Re: Setting up a DHCP connection

2002-04-17 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 17 April 2002 07:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be very grateful if anyone could give me some pointers as to
 how to set-up DHCP or a good source of information on the subject.

First result displayed:



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Re: Using apt To Kill MSFT

2002-04-15 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 15 April 2002 08:01 pm, Robert Tilley wrote:
 Yes, such tools exist separately ... and can all be downloaded individually
 and configured individually.  I seek the creation of a defined set of
 applications with the appropriate options preset so as to render any Debian
 box the equivalent of a Windows machine with Office 2000.

Why?  What did Debian ever do to you to deserve such cruelty?  (sorry -- 
couldn't resist)

Seriously, though -- Linux != Windows.  Trying to turn one into a clone of 
the other is doing either one a great disservice.

Additionally, the tools *don't* exist today to provide the same functionality 
of Office 2000.  MS Access and MS Outlook (incl. native Exchange connections) 
are two tools on Windows that do not have peers on Linux.  (There are tools 
similar to Access, but none that can open, manipulate and save in the Access 
.mdb format)  Additionally, tools that open, manipulate and save in Word or 
Excel format are rudimentary at best.  They'll handle basic files, but throw 
anything difficult at them and they fall apart. 

One thing that I had to learn when switching from Windows 2000 to Linux is 
that they're very different beasts.  Linux does not try to be like 
Mike(rosoft) and I'm not sure we should force it to be.


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Anyone know of a good debian mailing list?

2002-04-13 Thread Kurt Lieber
Hey --

This sure is a great PoliSci list.  Anyone know of a similarly good list for 
discussions about Debian?



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Re: Video card support

2002-04-06 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Saturday 06 April 2002 10:41 am, Neal Lippman wrote:
 My present monitor is a 19 CRT, but I am strongly considering a move to
 one, maybe two LCD panels - so a card that supports dual monitors would be
 great, but at the least whatever i use needs to work well with a second
 card if need be to add the second monitor.

I use a Leadtek GeForce2MX DH -- the DH stands for Dual-head and means 
that you can hook two monitors up to it.  Currently, I only have on 19 LCD 
screen, so I can't speak to how well two monitors will work w/ this card and 
linux, but the 2d performance is excellent on the card -- I'm very happy with 


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hardware recommendations for a linux-based PVR

2002-04-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm looking to build a near-silent, linux-based PVR. (TiVo-like device)

Because of my desire for silence, I'd like to use a low power CPU, such as a 
VIA C3 or even a Transmeta Crusoe that will allow me to cool it passively.  
This means I need a hardware encoder and decoder.

That's where things get fuzzy -- I've done research and discovered there are 
capture cards, such as a Pinnacle WinTV.  Then, there are DVB-cards, which 
appear to be for a specific standard predominantly used in Europe.  And 
finally, there are MPEG2 and MJPEG cards.

I'm very confused as to the difference between all these, and which one is 
appropriate for what Im trying to do.  Not to mention what company might 
make a hardware-based encoding/decoding device that will work with linux. 
(and doesn't cost several thousand dollars)

Because the video input is going to come from a digital cable box, I don't 
need a tuner on the card --- just something that has S-Video in/out.  Also, 
(obviously) the card needs to support linux.

Can anyone provide some clarification here?  



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Re: getting unstable non-us?

2002-03-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Saturday 30 March 2002 10:29 pm, Michael D. Crawford wrote:
 What do I need to put in my /etc/apt/sources.list to get unstable non-us
 packages?  Is there such a thing?

This is the line that I use -- works fine for me: (beware line wrap)

deb unstable/non-US main contrib 

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using windows key to pop-up KDE menu?

2002-03-26 Thread Kurt Lieber
By default, KDE uses the windows key on keyboards as a meta key, but you 
don't seem to be able to use it by itself as an action key.  Is there any way 
to use it as a regular key?

What I'd like to do is duplicate the functionality of the windows key in 
windows -- i.e. have it pop up the main KDE window.


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Re: SquirrelMail help

2002-03-20 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 20 March 2002 07:54 pm, Jonas Björck wrote:
 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
 /usr/share/squirrelmail/functions/imap_general.php on line 87

That's actually most likely a php problem, not a squirrelmail problem.  I'm 
guessing you have a lot of mail or subfolders and squirrelmail can't read 
them all before the script times out.

Assuming you have control over your server (i.e. it's not hosted on an ISP's 
server) check the max_execution_time value in your php.ini file.  
(/etc/php4/apache/php.ini by default in debian)  You can increase that to 60 
or even higher to see if that helps.

If it doesn't, then I'd recommend posing this question on one of the 
squirrelmail mailing lists (  I've always had great luck 
in getting fast responses there.


Re: php4 session problems

2002-03-15 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 15 March 2002 03:10 pm, Kurc, Marcin A. wrote:
 it appears that for some reason php4-4.1.2-1 doesn't keep session
 variables or does not start session (session_start()).
 Is it known problem or am I missing something?

It works fine on my system.  Check your php.ini file and make sure your 
session.save_path is correct and that the UID that apache starts under 
(nobody, by default) can read/write to that directory.  Also, check 
session.auto_start, though that shouldn't cause the problem you're describing.


Re: Best Email Web Application

2002-03-15 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 15 March 2002 03:45 pm, Dave Scott wrote:
 Anyone have any ideas on what is the best Web Based email application.

Check out squirrelmail (  It's very stable and I consider it 
to be feature-rich.  Additionally, it has a plugin interface with several 
third-party plugins available for things like calendaring, etc.

Best of all, it's free.


Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

2002-03-14 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 13 March 2002 04:50 pm, Warren Stramiello wrote:

 If there is no dissent on that particular joke being racist, then the
 course is fairly obvious- fix the matter.

The course is by no means obvious.  Not to sound reactionary, but once we 
start down the slippery slope of censorship, where does it stop?  


Do we start editing the kernel sources to remove all the swear words in 

Do we start auditing the code of *all* packages to make sure there are no 
potentially offensive words/phrases/ASCII art/etc?

Should we start auditing all the dict files to remove potentially offensive 
words in there?

While we're at it, we'd better contact the author of bitchx and get him/her 
to change their program name or just summarily dump it from Debian.  

Or perhaps your suggestion was that *racist* words or jokes were somehow 
*more offensive* than just plain old cuss words.  What if there are ethnic 
jokes in some of the Debian packages?  Should we leave those?  How about fat 
jokes/ugly jokes/old people jokes/smelly people jokes/etc?   

Uh oh -- what if there are religious terms in Debian packages, such as the 
dreaded Christmas word or even Jewish.  Wow -- those could certainly 
offend.  Better chuck those too.

Phew -- this is getting complicated.  I know, we should establish a chart 
that maps potentially offensive terminology to a censor line so people can 
clearly see at what point Debian will step in and bitchslap you to bring you 
back in line.


Or, do we just accept the fact that everyone has a right to their own 
opinions and those opinions aren't always going to nicely coincide with your 


Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material

2002-03-13 Thread Kurt Lieber
Lazarus Long said:
 Again,  there is no excuse for racism in Debian.  Other packages have
 elided the inappropriate material in the past, as they should.

No, they shouldn't.  Debian is not about censorship.  I personally find the
quoted joke offensive, but I'm not about to say he doesn't have a right to
include it if he so chooses to.

If you don't have a thick enough skin to deal with the fact that the world
is a big place, and not everyone thinks alike, then perhaps you should roll
your own distribution.

Similar to what another poster said, the day Debian starts censoring is the
day I stop advocating Debian as a distro.

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it.  Voltaire.


why can I upgrade SSH via SSH?

2002-03-11 Thread Kurt Lieber
I was ssh'd in to a remote machine doing an apt-get upgrade and watched 
patiently as it upgraded ssh to the latest patched version.

I also watched as it restarted the sshd daemon without terminating my 
existing ssh connection.  How is that possible?  Wouldn't restarting the 
daemon kill all existing instances of that daemon?


Professional video editing for linux?

2002-03-06 Thread Kurt Lieber
Doing some research for a friend of mine...

Are there any professional video editing tools out there for linux, similar
to Adobe Premiere?  I've done a bit of googling, and have come up with a
half-dozen or so linux video editing products, including Kino, Crow and
MainActor (Broadcast 2000 was another, but it seems to have been removed)

However, none of these are professional-quality tools and, except for
MainActor, none are even in a 1.0 released stage.  There seems to be at
least a few professional linux products for 3D modeling, such as Maya, but
I haven't found equivalent video editing products.



