What to do with a tape drive?

1999-05-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
(Please CC all replies to me)


I've just installed a new tape drive, but I can find no
documentation on how to use it. Do I just write cron jobs to 

tar -zcvf {files} /dev/sct0 ? 

and how do I do incremental backups and restores, please?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Tape problems

1999-05-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
(pls cc replies to me)

I have a TR5 drive, which I think is on /dev/st0, but using mt on it just

/dev/st0 Input/Output error

sysklogd shows: target did not report SYNC.

Any ideas?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

MP3 encoder

1999-05-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
please Cc to Me

Hi all,

Things like cdgrip say and your favourite mp3 encoder, or default
to lamer - but I can find to evidence of a mp3 encoder in the archive.
Can anyone help me out?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Glide packages

1999-04-30 Thread M.C. Vernon
please cc all replies to me

are the glide libraries packaged for debian? It seems that at one
point mesag3-glide and mesag-glide-dev were available, but no longer. Or
am I missing something?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Linking problems

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

More compiliation problems I'm afraid: I'm trying to get this
simple program to compile. It produces an object file OK, but ld
cannot open -lMesaGL: no such file or directory.

This is confusing, given I have mesage-dev installed, and libMesaGL.a is
next to libMesaGLU.a in the directory, which ld seems to find fine.

Mystified is,


hello: helloworld.c
gcc helloworld.c -o hello -I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/include/GL \
-L/usr/lib -lglut -lMesaGLU  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lX11 -lMesaGl

#include stdio.h 
#include GL/glut.h 

void display(void) 
  glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); 
  glVertex3f(2.0, 4.0, 0.0); 
  glVertex3f(8.0, 4.0, 0.0); 
  glVertex3f(8.0, 6.0, 0.0); 
  glVertex3f(2.0, 6.0, 0.0); 

int main(int argc, char **argv) 
  printf(hello world\n); 
  glutInit(argc, argv); 
  glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH); 
  glutCreateWindow (square); 
  glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // black background 
  glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  // setup viewing projection 
  glLoadIdentity();   // start with identity matrix 
  glOrtho(0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 10.0, -1.0, 1.0);   // setup a 10x10x2 viewing world 
  return 0; 

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

FAQ: realaudio player?

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
I can't find one in the archive



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: compiling simple program

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Uwe Behrens wrote:

 Hope that helps ;-)

Thanks. I now get a bit further sigh


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home2/mcv21/programming/x/gl make hello
gcc helloworld.c -o hello -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include \
-L/usr/lib -lm -lglut -lMesaGLU  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXmu -lX11 -lXext -lMesaGL \
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XGetExtensionVersion'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceList'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XQueryDeviceState'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XListInputDevices'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceState'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XOpenDevice'
/usr/lib/libglut.so: undefined reference to `XSelectExtensionEvent'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [hello] Error 1

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: compiling simple program

1999-04-23 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 23 Apr 1999, Kenneth MacDonald wrote:

 Try putting the -lMesaGL and -lMesaGLw before the X stuff.

I've just moved them around, and it makes no difference to the error

Thanks anyway,


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

GTK probs again

1999-04-21 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,
please cc to me

Having solved my previous problems, I'm having problems with
g_print - it always blocks. The following code compiles fine, but when the
button is pressed, the thing just hangs, and has to be kill -9ed. Any

compiled with gcc hello.c -o hello `gtk-config --cflags --lib`


#include gtk/gtk.h

void hello(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
  g_print(Hello World\n);

gint delete_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
  g_print (delete event occurred\n);
void destroy(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GtkWidget *window;
  GtkWidget *button;

  gtk_init(argc, argv);

  window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (window), delete_event, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(delete_event), NULL);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (window), destroy, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(destroy), NULL);

  gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (window), 10);

  button = gtk_button_new_with_label (Hello World);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), clicked, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (hello), 

  gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), clicked, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(gtk_widget_destroy), GTK_OBJECT (window));

  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), button);

  gtk_widget_show (button);

  gtk_widget_show (window);



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

NFS mount probs

1999-04-20 Thread M.C. Vernon

I have a couple of nfs servers mounted on /sunsite and /nymph.
Unfortunatly, when either server goes down, things stop working - 

bash I think reads its parent directories, and so if it can't read /nymph
and /sunsite, it tries lots of times and fails.

If this behaivour can't be modified in /etc/fstab, then is this a bug?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

talkd doesn't work

1999-04-20 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

I just updated things to potato, and now talkd doesn't work - I
runnign in.talkd and in.ntalkd doesn't stop me getting no talk daemon on
pick.sel.cam.ac.uk errors. Where should the talk daemons be started?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

GTK problems - not compiling

1999-04-20 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

I grabbed this from the gtk tutorial page, but it won't compile:
it complains that gtk_signal_connect is undefined (I think this is a
linker problem). I'm compiling with

gcc helloworld.c -o hellowword `gtk-config --cflags --libs`

Any ideas? (please Cc)

Source is:

#include gtk/gtk.h

void hello(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
  g_print(Hello World\n);

gint delete_event(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
  g_print (delete event occurred\n);
void destroy(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GtkWidget *window;
  GtkWidget *button;

  gtk_init(argc, argv);

  window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (window), delete_event, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(delete_event), NULL);

  gtk_signal_connnect (GTK_OBJECT (window), destroy, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(destroy), NULL);

