Re: Nvidea-GeForce2ConfigProblem

2002-09-19 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I've got an athalon system with integrated nvidea geforce2 svga,
ethernet, modem, sound card on a single chip (I believe).

I found the debian packages for patching the current Woody X systems
and kernel to be confusing, I prefer leaving kernel work to myself
with straight downloads from and

The nvidia site has a very detailed description of what XF86Config-4
settings to use (XFv3 is *not* supported) and what not to use.

If there is interest, I'll post/send my kernel .config and
XF86Config-4 files.  I include framebuffer and AGP support in the
kernel (2.4.19), and use the kernel's AGP so far rather than the nvidia



Section "Module"
# not nvidiaLoad"GLcore"
#not  nvidia   Load "dri"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
Driver  "nvidia"
Option  "nvAgp" "2"

# maybe on with nvidia? Option  "UseFBDev"  "true"

ThomasRatliffDDS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Trying to get X up and running
> Snippet from /var/log/X*0.log
> Symbol XAADoBitBlt from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
> is unresolved!

Nathan Siemers|Associate Director|Applied Genomics|Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical 
Institute|HW3-0.07|P.O. Box 5400|Princeton, NJ 
08543-5400|(609)818-6568|[EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SSH Security Upgrade Causes Problems (potato) was: Why might sshd have simply stopped?

2001-12-09 Thread Nathan O. Siemers


Having installed last week's ssh security patches last night, I now am
having severe problems talking to other ssh clients, with very slow
transfer rates and high latencies.  

here are the specific versions (one on irix) where I am having
troubles with the potato upgrade:

debug1: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version OpenSSH-1.2.3
debug1: match: OpenSSH-1.2.3 pat ^OpenSSH
debug1: Local version string SSH-1.5-OpenSSH_2.9.9p2

worked like a charm before this. 


Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> No mention of ssh in /var/log/syslog* or /var/log/daemon*.  It does look
> like there was a security update to ssh; maybe there was some problem
> restarting after the upgrade?
> --
> Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>  Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
>   269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Craig Dickson wrote:
> > Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > 
> > > This morning I could suddenly not ssh into my office machine from
> > > home. When I came into the office, I tried and couldn't even ssh into
> > > localhost from it. ps ax showed no sshd running. /etc/init.d/ssh start
> > > solved the problem, but I'm left wondering (and worrying) about what might
> > > have made it stop. The machine has not been restarted in ages.
> > 
> > Did you look in syslog or daemon.log to see if it reported anything before
> > it exited?
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nathan Siemers|Associate Director|Applied Genomics|Bristol-Myers Squibb 
Pharmaceutical Research 
Institute|HW3-0.07|P.O. Box 5400|Princeton, NJ 08543-5400|(609)818-6568|[EMAIL 

Re: Send an DNS Message

2000-06-06 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Perhaps you mean how to do dynamic dns updates?  There's lots of info
and i think some examples in:

N a t h a n   O .  S i e m e r s
Division of Applied Genomics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Hopewell Building 3B, P.O. Box 5400, Princeton, NJ 08543-5400
609 818-6568

Enlightenment configuration tool?

2000-06-06 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I'm running an up to date intel-potato distribution, and
cannot find the enlightenment configuration tool anywhere.
What am I missing?  It is mentioned (but shaded out) in the
gnome configuration menus, and I use it at work on my RH 6.1

Thanks for your help.


N a t h a n   O .  S i e m e r s
Division of Applied Genomics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Hopewell Building 3B, P.O. Box 5400, Princeton, NJ 08543-5400
609 818-6568

Re: safe to upgrade slink to potato?

1999-12-27 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

One apparrent success: apt-get dist-upgrade slink -> potato on an old
ast laptop.  The kernel is actually 2.0.29 and hasn't been changed for
a long time! (I still have it so I don't break my pcmcia ethernet,
mostly due to laziness).

Only problem I have seen is that the new system tried to load every
possible kernel module on the planet, include a dreaded sbpcd module
that spends 10 minutes looking for its card on bootup.  There are
warnings during the upgrade about this, and pointers to the new module
loading configuration.

Thanks for the excellent work.