Re: a grep question

2002-03-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Tuesday 05 March 2002 03:52 pm, justin cunningham wrote:
 I want to search for the 10.ip in the files from
 the site's root directory.

cd to the root directory and type:

grep -r 'your grep search term here' ./*

the '-r' flag tells grep to search directories recursively.


Re: archiving/deleting old messages in kmail

2002-02-23 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Saturday 23 February 2002 05:38 pm, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
 This is kmail 1.2

It might be a new option as of kmail 1.3, which is in unstable.  You might 
consider upgrading -- I've found unstable to be much more stable than woody 

what USB kernel module for Viking flash reader

2002-02-16 Thread Kurt Lieber
I am trying to get my VIking Intelliflash flash memory reader to work under 
linux.  I've got all the generic USB kernel options, including mass storage, 
but I don't know what specific USB mass storage module to use.  (i.e. 
Datafab, Microtech, SanDisk, Lexar, etc.)  Googling around didn't turn up 



Re: Partitioning a working NTFS drive

2002-02-14 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 14 February 2002 08:09 pm, D. wrote:
 I was in the same position except I had WINME on the
 drive.  Do a search on and search for
 FIPS . That is a non-distructive partitioner. 

Unless FIPS has changed very recently, it doesn't support NTFS.  Neither does 
GNU Parted, which is another free partitioning tool.


xawtv/bttv not receiving signal

2002-02-10 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm trying to get my new TV tuner card working.  I've installed bttv and 
xawtv, but am unable to receive any sort of signal -- the best I can get is 
some snow on the top 20% of the xawtv screen, with the remainder being solid 
black.  If I do xawtv -hwscan, I get the following

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xawtv -hwscan
This is xawtv-3.70, running on Linux/i686 (2.4.17)
looking for available devices
port 58-58
type : Xvideo, image scaler
name : NV10 Video Overlay

port 59-90
type : Xvideo, image scaler
name : NV05 Video Blitter

/dev/video0: OK [ -device /dev/video0 ]
type : v4l
name : BT878(Pinnacle PCTV Studio/Ra)
flags: overlay capture tuner

which tells me that xawtv is seeing the tuner card correctly.  Additionally 
lsmod shows the following:

tuner   8356   1  (autoclean)
tvaudio11200   0  (autoclean) (unused)
bttv   65472   0
i2c-algo-bit7148   1  [bttv]
i2c-core   12992   0  [tuner tvaudio bttv i2c-algo-bit]
videodev4672   2  [bttv]

which I believe are all the required kernel modules.

The tuner card is hooked up to a digital cable box (TimeWarner service) and 
I've verified that a TV hooked into the same box can receive signal.

What the heck am I doing wrong?


Re: make-kpkg modules_image question

2002-01-20 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Sunday 20 January 2002 02:03 am, Brian Nelson wrote:

 No.  Do 'make-kpkg kernel_image' instead.  modules_image is for modules
 external to the kernel source, like ALSA.

OK, so I went ahead and recompiled the kernel using make-kpkg kernel_image

  Assuming so, what do I then need to do to make the module loadable into
  my existing kernel?

 # modconf

modconf seems to only show the options for my existing (installed) kernel, 
rather than the one I just compiled (that includes PPP support)

I have some external modules in my kernel already -- vmware and nvidia 
drivers.  I'd like to avoid installing a new kernel and hassling with getting 
the external modules in place again.

Is there a way to get the newly-compiled PPP kernel module into my existing 

make-kpkg modules_image question

2002-01-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
I just compiled a new kernel and realized that I forgot to include ppp 
support in the kernel.

Rather than recompiling a new custom kernel, can I just make-kpkg clean, make 
menuconfig and make-kpkg modules_image to compile ppp kernel support as a 

Assuming so, what do I then need to do to make the module loadable into my 
existing kernel?

Sorry if this is an obvious question -- I've looked at various howto docs, 
but they deal mostly with kernel compiles from start to finish, rather than 
oops, I forgot something situations.



debian-friendly DSL/cable ISP in NYC area?

2002-01-14 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm moving to NYC in the next couple of weeks to start a new job.  Can anyone 
provide recommendations for ISPs that will allow me to run a few debian boxes 
(and one iMac) with a minimum of hassle?  I'm looking to avoid ISPs that 
require proprietary software or funky configs just to get them to work on 
their network.  

Also, I googled around for this without much luck, but if anyone knows of 
some web sites that will help in my search, please let me know.



CUPS, Samba and printers

2002-01-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
There's another thread going on regarding printing problems from a windows 
client to a linux host running CUPS and Samba.

I am having almost the exact same problem, though my windows client is an 
instance of VMWare running Windows as a guest OS with linux (sid) as the host 

Like the other poster, I can see the printers in the browse list, but receive 
an access denied message when trying to actually use it.  I can print fine 
from linux and can browse samba shares just fine from windows.

Looking at my samba logs, it's complaining that I don't have an smbpasswd 
file, so I created one which stopped the log messages, but still doesn't 
allow me to print from my windows client.

Two questions:

First, anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?

Second, this is for my home network, where I don't care about internal 
security.  If there's a file or three that I can simply chmod 777 and be done 
with it, that's an acceptable (though not preferable) solution as well.  Can 
this be done?



where's the ieee 1394 option in menuconfig

2002-01-02 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm trying to compile a new 2.4.17 kernel with ieee 1394 support.  Only 
problem is I can't the kernel options to enable it using menuconfig.  It used 
to be (IIRC) a top level option, right under the SCSI option.

I verified the 2.4.17 deb package has the drivers:


but I can't find the options to enable them.

Any help?


Re: where's the ieee 1394 option in menuconfig

2002-01-02 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 02 January 2002 03:56 pm, Tony Green wrote:
 Ensure you've turned on the 'Prompt for development and/or incomplete
 code/drivers' option.

That solved it -- thanks for the help.


cannot add printers w/ CUPS

2002-01-01 Thread Kurt Lieber
Just installed cupsys and related packages and am trying to add my first 
printer, an HP LaserJet 6L.

I've tried using the PPDs available through as well as the 
generic laserjet.ppd included with CUPS.

Nothing seems to work -- here is the command syntax I'm using, as well as the 
error message I always get: (beware line wrapping)

M3:/usr/share/cups/model#  lpadmin -p laserjet -m laserjet.ppd -v 
parallel:/dev/lp0 -E
lpadmin: add-printer failed: client-error-not-possible

Any ideas?


Re: cannot add printers w/ CUPS

2002-01-01 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Tuesday 01 January 2002 06:58 pm, dman wrote:
 Does the web interface work?  (http://localhost:631)

It works in that I can display the page and navigate around, but it doesn't 
successfully add a printer.  Also, when I try to use the add printer 
feature, it doesn't display my parallel port in the drop down list, so 
perhaps it isn't detecting it???

How can I tell whether or not my parallel port is active and detected by 
linux? ls /dev shows par0, 1 and 2 as well as parport0, 16, 32 and 48.


Re: cannot add printers w/ CUPS

2002-01-01 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Tuesday 01 January 2002 07:15 pm, dman wrote:

 Are you using devfs?  (if you don't know, then you aren't) 

nope -- just plain ext2

 Do you 
 have the 'lp' kernel module loaded?  Does
 echo  hello world  /dev/lp0
 cause anything to happen?

I don't know if I have the lp kernel module loaded.  (If I do, it's compiled 
into the kernel -- lsmod doesn't show anything lp-related)

echo  hello world  /dev/lp0

results in:

bash: /dev/lp0: No such device


kupdated bdflush hogging CPU

2001-12-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm running sid w/ 2.4.17 on an Athlon XP 1700 w/ 512MB RAM.

When I try to copy a large number of files across an nfs share (~1000 files 
~7GB) bdflush and kupdated start consuming massive amounts of CPU cycles, to
the point where the entire system is extremely sluggish and unresponsive.
(the mouse will remain frozen for ~10 seconds at a time)

top shows that kupdated and bdflush are in contention for CPU usage.  It also
shows that there are no other processes that are consuming unusual amounts of
CPU cycles or memory.

This is not just related to copying across nfs -- it also happens
sporadically at other times, usually in periods of high I/O but I can always 
trigger it via the above method.

