CD boot images extraction

1999-08-27 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Is there a way to extract the boot image on a cd where it has been hidden?  I 
looked through the docs for mkisofs and mkhybrid.  I know how to create and 
hide the image but not how to find one the has been hidden.

Re: How do I install Debian?

1999-04-05 Thread Mark Ciciretti
If you install the vfat module it will allow you to access your MSDOS

Johann Spies wrote:
 I did not know about modconf.  But when I run it on the newly installed
 base system, I get the same limited number of choices amongst the
 filesystem drivers of which isofs and msdos are not options.
 I get the following options:
 a lot of nls_cp???'s (with no comment explaining the module)
 a lot of nls_iso8859_ -options (also with no comment)
 There is no msdos and no fat and no isofs.
 Is there another way of installing which would ensure that all the
 filesystem options are available?
 | Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
 | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |
  My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should
   be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become
   angry, for man's anger does not bring about the
   righteous life that God desires.  James 1:19,20

Re: mutt-Netscape and nmh

1999-03-14 Thread Mark Ciciretti
To get mutt to read a MH folder all you have to is 'touch 
FOLDER_NAME/.mh_sequences' .  Mutt looks for this file to determine mailbox 
type.   If you do use MHfolders add the line 'set mh_purge' , if you don't then 
Mutt just move the message file to ,filename and does not actually delete it.  
I found that when I was wondering why I had a 9Meg mailbox with only 5 messages 
in it. 

On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 02:37:08PM -0500, Seth M. Landsman wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 12:49:38PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
  I have been using Netscape and more recently mutt to download and read
  mail.  I installed nmh so that I
  could 'burst' digests apart but it doesn't seem that nmh and
  netscape/mutt folders are compatible.  Is
  this a correct assumption?  If I use 'folders' nmh lists my folder
  directories but doesn't list any mail folders such as 'Psycholoquy' or
  'Debian-User' which mutt and netscape read and put mail into.
  How can I get nmh to recognize these folders?  When I searched dejanews
  people talked about converting mh folders to Netscape but not the other
  way around.  Or am I way off  and just not using the syntax correctly? 
  I have tried 'scan', 'burst', and 'folders' but nothing seems to work. 
  There doesn't seem to be much documentation for this system either.  I
  downloaded mh-papers but am not sure how to read the tex documents.  As
  you can tell I am not very experienced with either nmh or TEX.
   I was under the impression that mutt was capable of reading
 mh-style mail folders.  (in fact, I've been debating moving over to
 mh-style folders, to make syncrhonization across machines and my pilot
   Checkout the mutt web site,, I think.  
   I don't know anything about netscape.
   Let me know if you figure out how to get mutt to natively read mh.
 It is by will alone I set my mind in motion
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RE: Windows NT over Windows 95

1999-03-04 Thread Mark Ciciretti
The problems lie more with than with Linux.  Your current setup should
work if you just install NT over 95.  One problem with that is that NT
will not work off FAT 32 partitions.  If you want long file names wih NT
you have to install NTFS.  The problem with NTFS is that there is only
read only support for it for Linux. I would make a backup up your current 
system, just in case.  For additional information I work look at the Linux
and NT loader howto at .

On 04-Mar-99 Matt Garman wrote:
 I have Windows 95 installed with Linux, four partitions, everything is
 fine.  I'd prefer to be 100% Linux, but something just came up where
 I'll have to use Windows a bit.
 I've got a copy of Windows NT that came with my computer, and I've had
 NT plus Linux running happily together under a scheme similar to my
 current win95+linux.
 My question is: I'd like to install NT over 95, and leave everything
 else as is.  I don't see any immediate, difficult problems in doing
 this, but I'm just hoping someone might point out potential disasters
 that I'm overlooking.
 I currently have Lilo installed on /dev/sda (i.e. master boot
 record).  Windows 95 is installed on /dev/sda1 (one gig), my Linux
 swap is /dev/sda2 (about 50 megs), my linux system is /dev/sda3 (about
 a gig), and /dev/sda4 is four gigs of EXT2-fs for storage.  If I
 remember correctly, I have two options for the boot deal with
 NT+Linux: I can do the dd thing on my linux boot sector, and copy
 that into the NT boot loader.  If I remember correctly, is it also
 possible to make /dev/sda3 my _bootable_ partition, install lilo on
 that (/dev/sda3), and have lilo point to /dev/sda1 for NT and
 /dev/sda3 for Linux, verdad?
 They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
  Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
   -- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 03-Mar-99