  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (window), 10);

  button = gtk_button_new_with_label (Hello World);

  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), clicked, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (hello), 

  gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), clicked, GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC 
(gtk_widget_destroy), GTK_OBJECT (window));

  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), button);

  gtk_widget_show (button);

  gtk_widget_show (window);



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Xhost probs

1999-04-19 Thread M.C. Vernon

This is probably a FAQ, but anyway. I'm trying to set things up so
that I can run a root Xterm should I need to. The methodology is:

xhost root@
/usr/X11R6/bin/Eterm --icon-name ROOT -n ROOT
--scrollbar-right -S red -b red -I
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/bomb.xpm -e bash 

Unfortunatly, xhost root@ doesn't work:

X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for 
  Major opcode of failed request:  109 (X_ChangeHosts)
  Value in failed request:  0xfe
  Serial number of failed request:  8
  Current serial number in output stream:  10

How do I sort this out, please?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Bizaree IPaliasing problems

1999-04-10 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

hurd.sel.cam.ac.uk (kenel 2.2.2) is IPaliasing for
pick.sel.cam.ac.uk, but things don't seem to be working quite right:

If I dialup from home, and ping (undre DOS) pick.sel.cam.ac.uk, I get
request timed out. 

If I then poing hurd.sel.cam.ac.uk,m it respondes OK.
If I then ping pick.sel.cam.ac.uk, then it also responds OK

Can anyone suggest a reason for this? Do people have the same problems
connecting to pick.sel?

Please Cc replies to me.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Cdir problems

1999-03-15 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

I use cdadd to create a record for a CD, and then run cdir, it
still displays unknown cd. Strace shows that it is opening the
~/.cdtooldb file fine, but beyond that I can't tell.

Any ideas? Please Cc replies to me.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Memory Help

1999-03-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Jesse Lee wrote:

 Why will linux only recognize half of my 128 meg of ram? It reads my swap 
 space fine but when I look in dmesg It says it only found 64 megs RAM.
 Thanks in advance everyone!

Hi, If you're still running kernel 2.0.x then you need to add this to


Alternatively, get yourself a shiny new 2.2.3 kernel ;)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: I've been cracked! (hamm, 2.0.35)

1999-03-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

 On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Don Erickson wrote:
  Somebody (through jhb60.jaring.my) wandered into my system, set up a user
  account for themselves and set up a couple of programs, eggdrop and smurf.

Also, upgrade your kernel when you reinstall - a notice was posted to this
list a couple of days ago mentionting an exploit in 2.0.35


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

IP-aliasing scripts - in /etc/rc.boot?

1999-03-10 Thread M.C. Vernon
I have a little custom script set up to ipalias. I need to make it
auto-run on bootup (I'm leaving the machine in a cupboard a long way from
home). Can I just place it in /etc/rc.boot/ip_alias_fudge ? or do I need
to do anything else. 

Will it be run last of all (and if not, where should I put it in order to
do this?)



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: [off-topic] User Account Information

1999-03-06 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Peter Ludwig wrote:

 I would like to write a cgi script to display to the user a listing of
 their usage on my system.
 I have the acct package installed so I can get the information from the
 command line, but how do I display this information to the users?

If you have quotas installed, then quota -v in their .bash_profile would
do the trick


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Debian Linux Install -

1999-03-04 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Ian Keith Setford wrote:

  If I remember correctly, this is asking you where all the base files are
  stored on the disk. Now, C disk for Windows is 
  /dev/hda for Linux, but you need to insluce the partition # as well.
  If you are not sure, fdisk and see where the Windows resides, but
  generally it's on /dev/hda1
  So, for example, if you have files in C:\Debian\
  then the path to it would be 
 Make sure that the /dev/hda1 partition is mounted or this won't work.
 I'm not sure if the install offers you an option of mounting a pertition

If not, alt-f2 will get you to a new shell where you can mount it


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

NFS problems making system unusable

1999-03-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
I have sunsite mounted via nfs on sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk

I've lost the connection to sunsite (network problems elsewhere in the
university), but whenever mcv21 tries to do anything that involves running
a shell, I just get the error

nfs: task 358 the number varies can't get a request slot

and the thing just hangs: root can call up shells fine tho. The load is
steadily rising as well. It's now about 8 :(. Any ideas? will unmounting
/sunsite do anything, or will I just get a /sunsite: device busy message?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Further problems

1999-03-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
the nfs server continues not to respond, still causing the same problems.
Trying to umount /sunsite gets:
Cannot MOUNTPROG RPC: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
umount: /sunsite: device is busy

The kernel logs also contain:
nfs_revalidate_inode:  /// getattr failed, ino=2, error=-512

Is this a kernel bug? surely a dead nfs server shouldn't cause such


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: root doesn't have permission?

1999-03-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Person, Roderick wrote:

 What would cause root not to have permission to delete a file, directory or

There are ext2fs flags to make files undeletable. You should be careful
about deleting such files; it can be done tho.

