Re: Installing bullseye into previously existing encrypted disk with buster

2022-02-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 09:36:45AM +1100, David wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 at 02:54, Nitebirdz  wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 04:37:55PM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > > Nitebirdz wrote:
> > > > I currently have a laptop running buster on an encrypted disk that boots
> > > > via EFI. The filesystems look like this:
> > > >
> > > > /dev/mapper/tangier--vg-root/
> > > > /dev/mapper/tangier--vg-home/home
> > > > /dev/sda1   /boot/efi
> > > > /dev/sda2   /boot
> > > >
> > > > I know I can easily upgrade to bullseye from the running system. 
> > > > However,
> > > > what I usually do when it's time to upgrade Debian on a laptop is to 
> > > > start
> > > > from a clean slate. It's my chance to clean up and remove old cruft 
> > > > (well,
> > > > with the exception of my own home partition, of course). So, instead of
> > > > upgrading, I just install the new version of Debian.
> > > >
> > > > Now, my problem is that, whenever I launch the installer, it wants to
> > > > partition the disk. Is there a way to tell the installer to leave the
> > > > existing partitioning scheme alone? Also, I'd need the installer to 
> > > > leave
> > > > the home partition alone, and format and install over the other
> > > > partitions. Is this possible? If so, how? I've been trying different
> > > > approaches, and I don't seem to be able to find the way to do it.
> > >
> > > Yes. Tell the installer you want to partition the disks
> > > manually, and then select each one and assign it to the role
> > > that you want. For /home, either don't assign it or make sure
> > > that you mark it as "leave the contents alone".
> >
> > Thanks. But it doesn't appear to work. The disk partitioning tool
> > only shows the actual partitions, but no trace of the already existing
> > encrypted volumes. See the screenshot attached.
> >
> > I'm testing this using QEMU. No matter what entry I select on that
> > screen, it wants me to continue partitioning, and ends up destroying the
> > previous setup. I cannot see a way to just get it to notice the already
> > existing layout. That does work for more simple setups, but not for
> > encrypted volumes, it seems.
> Hi Nitebirdz,
> For people quickly scanning through a lot of messages that they aren't
> heavily interested in, I suspect it was easy to overlook the crucial
> word "encrypted" in your first message. I know I didn't notice that
> until your second message, which used that word a few more times.

Yep. I totally understand. It happens to me all the time.  :)

> I'm not really paying attention to the latest capabilites that the
> installer might have, or to what any other distros are doing, but when
> I have attempted this in the past it appeared to me that the Debian
> installer does not directly support installing a fresh installation
> into a previously created LUKS encrypted volume.
> However it is certainly "possible" with some complicated tricks, and
> if you are prepared to risk accidentally destroying the whole
> encrypted volume if you make a mistake. That's what happened to me the
> first time I tried it. But I have adequate backups and alternative
> machines, so that didn't bother me.
> It is possible to trick the installer into opening the existing
> encrypted volume. Then (with numerous fiddly steps and using great
> caution not to make a mistake) the installer can then install into a
> new partition inside that, in the usual way.
> However the installation it creates will be broken and likely not
> bootable. Because we have tricked the installer beyond what it
> understands, it makes many mistakes. There will be problems with grub,
> with the cryptsetup configuration, and with the initramfs. That all
> then needs to be fixed by rebooting into an alternative environment
> that has cryptsetup tools available. Maybe the installer rescue system
> is capable of doing that, but I'm not sure because ...

Indeed. I did some further searching (it's not an easy thing to search
for), and ended up finding the following document:

I tested it on a VM inside QEMU, and it worked. 

So, basically, once we reach the point where we detect the hard drive,
we need to drop to the shell, install additional software into the
installation environment, and then run the commands to configure the
already existing volume group and logical volumes. After that, we can
return to the installer, and partman will see everything. We can then
configure the proper mounts, and go on with the rest of the standard
installation steps.

However, as you explained, the installation is not bootable, it fails to
recognize the encrypted volume group, and it just drops to the initramfs
prompt. However, from there, we can run the commands documented in that
blog entry, and it all works. 


Re: Installing bullseye into previously existing encrypted disk with buster

2022-02-11 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 04:37:55PM -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Nitebirdz wrote: 
> > I currently have a laptop running buster on an encrypted disk that boots
> > via EFI. The filesystems look like this: 
> > 
> > /dev/mapper/tangier--vg-root/
> > /dev/mapper/tangier--vg-home/home
> > /dev/sda1   /boot/efi
> > /dev/sda2   /boot
> > 
> > I know I can easily upgrade to bullseye from the running system. However,
> > what I usually do when it's time to upgrade Debian on a laptop is to start
> > from a clean slate. It's my chance to clean up and remove old cruft (well,
> > with the exception of my own home partition, of course). So, instead of
> > upgrading, I just install the new version of Debian. 
> > 
> > Now, my problem is that, whenever I launch the installer, it wants to
> > partition the disk. Is there a way to tell the installer to leave the
> > existing partitioning scheme alone? Also, I'd need the installer to leave
> > the home partition alone, and format and install over the other
> > partitions. Is this possible? If so, how? I've been trying different
> > approaches, and I don't seem to be able to find the way to do it. 
> Yes. Tell the installer you want to partition the disks
> manually, and then select each one and assign it to the role
> that you want. For /home, either don't assign it or make sure
> that you mark it as "leave the contents alone".

Thanks. But it doesn't appear to work. The disk partitioning tool
only shows the actual partitions, but no trace of the already existing
encrypted volumes. See the screenshot attached. 

I'm testing this using QEMU. No matter what entry I select on that
screen, it wants me to continue partitioning, and ends up destroying the
previous setup. I cannot see a way to just get it to notice the already
existing layout. That does work for more simple setups, but not for
encrypted volumes, it seems.

> But if you're going to do that, why not try a nice in-place
> upgrade first? I bet you'll be happy with it, and if not, you've
> lost maybe an hour over what you were going to do anyway.

Yes, I've done Debian upgrades before, and they are quite reliable. As
mentioned in my original message, though, I take this as an opportunity
to "clean up house", and remove all the cruft that I have been
accumulating for the last couple of of years. That's the reason why,
when a new Debian release comes out, I prefer to reinstall (well, on
this particular system; I usually do standard upgrades on others).


Installing bullseye into previously existing encrypted disk with buster

2022-02-10 Thread Nitebirdz

I currently have a laptop running buster on an encrypted disk that boots
via EFI. The filesystems look like this: 

/dev/sda1   /boot/efi
/dev/sda2   /boot

I know I can easily upgrade to bullseye from the running system. However,
what I usually do when it's time to upgrade Debian on a laptop is to start
from a clean slate. It's my chance to clean up and remove old cruft (well,
with the exception of my own home partition, of course). So, instead of
upgrading, I just install the new version of Debian. 

Now, my problem is that, whenever I launch the installer, it wants to
partition the disk. Is there a way to tell the installer to leave the
existing partitioning scheme alone? Also, I'd need the installer to leave
the home partition alone, and format and install over the other
partitions. Is this possible? If so, how? I've been trying different
approaches, and I don't seem to be able to find the way to do it. 



Re: Debian - Navegador

2019-02-27 Thread Nitebirdz
On Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 03:15:24PM -0500, Eriel Perez wrote:
> Hola lista.
> Hace algún tiempo (creo que com 5 anos atrás) vi un debían (una version
> viejita, por ella por el 6) donde iniciaba el sistema operativo, y
> cuando poníamos el usuario y la PSW iniciaba la sesión pero solamente
> con el navegador (firefox). O sea, nada de iconos, no se podia iniciar
> el ninguna otra aplicación, ni nada de eso. También, no se veía ni las
> particiones, solamente alguna memoria USB si se le ponía. Básicamente
> solamente se podia usar esa pc para navegar. Tampoco nada de cambiar a
> las consolas con ctrl+alt+f3-9  
> Como yo podría hacer eso? O si conocen alguna app que me deje personalizar el 
> debian.


Como han explicado otros/as, eso que describes es el "modo kiosko". Quizá
los siguientes enlaces te puedan ser de ayuda:


Re: trying to install Debian encrypted in an existed partition, keeping the rest as it is ...

2019-01-30 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 06:15:23PM -0500, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> On 1/29/19, Nitebirdz  wrote:
> > I used the following two documents sometime ago to perform a similar
> > install. Hopefully, they will be of some help to you too.
> >
> >
> >
> >
>  As you could see, they both describe a Debian stretch -Full Disk
> Encryption- type of installation. I will try to think it through again
> when I find some time
>  I still don't get why would Debian become so temperamental about
> partitions when you try to install it encrypted


Perhaps the following document could be of some help. I had to use it to
install Debian Stretch on a different laptop with EFI. So, in my case, one
of the partitions is not encrypted. In that sense, the situation is
somehow similar to your fat16 (/dev/sda1) partition. The document refers
to Jessie, but I used it to install Stretch no problem.


Re: Solicitud de información y ayuda.

2019-01-30 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 02:00:16PM +0100, wrote:
> Buenos días:
> Me dirijo a Vds por esta vía, al no encontrar otra más adecuada, para
> consultarles respecto de Debian.
> Actualmente utilizo un ordenador Dell, con Pentium IV y 3 Gb RAM, y desde que
> dejé Windows XP, primero con Ubuntu y ahora con Linux-Mint 18.3 Mate 32 bit.
> Quisiera cambiar el SO y he pensado en Debian; pero, antes de hacerlo, 
> necesito
> saber si voy a poder instarlar y hacer funcionar los siguientes programas que
> ahora uso (o si para Debian existen otros instalados con el sistema o que debo
> buscar):

Ya te han respondido otros. Solamente quería hacerte saber que puedes usar
la siguiente herramienta para comprobar qué paquetes están incluidos en
los repositorios de Debian:


Re: trying to install Debian encrypted in an existed partition, keeping the rest as it is ...

2019-01-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 07:45:40AM -0500, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  I got one of those office computers I would like to recycle. It has a
> fat16 (as /dev/sda1) partition with some manufacturer’s selftests
> which I would like to keep. So, I wiped the rest of the other two
> partitions to install Debian encrypted, however I can’t make sense of
> the questions I am being asked and I can’t go passed that installation
> step.
>  I could imagine I am not the only one who has tried to do something
> like that before. It seems the Debian encrypted installation gets a
> bit "temperamental" about partitions. Why would that be? Could you
> point me to a link explaining the installation procedures step by step
> when you need to keep a previous partition?
>  I will post here how did I work myself out of that situation. Once I
> manage to do so.
>  lbrtchx

I used the following two documents sometime ago to perform a similar
install. Hopefully, they will be of some help to you too.


Re: Disable left-ctrl?

2019-01-28 Thread Nitebirdz
On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 06:16:32PM -0500, Boyan Penkov wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I am now writing my thesis, and have the genesis of some pretty significant
> EMACs pinky.  (I use my left pinky for the left ctrl most of the time, which 
> is
> setting me up for failure.).
> To this end, I’d like to disable the left ctrl key only, and force my brain to
> use the right one.  Better yet, I’d like the screen to flash or something then
> I inadvertently hit left-ctrl.
> Any thoughts?

The following may be of some help:

According to that exchange, the following command should do the trick:

 $ xmodmap -e "remove Control = Control_L"

Obviously, to make that permanent you should add it to your
"~/.xsessionrc" or something similar.


Re: repositorio

2019-01-27 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 09:02:49PM -0400, Fraciel Arevalo wrote:
> buenas noches amigos de debian mi distribusion es debian 9 y quiero ponerla a
> tono con todo repositorios y paquetes pero cada ves que uso un comando como
> apt-get y aptitude no logro que se realise la operasion y alega dependencias
> incumplidas si pueden orientarme sera de mucha ayuda gracias

Perdona si ya sabes lo que explico a continuación, pero ignoro qué tan
familiarizado puedas estar con Linux en general (y Debian en concreto). 

