Re: alsa OnBoard Sound mit Kernel 2.4.18-686

2003-02-16 Thread Obi Ubani
Am Samstag, 15. Februar 2003 18:36 schrieb Obi Ubani:
 Hallo Liste,
 ich habe bisher vergeblich versucht meinen OnBoard Sound zum ertönen zu
 bringen. Es handelt sich dabei um einen via8233 chip mit ac97 codec ( so
 wird er zumindest unter win angezeigt)

 Habe mich strickt an die Anleitung unter
eq=viewarticleartid=541 gehalten. Ich hatte auch keine Schwierigkeiten beim
 komilieren oder Ähnliches. Alsa startet und gibt keine Fehler aus. Nur
 leider macht die Karte keinen Mucks. Am Alsamixer habe ich auch schon
 gedreht :-))
 Hat jemand ne Idee??



hier ein Auszug von lsmod:

Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
snd-seq-oss23424   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event  2792   0  [snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq33100   2  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-seq-device  3904   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq]
snd-pcm-oss34656   0  (unused)
snd-mixer-oss   8576   0  (autoclean) [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-via8233 4768   0 
snd-pcm46880   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-via8233]
snd-timer   9152   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd-ac97-codec 22304   0  [snd-via8233]
snd24136   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq 
snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-via8233 snd-pcm snd-timer 
soundcore   3556   5  (autoclean) [snd]

unter modutils hab ich die karte folgendermaßen konfiguriert:

# Example Configuration of ALSA 0.9 for Debian GNU/Linux

alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore

options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1 snd_device_mode=0660 
snd_device_gid=29 snd_device_uid=0

alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss

alias snd-card-0 snd-via8233
#alias snd-card-1 snd-serial
#alias snd-card-2 snd-share
#alias snd-card-3 snd-virmidi

alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1
alias sound-slot-2 snd-card-2
alias sound-slot-3 snd-card-3

# You must need to add your own card setteings below.
#  or use alsaconf to setup in menu form.

Ich hab mittlerweile alles probiert, bekomme aber keine Ton raus.



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ERLEDIGT: alsa OnBoard Sound mit Kernel 2.4.18-686

2003-02-16 Thread Obi Ubani
Am Sonntag, 16. Februar 2003 10:35 schrieb Obi Ubani:
 Am Samstag, 15. Februar 2003 18:36 schrieb Obi Ubani:
  Hallo Liste,
  ich habe bisher vergeblich versucht meinen OnBoard Sound zum ertönen zu
  bringen. Es handelt sich dabei um einen via8233 chip mit ac97 codec ( so
  wird er zumindest unter win angezeigt)
  Habe mich strickt an die Anleitung unter
 r eq=viewarticleartid=541 gehalten. Ich hatte auch keine Schwierigkeiten
  beim komilieren oder Ähnliches. Alsa startet und gibt keine Fehler aus.
  Nur leider macht die Karte keinen Mucks. Am Alsamixer habe ich auch schon
  gedreht :-))
  Hat jemand ne Idee??

 hier ein Auszug von lsmod:

 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 snd-seq-oss23424   0  (unused)
 snd-seq-midi-event  2792   0  [snd-seq-oss]
 snd-seq33100   2  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
 snd-seq-device  3904   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq]
 snd-pcm-oss34656   0  (unused)
 snd-mixer-oss   8576   0  (autoclean) [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-via8233 4768   0
 snd-pcm46880   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-via8233]
 snd-timer   9152   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
 snd-ac97-codec 22304   0  [snd-via8233]
 snd24136   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq
 snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-via8233 snd-pcm snd-timer
 soundcore   3556   5  (autoclean) [snd]

Mit amixer die Kanäle öffnen. Dachte eigentlich dass das mit dem alsamixer zu 
bewerkstelligen sei.



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Re: HPLaserj 1000

2003-02-16 Thread Obi Ubani
Am Sonntag, 16. Februar 2003 15:27 schrieben Sie:

 Hast du schon bei vorbeigeschaut:

Die Seite kannte ich noch nicht. Vielen Dank für die Info.

oBi Ubani

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alsa OnBoard Sound mit Kernel 2.4.18-686

2003-02-15 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Liste,
ich habe bisher vergeblich versucht meinen OnBoard Sound zum ertönen zu 
bringen. Es handelt sich dabei um einen via8233 chip mit ac97 codec ( so wird 
er zumindest unter win angezeigt)

Habe mich strickt an die Anleitung unter
gehalten. Ich hatte auch keine Schwierigkeiten beim komilieren oder Ähnliches. 
Alsa startet und gibt keine Fehler aus. Nur leider macht die Karte keinen 
Mucks. Am Alsamixer habe ich auch schon gedreht :-))
Hat jemand ne Idee??



