distro that claimed to run on 2 MB (and X on 4
 MB), but the link, as mentioned in the 4 MB RAM Laptop HOWTO, was broken. 
 I'd be happy to hear the distro still exists...

I was recommended SmallLinux off Tom rtbt links and I see from the FAQ
that it works in 2MB ram. They have a version of X that works in 4MB!




Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-22 Thread Jonathan Gift
Jim Richardson wrote:
 Take the time and learn graffiti, it's fast, and accurate. Most of the
 handwriting recog programs suck, they are either too slow, or

It's what I wanted to know, thanks.

 the older IIIX(E) series, the new m100 is smaller) If all you are going
 to do is take notes, then you can get the cheaper 2MB visor, but if you

Yes, just notes. I assume Visor uses the Palm OS and apps/applets? Would
it be better to get more ram, if so, why?

 Ipaq, (expensive and hard to get) can use linux, I don't know how well
 they work as a pda though. Anyway, for price and convenience, go with a
 visor or palm.

How does it use Linux. If it's to present the same front end as the
others, then it's of limited interest. If it's to give you a command
prompt and run vi, that's another story...




Jonathan Gift

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-22 Thread Jonathan Gift
Jonathan Markevich wrote:
 I have a Palm and it's awesome with Linux, provided you get the right tools. 
 jpilot is very good, and the mail plugin works 95% (you have to manually
 delete sent items).

Which model and if you use email, then do you have to purchase any

 minutes), but if you really really don't like it, there are several
 keyboards available, I use (and love) the GoType! from Landware, though the
 Palm portable keyboard is full-size.  For editors, most agree that pedit is

The Palm comes with a keyboard?

 If you want full word-processing features (but less text-manipulation

No, straight text is enough...

Thanks for the feedback.



Jonathan Gift

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-22 Thread Jonathan Gift
 (www.agendacomputing.com and dev.agendacomputing.com).  I find it
 quite usable for note taking if I use the on-screen keyboard instead
 of the hand writing recognition, which needs more work.

Ok, thanks. I'll pop on the site and have a look.

 The nice thing about the Agenda is that it is really a pretty standard
 Linux system in a small package.  The VR3d has a 66 MHz MIPS

This sounds very interesting. Does it run Linux default and I can
install Vim? I'll pop on the url.




Jonathan Gift

OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-21 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm looking to make my debian more mobile by hooking up a PDA. Last I
looked, the Palm OS dominated, only I didn't like learning its language.
Is there anything else or is it worth learning after all? My primary
use will be for making text notes. Or, let's say, adapting text notes
made on the desktop and moved over.




Jonathan Gift

Re: OT: Best PDA?

2001-03-21 Thread Jonathan Gift
Andre Berger wrote:
 I bought a Psion S5 second-hand a year ago. It has a keyboard, which is
 very useful for taking notes, such as bibliography entries. Talking of
 which, I write ASCII texts for LaTeX, same for the database (I use
 addressbook on Linux). The database is rather poor but useable, 250
 chars/field max., limited field number per database (less than 30 IIRC,
 only if you limit the fields to a very small number of characters). They
 say it's easy to do programming in OPL, I can't verify this 'cause I'm
 no programmer.

Thanks for taking the time for a reply, including specific models. I
hadn't considered them and so it's particularly useful. I'll pop on
their web pages and have a look around.

It looks like a whole new field out there...



Jonathan Gift

Re: Books

2001-03-14 Thread Jonathan Gift
C Mead wrote:
 Just switched from RH but I'm not new to linux so i don't really need a
 install guide. Was hoping one of you could suggest some up to date Debian
 specific literature. One that would explain the nuances of Debian. I have
 checked the list of books on the recommended on the site but they seem a
 little dated.

It comes with a manual. Look around in docs. That and the list were all
I needed. I wasn't impressed with the book either. The list is really



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: colors in gvim, help please

2001-03-12 Thread Jonathan Gift
Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 But I have to type this each time I run gvim. For sure there is a way 
 to put this information in the /etc/gvimrc file. I tried the followings
 set hi Normal guifg=black guibg=grey
 hi Normal guifg=black guibg=grey
 set guifg=black guibg=grey

This works for me, whether in gvimrc or vimrc:

hi Normal guibg=MidnightBlue guifg=White
hi Visual guibg=Black guifg=White
hi Cursor guibg=red



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla requires libnspr4?

2001-03-12 Thread Jonathan Gift
Frank Copeland wrote:
 If you installed the mozilla tarball I suspect you already have it.
 libnspr4 is built from the mozilla source. It is broken out into a
 seperate package presumably because it may be useful for apps other
 than mozilla.

True. I found two versions, One with Mozilla and the other where dpkg
put it in /usr/lib. That mean I can delete the package?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla 0.8-Special setup required? Solved...

2001-03-10 Thread Jonathan Gift
Frank Copeland wrote:
 mozilla requires write access to the directory where the binaries live
 the first time it is run. Try running it as root once before running it
 as a normal user.

I thought I had to give permanent rw access. Ok, will try. Thanks.

 Even better, get the debianised mozilla 0.8 from
 http://www.debian.or.jp/~kitame/mozilla/ and have all this dealt with
 for you.

Will keep this for future reference. Nice to have

Thanks again,



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla 0.8-Special setup required?

2001-03-10 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 Did you remove ~/.mozilla? The configuration files aren't necessarily
 compatible from release to release of mozilla at the moment, so you have
 to purge them each time.