What are you trying to delete?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Problems with my HD

1999-03-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My HD is a Western Digital 6.4gb drive...
  /dev/hda: 784 cyls, 255 heads,  63 sectors
  units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
  /dev/hda1 *1117   131323+  6  Dos16-bit=32M
  Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:  
  phys = (16,89,63) should be  (16,254,63)  
 It is telling you thet you ended the partition at 23 and fdisk wants
 you to end it at 16 or 89 or 63.
 It takes some time but you can enter them such that you don't get
 those pesky '+'.

Alternatively, try cfdisk. It makes the whole procedure much easier


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Go \latex package?

1999-02-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
Hi all,

Is there a default place to put this? and furthermore, is there an
update programme I need to run to get \latex to recognise it?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: I have PINE .debs...

1999-02-25 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

 I have pine .debs if anyone wants them, let me know.  I post them to my
 web site or email them to you, however you like.
 I was running mutt.  But I have a soft spot for pine.  It was the first
 email app I ever learned back in 92 when I started college.  I realize
 that it is not GPL.  But if you want them, I'll be glad to post 'em or
 email 'em.  It's pine.deb, pico.deb (a great text editor), and pilot.deb.

This is illegal, IIRC. You can't distribute modified binaries.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: lpr and text formatting

1999-02-25 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

 Thank you for forwarding me this information.
 I have one problem.  I'm not sure where in my /etc/printcap file to put
 this line.  My file looks like this:
 lp|hplj6l|HP LJ 6L:\
 Please inform me as to the proper location of the line you provided below.
 Thank you so much.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Removal of idle telnet connections?

1999-02-25 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

One of my users is complaining that if he leaves sessions idle
for more than about 30 mins the connection that gets dropped. I don't
recall running any idled or whatever; is this a feature, and if so, how
might I disable it?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Many questions

1999-02-22 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Bon Lam wrote:

 1.  When I boot Linux I always get this kernel message
 SIOADDRT: invalid argument

This is due to the route command in the network startup script. Don't
worry about it. I removed the offending command, and the network stopped
working :(


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
 Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from Debian.org,
 so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
 dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
 something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
 machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
 install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
 C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
 with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
 even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

You currently have a very minimal set of packages installed - i.e. enough
to enable you to install the rest ;). You need to get some debian packages
from somewhere:

1) over a fast net link (slow ones are OK, if you're not paying per
2) get a debian CD (A suppliers list is on the website)

Then run dselect, and pick the packages you want

 Mounting local file systems ...
 not mounted anything

This is fine. Not a problem at all. You only have linux installed on one
partition, right? local file systems would be other disk partitions that
you may at some point get, and add to /etc/fstab.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Make postscipt files use less pages?

1999-02-20 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Is it possible to make postscipt files print out with two
postscript pages fitting onto one physical page (or is there an option in
ghostview for this?), please? 350 pages of hurd manual could do with being
shrunk before I use _all_ my paper up



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Sound working almost...

1999-02-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I have got my OPL-3AX sound working under kernel 2.2.1 It plays
CDs, windowmanager sounds, and quake(II) noises fine. Unfortunatly, if I
cat foo.au  /dev/audio, or use something like saytime, the speech comes
out very low and slow (sounds like it's 1/2 speed or something). DoeS
aNyBody know what the problem is, and/or what can be done to fix it? 



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Tex

1999-02-17 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Hate to sound stupid but just what is TeTex? What is it used for?

It is latex, tex, and a bunch of add-ons. They are _the_ way to typeset
documents. Combine this with a decent editor[1] and you'll produce better
documents than MSWord 


[1]I could name one, but that might be flame-bait ;)
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: hiding sterr

1999-02-16 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, tracheotomy bob wrote:

 Hi all
   How do I hide error messages displaying on the console? I'm trying
 to set up IPX and whenever I get it wrong the screen is flooded with 
 error messages I don't know how to redirect them to either a file or
 /dev/null. Any suggestions would be helpful

foobar 2 /dev/null IIRC (it might be 1)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Sound configuration not in initial install

1999-02-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 13 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 2/13/99 12:09:41 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
 treff.uni-koeln.de writes:
  Because sound in 2.0 kernels is not modular enough. IO, IRQ etc. have
   to be hardcoded into the kernel. Some option must not be set for some
   soundcard, whereas others have to be etc.
 Is there some reason these can't be set up in a config file so that it CAN be
 included in the initial installation?  Seems to me hardcoding these values is
 against Debian's policy of allowing us to configure everything but the kitchen

It can probably be done when we move to 2.2.x on the boot floppies.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: Sound configuration not in initial install

1999-02-14 Thread M.C. Vernon

 gain sound.  I had several reasons for wanting to learn Linux but as a
 musician my stance quickly becomes, No sound, why bother?

What is your sound card?
 I haven't really used Linux since October out of the hope that Slink would
 have the updated kernel with it's added multimedia features or that a sound
 utility would be added to the setup.  Now with Slink pushed back for the
 fifth time and frozen before the new kernels release,  I'm thinking that
 Debian will probably have to wait until next Winter when hopefully we'll
 have Potato.

You can download the kernel sources from many mirrors, and compile your
own 2.2.1 kernel (the kernel-package package makes this easy)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

CDs only playing the first track :(

1999-02-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I've been playing with various CD playing utilities, and recently,
they have taken to only playing the first track of my cd, and then
stopping, even when I run something like

cdplay 1 15

Any ideas what I've done wrong?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: CDs only playing the first track :(

1999-02-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Kent West wrote:

 I've experienced similar symptoms in Windows95; it turned out to be a bad
 CD-ROM drive.