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2003-02-04 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Liste,

ich würde mir gerne eine Versionsinfo einiger Pakete anzeigen lassen.
Bei apt-show-versions bekomme ich ein unknown command. Woran kann
das liegen? Ich verwende woody mit dem Kernel 2.2.20. 



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Re: Frage:apt-show-versions

2003-02-04 Thread Obi Ubani
Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003 18:49 schrieb Obi Ubani:
 Hallo Liste,

 ich würde mir gerne eine Versionsinfo einiger Pakete anzeigen lassen.
 Bei apt-show-versions bekomme ich ein unknown command. Woran kann
 das liegen? Ich verwende woody mit dem Kernel 2.2.20.



Hat sich erledigt. Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil*schäääm*


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Re: wie lange soll man recherchieren bis man hier fragt ?

2003-01-24 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Frank,

 wenn Pseudonyme statt Klarnamen verwendet werden. Ist das nicht zu
 vermeiden bietet sich immer noch an zumindest mit Klarnamen zu
 unterschreiben oder diesen im Footer offenzulegen, nichts davon
 machst du jedoch. AFAIR war aber auch das schon angemerkt worden.

Sorry mein Name ist Obi :-))
Ich trage einen nigerianischen Namen. Das kann ich nicht ändern.



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Re: Nochmal Tastaturlayout in der Konsole

2003-01-16 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Udo,

 schreibe bitte nur an die Liste und kein Cc an mich. Ich lese hier
 mit :)
 (Falls dich weiteres interessiert:

Man lernt nie aus. Im nachhinein erkenne ich die Beanstandung der ordentlichen 
Grammatik an. Werde versuchen mir das zu Herzen zu nehmen. Macht auch SInn.



 wie mit jeder anderen Variable auch.

Die Variablen hab ich nun in xinitrc eingetragen. Jedoch sind die konsolen 1-6 
nach wie vor auf in einem us-layout. Egal, damit kann ich wohl erstmal 

Vielen Dank



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Re: Nochmal Tastaturlayout in der Konsole

2003-01-16 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Rainer,

 cd /etc/console
 cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap.gz .
 rm boottime.kmap.gz
 ln -s de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap.gz boottime.kmap.gz

 Durch den symbolischen Link brauchst Du die Keymap, falls Sie
 überschrieben würde nicht mehr in den Untiefen der Verzeichnisse mehr
 zu suchen, sondern nur den Link neu zu setzen. Der wichtige Punkt ist,
 dass die zu ladende Keymap boottime.kmap.gz heissen *muss*.

 Dann stellst Du mit dpkg-reconfigure console-common auf Don't touch.
 Du kannst die Keymap auch jederzeit mit dem Kommando loadkeys manuell

 Wenn es dann nicht funktioniert, dann nochmal wie oben den Link setzen
 und mit dem Hammer drauf schlagen ;-)

 chmod -R -w /etc/console

Ich habe die Vorgehensweise sehr wohl verstanden. Es funktioniert aber nicht. 
Der Link ist unter /etc/console angelegt, aber es will halt nicht. Auch ein 
chmod brachte da nichts. Vielleicht hab ich sonst wo einen Fehler. 

Beziehen die tty 1-6 die Keymaps denn von anderer Stelle als die Konsole von 

Vielen Dank


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Re: Nochmal Tastaturlayout in der Konsole

2003-01-15 Thread Obi Ubani

 `locale` gibt ja mehrere Variablen aus, jede hat ihre eigene
 LANG und LANGUAGE solltest du mal testhalber auf de_DE@euro
 stellen. Genauso wie LC_CTYPE.
 Wenn du englisches Systemmeldungen haben willst, dann lass
 LC_MESSAGES auf C oder en_US.

 Versuch das mal. Die Variablen kannst du in deiner ~/.xinitrc oder
 ~/.xsession setzen. Ausloggen, einloggen, testen.
In welcher Form trage ich die Variablen da ein??
Wie gesagt war ich bisher SuSE verwöhnt.



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Re: Nochmal Tastaturlayout in der Konsole

2003-01-15 Thread Obi Ubani

Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2003 06:44 schrieb Rainer Ellinger:
 Debian User schrieb:
  ein dpkg-reconfigure console-common mit der Auswahl von qwertz
  hilft zwar...aber leider nur bis zum nächsten Reboot

dein Tipp bringt leider auch nichts. Habe auch versucht die Keymap nach 
/etc/console zu kopieren. Leider auch ohne Erfolg.