Yes, I had actually removed Mozilla M18 a while ago and gone back to
Netscape 4.76.

 It's working beautifully for me.

Once I gave rw to everyone then it's stopped crashing. Still very
sluggish in opening up dialog boxes, etc. But good enough to finally
switch over again.

Thanks again for the help.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Mozilla requires libnspr4?

2001-03-10 Thread Jonathan Gift

I dl the latest Mozilla 0.8 build from Mozilla.org and have been having
some trouble. The only library that I loaded on install was

Now someone gave me the site for a potato deb and alongside the deb and
tar is a deb of libnspr4_0.8-0.0.1. Now I don't have this library loaded
on my system. Cosidering where I found it, is it needed for Mozilla?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla requires libnspr4?

2001-03-10 Thread Jonathan Gift

I tried installing the deb in question and got conflicts. It wants a
newer set of libraries than my potato has. So, do I need it for Mozilla
0.8, and if so, will the libnspr4_M18 work which came with potato, was
compiled on the correct libraries, and installs fine?

Thanks again.


/* Jonathan Gift 

Mozilla 0.8-Special setup required?

2001-03-09 Thread Jonathan Gift

I dl the 0.8 build, untarred and zipped it to /usr/local/share/mozilla
than ran /usr/local/share/mozilla/mozilla to get it started. I get lot's
of error message and changing themes crahses it cold. They couldn't have
released this as is, so it's me. What haven't I done?

I'd love to use it, so any help appreciated.




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla 0.8-Special setup required?

2001-03-09 Thread Jonathan Gift
Forrest English wrote:
 do you have permissions on the directory?

I granted everyone and their grandmother directory access and it works
better, But it still has a tendency of disappearing without warning. It
took me three attempts to change the default font. Finally doing it
while online and on a web page worked...

It's still sluggish though. But better than the last M18 I looked at.




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Mozilla 0.8-Special setup required?

2001-03-09 Thread Jonathan Gift
J. Bruce Fields wrote:
 claiming this to be beta software yet.  Since you say that changing
 themese crashes it cold, I assume you mean that it is able to do most
 other things? I've been using it happily for some time, but then, I don't

Well, as I replied on the list earlier, it took me three attempts to
change default fonts. I had to do it online and open on a page before it
stopped disappearing.

 If you just wanted to get rid of all that annoying debugging messages, you
 could run it with `/usr/local/share/mozilla/mozilla /dev/null 21'.
 I find it's a bit slow (and impossibly slow if you've got less than

Very sluggish.

 about 64 Megs of RAM), and there are occasional glitches, but it usually
 works pretty well for web browsing.

The gtk look beats Netscape 4.76 and the web page rendering is nicer. I
just on't know when it's going to suddenly be gone grin...



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Need Window Manager recommendation

2001-03-08 Thread Jonathan Gift
Glenn Becker wrote:
 I use wmaker, blackbox and icewm kind of interchangeably, depending on my
 No terribly deep reasons why: I like the ease of changing wmaker's look,
 the simplicity and cleanliness of blackbox and ... I don't know why I like
 icewm. :-)


I caught your post. I'be tried BB O61.1, which for the original poster
is the modern equivalent of TWM, but have trouble with Gnome and its
session management. Do you need to run the patch and I thought it was
for 0.5x... What do you do or do you have similiar problems?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Need Window Manager recommendation

2001-03-08 Thread Jonathan Gift
Steven Dickenson wrote:
  I loaded all the gnome stuff and the default display manager xdm and
  window manager twm. I have since replaced xdm with gdm and I would like
  to replace twm with one that is more fitting for use with gnome -
  besides I don't really like it. I'm interested in stability and I don't
  want it to take too much memory.
 Stable, fast, and GNOME support = WindowMaker, IceWM
 Stable, not as fast, and GNOME support = Sawfish
 Stable, very fast, and KDE support (but no GNOME) = Blackbox
 Since you're running stable, Sawfish will be called Sawmill.  Blackbox
 will be OLD, and WindowMaker will be stale, not sure about IceWM.
 I use unstable on my home box (rather powerfull, lots of memory) with
 Gnome 1.2  WindowMaker 0.64.  I use stable on my laptop (P120, 32MB)
 with no Gnome and Blackbox 0.61, sourced from testing and compiled for
 stable.  Both run fast for their respective hardware platforms, and I'm
 actually really surprised how responsive Blackbox is on my old laptop.

I love Blackbox 0.61. Sorry to barge in like this but I installed gnome
session, panel and help and fired them up in BB. I know the BB crowd
don't like Gnome, but while gmc worked I got a lot of session error
messages. Did you patch your BB, or do you have certain things loaded
to fire up in your xinitrc? if so, what? I'm trying to get the two to



PS What do teht mean by gnome support anyway? Lack of certain advanced
features i could live without, error messages, can't live with...


/* Jonathan Gift 

Help Blackbox Gnome support?

2001-03-08 Thread Jonathan Gift

Hi, I actually posted a bit of this and thought I should direct it to the
community. I want to keep Blackbox as my default window manager and even
though I read it isn't Gnome compliant, when I start the session and
panel I get no end of session error messages. Is this normal for
non-support? I thought I just wouldn't get advanced features. Is there a
loadind preference in the xinitrc file and if so, what? I know there's
a patch but it's for 0.51...

Any suggestions appreciated.