HmmTHe other tracks will pay if I select them, just only one at once.
sigh It's a newish drive too.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Installing Sound Card

1999-02-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Thanks for the reply.  Is there a way to get the card setting without going to
 windows...  My system doesn't have windows on it at all.  I installed linux 
 onto it.  Its kind of MS free... As much as I could make it.

Gain 100karma points! :) I am also pure in this regard ;), so I've had to
figure out getting these settings without DOS:

You want isapnptools (section base) (and possibly pciutils (section
admin)). As root, run

pnpdump -c  foo

look at foo; this should contain all the settings you want. If it is a PCI
card and the above doesn't work, then try 

lspci -vv bar

In either case, having set up the kernel OK, you'll want to move foo to
/etc/isapnp.conf; this will run the script you created earlier at boot-up
(and initialise the card to those settings).

It's also worth looking at Documentation/sound in your linux source tree,
and using the latest kernel (2.2.1)



p.s a few notes on recompiling your kernel. I prefer menuconfig to xconfig
(YYMV though). Either way, go through all the options systematically, and
read the relevant help screens; generally try not to include too much, and
consider having things as modules (I particularly recommend sound in this

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: NE2000 PCI Card

1999-02-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 The problem I have right now is that the kernel won't recognize the NE2000
 PCI card.  A friend and I tried autoprobing it, and making it a module and
 loading it after compile, but neither has worked.  We also tried to forcing
 recognition by putting an append line into LILO, but that didn't seem to
 work either.  Are there any other ways to get the card recognized or did we
 miss a step or something?  

Try looking with lspci to see if the kernel is finding the card at all


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Sound card suggestion

1999-02-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I've had absolutely no luck with sounds cards and Linux.  I'm in a position to
 where sound isn't really important on the machines I use, but I want to hear
 what a penguin sounds like.

 I used to have an Awe64 but didn't hit on the trick of patching the drivers
 into the source and configuring it properly.  I then ran across one of those
 SB16 Vibra cards, but I guess you have to first configure its ISA PnP in
 Windows/DOS before one could use it.  Well, I don't have Windows/DOS and it
 wasn't worth the hassle to go put it into a friend's machine and configure it.

pnpdump -c is your friend in this regard

I have a Yamaha OPL3-SAX, and it works fine...


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:

 Hi all!
 I am trying to create a kernel-image-2.2.1 package in order to install
 the new kernel. I downloaded and installed kernel-source-2.2.1 and
 kernel-doc-2.2.1 packages, read all the files
 /usr/doc/kernel-source-2.2.1/* and /usr/doc/kernel-doc-2.2.1/* (except
 Documentation directory: 919 Kb of compressed text files), and upgraded
 the packages mentioned in
 I mention that in order that I have read almost everything I should.
 Well, then I make menuconfig (whilst continue reading for a whole day
 individual files under Documentation), at the next day I make-kpkg
 clean and then make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image, but
 after one hour compiling, this appeared:

You forgot kernel_headers


make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.1. kernel_image kernel_headers


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, MacKenzie, Andrew wrote:

 Newbie question:
 I've compiled my own kernels (I am using a self-compiled 2.0.36) but use
 make clean make dep and make xconfig.  What is make-kpkg?

It's part of the kernel-package package, which is a set of scripts that
make building kernels much easier - it turns your kernels into a debian
package that can be installed etc, and has scripts to make boot floppies
run lilo, and so on


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

CDDB updates

1999-02-12 Thread M.C. Vernon
Is there any way to upload a record to a CDDB server (either the cddb one,
or in a local record)? I have a cd in front of me that gcd refuses to play
because cddb doesn't produce a match for that CD id


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-11 Thread M.C. Vernon

 you could easily go even farther than that?  OK, this might be
 impractical, but it sounds easy...
 Each step could be assigned (internally) a ranking according to user
 knowledge:  1 = what's a computer ---to--- 10 = Linus
 at the beginning of the install, you rank yourself.  Then, for each
 1) Explanation is automatically offered if it ranks higher than you AND
 2) a default config is assumed if it ranks higher than you.
 You could make it so that the explanation is also available in expert
 modes via a help button

My worry here is that it's starting to get big


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: slashdot poll

1999-02-10 Thread M.C. Vernon

  Debian's harder to install. One guy mentionned he could install Red Hat in
  less than 15 minutes. Hard to have something fully up at that speed with
 Right.  I've recently tried Redhat and SuSE on a separate partition
 and Debian's installation is still pure stone age. Well, i guess
 there's still Slackware...

What do people like about RH? Is it worth trying to nick parts of their
install? I found it a pain - It wouldn't let me just install individual
packages, though I wonder whether some of the modconf stuff could be left
out for the initial install.
 And now imagine the power of Debian combined with an installation
 routine at least as convenient and user friendly like Redhat's or
 SuSE's.  Debian would be the absolute killer!
 But oh well, talk is cheap...

How about suggesting some improvements, rather than I don't like the
Debian install?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Ping run-away

1999-02-10 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Dean wrote:

   Just got debian up ( bare bones) and went to internet and to check I
 first pinged IPS, then debian.org and ping wouldn't stop. Finally got 
 off internet by poff in another vc, ping cont. to try to send. Any 
 suggestions on ping? Also what can I do to stop a run away like this?