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Re: Nochmal Tastaturlayout in der Konsole

2003-01-14 Thread Obi Ubani
Hallo Udo,

Obi mein Name. 
Habe von einem anderen Rechner aus gemailt. War aber keine Absicht.
Hab mir auch zu Herzen genommen mal ordentlich zu schreiben. :-)))

Ein cat /etc/inputrc gibt mir aus:

set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off

Die locales habe ich generiert. Wenn ich sie mir ausgeben lasse erscheint 
alles in C. Mal fürs Verständnis. Beeinflussen die locales nicht das ganze 
environment? Ich möchte eigentlich schon ein Standard System, allerdings in 
deutscher Tastatur.



Am Dienstag, 14. Januar 2003 22:20 schrieb Udo Mueller:
 Hallo Debian,

 wie lautet denn deine richtiger Name?

 * Debian User schrieb [14-01-03 17:33]:
  hab mir kürzlich knoppix auf mein Laptop aufgespielt. Mein Problem
  besteht darin, dass in der Konsole das us tastatur layout eingerichtet
  ein dpkg-reconfigure console-common mit der Auswahl von qwertz hilft
  zwar...aber leider nur bis zum nächsten Reboot
  Hab mir bereits per apt-get console-data und console-tools
  installiertgleiches Ergebnis!
  Unter X ist das Layout wie gewünscht.
  Hat jemand ne Idee wie ich das dauerhaft einstellen kann??

 Welchen Inhalt hat /etc/inputrc?
 Ist das Paket locales installiert?
 Sind die locales generiert?
 Was gibt `locale` aus?

 Gruss Udo

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Tastatur Layout

2003-01-13 Thread Obi Ubani
hi zusammen,
ich habe ein problem mit meinem tastaturlayout. (laptop  knoppix)
mit einem dpkg-reconfigure console-common habe ich mir das gewünschte layout 
(qwertz) ausgewählt. jedoch ist nach einem reboot wieder die us tastatur da. 
für nen tipp wäre ich echt dankbar.



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Re: Tastatur Layout,

2003-01-13 Thread Obi Ubani
hi Jörg

das problem ist nur unter der konsole. unter X ist das nicht so...
wie kann ich das denn dauerhaft einstellen. muss ich die keymap unter 
/etc/console austauschen??


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Unidentified subject!

2002-06-24 Thread Noble Obi

help! my debian is overwritten by win 2000, and i dont have any boot diskettes to revive it. can anyone out there help me?
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amd and security

1999-09-16 Thread Obi
Well, they explicitly told me it was through amd. I don't even think that
ftpd is enabled on those machines ...


On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 08:54:16PM -0500, Marcin Kurc wrote:
 Dont know about amd, but are you sure it wasn't something else? like ftpd for 
 example, there was quite some public available ftpd exploids.
 On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 04:48:29PM -0700, Obi wrote: 
  Hi all,
  some of the debian machines here have been broke into. The sysadm told me
  that amd is the culprit (I think amq). Have you heard anything about it?
  How can we secure them? Is the amd version into slink secure? 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Marcin Kurc
 Indiana Institute of Technology
 System Administrator

amd and security

1999-09-15 Thread Obi
Hi all,

some of the debian machines here have been broke into. The sysadm told me
that amd is the culprit (I think amq). Have you heard anything about it?
How can we secure them? Is the amd version into slink secure? 


Re: Mutt and NFS (reprise)

1999-09-10 Thread Obi
Thanks! It actually works ... only if I mount that directly but it
doesn't work if I use amd specifying nolock! I'll figure it out though.

Thanks again

On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 11:51:28PM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Obi  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I know this topic already showed up on the mailing list but the solutions
 weren't really up to mu case: that is having the file on the local FS!!
 The situation is /home NFS mounted and mutt refusing to do anything to
 every file in the home directory because of the dreaded locking
 mechanism. THe server is a Debian stable machine and the client is an
 unstable Debian client. 
 What can I do? 
 If you're running a 2.2 kernel on the NFS client, it tries to do
 NFS locking by default. If your server doesn't support that you
 have to mount the NFS partition with the option nolock. That's all.
 ... somehow I have a feeling the hurting hasn't even begun yet
   -- Bill, The Terrible Thunderlizards

Re: Mutt and NFS (reprise)

1999-09-10 Thread Obi
I fixed that with the nolock options as suggested by Miquel. My problem
was that mutt couldn't lock the file (you see an error 37), so I couldn't
modify the mailbox at all.