RE: Installation via PCMCIA ethernet card

1999-03-02 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Get the drivers disk from 3Com and make the drivers as per their
instructions.  Then run 3c589.exe, or something similar to that, from
there you can set the IRQ and the other setings of the card.

On 28-Feb-99 Liam Healy wrote:
 I am trying to install Debian 2.1 on a Dell Latitude XPi CD via the
 network.  This computer has a new hard disk, so I partitioned the disk
 with cfdisk, then started to put Debian on the second partition,
 leaving the first partition for Windows NT.  I went through the
 dbootstrap procedure of configuring the PCMCIA and the network.
 Everything worked: I could NFS mount to get base2_1.tgz, and I could
 ftp to a Debian mirror to get the packages.  Then I stopped doing that 
 and went through a painful Windows NT installation.  I finally got
 winnt working, and went back to the Debian install.  Now the network
 is totally unreachable - I even wiped out the Debian partition and
 started over, doing exactly the same thing in dbootstrap that I had
 done before.  No luck: I can't ping the machine from outside, and I
 can't load anything in Debian.
 Is it possible that WinNT (with a Softex cardmanager) reconfigured
 something that gets saved in the Etherlink III PCMCIA card?  I did
 change something in the BIOS, but it doesn't seem relevant (I disabled
 the IR port).  Other than these two possibilities, I don't see how the
 WinNT setup could have affect Debian - or am I missing something?
 Thanks for any help.
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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 01-Mar-99

Re: nfs install ftp install fail on ThinkPad

1999-02-24 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Try running '/etc/init.d/network start' after the PCMCIA services
are started.  IIRC this is what I had to do when I installed Debian on a
friend's laptop.

On 24-Feb-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 24-Feb-99 Dale E. Martin wrote:
 Pollywog [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It says the card is UP and route shows normal, but they are lying.
 Can you ping a host on your network?  Does the light on the card blink?
 Why do think it's lying?
 dmesg shows that the network card is not recognized even though the
 light is on.
 ifconfig and route work but they still don't make things work.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 23-Feb-99

Re: ThinkPad problem continues

1999-02-24 Thread Mark Ciciretti
To find out which module it is run lsmod.  Then run rmmod MOD_NAME to
remove each module one by one.  When the network stops working run insmod
to install the last module that you removed.  After you have found the
module, run modconf and select that module under the network section.  It
will then be available when you boot.

On 24-Feb-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 24-Feb-99 George Bonser wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 I can do:
 ifconfig eth0
 route add dev eth0
 but that only lets me ping the machine by hostname or localhost.
 I cannot ping the other machine.
 THat is the problem! It only has a route to the one host! Try this:
 route add -net netmask broadcast
 Then try to ping them.
 You need to add a route for the net not just the one address.
 I forgot to add a route for the net because I did not know it was
 here.  It is working now even without that.  I could not start NFS (I am
 unfamiliar with how it is done in Debian because things are in different
 places) so I am using FTP.
 I wish I knew which network card module is working.  Probably ne2000
 that is the first one I installed and I believe that is what I used with

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 23-Feb-99

Re: Apache and public_html directories

1999-02-23 Thread Mark Ciciretti
You suggestion worked.  I had set my home directory to be owned by
mark.mark with permission of 700.  I changed it to mark.www-data and 710
and it started working.
Thank you.
On 22-Feb-99 Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
 Is the file /home/mark/public_html readable by the user or group that
 Apache runs as?  I set the home directories of my users up to have
 permissions of 710 and membership in the group that Apache runs as
 (wheel on my main computer, www-data on every Debian installation
 ever seen) and the public_html directory has permissions of 775.
 This means that Apache can get into everybody's public_html directory,
 no users can.
 Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Brokersys  +281-895-8101
 12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 22-Feb-99

Apache and public_html directories

1999-02-21 Thread Mark Ciciretti
How do I set up public_html directories for users?  I installed the
1.3.4 package of apache and apache-common.  I then created a public_html
directory under /home/mark/.  When I enter the URL localhost/~mark/ I get


You don't have permission to access /~mark/ on this server.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 21-Feb-99

RE: What's in kernel 2.1/2.2?

