Re: Get list of installed packages

2014-02-06 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 06/02/2014 14:06, Tino Sino wrote:

It has been asked before, but with different answers, e.g.:
1) dpkg-query --list | awk '/^ii +/ { print $2; }'
2) dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1
3) ... etc ...
Given that the output is the same:
$ diff \
<(dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1) \
<(dpkg-query --list | awk '/^ii +/ { print $2; }') \
   && echo same-output
I wonder, what's the golden way to do this and why?

Personaly, I use this:

  aptitude search ~i\!~M --disable-columns -F "%p" > aptitude-packages.txt

 ~i   : "installed packages"
 \!~M : "not automatically installed", in combination with ~i this means
you'll get a list of packages names you asked to
=aptitude install ...= explicitly (and not their respective
-F "%p" : format output to print only column of (untruncated) packages
--disable-columns : disable trailing padd of white-spaces at the end of
lines (in my opinion, this should be better handled
by aptitude, i.e., no padding when only one column
is to be displayed, etc.)

Then restore packages this way:

  aptitude install $(cat aptitude-packages.txt)

Why do I use this?

Aptitude stores a flag for packages that were automatically
installed.  This is handy since the packages list you have to preserve
is really shorter than the whole installed packages list.  It makes
this list human readable and editable.


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Re: moving /var

2013-03-01 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 01/03/2013 09:41, Maroš Žilka wrote:


I read in book about Linux file systems and at the end of chapter
there was one example in which author wanted to create dedicated
volume for /var coz it was mounted on root partition. Lets skip some
steps and assume we have prepared partition on disk - /dev/sdb1so he
did it this way:

[root@server ~]# mkdir /new_var
[root@server ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /new_var
[root@server ~]# cp -vrp /var/* /new_var/
[root@server ~]# mv /var /old_var
[root@server ~]# mkdir /var
[root@server ~]# mount --bind /new_var/ /var

and what is really bothering me most is that cp command, wouldn't it
possibly create inconsistency ? What would be better way to do it ? Is
it even possible to do such change on running system without worries
to lose some data ?


I think it's not a good thing to do it on a running system.
Even with a LVM snapshot on the running /var, you'll end up with
two /var volumes to sync while apps are still reading/writing
to one and then the other.
Or an option would be to stop every services (say mysql, apache,
etc.), then =mount -o remount,ro /var=, then copying it and swapping
volumes I'm not sure if this is robust enough.


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Re: A quick Q: download source

2012-05-29 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 29/05/2012 17:28, lina wrote:

$ apt-get source htop/sid
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Ignore unavailable target release 'sid' of package 'htop'
E: Unable to find a source package for

Something wrong here?

As far as I experienced, sid is not a word supported by apt, use
unstable or a release name instead.


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Re: upgrade to Wheezy fails with aptitude

2012-04-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Le 09/04/2012 11:12, Pierre Frenkiel a écrit :

 aptitude search ~i\!~M -F "%p"

This shows manually and automatically installed packages.

I get 2220 packages, (and 995 with "~i~M")

No, the above command doesn't show automatically installed packages.

Sorry, retry it without -F "%p" to get a clearer output:

  aptitude search ~i\!~M

you won't see any line beginning with iA.  (The A stands for auto)

I think you used to installed packages with apt-get: in its not-so-old
versions, it didn't know about manual/automatic installation bits and
packages installed this way were considered manually installed.
The confusions comes from these many packages (2220) reported as manual
instead of being reported as auto, and that fact you sometimes used
aptitude and get 995 ones marked as auto.


PS: checkout this excellent page:

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Re: upgrade to Wheezy fails with aptitude

2012-04-08 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 21/03/2012 11:01, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:

I wanted to upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy, and as I saw in several places
that aptitude should be preferred to apt-get, I first tried with it.
I started with only 1 line in sources.list:
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
and tried several times "aptitude safe-upgrade"
Each time, aptitude stayed indefinitely on "resolving dependencies" and did
nothing else.
I then issued: "apt-get dist-upgrade", and all worked perfectly, in less
than 30 minutes.

My question: is it better to also revert to apt-get for package management,
or is the problem specific to the upgrade to a new release?


Did you upgrade aptitude first?

aptitude install aptitude

This might solve many problems.

I also found aptitude lost in resolve madness while I had too many
foreign packages.  Check the list of manually installed packages

  aptitude search ~i\!~M -F "%p"

to see if you have some of them not provided by the repo pointed in
your one-line sources.list.  Play with =apt-cache policy= to see if
update are available for such foreign-suspected packages.


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Re: debootstrap doesn't support fakeroot variant

2012-03-19 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 19/03/2012 15:13, Camaleón wrote:

On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:01:12 +0100, Nicolas Bercher wrote:

On a Squeeze, I'm trying debootstrap with variant fakeroot:

$ sudo debootstrap --arch=amd64 --variant=fakeroot squeeze 
E: unsupported variant


By reading the man page, shouldn't be "--variant=fakechroot"?

(note the "ch")

Thanks you two!!  It's insane the way I can be focused on something and
can't see the evidence.


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debootstrap doesn't support fakeroot variant

2012-03-19 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On a Squeeze, I'm trying debootstrap with variant fakeroot:

  $ sudo debootstrap --arch=amd64 --variant=fakeroot squeeze 

  E: unsupported variant

This is exactly bug 319100[1] (2005), which is tagged as "fixed":
 - the error is the same,
 - the man page states:


What should I do?  Do I miss something?  (fakeroot is installed)



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Re: Sleep

2012-02-05 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 06/02/2012 02:01, Stayvoid wrote:

BTW, there is another program called "hibernate." Which one is the best?

Under Trinity desktop, I use the kde3 applet kpowersave.  I can configure
it to do custom things.  Sometimes, and on some machines, hibernating or
suspending to ram fails when triggered from X, so I've learned to do it by
myself!  I run commands such as s2disk, s2ram and s2both (uswsusp package).

You'll need to be root to use them.  Usually, I lock my X session (ctrl-alt-L),
go to tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1), login as root and enter the following command:

   s2disk && exit

this ensures that at resume time, root will be logged out after s2disk
actually return.  If s2disk fails and thus doesn't send the machine to
hibernate state, I still got my shell open, in case I want to try something


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Re: Sleep

2012-02-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/02/2012 23:54, Stayvoid wrote:

It's possible that I've not installed something important because I've
used debootstrap to install the system.

Maybe you missed the tasksel step, on my squeeze, I have:

  $ tasksel --list-tasks
  u desktop   Graphical desktop environment
  u web-serverWeb server
  i print-server  Print server
  i dns-serverDNS server
  u file-server   File server
  i mail-server   Mail server
  i database-server   SQL database
  i ssh-serverSSH server
  i laptopLaptop
  u manualmanual package selection

you should give a try to "laptop" and perhaps to "desktop":

  $ tasksel install laptop
  $ tasksel install desktop

you can check the package list that will be installed by each task:

  $ tasksel --task-packages laptop


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Re: how to refrain only use certain number of processors

2012-01-31 Thread Nicolas Bercher

What about the use of ulimit or any other tool that your sysadmin could control?

On the other hand, these solutions seem ok:


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Re: how to refrain only use certain number of processors

2012-01-31 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 31/01/2012 03:19, Cam Hutchison wrote:

seq 0 108 | xargs -I@ -P8 cat A_@.txt B_@.txt C_@.txt -o ABC_@.txt

Of course, this is (since cat -o doesn't exist):

  seq 0 108 | xargs -I@ -P8 cat A_@.txt B_@.txt C_@.txt > ABC_@.txt

but "> ABC_@.txt" is out of the scope of xargs.


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Re: directory synchronisation

2012-01-23 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 23/01/2012 19:58, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Lu, 23 ian 12, 14:40:40, Nicolas Bercher wrote:

An abandoned project, tra by Russ Cox, was about synchronizing several
computers (N>=2) "the way" unison does for two computers only:

I think, the underlying idea is just great.  Sources are available
but some bugs where identified.  If someone wants to take over this

Joey Hess' git-annex[1] also looks very interesting :)


Yes, I discovered this a few months ago, there are great ideas in
git-annex!  For the moment, I use git alone to manage my files and
I plan to use Plan 9's Venti to store files 'forever'.


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Re: rsyncd.conf - Specifying /home/user for Daemon?

2012-01-23 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Hal Vaughan a écrit :

Anything I search for to find this keeps giving me links to backing up your 
home directory, and I know how to do that.

What I'm concerned with is setting the home directory in /etc/rsyncd.conf.  In 
other words, if I type:

rsync thisdir me@backupsys::Backup

How can I specify in rsyncd.conf that it's using /home/me/Backup?

I've tried something like this:

path = $HOME/Backup/
Comment = Backup service for each individual user
read only = no

and I can't get that to work.  I tried using "~/Backup" for the path and using 
RSYNC_USER_NAME and %u, but that won't work.  So how can I specify, in rsyncd.conf that 
the path leads to a directory in the home directory of the logged in rsync user?