On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 02:18:09PM +, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
   I'm having problems with mutt and NFS too. I mount /var/spool/mail by
 NFS and cant delete mails.
   How to fix this?
   Thanks, Paulo Henrique
 Quoting Obi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Thanks! It actually works ... only if I mount that directly but it
  doesn't work if I use amd specifying nolock! I'll figure it out though.
  Thanks again
  On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 11:51:28PM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
   In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
   Obi  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
   I know this topic already showed up on the mailing list but the solutions
   weren't really up to mu case: that is having the file on the local FS!!
   The situation is /home NFS mounted and mutt refusing to do anything to
   every file in the home directory because of the dreaded locking
   mechanism. THe server is a Debian stable machine and the client is an
   unstable Debian client. 
   What can I do? 
   If you're running a 2.2 kernel on the NFS client, it tries to do
   NFS locking by default. If your server doesn't support that you
   have to mount the NFS partition with the option nolock. That's all.
   ... somehow I have a feeling the hurting hasn't even begun yet
 -- Bill, The Terrible Thunderlizards

Mutt and NFS (reprise)

1999-09-08 Thread Obi
Hi all,

I know this topic already showed up on the mailing list but the solutions
weren't really up to mu case: that is having the file on the local FS!!

The situation is /home NFS mounted and mutt refusing to do anything to
every file in the home directory because of the dreaded locking
mechanism. THe server is a Debian stable machine and the client is an
unstable Debian client. 

What can I do? 


latest gnumeric gnome-print

1999-09-05 Thread Obi

I just upgraded the last gnumeric hoping to be able to print (gnome-print
is now available) but it doesn't start: it complains it canno find the
Times fonts.

THere is no much documentations with it: what should I do?


Re: Mail retrieval problems

1999-07-16 Thread Obi
If you are using fetchmail and exim I solved the problme adding to the local_domains.


On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 10:04:05AM -0400, Jack Wilkinson wrote:
 all of the sudden, my mail can't be deleted off the server... my system was
 stalled this morning after doing a dist-upgrade to today's potato updates,
 and I can get my mail fine, but it won't remove the messages from the
 server, so I'm getting each message every time I check my mail...
 any help around?
 M. Jackson Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 President - JounceNET Internet Services
 Debian: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: windowmaker and gnome

1999-07-06 Thread Obi
I've never tried to put the panel in autostart, but I put the commands I
wants in .xseesion (in your case will be .xinitrc) just before exec
wmaker. I even tried the gnome-session and it worked fine, but had the
tendency of autoload more than one intances of the same apps.

For autpplacing the windows take a look at WPrefs: it will help you
configuring wmaker. One of the options is the one you are looking for.


On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 11:58:46PM -0500, Aaron Solochek wrote:
 Ok, I think gnome is running fine however I want the panel and
 midnight commander to start when I startx.  Putting these in
 ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart causes windowmakeer to freeze
 just as it loads.  So how can I get the panel to autoload?  Also, on a
 more general note, is there someway to get autoloading apps to be
 autoplaced, eventhough I have manual placement turned on?  I am
 basically trying to avoid having to click the mouse to place my eterm
 when X starts.
 -Aaron Solochek

[OFF-TOPIC] which computer rack?

1999-04-28 Thread Obi
Sorry for the off topic question, but since it looks like few people on
the list had to deal with cluster of PCs I was wondering if I can get
any advice on a computer rack. We'll have about 6-8 machines (running
Debian of course :)).


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

potato's octave?

1999-04-27 Thread Obi
I keep getting seg faults when I try to run it. Am I the only one?


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

octave segfaults?

1999-04-02 Thread Obi

I'm trying to run octave on my potato machine and it segs faults right
away. What am I doing wrong?


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

ssh problem: stdin is not a tty

1999-04-01 Thread Obi

since a couple of weeks I'm having problem ssh or scp to my laptop: I'm
getting this error
stdin: is not a tty
I can ssh to everyother location or scp, but not to my laptop. I'm
running potato and kernel 2.2.3. 

Any ideas on what the problem can be?


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

Help connecting with earthlink

1999-03-17 Thread Obi

I'm trying to setup my linux box to connect to earthlink, but with no luck.
I've done that quite a few times with different ISPs, but this time I cannot
set it up. 

It works fine under windows98, but under linux no. This is the important part
of the log:
Mar 17 15:08:08 harp pppd[1139]: Using interface ppp0
Mar 17 15:08:08 harp pppd[1139]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: Connection terminated.
Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: Hangup (SIGHUP)

Should I set some CHAP/PAP things? Can you help?


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

mpich in potato?

1999-03-16 Thread Obi

I'm running potato on my laptop and  I had a weird bahaviour from mpich. I
upgraded and everthing went fine but 2 days ago I noticed that man was barfing
on some pages. In particular the MPI man pages: it looks like the mpi pages in
/usr/man were symlink to man pages in /usr/lib/mpich/man that were symlink to
man pages in /usr/man etc ... 

Anyone else? 


Cu do sceccu ni fa mulu i primu cauci e' u so

help with remote modem

1999-02-24 Thread Obi
Hi all,

a friend of mine has a machine with both an ethernet and a modem and he'd like
to use it to dial in from home. I tried to help him out but I got problem with
the modem and the machine is about 1000 miles away ...