1998-12-04 Thread Mark Ciciretti
IIRC there was an article about the 2.2 kernel in the December issue of
Linux Jornal.  It might be on the web page , ,
if you don't get the magazine.  For information about the 2.0 and 2.1
kernels look at LinuxHQ, .  The kernel patches
section list what was changed from the previous release of the kernel, and
there is a link the the actual kernel patch
On 04-Dec-98 Moore, Paul wrote:
 I see that people are hoping for kernel 2.2 to be released by Christmas.
 I've looked (honest!) and yet I can't see a straightforward list of the
 major new features expected in 2.1/2.2. Can anybody point me at
 something I could look at? (Short of the sources :-)
 Paul Moore.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 04-Dec-98

RE: Subjects not so comfortable

1998-12-04 Thread Mark Ciciretti
You could filter on part of the footer.  I hae my xfmail filter set to
work on debian-user string in the message.
On 04-Dec-98 Andrea Novara wrote:
 I have a small config feeling question?
 Since we spawn hundreds of messages each day, it
 would be more comfortable to have a constant string
 in subjects such as [ DEBIAN ] that allows easy
 If anyone have better suggestions or cat filter
 using other header than from, can mail such
 tips? I'm using elm's filter program now!
 Many thanks
 Saluti, Andrea
   '''   '''
 '''   ''' '''  ''' '''  ''' ''' '''
'''   '''  ''' '''  '''   
   ' ''' '''  '''  '''   '
  ' ''' '''  '''   '''  '''
 There's no Linux 95 or 98 because Linux is forever!!
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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 04-Dec-98

RE: Ifconfig

1998-11-23 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Set the IP address in /etc/init.d/network script

On 23-Nov-98 Amanda Shuler wrote:
 I have a question about ifconfig.
 I have a machine that I am trying to configure to put onto a local
 I'm an assigning it IP address
 I type:
   ifconfig eth0
 then I check it with ifconfig and everything is correct.  I reboot the
 machine, and recheck ifconfig -- it's wrong.  It resets the IP address
 to everytime!  
 Currently, I do not have this machine physically hooked up to the
 because I was just doing the configuration and I didn't want to knock
 another (very important) machine off the network.  If the ethernet card
 not actually hooked up to the network, will that cause this reset to
 happen upon every boot?
 How do I get it to stay at
 Amanda Shuler | I don't want to start any
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | blasphemous rumours, but...
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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 23-Nov-98

RE: can't install on IBM

1998-11-18 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Use the tecra boot and rescue disks. 
Look at
It explains how to download the disk images and how to install using the

On  18-Nov-98 Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
 A friend of mine have a problem installing Debian 2.0 on an IBM ThinkPad
 every time I boot from CD, lilo loads 'root.bin' and 'linux' and then
 reboot my machine.
 Some suggestions?
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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 18-Nov-98

RE: Debian ascentia910N

1998-06-29 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Try the tecra boot disks in

On 29-Jun-98  in Debian ascentia910N Robert E Steward  wrote:
 Dear All,
   Has anyone out there tried to install debian on the AST ASCENTIA
 910N laptop.I have partitioned the disk, and formated the second
 as DOS. The rescue disk read up until boot:.Then ENTER causes
 root.bin to be displayed  then it hangs.
 Any suggestions welcome, not matter how dumb I`ve been.
  Robert Steward
   Department of Biochemistry
   Tennis Court Road