¿Has probado a actualizar corriendo los siguientes comandos como usuario

  # apt update

  # apt upgrade

Si es así, ¿cuáles son los errores que estás viendo? 

Por si sirve de ayuda, yo recientemente tuve un problema similar al tratar
de actualizar mi portátil con Debian Stretch debido a un asunto de
dependencias con paquetes de Nvidia. Mis errores eran algo parecido a lo
que se muestra en esta página:

Al final, para solucionarlos tuve que correr el siguiente comando:

  # apt dist-upgrade

No obstante, antes de que probases algo así convendría saber qué errores
te estás encontrando, pues puede ser que la raíz de tu problema sea bien


Re: OT: Comando para perder el tiempo

2015-03-19 Thread a.k.a. Nitebirdz
¿Has probado con capuccino? También tiene CoffeeBreak:

istanbul:$ apt-cache show cappuccino
Package: cappuccino
Version: 0.5.1-2.1
Installed-Size: 352
Maintainer: Christian Surchi
Architecture: all
Depends: python, python-gtk2, polygen
Description-en: an utility to let your boss think that you're working hard
 Run this software on your computer when you are not motivated to work, and
 enjoy doing something different. If your boss come in your cubicle, he'll
 think Yeah, he's doing something different since his computer is really
 busy - He's doing something really important.
Description-md5: 0d38dc07a3298ceacc1560436c2b9c06
Tag: game::toys, implemented-in::python, interface::x11, role::program,
 uitoolkit::gtk, use::entertaining, x11::application
Section: games
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/c/cappuccino/cappuccino_0.5.1-2.1_all.deb
Size: 140656
MD5sum: c60485ba79c0e22b881fc571abdf6ffa
SHA1: d7974ae9fcafb2516fd0b7932bf191f93980c4b9
SHA256: 72c7cee5d9b8dfabf55dc7d88ca5c4c693efc517afd45b96c9e845e3e443a671

2015-03-17 14:21 GMT-05:00 Antonio Insuasti Recalde

 Hash: SHA1


 Hace muchos años encontré un programa que emulaba el estar compilando
 algo en pantalla,
 he tratado de buscarlo pero no lo encuentro,

 Lo que necesito es un comando que parezca que hago algo pero no haga
 nada, como para perder el tiempo y que cuando alguien pase por mi
 computador parezca que algo esta haciendo en consola

 Un saludos a todos,

 - --
 Antonio Insuasti R.

 IBM “Linux System Administrator” #ECUSFQ00228
 RHCE No: 130-065-634
 dCAP. #2071
 ECE. #200571804 – #200576560 @wolfantec
 - --
 Si desea enviarme correos Cifrados puede usar mi llave publica
 GPG: 0x021C83744ACDF6F0
 Version: GnuPG v1


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Re: GQView compiling error

2014-01-09 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 10:11:26PM -0500, Rodney D. Myers wrote:

 i'm attempting to an older piece of software, GQView, and it appears I
 do have all required software installed. ./configure does not puke
 when ran.
 Though when I attempt to run make to compile it, this is where is


   -lglib-2.0 -lfreetype-llcms /usr/bin/ld: dupe.o: undefined
   reference to symbol
   'floor@@GLIBC_2.0' //lib/i386-linux-gnu/ error adding
   symbols: DSO missing from command line collect2: error: ld
   returned 1 exit status make[3]: *** [gqview] Error 1 make[3]:
   Leaving directory `/home/rodney/Compile/gqview-2.1.5/src'
   make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory
   `/home/rodney/Compile/gqview-2.1.5/src' make[1]: ***
   [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory
   `/home/rodney/Compile/gqview-2.1.5' make: *** [all] Error 2
 Not sure what I am missing, nor how to rectify this error message.


Could this help?

If that's correct, you'd have to link libm by adding -lm to the Makefile.
Not that I know what I'm talking about. Just trying to help. 


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Re: Un extraño mensaje

2014-01-08 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 02:59:01PM +0100, Santiago José López Borrazás wrote:
 El 08/01/14 15:50, Luis escribió:
  Qué significa, o mejor dicho, por qué sucede esto aun sin auntentificarme?
 En /etc/sysctl.conf tienes una línea como esta:
 #kernel_printk = 3 4 1 3
 Quita la # y haz esto:
 sysctl -p
 Luego ya no te volverá a molestar en la consola que tengas. Incluso, una vez
 apagado o reiniciado el sistema.

El siguiente mensaje (en inglés) de debian-user explica bastante bien cómo
funciona esto que José te explica arriba. Lo digo por si te interesa
investigar algo más sobre el asunto.

En cuanto a la otra pregunta que haces (esto es, qué significa o por qué
sucede), parece que es un problema con el driver del touchpad (no estoy
seguro cómo se dice eso en castellano, la verdad) de Synaptic. Ver, por
ejemplo, los siguientes intercambios (nuevamente en inglés):


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Re: Iceweasel weird behavior

2014-01-08 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 03:15:46PM +0200, Alex S. wrote:
 Hello all,
 Few days ago, I started having weird problems with my browser
 (freezing on pages, freezing on downloads, freezing on opening
 preferences even). After some tinkering that I did, I now have one main
 What is the difference between me manually typing 'iceweasel' to
 terminal and me starting Iceweasel through panel/shortcut/system menu
 (and with run in terminal flagged, it doesn't make any
 difference). Because in the first case, the problems are non-existent.
 In the second, they are there.

In principle, there shouldn't be any difference, right? Unless you do use
specific options when running it from the terminal, or you changed the 
default command that is run when you launch it from the icon (e.g., I did
change that in order to specify a particular user profile of the few
profiles I have configured). This is all assuming GNOME 3, which is what I

In order to find out the actual command line behind the icon (again, in 
GNOME 3), simply follow these directions:

  Activities -- Applications -- System Tools -- Main Menu

Now, on the panel on the left-hand side select Internet and then, on 
the right-hand side, scroll down until you find Iceweasel Web Browser. 
Select it and click on Properties. That will show the actual command
being run when you launch the application using the icon. If I remember 
correctly, it only addes %u at the end by default. That %u is not an 
Iceweasel option, though. So, you won't find it if you run 'man iceweasel' 
or check the documentation from the browser, most likely. It's a launcher 
code for GNOME which, in this case, will open a single URL. Search for 
%u in the following document:

In conclusion, that unless you use specific options when launching the
browser from the terminal or your desktop environment or window manager 
adds a different option to the launcher, it sounds to me as if this may be
a red herring. 


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Re: how to specify kernel parameter memmap=

2014-01-07 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 09:03:03AM -0500, Long Wind wrote:

 I can't boot many Linux, probably because linux can't correctly detect
 memory map
 so I have to specify myself, below is copied from kernel-parameters.txt

Could it be that you need to run the PAE kernel?
 memmap=exactmap   [KNL,X86] Enable setting of an exact
   E820 memory map, as specified by the user.
   Such memmap=exactmap lines can be constructed based on
   BIOS output or other requirements. See the memmap=nn@ss
   option description.
 Could you help me specify exactmap?
 I can't find details about it.
 Thanks in advance!
 (I go to bed now)

Would the following links help?


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Re: how to specify kernel parameter memmap=

2014-01-07 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 05:04:26PM +, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 January 2014 15:45:39 Nitebirdz wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 09:03:03AM -0500, Long Wind wrote:
   I can't boot many Linux, probably because linux can't correctly
   detect memory map
  Would the following links help?
 He only has 1G memory.

Sorry, Lisi. I didn't see any reference to that in the previous email. In
that case, the second link might be of more help. The following exchange
on a web forum may also help clarify the syntax:

In any case, isn't it strange that Linux won't boot because it can't
correctly detect memory map on a system with only 1GB of memory? Are we
sure that's the root of the problem? Is it possible to run a live distro 
from CD, for instance? 


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Re: abrir puerto 21 (ftp) en debian

2011-12-27 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 06:45:02PM -0300, Software  Seguridad Informatica 
 Estimada gente:
 Soy nuevo en debian, baje la ultima version y logre instalarla, sin mayores
 Ahora quiero configurar un servidor ftp, logre instalarlo y configurarlo,
 pero no puedo acceder desde afuera.

(Espero no meter la pata con mis comentarios... pero seguro que otros/as
pueden corregirme si me equivoco)

Es bien probable que no te haga falta tocar las iptables para nada.  

En primer lugar, mira a ver si puedes acceder al FTP usando la propia
máquina que has configurado.  Para asegurarte de que el demonio está
funcionando correctamente, etc.  

  $ ftp localhost

Después prueba a ver si funciona cuando te conectas desde otra máquina en
la misma red interna.  Imagino que estás conectando desde casa o algo 

Finalmente, comprueba que los puertos 20 y 21 están abiertos en tu router
y apuntan hacia la máquina que está corriendo el demonio.  En otras
palabras, le tienes que hacer un port forward del router a la máquina
interna que está corriendo el demonio.  Esto suponiendo que te haga falta
acceso desde fuera de tu red, por supuesto.  


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Re: [OT] Ubuntu es una palabra africana...

2011-12-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 09:50:07AM -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

 Concuerdo con Camaleón en que la frase es un foco fuerte y puede
 generar polémica, pero lamentablemente debo decir que me siento
 identificado; las veces que quise instalar Ubuntu siempre me dio
 problemas y eso que lo intenté. Con Debian (la distro difícil)
 siempre todo iba como la seda, instalar y salir andando.

Al igual que Federico y Camaleón, no me gustan este tipo de actitudes
bravas hacia quienes no piensan como uno, aunque reconozco que se trata
de un comportamiento muy humano en el que yo mismo caigo a menudo.  

En cualquier caso, yo he usado Ubuntu desde que salió a la luz y mi
experiencia ha sido, en líneas generales, bastante buena.  Nunca tuve
grandes problemas ni instalando el software, ni tampoco configurándolo.  
Siempre lo usé en estaciones de trabajo, tanto en desktops como en
portátiles.  Para los servidores siempre preferí Debian, al menos una vez
que Red Hat dejó de desarrollar Red Hat Linux y se pasó a RHEL.  

¿Por qué me pasé a Debian, entonces?  Porque suelo usar máquinas más o
menos viejas.  Me gusta aprovecharlas hasta el final, y eso es algo que
solamente Linux me permite.  Conforme Ubuntu ha ido sacando nuevas
versiones, a lo mejor se han hecho más fáciles de usar, pero también han
ido usando más y más recursos que yo, simplemente, no tenía.  Así que
instalé Debian y me funcionó a la perfección desde el principio... y
usando menos recursos del sistema.  


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Re: proxy a mano

2011-12-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 12:12:16PM -0600, Luis wrote:
 Acá en el lab de computación tenemos maquinitas flojas de RAM. A
 algunas de ellas le hemos instalado escritorio más livianos porque
 con Gnome la cosa no camina bien. EL sistema de menú es KDE y no veo
 opciones para configurar el proxy así que quiero configurarlo a
 En qué fichero lo debo poner?

Si no me equivoco, el archivo /etc/environment debiera solucionar el
problema.  Setea la variable $http_proxy ahí:

  # echo http_proxy=http://proxy:port/  /etc/environment


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Re: what does the s stand for

2011-12-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 03:01:33PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 01:05:02PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
   and what does the s here stands for? output of 'info chmod'.
 That was not very helpful to get the answer. Try 'man chmod'.  It has a
 good explanation in the 5th paragraph under 'Description'.

The following documents may be of some help too:

Search for the section titled SUID, SGID, and Sticky bit file
permissions on the second document.  