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Need Window Manager recommendation

2001-03-08 Thread Jonathan Gift
Steven Dickenson wrote:
 I don't use Gnome on my laptop, so I didn't do anything to patch it.  I
 believe that what the author means by Gnome support is session
 management, which is probably why you're experiencing the problems you
 are.  Blackbox will, however, decorate the applications using Gnome

Yes I saw that and ok on the sessions. I was hoping to get rid of the
error msgs...




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Q: How install additional debian cdrom?

2001-03-07 Thread Jonathan Gift
csj wrote:
  But the q is will it read a non-debian cdrom and find the debs in
  the /potato directory?
 Your only option is probably to mount the cdrom, and hunt for the 
 Packages.gz file, say by typing find /cdrom -name Packages.gz

There isn't one, I checked. Hence the problem.
 You can also choose to create your very own Packages file (with or 
 without the gzip'ping). The command to do this is dpkg-scanpackages. 
 RTFM. It's quite easy to do it. Just remember to stash your spanking 
 new Packages file in a directory layout apt-get is comfortable with, 
 something like 
 And add the corresponding etc/apt/sources.list entry. You can choose 
 to use the files in the cdrom, but you have to remember to mount it 
 beforehand, or you can copy them all to your hard drive (KDE isn't 
 that much of a monster).

Now this is interesting. Thanks a lot. Will try it...



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Get Mozilla work w/Procmail?

2001-03-07 Thread Jonathan Gift
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 Mozilla/Netscape use mbox-style mailboxes.  Just have procmail deliver
 to the folders you're viewing with Mozilla.  Mozilla will update its own
 index files automatically.  Otherwise, format's the same.

A big help. Thanks for the answer.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Getting rid of Vim's startup screen

2001-03-07 Thread Jonathan Gift
D-Man wrote:
 | Put 'set shortmess=I' (or 'set shm=I') in your ~/.vimrc.
 | Bah, turns out the default is 'shortmess=filnxtToO' (intuitive, huh?),
 | so you need to add to that, not replace it. 'set shortmess=filnxtToOI'
 better yet,
 set shortmess+=I

That works as well. Thanks. Didn't know that operator.
It's appreciated.



/* Jonathan Gift 

OT: Any scriptwriting (movies) software out there?

2001-03-07 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've made the move to Linux a while back now and intend to stay. I have
some vimrc F-Keys set up to duplicate script formatting. I just miss my
Final Draft and wonder if anyone has done anything along those lines...?
Hoping against hope, but worth a shot.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Error debian/rules? Solved...

2001-03-06 Thread Jonathan Gift
mike polniak wrote:
  Any help on what is missing?
   dh_testdir  is from the pkg debhelper.

That was the one. Thanks a lot to all who responded. Sylpheed still
kicks up tons of error messages, but that's another story. Great program



/* Jonathan Gift 

Get Mozilla work w/Procmail?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift

As it is I use Mutt as a front end. Is there any way to point Mozilla's
mail folders at the one's used by Mutt and/or allow procmail/fetchmail
to do their stuff and then hand to Mozilla as it does to Mutt now?

I didn't think so, but you never know...




/* Jonathan Gift 

Q: How install additional debian cdrom?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift

I have KDE 2 in potato debs in a directory on a cdrom I got from a
magazine. It's all debs with a few task debs. Is there a way of getting
apt-get to recognize this directory as it does my origibal potato disks
so as to select from them?




/* Jonathan Gift 

OT: Best Mac list info Mac OS X?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift

Curious as to what they've done there. Anyone know of a good list where
they're talking about it?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Q: How install additional debian cdrom?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift
Glyn Millington wrote:
 The prog you you need is.   wait for it...
 apt-cdrom   !

apt-cdrom add...


But the q is will it read a non-debian cdrom and find the debs in the
/potato directory?



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: OT: Best Mac list info Mac OS X?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift
Aaron Hall wrote:
 Two OS X lists that I subscribe to are:

I tried the latter. I don't want two. Is this the best choice for one?
And I tried the talk version.

 As a long-time Mac diehard and a developing unix geek, I am excited about
 OS X. (But I've found I really like Debian...)

I love Debian but I have a must have app that runs under Mac. With mac
OSX it could mean adding a little notebook to my present Debian  system...


/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Q: How install additional debian cdrom?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift
  I have KDE 2 in potato debs in a directory on a cdrom I got from a
  magazine. It's all debs with a few task debs. Is there a way of getting
  apt-get to recognize this directory as it does my origibal potato disks
  so as to select from them?
 Just 'dpkg -i pkg0.deb pk1.deb ... pkgn.deb' or 'dpkg -i *' for all of

I wanted to grab one or two but get dependencies... Since there's 30 or
so, any way to do that and not individually or all?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Error debian/rules?

2001-03-05 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've tried apt-get source foo and everything goes fine. When I try to
build the binary/deb using debian/rules build or dpkg-source -x foo.dsc
I get:

make: dh_testdir: Command not found
make: clean error 127

Any help on what is missing?



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Eek! X won't go away!

2001-03-03 Thread Jonathan Gift
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 Yes, launching X from a console w/o securing (or exiting) the console
 session is a security hole.  However, securing or exiting the console
 session is trivial.

I had just taken xlock off yesterday and i read this thread first thing
this morning. Good timing. The problem was that I didn't see any point
in having it on if anyone could pres ctrl-alt-bs and at the console. So
if I want a secure X environment, what are my choices?