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29-Jun-98
Time: 05:46:43

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RE: Learning C

1998-06-17 Thread Mark Ciciretti
A good book to start with is Begining Linux Programing by Wrox Press.   
On 17-Jun-98 M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
   I guess I could probably RTFM, but there you are. I know basic C,
 and I'd like to get used to using libraries. Debian (Linux, generally)
 being what it is, I'm pretty sure there are some packages in the devel
 section that will come with docs that tell me how to take my C further
 (I'd like ultimatly to do .debs :) ). Can someone point me in the right
 Thanks for your patience,
 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward-elect of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17-Jun-98
Time: 09:29:14

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RE: Zip and CD-rom (almost there)

1998-06-11 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Try mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt
The file system on a CD is in the ISO 9660 format not fat.  You also don't
have to specify a partition.

 for CD:
 mount -t msdos /dev/hdd4 /mnt
 this does not work. Same with vfat
 I tried fdisk on /dev/hdd. Here's the output.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10-Jun-98
Time: 18:52:11

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RE: mount cdrom?

1998-05-27 Thread Mark Ciciretti
mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom

On 27-May-98 Mikhali Mifsud wrote:
 Ahh I know this is a stupid question, but how do I mount a cdrom?
 I have a sun scsi cdrom set to address 6, and a directory (mount
 point) called cdrom created in /
 Whats the the command line to mount it?
 live life to the full because your DEAD longer than your alive.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 26-May-98
Time: 22:39:39


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MH folders in Pine

1998-05-20 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Does anyone know how to get Pine to read mail from MH style folders?
I primarily use XFMail and I set up all my mail folders as MH folders. I'm
trying to read my mail with Pine over telnet and I like to not have to
reformat all my mail.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 20-May-98
Time: 14:17:53


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RE: whoop

1998-05-06 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Look at
I just glanced at it so I'm not sure that your card will work.  If it doesn't
look at Accelerated X at and Metro X at

On 02-May-98 Plutonically Incorrect wrote:
 I finnaly managed to install debian, first try too!
 I'm having a  bit of a problem with X... It doesnt have the drivers for my
 video card.
 it's an Intense 3d Voodoo Rush Video card (3dfx, 3d/2d)
 Does anyone have an idea on where to obtain drivers for this? 

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05-May-98
Time: 20:20:45


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Re: ACK! SCSI Not WOrking

1998-04-30 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Try setting the jumper to set the address to 340.  I have an Adaptec 1522, which
is basicaly the same card but with floppy support.  This is the message I get
from dmesg:

aha152x: BIOS test: passed, auto configuration: ok, detected 1 controller(s)
aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE=0x340, IRQ=11, SCSI ID=7, reconnect=enabled, pari
ty=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=100, extended translation=disabled
aha152x: trying software interrupt, ok.
scsi0 : Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.18 $

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30-Apr-98
Time: 07:58:07


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RE: Debian 2.0 Question

1998-04-30 Thread Mark Ciciretti
The Tecra files are for the Toshiba Tecra series of laptops.  I'm not really
sure what is the difference between them and thee standard boot disks.

You don't need to do a clean install.  I just downloaded the hamm base
packages and used dpkg to upgrade.  Look at
This is the basic installiation instructions.  There is also an autoupgrade
script but I can't remeber where it is.  The only think that you need to be
real carefull about is the ordering of the packages when you install them. 
Your scripts should work in hamm.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30-Apr-98
Time: 08:28:22


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Re: SyQuest internal IDE 1GB disk?

1998-04-15 Thread Mark Ciciretti
I found what Marcus was talking about at Mega Haus

Here is the description of it:

  Part of the DataPort Removable Bracket Family. DataPort IDE removable hard
drive kit. Complete kit includes 3.5 IDE plastic cartridge and a metal IDE
receiving frame. Receiving frame mounts in 5 1/4 drive bay. Mount IDE 3.5
 hard drive in cartridge and insert cartridge into receiving frame. It's that
easy! Built in cooling fan helps keep your drive COOL. If you need to use
multiple drives in one computer, just use as many extra cartridges as you need.
If you need to use the same drive in different computers, use as many 
extra frames as you need.