Thanks for any help on this!

Can't you write a rule per homedir (user) to backup?  If you have
too many users to do it by hand, you may write a script that
automatically updates /etc/rsyncd.conf.

For example, I do this to maintain /etc/fstab and /etc/hosts on a few
computers, by concatenating /etc/.d/* to /etc/ see this


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Re: xfs backup system vs rsynce

2012-01-23 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Dan a écrit :

I use rdiff-backup it uses the rsync alorythm but it keeps the
increments so you can recover deleted files or the old form of file. I
makes weekly backups and delete files in the backup files which are
older than 3 months.

Take care with --remove-older-than option, as the man page says:

"Note that snapshots of deleted files are covered by this operation.
Thus if you deleted a file two weeks ago, backed up immediately after‐
wards, and then ran rdiff-backup with --remove-older-than 10D today, no
trace of that file would remain."

You can loose valuable old files.  So, one thing I really miss in
rdiff-backup is an option to remove backups older than 
AND newer than .  Thus, I could reduce daily
backups to weekly, etc.  But still, I can loose files.

In a near future, I think I'll switch to venti(1) and/or vbackup(8) of 
"Plan 9 port":

Venti is "Write Once Read Many" archival storage server used to store
files hierarchy for example.  On the other hand, Vbackup is used to
store efficiently entire logical volumes from *nix to a Venti server.

But this involves to know a little about Plan 9 concepts, etc.



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Re: directory synchronisation

2012-01-23 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Tony van der Hoff a écrit :

On 21/01/12 16:23, Camaleón wrote:

On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 15:55:07 +, Tony van der Hoff wrote:


Whilst this is usable, I can't help but think it's a bit clumsy. Does
anyone know of a replacement for (or addition to) rsync that will
synchronise both ways?

Something like Unison?

That works extremely well; Thanks, Camaléon.

Cheers, Tony

An abandoned project, tra by Russ Cox, was about synchronizing several
computers (N>=2) "the way" unison does for two computers only:

I think, the underlying idea is just great.  Sources are available but 
some bugs where identified.  If someone wants to take over this



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Re: how to cp file from windows to laptop

2012-01-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/01/2012 07:36, lina wrote:

On Thursday 12,January,2012 02:29 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:


They did not have putty installed.

You can download and use putty without being system admin.
I used it everywhere, even in internet shops.


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Re: Renamiing a USB external h/d

2012-01-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/01/2012 13:38, Sharon Kimble wrote:

I have a USB external hard drive for my backups which is formatted ext
3. It is currently named as
'/media/8eef3b99-c17b-4913-ae61-d34c7fd5d459_ ' and mounted via fstab.

I've tried using e2label as follows;-
sudo e2label /media/8eef3b99-c17b-4913-ae61-d34c7fd5d459_ /media/backup
e2label: Is a directory while trying to open
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

Use tune2fs to set the label of ext2 or ext3 volumes:

  tune2fs -L YOUR_LABEL device # as root

where device is something like /dev/..., you'll find it with

  grep 8eef3b99 /etc/fstab

So I tried using rename as follows;-
sudo rename /media/8eef3b99-c17b-4913-ae61-d34c7fd5d459_ /media/backup
Number found where operator expected at (eval 1) line 1, near "/media/8"
(Missing operator before 8?)
Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1) line 1, near "8eef3b99"
(Missing operator before eef3b99?)
syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "/media/8"

This would never work.

Then, I think you have to create a permanent directory, if required:

  mkdir /media/backup # as root

and then setup the appropriate line in /etc/fstab (the udev way being
more complicated) with something like:

  LABEL=YOUR_LABEL  /media/backup   ext3rw,user,noauto  0 0

read mount(8) for more details:

  man 8 mount

When the disk will be plugged after the system has started, you'll may
have to mount it manually, as a regular user:

  mount /media/backup


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Re: Keyboard layout detection

2012-01-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 11/01/2012 20:22, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

I remember from some installation (either Debian or Ubuntu) being asked to type 
keys to
have the installer detect my layout. I wonder, does anyone know the name of 
this program,
and the package that provides it?

I used this tool some years ago, I think it was part of Ubuntu installer for 
ranging approximately between 6.06 and 8.04.  I remember this tool didn't seem to be 
shipped with every installation CD or wasn't always the default.

I think it is there:

It seems to be a plugin for debian-installer and therefore seems to not be 
usable outside
of the installer context.  I'm also interested in it, if you can run it stand 
alone, tell


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Re: s2disk resume failure: drive not found

2012-01-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 11/01/2012 22:03, Celejar wrote:

Do I have to do something after modifying /etc/uswsusp.conf such
as updating initramfs?

Yes - I've often had similar problems, and I'm pretty sure that
updating the initramfs is required. [I suspend to a swap LVM volume on
top of a LUKS container.]

OK, I'll do it.

Does anyone know which path to my swap@LVM I should use in
/etc/uswsusp.conf ?

I noticed that on every other computer I use, /dev/dm-N is
used and is working good.  So I'm worried about the fact that
/dev/dm-2 is not working on my laptop and I'm not so hopeful
about other naming of my LVM LV.


I've just tested /dev/local/swap and updated initrd using

  update-initramfs -u

I still have the following message on resume:

  could not stat the resume device '/dev/local/swap'

It asks me to enter the path to the device, hence I can try
everything I know.  But it still fails.

Could it be related to the SSD drive?


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s2disk resume failure: drive not found

2012-01-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher


I enjoy suspend to disk using s2disk (package uswsusp) on several
computers.  However, on a laptop (dell e4200 with SSD drive),
s2disk succeeds in hibernating the laptop (s2disk) but can't find
the swap device, /dev/dm-2, on reboot in order to reload the
system.  I've checked for it: swap is really /dev/dm-2 and I have
only one swap volume.

Because this swap lives in a LVM Logical Volume, I also tried any
other variants I know to point to this LV in /etc/uswsusp.conf:

Do I have to do something after modifying /etc/uswsusp.conf such
as updating initramfs?

I feel there's something tricky here, does anyone experienced the
same or have any suggestions?

Thanks for help.

PS: cat /etc/uswsusp.conf
# /etc/uswsusp.conf(8) -- Configuration file for s2disk/s2both
resume device = /dev/dm-2
compress = y
early writeout = y
image size = 1689562071
RSA key file = /etc/uswsusp.key
shutdown method = platform
snapshot device = /dev/snapshot
[nbercher@ocarina:2011.iwp9 (master-nbercher2)]$ ll /dev/sn
snapshot  snd/  sndstat

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Re: utility to downgrade a package with its dependencies?

2012-01-05 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Darac Marjal a écrit :

On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 03:43:22PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
I was in this situation myself a while ago and decided that the best
solution was as follows:
* Before upgrading, take an LVM snapshot (this, of course, assumes
  you ARE on LVM).
* Perform the package upgrade and then test the new version.
* If happy, delete the snapshot (this is a cheap operation)
* If unhappy, rollback the snapshot (which takes a bit of time, but
  gets you back to where you were).

Obviously, any other changes you made between the snapshot and the
rollback would also get rolled back.

Maybe the use of a version control system on /etc (through etckeeper for
example) could help to restore the appropriate configurations for
downgraded packages, with no side effect as the LVM snap would


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Re: emacs load-path

2011-12-02 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Jude DaShiell a écrit :
First make sure they'll load after running emacs and hitting meta-x and 
keying in the file names.  Then read the original .el files for 
instructions.  I expect you'll find code in them starting with (require 
that needs to be inserted in your .emacs file to have these load on 
start up.

That is just what I did and is working good.  But still I'm surprised,
maybe load-path is just used to define places *where to find files*, and
not the list of files to load automatically on sartup.


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emacs load-path

2011-12-02 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Something is driving me crazy as it seems to be so trivial.

I have a bunch of .el files I'd like emacs to load on startup (emacs-22,
Lenny).  I saved them to ~/.emacs.d/elisp/:

  $ ls -l ~/.emacs.d/elisp/
  total 8
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 nbercher nbercher 496 déc  2 10:23 nb-org-mode.el
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 nbercher nbercher 942 déc  2 10:23 nb-windows.el

So I added the following to my ~/.emacs:

  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp/")

I can check it is taken into account:

  C-h v load-path
  Its value is

I can also check that my libraries can be found by emacs:

  M-x locate-library RET nb-org-mode.el
  Library is file ~/.emacs.d/elisp/nb-org-mode.el

But, emacs don't load them on startup, what do I miss?


PS: I lauch emacs with "emacs -nw"

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Re: crontab hour range 6-midnight

2011-12-01 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Darac Marjal a écrit :

On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 12:19:06PM +0100, Jochen Spieker wrote:

Nicolas Bercher:

I'd like use set up a crontab rule from 6 am to midnight, and crontab(5) 
  field  allowed values
  hour   0-23

Then, I tried something like:
  */10 6-0 * * 1-5 my-script

Using this, cron should execute my-script on 06:10, 06:20 … 23:50, 00:00, 00:10 
00:50. What you probably want is

*/10 6-23 * * * my-script

In addition to the above, remember that it's possible to supply lists to
cron fields. If you want to span midnight, you probably want something

  */10 0,6-23 * * * my-script

Though this will run every 10 mins in the hours 00:00, 06:00, 07:00
etc. Again, probably not what you want. 6-23 will probably be best.