From doing some googling, this appears to be a problem that others have
experienced in earlier 2.4.x kernels (such as 2.4.3) but I couldn't find a
solution to the problem.

When I compiled the 2.4.17 kernel, I was a little more thorough with defining
kernel options than I usually am, so it's quite possible that I toggled (or
didn't toggle) something that I should/shouldn't have.   However, I went back
through my config and didn't see any glaring omissions.

Any suggestions?


kupdated bdflush hogging CPU

2001-12-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm running sid w/ 2.4.17 on an Athlon XP 1700 w/ 512MB RAM.

When I try to copy a large number of files across an nfs share (~1000 files  
~7GB) bdflush and kupdated start consuming massive amounts of CPU cycles, to 
the point where the entire system is extremely sluggish and unresponsive.  
(the mouse will remain frozen for ~10 seconds at a time)

Top shows that kupdated and bdflush are in contention for CPU usage.  It also 
shows that there are no other processes that are consuming unusual amounts of 
CPU cycles or memory.

This is not just related to copying across nfs -- it also happens 
sporadically at other times, but I can always trigger it via the above 

From doing some googling, this appears to be a problem that others have 
experienced in earlier 2.4.x kernels (such as 2.4.3) but I couldn't find a 
solution to the problem.

When I compiled the 2.4.17 kernel, I was a little more thorough with defining 
kernel options than I usually am, so it's quite possible that I toggled (or 
didn't toggle) something that I should/shouldn't have.   However, I went back 
through my config and didn't see any glaring omissions.

Any suggestions?


how experimental is 1394 these days?

2001-12-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
Santa brought us a MiniDV camcorder for Christmas, and I'm interested in 
using linux to do some basic digital video editing (home videos, soccer 
games, stupid stuff like that)

I know IEEE 1394 support is still experimental, but my question is, how 
experimental?  Is anyone using it (especially for digital video 
capture/transfer) and, if so, how successful have you been?  I don't mind a 
few application crashes, and even the occasional system crash but I'd like to 
avoid things along the lines of file corruption, kernel corruptions, etc.  

Also, if anyone has had particularly good luck with a PCI 1394 card, please 
post the brand/model that you're using.



Re: Problem with libqt2?

2001-12-28 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 28 December 2001 06:34 pm, Oliver Johns wrote:
 After the latest sid apt-get upgrade, I found that KDE suddenly
 wasn't able to find its icons, among other things.  Downgrading
 apparently fixed the problem.

I just had the exact same problem on a fresh install of sid.  Following your 
suggestion and downgrading to the previous version fixed it for me as well.  
So, sounds like you might want to file a bug report.

Thanks for the tip on how to fix the problem, btw.


Re: 3c905c

2001-12-27 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 27 December 2001 08:17 am, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:

 I will install potato in a machine which have the 3c905c-tx NIC installed.
 The Debian install program (for 2.2.r2 in my case) doesn't suppot it. 

It doesn't?  Are you sure?  I haven't used a 3c905 w/ Potato in a while, but 
I'm pretty sure the 3c509 driver works just fine with it.


Re: moving to Debian

2001-12-13 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 12 December 2001 11:08 pm, Matt Greer wrote:

 If I did decide on woody, how exactly would I install it? I know that
 question has been asked many times, but I'm confused about the optimal way
 to do it. Most seem to suggest installing a very minimal potato (although
 what minimal means I'm not exactly sure, kernel, modules, bash, apt?),
 then do apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade. This would require unstable
 sources in my source.list file, right?

No -- you'd need testing sources in your sources.list file.  Debian has three 
different versions:  stable, testing and unstable.  Minimal generally means 
a base install, with things like a kernel, MTA, basic libs, etc. but nothing 
like apache, X, Perl, etc.  Then, you apt-get your way to Woody (or Sid -- 
see below) and start installing all the extras that you want.

 Does this upgrade the kernel and/or lilo? Just reboot and there's woody?

It upgrades everything except the kernel.  That you have to do manually, 
though you can still use the debian package management tools to help you.

 Sorry if I'm being too vague. I no longer have Debian installed. My
 computer is the gateway/NAT for my LAN, and people weren't willing to have
 their net connection go up and down so I could play :) (I'm looking into
 getting a dedicated server for that).

Honestly, I'd recommend skipping testing and going straight to unstable.  
Despite the name, unstable is quite acceptable as a desktop machine.  I 
wouldn't run it as a server, but I wouldn't run testing on a server, either.  
Testing has too many  dependency conflicts that don't get resolved in a 
timely fashion because of the way testing works.  Testing really isn't meant 
for human consumption, IMO.  When unstable has problems, they're generally 
resolved within a day or two.  

I had more problems running testing than I've had since I've moved to Sid.  
YMMV, however.



central repository of changelogs for debian packages?

2001-12-11 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm running unstable and am trying to balance the constant flow of updates 
with conserviing bandwidth.  Typically, I do an apt-get update once a week 
and see what packages have been changed. 

Is there a way to easily and quickly tell what has changed from debian 
package to debian package? (i.e. short of downloading the source of each 
package and reading the changelog.)  

I'm looking for something like the packages search page on, but 
that also includes changelogs for debian-specific revisions. (such as going 
from xserver-xfree86 4.1.0-9 to 4.1.0-10)  Does such a beast exist?


Re: Fwd: beta software in debian releases?

2001-12-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 05 December 2001 09:51 am, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
 Possibly, if the bugs are deemed important enough (i.e. release

One would hope that's the case with PHP.

 Plenty of pre-release software has made it in to stable Debian releases.
 Just look at mozilla in potato (m18) or GNOME in slink (version 0.30).

But in both of those circumstances, there wasn't a previous, stable release 
version that they could have chosen instead.  With PHP, there is.  

Again, Im not familiar with the freeze process at all -- if it's possible to 
get the final version of PHP 4.1.0 even after woody has been frozen, then I'm 
all for it.  However, if Woody gets released with a beta version of PHP, then 
I'd question that decision.

Are there any sort of guidelines or documents for this?  I'm sure most of my 
trepidation is simply due to a lack of understanding about the freeze process.

Re: Slanderous articles

2001-12-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
Did you even bother to read the article?  90% chance this guy is a troll.  
10% chance he's a complete idiot.


On Wednesday 05 December 2001 05:46 pm, Dillo wrote:
 would you be interested in an article that lists you OS as a program tooled
 to hel teens become hackers?

chess program recommendations?

2001-12-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm looking for a good chess program for Debian.  I've done apt-cache search 
chess, so I know the options out there.  I'm looking for recommendations from 
people that have played some/all of them.

Something that has a reasonably intelligent AI so I can play the computer.  
Also, I'd prefer a GUI-based program so I don't have to worry about knight 6, 
king 8 and all that stuff.  And, though this may be far-fetched, a program 
that supported 2-person games over the internet would be ideal.  

Any recommendations?



beta software in debian releases?

2001-12-04 Thread Kurt Lieber
I did an apt-get upgrade the other day on one of my woody boxes and was 
surprised to see that PHP has been upgraded to 4.1.0RC2.

Is it normal behavior to include beta software in testing?  What happens if 
Woody gets frozen before 4.1.0 is released?  Will Woody then be stuck with an 
RC version of PHP at release?


Fwd: beta software in debian releases?

2001-12-04 Thread Kurt Lieber
Right after I sent this I realized the answer was probably on  

Specifically, the Debian Developer's Reference Guide, section 5.6

If I'm reading it correctly, once Woody is frozen, that only means that new 
packages (or new major versions of the same package) cannot be added, but 
that bugfixes to the existing package can be added.  So, with PHP, new RC 
versions can be added as needed.

Please let me know if that's an incorrect assumption.  

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: beta software in debian releases?
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 16:01:58 -0800
From: Kurt Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I did an apt-get upgrade the other day on one of my woody boxes and was
surprised to see that PHP has been upgraded to 4.1.0RC2.

Is it normal behavior to include beta software in testing?  What happens if
Woody gets frozen before 4.1.0 is released?  Will Woody then be stuck with an
RC version of PHP at release?



REPOST: unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-12-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
I sent this last Friday, but didn't receive any replies.  Since then, I 
haven't had any luck resolving the issue, so I'm trying again.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can get SSH2 to start working again, I'd 
appreciate it.