1. XDM?
2. Secure the console before? You mention above it being trivial. How
can one do it?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Q: Need cron is anacron loading?

2001-03-03 Thread Jonathan Gift

I don't have my box on 24hrs a day and cron never worked its magic until
I loaded anacron. But I noticed on boot that both cron and anacron are
loading. Do I need cron if I have anacron? Or do they complement one




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Q: Need cron is anacron loading?

2001-03-03 Thread Jonathan Gift
Andreas Hetzmannseder wrote:
 It isn't a full-time daemon.  It has to be executed from boot
 scripts, from cron-jobs, or explicitly [...]

Thanks. I'll research some more. So much to learn sigh.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?- Thanks all help!!

2001-03-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Pap Tibor wrote:
  Alos, I've seen downloads available. are they limited time/feature
 Yes. You have to register on the website, and receive a 
 I tried it, but my hardware is too weak to use WMWare.

I've heard nothing but good things abot it. the three month key is new
and will look into it.

Thanks for the info.



/* Jonathan Gift 

OT: Removing Vim Splash?

2001-03-02 Thread Jonathan Gift

Someone just posted a msg about removing the splash screen on vim as:


and it doesn't work on vim or gvim potato here. Vim starts asking me to
hit a carriage return everytime i want to do something. Is there a
command? is this the only one?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Log Rotate on Debian via Cron Not working!

2001-03-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Martin Marconcini wrote:
 Andreas, Yes, my computer is running 24 hs... But in case it's now i will
 check anacron. BTW: how is it configured?

BTW, none of my cron items were running and I had it on my list of
things to look at later. I read the earlier post and loaded anacron and
BANG it started up all the cron jobs. So in my case, the answer is just
load the package and watch it go.

It would have been nice to have known this 24hrs business earlier...



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Getting rid of Vim's startup screen

2001-03-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 Put 'set shortmess=I' (or 'set shm=I') in your ~/.vimrc.
 Bah, turns out the default is 'shortmess=filnxtToO' (intuitive, huh?),
 so you need to add to that, not replace it. 'set shortmess=filnxtToOI'
 should work better.

I had seen that and it didn't work. By starting with nothing i found out
it was:

set nocompatible

which was stopping it. That removed and shm=I worked fine.

A vi thing. I don't know why.

Thanks for the help.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Getting rid of Vim's startup screen

2001-03-02 Thread Jonathan Gift
Glyn Millington wrote:
  set nocompatible
  which was stopping it. That removed and shm=I worked fine.
  A vi thing. I don't know why.
 Tread carefully, this isn't the only thing it effects!  

Thanks. I had it off before. I had actually just turned it on earlier in
the day so I'm used to having it off.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift

I might have to run a windows app, and one code copy protected at that.
Anyway, how is VMWare at running 32 bit windows apps? as I understand it
you load VMWare, then W95/98, then your app. Does VMWare set up its own
file system? Where would I store my apps docs?

Any thoughts or bg on thoe using appreciated.




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Andrew Perrin wrote:
 There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, since VMWare reproduces an
 entire x86 *machine* on which you load whatever you want (windows, linux,
 DOS, etc.).  I think you can either use an existing filesystem or it will
 generate a huge file that contains the entire windows filesystem.

Great. Thanks for the help. Given I load Windows, which is coming in now
at 300MB plus, what space does VMware itself take up?

Alos, I've seen downloads available. are they limited time/feature




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Bill Wohler wrote:
   I keep my important data files on the Unix side so that they can be
   backed up and not nuked if you have to reinstall Windows. I access
   them from VMware via samba.

Got you. thanks for the advice.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Martin Marconcini wrote:
 They Are for 30 Days.

Thanks for the info.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Comments VMWare?

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan Gift
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 A bit less than 20 MB.

Great. Thanks for the info. I think I have everything now.



/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Can't Locate binfmt... something to worry about?

2001-02-28 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 binfmt_misc isn't his problem, it's trying to execute random other files
 for some reason, at which point the kernel constructs a module name
 based on the first two bytes of the file and tries to modprobe it; it
 only goes near binfmt_misc if that module has specifically registered
 itself as knowing about the binary format in question. I haven't worked
 out exactly what's causing it for him yet.

The activity seems to have gone dead around my post. Has anything else
occurred to you that might help? This may be trivial, but I just hate
having unexplained  error messages floating around...




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Getting to the GUI...

2001-02-28 Thread Jonathan Gift
Manuel Reiter wrote:
  Thanks for the offer of help, the request files follow.  Xlog.log is
  the output of the startx command.  Please note that I edited quite a
  bit of XF86Cconfig to compact it.
 The XF86Config file looks OK to me at first glance, but are you sure that
 this is the one that actually gets read in? 
 According to the Xlog.log you posted, the file that gets read in is

This helps me and so forgive me if it's slightly OT. I took off XDM as
one of the first things I did and boot into console and use startx. The
log for this is still named xdm.log and I wondered if that was normal?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Can't Locate binfmt... something to worry about?

2001-02-27 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 binfmt_misc isn't his problem, it's trying to execute random other files
 for some reason, at which point the kernel constructs a module name
 based on the first two bytes of the file and tries to modprobe it; it
 only goes near binfmt_misc if that module has specifically registered
 itself as knowing about the binary format in question. I haven't worked
 out exactly what's causing it for him yet.

