Re: Telling Emacs how to use Alt as Meta

2000-12-05 Thread Michael Symalla
Hi Joerg,

to answer you question let me attache the answer I got when I asked the same
question quite some time ago. Works perfectly for me every time I updated ;-)

On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 11:53:04AM +0100, Joerg Johannes wrote:

> > I can understand you.  The next keyboard I'll buy won't have those
> > nasty keys.

That exactly the right attitude!

> BTW, where did you last see a keyboard without windows key?

Looking down, yep! ;-)

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 09:27:46 -0500
From: "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michael Symalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Debian User 
Subject: Re: meta key in emacs
Resent-Date: 20 Aug 1998 14:28:51 -
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This problem has come up so many times since hamm started getting used that
it almost
merits its own HOWTO. What's happened is that you've upgraded X and now you
are using
the XKEYBOARD extension. As you've noticed, the ALT key now does ALT and the
key is now the META key. I've argued several times that this is a bug since
it changes
behavior. Alas no one listens to this raving madman. Where's whatcha do (as

sed -e 's/Alt_L/Foo_L/' -e 's/Alt_R/Foo_R/' < /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us |\
sed -e 's/Meta_L/Alt_L/' -e 's/Meta_R/Alt_R/' |\
sed -e 's/Foo_L/Meta_L/' -e 's/Foo_R/Meta_R/' >
mv /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us.old
mv /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us

Now restart X and Things should work normally.

Michael Symalla wrote:

> Dear Debian users,
> can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
> using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the ALT
> key.
> Thanks a lot.
> --
> Bye
>   Mitch


Michael Symalla (Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) 
   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1, Notkestr.85, D-22607 Hamburg
voice:  040/8998 4985 fax: 040/8998 4033 
  In the beginning was the word, and the word was content-type: text/plain

Description: PGP signature

Re: Soundblaster AWE64

2000-02-21 Thread Michael Symalla
Hi Nils-Erik,

the Tip using ALSA was great, now it works more or less. But two
problems remain, perhaps someone can help me solving these:

1. I can't use programms like gmix anymore, even the volume-control in
xmms doesn't work. Before you told me about ALSA, I got it to work
with the normal kernel-modules, there the gmix and volume-control of
xmms worked fine.

2. Somehow, my sound sounds ;-) a little bit tinny, not that quality I
normally would expect. With some songs I have very strong fluctuations
concerning the volume of music and voice, sometime the voice becomes
that quiet that you can't hear it anymore. And the overall volume
fluctuates also very much, strange? I thought about DMA or IRQ
conflicts, but that doesn't seem to be the case (/proc/interrupts and
/proc/dma) This was also the case the time before ALSA stepped into my
life ;-)

Does anybody have an idea??

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
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c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
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Re: Soundblaster AWE64

2000-02-17 Thread Michael Symalla

I think that won't solve my problem as my AWE64 is not an pci device
;-( As far as I understood the help for the es1370 driver, it is for
pci soundcards.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 02:04:47PM +0100, Darlock wrote:

> It's not the same case, but I have a SoundBlaster AWE 128 and only runs
> with the es1370 driver. You can try it... It can runs ok.

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

Description: PGP signature

Soundblaster AWE64

2000-02-17 Thread Michael Symalla

I tried to install a Soundblaster AWE64 under Debian 2.2. The Kernel
2.2.14 is compiled with the following options:

 <*> Sound card support
 <*> OSS sound modules 
 Additional low level sound drivers  --->
[*] Additional low level sound drivers
<*> AWE32 synth 

But the only message I recieve from my kernel during booting is:

Sound initialization started
AWE32: not detected
Sound initialization complete

Can anybody help me please??
   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

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Re: kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Michael Symalla
Hi Martin,

I did it that way and now he not longer complains about missing
modules, great! But now my 3com network adapter (which is included in
the kernel) is not longer initialized, so no eth0 ;-) with 2.0.36
this was a module and everything worked fine, but how do start the
network adapter now? An easy solution might be to compile it also as a
module, but there must be another way, or am I wrong? 

On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 11:31:58AM +0200, Martin Fluch wrote:

> Check the file /etc/modules and remove the entries the bootprocess
> complains about...

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
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kernel 2.2.14, can't locate module

2000-02-16 Thread Michael Symalla

I just tried to update my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.14. Compiling,
mpkg and dpkg worked fine, but when I try to boot the new kernel it
always claims that it can't locate some modules. The funny thing is,
that he misses modules (like 3c59x for my network adapter) which I
have definitly NOT compiled as a module! Even if I compile the kernel
without modules at all, the same story happens. After installation of
the kernel there exists a /lib/modules/2.2.14/ directory with the
modules I want in it. Can anyone help me to solve this problem, I have
really no ideas what to do anymore.

Thanks a lot in advance.

   /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.:  040/8998 4033 \
   /   D-22607 Hamburgprivate phone: 040/5000857   \
   /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

Description: PGP signature

nestcape crashes afterstep

1998-11-22 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian-Users,

I have a very disturbing problem with communicator 4.5 and afterstep. My
Nestcape crashes VERY often (a few times a day), even I have switched of
Java and stuff like that. The Problem is that nothing will be displayed
anymore in the netscape window and that I can't close the window the
"normal" way, so I must use kill. Even killing -9 or -15 all netscape
processes doesnet help. When I kill the window with the menu option my
afterstep closes and I have to log in from xdm again. Any suggestions
what I can do??

       /   Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5) \
   /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone: 040/8998 2571  \
   /   Notkestr.85Fax.: +49 40 8998 4033   \
   /   D-22607 Hamburghome phone: 040/5000857  \
   /   \
   /  E-mail: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'\
   /   \
   / PGP-KEY ID : 0xEFBFF2BD   \
   / Fingerprint: CA57 8960 3C3B F4C2  15C8 2116 5FC3 338A \


1998-08-21 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian-Experts,

i have changed all my xterms against rxvt because it looks nicer with
the scrollbar and the colours (for example in pdmenu). But when I have
opened to much rxvt's I can't open anymore, the only message I recieve

rxvt: can't open pseudo-tty
rxvt: aborting

So, how can I change this or does anyone know a good xterm replacement
with the properties mentioned above? 

meta key in emacs

1998-08-20 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian users,

can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the ALT

Thanks a lot.

saint & netscape

1998-08-18 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian Users,

i just tried to get saint running. It tells me that I should run it as
root (what is ok) and it will start netscape (which seems to be not
okay). The problem is, that netscape will not be started as root saying

/usr/bin/X11/netscape: Cannot be run an root (for security reasons).

Hm, can anyone help me please ?!?

   |Michael Symalla(Uni-Dortmund Physik E5)
   |DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone: 040/8998 2571 
   | Notkestr.85   Fax.: +49 40 8998 4033  
   |   D-22607 Hamburg home phone: 040/5000857 
   |  E-mail: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   | PGP-KEY ID : 0xEFBFF2BD   
   | Fingerprint: CA57 8960 3C3B F4C2  15C8 2116 5FC3 338A 