Man ping is your friend ;) Of course, if you've not run dselect yet, you
won't have man. Anyway, ^C will stop ping and make it give you the


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: slashdot poll

1999-02-10 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Ben Messinger wrote:

 Pollywog wrote:
  Several people have told me that as newbies (first time install) they got
  RedHat up and on the net in 15 minutes, but I don't believe any of them.
 I recently installed RH just to see what the big deal was about. I was
 totally offended by the hands-off install. The hardware detection was
 kool, but I know my hardware anyway. When the install was complete x

So perhaps we should try taking RH's hardware detection stuff?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Controlling Volume on an Audio CD?

1999-02-10 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 I finally bought a cable to connect my sound card and cd-rom drive. I
 started up workbone and it sounds great! Is there a keypress or other
 utility that will allow me to control the volume though? I'm using a
 hamm system.

Aumix is the best IMHO


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Richard Hall wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Shaleh wrote:
  On 08-Feb-99 Richard Hall wrote:
   I went ahead and did 'chmod 666 /dev/audio' and that made workman work.  I
   really hate doing that, though.  It seems like there should be a way to
   make /dev/audio available to me and various processes I start like
   workman without making it world writable and without having to do group
  The proper thing to do is to add any user that wants sound to the audio 
  You stated sound worked, so I assumed it was not a permission problem.

It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
/dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Shaleh wrote:

 Here is my /dev/audio
 prompt$ ll /dev/audio
 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   4 Jul 20  1998 /dev/audio
 run 'groups' as the user.  If audio appears then the above should work, it 
 on every one of my machines.
 If audio is not listed as one of your groups, as root run 'vigr' and add your
 user name to the end of the audio line.  The logout and log back in so the
 group change takes effect.

Also note, you need read access to /dev/hdc or whatever your cd drive is.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
 /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom

OK, so all I had to do was make /dev/hdc world-readable sigh


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
  /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom
 OK, so all I had to do was make /dev/hdc world-readable sigh
 Again .. you do not have to change ANY permissions. Type ls -l filename..
 My cdrom is on /dev/hdh so 'ls -l /dev/hdh' shows
 brwxrwx---   1 root disk  34,  64 Apr 26  1998 /dev/hdh
 Do the samething you did with your /dev/audio groups but add yourself to
 the group 'disk' like so 'adduser user disk'

This assumes I want to add myself to group disk, which I do not. OTOH,
giving everyone read permissions to my CDROM is unlikely to cause problems

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: slashdot poll

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 On 09-Feb-99 Adam Di Carlo wrote:
  Debian seems to be taking a beating on the recent /. poll
  of distributions.  Have you all voted?
 Why is that?  I just ordered a copy because I have heard good things about the

RH is a commercially-based distro, so they can spend loads of cash on
advertising etc, so they are the most popular, despite Debian's inherantly
free-er nature, and techincal superiority


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

3D software

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I want a nice (preferably simple) package to created 3D-scenes
(spaceships and the like, so based on geometrical shapes), ideally with
flashy raytracing  and the like. Any suggestions?

Processor,memory and video card no object :)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: fvwm2 menu not working

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 8 Feb 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

  MCV == M C Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 MCV shows an option to exit fvwm2, and nothing else. I have menu
 MCV installed, and the various config files in /etc/X11/fvwm2 seem to
 MCV be there, but a decent menu is not being generated. Any ideas?
 Try running update-menu as root with verbose and debug enabled to see
 what it does. Also make sure the user doesn't have a crippled menu or

This seems to work OK

 fvwm config in his homedir.
 Start fvwm2 on your account. Same problem?

It doesn't look like fvwm2 at all. No decoration on the window bars, no
little thing in the corner to select virtual desktops, and the menu has
only two options: builtin menu (which does nothing) and exit FVWM (not
FVWM2). I have fvwm-common and fvwm2 installed OK. Also, moving windows
doesn't work. 

It seems that something is deeply broken (I have no .fvwm2 or the like)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: fvwm2 menu not working

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 8 Feb 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

  MCV == M C Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 MCV shows an option to exit fvwm2, and nothing else. I have menu
 MCV installed, and the various config files in /etc/X11/fvwm2 seem to
 MCV be there, but a decent menu is not being generated. Any ideas?
 Try running update-menu as root with verbose and debug enabled to see
 what it does. Also make sure the user doesn't have a crippled menu or
 fvwm config in his homedir.
 Start fvwm2 on your account. Same problem?

Ah, I did have a .fvwm2rc (to bind f9 to something), and removing that

I'm still mystified tho


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Wrong HD size in BIOS, Recovery?

1999-02-07 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, wb2oyc wrote:

 I would suggest you tell the bios to auto-detect your disk, and then
 cfdisk it, and make the free space into another partition. This should
 avoid eating your data.
 If you've installed Lilo, the system will not boot, I don't believe.
 Any change to the geometry will render it unable to access the disk.
 You probably will see the dreaded LI when you try.