I'm including a sample of the daemon.log. I haven't yet been able to see
what causes it. But it usually happens once a day, but then 2 days can
go by without anything...

The only thing I can think of is that a month or so back I recompiled my
kernel adding synthesizer suport for my SB card (op13). But in none of
the occasions where I received the error have I been making use of any
sound card...

So, any help on what is causing this. Or how I can track down the app
that is trying to open this non-recognized or zero length file is

 You can remove one entry or all entries by echoing -1 to
 /proc/.../the_name or /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/status.
 plug Try the binfmt-support package in unstable, which should make
 things a little easier to manage. /plug :)

What is this? And will it work on my potato system or do I have to get
souref and compile




/* Jonathan Gift 

Re: Can't Locate binfmt... something to worry about?

2001-02-27 Thread Jonathan Gift

Attached log:

Feb 13 01:24:23 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 13 01:24:29 palatine apmd[488]: Exiting
Feb 13 07:25:23 palatine apmd[146]: Version 3.0final (APM BIOS 1.2, Linux 
driver 1.13)
Feb 13 07:25:23 palatine apmd[146]: Charge: * * * (-1% unknown)
Feb 13 10:27:32 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-0808
Feb 13 10:27:32 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-0808
Feb 13 22:48:08 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 13 22:48:14 palatine apmd[146]: Exiting

Feb 14 07:12:20 palatine apmd[146]: Version 3.0final (APM BIOS 1.2, Linux 
driver 1.13)
Feb 14 07:12:20 palatine apmd[146]: Charge: * * * (-1% unknown)
Feb 14 13:26:19 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-002a
Feb 14 13:26:19 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-002a
Feb 14 23:38:44 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 14 23:38:50 palatine apmd[146]: Exiting

Feb 17 01:14:00 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 17 01:14:06 palatine apmd[146]: Exiting
Feb 17 07:21:15 palatine apmd[146]: Version 3.0final (APM BIOS 1.2, Linux 
driver 1.13)
Feb 17 07:21:15 palatine apmd[146]: Charge: * * * (-1% unknown)
Feb 17 16:06:29 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Feb 17 16:06:29 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Feb 17 19:42:49 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 17 19:42:55 palatine apmd[146]: Exiting

Feb 18 08:55:26 palatine apmd[146]: Version 3.0final (APM BIOS 1.2, Linux 
driver 1.13)
Feb 18 08:55:26 palatine apmd[146]: Charge: * * * (-1% unknown)
Feb 18 17:58:55 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-0008
Feb 18 17:58:55 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-0008

Feb 20 07:36:59 palatine apmd[146]: Version 3.0final (APM BIOS 1.2, Linux 
driver 1.13)
Feb 20 07:36:59 palatine apmd[146]: Charge: * * * (-1% unknown)
Feb 20 21:55:10 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Feb 20 21:55:10 palatine modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module binfmt-
Feb 20 23:34:37 palatine init: Switching to runlevel: 0
Feb 20 23:34:44 palatine apmd[146]: Exiting


/* Jonathan Gift 

Why XFce not on potato?

2001-02-27 Thread Jonathan Gift

I found it in unstable and wondered why it wasn't included in potato.
Any particular licensing reason?




/* Jonathan Gift 

Can't Locate binfmt... something to worry about?

2001-02-24 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've been getting the msg every two or three days now and know that it's
origin is a program accessing an empty file. The questions are:

1. Does this happen on most systems?
2. Is it something particular to this system, and if so, how track down
what is causing it?

I've had xlogmaster on daemon log open almost continuously but have
missed catching it in the act...

Any ideas or suggestions appreciated.




/* Jonathan Gift 

How track down binfmt error?

2001-02-21 Thread Jonathan Gift

Ok, scanning archive and src files I know what a binfmt ewrror is.
Question, aside from looking at the daemon log everytime I click on a
mouse or issue a command is there a way of finding out what is calling
what file with 0 bytes?




 /~~(0) Jonathan Gift

QuarkExpress equivalent on Linux?

2001-02-20 Thread Jonathan Gift

Would that be the Latext system? Considered professionally acceptable?



Jonathan // Gift 

Help please on binfmt error msg...

2001-02-20 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm posting about a recent error in my daemon log that occurs every
other day stating:

modprobe can't locate module binfmt-002 (these numbers change)

The kernel source docs say that binfmt is used by the shell to start
other, I assume, non-native executables like DOS or Java, etc.

Now I've looked at my last kernel config file build and I have:


So I configured it in. But when I build modules, there are none for it.

I see no pattern to the error message and the only recent application I
can think of that was added was Netscape 476, could it be Java?

This is a fresh error, so did I forget something out of my config?
Should I add something, is it Netscape and I should now change

This is bugging me big time and any help appreciated.


 /~~(0) Jonathan Gift

Re: QuarkExpress equivalent on Linux?

2001-02-20 Thread Jonathan Gift
Richard  Taylor wrote:
  There's Adobe's port of Framemaker or the Corel stuff... WordPerfect
  and so forth.

On Linux? I didn't know. Same name?



Jonathan // Gift 

Re: Looking for clock track different times?

2001-02-19 Thread Jonathan Gift
David Wright wrote:
  I looked but apart from twclock I couldn'rt find anything. Anyone know
  of an applet capable of showing times in different places?
 It might help to say what it is about twclock that you don't like.
 TZ=US/Eastern swisswatch 

I don't need another analog clock. I'd really like to type the
date/time at the prompt and get Eastern Standard time, or Pacific, etc.
I'm now on European. So I don't wake people up...