I used minicom to talk to the modem. The modem is there but it's weird: it
gives error to ATV. When i tried to call from another machine I got the RING
but when I try to ATA (answer) the modem sits there till I get NO CARRIER. Can
you help me to understand what's wrong with it?

Fuiri e' vergogna ma e' savvamentu di vita.

Re: Interesting Problem (PCMCIA ethernet and modem)

1998-12-01 Thread Obi

you shouldn't use /etc/init.d/network with the PCMCIA package but
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts. I think you are getting routing problem that is the
packages are sent to the wrong interface: what does route -n say?


On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 08:30:58PM +0200, Daniel Mashao wrote:
 After some struggles I was able to install a PCMCIA ethernet card. It is
 working wonderfully. Unfortunately intslling it affected my modem card.
 Now when I dial using the modem it makes a connection but I can no longer
 telnet of ping outside. I changed my /etc/init.d/networks file to the old
 one without eth0 but it did not help. Any ideas?
 Daniel J. Mashao  
 Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 University of Cape Town 
 Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Molti si ostinano sulla strada intrapresa, pochi sulla meta.
-- Nietzsche

lost dir in /usr/info

1998-09-29 Thread Obi
Hi all,

sometimes ago I had a crash and I ended up loosing the dir file in the
/usr/info directory. How can I recreate it? 


Re: lost dir in /usr/info

1998-09-29 Thread Obi
Well I got a dir from another machine (I didn't have the dir.old either) and I
tried to manully add the node I have that wasn't already in there. And now I
can't look into the libc nodes. I mean, it shows up in the dir (so if I do
info it shows up) but the libc menu page is without any link! I reinstalle
twice the libc6-doc, but I can't access the pages! 

What can I do?


On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 07:09:30AM -0400, John Forest wrote:
  Obi wrote:
  Hi all,
  sometimes ago I had a crash and I ended up loosing the dir file in the
  /usr/info directory. How can I recreate it? 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Check for /usr/info/dir.old
 This might save some time.
 Otherwise: man install-info

Nella solitudine l'individuo si divora da solo, nella moltitudine lo divorano
i molti. Ora scegli.-- Nietzsche

Re: apmd

1998-09-21 Thread Obi
Have you checked the BIOS setup of your laptop? As far as I can tell apmd
shouldn't suspend arbitrarily your machine: try to run without apmd jsut to
check if the laptop goes to sleep. If yes, the problem is in the setup of your


On Sun, Sep 20, 1998 at 05:34:43PM -0500, D'jinnie wrote:
 I can't seem to locate any conf files for apmd. What I'd like it to do is
 not to suspend when my laptop is not running off of the battery. Any
 A conscience does not prevent sin. It only prevents you from enjoying it.
 D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Nella solitudine l'individuo si divora da solo, nella moltitudine lo divorano
i molti. Ora scegli.-- Nietzsche

Help with knfsd

1998-08-12 Thread Obi

I have 4 machines with debian 2.0 on them. One is NFS-serving the /home
directory to the others 3. Using the standard nfsd program we got a lot of NFS
not responding: only one user loading a page with netscape can get that. 

So I was going to try the kernel level nfs server. Have anybody succeded in
compiling the knfsd? I downloaded the linux-nfs-0.4.22.tar.gz but I couldn't
compile: it lokks like the includes file are not quite rigth. I tried to play
a little with them, but I couldn't come up with anything. 

Anyone can help?

Btw I'm usign 2.1.115 kernel.


Re: smail set-up

1998-06-16 Thread Obi

I'm using smail on a laptop, and I came from sendmail :-). I'm using hamm.

 1. change the name of any outgoing mail to another username (i.e. 

I used the visible_name option in config. Actually you can set it up throught
the configuration script (smailconfig): after the first question (which I
answered 1 -- Internet site), it asks you for the visible name. You should
them put

 2. be able to send mail from my laptop to accounts on the main server.

That's the smarthost. Smailconfig will ask you that later on ...

 As it stands now, every message goes out as root and I can't send mail to 
 anyone in my office - it keeps telling me the user does not exist (by 
 looking at my own /etc/passwd file).

I got rid of my domain name from the hostnamed in the config file
(/etc/smail/config) because my machine was trying to deliver locally all the
mail. After that everythign worked ok.

 Any ideas?

Hope this helps,
Chiu' scuru di menzannotti non po fari

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portamap messages filling my logfiles

1998-06-16 Thread Obi
Hi all,

once in a while, mostly when new machine are added to the network, I start
getting messages from my portmap:

sport portmap[3612]: connect from to callit(ypserv): 
request from unauthorized host

and these messages fill my logfile. My machine is the only one in my lab to be
filled with these messages. I don't do NIS.

