mirroring servers over internet

1999-04-09 Thread Oliver Thuns

Is it possible to sync two servers connected over the internet?
I want to sync the home-dirs of my users and there should be a very low
delay to sync files (some seconds or less). It should also be possible
to exclude files (on name, user, group, permissions).

Is this possible?



1999-04-09 Thread Oliver Thuns

Does anyone use linuxconf with slink?

Is it save to install linuxconf and use linuxconf? (I found a deb in


Apt - Segmentation fault (Slink)

1999-04-06 Thread Oliver Thuns

Apt segfaults before it's finished. I can install packages, but I'm not
sure if apt update the package database. Not all packages are
up-to-date, maybe there is a conflict with an old package, but I don't
want to install new packages when apt segfaults.


Apache 1.3.3 rotating logfiles

1999-03-31 Thread Oliver Thuns

Most of my Apache logfiles don't rotate. I think all logfiles which are
defined in external file which is included (via Include) in httpd.conf
don't rotate. Is there anything I can do to fix this?


Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-03 Thread Oliver Thuns
What is the point of doing this? I've always compiled my own kernels from
source, in both RedHat and Debian, and never felt the need to use either
.rpm or .deb versions. Perhaps it's because I don't use lilo but prefer

Compiling a kernel is not a problem, but I only installed the base
system and don't want to manual download all the stuff I need to
compile the kernel (12 MB kernel sources, egcs, etc...). I want to
install add. packages via apt and ISDN, but the ISDN configuration
doesn't work and maybe the 2.2.1 kernel fix this problem. But I don't
want to download 12 MB kernel sources to find out that the 2.2.1 kernel
doesn't fix it. :-)


Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread Oliver Thuns
The kernel-source is available as debs from ftp://ftp.netgod.bnet/linux/v2.2 .
I don't know if they are official packages, but at least they're debs.

I installed the kernel-image*.deb, but there are many modules missing
(vfat, hpfs, hisax,...). If I compile the kernel-source deb, could I
compile these missing modules?

But I don't like to compile the kernel. Is there a 2.2 kernel-image deb
available with hisax and vfat modules?

Re: [Debian]: isdn ppp bind: Can't find usable ippp device

1999-02-02 Thread Oliver Thuns
Wie sieht es denn beim Hochfahren des Rechners aus? Bekommst Du da eine
Fehlermeldung, wie z.B. die, das eine Datei noch nicht konfiguriert
wurde? Oder die, dass Deine Karte mit den Bytes ff und ?? arbeitet?

Nö, eigentlich nicht. Ich hatte auch schon früher mal Debian und
Isdnutils zum laufen bekommen und habe damals eigentlich auch nichts
anders genacht. Kann es vielleicht mit dem 2.0.36er Kernel

 Wenn ich jetzt

 $ isdnctrl dial ippp0

 eingebe erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung:

 isdn_ppp_bind: Can't find usable ippp device

FP-Extensions Premature end of script headers: /home/user/www/_vti_bin/shtml.exe

1999-01-30 Thread Oliver Thuns
I have installed the Frontpage Extensions without the Apache-FP patch
(don't want to patch Apache for that), but suexec seems to work. I get
the following error in the error_log file:

Premature end of script headers: /home/user/www/_vti_bin/shtml.exe

Any idea what could be wrong with my installation? (Never used


substitute strings in text files (links in html files)

1999-01-15 Thread Oliver Thuns

How could I substitute a string (links) in html files with standard
Linux (debian) tools?

i.e. I want to change every http://one.domain.com in
http://two.domain.com in some files and files in subdirs.


Security of Samba

1999-01-14 Thread Oliver Thuns

Are there any security risks with samba? It would be nice if my users
could update their webpages via SMB. Or is FTP the more secure



1999-01-14 Thread Oliver Thuns
How could I use suexec with the Apache Debian-package (1.3.3)? The
webpages are in $HOME/www.


[no subject]

1998-12-22 Thread Oliver Thuns


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Frontpage for Apache

1998-12-22 Thread Oliver Thuns

I have some customers who asked about Frontpage Extensions.
How could I install FP for Apache 1.3.3?
Do I have to patch Apache or could I build a FP module?
Are there security flaws with FP, what are your experiences?
Or are there good alternatives to FP for my customers (I don't know FP
and I don't need it).