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Re: setting up WiFi adapter (Broadcom BCM4321 14e4:4328 chipset) in latest version of Debian

2011-12-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 12:07:24PM -0800, Colin Reinhardt wrote:
 Im new to Debian/Linux...
 I have tried following the Debian Wireless-HowTo and other related
 Linux WiFi HowTos.
 I downloaded and installed the firmware-b43-installer and
 b43-fwcutter, (synaptic shows them as installed packages now).
 In Gnome, using network-manager (applet) there is nothing about
 wireless networks shown at all, only my wired LAN ethernet network is
 an option.
 How can I tell if my PCI card is being detected and firmware loaded
 correctly, and what are the next steps to get WiFi working?
 Thanks, Colin

Commands like 'lspci' and 'lshw' should help you figure out whether or not
the actual hardware is detected.  Then, 'lsmod' displays whether or not
the kernel module is loaded.  You can also run 'ifconfig -a' as root.  As
far as I know, even if the interface is not configured, it should still
show it in the output, as long as it is detected and the kernel module is
successfully loaded.  

Here is a troubleshooting document that may be of some help, even though
it was written for Ubuntu:


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Re: what does the s stand for

2011-12-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 03:50:55PM -0500, doug wrote:

 Tried this in pclos.  There is no chmod in the info file.
 There is also no man chmod.
 I also would like to know what the s stands for.

See my reply earlier:

The following documents may be of some help too:

Search for the section titled SUID, SGID, and Sticky bit file
permissions on the second document.


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Re: free swap

2004-12-16 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 01:29:02PM +, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hello List,
 I am just wondering naive questions about the swap memory:
 does it make sens to free the swap ?
 how can we free it ?

Other than actually disabling swap with the 'swapoff' command, I simply
cannot see how else you could free it.  In any case, I'm not sure
there is even a need to do so.  What is your goal?  Is there any reason
why you think you need to free swap?


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Re: Emacs like environment for VIM

2004-10-01 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 01:37:02PM +0545, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
 Emacs has been praised by many. It's said to be an all-in-one editor.
 Read mail, surf the web, code... everything there.
 Do we have similar environments for VIM ? I like the idea vim has of
 modes. Is there any software which is just like Emacs(with loads of
 features like mail, web, development) but designed specifically for vim
 ? Yes, I know vip-mode and viper are alternatives but they don't adhere
 all features of vim everywhere into emacs. They just seem incomplete
 It would have been great to see a Emacs kind software for vim too.

Emacs is far more than an editor.  On the other hand, vim is more loyal to
the traditional UNIX idea of doing only one thing and doing it well.  In
other words, vim is just an editor.  It won't read your email and it won't
browse the web for you.  However, it is perfectly possible to configure mail
clients such as mutt to use vim to compose emails.  It also supports syntax
highlighting, which comes in handy when coding.  There are many other apps
out there that, although sporting a nice GUI, also allow you to use vim to
edit code.  Heck, it's even possible to configure Mozilla Firefox to use
the vi bindings (1), although this is not vim strictly speaking.  In any
case, I suppose what I'm trying to say is that vim is not Emacs, and that's
the nice thing about open source.  You choose. 


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Re: K3B equivalent for GNOME

2004-09-16 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 04:53:58PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to try and use GNOME after sometime with KDE.
 And I was wondering if there was a GUI equivalent of K3B for the GNOME

Personally, I just use 'cdrecord' or, if I have to choose a GUI, 'xcdroast'.
Still, nothing prevents you from using K3B under GNOME, right?  I'm not
really familiar with that app, but did run KOrganizer under GNOME for a 
long time until I finally settled on something else.


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Re: How to add system services auto-start on system setup?

2004-09-16 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 09:57:54AM +0800, Lian Liming wrote:

 Thank you for reply. But i got a problem with that command.
 $man update-init.d
 No manual entry for update-init.d
 bash: update-init.d: command not found
 I can't find the command update-init.d on my debian system. So what 
 package should i install to get that tool?

Not sure, but he may have been referring to 'update-rc.d' actually:

  # which update-rc.d | xargs dpkg -S 
  sysv-rc: /usr/sbin/update-rc.d

Run 'man update-rc.d' instead.


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Hide all windows icon broken in sid's GNOME?

2004-08-21 Thread Nitebirdz

I'm running Debian unstable, and since a few weeks back the hide all
windows button in GNOME does appear to work but it shows a broken icon.
In other words, it is there, but it only shows a blank document with a
red x inside instead of the old icon.  I already tried moving the gnome 
and gconf configuration files out of the way so they could be recreated
but nothing changed.  Any ideas?  Is this a bug?  I searched in Google, 
although perhaps I didn't find the right combination of keywords to find
the solution to this.


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Software behind Debian's bug database

2004-08-05 Thread Nitebirdz
Hi there,

Does anybody know what software is behind Debian's bug database?  Is it
available via apt-get so it can be used for other projects?  I checked the
footer in the website and couldn't find much information about this.

Otherwise, what would people recommend for small development projects?
Bugzilla is, needless to say, excessive.  



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Re: .NET and debian

2004-08-02 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 11:12:41PM -0600, Didier Caamano wrote:
 Hello, I just got the mono and mod-mono installed on my debian box, I'll 
 presume they are working, although I have not yet tested if they work, 
 and that's why I'm writing.
 Perhaps someone knows hot to configure, or can point me to a good how to 
 in order to start developing my web applications using .NET in Debian.

Check The Mono Handbook (see below) or do a Google search for mono web
tutorial for other documents.


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Re: How to make my own .debs

2004-06-10 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 01:56:09PM -0500, David Kanter wrote:
 Is there a simple way for someone to make his own .deb from a downloaded 
 tarball? I've read the New Maintainer's Guide but that doesn't seem to 
 be geared toward the Average Joe who wants to make one or two informal 

IBM DeveloperWorks published a good article on this issue not so long ago.
You may want to check it.


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Re: ALSA configure problem

2004-04-19 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 07:18:55PM +0200, Hans wrote:
 Sebastiaan wrote:
 usually when you install your kernel, some source files are installed in
 /lib/modules/2.6.5/ . Normally this happens when you do a 'make
 modules_install' after the kernel has been compiled. I don't know how you
 installed your kernel, but version.h definitely should exist there.
 Note that /usr/src/linux is something different than
 /lib/modules/2.6.5/, because the latter is (always) your current kernel.
 Is this new for kernel 2.6? I indeed solved it by running make modules, 
 then make modules_install in the kernel source directory. I used 
 make-kpkg for compiling the kernel and all the modules that were 
 compiled with the kernel were installed and worked. I compiled ALSA on a 
 Woody box with a 2.4.18 kernel and didn't have this problem. Never had 
 to to a make modules; make modules_install.
 But thank anyway, as I have ALSA installed now.

As far as I know, it's been that way *both* with 2.4 and 2.6.  You mention
there was no need to run 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' when you
ran 2.4.18 in Woody.  I assume it's because perhaps that's the default kernel
and the modules were already built and installed during the installation


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Re: Stable vs. Testing Vs. Unstable

2004-04-19 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 09:14:20AM +0200, Sebastiaan wrote:
 Unstable I don't use, so I don't have experience with it. All I know from
 the list is that unstable is often broken, leads sometimes to a complete
 unworkable system and a lot of Debian package and Linux knowlegde is often
 required to fix this.

I'm quite new to Debian, but I run stable on a server and unstable on the
desktop and have not come across any major problems with either yet.  I
mean, the so-called unstable branch looks quite stable to me.


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Re: Help installing a JVM

2004-04-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 01:25:06PM -0500, Freivald, Joseph A, GVSOL wrote:
 How do I get a JVM to install?  I have only found dummy packages, and when I
 downloaded and ran Sun's SDK, it didn't seem to install properly - or at
 least the Java apps don't see it.
 Thanks in advance.


To be honest, I still have to install Sun's JVM on a Debian box but I ran
into this same issue when installing it on Red Hat or Fedora systems in the
past too.  Make sure you add the Java binary to your PATH environment 
variable or the Java applications will not find it.  I added the following
to my ~/.bash_profile:

export JAVA_HOMEDIR=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02


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Re: Does mozilla hang on some sites for you?

2004-04-06 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 01:13:14AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 I went to earlier tonight using Firefox, and it hung; I 
 killed it, turned off Java and Javascript, and went back to the site and 
 had no problems.

I'm running Mozilla 1.6 on unstable here, and had no problems rendering the
page that was posted here originally (  However, I
do *not* have Java installed in this machine.  So, that appears to be the
culprit, although Kent is talking about Firefox.  As far as I remember, the
original poster did see the problem with Mozilla.


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Re: changing window manager in gnome2

2004-04-06 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 11:51:13AM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 Where do you change the window manager default in gnome2? I have
 sawfish running behind it from a previous installation, got carried
 during upgrade to gnome2.
 Thanks to all in advance.

I recently had to switch to Metacity on unstable (yes, less flexibility, but
I suppose that's what I like about Metacitiy, it's simplicity), and managed
to do it by following these steps:

apt-get install metacity

update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

For some reason, I had to reboot after that.  Simply logging out and back in
didn't do the trick, not even when I restarted XFree86 by using the well
known combination (Ctrl+Atl+Backspace).  However, once I rebooted, GNOME was
running Metacity as the default window manager no problem.


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Re: Debian Backup ?

2004-04-06 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 09:01:17AM +0800, Support wrote:
 Hi! Debian Users
 How to make a hole Debian O/S backup if I don't have any Backup Device..?

I suppose by backup device you are referring to tape or CD-RW, for example.
In other words, you have nothing but another disk.  Is this another local disk
or do you have to backup remotely?  If remotely, are we talking about other
UNIX or Linux systems or not?  Also, you intend to clone the whole installation
or perhaps you are only interested in the key configuration files plus your
own data files?  I'm afraid we need more information to be able to help you.  


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Re: ./configure options

2004-04-06 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 09:24:06AM +0800, Enrique Samson Jr. wrote:
 I just would like to know if ODBC support is compiled into binary mysql 
 packages.  I can't seem to find that from 


I'm new to Debian, so please don't trust me much.  However, I downloaded the
source package by doing 'apt-get -b source mysql-server' and when I took a 
look at the contents of the mysql-dfsg_4.0.18-5.diff.gz file I found the

+innodb_libs =  $(top_builddir)/innobase/usr/libusr.a 
$(top_builddir)/innobase/odbc/libodbc.a $(top_builddir)/innobase/srv/libsrv.a 
$(top_builddir)/innobase/dict/libdict.a ...

Also, doing a search at Debian's website I came across this package that may
be just what you are looking for:


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Re: Debian Backup ?

2004-04-06 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 09:33:27AM +0800, Support wrote:
 Thank for your reply Nitebirdz ... I`m intend to clone the whole 
 installation and data in ISO format.
 When my Debian O/S is currupt I can just Restore it from booting via CDROM.

Mondo may be what you are looking for.  Check it out and let us know if that
works for you.


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Re: crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-20 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 07:17:22AM +, Alan Chandler wrote:
 Just a thought - do you have anacron installed.  Its a while since I have, 
 but I have this feeling that it simulates the running of cron and therefore 
 its the times in /etc/anacrontab that matter

No, anacron is not installed.  In any case, the reboot appeared to clear the
problem, at least when it comes to the use of 'crontab -e'.  Once I got that
working, I didn't bother to check again and see if perhaps /etc/crontab
still has the problem with the timezones.  

Many thanks to everyone who provided assistance, especially Martin Dickopp
who sent a few emails back and forth.  


