Re: umount - URGENT

2000-01-07 Thread MallarJ2
In a message dated 1/7/2000 12:56:05 PM Central Standard Time, 

 while it's a good habit to demand successful umounts before removing
  media, remember that it IS a cdROM after all.  You're certainly not
  going to damage it by just pushing the button and taking the thing
  out.  Sure the os will complain, but you'll have the disk in your

I don't know about you - but I have two PCs that won't let me eject the CD 
unless I umount the device.

Perhaps an undocumented feature?


Running X on a Diamond Stealth II S220

2000-01-04 Thread MallarJ2
I've got the above card on my PC at the office, and have a need to run X on 
it.  Evidently, it isn't supported directly.  (I'm using slink, by the way).  
I checked on and it doesn't appear to be supported by the XFree86 
servers either.  There are, however, two that X11 packages that do support 
it, one that I don't want to pay $99 for, and the other, from SUSE.  However, 
I can't seem to find the driver on SUSEs ftp site.  Supposedly the server is 
called XFCom_Rendition.

So... questions are:

* Is this card supported by XFree yet, and just not listed?

* If not, does SUSE still include this driver?  If so, where would I find it?

* Is there any other way to get this card working under X?

* Has anyone gotten this card to run under X yet?

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Running X on a Diamond Stealth II S220

2000-01-04 Thread MallarJ2
In a message dated 1/4/00 3:58:38 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 * Is this card supported by XFree yet, and just not listed?

Well, I hate to answer my own question, but I think I found the answer to it 
anyway.  I guess XFree86 just hasn't updated their website - in like - ages.

So, my next question is this.  I now know the latest version of XFree86 
supports this above card, but there's no .deb for them.  So, is there a way 
to install it over my existing X installation?  Or should I just remove all 
my .debs and install the new X server with the .tgz files instead?

I need a truley interactive chat script for PPP

2000-01-04 Thread MallarJ2
I need to connect to the mainframe from the office, and have a need for a 
complex chat script.  Can someone help me out?

Under Win95, I have my dialout connection set to bring up a terminal window 
after connecting, so I can do the following:

Login:  my user name
Password: my password
Challenge: abc93029

[Here I take the challenge number above and key it into a card-like device.  
It then gives me another number I need to key in as the response.  Then I 
press F7 (Continue) to start the PPP session.

How do I mimic this functionality in Linux?  

chat doesn't seem to be powerful enough.  I can use SAY or REPORT to see the 
challenge, but chat doesn't seem to provide a way to key in a number 
interactively.  wvdial doesn't seem to be capable of this either.

Any thoughts?