I looked at the date switches but saw nothing. Thinking about a shell
script to cut the time, substract 9, etc. seemed there has to be



Looking for clock track different times?- Solved!

2001-02-19 Thread Jonathan Gift
David Wright wrote:
  -that's the normal date command.
   as before, that's the timezone you want to be local.
 More briefly yet, TZ=EST date, if you're happy with this style of
 zone names.

Perfect!! Exactly what I was looking for. BTW, you know the US codes for
Central and Pacific time?



Jonathan // Gift 

Re: blackbox toolbar

2001-02-18 Thread Jonathan Gift
Nate Amsden wrote:
 what ver of debian are you using ? im on 2.2r2 ..just curious where that
 manpage came from. im runnin blackbox 0.51.3-13

Move to 0.61 as soon as you can. The themes are better, there's autohide
toolbar, etc.



|FADE OUT|  Jonathan Gift
 // |
!!  !

Help what is binfmt???

2001-02-18 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm posting about a recent error in my daemon log that occurs every
other day stating:

modprobe can't locate module binfmt-002 (these change)

I see no pattern and reading the bingmt info it seems to be a binary
compability thing. But to what end?

What did I forget in my last kernel build. I build all modules. What is
going on? I can't fix it until I know what is wrong...

Thanks for any help,


 /~~(0) Jonathan Gift

Re: OT: Use xearth in term window?

2001-02-17 Thread Jonathan Gift
Dave Thayer wrote:
  Is there anyway of getting xearth in a terminal window and not the
  default root window?
  The man pages has nothing but I was wondering...
 Try xplanet, it has a -window option plus it supports nicer bitmaps,
 cloud overlays, other planets
 your pal dave

While the version of xearth which cames with potato only works on root,
the new 1.1 does windows! Yes, xplanet looks nice. Straight compiling?
You have an url handy?




|FADE OUT|  Jonathan Gift
 // |
!!  !

OT: Use xearth in term window?

2001-02-16 Thread Jonathan Gift

Is there anyway of getting xearth in a terminal window and not the
default root window?

The man pages has nothing but I was wondering...



 _ _
| |   (_) _ _  _  _ __ __
| |__ | || ' \| || |\ \ /


Problem binfmt module-Help define?

2001-02-16 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm posting about a recent error in my daemon log that occurs every
other day stating:

modprobe can't locate module binfmt-002 (these change)

What did I forget in my last kernel build. I build all modules. What is
going on?




__   _   
   / /  (_)__  __   __   
  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Jonathan Gift
 //_/_//_/\_ _/ /_/\_\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

help: daemon msg module binfmt is?

2001-02-15 Thread Jonathan Gift

I just noticed after my last kernel compile I'm getting a daemon log

modprobe: can't locate module binfmt-002a

The last 4 digits change.

Any idea what I missed or am missing?




==-- _  
---==---(_)__  __   __   
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Jonathan Gift
-=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running Debian GNU/linux

Looking for clock track different times?

2001-02-15 Thread Jonathan Gift

I looked but apart from twclock I couldn'rt find anything. Anyone know
of an applet capable of showing times in different places?

There was that earth wallpaper and I think that's on there but can't
find it. Any name suggestions?




==-- _  
---==---(_)__  __   __   
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  Jonathan Gift
-=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running Debian GNU/linux

Re: Here you have

2001-02-14 Thread Jonathan Gift
DSC Lithuania wrote:
 Actually, that was a highly irresponsible thing to do.  I do use Microsoft
 and Netscape both, and I am subscribed to the Linux User list because I am
 my company's computer.  Which is too bad, since that means that the school

FYI I'm on the Gimp list and got two versions of the virus. Those behind
this targeted all lists. I would doubt they deliberately picked Linux
lists because they would know the virus would prove ineffective there.

 where I have an informatics lab will not have linux.  They will
 instead have to use
I made the slow move to Linux. Until 3 montsh ago I kept the seperate
Windows partition just to have Outlook. I then put in the time and moved
to fetchmail and mutt. The virus has had no effect on my system, but it
could have if I hasn't made that move. This is actually a sign for you
to speed things up and get those students on Linux before it happens


  ==-- _  
  ---==---(_)__  __   __   
  --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / Jonathan Gift-
  -=/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Running Debian GNU/Linux-

Gimp 1.2 Script-Fu crashes others?

2001-02-13 Thread Jonathan Gift

I upgraded to the new Gimp 1.2 but I get Script-Fu crashes, especially
on the Puzzle plugin. Gimp itself is fine. Anyone else has this? 



Jonathan Gift

Looking rtail like display file?

2001-02-13 Thread Jonathan Gift

I found a reference to rtail on the list and have had great fun with it.
The thing is I'd like to display straight text on the root window
without need of the tail feature which I assume eats up some cpu. Is
there another app that let's you do that without having to tail?



Jonathan Gift

Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

I initially set up my system with a French keyboard but have now got my
hands on one from the US. I know I can switch in XF86Config for X, but
how or where do I switch at the command prompt? 



OT: New Linux book out

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

Off topic, but maybe of interest.

Just saw a review in this week's Economist on a new book detailing the
history of Linux. Not a collection of essays like Cathedral...