Thanks you two, things get clearer now because I was thinking about
numbers as boundaries instead of durations.

So you were both right, what fits my needs the best is probably
"*/10 6-23 * * 1-5"


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crontab hour range 6-midnight

2011-12-01 Thread Nicolas Bercher

I'd like use set up a crontab rule from 6 am to midnight, and crontab(5) 
  field  allowed values
  hour   0-23

Then, I tried something like:
  */10 6-0 * * 1-5 my-script

Can this be correct or do I face an overlap issue? (I mean since 0 is the 
begining of the *next* hour).

As a more generic question: can we define rules that spans hours, days, etc. 
writing ranges "n-m" where m

Re: Make WiFi work.

2011-11-25 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 24/11/2011 10:00, Paul Isambert wrote:

not to mention the book I could have bought instead...

You mean the ethernet wire, isn't it?  Bad joke.

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Re : Re : Make WiFi work.

2011-11-22 Thread Nicolas Bercher
> De : Hugo Vanwoerkom 
>>  It seems you're rong since this driver is not reported to be supported 
> in squeeze (requires linux > 3.0, etc.).
>>  Wiki's explaination are valid only for wheezy.  Hence, a squeeze user 
> must use testing and unstable repositories to get fresher packages, this 
> procedure is not described on the wiki.
> Ah, you are running squeeze.
> But I see no reason that the wiki procedure can't be followed for squeeze:
> 1. Install firmware-realtek, unzip and wireless-tools for squeeze
> 2. wget 
> 3. unzip
> 4. su
>    mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/firmware/RTL8192U
>    cp rtl8192u_linux_2.6.0006.1031.2008/firmware/RTL8192U/*          
> /usr/local/lib/firmware/RTL8192U
> That copies the firmware. Then a reboot should load r8192e_pci, or modprobe 
> it.
> No dependency in wheezy.

Sorry, my explaination where funded on the assumption that, as far as I 
experienced, it is not possible to successfully load a module into the kernel 
(without triggering a magic number mismatch) when it was compiled from a 
different source tree, that is surely the case.  So I might missed something 

Note that package firmware-realtek (with support for RTL8191SE, v>0.31) is 
available from squeeze-backports too, so Paul could use aptitude to get it, 
this seems more clean and sustainable.


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Re : Re : Make WiFi work.

2011-11-22 Thread Nicolas Bercher
> De : Paul Isambert 
> Ouch. That means uninstalling/reinstalling Debian, since I can't update via 
> the network (or I'll really have to buy ethernet cord). Perhaps another 
> solution will be proposed? If it comes to reinstalling, then I'll do so, but 
> I'd prefer not to.

No, you never need to reinstall Debian, even disconnected: you can use 
I never used it since I always had internet connectivity when installing 

Look here:

I think it is well documented, but I can quickly depict its principle:
 - on Debian, get information about installed packages,
 - copy the result to a removable media, such as an usb stick,
 - on any other place/system (windows 7 for you), install apt-offline
 - then ask apt-offline to get the packages you need (the two I mentionned in 
my previous e-mail), it will fetch them for you and their dependencies as well,
 - copy the packages to your removable media,
 - go back to your Debian system, insert the key and install the packages.

 - buy an ethernet cord!


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Re : Make WiFi work.

2011-11-22 Thread Nicolas Bercher
> De : Hugo Vanwoerkom 
> À :
> Cc : 
> Envoyé le : Mardi 22 Novembre 2011 16h09
> Objet : Re: Make WiFi work.
> I guess if you see this you solved your problem or you are on window$.
> Did you look at:
> That describes how to set it up.

It seems you're rong since this driver is not reported to be supported in 
squeeze (requires linux > 3.0, etc.).
Wiki's explaination are valid only for wheezy.  Hence, a squeeze user must use 
testing and unstable repositories to get fresher packages, this procedure is 
not described on the wiki.


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Re : Make WiFi work.

2011-11-22 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Your card seems to be a pci-e one. According to this page

I think you should upgrade your linux kernel to some version > 3.0.0 since 
support for your wireless card has started with kernel 

To do so, you must install a fresher kernel than the one shipped with Debian 
Squeeze, which seems to be 2.6.32-5:

Add the following 7 lines in /etc/apt/sources.list to gain access to the Debian 
testing (which will become Debian 7 "Wheezy") and unstable packages:
## Debian Wheezy 7.0 / testing:
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing main contrib non-free

## Debian unstable:
deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

then, update aptitude data base as root:

  aptitude update

or prefix it with sudo:

  sudo aptitude update

then install the unstable kernel (seems to be linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64 as of 
today) and the realtek firmware:

  aptitude install linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64 firmware-realtek

aptitude might ask you to upgrade libc6 and a few other packages as well, this 
is normal.  When it' done, reboot and choose to boot (something like) "Debian 
GNU/Linux kernel 3.1.0-1".  I think this is all you need to do.

Hope it does it!


> De : Paul Isambert 
>À : 
>Envoyé le : Mardi 22 Novembre 2011 15h29
>Objet : Make WiFi work.
>I've just installed Debian next to Windows 7, with the first DVD (i.e. 
>debian-6.0.3-amd64-DVD-1.iso). It was not without trouble, but now it works.
>The problem is the wifi. My card (Realtek RTL8191SE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E 
>NIC, says Windows) is apparently not recognized. I've tried various solutions 
>explained here and there, I have installed firmware-realtek and ndiswrapper 
>and wpa_supplicant and I don't know what, nothing worked.
>The hard part is that I have to switch to Windows to get an internet 
>connection, gather info and material, restart with Debian, try, fail, switch 
>to Windows again, an so on and so forth. Plus those stuff I'm instructed to 
>do, modprobe, iwconfig, you name it ... are ancient Greek to me, so I apply 
>them blindly, and perhaps what I've done before has gotten in the way, etc. So 
>I'm a bit tired, but I really would like to switch to Debian -- and have an 
>internet connection to find online documentation and start learning how to use 
>So: is there a simple solution to make the card mentionned above work? By 
>"simple", I mean that if something must be done, it should be explained 
>thoroughly (and not alluded to with "check X with Y"); I'm a complete newbie, 
>so assume absolutely no prior knowledge.
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Re: DO NOT BUY Western Digital "Green" Drives (also present in WD "Elements" external USB cases)

2011-09-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 03/09/2011 23:03, shawn wilson wrote:

So, I can understand your frustration but, 4 discs out of how many thousands 
they make
every day? That's not that conclusive. That said, iirc the reviews about a year 
ago did
say that this was a very consumer drive. I don't remember hearing them break 

Right.  Moreover, it is well known that a good raid1 array is built upon disks from 
different batches.  This means you actually had, for example, to order WD hard drives from 
various resellers.

In my lab, we used several WD15EARS-32M (WD Green 1.5TB) and a few died early, as well as 
other HD from other brands.  So, really I think the issue is almost of the time a batch 
issue than a brand or design issue.
Maybe these WD HD have design issues, but for sure the experience depicted here is not 
really conclusive.


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-14 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 14/07/2011 00:20, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:

Probably not relevant, but:
Some time ago, on the console, I noticed that the "windows key" would
turn the caps lock on and off (I think without turning on the led).
Though I just tested this and didn't reproduce it.

You are right, and here (tty1) I have really strange behaviors:
 - when caps is enabled, apart the led stays off, it is working as expected
 - only on the login prompt: the windows keys (both of them if they exist) act as 
reversing caps (with the led still on), this is no more true when I'm logged in!


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-14 Thread Nicolas Bercher
I remember that the first time I had this issue really regularly, it was when I had a new 
keyboard from Dell at work (and maybe a new machine with it!) a SK8115 if I remember well. 
 The fact is that I'm quite sure I didn't have such issues with old noname keyboards at 
home or older brand keyboards at work (ibm, dell as far as I remember).  I also had this 
issue on Dell Laptops.

I'm not sure Dell is guilty for that, but to me it was associated because 
correlated in time.


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-13 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 14/07/2011 02:44, lee wrote:

Do you have a Hungarian keyboard?

No, of course I tried this keeping the french layout.
But two options were really confusing to me and my muscle memory:
 - "ctrl:swapcaps" : swaps left ctrl with caps
 - "nodeadkeys" : wasn't able to do ^-e to get ê


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-13 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/07/2011 17:23, Csanyi Pal wrote:


I tried that and it was really ugly !!!