Pollywog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 26-Dec-1999 Tobias Zimpel wrote:
> > 
> > Well, I broke my system completely a few weeks ago with a simple
> > (segfaulting)
> > 'apt-get dist-upgrade' while I was running potato for months without serious
> > problems. There was no chance to repair it; I couldn't even boot, and I
> > didn't manage to repair it using a rescue disk. The only sollution was to
> > install the whole system new from the scratch. :-(
> > 
> > But I'd say that potato is stable enough to use it without serious problems.
> I am running potato on my other machine, but I want to upgrade my laptop from
> Slink to Potato.  If I understand correctly, you had to install a whole new
> Potato system from scratch.  That is exactly what I want to avoid; I want to
> upgrade the system I have now.
> thanks
> --
> Andrew
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

N a t h a n   O .  S i e m e r s
Division of Applied Genomics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Hopewell Building 3B, P.O. Box 5400, Princeton, NJ 08543-5400
609 818-6568

Humble Request Re: New release over due

1999-12-03 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I appreciate the fine quality of the debian distribution and the work
that goes into it.  Thanks very much!  It is my preferred linux
distribution.  However, I have three systems that are at slink level,
and have been waiting for a long time for a 2.2.* kernel, gnome
(available outside official debian), etc.  Some earlier discussions
about the true instability of the potato release have prevented me
from starting the upgrade path yet.  Perhaps I am getting old and

Hmm. How about this for a practical suggestion:

After Potato, *please* limit the scope of the feature changes that
will take place before a new release.  A 3-4 month cycle seems more
appropriate to this kind of development. Make your goals more modest!
Debian is already the best linux distro I have seen, with the only
drawback that is is *many* months behind the newest features (if you
stick with a "stable" version - if anyone on the newsgroup whines that
they have hosed their system via an "unstable" upgrade attempt, they
are admonished "what do you expect?" ).

Thanks for your work and your listening time.


Matthew Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> George Bonser wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote:
> > 
> > > I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown 
> > > extremely out date.
> > > However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me to 
> > > drop
> > > debian.
> > 
> > Huh? I have not used stable Debian in a production system in a long time.
> > The closest I have are some slink installs with some of the newer apps and
> > libs needed to do what it does. On these systems I did not completely
> > upgrade to potato ... just upgraded what needed to be upgraded to get the
> > verison of tools I needed.

N a t h a n   O .  S i e m e r s
Division of Applied Genomics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Hopewell Building 3B, P.O. Box 5400, Princeton, NJ 08543-5400
609 818-6568

Hitting web site consistently dropped ppp connection?

1999-03-21 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I've got a weird one, folks.

I've got a debian slink box serving as router for a network connected
to the internet by a dialup ppp connection.  It does some masquerading
for the other systems on the local network, which include another
slinkbox and a redhat 5.2 system.

Yesterday, following the link: ,

reading with netscape 4.07 on the redhat 5.2 system,
killed my ppp connection to the internet from my slink router.

This happened reproducibly (5 times) when I hit that particular page
(not a couple other pages at slashdot), at around 64K of download.  I
sent lots of other test stuff over the ppp connection with no
Is there a ghost in the machine?  How could that happen? Is this a
freak coincidence or the tickling/exploit of a pppd bug?  It there an
escape sequence embedded in the transfer that could reset the modem?
Perhaps I am just a victim of a freak coincidence.

Thanks for any ideas,


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

emacs20 slink problems

1999-03-17 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Hi folks,

I think I am *still* getting bitten by the emacs19/emacs20
stuff.  I have purged both packages using dpkg, then removed the
/etc/emacs directory by hand (it was not removed by the purge), then
tried a fresh emacs20 install.  Error:

emacsen-common: byte-compiling for emacs20
cp: /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian-vars.el: No such file or
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common
emacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.

Have I done something wrong? Was /etc/emacs supposed to exist, even
with no emacs packages installed on a slink system?