Why my machine is getting these messages and how can avoid them?


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[off-topic] Toshiba 780 CDM

1998-06-04 Thread Obi

yesterday I installed Debian (frozen) on my friend's laptop. The machine is a
Toshiba 780 CDM, and everything worked out pretty good: we have another debian
user :-).

The only problem we got is the suspend/resume with X: if he suspend/resume the
machine with X on the screen, X is unusable after. Sometimes it doesn't even
accept input from the keyborad (that is if he's not on the net he cannot
ctrl-alt-backspace X: only hard reboot!). Is a well know bug of X? Is there
some fixes?

And, is anyone running on the same laptop? I'd like to make him use the
internal modem and the camera, but I have no idea how ...


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1998-06-02 Thread Obi
On Thu, Apr 02, 1998 at 07:19:05PM -, Asher Haig wrote:
 Bill Moran, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 6/1/98 11:41 PM
 I have just upgraded from bo to hamm on my Toshiba laptop
 (successfully except for a few corrupted files). How do I
 configure to make my ethernet card (HyperEnet) work
 Install the pcmcia package. If you have a custom kernel, you'll need to 
 install the source package. I use the source. Once it's installed, 
 /etc/init.d/pcmcia starts the services. It will recognize pretty much 
 everything as far as cards go. Then you need to set up 
 /etc/init.d/network for your network settings. 

I think you'd prefer to modify the /etc/pcmcia/network.opts. I don't know
abouth t the Toshiba, but on my laptops I had also to work a little around the
/etc/pcmcia/confiog.opts (excluding some IRQs) and the /etc/pcmcia.conf (only
for my older laptop).


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Re: smail vs sendmail, fetchmail, K6 processor

1998-06-02 Thread Obi

 be sent
 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (my ISP) which is definitely not what I want.

I'm using smail on a hamm system. I configured smail with 1, giving the mail
host of my ISP as smart host. I also have a visible name different from the
name of my machine (that is the domain name of outgoing mail will match my
real email address).

The only thing I had to change is to take out the visible_name (it works as
a masquerade name) from the hostnames since I want to send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that are not on my system.

A part from that smail is doing is job beautyfully ... 

 When I invoke fetchmail I get a time out when the mail is actually
 if I use mail retriving from Netscape I don't get the time out. What to

What do fetchmail -v say? Which is the host that fetchmail trying to contact?

Chiu' scuru di menzannotti non po fari

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

smail fetchmail

1998-03-03 Thread Obi

Sorry to jump in the discussion so late: what is the problem of smail and 
fetchmail? I switched some times ago from sendmail to smail (hamm) and
I got few problem with fetchmail, but was due to (I believe) my fault and
to the fact that smail seems more strict:

- the invisible flag of fetchmail doesn't work (my host name is
  not on the DNS);
- I had to add the smtphost localhost entry in my fetchmail.

A part from that, everything seems working fine ... Only sometimes some mails
are not accepted because smail can't resolve the address to a legal address
coming from the DNS. Last thing is that if I add bith interface and monitor
to the fetchmailrc, fetchmail segfault after retrieving the mail ...

Are there more problems that I'm just lucky I didn't incur into?


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mutt crashes

1998-02-19 Thread Obi


I recently switched from sendmail to smail. Since then, I have problem with
my mailers :-(. Mutt crashes when it is time to send a message, wheter is a
reply or a new message, while comp (I use nmh) complains that 
my email address is not legal (actually I believe is smail to complain).

The problem is that my machine has 3 name: one is its own name, one is related 
to my network card and one when I connect from home via modem (I have a 
laptop). And the name smail is refusing is the real name of the host. 
And smail should know it since I put it into the config as hostname ...

thanks for any help,

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omniORB thread

1998-01-25 Thread Obi

Hi all,

after having unsuccesfully tried to install omniORB, since the problem was in
the NameService, I tried to get a CORBA client anyway (I don't need to use the
NameService anyway).

Well I can compile, but I get segmentation fault when I try to run it. Using
gdb I found that the problem is in the libraries during a call to lock a
thread semaphore. Can someone tell me if the thread are usable by now? 

I have hamm system, libc6 etc ... but a custom kernel 2.0.33. Can this be the
problem? Also i change manually the links from /usr/include/{linux,ams} to
point to the kernel source tree ... 

thanks for any help/feedback,

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1998-01-22 Thread Obi

Hi all,

first of all I'd like to thank all of you that answered to my post about the
bug-tracking package. I'm still looking at them ...

