Re: Cups

2002-12-05 Thread Kai Großjohann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) writes:

> /etc/printcap has to do with the lpr, not lp, program.

(You need to install the cupsys-bsd (or similar) package.)
~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

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Re: Cups

2002-12-05 Thread Kai Großjohann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (sdownes) writes:

> Printing from Abiword to lp does nothing
> command line (lp -d lp@rm "filename") returns:-
>   lp unable to print file server-error-service-unavailable
> from a remote host or:-
>   job queued but cant start daemon
> (it isn't queued in cups)

/etc/printcap has to do with the lpr, not lp, program.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

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Re: Ready-made initrd setup?

2002-11-30 Thread Kai Großjohann
Oliver Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> See also man make-kpkg and option --initrd:

That's nice.  I think I've got to try it first, before asking more
questions.  (I'm wondering whether it's possible/necessary to modify
the initrd setup thus created.)

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

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Re: Ready-made initrd setup?

2002-11-29 Thread Kai Großjohann
Raghavendra Bhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Kai posts :
>>> I hear  good stuff  about the hw  detection facilities  in Knoppix,
>>> could they be pilfered for my purpose?
> The hw detection is done by kudzu, GPLed stuff. 

Ah, and there are even Debian packages for this!  Cool.

> They can be pilfered and you can re-master your own Knoppix CD.  It is
> very easy.  The following links will be of help,

Well, I don't want to remaster a Knoppix CD.  Instead, I want to
change our existing Debian installation to auto-grok hardware, so
that, for example, the same kernel runs on all of them.

But it seems that kudzu can find a CD rom drive and add the correct
fstab entry and /cdrom symlink.  That's nice.  It also appears to be
able to help me configure the X server.  But that seems to be a
little more difficult so I'm going to have to work on that one.

Currently, we have a lot of scripts in /etc/modutils that run `lspci
-v' and do different things depending on its output.  For example,
various audio cards are recognized.  I think that kudzu can do this

It is, however, not extensively documented so I'm going to have to
meditate about it.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ready-made initrd setup?

2002-11-29 Thread Kai Großjohann
I've read the howto on initrd, and it looks fascinating.  But it also
looks intimidating to set it all up from scratch.  So maybe someone
else has done it already?

I'm using sarge and I'd like to use initrd to be able to boot the
same kernel on different hardware.  So, for example, I don't need to
compile in both ide and scsi support because some machines boot from
one, some from the other.

I hear good stuff about the hw detection facilities in Knoppix, could
they be pilfered for my purpose?
~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Abstain from bringing eth0 up on boot? (cf. laptop-net)

2002-11-28 Thread Kai Großjohann
I installed laptop-net, and it appears that this will bring up an
interface when I plug in a cable.  So I'm thinking that it's not
necessary to bring up eth0 on boot -- laptop-net will take care of

So I commented out the "auto eth0" statement in
/etc/network/interfaces, but it seems that eth0 is _still_ brought up
on boot.

What's the story?

Running sarge on an IBM T30 laptop.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

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Automatic creation of VMware kernel modules?

2002-11-26 Thread Kai Großjohann
When building a new kernel (with make-kpkg) I always forget to also
build new VMware kernel modules.

It would be easy to put make-kpkg and into a script,
but that is not enough: we have multiple machines using the kernel
package I thus create.  Therefore, we need to find a way to put the
VMware kernel modules into a *.deb for easy installation (or to teach
CFengine to install them to the right location).


~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: getting an address from DHCP without an interface

2002-11-20 Thread Kai Großjohann
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> good spot. but dhclient.conf has the script directive disabled in
> Debian:
> #script "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script";
> anyway, i'll experiment... thanks!

I think this is the default, at least that string occurs in the
/sbin/dhclient binary on my system.

