Re: annoucement: auto-login patch for xdm

2000-06-24 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 06:07:24PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
 due to a relatively popular demand on such a (mis-)feature at debian-user,
 i became interested in automatic login, too. so i just implemented it
 for xdm, kdm and wdm (wdm not tested). i thought about gdm, too, but it
 seems not to be directly based on xdm, so it would be much work.

There is something that I always asked myself about the differnet display
managers. Why do they not handle the login window as an external
application ? I would love to be able to configure the display manager so
that it calls an external application that would return a user name on
its standard output. That way the external app could easily be customized
to do whatever I want - the default choice would be to just display a
window to ask for a login and password, and then check the validity of
the password, but any other scheme could be doable, like displaying icons
for each user, or an autologin, or anything else.

Ideally the interface with this login app could even be a bit more extended,
so that the login app could also return the name of a remote display to log
on, and it could also return a set of environment variables to pass to
the Xstartup script, so this interface would allow the login app to also
work as a chooser for remote X11 sessions, or to choose between different
window managers or sessions as wdm does, or whatever. basically this means
all the functionality of wdm/gdm/whatever could be implemented in the login
app and the startup scripts.

I'm sure there is a good reason why things were not implemented this way,
but I just cant see it :)

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Development Engineer at Wind River Systems
Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-06 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On 5 Apr 2000, Kirk Hilliard wrote:

 infocmp must not be telling the whole story.

 The END key does not work in emacs20 -nw in an xterm with
 TERM=xterm, but it does work with TERM=xterms and
 infocmp xterm xterms returns no differences at all.

I'm not even sure that [x]emacs looks at the info files for keyboard
mapping... It uses terminal-specific lisp init files in
/usr/lib/*emacs*/lisp/term/* though. probably the difference comes from
there (I can not check because I do not have a xterms description in my
xemacs21 installation)

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Development Engineer at Wind River Systems
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
 will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.
 Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-04 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:

   I couldn't make my Emacs work yet. Anyway, the problem is with
 Emacs (in Xterm) and not with XEmacs. I don't know but do you have any
 other idea? (I already contacted the Emacs maintainer but I didn't get
 any answer so far).

I hacked this yesterday in the evening so I can as well post my config
here. I also contacted the xemacs maintainer about this but no answer

I fixed the home/end problem by adding this in my .emacs file :

;; better xterm support
(defun xterm-setup-hook ()
  (define-key function-key-map \e[1~ [home])
  (define-key function-key-map \e[4~ [end]))
(setq term-setup-hook 'xterm-setup-hook)

We have to do this because the terminal definition in
/usr/lib/xemacs-21.1.8/lisp/term/xterm.elc is apparently wrong - it
defines [find] instead of [home] and [select] instead of [end].

To get the delete key to work as it should, I also have to add :

;; delete key
(setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)

I still have another problem with xemacs running in a text VT. when I
exit, I get a blinking block cursor instead of the usual blinking
underline. I dont know why xemacs changes my cursor size and how to avoid
it - if you happen to know this, please tell me :) This is on a current
potato system.

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Development Engineer at Wind River Systems
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
 will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.
 Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

Re: END Key in Emacs (only in Xterm)

2000-04-04 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Rodrigo Castro wrote:

 It worked! I looked at
 /usr/share/emacs/20.5/lisp/term/xterm.elcand noticed that \e[4~
 goes to [select] key. Is it a normal behaviour to beep when it gets
 this key? Branden, is that a problem with some configuration of mine
 in X or is it only a matter of Emacs? I know I solved this problem but 
 I'd like to understand what's going on and why it was working before
 some packages updates!! ;-)

I dont know what your previous config was, but (supposing you did not
upgrade your emacs package) one possible explanation would be that your
xterm still generated the ^[[H and ^[[F sequences for home and end. This
is now considered bogus by the debian as well as upstream X maintainers so
this has changed, but I know debian used the old mappings at some point. I
dont know when the switch occured exactly.

As for the beep problem, I was getting exactly the same thing with
xemacs21. I *think* it is because the xterm.elc uses the [select] key,
while other parts of [x]emacs dont know about select. I would not bet too
much on my explanation though :)

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Development Engineer at Wind River Systems
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters
 will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare.
 Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-23 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Jack A Walker wrote:

 Please excuse this lame non Debian specific question.  Is there a simple
 way to change all filenames in a directory so they are lowercase?  I would
 like to change all the *.cpp and *.h files in a project directory to be
 lowercase letters only.  I know this seems like a lame task but it would
 simplify working on some of my source at home on Linux.  I use Windoesn't
 4.0 at work which retains name case but doesn't use it.

I use the following macro command in zsh (it might be portable to other
shells, or maybe not) :

lower() { for i in $*; mv -f $i ${i:l} 2/dev/null }

usage is : lower filenames
ex. lower *
or  lower *.C

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Student at Ecole Centrale Paris (France)
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Re: sdram and linux

1998-03-30 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

 anyway memtest86 boots on its own anyway...  quick Q: does memtest86
 work on SDRAM ? I know it doesn't work on ECC or Parity ram?  I will
 dfind out tonight...I am trowing 64 MB od SDRAM in my machine (nice
 upgrade from 32 MB of old SIMMs)

Well, I've had a few problems when I installed some new sdram on my
computer, too. memtest86 didnt saw them, but i had a few wierd problems,
programs segfaulting and all.

Apparently part of the reason was that some memory access patterns can't
be reproduced with just the CPU : you may also have some other chips
accessing memory, and the problems may happen only when the different
accesses happen in some particular order. Thus, your memory will only fail
if you have, say, a disk access and a network access at the same time as a

The way I tested my bad sdram was to use this script :

tar czf linux.tar.gz linux
mv linux linux.orig
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for k in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
echo $i$j$k
tar xzf linux.tar.gz
diff -U 2 -rN linux.orig linux
rm -fr linux
mv linux.orig linux

I had one of them running on each of my disks (1 IDE with triton
busmatering, 1 SCSI). Then I compiled kernels in the background. I had
both some sig11 problems, and some differences output by the diff in the
script (btw, there was a strange pattern in these differences).

problem went away when I exchanged my sdram at the store. They said it
wasnt the reason, and that their sdram was okay, but I know this wasnt
true. I guess they must have sold my faulty sdram to some win95 user who
wont see the difference anyway - he'll just get a few more crashes than

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Student at Ecole Centrale Paris (France)
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1997-12-05 Thread Michel LESPINASSE
On Thu, 4 Dec 1997, Curt Howland wrote:

 I notice that MIT now has a Linux build for PGP5.0
 US version. I know that there is a PGP Debian package
 available internationally, but not on the US site.

 Anyone know if a U.S. PGP package for Debian will be

You can find both the us and the international versions of the PGP package

This is a pgp 2.6.3 package, and I'm not sure if pgp5 will ever be
packaged, because of some serious thrust problems. (pgp got bought by
some company which is pushing very hard towards key escrow schemes, I

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Student at Ecole Centrale Paris (France)
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screen blanker

1996-05-31 Thread Michel LESPINASSE

in my previous setup I used to have setterm -blank 15 -powersave on 
launched in my init scripts.

in the debian 1.1beta distribution, setterm does not seems to support 
such options. (the -msg option dissapeard, also).

Is this because the setterm included in debian is not up-to-date
(in which case I think it would be worth upgrading it before the release 
of debian 1.1), or is it because there is now another way to enable 
console power saving ?

Michel Walken LESPINASSE - Student at Ecole Centrale Paris (France)
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