Glyn Moody Rebel Code.


Re: Ho switch foreign keyboard?

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me!

 Try 'setxkbmap'.

I looked it up and itr seems to deal with X11 only? That correct? I can
switch the X keyboard easily. Linux also botts initially in English.
It's when the boot is finished that the command prompt keyboard ia
French. That's what needs changing? Wil xkbsel do that?

I looked in my files and found a reference to kbdconfig? Of any use?


Q: Keyboard Solved

2001-01-29 Thread Jonathan Gift

Thanks, but kbdconfig did the trick. I am curious about the other
recommended applet.


Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-21 Thread Jonathan Gift
John Galt wrote:
 I have in modules:
 sb io...
 These mostly deal with midi.  mpu is mpu 401 support (NOT for SB) which
 is self explanatory why you shouldn't need it, and opl3 is ymf 2XXX/opl3
 support.  My advice to you on the opl3 is don't get too het up about
 recompiling specifically for it, but make sure you do it the next time
 you build a kernel...

I would imagine it was MIDI or synthesizer. If the mpu is not SB16, then
what is the op13 and where in the sound section is it? What item did I
not turn on? If you hvae a name, because I seem to have mised it twice

Thanks a lot.


Re: Requirements to Build Gimp 1.2 Help

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan Gift
csj wrote:
 A rather belated reply. But in case somebody's still trying to 
 wrestle with Gimp1.2: I managed to install Ximian Gimp using just the 
 packages for gimp1.2 and libgimp1.2 plus the version of libgtkxmhtml1 
 generated from building the sid source for gnome-libs1.2.8.
 I have some doubts however over my installation, as the output below 
 shows. Why is gimp1.2 still described as Developers' release? Did 
 Ximian really use the final 1.2 sources?

Yes. I got them on the line. They compiled the final Gimp1.2 against
potato/woody/sid. it will work on all three.

Don't forget to get the gimp1.2-nonfree and gimp-data-extras in the same


Re: Sound for woody with 2.2.12

2001-01-20 Thread Jonathan Gift
William Leese wrote:
 the module named sb.o.. ..and voila, that is.. ..if your SB16 uses the 
 default settings..

I wondered if you could help me out here... I have a SB16 and have
succesfully compiled the sound options in the kernel and can hear sound
fine. But I saw somewhere someone with the same card having additional

My question is, do I need those modules, and if so, where are they in
the kernel config section? ie What options do I turn on that I missed in
the sound section?

I have in modules:
sb io...




Q: SB16 ok-Need load other modules?

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

I have my SB16 working fine with the following modules compiled and

sb io=0x220 irq=10 dma=1 dma16=5

Everything works. But I didn't find the other card options when
compiling to, I believe, load the following modules:

op13 io=0x388

So the question is, have I in fact missed some settings in my kernel (if
so, which) compiling and are there further modules and uses of the
card and are they those just above?



Q: Use of XDM.log correct?

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

My DEbian system when first loaded  dropped me in XDM. I removed the
package and have booted to the proimpt and started X manually ever
since. Yet I've notice that when X starts it writes the info to an
XDM.log file. Is that normal? What would be considering I use .xinitrc
and startx? How would I change to that?



Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift
Joris Lambrecht wrote:
 Well, it does make it clear to me that i will have to embrace console base
 mua's sooner then i think. Don't wanna go back to Win2K, thought it is
 tempting. Still, how HARD can it be to write something decent ? That does
 not require knowledge of compiler's to install and so on.

I was in ypur position a little while back with a dual boot finally just
to use Outlook. But I wanted asingle boot and the great features which
come with having an MTA so I bit the bullet and researched what was out
there. The general opinion was that Mutt was the best so I installed, no
compiling, and grabbed as many of the setup (.muttrc files) I could
fine. It took a good couple of days of fiddling around and and lot's of
questions, but I got up and running fairly painlessly and haven't
regretted it. Once you get used to Mutt it is far superior to Outlook
and you can get very fast on it. My two cents worth is put in the time
and you won't be sorry.
 Okay, maybe a little sooner but this is getting to me, how on earth is linux
 going to rival with any Desktop-OS if it lacks these basic things. Good

True. But while desktop systems such as KDE and Gnome are trying to
rival Windows functionality, I don't think Linux itself is, nor should
it. And there's the rub.

 Technology but very weak user-focused developments Browsers, same story. You

Bowsers is my one complaint :). Ie is still betetr than anything on
Linux. But there's a couple projects coming along that look promising so
I don't know if that will the case for long.

 It's a problem with a lot of the X app's i've seen, the menu's slide down
 instead of popping up.

 Still, i like X AND Linux big time.

Good. That makes two of us. I think there's a few more on this list...


Re: MUA Blues in X

2001-01-17 Thread Jonathan Gift

 Bowsers is my one complaint :). Ie is still betetr than anything on
 One word: Opera.

I would tend to agree. Of them all, and I believe I've tried them all,
Opera is light, good looking, and fast. he only problem is the beta and
they still charge. Though I hear they(ve got to ads in the Windows

BTW, I loose my preference's looks settings evry time. Is this just me?
ie I pick Motif and next time I start Opera it's back in the default


Re: New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-14 Thread Jonathan Gift
Rogerio Brito wrote:
 On Jan 12 2001, Jonathan Gift wrote:
  In other words, short of compiling, has someone done a deb?
   Yes. Helix/Ximian gnome has one compiled for potato, it seems.