But the docs don't say.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

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Re: calendar formats

2002-11-19 Thread Kai Großjohann
Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> No, you can't seem to do this in calendar.  I think you could in
> KOrganizer, Evolution, ical, plan, remind, jpilot, gnome-pim, Emacs's
> Calendar, and other things.  If you got really tricky, you might be
> able to do it within the C preprocessor, since the calendar file is
> processed through cpp.
> If it's too tricky, you'd need to do programming... in Emacs, you can
> use lisp expressions for the "date" of an item.  Most other calendar
> programs won't let you do it.

cd /usr/bin
mv cpp cpp.HIDDEN
ln -s m4 cpp

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: getting an address from DHCP without an interface

2002-11-19 Thread Kai Großjohann
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> also sprach Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.11.18.1816 +0100]:
>> Idea1:  It seems strange that you can't use the same interface to dhcp
>> on the second time.  Just render the client impotent so that it does
>> not change the current parameters.
> can you elaborate on this?

I think that the dhclient program does not do anything when it
receives a DHCP packet, except for invoking /etc/dhclient-script.
Therefore, if /etc/dhclient-script does not reconfigure the interface,
then dhclient won't, either.

I gather that "not reconfiguring the interface" is what you would
like to do.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: getting an address from DHCP without an interface

2002-11-18 Thread Kai Großjohann
martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> is there a tool i can use as a DHCP client, which does everything
> a regular DHCP client does, except for actual interface configuration?
> In fact, I would love it to simply call a shell script whenever it
> obtains a lease, or even better, whenever the IP of the lease changes.

The normal dhcp-client package includes a script /etc/dhclient-script
which is invoked to do all the work.  It provides hooks.  And also,
you can of course replace the file with your own.

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maintain X11 config with CFengine?

2002-11-17 Thread Kai Großjohann
We use CFengine to maintain the configuration of our machines.  It's
great stuff.  Now, one possibility for CFengine to manage the
XF86Config would be to just copy or edit the file.  But it occurred
to me that it might be better to just maintain the answers asked by
debconf.  Do you think that might be feasible?  Is it the right

If so, I imagine the procedure is as follows:

First, CFengine edits some file where debconf stores the answers to
its questions.  (Where is that file and what's the format?)  Then
CFengine runs dpkg-reconfigure or something like this to tell Debian
to reconfigure the package based on the previously configured answers.

I've been quite happy with the X11 configuration that came out after
debconf was done asking me.

Another thing is that I'd like to change the sequence of directories
in FontPath, and maybe add my own.  So is there a file where debconf
gets the corresponding XF86Config-4 snippet from?  Can I have
CFengine just edit that file?

~/.signature is: umop ap!sdn(Frank Nobis)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: imap-client unter win und linux

2001-05-19 Thread Kai Großjohann
On Sat, 19 May 2001, Karsten Kruse wrote:

> ich möchte unter windows und linux gerne meine mail mit imap
> verwalten. auf dem server werde ich wohl den uw-imapd
> installieren. ist es egal mit welchem clienten ich auf meine
> imap-verzeichnisse zugreife? sind die clients hundertprozentig
> austauschbar? oder sollte ich mich auf einen clienten beschränken,
> z.b. mozilla.

Bitte greife nicht direkt auf die Verzeichnisse zu, sondern nur über
IMAP.  Wenn du schon direkt zugreifen musst, dann ist UW-IMAPD wohl
die richtige Wahl, wenn du nur über IMAP gehst, dann sind andere
evtl. besser.

> werden daten clientseitig gespeichert, z.b. ob eine nachricht
> gelesen ist oder nicht?

Diese Informationen sollten auf jedem Fall auf dem Server gespeichert
sein.  Ob sie dann auch noch _zusätzlich_ auf dem Client stehen, ist
eine andere Sache und nicht weiter wichtig.

> kann ich schon auf dem server die nachrichten filtern und wenn ja,
> kann ich das von einem clienten aus einstellen?

Neben Courier (laut Robin) unterstützt auch Cyrus die serverseitige
Filterung.  Und ich vermute, dass du den UW mit procmail
zusammenstöpseln kannst, sodass du auch da serverseitige Filterung

Es gibt einen Standard namens Sieve für serverseitige Filterung.  Die
Idee ist, dass es ein GUI gibt, die Regeln zu editieren.  Gnus hat so
ein GUI nicht, aber es kann das Regelfile über das Protokoll ziehen.

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