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Re: crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-18 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Mar 18, 2004 at 10:16:29PM +0100, Martin Dickopp wrote:
 What happens if you specify `* * * * *' (i.e. every minute) as time

Well, now that seems to work.  I added that entry via 'crontab -e' and it
did work.  After that, I also tried some partial times, such as 41 * * * * 
and then 43 20 * * *, and they both worked.  Once I did that, the same 
applies to entries such as 50 20 * * Thu.  The more I troubleshoot this, 
the more confused I am.

 Does your clock run monotonically, or could it step (possibly because
 you run tools which synchronize it to some external reference time)?

No, I just checked and I'm not using 'ntp' or any such program to sync the
system time.
 If you run `date' and `date -u' from /etc/crontab, what do they show?

These are the lines I added to the /etc/crontab file:

* * * * * root /bin/date  /tmp/date_crontab
* * * * * root /bin/date -u  /tmp/date2_crontab

The output was, in that order:

Thu Mar 18 20:59:01 CST 2004
Fri Mar 19 02:59:01 UTC 2004

It looks fine to me.  I suppose I should go ahead and reboot the darn thing, 
just to see if this clears up.  I just cannot find any rational explanation
to this behavior.  Sure, this is not Windows.  Still, let's see.


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Re: crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-17 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 06:37:48PM +0100, Martin Dickopp wrote:
 - Could it be that you have accidentally embedded an invisible control
   character in the file?

I just checked by doing a :set list from within 'vi', and everything
looked normla.
 - Is there a newline character after the last line?


 - While you test `crontab -e', don't specify the next minute as time,
   but one minute after the next (i.e. two minutes after the current
   time). `cron' re-reads its crontabs once a minute, but only executes
   newly found jobs in the /next/ minute.
 BTW, does `crontab -e' work for users other than root?

I just did this by su'ing as user jortega and running 'crontab -e' to
enter the following lines:

35 20 * * * /bin/echo testing  /tmp/testing
35 20 * * * /bin/date  /tmp/time

This correctly created the file under /var/spool/cron/crontabs, and it
also appears to have the correct ownership and permissions.

# ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
total 8
-rw---1 root jortega   278 Mar 17 20:31 jortega
-rw---1 root root  243 Mar 15 18:55 root

Yet, it failed to run at the specified time.  However, I found something
quite interesting in the /var/log/syslog file:

Mar 17 20:40:23 milan crontab[17372]: (jortega) REPLACE (jortega)
Mar 17 20:40:23 milan crontab[17372]: (jortega) END EDIT (jortega)
Mar 18 02:41:01 milan /usr/sbin/cron[193]: (jortega) RELOAD (crontabs/jortega)

I'm not sure I understand this.  So, I make a change to the crontab via
'crontab -e', and when I finish editing the file and save it, the logs
display two entries from a 'crontab' process (PID 17372) replacing and
editing the file, which makes sense.  But what is going on with that other
entry with *tomorrow's* timestamp and a very wacky time?  Where is the
'/usr/sbin/cron' command getting that system time from?  Just in case,
sending the killhup signal to the process didn't seem to help either.


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Re: crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-16 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 10:59:18AM +0100, Andreas Janssen wrote:
 IIRC, if you edit user crontabs, you have to leave away the user field.
 The jobs will be run under the ID the crontab belongs to. If you use
 vixie cron, the user field is only needed in /etc/crontab and 
 /etc/cron.d crontab segments.

I'm sorry.  You're right, and that's the way I was using it.  I originally
entered the information *without* the username, but then I decided to try
using the /etc/crontab file instead where one needs to enter the username.
When I copied and pasted the contents of the file, I used the latter. 

So, here is the latest on this issue:

o If I add the entries I mentioned previously (*without* the usernames) via
  'crontab -e', the jobs never get executed.

o If I add them to the /etc/crontab file, they do get executed but at very
  different hours than the ones I specify.  For instance, the 'mkreport.deb'
  script runs at 7:00 PM for some reason.

o Yes, the system time appears to be correct whenever I run the 'date' command.

Any suggestions?  


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Re: crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-16 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 04:56:05PM +0100, Martin Dickopp wrote:
 You want to run `mkreport.deb' at 1:00am, and if the timezone in your
 email header is correct, you appear to be 6 hours western of GMT. This
 means that it is 1:00am GMT when it is 7:00pm of your local time. Therefore,
 presumably something is wrong with your timezone configuration.
 - Is the environment variable `TZ' set? If so, to what? Is it already
   set when cron is started?
 - What's the content of /etc/timezone?
 - What does /etc/localtime (a symlink) point to?
 You might need to run `tzconfig'.

Thanks, Martin.  Here is the information you are requesting.  It all appears
to be fine, except perhaps for the $TZ variable.  Could that be causing the
problem?  I will try running 'tzconfig' again, but that still doesn't explain
why 'crontab -e' doesn't appear to be working at all, right?  

milan:~# echo $TZ

milan:~# more /etc/timezone

milan:~# ls -l /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   30 Mar  7 17:14 /etc/localtime - 


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crontab jobs not running?

2004-03-15 Thread Nitebirdz

I recently installed Woody on a home server, proceeded to add a couple of
scripts to the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file by running the usual
'crontab -e' as root, and they never appear to run.  Am I supposed to do
this differently?  Sorry about what may sound like a very stupid question,
but I recently switched from Red Hat where one configures crontab the way
I explain here.  

Just in case, here is the information I was adding:

# Run mkbackup script three times a week at 2:30 in the morning
30 2 * * Tue,Thu,Sun root /root/bin/mkbackup
# Run mkreport every night at 1:00 AM
0 1 * * * root /usr/local/sbin/mkreport.deb -o root


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Re: gnome

2004-02-21 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 10:07:21PM -0400, Vikram wrote:
 That surprises me.  The Gnome is already 2.4.2 stable, why is Debian lagging
 in adopting a newer version of Gnome.  If I were to install Debian 3.0_r2,
 what would I have to get the benefits of the latest version of Gnome?  Do I
 have to install a lot of packages or apt-get can take care of the entire
 Gnome suite?  Sorry if my questions sound dumb.

GNOME 2 made it to sarge already (1), so perhaps you should run that version
instead.  If you still want to stick to woody, then use the backports (2).
You should be able to find lots of information about GNOME 2 and Debian just
by searching in Google.




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Re: Status of Galeon in testing?

2004-01-24 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 08:34:30PM +1100, Tim Connors wrote:
 Is there a browser that is acceptable for slow computers? My AMD K6II
 500MHz box takes forever to render a page, or even to switch tabs.


I know this doesn't address your question directly, but I'd check into 
possible performance issues in your system.  My main system here at home
is a very old Pentium III 500 MHz and Mozilla's performance is just fine...
running GNOME.  Could it be a problem with your video card, memory, 
fill-in-here?  I'd definitely check into it.


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Re: Differences in RH Fedora coming from Debian

2004-01-19 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:52:01PM -0600, Nitebirdz wrote:
 Mind you, you can install apt for RPM and it works just fine too.  Of
 course, the amount of software currently available from the repositories
 is not nearly as large as in the case of Debian, and there is no way you
 can do a dist-upgrade.  Still, it does away with dependency hell.  As a
 matter of fact, Fedora also allows you to use other tools, such as yum
 in order to solve this problem.

I must say Sturla Holm Hansen replied just to me letting me know that it is
possible to run 'apt-get dist-upgrade' in Fedora and it works just fine.  He
did it to upgrade from Red Hat 9 to Fedora Core 1, and there was no problem.
So, I stand corrected.


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Re: Differences in RH Fedora coming from Debian

2004-01-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:19:54AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
 So, with all of that said, what can I expect in the way of differences.
 I have already confirmed with him that any and all GUI tools will NOT be
 used for any labs. (i.e. all installation and configuration will be
 text-only, with config files to be edited by hand) I know, for example,
 that the default document path in RH systems is /usr/doc while in Debian
 it's /usr/share/doc. What other things like this should I look out for?
 Can I still expect all config files to be in /etc, does RH use
 /etc/init.d/ and friends, etc. Any and all tips are welcome. TIA.

As far as I know, both Red Hat and Fedora also install documentation under
/usr/share/doc by default.  The init scripts are also under /etc/init.d,
and they use System V initialization just like most other major Linux
distributions with the exception of Slackware.  They also recently adopted
alternatives, as of RH 9 or so, I seem to remember.  Heck, you can even
use apt with all the releases starting with RH 8 or so... or use yum
or up2date if you prefer.  

So, differences?  It's an RPM-based distro.  Yes, you can use apt these
days, but still the underlying technology is RPM.  So, you'd better get at
least a little bit familiar with RPM: basics about packaging it, what a 
spec file is and how to rebuild from source.  They still use httpd to
refer to Apache everywhere, including in the name of the init script.  As
you can imagine the layout of the config files is different too, so I'd
definitely suggest taking a look under /etc directory, especially the
/etc/sysconfig directory.  I cannot think of anything else right now, 
but I'm pretty sure other people will fill in.


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Re: Differences in RH Fedora coming from Debian

2004-01-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:24:17AM +, Richard Lyons wrote:
 On Thursday 15 January 2004 09:19, Alex Malinovich wrote:
  I'm taking a class this semester which is all about installing and
  using Linux. After talking with the professor on Tuesday, I've
  learned a few details. First, I have to use Vulgarly Illogical for my
  text editor for the purposes of labs, tests, etc. As illustrated by
  the previous sentence, I'm an emacs user. :)
 I have to admit to the reverse prejudice.  Cannot get all those ctl-X 
 combinations into my head...

Actually, there is also a reason to teach 'vi' in classes like that.  We
all have our own personal preferences when it comes to editors, but the
reality still is that quite often when a system is half broken in single
user mode and one needs to edit this or that file to bring it back to life
'vi' is the only editor available.  Believe me, I've been doing technical
support for quite a while and had to walk a few sysadmins through the 
painful process of editing in file using 'vi' when they had absolutely no
knowledge of the tool.
 RH also uses the sysV init stuff, but the rc.d directories are 
 subdirectory of /etc/init.d , IIRC.  It also has a command 'service' 
 for starting/restarting/stopping services and another chkconfig for 
 listing/modifying the sysV services, which may not exist in Debian (I 
 haven't found them yet anyway).

I believe that's SuSE.  Red Hat and Fedora have the rc.d directories
directly off /etc/.


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Re: Differences in RH Fedora coming from Debian

2004-01-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 05:49:52AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
 I use my laptop for both work and school, so any major changes (i.e. OS
 changes) are out of the question. If I had the drive space I'd just
 create a seperate partition to use Fedora on, but unfortunately I don't.
 And I hope I didn't come across as too negative towards RH in my earlier
 message. My comment about what's 'sickening' was in regards to the
 university's lack of understanding of free software and the Linux world
 in general, not a jab at RH.

I just fail to see why this is such a big deal.  Just look at it as another
chance to learn something different.  That's all.  Besides, like it or not,
Red Hat is widely used in the enterprise, so it may as well improve your
chances to find a job.  :-)

As for the comments on free software, Fedora is just as free software as
Debian.  Actually, even Red Hat is.  They have always released all their
source to the public.  Sure, we can talk about their business decisions,
but that has nothing to do with free software (that's precisely what made
me come back to Debian).  Fedora is free, just like Debian, Slackware and
even FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.   


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 2.6 and devfsd

2004-01-13 Thread Nitebirdz
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 10:23:58PM +0100, John L. Fjellstad wrote:
 You're missing my point. I'm not saying deprecated means anything else that
 what you wrote above, but I do disagree with you that sysfs/udev is a
 replacement for devfs right *now*. As your link indicate, udev won't be
 ready to take over devfs' tasks for another couple of months.  
 If you have a working devfs, I see no point in trying to move to sysfs/udev.  

