Re: win 98 crash, damage to debian KDE taskbar ?

2002-12-23 Thread Olivier Esser
daves debian wrote:

I had a problem, my windows 98SE crashed badly, no supprise there, and seemed 
to corrupt debian on the next partition. I didn't think windows could access 
any other partitions ?

I had to manually fsck the drive where it cleared a inode.

Am i right, this has deleted a file ???

Anyhow since then the 'window' on my taskbar where all the minimised programs 
go has disappeared. IE if i minimise a window I cant access it !!!

I have checked preferences/settings/appletts
I got to admit this menu is confusing, 

Any ideas how to get my taskbar window back so I can un-minimise applications 
+ how do I add remove applets, the menu seems to do nothing ?

Many thanks

I do not find it in the menus. You can reset the settings of kde to 
the default value by removing all directory which begin with .kde 
(preferably outside of kde)

rm -rf .kde* (in your home directory)

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Re: questions diverses (X,nfs,priorités)

2002-12-22 Thread Olivier Esser

foulademer wrote:

Avant d'aller au dodo, je pose les questions qui me turlupinent :

-Quand je fais startx,
j'ai une mise en garde attention le serveur X a été lancé avec la priorité 0 
au lieu de -10

Pourtant dans /etc/X11/Xwrappconfig :
J'ai essayé de changer -9 et quand je lance startx il me di que ca été lancé 
avec 0 au lieu de -9

Pourquoi ne se lance -t-il pas avec la bonne priorité 
Est-ce possible que ca ait un rapport avec le fait que si je passe en vraie 
console par Ctrl+Alt+Fn puis je reviens sur Ctrl+Alt+F7 et je suis obligé de 
reboot !!

Si ca n'a aucun rapport, comment ca se fé (ca vient de Xfree 4.2 ??) ?

-je monte des /home/user par NFS en rw
Le problème est que le root des clients ne peut plus créer/effacer dans le 
/home/user :-(

J'ai pourtant mis dans /etc/exports (rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)
mais rien n'y fé..
Je dois surement rajouté des options en plus de rw dans mon /etc/fstab mais 

Merci et bonne nuit à tous (ou bonjour peut-etre ;oP)


Je remets ci-dessous la repose que j'avais deja donne a cette question 
sur debian-user.

The priority can be set in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config

The priority is set correctly despite of the warning (as you can see 
with the
top command). The warning comes from a bug in Xwrapper. It uses a C 
function nice to set the pririority which return 0 to mean succeed 
(as it
is common for C program). But Xwrapper believe that the return value 
of nice

is the priority which has been set and display a warning.

Re: ecran LCD

2002-12-21 Thread Olivier Esser

mess-mate wrote:

quel est l'écran LCD le mieux supporté par linux ??
Merçi pour l'info.

Je crois que tous les écrans LCD sont supporté par linux (même plus 
facilement qu'un écran normal puisque le taux de rafraichissement ne 
joue pas sur la qualité de l'image). Le tout est de voir avec la carte 

Re: Recompiler noyau ???

2002-12-18 Thread Olivier Esser

Impulsion Philippe wrote:


Avant de recompiler son noyau, j'imagine qu'il faut que tout tourne bien sur
sa machine ???. Par exemple, j'ai des soucis avec XFree...

Quel est l'intérêt de recompiler le noyau et est-ce une tâche abordable pour
un débutant ?

Merci. Phil.

Contrairement à ce qui a été dit, je crois que recompiler un noyau est 
qcq. de simple pour un débutant. Si l'on n'est pas très à l'aise il 
faut charger le fichier de configuration du noyau tournant 
actuellement (voir dans /boot) et changer seulement ce que l'on 
comprend; il n'est donc pas nécessaire de comprendre tout. Pour savoir 
comment faire, lire le fichier README dans les kernel sources.

Ceci dit; l'intérêt de la chose est limité. Ça peut être une solution 
 pour certains matériels ou si l'on veut optimiser le noyau pour son 
système. Moi même, j'ai du recompiler mon noyau pour faire fonctioner 
un winmodem sous linux

Re: Faut que ca imprime

2002-12-18 Thread Olivier Esser

Bagbones wrote:


les docs sont nombreuses, mais peu clair sur ce sujet, alors voici ma question :

Comment imprimer sous debian ?

J'ai une Epson 580 usb, le support est bien compilé dans le noyau...mais aprés ?
Comment imprimer un simple fichier texte ?
Comment rendre l'imprimante visible, par exemple, sous Star Office ?

Pourquoi parle-t'on de Gimp quand il faut imprimer ?

Si quelqu'un pouvait me donner un coup de main, ou me guider sur une doc CLAIRE,
ce serait trés sympa.