Thanks, but I assume that's using Ximian Gnome? Or, as my case, you can
use it without there setup?


Q: Unstable Gimp 1.2 work Potato GTK upgrade?

2001-01-14 Thread Jonathan Gift

The quest to build Gimp 1.2 on a potato system is getting pretty
involved with an assorted half-dozen packages to build before attempting
it. I know Gimp 1.2 needs libgtk 1.2.8 and 1.2.7 comes with potato. If
I upgrade the libgtk, would the unstable/sid binary work or it depends
on newer libraries for other items as well?



Help: Missing Helix-Gimp 1.2 files where?

2001-01-14 Thread Jonathan Gift

I dl the Ximian Gimp 1.2 and in the suggested list were tw debs that
were not there. Though the rest were and Gimp 1.2 started up witout a
fuss. Where could I find these? First place I checked was potato...


Doing an apt-get -d install I get xpm4g is the newest version and zlib1g
is the newest. Are they other names then for those alredy installed
potato debs?



Re: New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-14 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:

I too would be worried about using woody apps on my potato system, but
the helix gimp file name did end in potato even though in woody
directory. Like I said earlier, I aded it and the new libgtk 1.2.8 all
as debs and everything seems to work All my gtk apps are running and so
is the new gimp. Very nice new gimp BTW!

Q. The new gimp installtion screen says it's going in to ~.gimp-1.2 is
that the same for everyone? No more .gimp? Or is it this build?


Xemian Gimp 1.2 works-Thanks all-Final Q...

2001-01-14 Thread Jonathan Gift

The Xemian gimp 1.2 seems to have done the trick. I have a few doubts

1. Even though in the woody directory on Xemian the file name for the
deb ends in potato. I assume that this was compiled for potato then.

2. Either way, just upgrading libgtk1.2.7 to libgtlk1.2.8 and gimp1.04
to gimp1.2 shouldn't break my system? I shouldn't have thought so.

3. It does go in as ~/.gimp-1.2. Is this particular to the new gimp or
this build? Any way to get an old generic .gimp (I moved my earlier one
so as to avoid just this).



Requirements to Build Gimp 1.2 Help

2001-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gift

Ok, I'm on a potato system. Are the following what's needed to
successfully compile the new Gimp 1.2?

apt-get source gimp1.2
apt-get source gimp-data-extras (1:1.2.0-1)
apt-get libgtk1.2 (new 1.2.8)   
apt-get libgtk1.2-dev   

Installed already:


1. That do it?
2. No I need a new non-free package or can I use that for 1.04?
3. Is the newer, post libgtk 1.2.7 on poato necessary and will te new
break my old GTK apps?



Where libgtk 1.2.8 on ftp.debian.org?

2001-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gift

I've found the source on GTK, isn't there a deb of a binary on
ftp.debian.org somewhere?



Re: New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 'apt-get source gimp1.2' :)

Done. Thanks.
   lftp ftp.debian.org:/debian/pool/main/g/gimp1.2 cat gimp1.2_1.2.0-1.dsc 
   Build-Depends: aalib1-dev, libglib1.2-dev, libgtk1.2-dev,
   libgtkxmhtml-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libmpeg-dev, libpng2-dev, xpm4g-dev,
   zlib1g-dev, slang1-dev, xlib6g-dev, debhelper,
   libparse-recdescent-perl, libgtk-perl, pdl

Different list then the other... I need both?


Re: Where libgtk 1.2.8 on ftp.debian.org?

2001-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 URL:ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gtk+1.2/. It won't install
 cleanly on your potato box, though; stick with the older version if
 possible, otherwise build the newer one from source.

I tried compiling and got an error straight away about gtk 1.2.7.. So
you recommend getting 1.28 and compiling it from source then?


Re: New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-13 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:

   lftp ftp.debian.org:/debian/pool/main/g/gimp1.2 cat gimp1.2_1.2.0-1.dsc 
   Build-Depends: aalib1-dev, libglib1.2-dev, libgtk1.2-dev,
   libgtkxmhtml-dev, libjpeg62-dev, libmpeg-dev, libpng2-dev, xpm4g-dev,
   zlib1g-dev, slang1-dev, xlib6g-dev, debhelper,
   libparse-recdescent-perl, libgtk-perl, pdl

Thanks, this is invaluable. To the best of your knowledge though, I have
the right versions of the above on potato and what I need from
unstable or sid is:

gimp 1.2
gimp extras
libgtk 1.2.8 
libgtk-dev 1.2.8
The last source as well?


New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-12 Thread Jonathan Gift

I'm looking for a deb binary of Gimp 1.2 compiled for potato. I was
pointed at the ftp sire and the 1.2 in the pool/main/g directory. What
is this one compiled against and if sid, which libraries do I have to
upgrade and will it break my present setup?

In other words, short of compiling, has someone done a deb?



Re: New Gimp 1.2 in pool is...?

2001-01-12 Thread Jonathan Gift
Colin Watson wrote:
 'dpkg -I foo.deb' will show you information about a package you've
 downloaded. In this case, though, it depends on sid's glibc, so you'll
 have to 'apt-get source gimp1.2' and compile it yourself.

I thought so, just holding out hope someone had done it. Have you the
debian url for source? And do I need just

1) Gimp 1.2
2) What about the extras?
3) Any other GTK files or Perl?




Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-

  1   2   3   4   >