--  Reposted Message  --

After a recent apt-get upgrade on a woody box, I am unable to use version 2
of ssh.  (v1 and 1.5 seem to work fine)

When starting sshd, I get the following error message:

Disabling protocol version 2.  Could not load host key

Googling suggests that I need to recreate ssh_host_*_key, so, I did:

ssh-keygen -t dsa   and
ssh-keygen -t rsa

making sure that both of the resulting key pairs now reside in:


and ensured that the permission are correct.  (all files are root r/w.  .pub
files are world readable.)

However, i still get this problem.  I've tried explicitly entering the path
ot the keys in the sshd_config file:

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key (and the corresponding entry for dsa)

but that doesn't help, either.  My daemon.log and syslog don't show any
pertinent entries.  Starting /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d results in the following:

debug1: Seeding random number generator
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.9p2
debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
debug1: Bind to port 22 on
Server listening on port 22.
Generating 768 bit RSA key.
RSA key generation complete.

I'm not terribly familiar with the inner workings of ssh, so I'm assuming I'm
doing something obviously wrong.   Can anyone help?



Re: REPOST: unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-12-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
Thanks for the response.  I tried that, but it's still not working.  However, 
now I get a different error message when I execute /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d:

debug1: Seeding random number generator
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.9p2
debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type unknown
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type unknown
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key

Now I'm wondering if I've generated the rsa and/or dsa key pairs incorrectly. 
 The syntax I used is:

ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key  and
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

And I've verified that /etc/ssh/sshd_config contains:

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

I've also ensured that root has rw permissions on the private key.  (the 
public key is world-readable)

Any other ideas?



On Monday 03 December 2001 04:21 pm, Cassandra Lynette Ludwig wrote:
 Kurt - I just signed up this week to the mailing list, so I wasn't around
 to respond last week.

 The problem you are having is due to the new implementation of SSHD for
 woody.  What you need to do is modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to
 include the dsa key... to do this the following needs to be done to

 Where you have the line :-
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key

 Add after it the following two lines :-
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
 HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

 This will fix the problem when you restart sshd.

 The update script does not modify the sshd_config file for a variety of
 good reasons, and I cannot remember if it even includes the new config
 file or not.

 The latest implementation uses one keyfile for both protocols, but at the
 moment as far as I know, the latest version is yet to hit even unstable in
 Debian.  (Good choice in my opinion... let's see how it works before
 adding extra hassles).


Re: REPOST: unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-12-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 03 December 2001 05:06 pm, Cassandra Lynette Ludwig wrote:

 Okay, that looks like there is a problem with permissions or some such on
 the files... I'll check my file permissions...

 Okay, here is the permission list from my /etc/ssh directory

Yep -- those match my permissions as well.

 Okay, the command I used to generate the private keys was :-
 ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
 ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

OK, so you're doing RSA authentication using SSH v1?  I'm hoping to disable 
the v1 protocol altogether.  Also, I'm assuming the ssh_host_rsa_key in the 
second line should really be ssh_host_dsa_key :)

 If that doesn't help, can you message me directly with a copy of your
 sshd_config file?  I can diff it to mine and see if there is anything else
 that might be causing the problem...

Sure -- I'll email it to you separately.  Thanks again.


Re: REPOST: unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-12-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 03 December 2001 05:35 pm, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
 Kurt, check your ssh_config (not sshd_config) and see if you have
 Protocol line in it. We had an ssh client on one of our DeadRat
 boxen that wouldn't connect to anything until I removed the
 Protocol 2,1 line (repeat, this is in client config, not server).

Thanks for the reply -- no such line in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.


SOLVED: unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-12-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
Well, sort of solved.  I ended up purging ssh and reinstalling it.  (I had to 
do dpkg --purge, not just dpkg -r, so I must have had something wrong in one 
of the config files.)

Now, all is working well.

Thanks for all who replied -- I'm posting this in the hopes that it will help 
someone down the road.


--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: unable to load ssh2 protocol
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 09:42:31 -0800
From: Kurt Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After a recent apt-get upgrade on a woody box, I am unable to use version 2
of ssh.  (v1 and 1.5 seem to work fine)

When starting sshd, I get the following error message:

Disabling protocol version 2.  Could not load host key

Googling suggests that I need to recreate ssh_host_*_key, so, I did:

ssh-keygen -t dsa   and
ssh-keygen -t rsa

making sure that both of the resulting key pairs now reside in:


and ensured that the permission are correct.  (all files are root r/w.  .pub
files are world readable.)

However, i still get this problem.  I've tried explicitly entering the path
ot the keys in the sshd_config file:

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key (and the corresponding entry for dsa)

but that doesn't help, either.  My daemon.log and syslog don't show any
pertinent entries.  Starting /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d results in the following:

debug1: Seeding random number generator
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.9p2
debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
debug1: Bind to port 22 on
Server listening on port 22.
Generating 768 bit RSA key.
RSA key generation complete.

I'm not terribly familiar with the inner workings of ssh, so I'm assuming I'm
doing something obviously wrong.   Can anyone help?



Re: galeon

2001-12-01 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Saturday 01 December 2001 03:56 pm, ben wrote:

 i tried that using

   apt-get install galeon

 and got an error : not found.

apt-get -s install galeon works fine on my unstable system.  (-s is the 
dry-run option so it doesn't actually install anything)

I'm guessing either your /etc/apt/sources.list is incorrect or you need to 
apt-get update first.

Here's my apt sources.list: (watch line wrapping)

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb unstable/non-US main contrib 

Re: exim: misleading package description?

2001-11-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 29 November 2001 10:03 pm, cmasters wrote:

 Well now I'm confused yet again. All the documentation that I've read
 states that some sort of mail-transport-agent is required in order to
 send/receive mail. Sendmail was ornery in setup, so I installed exim (which
 in turn removed sendmail). Are you saying that I don't ~need~ a
 mail-transport-agent? I have several users (roommates) on this box and
 still need to get my syslogs sent to me - as they are now.

 Please clarify.

No -- you don't have to use exim.  I don't.  However, if several people are 
collecting mail off the same box, then it's probably easier and smarter to 
use exim instead of procmail.  

My setup is as follows:

ISP -- fetchmail -- procmail -- mbox -- kmail folders

Note that procmail (with the formail option) is essentially behaving as an 
MTA replacement.  It's not an elegant solution, especially for multiple users 
on the same box, but it works fine for me since I'm on a single-user box.

  So, my advice is to pick one way that seems to make the most sense and
  stick with it.  Once you get more comfortable with linux, you can go back
  and change things if you want.  But if you keep jumping around to
  different configuration options, then you'll continue to spin your wheels
  and never get anything done.

Again, you don't have to do it the way I do.  There are multiple ways of 
achieving the same objective.  If you're already fairly far down the exim 
path, then by all means, stay the course and get it working.  Just because 
this is how I collect my mail doesn't mean it's the right (or wrong) way to 
do it.


Re: exim: misleading package description?

2001-11-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 30 November 2001 12:24 am, Glyn Millington wrote:
 Fetchmail can use procmail as the MDA -- just put:
 mda procmail

 If your mta is exim then I don't think you need t tell fetchmail
 _anything_  about procmail, exim takes care of that.  Try scrubbing the
 procmail reference in .fetchmailrc

That's correct.  If you're using exim, you don't have to tell fetchmail about 
procmail.  However, putting the above line in your .fetchmailrc file, along 
with a couple of mods to procmail allows you to remove exim from the equation 
entirely.  That was my original point.


unable to load ssh2 protocol

2001-11-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
After a recent apt-get upgrade on a woody box, I am unable to use version 2 
of ssh.  (v1 and 1.5 seem to work fine)

When starting sshd, I get the following error message:

Disabling protocol version 2.  Could not load host key

Googling suggests that I need to recreate ssh_host_*_key, so, I did:

ssh-keygen -t dsa   and
ssh-keygen -t rsa

making sure that both of the resulting key pairs now reside in:


and ensured that the permission are correct.  (all files are root r/w.  .pub 
files are world readable.)

However, i still get this problem.  I've tried explicitly entering the path 
ot the keys in the sshd_config file:

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key (and the corresponding entry for dsa)

but that doesn't help, either.  My daemon.log and syslog don't show any 
pertinent entries.  Starting /usr/sbin/sshd -d -d results in the following:

debug1: Seeding random number generator
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_2.9p2
debug1: private host key: #0 type 0 RSA1
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
debug1: Bind to port 22 on
Server listening on port 22.
Generating 768 bit RSA key.
RSA key generation complete.