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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-13 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/07/2011 23:01, lee wrote:

What exactly means "reversed"?
Sometimes the num/caps lock led is on, but the actual underneath function if off, and vice 


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-13 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/07/2011 23:01, lee wrote:

What exactly means "reversed"?
Sometimes the num/caps lock led is on, but the actual underneath function if off, and vice 


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Re: capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/07/2011 17:23, Csanyi Pal wrote:

I did the following:

  $ sudo mcedit /etc/default/keyboard


according to man keyboard
XKBOPTIONS may have values described here:
  $ mlocate xorg.lst
These two files are identical.

  $ less /usr/share/doc/keyboard-configuration/xorg.lst

The edited /etc/defalut/keyboard file came a live for the console after
the following command:

  $ sudo setupcon

For X Window maybe one must relogin.

Thank you so much, this looks great.  I have no time this evening to try this, but for 
sure I will tomorrow, I'll give you some feedback.


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capslock/numlock keys behavior sometimes reversed

2011-07-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

Hi ,

It's been a while (years!) that I sometimes find my keyboard's capslock/numlock keys 
behaving reversed at times.  This is often the case after: wackup-from-/any/, using qemu 
or as the result of unidentified operations.

Does anyone here know how to get rid of this?  Avoid it, restore the proper keys behavior, 

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience.

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Re: Start rtorrent on bootup in Squeeze

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 05/07/2011 00:11, Joey Hess wrote:

I keep my user crontabs in ~/.cron/$user/$hostname and only change those
files then feed to cron. This allows keeping them in git and eg, pushing
crontab changes out to machines.
This is really cool, I thought about something like that but didn't spent the time to do 
it.  Thank you!

nearly-OT: If anyone is interested in a script to update any /etc/ file based on 
/etc//*, tell me.  It is very useful for fstab, hosts, etc. to version pieces of 
configs and use them on multiple machines to have some common stuff (like nfs fstab 
entries or mass storage always mounted on the same place in any machine, etc.)


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Re: Urgent XFS Recovery

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 21:35, consul tores wrote:

If you use Lilo, then look for mbr copy.
If you backed up your MBR, maybe it's time to recover it (on a copy hard drive as well) to 
restore the partition table (hope your xfs partition haven't changed too much).


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Re: Start rtorrent on bootup in Squeeze

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 19:17, Joey Hess wrote:

That is unnecessarily complicated. You can instead use an @reboot
cron job, which can be set up using crontab -e by any user without
root. For example:

@reboot screen -d -m -S rtorrent rtorrent
OK, this sounds really interesting.  I've always been thinking of crontab to trigger 
things periodically.  I wanted to ask you for a man page reference but found it before 
this mail leave my computer: man 5 crontab.

You're right, it is far more simple: no root privileges required, no lock file, no su -, 
no long script to debug.  And rtorrent is is the kind of app that only needs to be started 
once and live its life.

I can actually see two little cons:
 1. no "easy way" to stop rtorrent, but that's not a big deal (any kill/pkill command 
could do the job for example, just like my script does it),
 2. since I like to track my scripts & configs, I massively use git and/or svn and I 
really love the "one file per functionnality" way of manipulating things.  Via crontab, 
everything is just mixed up into /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ and this hard to 
track and even (afaik) to maintain in a quite automatic way.

However, I will reconsider the use of my sys-v scripts (I wrote two others sys-v scripts 
for svnserve (Subversion) & git-daemon).

But in the end, this is so sad!  I learned many things while writing these scripts!  (ok, 
I'll have time for new things to learn!)

Thank you,

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Re: Start rtorrent on bootup in Squeeze

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 18:19, Ramon Hofer wrote:

Why don't you put it into the debian wiki or somewhere else?
I was googling for such a script for several days.
Like that you can share it even easier :-)

Don't know really, maybe I originally intented to give it to people I know.  
That's an idea...

I probably won't use it with another user. But we'll never know. I
changed the service name just to be sure :-)

Good idea!

Btw: Why do you use the -x option and not the -r option?
Because -x is harmless (as far as I know) until you recall the screen session not from 
itsef and almost because -r doesn't bother when the session is already attached elsewhere.

Note that screen -r is a cool way to do bash parties, I did it with my brother: we both 
saw the same bash session but were 300km far away from each other, really interesting (but 
only one may type at a time!)


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Re: OT: Camaleón

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 15:59, wolf python london wrote:

I thought you were a young
MAN geek, full of energy
and helpful !  You are so active in this list!

Actually, I thought the same!
It's funny to realize what we're able to (deeply) imagine, just on the base of 
a few details!


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Re: Start rtorrent on bootup in Squeeze

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 13:25, Ramon Hofer wrote:

Wow, this really is perfect!
I did what you told me and it works like a charm :-)

Thank you!
Indeed, it's a great pleasure for me to share this script!  When I wrote it, I was 
particularly proud and then I polished it with the idea in mind to be able to share it 
quickly.  Mission done today!

A friend of mine is using it since the beginning too and is really happy with 

Just for curiosity:
When updating-rc.d I get the message "update-rc.d: using dependency based
boot sequencing".
I suppose this is just an information?
Just want to be sure as I've never added/changed init.d scripts...
Yes this message is just telling you that now it uses upstart instead of the old system V 
approach (executing scripts as are presented alphabetically).
Now, upstart uses dependencies: in my script, you'll find a dependency on network, that 
is, my script will be started after the network is started.  Moreover, my script provide a 
"service" that is basically called "rtorrent".

But now, it's important to mention that if you wish to use this script for *more than one 
users* on the same machine, you'll have a dependency-name conflict since all of the 
rtorrent-user.* scripts will provide the same "service" name (aka "rtorrent").  So you 
just have to edit the scripts and change "rtorrent" to "rtorrent.".

Just to push things a little more: I have a generic alias (in ~/.bashrc) called 'srt' that 
completes the "suite":

alias='screen -x rtorrent.${USER}'


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Re: Urgent XFS Recovery

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 14:37, Axel Freyn wrote:


So, the question is, how much is this data worth to you? If you made a
backup before you started playing with it, it might not be more than $500
for a data recovery company to get your stuff back. If you didn't make that
post 'oh shit' backup, your chance of recovering yourself went exponentially
down and the price of getting someone else to get your stuff went
exponentially up. If this is business, its possible your insurance might
cover some of the cost (donno).

Price is fine with me, the problem is that there is no such company I
know of in Turkey. Any suggestions?

If the data isn't worth money but you'd still like it back ...

The data is important for me and worths money.

Just an additional remark: with each time you mount the new partition
write-enabled, you decrease the probability to recover your data (as
you're going to change the contents of the disk more and more).
So: ONLY mount it read-only
and the safest thing would be to play only on a copy of the partition:

  - add another disk with more than 350GB free space (e.g. mounted to

  - copy your damaged partition there: (but verify twice that
/mnt/partition.dd won't be generated on your destroyed partition :-))

dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/mnt/partition.dd

  - remove /dev/sda from your system ...

then, "partition.dd" will be a 350GB file containing all data from your
original partition sda1. You can now try to recover data from this file
-- without risk to accidentally destroy your original partition.

In order to recover the data, you could have a look at the Debian
Forensics packages
however, I don't know which tools are available for XFS, I only tried it
for ext2/3 sometimes.


This is really a wise approach.  Mine was far more insecure but still maybe interesting: 
since you just (quickly?) formatted to fat16, I think you only modified the partition 
table.  Then, playing with parted, you could delete (i.e. will only delete the partition 
entry, not its content of course) the partition formatted to fat16 and then ask parted to 
search for unreferenced partitions.  It should find the xfs partition and recreate the 
correct entry for it in the partition table.

Now, it seems you played a lot with your partition and things might be more complicated or 
might not (maybe you didn't change anything even if the partition was mounted rw, is that 
possible with xfs?).


PS: note that I once did this to recover 3 partitions: /, /home and swap and parted 
wrongly detected swap, it has a 8 byte offset I had to correct by hand, but everything was 
properly recovered, just double check the results (partition boundaries displayed as bytes 
or sectors), etc.

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Re: kvm

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 05:08, Khosrow Hassani wrote:

I am running kvm 0.12.5 from Squeeze. the problem I am having is that
kvm -hda disk1.img -hdb disk2.img doesn't give me 2 drives in my Windows
xp inside kvm, even when I run it as root. only the first disk where
windows is installed shows up! I created the other image using kvm-img
with qcow2 format. Also, the -usb works only for root but not for normal
user! when I run it as normal user I get permission error.

any idea?
thanks, Khosrow

Really, you don't need to run kvm as root until you want to do really specials 

Are you installing Windows or is it already installed and you later added the second 
drive?  It's not clear "where" you can't see the second drive (during the installation, 
into the computer window? the admin's drive manager?, etc.).

I just wonder if your drives are formatted or raw, and what fs they're using?
From my memories, Windows is kind of "stupid" with hard drives since what's not MS 
shouldn't exist at all.


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Re: Start rtorrent on bootup in Squeeze

2011-07-04 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 04/07/2011 10:15, Ramon Hofer wrote:

Hi all

I'd like to start rtorrent automatically when the system boots.
Does anybody have a init.d script for that?