You're right in that it was a misunderstanding then, since I agree with what
you state here.  Sorry about that.  If devfs works for you, by all means 
continue using it.  There will still be some maintenance for a while, as
usual in the Linux world.  If you're planning to learn and/or get used to 
what will be used in the middle run, then check out sysfs/udev since that's
where things are leading.


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Re: /etc/

2004-01-12 Thread Nitebirdz
On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 07:18:54AM -0500, Rohit Kumar Mehta wrote:
 I noticed after an unclean shutdown (i.e. a system crash), Tripwire is 
 reporting that /etc/ has  been modified.
 Does anyone know what this is?  Is there reason for me to suspect that 
 my system has been hacked?


In cases like these where you know _exactly_ what you are looking for
Google comes in very handy.  Check the following for more information:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg72777.html


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Re: 2.6 and devfsd

2004-01-11 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 05:38:15PM +0100, John L. Fjellstad wrote:
 Nitebirdz wrote:
  Yes, devfs is considered to be deprecated in the 2.6 kernel and it has
  replaced with sysfs and udev. 
 sysfs/udev is not a replacement for devfs yet.  Not everything that needs to
 be moved to sysfs has been moved to sysfs.  And udev is still somewhere
 between proof-of-concept and beta... 
 - From what I can understand from the kernel mailing list, nobody is removing
 devfs until the next major version (so, it will be removed during 2.7, and
 gone completely in 2.8).  Meaning those who are using devfs now, should be
 safe until 2.8 comes out (I wouldn't install new systems with devfs, but I
 wouldn't remove devfs from systems that runs it either).

OK, let me clarify then.  Deprecated doesn't mean it doesn't work, but it
does mean it is not actively maintained anymore and/or only major bug fixes
will happpen.  That appears to be the consensus whenever the issue is raised
in the Linux kernel mailing list.  The most recent thread is covered here:

In any case, one of the nice things about Linux is that features people like
and use stay around for a _long_ time after they are considered to be
officially deprecated.  However, I'd definitely recommend using sysfs and
stay away from devfs if possible at all since that appears to be where all
or most future development will be happening.


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Re: pdfs and mozilla-firebird

2004-01-10 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 07:01:35PM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
 My mozilla firebird decided that it can show imbeded pdfs apparently it
 can't which causes problems when trying to download files which aren't
 linked directly but the download is supposed to start automatically,
 such as from sourceforge.
 All I see is a gray page with a message: Loading pdf filename and
 then a gray screen.
 I have acroread, gv, xpdf and mozplugger installed.
 Is there a way to tell firebird to automatically download the pdfs
 instead of trying to show them?


I'm not that familiar with Firebird, but since the old days browsers tend
to have a section for Helper Applications or Plugins in the preferences
menu.  It's there that you can configure this type of behavior.  I did a
very quick search in Google, and came across this picture (at the bottom
of the page) that can give you an idea:


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Re: set up simple mailing list?

2004-01-10 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 01:58:52PM -0500, Rohit Kumar Mehta wrote:
 That's exactly how I maintain a simple mailing list.  I use sendmail 
 though, not exim :-P
 Is .forward a sendmailuancy?

What would be the difference between using this approach or adding the
email addresses to the /etc/aliases file instead?  Isn't that the way
mailing lists were created originally, prior to Majordomo, etc.?  As
far as I can tell, quite a few Unix oldies still refer to mailing lists
as aliases.  Is there an inherent advantage to using one or the other
approach?  Anybody out there could shed some light on this?  


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Re: Apache

2004-01-10 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 05:08:55PM +1100, Russell Shaw wrote:
 I just installed apache-1.3 from debian-unstable. In /etc/httpd.conf,
 i put: ServerName
 When i put in mozilla, the address isn't found.
 What should i check now?


There are several things that could be wrong.  Here are a few suggestions to
troubleshoot the problem:

o Do you have a dynamic or a static IP?  If dynamic, it could obviously be
  that the IP address changed.

o Do you have a firewall in the middle or something?  It could be blocking
  the packets.

o Try instead, which is the local loopback device.  That should
  always work if Apache is correctly set up and running (you obviously need
  to launch the daemon in order to gain any web access).

o How about a command such as 'telnet localhost 80', does it work?  Does it
  show something?  Try 'telnet 80' then too?  This should connect
  to your HTTP daemon and display at least a banner message.  If you see
  that, then it is working fine.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 2.6 and devfsd

2004-01-10 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 11:30:05PM +, Alan Chandler wrote:
 On Saturday 10 January 2004 22:47, Nate Duehr wrote:
  On Saturday, Jan 10, 2004, at 15:38 America/Denver, Alan Chandler wrote:
  Isn't devfs deprecated in 2.6 completely?
 Maybe, but there is clearly legacy support - my /dev directory seems to aquire
 some directories automatically - for instance installing modprobe psmouse 
 caused /dev/misc/psaux to appear, and then a symlink from /dev/psaux to this 
 file also appeared.

Yes, devfs is considered to be deprecated in the 2.6 kernel and it has been
replaced with sysfs and udev.  You should be able to find more information 
in Google.  Also, bear in mind that there were some major changes in the
way the kernel deals with modules too, so it wouldn't surprise me if the
nVidia drivers are broken.  Aren't those binary drivers, by the way?


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Re: /etc/mail/aliases.db out of date

2004-01-05 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 11:23:13PM -0500, Frederic Lavoie wrote:
 I have this error :
 Dec 20 04:00:04 eglantin sm-mta[15923]: alias database /etc/mail/aliases.db out of 
 Even if I do a newaliases the error still there.  Is is logical? What is 
 the problem? The file itself has a good date. If you have any feel free to 
 contact me.: 
 -rw-r--r--1 root smmsp   12288 Nov 30 22:04 aliases.db

No, it's not very logical, at least at first sight.  All the error is saying
is that the timestamp on /etc/mail/aliases.db is older than the one in the
/etc/aliases file and you should therefore run 'newaliases'.  However, you
explained you did this already and it didn't seem to fix the problem.  Pay
attention to the output of the 'newaliases' command and see if it is using
the default aliases file you expect.  Just to give you an idea, I upgraded
Sendmail on a Red Hat box recently and it created a new aliases file under
the /etc/mail directory.  I wasn't aware of it and continued editing my
usual /etc/aliases file, but my changes were never taking effect.  After
a few minutes pulling my hair, I realized all of a sudden that 'newaliases'
was reading input from /etc/mail/aliases.  Perhaps something similar may
be happening to you here.


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Re: Kernel Panic Bad EIP Value

2004-01-04 Thread Nitebirdz
On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 10:51:00PM +0100, Michael Gellhaus wrote:
 I have a problem installing woody on my new Asus P4P8X board.
 when I start from cd and enter bf24 at the promt, it will try to
 start, till it gets to the HDD's. Then I get some numbers,
 Bad EIP Value and Kernel Panic??? is there anybody who 
 can tell me what that means???
 If I start Kernel 2.2 it starts up fine, but all the hardware 
 seams not to be detected. takeing a look into the pci-list
 only shows intel unknown device for every pci device, 
 even a 3com 905 tx-m, which runs perfect on my other woody
 ( gigabyte BX2000+ board), is not detected.
 if anyone has an idea how to get debian on this machine, just let me know.

I'm new to Debian, but I suppose my comments wouldn't hurt anyways.  The
only instance of Bad EIP value I can find in the kernel source comes from
the traps.c file in line 239.

225 if (in_kernel) {
227 printk(\nStack: );
228 show_stack((unsigned long*)esp);
230 printk(\nCode: );
231 if(regs-eip  PAGE_OFFSET)
232 goto bad;
234 for(i=0;i20;i++)
235 {
236 unsigned char c;
237 if(__get_user(c, ((unsigned char*)regs-eip)[i])) {
238 bad:
239 printk( Bad EIP value.);
240 break;
241 }
242 printk(%02x , c);
243 }
244 }

The numbers you are getting appear to be the stack at the time of the kernel
panic.  According to the Intel documentation somewhere, the abort occurs when
the control unit is unable to store a meaningful value in the eip register,
which is supposed to contain the memory address of the instruction that caused
an exception fault.  In other words, this seems to point to a hardware issue.
What are the lines that you get immediately before the system spits out these
messages to the screen?  You mention in your email it happens after detecting
the HDD.  Is there any mention to a given *.c file from the kernel source?
Just to give you an example, here is a case where it is the USB code causing
the panic:

usb.c USB disconnect on device 00:02.1-0 address 1
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address f8836bd1
printing EIP:
EIP: 0010:[f8836bd1] Not tainted
... (some more lines)
code: Bad EIP value

Here is some information I found in a Mandrake forum:

Also, did you verify that the motherboard is fully supported?  


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Re: how i can learn fortran (was Re: your mail)

2004-01-02 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 04:39:24PM -0700, s. keeling wrote:
 Incoming from ???   ???:
  how i can learn fortran
 man g77

Also, do a search for Fortran tutorial in Google.  I just came up with a
few matches doing just that.

Linux XFS--

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Re: /proc filesystem information??

2001-01-20 Thread Nitebirdz
 Where can I find information on the hardware settings and certain
 software settings (swap space, TCP/IP) settings that are run-time
 configurable in the /proc filesystem?

If you have the kernel source, check out /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sysctl
and also check the manual page for sysctl.  That should give you some good
information, at least enough to start with.

News, tips, articles, links...

Re: netscape ftp vs http

2001-01-20 Thread Nitebirdz
On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Svante Signell wrote:

 Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 23:24:56 +0100 (CET)
 From: Svante Signell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: netscape ftp vs http
 Resent-Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:27:20 -0600

 What am I doing wrong trying to download files from
 eg. http/ or http://www, using
 Netscape (4.76)?

 You don't get the possibility to shiftclick on the file, it just
 starts downloading to the Netscape buffer!! Not as expected. I'm
 moving to mozilla ASAP, but meanwhile, what to do?? Any settings to
 change? Maybe this is IE behavior copied to NS, but you should get a
 question, whether to download or to view. Is this unreasonable?


You could simplu right-click on the link and select the Save Link As...
option from the menu.  That should work fine.

However, I believe you may be experiencing the problem due to the MIME
types configuration of your Netscape browser.  You may want to open the
preferences, and check the Applications section.  Once in there you can
select the file type (pay attention to the extension) and choose what
Netscape is going to do with those file types by default (you could
choose Save to Disk, for example).  By the way, if the problem is with
executable files make sure you look for the octet-stream MIME type.

News, tips, articles, links...

Re: sendmail

2000-12-07 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Brian Schramm wrote:

 I am running Debian Potato as up to date as possible.  I stay online all
 the time through a 56K modem  I have no trouble sending mail to anyone on
 the web except for addresses.  This just started recently
 (within the last 3 months).  As soon as I send a mail message out to
 mindspring I get a message error bounce-back saying the address is not
 correct.  But I can come to work and use the same address to send to with
 no problems.  Here is the message log that gets written every time I send
 to mindspring.  
 Dec  5 12:27:54 schmain sendmail[20319]: MAA20317:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], ctladdr=[EMAIL PROTECTED] (1000/1000), delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:01,
 mailer=esmtp, [2], stat=Service unavailable
 Dec  5 12:27:55 schmain sendmail[20319]: MAA20317: MAA20319: DSN: Service
 Dec  5 12:27:55 schmain sendmail[20319]: MAA20319:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:00,
  xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, stat=Sent
 Any help would be appreciated.
 Brian Schramm

Did you try to send the message yourself manually and see if it fails at
one point?  I mean something like this:

telnet 25
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
this is a test

I use this to troubleshoot problems like the one you just mentioned.  

Thus spake the master programmer:
You can demonstrate a program for a corporate
executive, but you can't make him computer literate. 