Thanks, Oliver


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/usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.0-1.so.2: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

1998-11-30 Thread Oliver Thuns
/usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.0-1.so.2: undefined symbol:

Why is this not fixed now?!? :-(

There are fixed libs, but they are not on the debian ftp server. Should
not to hard to upload the fixed libs to the ftp server.


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Re: qmail 1.03 package?

1998-11-24 Thread Oliver Thuns
Is there a qmail 1.03 package?  qmail 1.03 has been out for a long

I don't think so, but it would be very nice. A checkpasswd package and
an up-to-date ezmlm-idx package would also be very nice.


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checkpassword and qmail-pop3d - authorization failure

1998-10-03 Thread Oliver Thuns

I compiled checkpassword 0.76 witch -lcrypt and put it in /bin. But it
will not work with qmail-pop3d, which is invoked 

pop-3   stream  tcp nowait  root
/usr/sbin/qmail-popup qmail-popup domain.com /bin/checkpassword
/usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

I get an authorization failure. What's wrong?

$ telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
user username
pass password
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

P.S.: Why is there no checkpassword Debian package?

Re: qpopper and cucipop

1998-09-24 Thread Oliver Thuns
I run an MTA, but I want a authentication for relayed mails and this is
not possible with smtp. Cucipop ist faster than qpopper, but does not
support XTND XMIT. So cucipop should be default and qpopper for sending
mails via POP3.

But I found the solution: I installed qpopper with --force-conflicts
and changes the qpopper service from pop-3 to pop-2 in inetd.conf.

I'm not sure you can tell qpopper to run on a port other than 110 and even if 
you did
this would probably cause you problems since most clients don't allow you to 
specify a
port for your pop server. One possibility would be to use ip aliasing to add 
IP and have qpopper bind to the other address. This would require you to 
modify the
source code though. Perhaps there's an easier way around your problem. Why 
can't you
run smail/sendmail/exim/qmail?

qpopper and cucipop

1998-09-23 Thread Oliver Thuns

Is it possible to install qpopper AND cucipop? cucipop should be the
default pop3 server and qpopper should listen to another port for
receiving emails (xtnd xmit).

Re: q: Web/Mail Server

1998-09-16 Thread Oliver Thuns
1. Should I move to Apache, even if I don't need that much power?
   Would it be best because everyone else is running Apache and I
   can get better support?

Do you need better support? I don't think you need Apache, but it could
be wrong to install it.

2. Before I place this online, is there any suggestions anyone would
   make that would help secure the box before placing it online?
   Are there any specific packages I should not have installed?

Only install what you need.

   I should let you know, I will have it behind a Cisco 765 ADSL
   Router with Firewall/Packet Filtering, I plan to filter
   everything coming in out and I will only allow port 80 that is
   coming in for the Server's IP address.

This should be very secure, but I'm no expert.

3. Lastly, I would also like to use it as a Mail Server.  Should
   I just use Sendmail?  or is there another package that would
   be easier to use and manage?

Do you know sendmail. If you don't, use another MTA. I think Exim or
qmail (avail. as source package) are good choices. I don't know Smail.

Apache mod_ssl

1998-09-16 Thread Oliver Thuns

Is there a Apache mod_ssl package under development?

Re: Apache mod_ssl

1998-09-16 Thread Oliver Thuns
 No but there is apache-ssl, wich is also a debian package (in hamm), find
 it at www.debian.org - packages - search  I think it's in the non-US

Does anyone know why it's such an old version of Apache?

There should be 1.3.1/SSL in unstable (slink).

Re: Apache mod_ssl

1998-09-16 Thread Oliver Thuns
 Is there a Apache mod_ssl package under development?

No but there is apache-ssl, wich is also a debian package (in hamm), find
it at www.debian.org - packages - search  I think it's in the non-US

I know, but I'm looking for mod_ssl :-)

Re: /etc/named.conf

1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns
Under Debian 1.3.1 I just had a /etc/named.boot file. In Debian 2.0
ther is now also a more complicated looking /etc/named.conf file, and
guess what, my nameserver is not serving the zones it should be
primary for anymore. I guess this is just a RTFM issue. So could
someone please tell me which FMTR?