Any help would be appreciated.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Think of Perl culture as a dysfunctional family" - L. Wall

hamm/slink gotcha

1999-03-08 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Hello all:

Hamm (up to date as of about 3 months ago) update to slink using
dselect gives the errors (upon "Install"):

internal error - no filename at -e line 12,  chunk 14.

installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

Anyone have a clue why I am getting this behavior?  I have a local
mirror of the debian archive that I believe I am pointing to



Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-02-27 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
Geoffrey Deasey KD4WVF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think that the main reason for redhats success in numbers has more to
> do with the installation program.  Many of us can peice together 
> a broken install and get it working.  But we are now venturing into
> a different and larger world.  We are attracting windows users and they

I strongly agree.  I have personal convictions that debian is
the higher quality dist, but I cannot reccomend it to the corporation
I work for  simply because of the install process and dselect issues.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fs not umounted at CTL-ALT-DEL

1998-10-26 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Have you possibly added any swap files recently?  A while ago I
tracked a similar problem to an open swap file that shutdown was not
releasing before it tried to unmount.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Where is Bo?

1998-10-06 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
old system before I can upgrade to hamm.  Grep and ar have been lost

I've seen the address of the bo site somewhere, but I just spent an
hour looking through the web site with no success.

Thank you.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using hamm? READ THIS about /usr/spool and related links...

1998-02-11 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Netscape outgoing mail may have broken due to this.


| Nathan Siemers - Division of Applied Genomics -   Bristol-Myers |
| Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute - H23-05, PO Box 4000, |
| Princeton, NJ 08543-4000 - (609) 252-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: applixware 4.3 install on debian system

1998-01-17 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
> I am wanting to install applixware 4.3 on my debian system and would
> like some advice as the best way to approach it. should i use alien to
> convert the rpm packages or just run the install script or what? what
> has proved successful for others?

For Applix 4.3.7, on my recently hammed debian system, I ran the
install script with no problems whatsoever. 


| Nathan Siemers - Division of Applied Genomics -   Bristol-Myers |
| Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute - H23-05, PO Box 4000, |
| Princeton, NJ 08543-4000 - (609) 252-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Kernel recompile affects X display left-shift?

1997-04-07 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
"A. M. Varon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, 6 Apr 1997, Nathan O. Siemers wrote:
> > Is there anything in a kernel recompile that would affect how XFree
> > performs? I have an AST ascentia laptop, 800x600 screen. The default
> > debian kernel gives an X display that is shifted about 30 pixels to
> > the right.  Some of my early recompiles (boot floppies) spontaneously
> > fixed this problem.  Now I cannot reproduce the recompile conditions
> Not that i can think of. This could be the reasons why it happens:
> 1. You move the left or right knob of the display screen. (It happens!)

Don't think so. :)

> 2. You run xf86config command, and you changed the settings.

The thing is, I can pop in a different kernel boot disk and it changes
the horizontal shift of the screen, without me touching any X
settings. xvidtune (and a change to XF86Config) *has* allowed me to
shift the offending screen of the offending kernels, but I am still
perplexed as to how this can happen.  Perhaps it is a bug I should

> If it's no.2, then run xvidtune in an xterm window. That will correct the
> shifting of the screen temporarily. If you want it more permanent, then
> contact me for more details.


>  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>  Andre M. Varon Lasaltech, Incorported
>  Technical Head Fax-Tel: (034)433-3520
>  e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  web page:
>  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Nathan Siemers - Department of Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

Kernel recompile affects X display left-shift?

1997-04-06 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

This is totally!

Is there anything in a kernel recompile that would affect how XFree
performs? I have an AST ascentia laptop, 800x600 screen. The default
debian kernel gives an X display that is shifted about 30 pixels to
the right.  Some of my early recompiles (boot floppies) spontaneously
fixed this problem.  Now I cannot reproduce the recompile conditions
that correct this, and I don't even understand why this would even
happen.  I've gone through about 15 different kernels in the past two
days (trial and error) with no success.

Things tried:

386 vs 486 vs pentium optimization

psaux in the kernel or modularized

as well as many others.



Nathan Siemers - Department of Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

rsh root priv

1997-04-03 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
Hello all:

I'm having trouble telling linux to allow rsh's to work as root from
remote machines. Root's .rhosts, /etc/hosts.equiv, and
/etc/hosts.allow don't seem to affect the "permission denied"
result. Solution?