I have the perfect script for you!

Here it is:

You must copy it in /etc/init.d and more importantly name it 
/etc/init.d/rtorrent-user. where  is your actual username.  Hence, you 
can set it up for any number of users on the same system.  Then, the script will 
auto-detect the username on whoes it will run, based on its file name.  rtorrent will run 
in a (per user) screen session, all is explained in the script.  I use this since two 
years now (to automatically share Debian/Ubuntu cd isos) and it seems really robust and 

To be clear, when using it for multiple users, say john and mike, you'll do the 

  cd /tmp
  cp rtorrent-user.username /etc/init.d/rtorrent-user.john
  cp rtorrent-user.username /etc/init.d/rtorrent-user.mike
  update-rc.d rtorrent-user.john defaults
  update-rc.d rtorrent-user.mike defaults

Then start the services:

  /etc/init.d/rtorrent-user.john start
  /etc/init.d/rtorrent-user.mike start

Take care to have well configured ~/.rtorrent for each user to avoid heavy 


PS: note that you can just symlink the files instead of copying them since there's nothing 
to change inside of them, except maybe the following line if upstart complains too much:

- # Provides:  rtorrent
+ # Provides:  rtorrent.joe

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Re: My CD and DVD are messed up

2011-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 25/06/2011 19:58, lee wrote:

T o n g  writes:

On my system the /dev/cdrom is actually DVD while My CD is actually /dev/
cdrom1. This confuse most of the media software. How can I fix it?

Do you have entries about these devices in /etc/fstab?

Be careful that entries in /etc/fstab are only useful to actually mount a cdrom file 
system.  When ripping audio cds, the /etc/fstab entry is completely useless because you're 
not supposed to mount an audio cd (even though this is possible with the package cdfs-src).


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Re: My CD and DVD are messed up

2011-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 28/06/2011 20:48, Tom Furie wrote:

Or perhaps edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules so that the
devices get the links in /dev that he wants.

I also think this is the solution because udev names devices on startup, so if you want 
something permanent, that's the way to do it.

Things in /dev/disk/by-* are only views constructed afterwards.


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Re: Computer instability under Debian Stable

2011-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 03/07/2011 15:10, Adrian Levi wrote:

I don't see anything on the screen, Can't wake up the screen (it goes
blank) no oops, no nothing. Dosen't even respond to a num-lock,
caps-lock button press.


OK, so you may want to use a live cd to inspect the Debian logs...?


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Re: Computer instability under Debian Stable

2011-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 03/07/2011 09:43, Adrian Levi wrote:

My home server has been experiencing instability issues running Debian stable.

My issue is I have no sound output and overnight the computer will
hard lock-up so that the num-lock light won't even toggle.
I updated to 2.6.38 thinking it might be a kernel compatibility issue
but the problem remains.
I downloaded and booted from an Ubuntu 11.04 CD and the system has
been running stable over the last 5 something days.

Ram has passed countless passes on Memtest86+, The CPU i'd have
figured would have failed running any OS.
Likewise the system is stable running Win 7 64bit.

I have attached an lspci -vv and lsmod.
I have a feeling that my issue might be Debians firmware stripped
kernel but don't know where else to look for problems, dmesg dosen't
seem to provide any hints.

So, before upgrading the kernel to 2.6.38, where you using the standard stable Debian 
kernel (2.6.32)?  If not (but seems yes), maybe downgrading the kernel back to the stable 
one is a good thing to test.

Maybe this is still a hardware issue (typically bad electrical contacts) you have 
temporarly disabled because of physical manipulations on the machine.  So, I encourage you 
to retry Debian and see how long the uptime can be.  Of course this test may require 
several days...

Another thing, have you see any kernel oops (Call Trace, etc.) in the logs?
Did you try to unload kernel modules you might have installed recently?


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Re: Squeeze and root in graphical mode

2011-07-03 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 03/07/2011 10:25, wrote:


I would like to know if the root have a graphical environnement ?
I don't connect with login root with the password of root but in
terminal window I can connect me as root.


Probably because you have to authorize X connections to any other user:

 xhost +

before su as root (or whatever other user).


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Re: Features Missing in Debian's Package Management System

2011-06-16 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 15/06/2011 19:32, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

1. An option, to read the changelog BEFORE a package is installed or upgraded.
When invoking aptitude from the command line, and when aptitude asks you if you agree with 
the things to install/remove*, you can type 'c ' to see the Debian changelog.


*or hint '?' to get a full option description

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Re: Translate user names with NFS

2011-06-16 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 15/06/2011 21:17, Dan wrote:

Therefore I am just
going to sync the names between the two machines. To do that I guess
that I just need to change the file /etc/passwd and /etc/group Should
I update the names somewhere else?
If you have data you want to keep under /home/*/ on your various machines, It'll be a pain 
the re-affect the correct uid/usernames: changing users uid when you have multiple users 
(uid>=1000) could result in a boring task as you first have to move users to unused uids 
(say 2, 20001, etc.) and then set them to the final uids you want to see on every 
machine (1000, 1001, etc.).


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Re: Translate user names with NFS

2011-06-16 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 15/06/2011 01:56, Dan wrote:

In NFSv3 there should be
an option map_static to map de UIDs and GIDs but for some reason it
does not work. It seems that I have to use the package nfs-user-server
to use that option, but it does not exist in squeeze
I'm also interested in doing this between squeeze (client) and lenny (server).  However I 
can upgrade the server to squeeze, but then, can anyone tell us how to map usernames using 


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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/06/2011 16:02, Chris Davies wrote:

Nicolas Bercher  wrote:

Maybe the pop3 side config in fetching e-mails, leaving them on the
server, etc. has an effect on the imap side.

I should expect that reading a message with POP would indeed mark it as
read for the IMAP presentation. IMO this would be correct behaviour, and
the corollary is that you shouldn't mix and match your email protocols.

Completely right, my initial goal was to test yahoo imap first.


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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/06/2011 17:14, Nicolas Bercher wrote:

...but, the tricky thing is that I can't turn off the pop3 option
WITHOUT setting up a mail transfert...!  This is really stupid: it is
impossible to disable the two options at the same time!
In order to continue my investigations, I created another yahoo mail
account to receive these mail transfers and see what happens.  This is
really annoying.
I solved this by editing html code with iceweasel/firebug and sending to the server a 
response with no button checked.  During my googling time, I found a message of 2002 
relating the same stupid situation in the webmail interface.  It's crazy to see how old 
this issue is.

Now, I think I solved all of the problems with yahoo imap and my account.

Thanks to you all.


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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/06/2011 16:02, Chris Davies wrote:

Nicolas Bercher  wrote:

Maybe the pop3 side config in fetching e-mails, leaving them on the
server, etc. has an effect on the imap side.

I should expect that reading a message with POP would indeed mark it as
read for the IMAP presentation. IMO this would be correct behaviour, and
the corollary is that you shouldn't mix and match your email protocols.

I'm trying many things at the moment.

First, I disabled the pop3 account in icedove, but this had no effect at all.

Second, I visited the yahoo webmail interface in order to turn off the pop3 access option. 
 Then, I sent dummy mails to my account and yes, they arrived as "unread messages", so 
"issue 1" seems solved...

...but, the tricky thing is that I can't turn off the pop3 option WITHOUT setting up a 
mail transfert...!  This is really stupid: it is impossible to disable the two options at 
the same time!
In order to continue my investigations, I created another yahoo mail account to receive 
these mail transfers and see what happens.  This is really annoying.


Note: the mail account that initially have issues is an old yahoo account (created in 
1999) and is maybe not supported like the recent ones.
The new account I created today (and of course access via imap) seems to receive messages 
as expected (i.e. "marked as unread") but server-side filters (i.e. defined via the 
webmail interface) do not work when accessed via imap (it seems they work only with 
webmail/pop3 "accesses").

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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-12 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 12/06/2011 16:02, Chris Davies wrote:

Nicolas Bercher  wrote:

Maybe the pop3 side config in fetching e-mails, leaving them on the
server, etc. has an effect on the imap side.

I should expect that reading a message with POP would indeed mark it as
read for the IMAP presentation. IMO this would be correct behaviour, and
the corollary is that you shouldn't mix and match your email protocols.

I'm trying many things at the moment.

First, I disabled the pop3 account in icedove, but this had no effect at all.

Second, I visited the yahoo webmail interface in order to turn off the pop3 access option. 
 Then, I sent dummy mails to my account and yes, they arrived as "unread messages", so 
"issue 1" seems solved...

...but, the tricky thing is that I can't turn off the pop3 option WITHOUT setting up a 
mail transfert...!  This is really stupid: it is impossible to disable the two options at 
the same time!
In order to continue my investigations, I created another yahoo mail account to receive 
these mail transfers and see what happens.  This is really annoying.


Note: the mail account that initially have issues is an old yahoo account (created in 
1999) and is maybe not supported like the recent ones.
The new account I created today (and of course access via imap) seems to receive messages 
as expected (i.e. "marked as unread") but server-side filters (i.e. defined via the 
webmail interface) do not work when accessed via imap (it seems they work only with 
webmail/pop3 "accesses").