Re: Debian Centralized Management

2000-11-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Pere Camps wrote:

   I looking for a package/program/whatever that it will allow me to
 manage many Debian boxes remotely and centrally. Somewhere I could say:
 install this package on all the systems with only one command. Or a
 centralized view of dselect, etc...
   Also, any good monitoring software recommendations?
 ps: pleae reply directly to my inbox as I'm not subscribed to the list due
 to its high volume.

I never used the program, but apparently cfengine does precisely what you're
looking for.  It's GPL'd too.

Thus spake the master programmer:
You can demonstrate a program for a corporate
executive, but you can't make him computer literate. 

Re: holly crap!

2000-08-03 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

  I've done somethig very bad.. I did:
  rm * /var/spool/fax/outgoing 
  I was user not root (little sigh), but I lost a lot of data.. Is there
  ANYWAY to recover all the lost files in /home/me ???
 I guess you were in home when you did that.
 Well, nope. Unless you made backups, whatever you deleted is now gone.
 I dont think there's a way to recover it. I'd love to know a way, though,
 if there is one. (Perhaps a little modification could be done to rm
 commandmake a recovery bin of a sort, copy files into there up to
 certain size, not delete them. But thats up to individual sysadmins to

Not much luck.  A quick search came up with some interesting links though:

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: postgresql y permisos de la base de datos

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino wrote:

 En realidad no hay que hacer todas esas acrobacias (aunque te confieso
 que cuando me enfrente a exactamente ese mismo problema hice exactamente
 lo que tu describes).
 No se como sea en www-pgsql (debe ser igual) pero en php3 cuando intentes
 acceder a una base de datos usas el comando
 $bd = pg_connect ( dbname=nombre_base_datos user=postgres ); y listo, el
 accede con usuario postgres y no hay problema, no hay necedidad de dar
 perimosos a www-data.

Por cierto, que si alguna vez deseas usar Perl-DBI para manejar datos de
una base de datos tambien puedes hacer exactamente lo mismo y soluciona el
problem que mencionas.  Lo digo en caso de que tu o alguien mas que lea la
lista se lo este planteando...   :-)

Tips, articles, news, links...

Problems installing Netscape

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz

I just installed Debian for the first time.  It is Debian 2.1 slink.  When
I try to install Netscape via apt-get I get the following error message:

Setting up netscape4 (4.0-15) ...

ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp, owned by root,
   and under a name matching one of the following:

   Archive files can be found on and its mirrors.

dpkg: error processing netscape4 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

It happens with both netscap3 and netscape4.  Any suggestions?

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: Filtering Email in Pine

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Philippe wrote:

 Hi Adam,
 it takes just seconds to filter mail in Pine. From main menu, type S for
 setup. Then R for rules. Then F for filter. Then A for add. Give the rule
 a nickname by replacing the no value set in the menu. Put the Debian
 user list address on the Cc: line. At the bottom, choose the Folder you
 want it moved to. Exit. You're half-way done! Repeat to set another rule
 for which From: is the Debian address while Cc: is unspecified. That's
 pine is great. I've never used mutt. What's good about it?

It may be a rhetorical question, but just in case... some people like the
fact that mutt automatically shows all the messages in threads news-style,
which makes it a lot easier to read messages from the mailing lists.  I
found a workaround to do something similar in pine though by sorting the
messages according to the subject line and the date, so that all messages
on the same topic are bundled together.  I also like pine better.  ;-)

I got another question for you though.  How do you select say all messages
in a certain folder in pine?  Or perhaps from message 1 to message 45, in
order to save them, delete them... whatever.  

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: Problems installing Netscape

2000-06-29 Thread Nitebirdz
On 29 Jun 2000, Gary Hennigan wrote:

 Nitebirdz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I just installed Debian for the first time.  It is Debian 2.1 slink.  When
  I try to install Netscape via apt-get I get the following error message:
  Setting up netscape4 (4.0-15) ...
  ERROR: The Netscape archive must be in /tmp, owned by root,
 and under a name matching one of the following:
 Archive files can be found on and its mirrors.
  dpkg: error processing netscape4 (--install):
   subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
  Errors were encountered while processing:
 The package in slink is a virtual package, meaning it doesn't actually
 contain any netscape programs, it just knows where to install
 them. You must manually download the *.tar.gz file from and make sure you get a version with a file name that
 matches the pattern you got above, eg.,
 Once you download the file from netscape simply copy it to /tmp and
 rerun the installation via apt-get.

That did it!  Thanks a lot, Gary!

Just one more little question, since I'm new to Debian.  How can I notice
which packages are virtual and which other are not?  

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: Screen Capture

2000-06-28 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Michal Novak wrote:

 I need screen capture program for X, which capture complete screen as
 Thn for your tips.

The GIMP will allow you to take screenshots.  Check out the extensions
menu (Xtns), and you will see an entry for screenshots.  It works really
nicely for me.

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: [SOLUCION] El MD5 esta loco

2000-06-15 Thread Nitebirdz
On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Antonio Castro wrote:

 On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:
  Luego la moraleja de la historia es la siguiente:
  Si quiere saber si su Linux esta bien haga lo siguiente:
  1. Cojase un CD de Debian Linux (aprox 600 megas)
  2. pasele el md5sum al cd (md5sum /dev/cdrom)
  3. vuelvaselo a pasar
  4. verifique que los dos checksums estan ok.
 NO. La auténtica prueba de fuego para testear la memoria es compilar
 el núcleo. En muchos sitios se recomienda su uso como testeador de

De hecho, es la prueba que suele usarse para comprobar la efificiencia de
la mayoria de los sistemas, la velocidad del procesador, etc.  

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: SSH again!

2000-06-14 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 14, 2000 at 09:26:55AM -0500, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
  hi All,
I'm still confused about the keys file.
I ran the ssh-keygen on machine-1 with passphrase
and it created two files in
I copy the to machine-2:$HOME/.ssh/m1.key
on machine-2,  I ran the command on machine-2 to logon
   ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/m1.key machine-1
 put the public key in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys in order to allow
 logins using the associated private key.

Yeah, basically you need to rename that file to
authorized_keys on their other end as far as I remember.  By the way, I
don't really know what you're trying to do but if you did enter a
passphrase you will not then be able to ssh or scp to that host without
entering a password.  I was just thinking that perhaps you're trying to
set up the whole thing so that you are not prompted for a password at all,
so you can run scripts remotely.  So, if that is the case keep in mind
that you do NOT need a passphrase.

Tips, articles, news, links...

RE: Gnome, Mount, winSOSnt y Novell

2000-06-08 Thread nitebirdz
On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, [iso-8859-1] Romón Sánchez, Enver wrote:

 vamos a ello, =8-@
  -Original Message-
  Sent:   Wednesday, June 07, 2000 11:36 PM
  To: Debian Users Spanish
  Subject:Gnome, Mount, winSOSnt y Novell
  Hola Lista !!
  Uso el windowmaker y recien instale el gnome, pregunto: ¿existe alguna
  forma de que cada vez que inicie mi pc y carge el windowmaker tambien se
  cargue el gnome ?? como lo hago ??
   edita el fichero ~/.xinitrc 
   (puedes encontrar el xinitrc por defecto en /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

Creo recordar que lo que tienes que agnadir alli al final del fichero es
lo siguiente:

exec gnome-session

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: perl and exim filter

2000-06-03 Thread nitebirdz
On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have recently been setting up my email on 
 the linux side and decided to use a tip that 
 I found in an old addition of the linux gazette.
 Basically the idea is to create a filter for mail
 leaving the local system. I tried to use it a few 
 times but the mail keep being sent back with the 
   A message that you sent could not be delivered 
   to all of its recipients. The following address(es) 
   SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
   host []:
   553 does not exist
 Anyway here is the code in question. 
   while () {
   if (/^From: /) { 
   s/.*/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/; 
 The idea is to place a reference to this on exim.conf and it would
 be used when mail was being sent outside of the system.
 I know next to nothing about perl  and I'm not sure whether the 
 author may have made a typo or the syntax may be outdated. When I 
 try to source it I get the following:
   bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: syntax error near unexpected 
 token `()'
   bash: /usr/local/bin/mail-filter: line 3: `while () {'

I'm afraid I won't be of much help, but whenever I check for either or I don't seem to be able to find the domains at

[EMAIL PROTECTED] jortega]$ nslookup

*** No address (A) records available for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] jortega]$ nslookup

*** can't find Non-existent host/domain

Are you sure you're not dealing with a simple name resolution and mail
problem here, as opposed to a scripting problem?

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: How to see hidden files/dirs

2000-06-02 Thread nitebirdz
On Wed, 31 May 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:

 On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 07:46:54PM +1200, John Leget wrote:
  Yes im aware of ls options but let me repeat for clarity.
  How do i get GTK/GNOME applications to show me hidden files in their
  open file dialogue windows. They dont show them whereas ie nedit will
  list them fine.
  Is there a system setting to affect this behaviour ??
 It's a missing feature, AFAICT. Sucks doesn't it.

I just checked the Gnome utility that looks like Windows Explorer, and you
can configure it to show those hidden files from the settings menu:


I assume any other Gnome application may have similar preferences.

Tips, articles, news, links...

Re: La firma y el pine

2000-05-18 Thread Nitebirdz[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Wed, 17 May 2000, Jordi Mallach wrote:

 On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 11:48:39AM +0200, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
  Al contestar un mensaje con el pine me coloca primero la firma y luego el
  mensaje al que contesto:
  Alguien sabe como hacer que lo coloque al reves?
 Algo así como Signature after the message en las opciones.
 Si no recuerdo mal...

Yo tambien uso pine por aca.  Abre las preferencias, entra en la seccion
de reply-preferences, y selecciona la opcion de signature-at-bottom o
algo por el estilo.  Lo acabo de comprobar.

Open source tries to move software from a witchcraft to a science.  People 
start discussing ideas and suddenly you don't have shamanistic companies 
telling you how it is.  (Linus Torvalds)


2000-05-18 Thread Nitebirdz[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:

  El caso es que una de las preguntas es recurrente, ¿ADSL implica IP fija?, a
  mi me extraña pero me mosquea que los técnicos de la Timo me digan unas
  veces que si y otras que no. ¿Hay alguien por ahí que pueda zanjar
  definitivamente esta duda existencial que tengo? :0)
 Que yo sepa, cada vez que te conectas a Internet, te dan una ip nueva, de
 forma que si mediante adsl estás siempre conectado, tu ip será fija ( eso
 seguro no te la pueden cambiar sobre la marcha ), pero si te desconectas,
 seguramente te darán otra, pero con adsl se supone que vas a estar todo el
 tiempo conectado ( que envidia !), pues tu ip será fija. De ahí que varíen
 las respuestas que obtienes, la respuesta no es si o no, más bien depende de
 con que frecuencia te desconectes.

Totalmente de acuerdo.  Supongo que funcionara como DSL aqui en los EEUU,
en cuyo caso la respuesta anterior es correct.  Solo me gustaria agnadir
una pequegna cosa: cada vez que tu proveedor de Internet tenga que hacer
cambios o simple mantenimiento, asi como cada vez que haya un problema
tecnico, tu IP va a cambiar.  Asi pues, no te comprometas a montar un
servidor comercial o nada por el estilo.  Por el otro lado, si lo que
quiers simplemente es montar un servidor personal, tampoco va a ser un
problema pues la IP no cambia tan a menudo.

Open source tries to move software from a witchcraft to a science.  People 
start discussing ideas and suddenly you don't have shamanistic companies 
telling you how it is.  (Linus Torvalds)


2000-05-16 Thread Nitebirdz[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:

  Una ocasion de oro para cambiar a mutt+vim :-
 Sobre el vim ya he hablado, bueno era sobre el vi, pero es extensible. ¿ Y
 qué tiene el mutt ese para que la gente lo quiera tanto ?, yo lo tengo
 instalaldo, pero prefiero usar el pine ...