In that case, re-running LILO should make it work with the new geometry.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: using dpkg

1999-02-07 Thread M.C. Vernon

 When I try to use dpkg -i (filename.deb)  
 I always get something like this:
 cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/status

You need to run dpkg -i as root.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

fvwm2 menu not working

1999-02-07 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I use E, but one of my system's users uses fvwm2, and is
complaining that the menu isn't working properly. Sure enough, the menu
shows an option to exit fvwm2, and nothing else. I have menu installed,
and the various config files in /etc/X11/fvwm2 seem to be there, but a
decent menu is not being generated. Any ideas?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Wrong HD size in BIOS, Recovery?

1999-02-06 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Dan Hugo wrote:

 Apparently, I had forgotten to change the BIOS setting back to AUTO
 for the IDE drive probing, which I had set up when I first found that
 3.2G drive to be flaky.  Ugh!


I would suggest you tell the bios to auto-detect your disk, and then
cfdisk it, and make the free space into another partition. This should
avoid eating your data.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Severe DOS under 2.2.1

1999-02-05 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Yesterday I had the rather disconcerting happening of my machine
running a massive DOS in my abscence. I have an NE2000 card, and compiled
a 2.2.1 kernel at 00.05 on Thursday morning, then went to bed. I then got
up at about 7am, and did some ssh. I went out at 8. About 11pm, my machine
started spewing random stuff out at full wack (10Mbits per sec), causing
half the college network and a router to die. Since then, it has behaved
fine (plugged in behind another box incase it repeats), and there is
nothing in the kernel config or any logs to suggest anything

DoeS aNy Body have any ideas what might have caused this, or any more
diagnostics I could run?



And no, none of the network admins were running tcpdump at the time

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Install to another hdd?

1999-02-05 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I have a machine which I want to install debian on. Unfortunatly,
it has not floppy drive; I can see a couple of possibilities:

1: put the hdd into my working linux box, and use the rescue disks to
install onto /dev/hdc (Can I then install LILO onto that hdd, and have it
boot correctly when I put it into the other machine?)

2: Cross-install base-packages etc...Which packages do I need, and again,
how do I run lilo on this machine?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: Install to another hdd?

1999-02-05 Thread M.C. Vernon

 1. is easily doable.  lilo should be happy (make sure you write to the correct

How? By putting boot = /dev/hdc in lilo.conf, and then specifying
/dev/hda1 as root (which is what the disk will be when it gets put in the
other machine)
 But why not just move the floppy over to the floppy-less machine?

Because the floppy-less machine is rather fussy about floppies :(


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Modules and kmod - I'm confused

1999-02-04 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I have a shiny new 2.2.1 kernel. I'm pretty sure I've not got
modules sorted properly yet tho.

I'm using kmod, so the kernel should load modules on demand. Do I
need to add the rmmod -a line to root's crontab, or do the debian scripts
put it somewhere? Also; I got a bunch of errors like ne: unable to find
module ne at startup, but this doesn't seem to have had any detrimental
effect (I'm writing this through my net card, for example).

Modules that need config options need to go in /etc/modules.conf,
right? How do I know which ones need some config?

Also, with sound, for my card the documentation has the following:
insmod mpu401
insmod ad1848
insmod opl3sa2 some options here
insmod opl3 io=0xfoo

Now I can do putting the options to opl3sa2 and op3 in /etc/modules.conf,
but do I need to load all those modules by hand, or will kmod do this for
me as soon as I do anything?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Counting number of lines in a text file

1999-02-03 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I was wondering what the quickest way to count the number of records
 (lines) in a text file.  It would be neat to do many files at once and save
 the output in a seperate file in the format 'filename:::#records'.

wc -l will do one file. Either write a shell script, or have a look at man


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: error with rescue disk

1999-02-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Aaron Walker wrote:

 When I try to boot the rescue disk (to install debian 2.0),
 I get the following errors.
 Anyone know what the problem is?

Almost certainly the rescue disk is shot. Download a fresh copy, and write
it to a new floppy.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Pnpconf stuff

1999-02-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I have compiled a shiny new 2.2.1 kernel, and want to play with my
sound card :). To do this, I need (I think) to run isapnp before loading
the sound module into the kernel (strictly, with the new kernel, kerneld
will load it on demand, but that's another matter). So, I put the config
stuff into /etc/modules.conf, but how do I get isapnp to run during boot
(i.e. which script do I need to alter?)



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread M.C. Vernon
I saw the uploaded message days ago, and sunsite still doesn't have the
kernel-source or kernel-headers packages available yet :(

ftp.debian.org doesn't either


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: 2.0 install problems

1999-02-02 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, ivan wrote:

 (7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
 lp and serial)

IIRC you need to include a support for filesystems here; I haven't
installed in a while though - probably under block devices.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 2 Feb 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

 Mike Garfias [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | M.C. Vernon spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
 |  I saw the uploaded message days ago, and sunsite still doesn't have the
 |  kernel-source or kernel-headers packages available yet :(

 It's usually a dog. I'm not sure what sunsite MC was talking about,
 perhaps the UK sunsite? But certainly the sunsite in the US
 (sunsite.unc.edu) has the new kernels via their mirror of
 ftp.kernel.org. Here's the URL

Yes, but I was wondering about the kernel-source and kernel-headers
packages. How can I make these fromt he kernel source .tar.gz?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: XFree86 Almost Working...