Now I have problem with the omniorb package: the NameServer (omniNames) segs
fault as soon as I start it. The package doesn't even install completely (the
postinst starts omniNames ...). I have an hamm system. AM I missing something?
I was thinking that the problem could be the threads, but libc6 already has
them ...


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off-topic: Good bug-tracking package?

1998-01-12 Thread Obi

Hi all,

does anyone know of a good bug-tracking software?

Nessuna cosa è che più c'inganni che 'l nostro giudizio. Leonardo da Vinci

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Re: parallel zip and scsi-kontroller conflict

1997-11-26 Thread Obi

Some times ago I used a ZIP drive from my laptop through the parallel port. I 
followed the instruction contained in the mini-howto and the ZIP drive worked 
flawlessy ... I don't have it anymore, but I know someone who use it 
consistently to backup his system.

I know I compiled everything as a module (still have them) and I had no 
problem or conflict with the paraller port, but I don't use a printer ...

hope this help,
Nessuna cosa è che più c'inganni che 'l nostro giudizio. Leonardo da Vinci

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1997-11-12 Thread Obi

Am I the only one in trouble with this version? When I try to send a mail as 
soon as I hit return the mail is gone but no body is actually sent: only the 
header. Am I missing some dependencies?

Nessuna cosa è che più c'inganni che 'l nostro giudizio. Leonardo da Vinci

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fetchmail multiple hostname (was laptop in different places)

1997-10-16 Thread Obi
I traced (I think!) down what was (actually is) my problem. The responsible is 
(my poor administration :-)) and fetchmai trying to forward the fetched mail 
to port 25 on *two* hosts: host.domainA and localhost. Of course, since I'm 
not on domain_A, this is a problem because no hosts is going to answer (thanks 
god!): so fetchmail timeout and stop to fetch the mail ...

I tried with the smtphost option in the fetchmailrc, but after the list I'm 
giving fetchmail always add the 2 hosts ... Now the workaround is to add a 
dummy interface with the IP address of the host.domainA, but I'd like to 
instruct fetchmail to do the right thing: that is forward the mail just to 
localhost!! Any idea on how to do that?


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Laptop in different places ...

1997-10-14 Thread Obi

Hi all,

this is dirving me nuts. I have a laptop and I'm changing subnet
frequently, and my machine has two names, ops, three:
- one on subnet A
- one on subnet B
- one when I'm connecting via phone.

The problem is that I have my mail server on the subnet A, and my normal
name is the one on subnet A. When I'm on subnet B, I'd like not to change
the name of the machine to whatever.B, but if I don't do that, fetchmail
is not able anymore to retrieve my mail. Everything else seems fine, but
the mail.

What can I do? I don't want all the time reconfigure my machine: I'd like
just to plug in and work ... Any ideas?


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Netscape 4.03 new xlib6?

1997-09-30 Thread Obi

Hi all,

yesterday I tried to upgrade to the unstable xlibc6 (3.3-6) and now netscape 
dies with a bus error, after having complained about locales not supported by 
the libraries and about a bunch of keys that it coudln't find.

Is there some hope to run netscape  the new lbraries?


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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V97 #528

1997-07-28 Thread Obi
Hi all,

well the subject says everything ... I have 3 boxes and I was wondering how 
can I set only one of them to hold most of the packages and the other three 
just to have the bare minimum to work (in case of crash I'd like to still use 
them as X-server).

I would like to keep using the dpkg and such, so that I have the /etc and 
configuration files updated, but I'd like to do that just once. Is it 
possible? Which is the best way to go?


I'ho tanti vocavoli nella mia lingua materna, ch'io m'ho piu' tosto da dolere 
del bene intendere le cose, che dal mancamento delle parole, colle quali
io possa espriemere il concetto della mente mia. Leonardo Da Vinci

Graziano Obertelli 
Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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TaskBar: a follow-up

1997-06-24 Thread Obi
Well even if the documentation is still missing, I found something that maybe 
can interest somebody. I integrated my .fvwm95rc with the Debian menus because 
I found them nice to have, but since I personilyze my setup I jut added the 
Apps, Modules and Games ... After that TaskBar didn't work quite right: It 
seemed insensitive to any changes on the configuration file.

Looking around I saw a note in the /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvm95rc-menu saying 
that using Read() in the configuration file breaks TaskBar. But switching form 
Read to FwmM4 makes TaskBar work again!

If this was already obvious, I'm sorry but I didn't find it in any document.