Le plus simple est d'utiliser CUPS (a installer avec dselect par 
exemple). Ensuite pointe un browser web sur http://locahost:631 et 
configure ton imprimante. Si celle-ci n'apparaît pas dans la liste, il 
te faudra charger un driver (voir

Re: compilation du noyau 2.4.20

2002-12-13 Thread Olivier Esser

claude.parisot wrote:

Bonjour !

J'ai teléchargé les sources du noyau 2.4.20 et j'aimerais le compiler
maintenant. Actuellement mon noyau est celui de la WOODY 3.0 - 2.4.18 -.

J'ai lu la doc qui conseille d'installer le nouveau noyau dans un
répertoire /usr/src/linuxversion, donc 2.4.20 dans mon cas.

Deux choses ont besoin d'éclaircissements :

1. La doc dit :

Les commandes suivantes permettront d'extraire les sources dans le
répertoire dédié aux sources de Linux. Elle supposent qu'il existe déjà
un lien symbolique  /usr/src/linux vers le répertoire devant acceuillir
ces fichiers sources :

Oui enfin ce lien n'est pas vraiment necessaire. Pour compiler certain 
modules, independamment du noyau, ils pourront effectivement avoir 
besoin des en-tetes ou des sources du noyau et il est habituel de 
supposer qu'elles se trouvent dans /usr/src/linux (d'ou le lien) mais 
en general c'est configurable au moment meme. Le lien est sence pointe 

vers le repertoire ou est stoke les sources du noyau qui tournent 
actuellement donc /usr/src/kernel-source-no de version

cd /usr/src
rm linux  [rm, c'est bien la commande remove, là ça m'inquiète ]
mkdir linux-2.4.20
ln -s linux-2.4.20 linux
tar xvfz linux-2.4.20.tar.gz
Retirer le lien qui pointait vers l'ancien repertoire des sources pour 
le faire pointe vers le nouveau repertoire.

2. la doc toukours :

Une fois le nouveau noyau comilé et installé, on pourra rétablir la
dépendance de la bibliothèque C sur les fichiers d'en-tête en
rétablissant le lien symbolique à sa valeur initiale.

[ Là, je pressens plus que je ne comprends, et j'aurais besoin
d'explications claire, si on a compilé un nouveau noyau pourquoi
rétablir à sa valeur initiale (2.4.18 ???)] [ Tout cela avant make
modules et make modules_install??]
?! Pas claire; lis le fichier README dans le repertoire ou tu as 
decompresser les sources, c'est bien plus claire.

 Bon, je préfère demander, avant de faire une bètise.


Re: Chemins par défault au demarrage de KDE

2002-12-12 Thread Olivier Esser

Stéphane Hébrard wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,

 Voilà, j'aimerais changer les chemins par defaults de KDE (qui 
 devant ceux définit dans le .profile) qui sont définis dans 

 sans avoir l'accès root (donc sans modifier le dit-fichier)

 Extrait de kdmrc :
 En effet, j'ai differents programmes et librairies dans mon home, 
et je
 voudrais les executer sans lancer d'xterm (xterm qui lui lance mon 

 qui redéfinit $PATH et $LD_LIBRARY).
 Un exemple, si je lance gaim que j'ai installé sur mon compte à 
partir du

 menu Executer une commande, l'application n'est pas trouvée...

 Une bonne âme, peut-être ?


Definit la variable PATH dans le fichier .Xsession. Voici mon .Xsession:

xmodmap .frkbd
export BROWSER=mozilla %s
export PATH=:~/bin:$PATH:/OpenOffice.org1.0.1/program/:.

(rem: dand kdm il faut choisir la session par defaut, il faut aussi 
que les utilisateurs aillent le droit d'avoir une session 
user-defined, ce qui est le cas par defaut)

mozilla spell checker

2002-12-11 Thread Olivier Esser
I'm trying to install the mozilla spell checker:

It doesn't work. When I lauch mozilla directly 
(/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin) (in order to see thye stderr of the 
program which the shell script /usr/bin/mozilla redirect to /dev/null) 
I have the following error message:

SelfRegisterDll(/usr/lib/mozilla/components/ Load 
FAILED with error: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory
SelfRegisterDll(/usr/lib/mozilla/components/ Load FAILED 
with error: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory

Indeed I do not have Looking in /usr/lib; I 
see that I have Does anybody have an idea? (rem: 
symlinking to suppress the 
error but it doesn't work either).

Thank you for your answers!

Olivier Esser

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Re: newbie: startup files under bash...