I'm not terribly familiar with the inner workings of ssh, so I'm assuming I'm 
doing something obviously wrong.   Can anyone help?


Re: Yahoo messenger

2001-11-30 Thread Kurt Lieber
I use gaim, personally.  

On Friday 30 November 2001 10:49 am, Bill Wohler wrote:
   What tool do Debian folks use that interoperates with Yahoo! IM?

Re: kmail setup

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 28 November 2001 11:26 pm, Kari Ruohonen wrote:
 KMail manual says that the accounts can be set under the network tab.
 However, I can't find this tab. Where is it located? 

In the settings menu under configure kmail...


Re: exim: misleading package description?

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 29 November 2001 10:41 am, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 exim doesn't have a spam reject file that i can drop IP addresses into.

It doesn't?  Then what is host_reject for?  Or the ability to use local 
rbl-type files?

 what exactly are some of these advanced features then?

Did you even bother looking at the exim documentation?  It's very 
comprehensive and answers all of your questions.  Some of the advanced spam 
features that you asked about are:

* callback verification
* filtering (it would be cruel to liken it to procmail filtering, but it's in 
the same general ballpark in that you can reject/drop/delete/forward based on 
header information)
* ability to write custom headers for suspect email that users can then use 
in their own filtering

and others that I'm sure I've overlooked.

Is there a reason you decided to jump all over exim today?  Your message came 
across as quite hostile and sarcastic  Perhaps it wasn't intended that way.

--kurt (who's hoping he's not feeding trolls)

Re: exim: misleading package description?

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 29 November 2001 11:22 am, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 That's something I've wondered about for a while...  I've found
 exim's .forward filtering to be more than adequate for anything I've
 ever wanted to do (and a lot more human-readable to boot), but you
 seem to be implying that it's less capable than procmail.  What can
 procmail do that exim can't?

I meant cruel in the sense that exim's filtering syntax is Shakespeare 
compared to procmail's butchery.

I'm not sure I understand all the differences between exim and procmail 
filtering, but here's my limited understanding:

* exim allows you to filter without changing the envelope sender -- not sure 
if procmail can do this.
* exim filtering is better at detecting (and preventing) duplicate messages 
among multiple users
* procmail can pipe messages to other programs and use the return code to do 
futher filtering.  Exim can pipe to external programs as well, but can't 
(AFAIK) use the return code in any way.

Basically, exim is set up to deliver messages, so its filtering is designed 
with message delivery as the ultimate goal.  Procmail is more of a swiss army 
knife and has a bit more flexibility.  The two are certainly not mutually 
exclusive -- one can augment the other.

BTW, I highly recommend the O'Reilly exim book if you're at all interested in 
learning more about exim.  I use it most/all of the time when I have exim 



list all task packages

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
I know this question was answered just a few days ago, but I cannot find it 
in the archives.  I also checked the man page for dpkg and apt-get but didn't 
see anything there, either.  

What is the command to select from the available debian task packages?
(it's not dselect -- this was an option that brought up a curses-type screen 
where you could select invidual debian tasks to install.)



Re: Thoughts on RTFM

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 29 November 2001 06:46 pm, cmasters wrote:
 Last words (for now) ... in order for Open Source to have continued and
 increasing validity, it ~has~ to mean more than just change at will. It
 must include if I've written the application, I will include ~clear~

There definitely is a strong elitist mentality among many linux folks, but 
not all of them.  There are also some strong newbie documentation projects 
that are underway as well:

are a few that spring to mind.  The newbiedoc project on sourceforge helped 
me immensely as I was learning how to compile a new kernel the debian way.

You're absolutely right -- the bar needs to be lowered a couple notches, at 
least on the documentation side of things.  The great thing is that you can 
pick up your cause and run with it.  Join one of the projects above and help 
them make newbie documentation that much better.  Or, if you feel so 
inclined, start your own. (I personally discourage this since I feel another 
problem with linux documentation it that it's scattered across the four winds)

Also, rest assured that, with a little determination and perseverance, you 
*can* learn this stuff.  It's not as easy to learn as windows, no, but it's 
also far, far more flexible, so it's a tradeoff.

Anyway, my $.02.


P.S. I can't imagine learning linux in the pre-internet days.  I think it 
would be almost impossible unless you had a pre-existing group of 

Re: exim: misleading package description?

2001-11-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Thursday 29 November 2001 07:05 pm, cmasters wrote:

 Hope you don't mind the interruption. You may have noticed my slew of
 postings about difficulties with sorting mail. I read your reponse to mean
 that I may not even require the services of procmail, as I ~am~ using exim
 as my MTA. Is this correct? I just want fairly simple pre-sorting of mail
 before I read it with mutt.

Um -- I haven't followed the other threads too closely, so I'm not intimately 
familiar with your predicament.  However, my recommendation is to use 
fetchmail, procmail and mutt together and cut exim out of the picture.  
Procmail has a nasty, ugly, horrible syntax, but it's a more flexible 
filtering program than exim.  Also, once you get up to speed with 
fetchmail/procmail/mutt, you'll likely want to improve upon your filtering 
capabilities to cull spam and other niceties.  That's where you probably want 
to have procmail.

Fetchmail can use procmail as the MDA -- just put:

mda procmail

in your .fetchmailrc file and exim should be completely removed from the 

You'll also want to modify your .procmailrc file to use formail, which will 
regenerate the From field so you don't lose your mail.  (see man procmail 
for more info -- look for the -f option)

Note: that's just my opinion on how I would do things  It's worth about as 
much as the e-paper this is printed on.

 No doubt a very helpful book. Unfortunately this capital city on the east
 caost of Canada has just discovered that M$ is ~not~ the only OS. I'd have
 to order said book, and wait 4 - 6 weeks for delivery of it. Not sure I can
 go through another few weeks of this dilemma.

One thing that I've learned in my time with linux is that there are always 
472 different ways of doing the exact same damn thing.  I cannot tell you how 
frustrating and wonderful that is, all at the same time.  There is no one 
right answer for whatever you're trying to do.  

So, my advice is to pick one way that seems to make the most sense and stick 
with it.  Once you get more comfortable with linux, you can go back and 
change things if you want.  But if you keep jumping around to different 
configuration options, then you'll continue to spin your wheels and never get 
anything done.


upgrading unstable -- 44 packages held back?

2001-11-28 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm running unstable and when I do an apt-get upgrade, it tells me it's 
holding back 44 packages. (a lot of which are related to kde, which I'm 
assuming is because I'm still running 2.2.1)

If I do dpkg --get-selections |grep hold, I see the only thing with a hold on 
it is my kernel-image.

So, I'm assuming this is expected behavior, but can anyone explain how the 
determination is made to hold back certain packages?  If it's not the hold 
flag, what else does it look for? 

Also, how do I upgrade those packages?


Re: mouse freezes in X

2001-11-28 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 28 November 2001 05:53 pm, joey tsai wrote:
 Hi, I have a Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, and I'm currently using it
 via ps/2 port.  I had no problems with it for nearly a year, but now in
 X it will simply freeze on the screen and won't respond.  Restarting X
 will usually restore it, but eventually it will freeze again.  Is anyone
 else having this problem?  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks,

I've experienced similar behavior when switching between computers on a KVM 
switch.  Resolved the problem by flashing the firmware on the KVM switch.

Also, gpm seems to always cause problems with X, so make sure you're not 
running that when you launch X.


Re: konqueror does not open text files

2001-11-25 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Sunday 25 November 2001 09:29 am, Eugene Tyurin wrote:

 During one of the recent KDE upgrades, konqueror (.deb
 stopped opening plain text files or even document source - instead
 it prompts for an application.  What should I do to restore the old

In the Control Center, look for File Browsing. Under there is an option 
called File Associations that will let you reassociate text files with 
Konqueror. (or whatever other app you might prefer)


Re: Debian TVIO like PVR

2001-11-23 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 23 November 2001 07:38 am, Stan Brown wrote:
 What hardware (in addition to the basic computer) will I need? WinTV card?
 Special Video car dor TV out?

 Obviosly I will need a failry fast machine, I'm Planing somehting like a
 1.2GHZ Athalon, and lots (40 - 120G) of disk space. I would like to use
 IDE disks, if they are fast enough.

