Doesn't it make you wonder how many people have really been using Debian or
Linux for that matter for as long as they claim they have been... makes you
wonder... hmmm...

But I am no Minesweeper Champion and Solitaire what do I know?

Mike Huddleson

-----Original Message-----
From: Branden Robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: Long time Debian user with semi-technical question

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 12:02:36AM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> I have been using Debian since the old A.out days of Debian 1.0, and I was

A remark like this makes me wonder if you REALLY WERE a user back then.  :)

1) There was no Debian 1.0.  InfoMagic saw to that.
2) The first official Debian release (1.1 or "buzz") was ELF-based.
3) The previous numbered version, 0.93R6, was a.out-based.

G. Branden Robinson            |
Debian GNU/Linux               |    Never attribute to malice that which can
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |    be adequately explained by stupidity. |

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