I'ho tanti vocavoli nella mia lingua materna, ch'io m'ho piu' tosto da dolere 
del bene intendere le cose, che dal mancamento delle parole, colle quali
io possa espriemere il concetto della mente mia. Leonardo Da Vinci

Graziano Obertelli 
Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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1997-06-23 Thread Obi
I'm using fvwm95 and debian 1.3, and I cannot find the man page for the module 
TaskBar. What am I missing? Also in /usr/doc there is no reference to TaskBar 


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talk ntalk

1997-06-19 Thread Obi

Hi all,

I'm sorry if this is a FAQ, but I couldn't find it ... I have problem with  
the talk command. From my Debian 1.3 laptop, there is no way to talk to 
somebody else. I tried on a SunOS, on another Linux box (slackware) but with 
no luck: the talk sits with a Checking for invitation on a caller's machine.

If from the SunOS/Slackware box I do a talk to my machine, same problem, but 
if I do a ntalk I got the message on my Debian machine, but I cannot answer (I 
guess that ytalk/talk does not understand the ntalk protocol).

So what am I missing? What am I doing wrong?


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Re: talk ntalk

1997-06-19 Thread Obi
 On Jun 18, Obi wrote
  Hi all,
  I'm sorry if this is a FAQ, but I couldn't find it ... I have problem with  
  the talk command. From my Debian 1.3 laptop, there is no way to talk to 
  somebody else. I tried on a SunOS, on another Linux box (slackware) but 
  no luck: the talk sits with a Checking for invitation on a caller's machine.
 You have a connection with dynamic IP, right?  In order to use talk in these 
 circumstances, you need to change your hostname to one that corresponds to 
 IP.  Something like  The command for changing 
 is hostname, so to make it work, you have to type 
 You can do this from your ip-up script to make sure you have talk always 
Actually I have always a static IP it's only change if I'm at home or at 
school. And the name change when is at school or at home. And I had this 
problem at school (I didn't try yet at home) where my hostname is the 
correct one ...

  If from the SunOS/Slackware box I do a talk to my machine, same problem, 
  if I do a ntalk I got the message on my Debian machine, but I cannot answer 
  guess that ytalk/talk does not understand the ntalk protocol).
 Both of them do understand ntalk protocol.  However, suns have their 
 ports switched as opposed to linux.  Your /etc/services file should containt 
 following lines:
 ntalk   518/udp
 On suns, talk would be port 518 and ntalk is 517.  The solution is to fix 
 problem on one of the ends.

I'll check it out. And what about the Slackware box? It's linux anyway ... 


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gcc X: reprise

1997-06-05 Thread Obi

 I could guess, but there are quite a few possibilities. The error message
 you recieve during compilation would be helpful. What does it say?

Well, after untar the program I got an Imake file so I do a xmkmf -a and I get

imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
make Makefiles
make: Nothing to be done for `Makefiles'.
make includes
make: Nothing to be done for `includes'.
make depend
gccmakedep  --   -I/usr/X11R6/include  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE
bdfresize.c charresize.c

after I try with make and I get this:

gcc -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -I/usr/X11R6/include  -Dlinux
-DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO -c bdfresize.c -o bdfresize.o
gcc -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -I/usr/X11R6/include  -Dlinux
-DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO -c charresize.c -o charresize.o
rm -f bdfresize
gcc -o bdfresize -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -m486  -L/usr/X11R6/lib
bdfresize.o charresize.o
charresize.o: In function `countup_score':
charresize.o(.text+0x779): undefined reference to `MIN'
charresize.o(.text+0x786): undefined reference to `MAX'
charresize.o(.text+0x792): undefined reference to `MIN'
charresize.o(.text+0x79e): undefined reference to `MAX'
make: *** [bdfresize] Error 1

I still believe that in the last command (gcc -o ...) some libraries (-l..)
are missing ...

Graziano Obertelli - aspirante palombaro

Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669  

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smail inexistent host

1997-06-05 Thread Obi

hi all,

I just installed Debian 1.3, and I used the suggested mailer, that is smail. 
It seems working fine until now, but for mail in which the hostname is wrong. 
Sometimes happens that I received mail to which I reply without even looking 
at the address. The problem is that smail kept the mail in the queue for 3 
days (maybe more?) without even tell me anything!! No errors, no nothing!
I just got them looking in the logfile!

How can I get my mail back with error in such a case?

I used the smailconfig script to configure it. I rely on a smart host to route 
my mail, and I received mail using popclient (I have a laptop ...).

If you need I can send the config files ...


Graziano Obertelli - aspirante palombaro

Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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Re: gcc X: reprise

1997-06-05 Thread Obi
Thanks for the help. Now it works.


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gcc X

1997-06-04 Thread Obi
Hi all,

I just installed Debian 1.3, and everything works fine but compiling X 
I tried to compile bdfresize (I want larger cursor) and I had to use
xmkmf, but when I'm doing make, I got some unresolved symbol ... The program
works because I could compiled it on a Sun. 

I believe is missing some libraries, but I don't know which one. Does anybody
know what am I missing?


Graziano Obertelli - aspirante palombaro

Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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