 What software packages do I need?

There's a package over at sourceforge that may be of interest to you:

I haven't used it, but it's listed as 5-production/stable and has some 
screenshots to look at.

There's also the LinuxTV project, which is worth a look:

Regarding IDE disks, my TiVo uses 5400RPM IDE disks, so I would assume that's 
plenty fast.  (I would look at the new Seagate Barracuda IV drives, simply 
because they run at 2 bels and are quieter than any other IDE drive out on 
the market place)

Also, assuming you get a capture card that does onboard encoding, you may not 
need such a fast computer since it will simply be a file server at that point.

Please let us know how this project goes -- I'd be interested in a project 
summary once you have it up and running.


docs for booting linux from flash?

2001-11-23 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm considering building a couple of appliance-type devices running Linux and 
utilizing a flash device instead of a hard drive or CD.

I've never delved into read/writing to flash before -- can anyone recommend 
some reading to learn more about it?  Either hardware-specific (such as what 
hardware will write to a flash device) or Linux-specific, such as getting 
linux to boot from a flash device.

A howto would be perfect, but I didn't see any on



experiences with Intel Dual Port NICs (i82558 controller)

2001-11-21 Thread Kurt Lieber
I've been doing some research on Intel Dual Port NICs.  From what I've found, 
there may have been some past issues with the NICs that use the i82558 
controller running on linux.  

I'm just wondering if these issues have since been resolved?  Is anyone using 
a dual port NIC with this controller that can attest to how well it 
does/doesn't work on Debian?



Re: ssh without password for secvpn

2001-11-20 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Tuesday 20 November 2001 10:27 am, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
 both boxes, I did a 'ssh-keygen' which created my '.ssh/identity' and
 '.ssh/'.  I swapped the '.ssh/' to
 '.ssh/authorized_keys' to each machine.

Are you using ssh v2?  If so, your authorized_keys file needs to be named 
authorized_keys2.  I'm assuming this is to allow v1 and v2 to run side by 

man ssh for more info.  search for authorized_keys


Re: Reconfiguring sendmail?

2001-11-20 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Tuesday 20 November 2001 01:00 pm, Stan Brown wrote:
 How can I force debain to re-offer me the install time config options for
 this package?

dpkg --configure sendmail

From the dpkg man page:

 dpkg --configure package ... | -a | --pending
  Reconfigure  an  unpacked package.  If -a or --pending is given 
  instead of package, all unpacked  but unconfigured packages are

Re: galeon

2001-11-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
Ummm...let's see:

z8:/# apt-cache search galeon
galeon - Mozilla based web browser with GNOME look and feel

Looks like it's in the galeon package.


On Monday 19 November 2001 05:55 am, ben wrote:
 which package is galeon stored in?

Xstartup error

2001-11-16 Thread Kurt Lieber
I have been running Woody with KDE and xfree86 from Sid.  I did an apt-get
upgrade tonight without first checking to see what would be upgraded.

So, stupid mistake, I know.  Now, however, I cannot start KDE.  I can get
the kdm login screen, but if I enter a user/password, I get the following

Startup program /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/kdm/Xstartup exited with a non-zero
status.  Please contact your system administrator.

There are no unusual entries in the XFree86 log, nor do I see any odd
messages if I hit ctrl-alt-f1 to see the console.  When I did the apt
upgrade, I noticed that xserver-xfree86 was updated from 4.1.0-7 (I think)
to 4.1.0-9.  AFAIK, no kde-related package was updated.  Was there a change
in one of the xfree86 config files that might have caused this problem?

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to resolve this problem?

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: Which mail user agent do you use?

2001-11-14 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 14 November 2001 09:04 am, Tim Dijkstra wrote:
 I think I prefer something graphical, and able of using multiple

I know this was discussed extensively a few months back -- you should 
probably check the archives.

That said, I use and really like KMail.  Version 1.2 (potato  woody?) was a 
little limited, but version 1.3 (sid) has some great filtering capabilities, 
can handle multiple accounts and has proven to be very stable for me.  IMAP 
support is there, but not very feature-rich.


Re: HD spin down with hdparm : HD always wakes up !!!

2001-11-14 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 14 November 2001 12:46 pm, Dominique Deleris wrote:
 Everything is fine with /dev/hdc (/home), but /dev/hda will
 always wake up after a few seconds of sleep !

 I can't figure out what's provoking this behaviour?

My guess would be a cron job, such as exim looking at the outgoing mail 
queue.  Or, something getting logged to the syslog.

Re: What's with the bounces from

2001-11-13 Thread Kurt Lieber
Um...did anyone bother to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this 
issue?  That's what they're there for. :)

([EMAIL PROTECTED] cc'd on this message.  List in question is 


On Tuesday 13 November 2001 05:21 am, Richard Cobbe wrote:
 Over the last few days, everything I've posted to the list has generated a
 bounce message indicating an error in delivering to the address
 [EMAIL PROTECTED].  The messages do make it to the list,
 but I'm getting a little tired of the bounces.

 Is anyone else getting these?

 If this is a bad address subscribed to the list, why aren't the bounces
 going to the list administrators, rather than to the original poster?  (I
 used to administer a LISTSERV list, and this was the behavior on that


Re: bastille deb

2001-11-12 Thread Kurt Lieber
I've used it and it worked fine.  The package installed without any problem 
and I was able to run through the configuration script without a hitch.

I'm using woody with a dash of sid.


On Monday 12 November 2001 12:23 pm, Charles Baker wrote:
 Has anyone used the Bastille deb package? If so, what
 were the results? I have used Bastille on Redhat and
 Mandrake systems, but haven't seen anything about
 using it on Debian systems.

Re: gvim in Debian

2001-11-11 Thread Kurt Lieber
I had to install vim-gtk in addition to vim in order to get gvim to work.  
vim in console works just fine, however.


On Sunday 11 November 2001 09:29 pm, Jason Machacek wrote:
 I install the Vim package, and gvim shows up in the man pages after that,
 but gvim doesn't get installed.  Is there a more advanced Vim package I
 have to install to take advantage of this program?

 Jason Machacek

trying to verify contents of my tar archive

2001-11-10 Thread Kurt Lieber
I've been using Karsten Self's sample backup script available in the Linux 
Backup mini-FAQ at:

This script basically uses tar to archive a list of directories to tape and 
then verifies the backup as well.  When I run the script, the output is the 

z8:~/backup# ./full.script
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
[snip 8 more lines of this]
/etc: verified
/root: verified
/boot: verified
/home: verified
/usr/local: verified
/var/backups: verified
/var/lib: verified
/var/log: verified
/var/www: verified

Which leads me to believe all the data has been backed up and is good to go.  
However, if I do tar tvf /dev/st0 to list the contents of the tape, all I 
get is the following:

z8:~/backup# tar -tvf /dev/st0
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2001-10-18 19:59:23 var/www/
-rw-r--r-- root/root  4100 2001-03-22 17:39:29 var/www/index.html
-rw-r--r-- root/root  1195 2001-10-18 19:59:23 var/www/search.html

I suspect this is more user error than anything, but I'm not sure what I'm 
doing wrong.  I've tried rewinding the tape as well as doing a mt -f 
/dev/st0 asf 1 to position the tape at the beginning, but I still get the 
same output when I tar tvf.  Any help is appreciated.


Re: tape drive problems

2001-11-09 Thread Kurt Lieber
I discovered the problem -- it turned out to be the SCSI chain wasn't 
correctly terminated.  (or it may have been because I was using passive 
termination -- I'm not sure)

I purchased a new internal SCSI cable with an active terminator and now it 
works fine.

Posting this here in the hopes it may help someone down the road.


On Monday 05 November 2001 04:50 pm, Kurt Lieber wrote:
 I just installed an internal SCSI HP DDS3 drive and am having trouble
 getting it to work.

 If I put in a new tape and try to erase it receive the following error:

 z8:~/backup# mt -f /dev/st0 erase
 /dev/st0: Input/output error

 and the following shows up in the syslog:

 Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Current st09:00: sns
 = 70  3
 Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: ASC=3b ASCQ= 0
 Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: Raw sense data:0x70 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00
 0x00 0x0e 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3b 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xee 0x00 0x00 0x00

Re: How do I configure eth1 on bootup?