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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 11/06/2011 15:35, Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 22:13:20 +0200, Nicolas Bercher wrote:


However, I have two issues that might concern many people here that uses
icedove and have yahoo mailboxes:

   1. Near every messages that arrive into inbox and are marked as read,
   but not all of
them.  This seems to be an imap side-problem: my account was freshly set
up and I never saw this before with account from other imap providers
(and of course I've check icedove config many times).

According to Wikipedia¹, it seems that Yahoo! provides a non-standard
imap service so it can be hard to know what they are doing in the
backstage. And AFAIK, message status (read, deleted, unread...) is stored
on the server.
I will try another MUA, right after disabling pop3 access on this same account under the 
same icedove profile (see my other mail in this thread).

What kind of filters have you setup? Maybe they're what make the messages
to be marked as read. The more specific you be, the better :-)
I basically use filters for mailing lists sorting.  So the filters are of the form "if 
from, to, cc or bcc equals then move message to folder 

The tests I have to do will maybe span a few hours/days in order to verify if all is ok or 
not.  Stay tuned eventually.


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Re: icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-11 Thread Nicolas Bercher

On 10/06/2011 22:55, PaulNM wrote:

On 06/10/2011 04:13 PM, Nicolas Bercher wrote:

  1. Near every messages that arrive into inbox and are marked as read,
but not all of them.  This seems to be an imap side-problem: my account
was freshly set up and I never saw this before with account from other
imap providers (and of course I've check icedove config many times).

Are you sure nothing else is reading the messages?  I don't have yahoo
imap, but I know that if I read the messages on my phone, they'll show
up as read the next time I check in Thunderbird.

OK, maybe you point out something interesting here: since I have the strong feeling that 
yahoo imap status is between alpha and beta (somehow confirmed by Camaleón on this 
thread), I used to keep alive the pop3 access for the same yahoo account on the same 
icedove profile.  Maybe the pop3 side config in fetching e-mails, leaving them on the 
server, etc. has an effect on the imap side.


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icedove/yahoo imap: messages marked as read & filters not run on inbox

2011-06-10 Thread Nicolas Bercher


I recently set up my account (this one) as an *imap* mailbox under thunderbird. 
I've waited a long time for this to happen and with the success of smart phones, it seems 
that yahoo enabled an imap server, but didn't communicate that much for regular users (the 
one who got their accounts without smart phones).

However, I have two issues that might concern many people here that uses icedove and have 
yahoo mailboxes:

 1. Near every messages that arrive into inbox and are marked as read, but not all of 
them.  This seems to be an imap side-problem: my account was freshly set up and I never 
saw this before with account from other imap providers (and of course I've check icedove 
config many times).

 2. Mail filters I defined (on the icedove side) doesn't work automatically (again, I've 
check configuration many times) and I have to run "alt-t r" to manually apply the filters 
on inbox.

So, do you (smart people) see anything special here, have experience with yahoo imap and 
so on?

Thank a lot,


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Re: qemu port forward host -> guest: unable to get network access

2011-06-02 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Sorry: the MAC I wrote is too long, please read aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff instead.

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qemu port forward host -> guest: unable to get network access

2011-06-02 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


I want to start a virtual machine and be able to connect to it from the host.  Reading the 
qemu manual, I found I have to use "-net nic" to choose both NIC MAC and model and "-net 
user" in order to define port forwards from host to guest.

I want to forward ports (tcp) this way:
  host:2564 -> guest:564
  host:2567 -> guest:567

I have a real DHCP server on the network and have associated mac=00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff to 
IP  I'd like the guest to ask the real DHCP server to get its IP 
(  Now, I'm missing something because things do not work at all and I don't 
know how to tell qemu to use the real DHCP instead of its built-in one.  The guest doesn't 
have network access with:

  qemu -k fr -m 1G -vga std -hda plan9.disk -hdb venti.disk \
   -net nic,macaddr=00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff,model=rtl8139 \
   -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2564-, \

Can I use the real DCHP this way or do I have to set up a tap device?  This is kown to 
require qemu to run as root/sudo, sounds ugly to me.

Thanks for your welcoming advices,

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Re: Occasional random cursor movement while typing

2010-09-14 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Le 10/09/2010 18:19, Elmer E. Dow a écrit :
When typing on my laptop, occasionally my cursor will skip back (up) a 
few lines and I'll be entering text in the midst of text previously 
entered. Sometimes I can't reproduce it, but this morning when typing 
the word "we're" the cursor would jump up about three lines when I hit 
the apostrophe (single quote " ' ") key. I deleted the text I 
accidentally entered because of the problem, then retyped the word and 
the cursor again jumped back to that same spot. It repeated three or 
for times, then began to act normally.

It happened again typing this e-mail message. I was typing the word 
"typing" and the cursor jumped up a couple of lines and started 
entering text in the midst of the word "text."

What's happening here? My sleeve isn't touching the touchpad nor did I 
bump the Trackpoint nor the mouse. I'm not accidentally hitting the 
wrong key. The embedded 10-key pad isn't activated and the keys in 
question aren't on that part of the keyboard anyway. The machine in 
question is an IBM R40 laptop running Lenny. I have a triple-boot 
system: two versions of Debian (I'm in Lenny now) and WinXP. I don't 
r(it just jumped down the page two lines and to the left)ecall it 
happening in XP, but I only use XP a few times per year. I think that 
it happens in the other version of Debian (I think I've got Sarge 
there). I'm assuming that this is not a keyboard issue. If it were, I 
would think that the key would either enter properly or not, rather 
than enter an improper character. Or is it a CPU going nuts? Is it 
(just did it again when I typed the "t" in the previous word) a 
problem with X or a the driver for the keyboard, mouse, etc.? This has 
been happening for months. It's weird and frustrating. How can I 
diagnose this?

Elmer E. Dow

This sounds like an hardware issue.
Did you try (if possible) to disable your touchpad? If this is not 
possible, try an external USB/PS2 keayboard and type "we're" ;-)
My MSI Wind behaves the same because of the touchpad: it becomes really 
sensible as it gets warmer, after a tens of minutes. When disabled all 
is ok.


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Re: trinity

2010-09-13 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Hi everybody,

I wish to give a try to Trinity (KDE 3.5 fork) on Squeeze.
But as I do
aptitude install desktop-base-trinity kde-trinity
it asks me to replace desktop-base & sudo packages with 
desktop-base-trinity & sudo-trinity.

Have you guy tested it? Is it safe to replace such sensible packages 
like the sudo one?
And does anybody know why they "forked" such packages since they look 
very "low level" for a Debian system?

Thanks a lot,


PS: I have many issues using KDE 4.4.5 including:
 - konsole slowness (improved today but still slower than konsole 
3.5.x) and mouse cursor bug,
 - missing simple desktop features like alt+f5 (show window list) that 
seems only to be available when desktop effects are on,

 - kmix/pulseaudio miss understanding regarding sound card channels,
 - missing applets,
 - etc.

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Re: debian stable + nvidia driver

2010-06-10 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

On 09.06.2010 09:45, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

Hi there,

Has anyone installed a debian stable + nvidia driver recently. I am
stuck with linux kernel 2.6-26, I do not understand exactly what is
going on with backports:

   I even tried moving to the linux image in testing, but udev
apparently changed a lot, so I had to revert the change (I do not
remember the exact error).

   Anyway, I went back to installing a stable 5.0.4 with linux 2.6.26
and installing nvidia-kernel-2.6.26, I discover the driver
173.14.09-5v (stable/non-free) did no support my card (heavy
flickering on any action).

   I then tried to compile the nvidia-graphics-drivers on my amd64,
since it now requires ia32-libs  (>= 20090804) [amd64]. I do not care
about any ia32 stuff, so I simply remove all references to ia32 from
the debian/control file and then compiled it by hand:

   dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc

   All seems well until depmod exit with a 1 error code. Where can I
see what is going on ? Is there a log ?


Have you tried to use module-assistant?
   # m-a a-i nvidia
I'm not an expert about that, but I often use it and it's ok for my needs.
If compilation of nvidia module succeed using module-assistant, you'll 
need to check that nvidia-glx package version matches the module version.

For example, I have:
nvidia-glx version 185.18.36-2
nvidia-kernel-2.6.30-2-686 version 185.18.36-2+2.6.30-8
I'm not sure this is the Debian way to do it well, but is robust enough.

About the flickering, if your card is old, you might need to use 
nvidia-glx-legacy instead of nvidia-glx, and maybe tune things into 


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How does work?

2010-04-20 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Does anyone knows what technologies are involved behind
I'm interested in snapshot file systems and I'm looking for nice 
solutions running on Debian. An example which looks perfect is the Plan9 
fossil/venti solution (


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mplayer: symbol lookup error: mplayer: undefined symbol: codec_wav_tags

2009-10-14 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Sorry if this has already been discussed here, but I can't find a 
working solution (I googled it).
I read the mailing archive (here: 
), and it seems that I need to install both mplayer and FFmpeg as 
synchronized packages, so my first idea was to get back to stable 
versions. But still, I got this error message.