Nathan Siemers - Department of Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

Upgrade to 1.2, Netscape Java solution, etc.

1997-03-24 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Before I talk about problems, let me say that the 1.2 release
that the people here have produced is very impressive and fairly
solid.  Nice work! I've got an AST Ascentia laptop running with full
X, mouse, sound, ethernet, ppp, and power management. All with just a
few days of tweaking by someone who only marginally knows what he is


Netscape 3.01 does not perform nearly as well with the new release as
it did with deb 1.1. I have basically had to turn Java off in order to
keep it from crashing every five minutes. It seems there are problems
with the later linux c libraries that break netscape (reveal a
bug?). I saw a workaround by looking through dejanews (setting library
load paths to point to old libraries before netscape is run), but the
author specifically said this was not a fix for the (a) java
problem. What's the best way to workaround this? (I've got
jdk, but would like netscape java too).

Some small notes:

I recompiled the kernel for sound, which works fine, except that the
module does not get automatically loaded when something like bplay
tries to use /dev/dsp. Isn't kerneld or a similar daemon supposed to
deal with this?

Killing the gpm process hangs my system (I was not on a network so I
don't know if I could telnet in or not, the keyboard was frozen). Does
this happen on other boxes? I got an undescriptive error when dselect
tried to remove the package from my system, I had to take it away by
hand. Ick.

Finally: My XF86Config took some tweaking to get the 800x600 screen to
function without weird effects. With the precompiled kernel, I got it
almost perfect, except that the screen was shifted about 50 pixels to
the right of center. Funny thing is, when I cooked up my own kernel,
the problem went away. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but
*why* would that happen?

Take care (and thanks),


Nathan Siemers - Department of Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

1.1 -> 1.2 dselect/dpkg breaks

1997-03-19 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

After a trouble-free complete 1.2 install on a new laptop, I began the
process of upgrading my 1.1 box. dpkg and dselect have broken after
the list of available packages is updated:

... done.
Replacing available packages info, using packages-main.
Information about 716 package(s) was updated.
... done.
Updating available packages info, using packages-ctb.
Information about 37 package(s) was updated.
... done.
Updating available packages info, using packages-nf.
Information about 108 package(s) was updated.
Update OK.  Hit RETURN.  
dselect: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line
15778 package `zlib1':
 empty value for version

There's no big syntax error that I can see (with my uneducated eyes)
in that area of "available", and now dpkg won't run because of the
problem.  How do I work around this? Delete available for now? Thanks
for any help!



Nathan Siemers - Research Investigator, Bioinformatics
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
K14-06, P.O. Box 4000, Princeton, NJ 08543-4000; (609) 252-6568

Will I need special kernel for farrallon pcmcia card?

1997-03-09 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

I just did a 1.2 install onto a new AST ascentia notebook. Now I have
Helen Keller Linux running (no X, no network, no mouse yet).  

The first and most pressing problem is getting it to talk to a
farrallon etherwave pcmcia card.  Will I need to ftp packages over to
the windows side and get a compiler running to get this to work? The
pcmcia HOWTO says that this type of card is known to work, but I get
an: "unsupported card" error during bootup. During the install
process, several modules were listed as possible to add to the kernel,
but many of these choices were not available to implement.  I did
install the "plug+play" pcmcia daemon (the name escapes me right now).

If anyone has general experience with these notebooks, I would be
grateful if they let me know.

Thank you,


Re: syslogd won't start

1996-10-04 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm having a problem with the sysklogd package. Sometimes when I boot up,
> it says it's starting syslogd, waits there for about a minute (much longer
> than usual), and then continues on to start klogd. It looks like syslogd
> isn't really starting when it delays this way, or it is dying after it
> starts up. 

Some versions of sysklogd die at bootup when your net is not running
(as in under ppp).  Adding entries in /etc/hosts may solve your
problem.  See a recent thread in the comp.os.linux groups...


Nathan O. Siemers  Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
3005 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121  (206) 727-3741   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to

Re: Netscape3.0 'ERASER' ?