2001-11-06 Thread Kurt Lieber
If you're using static IP addressing, you need to define the netmask, 
network, broadcast and gateway addresses as well.  Here's an example form one 
of my machines:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Obviously, you need to change this information to suit your particular 
network, but the example should at least get you going.


On Monday 05 November 2001 01:22 pm, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 auto lo eth0
 auto eth1

 # The loopback interface
 iface lo inet loopback

 # The ethernet interface
 iface eth0 inet dhcp
   hostname scgf01

 iface eth1 inet static

 Have I missed something?

 Many thanks indeed

Re: abcde and cddb

2001-11-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
I don't use abcde (but it has a really cool name!) however, from the error 
message you listed, my guess is that they're not a registered CDDB user.  
There's apparently some very unfavorable terms that Gracenote/CDDB forces 
software writers to adhere to if they're going to use the cddb.

You can change over to the freedb, (, which is free as in beer 
as well as speech.

In Grip, the settings are:

DB Server:
CGI Path: ~cddb/cddb.cgi

Hopefully that provides enough information for you to get abcde configured.


On Monday 05 November 2001 12:12 pm, Deedra Waters wrote:
 I'm trying to use abcde to turn songs into mp3 format, but am having a
 problem. my problem is this.
 Getting CD track info... Grabbing entire CD - tracks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 11 12Looking up CD nameGetting CD it.
 cddb-tool: CDDB error: 433 Unauthorized client: cddb-tool
 Creating template...done.

 I don't exactly understand what this means, but was told that I need to
 change something so that it goes to a different website to find the
 information for the cd. if someone could help me with this I'd appreciate

tape drive problems

2001-11-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
I just installed an internal SCSI HP DDS3 drive and am having trouble getting 
it to work.

If I put in a new tape and try to erase it receive the following error:

z8:~/backup# mt -f /dev/st0 erase
/dev/st0: Input/output error

and the following shows up in the syslog:

Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: st0: Error with sense data: Current st09:00: sns = 
70  3
Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: ASC=3b ASCQ= 0
Nov  5 16:30:35 z8 kernel: Raw sense data:0x70 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
0x0e 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3b 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0xee 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

I'm able to eject tapes just fine, so I know that mt is communicating with 
the drive on some level.

The other device on the SCSI change (CD-R) works fine -- I'm able to rip CDs, 
listen to music and do all kinds of other things, so I'm hesitant to suspect 
a termination problem.  I've checked the IDs to ensure each is unique.  (st0 
is ID2 and scd0 is ID4)  I've also checked the cable to make sure it's 
plugged in snugly and also swapped it out with another cable, just to make 
sure.  I've used four different DAT tapes and have also cleaned the drive 
with a fresh, brand new cleaning tape.

Any suggestions?


Re: tape drive problems

2001-11-05 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 05 November 2001 05:16 pm, nate wrote:
 is the scsi cable terminated ? try mt -f /dev/st0 status

This is the output I get.  Not sure how to decipher it:

z8:/home/kurtl/tmp# mt -f /dev/st0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x25 (DDS-3).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (4101):

Regarding the card/drive/kernel/etc, it's an HP Surestore DAT 24 internal 
drive connected to an adaptec 2940UW SCSI card on a computer running Woody w/ 
2.4.12 kernel with SCSI support compiled as a module.

Still beating my head against the wall trying to figure this out, so any help 
is certainly appreciated.


Re: ssh works from windows not from linux; protocol version difference?

2001-11-04 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Sunday 04 November 2001 12:20 pm, Gianguido Cianci wrote:
 first o fall which ssh should I install? ssh or Openssh?  any practical
 difference? as oppoesed to ideological difference???

From what it sounds like you're trying to do, I'd say OpenSSH is a better 
choice.  I believe the other ssh package is non-free and doesn't support v 2. 
(don't know that for sure, though)

 So what is the story ??  I would have imagined protocol 2.0 would have been
 backward compatible... maybe increasing security meant decreasing

Depending on the ssh server, it certainly can be backwards-compatible, but it 
has to be configured as such.  SSH v1 had some fairly serious security holes, 
which is why most folks try to use v2.  (and why some servers might be 
configured to disallow v1 protocol)

 my problem remains, I cannot connect to the remote host from Linux...

Try changing over to OpenSSH if you're running Woody or Sid.  I know that 
supports v2.  If you're running potato, you may want to verify what version 
of ssh that package supports since I'm not sure.  If at all possible, you 
want to use ssh v2 because of the aforementioned security problems with v1.


adding second SCSI card of same type -- any problems?

2001-11-03 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm going to be adding a second SCSI card in my server today -- they're both 
Adaptec 2940UW.  Is there anything special I need to do to get the second one 
recognized or should it simply show up on boot?  (the kernel obviously 
already has support for this card compiled in)

This is the first time I've added hardware to an existing linux system, so 
I'm just being extra-cautious.



Re: [debian-user] I'm coming on board

2001-11-02 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 02 November 2001 09:28 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am attempting to get into Linux/Debian in a big way.  I have decided 
that M$ WinXP is the last straw for my personal computing.

Yep -- me too.  Exact same reason.

 (a) It seems that much of is not responding, so I have
 been using one of the [nation] sites.
 But these do not seem to have access to the bugs.

I'm having trouble connecting as well.  Must be a temporary problem as is usually very realiable.

 (b) I cannot seem to find the FAQ for the various mailing lists, to make
 sure my questions have not been asked 1K times.  Where are they located? 
 The archive and search both seem fairly good.

Try  There are searchable archives there, good for checking 
to see if your question has been asked 1K times. :)

 (c) I am looking for the debian newbie or new user mailing list.  Does one
 not exist?

Not that I'm aware of -- I remember some discussion on this topic a while 
back, though I don't remember the context.  You might check the list archives.

 (e) Anyway to automatically have the subject line identify the mailing
 list.  A few of my other mailing lists have that, example
 Subject: [debian-user]: a big problem !!!
 Subject: Re: [debian-user]: a big problem !!!
 Subject: Re:[debian-user]: a big problem !!!
 ** ick, I dislike when mail clients don't include the space after Re:

Not sure what you're asking for here.  This list (debian-user) already 
identifies itself in the subject line as you can see above.  You just have to 
create a filter in your MUA based on [debian-user].  You can also filter on 
the list address, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

emacs20 requires xlibs and xfree86-common?

2001-11-02 Thread Kurt Lieber
I've always been a vim user, so I've never installed emacs on my machines.  
However, I have a need for it now and when I went to install it, discovered 
that it has all kinds of x-related dependencies (xfree86-common, xlibs, 

Does anyone know what the correlation is between text-based emacs and x? 
(this is the emacs20 package from woody -- NOT xemacs21)   Is this something 
I can safely override (probably not) or work around and still use the debian 
package system?

Suggestions welcome.


user profile script confusion

2001-10-31 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm fairly new to linux in general and am confused about all the different 
login scripts.

I would like to have a single ssh command started when I login, be it to the 
console or to KDE.  If I put the command in .bash_profile, KDE doesn't 
execute it.  If I put it in .xinitrc, then bash won't execute it.  Then 
there's .xsession and .kderc which only add to my confusion.

So, two questions:

1. If I want a command executed whenever (and however) I log in, is there one 
userland file I can put this in? 

2.  Can anyone recommend a site that discusses all the different userland 
login/profile scripts and when to use one over the other to achieve whatever 
result you're trying for?



Re: Network config tool

2001-10-30 Thread Kurt Lieber

On Tuesday 30 October 2001 08:50 am, Will Newton wrote:
 Is there such a thing?

Re: Being cracked? (need help on apache log files)

2001-10-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 29 October 2001 07:55 am, Ole Sebastian Stein wrote:
 and so on.  To me it looks as if is trying
 to execute some file giving him root access.  Are someone trying to
 crack my machine?  What should I do?

These are all remnants of the Code Red/Nimda worms.  You only have to worry 
if you're running IIS on a windows box -- otherwise, it's just an annoyance 
that clutters up your apache logs (and minor bandwidth drain)


Re: IMAP...

2001-10-29 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Monday 29 October 2001 11:19 am, Alexander Wallace wrote:

 I understand Imap encripts passwords right? and I should use it instead of

IMAP does NOT encrypt passwords.  It has one (minor) security advantage over 
POP3 in that it only sends your password once to establish a connection, and 
then maintains that connection until you break it (usually by closing your 
mail client) where POP3 sends your password each and every time you check 
mail.  However, both send passwords in clear text.