Since I use mixed package installs between stable/testing/unstable and 
sometimes experimental (ok, maybe this is really bad), I'm a little 
afraid about installing FFmepg/mplayer from testing/unstable (which 
requires for example to uninstall vlc and some other stuff...)

Does anyone have a solution...?
Thanks a lot.

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A way to automatically share latest Debian CD/DVD images via torrent

2009-05-03 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


I'm looking for a way to automatically share the latest Debian CD/DVD 
images via torrent.
Before thinking about how to implement it myself, I'd like to know if 
anyone has developped something like this yet.

In France where I live, a new stupid law (HADOPI) about the control of 
file transfers over Internet is about to be validated.

There are two goals behind my question:
   (1) share Debian ISOs (easy for me because my computer is a 24/7 server)
   (2) share my upload bandwidth with Debian users & hope to get a huge 
traffic (relative to my ADSL connexion as well !).
I want to show that "yes, we can" exchange a lot and do this in a pure 
legal way.

Thanks in advance for suggestions.

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Re: grip/lenny doesn't extract audio CDs first tracks

2009-04-20 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

David Fox a écrit :

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Nicolas BERCHER


On another computer with the same grip version, it works good.
Could that be related to a CD drive problem? Any idea?

You might want to further troubleshoot the problem by using a
lower-level tool such as cdparanoia and try to rip just track 1 from a
couple of different CDs and see what output you get.
Good idea, cdparanoia works good for a first track that grip+cdparanoia 
wasn't able to extract.
I really thought it was a hardware or low level software problem, but 
this is not the case, it seems to be a grip problem.

Thanks for help.

Anyone with this problem...?


grip/lenny doesn't extract audio CDs first tracks

2009-04-17 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


On one of my Debian systems, grip is unable to extract the first track 
of any audio CD.

$ apt-cache policy grip
 Installé : 3.3.1-15+b2
 Candidat : 3.3.1-15+b2
Table de version :
*** 3.3.1-15+b2 0
   500 stable/main Packages
   100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

On another computer with the same grip version, it works good.
Could that be related to a CD drive problem? Any idea?


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Iceweasel+flashplugin-nonfree: 100% CPU usage with some flash/swf embedded videos or animations

2008-10-13 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


I often have 100% CPU usage when I visit "full-of-flash-web sites" 
(fortunately, I run on a dual core CPU!)
It depends on the site I visit: on myspace, this is horrible (yes 
myspace has horrible page layouts and people abuse on flash gadgets...), 
on other sites this is OK.

So I configured adblock to block picture slide shows and so on.

But my question is: is this just because the flashplugin-nonfree is so 
badly coded for in its Linux version or can I tune anything to get it 
working better?


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Re: unable to play some flash videos [solved]

2008-10-13 Thread Nicolas BERCHER
Finally, I've solved the problem for my distro (stable/testing/unstable 
Upgraded Iceweasel to sid/main 3.0.3-2 and installed back 
flashplugin-nonfree (tested flashplayer-mozilla this morning with no 
success with Iceweasel 3.0.1 & 3.0.3).

Does it work for you ?


with Iceweasel 3.0.1 & flashplayer-mozilla, I have many problems with 
flash plugin on myspace, lastfm, etc.

It seems that's because of the recent Iceweasel upgrade I did.
How about you ?

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Re: unable to play some flash videos

2008-10-13 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


with Iceweasel 3.0.1 & flashplayer-mozilla, I have many problems with 
flash plugin on myspace, lastfm, etc.

It seems that's because of the recent Iceweasel upgrade I did.
How about you ?

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Re: LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit and accentuated characters

2008-10-08 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Remove "nodeadkeys" from the Xorg.conf and you are done.

I am using german, french and turkisch and
have had never problems with NEdit...


I don't have this option enabled in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

So what am I doing wrong ?
I also tried with luit:
   LANG=fr_FR luit /usr/bin/nedit 

Since you are using UTF-8 you have choosen the wrong locale since fr_FR
is the same as iso-8859-1 (without EUR).

You should use

LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 /usr/bin/nedit 

and you are done

Sorry, but experiences show you're wrong:
My system locale is already fr_FR.UTF-8, so your code

LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 /usr/bin/nedit 

has really really no effects !

Moreover, it works (a little) this ways:

LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit 

but *only in he first nedit's tab*: try to open a new file in a second 
tab and type ¨+i : do you get an ï or ¨i ?

This is with nedit installed by apt-get/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/testing/sid.

Nowadays, I use the binary tar.gz package provided by
All character encoding stuff are ok.
Just a little problem: window redrawing operations are really slow (a 
few seconds for a tens of opened files in NEdit, really boring in a 
multi desktop env...)

Best regards.

Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-24 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Thank you for your interest !

What kind of hardware (processor, chip-set) are you using?

Chipset: Intel MCP51 (see below for details !)

What is the result of the following commands?

cat /proc/cpuinfo
lspci -vv
cat /proc/interrupts

For example, my notebook with  AMD Turion 64 processor on an ATI RS480 
IXP SB400 chip-set running with acpi needs the kernel parameter 
'nolapic' or the clock would stop in CPU power state C3.
Since my first e-mail "Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 
ns)", I enabled ACPI in the mainboard bios (MSI P6N SLI Platinum), but I 
don't reaalyknow anything about ACPI.
Before that, I had some ACPI related warning/error messages, it seems 
they have disapered since I enabled ACPI.

Here are the results of the command you asked:

cat /proc/cpuinfo:
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU  4300  @ 1.80GHz
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 1203.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 2
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 2
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm 
constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts pni monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 
xtpr lahf_lm

bogomips: 3604.64
clflush size: 64

processor   : 1
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU  4300  @ 1.80GHz
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 1203.000
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 2
core id : 1
cpu cores   : 2
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 10
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge 
mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm 
constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts pni monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 
xtpr lahf_lm

bogomips: 3600.02
clflush size: 64

lspci -vv
00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation C55 Host Bridge (rev a2)
   Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap+ 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 
   Latency: 0

00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 

00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 

00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 
   Latency: 0

00:00.4 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 
   Latency: 0

00:00.5 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a2)
   Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 
   Latency: 0

00:00.6 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66MHz+ UDF- FastB2B- ParErr- DEVSEL=fast >TAbort- 

00:00.7 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
   Control: I/O- Mem- BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
   Status: Cap- 66M

Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-23 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

I solved some of the problems I had:
My computer serves both as a web server and as a personal desktop 
computer, so my KDE sessions can be a few days, weeks or months long !
The problem with my sound card is solved and is due to a mistake I did 
when I changed the groups my login is part of (wrong use of usermod !) 
that was updated on new sessions this morning.

It remains the main issue & the clocksource: I don't know why my system 
became instable.
Since then, I reactivated ACPI in BIOS, I have less error/warns messages 
during the boot sequence.

I found some tricks on
Some people recommand to use the kernel option clocksource=hpet

Wait & see !

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Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-23 Thread Nicolas BERCHER
Note: When the problem occured, cat 
returned "jiffie"

After reseting the computer it returns "tsc".

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Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-23 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Since my last mail, I rebooted the machine (using reset, init 6 
wasn't able to reboot after a few minutes).
Just before reseting, top was long to start displaying stats and then 
it started to work nice (normal speed) and showed % CPU usage on 
certain processes !

It was not often the case, some stats snaps looked good.
Well, that at least explains why the machine was/is slow. Killing 
these processes might help.
I thought it was a calculation error because the timing became wrong 
(delta=51799116882ns), isn't it...?

Then, I had troubles when I logged into KDE: it first failed (kind of 
freeze while waiting for something that never comes), I restarted X 
(ctrl+alt+backspace) and then KDE login was ok.
In KDE, I now see that the audio hardware is no more recognized 
(according to kmix & amarok/xine (failed to start xine engine)), but 
snd* modules seems to be loaded as appropriate...
Strange, although a /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart sometimes works, or 
realoding the sound modules. Then, you probably also have to restart kdm

I did this:
   # /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart && /etc/init.d/kdm restart
It didn't have any effects on the audio hardware in KDE.
I also launched a memtest (a few minutes) after reseting the computer: 
nothing wrong.

I wonder about a hardware failure...
This Debian was installed a month ago and I didn't any problem 
before, even on the Fedora I had before for a year on this hardware.
That can of course be. Try running memcheck, and try booting from a 
live-cd might give you some clues.

Yeah, that's an idea... with a fresh Knoppix CD!


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Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-23 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Sjoerd Hardeman a écrit :

Nicolas BERCHER wrote:

Celejar a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:26:36 +0200



Since yesterday, some processes are really slow on my Lenny/Sid.
KDE clock is 10 hours late, bash is really really slow, keyboard 
repetition seems broken or really long to start, etc.