Yo tambien prefiero pine, pero hay quien prefire mutt por motivos de
licencia (es totalmente GPL, mientras que pine no lo es), y tambien
porque te permite ver los mensajes de forma threaded (lo siento, pero no
se como traducirlo al espagnol).

Open source tries to move software from a witchcraft to a science.  People 
start discussing ideas and suddenly you don't have shamanistic companies 
telling you how it is.  (Linus Torvalds)

Re: Cofiguracion pine y mutt

2000-02-25 Thread Nitebirdz
On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Estoy intentando configurar pine y mutt para que accedan a un servidor
 POP3. Leyendo la documentacion creo que cion pine es imposible, pero la
 documentacion de mutt si dice que se puede hacer, aunque no he encontrado
 como. Alguien podria ayudarme?
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No te podria ayudar con mutt, pero si que te puedo decir que es posible
bajar el correo electronico con fetchamil y despues leerlo con pine.  Yo
lo uso de esa forma sin ningun problema.  Ademas, si creas un cron job,
fetchmail te permite bajar el correo electronico de forma automatica (si
tienes una conexion permanente a la Internet).

It's not too late to turn back from the Gates of Hell... 
Linux: the free 32-bit operating system, available NOW. 
Why waait for NT? (Brandon S. Allbery)

Re: Format question

2000-02-25 Thread Nitebirdz
On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Michael Meskes wrote:

 My kids brought me some files teh types of which I never heard about. Could
 anyone please tell me what I need to open *.ani? FILE does know this type:
 Ani/zubat.ani: RIFF (little-endian) data, animated cursor
 P.S.: Please CC me on replies.
 Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
 Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhein Fire!
 Tel.: (+49) 2431/72651 | Use Debian GNU/Linux!
 Email: Michael@Fam-Meskes.De   | Use PostgreSQL!
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It seems to be a graphic format.  A quickk search took me to the
following page:

It's not too late to turn back from the Gates of Hell... 
Linux: the free 32-bit operating system, available NOW. 
Why waait for NT? (Brandon S. Allbery)

Re: .emacs file please

2000-01-04 Thread Nitebirdz

Check the URL I posted below.  It contains an example of .emacs
file, although this one is meant to be for the Windos version of the


It's not too late to turn back from the Gates of Hell... 
Linux: the free 32-bit operating system, available NOW. 
Why waait for NT? (Brandon S. Allbery)

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Patrick Kirk wrote:

 Thanks...but obviously I don't want the defaults but I also don't want to 
 write the whole thing from scratch...mainly interested in pruning headers in 
 I'll post to the emacs newsgroup you suggested.
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Re: Dudas sobre version Kernel

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

Yo uso Red Hat en vez de Debian (al menos de momento), pero esto
del kernel afecta a todas las distribuciones por igual.  La linea 2.2.x
_es_ estable.  En el caso del kernel de Linux, los numeros impares en la
segunda porcion del nombre significan en desarrollo mientras que los
numeros pares significan estable.  Por poner un ejemplo: 2.0.36 es
estable debido al 0, y tambien los es 2.2.13 debido al 2, pero 2.3.11
esta en desarrollo debido al 3.  Ya se que los manuales son un poco
complicados de entender en este sentido, y a mi tambien me llevo un tiempo
acostumbrarme a la idea.

En cualquier caso, me parece que tu debes estar usando Debian 2.0.
Creo recordar que esa version venia con el kernel 2.0.36, al igual que Red
Hat 5.2.  


On Wed, 22 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola a todos
 Desearia me aclararan en lo que he leido de Corel Linux dice que usa 
 el kernel de debian 2.2 
 Hace unos dias la lista Debian-changes me mando el mensaje
 Binary: kernel-source-2.0.38 kernel-image-2.0.38 kernel-headers-2.0.38
 kernel-doc-2.0.38 Architecture: source i386 all Version: 2.0.38-2
 Distribution: stable unstable Urgency: high
 Fui a Potato/main/source/devel
 El de Nov 18 es Kernel-source-2.0.36... y hay otro con fecha mas 
 vieja ejemplo Oct 27 kernel-source-2.2.13 ... 
 Verdaderamente estoy un poco perdido con esto de las versiones pues 
 supongo que el 2.2 no sea estable, pero me pregunto si es asi porque 
 Corel tomo una de estas versiones, si es un desarrollo en que se esta 
 trabajando, porque sale la 2.0.38 y no algo mas reciente de la 2.2 o 
 es que hay diferentes grupos de desarrolladores para el Kernel
 Bueno disculpen si les he moslestados con mis dudas, agradeceria de 
 ser posible me dieran una idea de esto, para ver como me actualizo.
 Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz
Manuel y Felipe,

Me podriais dar una idea de que comando ping se trata?  No, no es
que quiera dedicarme a joder la vida a otros internautas, sino que no me
puedo imaginar como es posible enviar una cadena mediante un ping.  Al fin
y al cabo, el ping solo toma o una direccion de IP o un nombre de
host+dominio como argumentos, y si es posile enviar cadenas mediante el
susodicho comando a mi me interesaria saberlo.


On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Blu wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 08:04:39PM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
  Y se me ha pasado por la cabeza que te pueden enviar un ping con datos
  (la cadena de marras) y tu PC al contestarlo te cuelgue... ¿es posible?
 Pues precisamente eso fue lo que me paso a mi y por eso inicie este hilo.
 Alguien me hizo un ping con la cadena y mi maquina al contestarlo me 
 colgo el modem. 
 Hasta donde yo se la cadena funciona solo en un sentido, de la serial 
 al modem y no desde la linea al modem.
 Felipe Sanchez
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Re: autentificacion con apache de RH y de Debian

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Estoy migrando un servidor de intranet con RedHat4.2 a Debian/potato
 (si, si, nada de windows a Linux). Ya he pasado de PHP2 a PHP3. Ahora
 estoy con el apache.
 Y es que tiene en un directorio un control de acceso con el archivo
 .htaccess que no consigo que haga lo mismo en RH4.2 que en Debian.
 Debaria pedir un usuario y una clave y verificar que sea un usuario
 valido de la maquina. Consigo que me lo pida pero luego siempre me falla
 la autentificacion.
 Mi .htaccess es asi
 AuthName telefonos 
 AuthType Basic
 require valid-user 


Creo recordar que necesitas agnadir una linea a este fichero tal
que asi:

AuthUserFile /home/httpd/html/users

Esto quiere decir que el citado fichero en /home/httpd/html (o
cualquier otro directorio) contiene las claves (passwords) de los
usuarios.  Puesto que tu .htaccess no contiene esta linea, no hay forma de
comprobar si la clave es correcta.  Por cierto, que o bien copias el
fichero users (o cualquier otro nombre que hayas usado) al nuevo
computador, o has de correr el .htpasswd otra vez para configurar las
nuevas claves.


 Y los modulos de apache han quedado asi:
 # The Debian package of Apache loads every feature as shared modules.
 # Please keep this LoadModule: line here, it is needed for installation.
 # LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule env_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule config_log_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule mime_magic_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule mime_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule negotiation_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule status_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule info_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule includes_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule autoindex_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule dir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule cgi_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule asis_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule imap_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule action_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule speling_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule userdir_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule access_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule anon_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule dbm_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule db_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule digest_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule cern_meta_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule expires_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule usertrack_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule unique_id_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule setenvif_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule sys_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule put_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule throttle_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule auth_ldap_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule allowdev_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule pgsql_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule cvs_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule define_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule eaccess_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 # LoadModule roaming_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
 Alguien me sugiere algun camino.
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Re: laptop compaq contura 430C

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

Si te refieres al setup de BIOS, me parece que casi siempre es
presionando la tecla de Del mientras se inicializa el computador, o al
menos asi es como se entra en el setup de casi todos los computadores que
se usan aqui en los EEUU.  


On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Samuel Montosa wrote:

 esto... ya se que puede sonar estupido pero... ¿alguien sabe  como  
  al setup de este ordenador?
 (obviamente no dispongo de los manuales, y ya me  he  perdido  un  par  
  veces por la web de compaq)
 | Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
  /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
 | Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.13 |
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Re: Problemas con LILO.

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

Si al arrancar el ordenador LILO no aparece por ningun sitio debe
ser porque no esta instalado en el MBR.  Prueba a correr /sbin/lilo.


On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, EMILIO HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN wrote:

 Hola a todos.
 Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo, antes de nada.
 Os escribo para preguntar qué es lo que tengo mal en mi LILO para que no
 me aparezca al arrancar el ordenador. Mi fichero lilo.conf es:
 Mi particion de Linux está en hda3 y la de Windows, que es en la que
 quiero que arranque por defecto y que es la que está activa, está en hda1.
 Al arrancar el ordenador no aparece nada de LILO, ¿por qué puede ser? Me
 ha pasado otras veces y me ayudasteis a arreglarlo pero ahora creo que lo
 tengo todo igual que cuando lo hacía bien y sin embargo no funciona.
 Gracias a todos y un saludo.
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Re: .pid

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

Tienes toda la razon no solamente en lo que respecta a SCO, sino
que tambien HP-UX esta basado en la version de UNIX de ATT.  Aparte de las
diversas variaciones como FreeBSD, OpenBSD y NetBSD, el unico sistema
operativo que estoy seguro de que pertenezca a la tradicion de BSD es
SunOS (que no Sun Solaris).  Asi pues, que conste la correccion.


On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 11:54:13AM -0600, Nitebirdz wrote:
  No te puedo decir si es un estandar de UNIX o no, pero si que te puedo
  asegurar que FreeBSD 3.3.4 tambien lo utiliza.  Supongo que cualquier
  version de BSD (SCO, HP-UX, etc.) tambien sigue esa regla.
 Est... colega, me sabe mal decírtelo, pero SCO está basado en SYSTEM V,
 y no en BSD. ¿HP-UX? Pues la verdad es que no te lo sabría decir :(
\|/  \|/
 Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
 TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: Missing MSIE's Search Bar under Linux

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

I haven't seen anything similar in Linux yet... with the exception
of the new Mozilla build (M12).  Granted it is not even beta yet, but
rather in alpha, but it does have the feature you mention.  If you are
willing to run some buggy software, go ahead and point your browser to, and download the M12 build of Mozilla.  I read
somewhere in slashdot today that they just released a special build for
Debian today.  Of course, keep in mind it is quite unstable and buggy.


On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

 I've been using Debian a lot lately, but there's one thing I'm missing a lot.
 MS Internet Explorer's Search Bar. In case you don't know what it is, it's
 basically a search pane on the left side of the browser window where when
 you type in your keywords, it'll display the results in that bar and when you
 click a link to follow them, it opens it on the right while the pane stays
 open. That way you can easily go through searches without needing to
 deal with opening new windows or using the back button to go back to the
 search page. And in the Search Bar you can click the 'Next' button to have
 it cycle through all the search engines. Has anyone been able to find
 something similar that they use under Debian Linux w/ Netscape? Or what
 about a program like Copernic (not nearly as convenient as the Search Bar,
 but it would be better than how I'm doing things now)?
 Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
 B Grafyx
 Join and get paid to surf the Web!
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Re: E commerce stuff for linux?

