The biggest problem since I've installed Debian 4 months ago, for
me, has been the configuration of dial-up networking. I've installed all
the appropriate packages, configured the kernel, and gone through the
HOWTOs related to PPP and networking to setup such files as /etc/networks
/etc/resolv.conf and others. Yet, I cannot dialup to my ISP and establish
a network connection that can recognize systems other than my own. I hope
to, on this list, start a diagnosis of this problem with others
cooperation. So, first of all, can some kind person submit a connection
script and /etc/ppp/options file for a PPP dialup that uses PAP, but still
requires an initial login with name and password. Assuming that doesn't
work I'll submit all my appropriate networking files to the list for

Sincere Thanks, 

Cols, Oh


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