I found this in /var/log/messages:
[1510354.692239] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

I generally see messages like that; I always assumed they were 

Sep 23 00:13:54 lizzie kernel: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 
-85149529 ns)


Thank you for your answer.
Today, this message is not harmless: many things are so slow...
As I don't want to reboot my Debian (so bad to do that !), I'm 
waiting for possible fixes from the list and Google too.

Strangely Icedove & Firefox are ok, so I can read/write e-mails...

Apache/PHP/mySQL are a little slow too.
In general functionalities that require a specific timing are really 
slow, even the bash/Konsole completion beep that spends about 10 
seconds !

Any idea ?
I doubt the "Clocksource tsc unstable"-error causes the slowness, as 
that is a common error on some of my machines too. Apparently 
something is hogging your system. Can you give us the result of top?


Since my last mail, I rebooted the machine (using reset, init 6 wasn't 
able to reboot after a few minutes).
Just before reseting, top was long to start displaying stats and then it 
started to work nice (normal speed) and showed % CPU usage on 
certain processes !

It was not often the case, some stats snaps looked good.

Then, I had troubles when I logged into KDE: it first failed (kind of 
freeze while waiting for something that never comes), I restarted X 
(ctrl+alt+backspace) and then KDE login was ok.
In KDE, I now see that the audio hardware is no more recognized 
(according to kmix & amarok/xine (failed to start xine engine)), but 
snd* modules seems to be loaded as appropriate...

I wonder about a hardware failure...
This Debian was installed a month ago and I didn't any problem before, 
even on the Fedora I had before for a year on this hardware.

/var/log/messages also reports some ACPI errors & warnings (but I don't 
really understand them):

# grep -i acpi /var/log/messages
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.00] ACPI Error 
(tbxfroot-0218): A valid RSDP was not found [20070126]
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.00] Nvidia board detected. 
Ignoring ACPI timer override.
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.00] If you got timer trouble 
try acpi_use_timer_override

Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.101203] ACPI: Core revision 20070126
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.101235] ACPI Exception 
(tbxface-0629): AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES, While loading namespace from ACPI 
tables [20070126]

Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.349298] ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.349334] pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.404070] ACPI Error 
(evxfevnt-0186): Could not enable RealTimeClock event [20070126]
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [0.404077] ACPI Warning 
(evxface-0145): Could not enable fixed event 4 [20070126]
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [1.501108] thermal: Unknown symbol 
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.599411] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_notify_smm
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.599471] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_unregister_performance
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.599626] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_preregister_performance
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.599697] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_register_performance
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.268210] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_notify_smm
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.268269] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_unregister_performance
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.268424] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_preregister_performance
Sep 23 09:24:16 ocarina kernel: [   53.268495] acpi_cpufreq: Unknown 
symbol acpi_processor_register_performance
Sep 23 09:24:54 ocarina kernel: [   82.751323] NVRM: failed to register 
with the ACPI subsystem!
Sep 23 09:29:27 ocarina kernel: [  353.257360] NVRM: failed to 
unregister from the ACPI subsystem!
Sep 23 09:29:27 ocarina kernel: [  353.333124] NVRM: failed to register 
with the ACPI subsystem!

Thanks for help, I don't understand yet what kind of problems I have...

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Re: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-22 Thread Nicolas BERCHER

Celejar a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:26:36 +0200



Since yesterday, some processes are really slow on my Lenny/Sid.
KDE clock is 10 hours late, bash is really really slow, keyboard 
repetition seems broken or really long to start, etc.

I found this in /var/log/messages:
[1510354.692239] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

I generally see messages like that; I always assumed they were harmless:

Sep 23 00:13:54 lizzie kernel: Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -85149529 ns)


Thank you for your answer.
Today, this message is not harmless: many things are so slow...
As I don't want to reboot my Debian (so bad to do that !), I'm waiting 
for possible fixes from the list and Google too.

Strangely Icedove & Firefox are ok, so I can read/write e-mails...

Apache/PHP/mySQL are a little slow too.
In general functionalities that require a specific timing are really 
slow, even the bash/Konsole completion beep that spends about 10 seconds !

Any idea ?

Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

2008-09-22 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


Since yesterday, some processes are really slow on my Lenny/Sid.
KDE clock is 10 hours late, bash is really really slow, keyboard 
repetition seems broken or really long to start, etc.

I found this in /var/log/messages:
[1510354.692239] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = 51799116882 ns)

Can I do something to fix this without a reboot ?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

["solved"] Re: LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit and accentuated characters

2008-08-29 Thread Nicolas BERCHER
OK, I found an acceptable solution: download NEdit from here to get an well linked binary, 
install it into /usr/local/ !

(Sorry Debian packagers, but I really need to work with NEdit. ;-) )
OK, I found something "interesting": when it begins to be buggy, 
accentuated characters only fails when I open multiple files in tabs, 
on every tabs except the tab of the first file I opened via the 
command line...

stupid rule...

I know that NEdit is considered stable only when linked to specific 
versions of openmotif or lesstif... what a mess ! 

$ nedit -V
NEdit 5.5
Sep 30, 2004

Built on: Linux, 486, GNU C
Built at: Aug 21 2008, 10:06:05
  With Motif: 2.1.0 [@(#)GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.95.0]
Running Motif: 2.1 [unknown]
  Server: The X.Org Foundation 10402000
  Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x21, Default)
  Locale: fr_FR

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit and accentuated characters

2008-08-29 Thread Nicolas BERCHER
OK, I found something "interesting": when it begins to be buggy, 
accentuated characters only fails when I open multiple files in tabs, on 
every tabs except the tab of the first file I opened via the command line...

stupid rule...

I know that NEdit is considered stable only when linked to specific 
versions of openmotif or lesstif... what a mess ! 

$ nedit -V
NEdit 5.5
Sep 30, 2004

Built on: Linux, 486, GNU C
Built at: Aug 21 2008, 10:06:05
  With Motif: 2.1.0 [@(#)GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.95.0]
Running Motif: 2.1 [unknown]
  Server: The X.Org Foundation 10402000
  Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x21, Default)
  Locale: fr_FR

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Re: Getting to runlevel 1

2008-08-29 Thread Nicolas BERCHER
I think you should just backup your / with rsync and its option 
--exclude-from in order to ignore /proc, /sys, /mnt, /media, /tmp and so 

Simply put items to ignore into a text :

then call rsync:
   rsync  --exclude-from=...

Indeed, It is also possible to only backup things that are not managed 
by apt: /etc, /root, /home, /usr/local, etc. & your aptitude/apt-get 
installed packages list !

On Friday 29 August 2008 02:15, Shachar Or wrote:


In order to rsync my root, I switch to single user mode. While I'm quite
positive that it is good that I quit my desktop session before the rsync,
I'm not sure what good it does to switch to single user mode.

I switch to single user mode by 'shutdown -r now' and selecting it in grub.
Is there a quicker way? 'init 1' seems to get me in a state where there are
a few daemons running that wouldn't be otherwise.

Forgot to mention I'm not subscribed :)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit and accentuated characters

2008-08-29 Thread Nicolas BERCHER


I use NEdit all day long to draft ma thesis (LaTeX), I work under 
lenny-sid/KDE (3.5.9) and I use bash under Konsole.

When I write in french, I use to call NEdit this way:
   LANG=fr_FR /usr/bin/nedit  &
since my locale is LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8.

It works good for a while (I mean I have all characters I need to draft 
in french: à, é, è, ê, ï, etc.) and then it begins to be buggy (in the 
same X session): accentuated characters typed as a two-keys-sequence are 
no more accepted in NEdit.
For example ^+e should display an "ê" but I got an "e" instead, the same 
for ¨+i, I got an "i".

When I restart my KDE session, all things become ok for a while an then 
I fails again...

So what am I doing wrong ?
I also tried with luit:
   LANG=fr_FR luit /usr/bin/nedit 
but this does not repair anything (and sometimes introduces strange 
behaviours in my bash sessions).

At least my question would be:
   Is there anything to reset or restart except my KDE session or my 
whole computer to get things working good ?

Thanks a lot !

My NEdit is linked to lesstif2:
$ aptitude show nedit
   Paquet : nedit
   État: installé
   Automatiquement installé: non
   Version : 1:5.5-2
   Priorité : optionnel
   Section : editors
   Responsable : Alexandre Pineau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Taille décompressée : 1782k
   Dépend: lesstif2, libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libsm6, 
libx11-6, libxext6, libxp6, libxt6

   Suggère: csh
   Est en conflit: nedit-dmotif, nedit-smotif
   Remplace: nedit-dmotif, nedit-smotif
   Description : A powerful, customizable, Motif based text editor
NEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which 
combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the 
thorough functionality and stability
required by users who edit text eight hours a day. It provides 
intensive support for development in a wide variety of languages, text 
processors, and other tools, but at the
same time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs 
to edit text.  Users of Macintosh and MS Windows based text editors will 
find NEdit a familiar and comfortable


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