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

On 22 Dec 1999, Colin Marquardt wrote:

 * aphro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  i want to know what people reccomend for an e commerce package for
  linux(free or not)  something thats stable, secure, and runs on debian 2.1
 Freshmeat has this to say:
   --- - --- -- - --- -- - - - -- -
   subject: MiniVend 4.0 alpha3
  added by: Frank Tegtmeyer on Dec 02nd 1999, 03:17
   license: GPL
  category: Web/Online Shopping
 MiniVend is the most powerful free shopping cart system available
 today. Its features and power rival the costliest commercial systems.
 MiniVend supports just about every need for a leading edge shopping
 site. Online credit processing with CyberCash[tm], Authorize.Net, and
 PaymentNet. security with SSL and PGP, powerful database connectivity
 with SQL and DBI/DBD, internationalization, and much more. There is now
 a web-based administration tool, dubbed MiniMate.
 The alpha directory is at, the download
 location for the alpha version is, and the
 changes you may see at
   --- - --- -- - --- -- - - - -- -
 Of course, it also has a stable version.
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I heard that OpenSales is pretty good too, and it just went GPL.
It can be found at


Re: Help me POP 3

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

That config sounds OK to me.  However, how did you configure the
email client (Outlook Express in this case).  Also, can you tell us what
error message (if any) you are getting?  Are you popping the email at all?

La configuracion me parece correcta.  Sin embargo, como
configuraste el programa de correo electronico (Outlook Express en este
caso)?  Puedes decirnos tambien que mensaje de error te ha dado el
programa?  Puedes bajar el correo?


On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Ing. Miguel Zelada wrote:

 Hi I need read my mails that in my server Redhat 6.0 with sendamail
 I configurate inetd.conf and I remove #,  in pop-3 and pop-2 but when acces 
 around Outlook expres don`t read mi emails.
 I need if have configurate other section in mi Redhat o in mi Windows NT 
 Server or mi clients Windows Nt Worstation.
 Tank you
 Ing. Miguel Zelada
 Technical Support
 Unify InterAmerica
 (507) 270-0109 / 10
 (507) 638-2242
 Panam?, Rep de Panam?

Re: Help me POP 3

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, aphro wrote:

 You cannot read mail with a SMTP server.  that is for sending mail
 ONLY.  This is true for every SMTP server there is(many mail packages
 include both POP3 and SMTP so it may seem as if the smtp is allowing users
 to read mail) the daemons listen on different ports(smtp 25 pop3 113 imap
 and pop3 not sure about) and are different protocols.
 POP2/POP3/IMAP is used for modern mail reading.


That's right.  However, sendmail can also be used to pop email in
spite of its name.  All you need to do is open the correct port (POP3 in
most cases).  That is precisely the way I am running it in two or three


 On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Ing. Miguel Zelada wrote:
 mzelad Hi I need read my mails that in my server Redhat 6.0 with sendamail
 mzelad I configurate inetd.conf and I remove #,  in pop-3 and pop-2 but when 
 acces around Outlook expres don`t read mi emails.
 mzelad I need if have configurate other section in mi Redhat o in mi Windows 
 NT Server or mi clients Windows Nt Worstation.
 mzelad Tank you
 mzelad Ing. Miguel Zelada
 mzelad Technical Support
 mzelad Unify InterAmerica
 mzelad (507) 270-0109 / 10
 mzelad (507) 638-2242
 mzelad Panam?, Rep de Panam?
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
Vice President Network Operations
   Firetrail Internet Services Limited
Everett, WA 425-348-7336
 Powered By:
 Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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Re: clearing SO's browser cache

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

Did you check in the Office51 directory under your own home
directory?  I believe StarOffice puts a lot of stuff there.


On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 Does anyone know how I can clear my StarOffice browser cache?  I can't even
 find it and I believe it might be somewhere in /tmp
 I clear my Netscape cache from ~/.bash_logout and I would like to do the same
 for StarOffice.  Doing this lowers my df value :)
 GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
 *we all live downstream*
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Re: is kernel 2.0.38 broken?

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz

There is a problem affecting the 2.0.x kernels in the sense that
local users can cause a denial of service attack by using ping with a
certain argument.  However, there is already an update to the netkit
package that temporarily fixes the problem.


On Sun, 26 Dec 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 I thought I read on this list that there was a problem with the last 2.0.x
 kernel.  Is that true?  I still have Slink on my laptop, so I am not ready for
 a 2.2.x kernel and I am using 2.0.36.
 GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
 *we all live downstream*
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Re: Opera Beta for Linux Released!

1999-12-28 Thread Nitebirdz
Art Lemasters,

The main positive feature of Opera is how fast it is compared to
any of the two major browsers in the Windows world.  I just downloaded and
installed the beta version for Linux, and it seems to be pretty fast
too... as fast as the version for Windows.  However, it is not GPLd,
although I have a feeling that releasing it under the GPL license would be
a smart move by the Opera guys since there is a chance that many Linux
users would switch from buggy Netscape.  In the meantime, I am not so sure
I will run it due to the fact that it is not opensource, which is no
impediment for me to acknowledge its strengths.


On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Onno wrote:

 At 03:23 PM 12/24/99 -0700, Art Lemasters wrote:
  And what are the great points about Opera?  Is it distributed
 under a GPL?
 THAT would be nice...
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Re: Using Samba

1999-12-26 Thread Nitebirdz

Try replacing Documento with Documents.  It worked for me.  By
the way, that Documents/pdf directory is full of goodies in pdf format.


On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Para el que le interese:
  O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
  encontrareis en formato .pdf en:
 URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.
 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gogosoftware -
  It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)
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Re: .pid

1999-12-26 Thread Nitebirdz

No te puedo decir si es un estandar de UNIX o no, pero si que te puedo
asegurar que FreeBSD 3.3.4 tambien lo utiliza.  Supongo que cualquier
version de BSD (SCO, HP-UX, etc.) tambien sigue esa regla.


On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Prog. d'un instal.lador wrote:

   mi pregunta es si esta normalizado el directorio /var/run para 
 que almacene todos los *.pid de los demonios en funcionamiento en todas
 las distribuciones linux (concretamente tambien en todos los unix).
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Re: Red Ethernet

1999-12-23 Thread Nitebirdz

Puesto que tu intencion es compartir una unica conexion a la red,
necesitas configurar un router tal y como queda indicado en el manual que
mencionas.  No es una pieza especial de hardware, sino que lo unico que
necesitas hacer es usar uno de los ordenadores como router (IP
Masquerading, etc.).  Eso si, ese ordenador necesita dos tarjetas de red:
una de las tarjetas para conectar al exterior, y la otra para conectar a
la red interna mediante un pequegno hub.  O al menos asi es como me lo he
montado yo siempre.  Si alguien tiene otra idea, por favor, corregidme.


On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, jcarlos wrote:

 Tengo cuatro ordenadores con los que quiero montar una red
 eternet(para compartir la conexión a internet de uno de ellos). Ya me
 leí la Guía de administración de Redes, pero me quedó una duda...
 ¿Necesito un router(apropos: ¿es un aparato especial o solo un
 ordenador configurado de otra forma?) para conectarlos o con solo las
 tarjetas de red y el cable
 me basta?
 Entonces ¿qué otro Hard y Soft necesito?
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Re: MS Intellimouse

1999-12-23 Thread Nitebirdz

I found a little program called imwheel in the site,
downloaded it and installed it.  It has been working fine for me ever
since, and it does precisely what you are looking for: wheel + third
button.  Give it a try.


On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Someone I know is running potato and has a MS Intellimouse (a mouse with two 
 buttons and a wheel). What we'd like to be able to do is have the 
 functionality of both the wheel and an emulated third button. However, we 
 that the Emulate3Buttons in X doesn't work if ZAxisMapping is turned on. So, 
 currently, we have ZAxisMapping on (so we can get the scrolling) but she has 
 no way of doing the third mouse-button click. What we'd like to be able to do 
 is somehow make Ctrl + Button-1 (or button-1 + button-2) send X a button-3 
 click. Is there any way to do this, either with XF86Config, xmodmap, the 
 window manager (we are using Enlightenment), or any other method?
 Colin McMillen 
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (potato): 1 day, 17 hours, 25 minutes without a reboot...
 The revolution will be complete when the operating system is perfect.
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Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-21 Thread Nitebirdz

Add this to the lilo.conf file:


I believe it shows somewhere in the documentation.  In any case,
if you do a search on the Web you will find this and many other tips for


On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! wrote:

 i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
 showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:
 pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
 athlon 550mhz processor
 gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
 1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?
 thanks is advance for any help
 matt kunze
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Re: only half of physical memory showing up

1999-12-21 Thread Nitebirdz
Ooops.  I forgot the mem part in my previous message.  This is what you
should add to the lilo.conf:


Sorry for the little mistake.


On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Hey Tom I Changed My Name! wrote:

 i just installed debian on a new machine and only half of the memory is   
 showing up (64 out of 128 megs) in linux. i have the following:
 pototo distribution (the rescue disk for slink would not boot)
 athlon 550mhz processor
 gigabyte 200mhz athlon motherboard
 1 x 128mb SDRAM DIMM
 the bios shows that all the memory is there when it boots, but i only have
 64 megabytes available in linux. does anyone have any ideas what the 
 problem is or what i can do to fix it?
 thanks is advance for any help
 matt kunze
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Re: Offtopic: Trabajo fin de Bachillerato

1999-12-15 Thread Nitebirdz

La mayor parte de la informacion que conozco esta escrita en
ingles, con la excepcion de lo que puedes encontrar en y
todos los webs alli recomendados.  Pero si necesitas algo mas de
informacion, te recomendaria que compraras Usando Linux.  Me parece que
es la version en espagnol del Using Linux publicado por Que aqui en los
EEUU.  La cubierta del libro es de color verde, y creo recordar que lo
encontre en El Corte Ingles la ultima vez que visite Espagna hace unos
meses, asi que no debiera ser dificil de encontrar.


On Sun, 12 Dec 1999, xxx wrote:

 Estoy haciendo un trabajo de fin de Bachillerato sobre Linux, que cuenta
 un 10%
 de la nota global de 1º y 2º de Bachillerato (que burrada!!), que a su
 vez es un
 60% de la nota para entrar a la Universidad (el otro 40% es la nota de
 Este trabajo he decidido hacerlo sobre Debian (una introduccion al uso
 de Linux
 Debian en casa), pero como tampoco domino mucho el tema (por eso es un
 de busqueda de informacion), estoy un poco perdido con lo que poner en
 trabajo (mejor dicho, muy perdido).
 Por el momento, lo poco que tengo esta casi totalmente basado en el
 Facil, sacado de LUCAS, y me gustaria que alguien pudiera recomendarme
 texto, a ser posible basado en Debian y en español o catalan, sobre
 algun tema
 del uso cuotidiano que se le puede dar a un ordenador en casa.
 Ahi va un esbozo de Indice:
 ¿Que es linux? Caracteristicas
 Breve historia
 Como obtener linux. Distribuciones
 Fuentes de Informacion
 Conceptos previos
 Crear los discos de instalacion
 Particionar el disco duro
 Programa de instalacion de Linux Debian (alguien podria decirme
 Reiniciando el ordenador (descripcion de la instalacion de
 paquetes con
 Primeros pasos???
 XWindows (diferentes wm, aplicaciones mas comunes?)
 Administracion del sistema(añadir/quitar usuarios, passwds,
 instalacion de paquetes, en caso de catastrofe...)
 Seguridad en Linux (shadow passwds, cuentas, invitados,su, sudo,
 Internet y otras redes
 Estos ultimos 5 apartados aun estan muy verdes, por lo que no tengo
 exactamente que contendran; se aceptan todo tipo de criticas,
 nuevos indices, proposiciones, dinero,...
 Muchas gracias por adelantado  
 [..] Para él, un amor geométrico de la simetría y el orden era el
 un interés infatigable y febril por las más insignificantes facetas de
 burocracia cotidiana era la laboriosidad, la indecisión calculada
 era la
 cautela, y la terquedad ciega en continuar por un camino erróneo era
 determinación [..]
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