1999-02-01 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I am using the mach64 server and it appears to autoprobe my card OK using
 XF86Setup (The card isn't listed so I just left it to autoprobe the various

You may be better supplying what you know.
 If I set it up to run with 1024x768 I get 2-10seconds of flickering rolling
 lines and then screen suddenly starts looks OK. Is there a way of fixing
 this? If I try and use a lower resolution it all seems to start up cleanly.
 What is going on here? I put in my vert and horiz refresh rates from the
 monitor manual but it still seems to do this.

It could be that this is the time it takes to probe your card. Try telling
it things like how much memory the card  has etc.

 I have an ATI Xpert98 card and a Dell D1028LR monitor. I am using X from a
 hamm distribution CD. (If any of that is relevant...)

My Xpert98 works fine - I don't get this behaviour


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's a nifty little program PCMag wrote for Win that tracks installations,
 and I'd like to have this functionality in Linux.  Before I write my own, is
 there a utility that will do the same thing?

dpkg does all of this :-)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-01 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I knew dpkg did the install, but where does it track what it did?  Is there a
 dpkg log somewhere?

dpkg -l lists packages installed.
dpkg --get-selections produces an output which you could later feed to
dpkg --set-selections to restore a ***ed system


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Activating swap

1999-01-30 Thread M.C. Vernon

 How do I activate that swap?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Activating swap

1999-01-30 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, dan wrote:

  How do I activate that swap?
 You need to setup the swap space first.  try 'mkswap /dev/hda5'.  It's the 
 same as (only different) making a filesystem before mounting in.
 This will destroy all data on the drive.

No, it will destroy all data on the partition. This is quite an important
distinction :)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: No connect permission for the lp printer command (It's workings again!)

1999-01-30 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Yes, DEFAULT REJECT was there for a good reason.  With DEFAULT ACCEPT, 
 any arbitrary person from any arbitrary host can print to your
 printer.  I have solved this problem by keeping DEFAULT ACCEPT at the
 bottom, but inserting REJECT SERVICE=XRPQ NOT SERVER above the
 REJECT SERVICE=CSU line (it's very important you insert it in the
 right spot).  I believe this is fairly secure and it allows for local
 users printing.

In that case, can I suggest you file a bug, and include this solution?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: reading /usr/doc files

1999-01-29 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Richard Hall wrote:

 Is there a tool for reading the oodles of documentation in /usr/doc, or do
 I just have to go in there, gunzip, and more?

zless /usr/doc/foo/bar.gz


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread M.C. Vernon

 If all you want is to convert to decimal, use this short C-program:
 #include stdio.h
 void main(int argc, char **argv)
This is undefined. main should return an int.

 while (*++argv) printf(%s == %i\n, *argv, strtol(*argv));


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Browser for a slow computer?

1999-01-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Daniel González Gasull wrote:

 Alec Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Netscape is about your only choice, other than Lynx.

FWIW, you could try w3c in xemacs


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Problem with Quake II...

1999-01-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 27 Jan 1999, Dale E. Martin wrote:

 For anyone else who is interested:
 1) Quake II 3.20 seems to have fixed this problem.
How do I upgrade my debian packages to 3.2

Should the maintainer do this?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: OPL3SAx sound card

1999-01-27 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Has anyone been able to get this card to work?  I've tried every
 combination in the kernel and the best I've gotten is a series of
 four tones, each at a higher frequency than the last.  If someone 
 could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

I think these cards are now properly supported in 2.2.0 If that works,
then do let me know, as I've got one that I never use


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Browser for a slow computer?

1999-01-26 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Daniel González Gasull wrote:

 I already asked it some days ago.  But I never saw my
 message or the answer in the list.  I don't know why.

Possibly because there is no easy answer.
 I'm looking for a browser for my computer, an old i486
 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM.  I.e. a very slow machine.

 Now I use Lynx, but I want a graphic browser with HTML
 4.0, Java and images.  Netscape is too big to install
 in my machine.  Please, wich browser do you recommend
 to me?

Try gzilla, or mosaic, both of which are development software.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Help a newbie installing pine

1999-01-25 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, Darknight wrote:

 I'm not sure if I missed a package when downloading hamm or something,
 but pine was not included, so I downloaded the newest version available
 from washington university.  However, whenever I try to build it using
 the linux option, I get an error ld cannot open -ltermcap: no such file
 or directory.  Please help if you know what I should do about this
 error.  Thanks.

Your easiest fix is to look on a debian mirror, in /project/experimental,
and download pine.*. These will then build fine.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Admin Questions

1999-01-21 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Dan Furtney wrote:

 This is a bit off topic but the knowledege seems to be here so what the
 heck. When I did the Deb install I used the existing /home and swap
 areas from a RedHat installation residing on the same disk. I thought I
 would be able to use my /home/dan directory in Debian or RedHat. When I
 used adduser to create the account under Debian It recognized that the
 /home/dan directory existed and didn't overwrite it. The problem is that
 I don't have permissions for the directory from the debian account. The
 RedHat end is still fine. How should this be done? TIA

You need to make sure the UID and GID (numerical) are the same under both


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

RE: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-21 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Yes, natural language is quite far from the code of a programm but the first
 algorithms that one must develope for a programm are much like cooking
 recipes in natural language. Is there someone out there thinking in C or
fprintf(HANDS,Me %s,SMILEY); 


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

quake2 multiplayer (sorry)

1999-01-21 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

I've got quake2, and installed the potato versions of the debian
packages. When someone tries to connect to my machine however, their
quake2 (which is the same version as mine) fails: wrong version number 
Server is version 3.19

I've installed quake2, quake2-dm and quake2-ctf.