On 13-Apr-98 Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
 Do you need to switch the computer off to plug the HD?
 I could imagine that this isn't the best solution for all people.
 I remember a german computer vendor VOBIS having 5 1/4 cases and
 removeable HD to plug in / out. I think it wasn't the great success (never
 saw them again).
 What about DDT-2/3 ?
 Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
 Marcus Brinkmann
 Key   PGP Key ID

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 14-Apr-98
Time: 22:02:25


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RE: some initial X questions

1998-02-02 Thread Mark Ciciretti
The binary for xman is in the xcontrib package.

On 01-Feb-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1) could someone comment on the relative merits of emacs vs xemacs??
2) where is xman?? can't find it on the debian binarys cd-rom.
thanx :)
running Debian GNU/Linux.Free at last

Please do not look directly into laser with remaining eye.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 01-Feb-98
Time: 19:59:37


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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

RE: Fvwm2 FvwmPager

1998-01-22 Thread Mark Ciciretti
Try this line in you .fvwm2rc  Put in the FvwmButtons section.  Also look at
the FvwmButtons man page.  That's where I copied the line from.

*FvwmButtons (4x1, Swallow FvwmPager 'FvwmPager 0 1' Frame 1)

On 22-Jan-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am unable to get either FvwmButtons or TkGoodStuff
to swallow the FvwmPager module.  Can't think of
any other configurations I haven't tried.  It 
doesn't appear to be related to the new multi-file
fvwm2rc configuration setup (although it is definitely
confusing to setup and I could be easily missing 
something in all those various interrelated files).
I've tried using a single old-style configuration 
file with no results either, using both new and old
configuration methods.

Has anyone else run into this problem with the current
version of Fvwm2 in hamm?  Anyone been able to get
Pager swallowed?  Ive been able to get other modules
swallowed, its just Pager that won't go down.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Jess Stryker  
Free Irrigation Tutorials on Design, Installation, and More!
--  Visit them at:  --

Please do not look directly into laser with remaining eye.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 21-Jan-98
Time: 22:52:44


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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

RE: Using X behind IP-MASQ

1998-01-17 Thread Mark Ciciretti

On 17-Jan-98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to run a local X client that is behind an IP-MASQ'ed network.
The server on the other side is a Sparc Station. I have already set it up 
for remote access from a Win 3.11 X-Win client.
I now have a Debian X Win client, but I can't get it to work behind the

I have tried ipautofw  -A -r udp 177 177 -h, and the same
for tcp. I also tried redir --debug --syslog 177 177, but
popeye (the remote), always came up with can't open display
thomson.slip... is the real address of the Masq'ed machine. is the address of the client machine.
I have typed xhost as well.

Thanks for any help,


Debian/GNU Linux... the maintainable operating system.

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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17-Jan-98
Time: 02:03:40


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RE: upgrading from libc5 to libc6?

1997-12-17 Thread Mark Ciciretti

Look at for the libc5 to libc6 howto.

On 17-Dec-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi everybody is there a howto on upgrading from libc5 to libc6.  When I do
a dpkg -i of libc6.deb it tells me that it conflicts with libc5.  Any
suggestions?  Where is the howto?  I've been looking in the archives but
could not see any reference to it.

Please do not look directly into laser with remaining eye.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 17-Dec-97
Time: 12:52:02


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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

RE: Real Audio

1997-12-16 Thread Mark Ciciretti
I got the Real audio player working.  I just ran the install scripts that came
with it and added it to my path.  I had some problems with the real video
player.  Last month, or the month before there was some discussion on the list
about Real Audio.  Someone released a Real Video installer.  I don't know if it
is aviable on the Debian sites or not. I can't rember the site where I
downloaded it from.
On 16-Dec-97 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone gotten this working?  I have it happily playing local files, and it
happily launches from netscape, but doesn't get any data from the broadcast 

I tried the suggestions for use behind a firewall, but no dice.  I believe 
that there is a firewall here; mail cannot go out from netscape on our 
workstations [which this box is not].


These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.

Programming is a simple matter of caffeine.

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E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 16-Dec-97
Time: 10:50:36


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