1996-09-09 Thread Nathan O. Siemers
>>> On Mon, 09 Sep 1996 01:30:37 +0200 (MET DST), Stoyan Kenderov <[EMAIL 
>>> PROTECTED]> said:

Stoyan> I started updating my old netscape3.0b5 today with the 3.0
Stoyan> linux-elf binary released recently on their FTP server.

Stoyan> Relaying on my experience with earlier versions I proceeded
Stoyan> with the update assuming that netscape WILL INCORPORATE MY OLD
Stoyan> BOOKMARKS into the new configuration.

Stoyan> In vain! It deleted the bookmarks.html file completely...

Stoyan> O.K. I made yesterday the obligatory full system backup, so I
Stoyan> didn't scream vor vengence, but it was embarassing, isn't it?

Stoyan> Could it be the Debian netscape installation package
Stoyan> netscape_3.0.deb that wiped out something? (I don't thing so)
Stoyan> ?

Installation of 3.0 by hand did nothing crazy to my bookmarks file.


Nathan O. Siemers, Ph.D.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
3005 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 727-3741  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hellish symlinks in archive

1996-09-07 Thread Nathan O. Siemers


You know, it is not straightforward to keep *only* the intel binaries
mirrored on another machine. I did write a preliminary mirror config file:


Does anyone have a better config file for this purpose?

I then used dselect to install some new files from
buzz-fixed. However, despite the seemingly infinite number of symbolic
links in the archive, certain things (like
binary/devel/kernel-source...) have *not* been linked here. Should
they be?

Help! (and thanks)


syslogd not starting up...

1996-09-07 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Hello again...

Since upgrading to 1.1, syslogd doesn't start up at boot. I have seen
this problem brought up on the list before, but didn't see an answer.

This only relevant things in var/log/messages (not too useful as
syslogd isn't usually running) is perhaps:

Sep  2 10:05:23 secura-9 syslogd 1.3-0#6: restart.
Sep  2 10:05:24 secura-9 kernel: klogd 1.3-0, log source = /proc/kmsg
Sep  2 10:05:25 secura-9 syslogd 1.3-0#6: restart.
Sep  2 10:05:25 secura-9 kernel: Cannot find map file.
 ^ ???  

Any Ideas would be welcomed. I have tried purging the old sysklogd,
then had to reinstall some files by hand as dpkg *would not* find some
files needed to install the package (I believe it was the
/etc/init.d/sysklogd file). 

Thanks. Sigh. 


Linux secura-8 2.0.0 #3 Sun Jun 23 22:23:43 PDT 1996 i486

Number of Linux processes allowed?

1996-09-07 Thread Nathan O. Siemers


I'm getting some "out of processes" errors lately in my debian
1.1 installation. Typically this is returned to the shell when I try
to open a new xterm, etc.

Linux secura-8 2.0.0 #3 Sun Jun 23 22:23:43 PDT 1996 i486

"top" says I only have about 50 procs running, and I doubt Linux would
have a limit that low. Couldn't find a reference to a kernel variable
in the source or in the FAQ. Anyone have any ideas why this is
happening? Typically I have netscape, fvwm, goodstuff, dxpc, and
xterms open...



p.s. did the deb-user list burp recently? My subscription stopped
functioning and I had to resubscribe...

1.1 system doesn't unmount a drive during reboot

1996-05-08 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

1.1 (1.3.68 kernel) is solid as a rock, so I haven't had to
reboot often, but...

One of my two mounted hard drives doesn't unmount during the
shutdown process, giving a device is busy message.  umount doesn't
seem to work either, but I've only tried that a few times.  
My fstab doesn't seem to look too wacky (/dev/hdb1 is not getting

/dev/hda2   /   ext2defaults0 1
/dev/hdc/system_cd  iso9660 ro  0 0
/dev/hdb1/yggdrasil ext2defaults0 1
/dev/hda1   /dosmsdos   umask=0 0 0 
proc/proc   procdefaults0 0

Of course every time I reboot, fsck gets run on the offending disk.

Has anyone seen this before?  I didn't have the problem with 0.93.


Nathan O. Siemers, Ph.D. (Chemist, obviously not hacker)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
3005 First Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 727-3741  [EMAIL PROTECTED]