If you want to encrypt your mail password, you can tunnel POP3 and/or IMAP 
over SSH and obtain end-to-end encryption that way. 

If you're interested (or anyone else, for that matter), I've written a short 
document that discusses how to do this.  It's geared towards the ISP I use 
( but it should be enough to get you going in most situations.   
Email me off list if you want a copy. There's also another miniHOWTO out 
there that discusses getting email over ssh.   Secure POP via SSH mini-HOWTO 
by Manish Singh



Re: Shift-Return

2001-10-26 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Friday 26 October 2001 12:02, Walter Hofmann wrote:
 This is
 annoying because to search for a string in a file, I need to press
  / + RETURN
 repeatedly to cycle through the places where the string was found. 

or you could just hit n

Re: invoice program

2001-10-25 Thread Kurt Lieber
Appgen makes one called MyBooks.  Supposed to be comparable to quickbooks, 
though I have no direct experience with it.

Not free, though -- $100 for a 5-user version.


On Wednesday 24 October 2001 19:34, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 Anyone know of a deb can does invoicing.
 I have started doing some consulting work
 and would rather use some sort of
 invoicing program than a spreadsheet.


Re: help

2001-10-25 Thread Kurt Lieber
It's a long shot, but you might try ;)

Specifically, the user documentation page ( has a 
couple of installation guides.


On Thursday 25 October 2001 17:01, Daniel J Salvat wrote:
 hey...i need to get a version of linux on floppies...people have told me
 that debian will do the would i go about getting it?

 Make a difference, help support the relief efforts in the U.S.

Apache segfaults upon receiving first hit

2001-10-24 Thread Kurt Lieber
I'm running woody, php4.0.5-2 and Apache 1.3.19-1.  I made one small change 
to my php.ini file (adjusting the include_path variable) and now every time I 
start apache, it segfaults when it receives the first hit.  This is the error 
I get in my error.log

[Wed Oct 24 09:50:21 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) Debian/GNU 
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Oct 24 09:50:21 2001] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
[Wed Oct 24 09:50:27 2001] [notice] child pid 314 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)

I restored the php.ini file from backup, thinking that must have messed 
something up, but that didn't solve the problem.  I'm not sure what 
troubleshooting steps to take as I've never faced this problem on a linux box 

Any suggestions? 


Re: tape backup...

2001-10-24 Thread Kurt Lieber
Not a direct answer to your question, but check out

They have some great linux backup resources there including several example 
backup scripts.

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 08:01, Alexander Wallace wrote:
 Hello there! I have a 2 gb dat drive and I would like to backup my server
 periodicaly. It works, it's /dev/st0... I know I can use mt to do stuff
 with the drive and tar to backup stuff... But is there a better way???

Re: What's apt-get doing to me?

2001-10-24 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Wednesday 24 October 2001 16:26, Peter Hutnick wrote:
 (why do you have to lie to the website to get ISOs?) 

Because bandwidth isn't free and Debian is.  Thus, they want to minimize the 
use of their bandwidth as much as possible.  If you download all three ISO 
images, you'll end up using a minor fraction of that since you'll likely not 
install *every* *single* program on the 3 cds.  So, in effect, you just 
probably wasted over a GB of bandwidth that someone now has to pay for.

Why didn't you follow the website suggestions of alternatives to downloading 
ISOs instead of lying?  Or order from if you really *must* 
have ISOs?


Re: removing beeps

2001-10-23 Thread Kurt Lieber
This identical topic was covered a few days ago on the list.  Check the 


On Tuesday 23 October 2001 09:33, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:

 Everytime I enter something wrong into bash it sounds beep out of my
 Can i remove that?


Re: I need Exim skills!

2001-10-21 Thread Kurt Lieber
On Sunday 21 October 2001 08:56, Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:
What is the difference between using multiple local domains or
 using several virtual domains? 

Virtual domains have no real mailboxes associated with them -- you have to 
alias all accounts associated with a virtual domain.

Local domains do have real mailboxes associated with them.

So, if you want users to pick up their mail from your potato box, you'll want 
to use local domains.  (or at least have one local domain)   If you're going 
to forward all the mail to other email addresses or other servers, then you 
can use virtual domains.

Using virtual domains allows you to give all your users [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
addresses, but you can have mail delivered across multiple servers using 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc.  One server acts as 
the receiving hub for all internet mail, and uses virtual domains to send it 
along to the correct final destination.  (note that's only one use for a 
virtual domain -- there are many others)


Re: Cron

2001-10-21 Thread Kurt Lieber
AFAIK, you can't run a single crontab entry more than once per minute.  In 
fact, cron only scans crontab once per minute, so I doubt very much that you 
can get per-second control over cron scheduling.


On Sunday 21 October 2001 13:10, Theo Wribe wrote:
 How do I create a crontab that run's #ping IP every 10 seconds?

 Tried crontab -e

 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * */bin/ping -s 8 -c 1 1
 /dev/null 2 /dev/null

 But it doesn't seem to work.

 Thanks Theo

Re: exim startup fails

2001-10-21 Thread Kurt Lieber
Do you have a link to /etc/init.d/exim in your default runlevel directory?  
(probably rc2)

Check /etc/rc2.d and see if there's a symlink in there called:

Ssomenumberexim.  On my computer, it's S20exim.  

That should point to ../init.d/exim which should then start exim whenever you 
switch to that runlevel. (such as when you boot the computer.)



On Sunday 21 October 2001 13:05, Nikolai Hlubek wrote:
 Hi there,

 I recently installed Debian testing using my old home directory.
 My problem is that my e-mails only get delivered when I start
 exim -bd manually as root.
 But the startup script in init.d/ exists.
 Has anybody an idea what I'm missing?

 Thanks so far,

Re: virtual newbie needs help with lib (?)

2001-10-20 Thread Kurt Lieber
Have you tried using dselect and/or dpkg and/or apt-get instead of compiling 
things manually?  Those will handle dependencies for you so if you don't have 
the correct lib file, it will download it automatically for you.

Much, much easier than trying to compile everything yourself from source.  
Debian's package manager solution is one of the key strengths of Debian as a 
distro -- you're missing out if you're not using it.


On Saturday 20 October 2001 11:49, sam rosenfeld wrote:
The problem:  After downloading files from the net (just
 about any files, any URLs), I cannot compile the programs. 

x starts in failsafe mode, but not regular mode

2001-10-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
I've set up xfree86-4 on my debian woody box using the nvidia binary drivers 
and KDE.  Now, when I run the kdm, I get to the KDE login screen, but when I 
log in in default mode, the screen blanks for a minute, then a simple blue 
background displays with a black bar at the top, and then I am returned ot 
the login screen.

If I log in in failsafe mode, I get in far enough to see konsole and I'm 
assuming that's all failsafe mode is designed to provide.

I'm not familiar enough with linux to know if this is a KDE problem, xfree86 
problem or nvidia driver problem -- can anyone offer some suggestions on what 
might be causing this problem?


Re: XDM starting when not wanted

2001-10-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
cd /etc/rc2.d and either delete or rename S99kdm.  (you can rename it to 
anything you want as long as it doesn't start with a capital S or capital K 
-- I usuallly rename mine to _S99kdm which works fine.)


On Friday 19 October 2001 h:22 am, Barbara Pfieffer wrote:
 I setup potato on an older Dell laptop. It worked great and I just kept
 updating everything, X windows and so on. It had uptime of 38 days when
 I finally decided to reboot. Somewhere along the way, xdm get set up to
 start on bootup for a graphical login. I do not want this, I want to
 boot to a console login. I don't use X much on the computer and startx
 works fine when I want to go to X. How can I stop XDM from starting on



Re: Help needed getting mail working.

2001-10-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
  is '/var/spool/mail/stuart file not found' so where is my mail

By default (at least on Woody) exim puts mail in /var/mail/username (note 
the absence of /spool/)

You might check to see if your mail is in there.  If so, just point mutt to 
the correct location.



bastille compatible with Debian?

2001-10-19 Thread Kurt Lieber
I noticed that bastille-linux is an optional package in dselect.  Yet the 
bastille-linux home page ( says that it's only 
compatible with RedHat and Mandrake.

Has anyone used Bastille on a Debian box (preferably Woody) that can attest 
to how well it does/doesn't work on Debian?



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