Any ideas?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: economy mode printing?

1999-01-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

 Hi all,
 Are there any economy mode print filters available for use with gs
 in debian?

As root, hpset econo should do the trick


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

PGP public keysevers?

1999-01-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Anyone know of any of these that work - the first few from the pgp
documentation (dated 1995) all seem dead (unroutable mail domain, failed
nslookup etc.)...



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Language

1999-01-17 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Sam Franc wrote:

 I have been lurking on this group.
 What text do I need to get to interpret what all this language means,
 such as:
Learning a new language isn't necessary to get a linux box running, and
use it effectively. Sure, there are some new concepts (uptimes 1 day :)
), but IMHO, you don't _need_ to worry about the complex stuff to begin
with. I'd suggest getting hold of a book:

Debian Linux Users' guide (comes with 3CDs), which is available from


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: how to install sendmail or exim on my debian box ?

1999-01-16 Thread M.C. Vernon

 i am a beginner on debian linux ... i have installed a debian box in my
 office and it is connected to my LAN, i have installed telnetd on my linux
 and it is running fine.  now i wanna install sendmail/exim on my debian to
 let it be my mail server ,,, i have downloaded this software from
 ftp.us.debian.org.  my question is, how do i install this software, and what
 r the steps should i take or plan in order to get this mail server done.

As a first step:

dpkg -i /path/to/exim.deb

This will (providing you have met all dependancies) run through a basic
configuration script with you.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: substitute strings in text files (links in html files)

1999-01-15 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Oliver Thuns wrote:

 How could I substitute a string (links) in html files with standard
 Linux (debian) tools?

use sed. It is very powerful for this sort of thing.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: rich text format

1999-01-15 Thread M.C. Vernon
On 15 Jan 1999, Harald Weidner wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Rich Harran. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone tell me the easiest way to view a rich text format under linux,
 preferably without installing staroffice / wp8, etc.  In windows, it can
 be read with word, but wordview just won't load it up
 There is a nice tool called rtftohtml. It can be found on
 It is commercial, but you can download an evaluation copy for
 many operating systems.

I dislike his - compile it for your OS, and then give me rights to the
binary. I've just got hold of the RTF spec..


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: rich text format

1999-01-14 Thread M.C. Vernon

 Can anyone tell me the easiest way to view a rich text format under linux,
 preferably without installing staroffice / wp8, etc.  In windows, it can
 be read with word, but wordview just won't load it up

pw should do the trick


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: rich text format

1999-01-14 Thread M.C. Vernon

Sorry, it's xpw:


Package: xpw
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: text
Installed-Size: 377
Maintainer: Yann Dirson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: siag
Version: 3.0.6-3.1
Replaces: pw
Provides: pw
Depends: siagoffice-common (= 3.0.6-3.1), siagoffice-plugins (= 3.0.6-3.1), 
libc6, libguile4 (= 1:1.3-11), libncurses4, libreadlineg2 (= 2.1-12), tcl8.0 
(= 8.0.4), xlib6g (= 3.3-5), xpm4g (= 3.4j-0)
Recommends: www-browser, postscript-viewer
Suggests: xsiag, egon, offix-files
Conflicts: pw
Description: the Pathetic Writer word-processor
 The word-processor part of the Siag Office suite, which also contains
 SIAG and EGON.  Siag Office uses the Offix DND Drag-and-Drop protocol.
 A WWW browser is needed to read online doc.  A postscript viewer is used for
 document preview.
 It can read and write RTF and HTML files for inter-operation with other
 well-known word-processors.

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Rich Harran. wrote:

 I tried
   man pw
 but I don't have an entry.  What is pw, and from where do I get it?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

XF86Config format changed?

1999-01-14 Thread M.C. Vernon
I've just upgraded to slink, and the XF86Config file parser doesn't like
my config file, so xdm won't start. I fiddled the hsync OK, but it doesn't
like the pointer section either:

Emulate3Buttons set in pointer, but 3 pointer buttons specified

the pointer section is:

Protocol PS/2
Device   /dev/psaux
BaudRate  1200
Emulate3Timeout 50
Resolution 100

I'm really stuck now


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

When using dselect to upgrade to slink, it objects to the version
of libc that I have, so I have to remove libc-doc :(

Is this a known problem, or am I being dumb?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 There's a new version of all the libc6 packages in slink today, so
 hopefully there should be no problems with that.

In fact, my slink mirror has no libc6 at all ! (sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk).
Using the potato one unhosed my system.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:
 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 I get,
This is your working directory - ~/ is short for your home directory. If
you did cd /etc/init.d, then the prompt would say



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Wayne Cuddy wrote:

 I used RedHat through version 5.1 before switching to Debian.  Here are a few
 of the reason I stuck with Debian and continue to do so.

snip lots of good reasons why debian is better than RH :)

I'd like to add the GNU/Hurd project to the list of plusses. When I do
hurd development, I still have to battl^H^H^H^H^Hwork with one packaging
system,  and I'd like to see RH plough resources into an OS that is far
from being mainstream just yet.


watch out, Hurd's about :)

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

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