Did you update or make a new install? I guess on 1.3.1 you used bin
4.x.x and now 8.x.x. They have different configuration files. If you
put your old configuration and zonefiles in /var/named, you could run
bindconfig to update named.conf.

Hoffe das hilft... :-)


1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns

Can anybody help me with mod_throttle for Apache?

Re: /etc/named.conf

1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns
I made a new install. Debian 1.3.1 is running on another machine.

Dann ist alles klar :-)

I ran bindconfig, which created a new /etc/named.conf file, but also a
new /var/named/boot.options file without all the zones named should
act as primary server for. So I mved /var/named/boot.options.old to
/var/named/boot.options, and sent named a HUP, but it still does not
serve these zones as primary. Do I have to increase all the
serialnumbers in each zone file also, or is the problem still
somewhere else?

The primaries are configured in named.conf with a new syntax (primary
is now master). If you now run bindconfig, your old zones will be put
in named.conf.

Re: mod_throttle

1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns
 : Can anybody help me with mod_throttle for Apache?

If you make clear what's causing you troubles, maybe :)  What doesn't work?

I don't understand the configuration. Is it possible to throttle
virtual servers?

Re: mod_throttle

1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns
 : I don't understand the configuration. Is it possible to throttle
 : virtual servers?

As far as my knowledge about mod_throttle goes, that isn't possible. You can
just limit the amount of traffic users on a complete system (including all
the virtual hosts) are allowed to generate.

Does mod_throttle use the owner of the files to calculate the amount of
traffic? Every virtual server points to a user's public_html dir. If I
use different users for different virtual servers, would it possible to
limit the traffic per virtual server?

Re: mod_throttle

1998-09-15 Thread Oliver Thuns
Okay, it works for me. I have to test it in production :-)

 : I don't understand the configuration. Is it possible to throttle
 : virtual servers?

As far as my knowledge about mod_throttle goes, that isn't possible. You can
just limit the amount of traffic users on a complete system (including all
the virtual hosts) are allowed to generate.

Does mod_throttle use the owner of the files to calculate the amount of
traffic? Every virtual server points to a user's public_html dir. If I
use different users for different virtual servers, would it possible to
limit the traffic per virtual server?

Re: 386SX-33 for pop3 server and proxy server

1998-09-14 Thread Oliver Thuns
I have a 386sx-33 with:
4mb ram
100 mb hard disk
10mbit ethernet card

Would this be enough for pop3 server and proxy server for a 25 node network 
with one dial up connection ?

I think you need more than 4 MB to install Linux (or FreeBSD). Maybe
FreeBSD ist an option for you, on my 8MB 486 it runs faster than Linux.
It should be possible to use your machine for this. I think a 486
machine with 8 MB and a 200 MB harddisk would be better.

Re: ISDN in Debian 2.0: questions.

1998-09-10 Thread Oliver Thuns
I am about to try my first kernel compilation ever and I'd like to know
wheter ISDN support should be compiled in.

I think so. You should compile the HiSax drivers in. But a current
Debian kernel should have ISDN support compiled in.

Moreover, is isdn4linux necessary in addition to the ISDN package that comes
with Debian? This issue is not addressed in the FAQ.

No, you only need the isdnutils.

In the Debian documentation, I read that isdnutils is all you need to run
an ISDN connection.

That's right.

Do you know whether isdn4linux can be compiled with the new glibc6

I don't think that a kernel depends on libraries.

Can anybody suggest a card (passive, active?)?

I had no problems with an old Teles S0 16.3, but had problems with a
Teles PNP. All cards with an Siemens chip should work: AVM Fritzcard,
Elsa, Sedlbauer,... Don't know if the current Teles cards works. Look
at the isdn4linux FAQ and in newsgroups (I think there is
alt.de.isdn4linux newsgroup - use www.dejanews.com)

Does one use plain PPP to connect, or Seyon, or a similar communication

There is a ipppd for synchronous PPP in the isdnutils package.

tschüß, Oliver

Couldn't find Packages.gz

1998-09-09 Thread Oliver Thuns

I start dselect, select FTP in access (using my lokal
Windows-FTP-Server) and then try to make an update. I get the following
error message:

Couldn't find Packages.gz in dists/stable...

I don't know what's wrong... HELP!!! ;-)