2002-12-10 Thread Olivier Esser
alan brown wrote:

My reading has told me that when I start up a new bash shell 
/etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc are run.  And then ~/.profile and 
~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile are run


So I?m trying to set the PATH environment variable to include my java 
bin directory.  So I created a .profile file in my home directory (one 
didn?t exist before) and simply put in the line?


export PATH=$PATH:/home/myhome/javahome/bin


However, when I started up a new shell and ran ?echo $PATH? it didn?t 
take effect.


Not only that, but the path that was returned to me did not appear in 
any of the above files. 


Is there some other file that I?m missing that has been read and defined 
the PATH variable?

What is the right file to set my PATH variable?


Thanks in advance.

The system load .bashrc or .bash_profile according wether you log in a 
 console or not. Make all your changes in .bashrc and tell 
.bash_profile to load .bashrc (just uncomment the appropriate line in 
.bash_profile). Don't forget to open a new xterm or to log out and to 
log in again in order to tell bash to reread the file.

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Re: dnsdomainname

2002-12-09 Thread Olivier Esser

Nicolas C. wrote:

Bonjour tout le monde,

je voudrai juste une confirmation, si je veux changer le dnsdomainname
de ma machine (et qu'ensuite *tout* fonctionne avec celui-ci et sans
problème) j'ai juste à le modifier dans /etc/hosts ?


Non c'est /etc/resolv.conf qu'il faut changer

Re: ecran tout petit

2002-12-09 Thread Olivier Esser

marco wrote:

j'ai installé debain education sur un vieux laptop.
Je ne crois pas que le fait qu'il soit vieux y soit pour quelque chose
mais l'ecran, en console, n'est pas utilisé dans toute sa dimension.
Au boot, dans, les premieres secondes le texte prend tout 'ecran, mais à
un certain moment, juste avant l'init je pense, l'ecran retrecit et une
grosse marge apparait.
Bref je ne voit pas quelle commande est passée pour en arriver là et
encore moins pour utiliser toute la surface utile de l'ecran.

merci pour les tuyaux

Le problème vient du framebuffer que tu peux désactiver en mettant


dans /etc/lilo.conf.

Remarque: Il n'est pas sur qu'il y aura plus de texte a l'ecran (mais 
il prendra bien toute la largeur). Tu peux aussi essayer vga=ask 
dans /etc/lilo.conf. et voir ce qui est proposé au démarrage.

Re: lilo hangs @ 'L'

2002-12-09 Thread Olivier Esser
Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

When booting my system lilo hangs at 'L'.  I
can boot from the floppy fine. This occurs when
booting from the harddrive only.  No
error code just 'L'

How do i fix?


This comes from lilo which is probably bad configured. edit 
/etc/lilo.conf to reflects the kernel you want to boot and run lilo.

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Re: Euro qwerty

2002-12-08 Thread Olivier Esser
On Sunday 08 December 2002 18:25, Christian Gennerat wrote:
 Léopold BAILLY a écrit:
 Le paramétrage de Debian pour le français est expliqué dans le
  paquet doc-debian-fr
 A priori ils parlent surtout du clavier azerty.
 Pour ce clavier, la touche euro est disponible sur AltGr + e à
  condition d'avoir installé le paquet euro-support (woody).

 Où se trouve la touche AltGr sur un clavier qwerty ?
Il n'y a pas de touche AltGr préconfigurée pour le clavier qwerty/US. 
Pour franciser un clavier qwerty/US, il faut redéfinir soit même les 
touches voulues. Le mieux est d'utiliser xmodmap (man xmodmap). À 
titre d'exemple je joins ci-dessous le fichier xmodmap que j'ai 
moi-même défini pour écrire en français avec un clavier qwerty (que 
tu peux charger avec xmodmap nom du fichier)

keycode 113 = Mode_switch Mode_switch
keycode  15 = 6 dead_circumflex
keycode  19 = 0 parenright degree
keycode  49 = dead_grave asciitilde dead_grave dead_tilde
keycode  14 = 5 percent EuroSign
keycode  26 = e E eacute Eacute
keycode  30 = u U ugrave Ugrave
keycode  32 = o O oe OE
keycode  34 = bracketleft braceleft guillemotleft
keycode  35 = bracketright braceright guillemotright
keycode  38 = a A agrave Agrave
keycode  48 = apostrophe quotedbl dead_acute dead_diaeresis
keycode  54 = c C ccedilla Ccedilla
keycode  59 = comma less dead_cedilla

Re: apt.preferences

2002-12-07 Thread Olivier Esser
On Saturday 07 December 2002 12:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bonjour la liste

 Voulant upgrader mon gcc en 3.2 je m'ai fait un petit /etc/apt/preferences
 comme suie
 Package: *
 Pin: release a=stable
 Pin-Priority: 998

 Package: *
 Pin: release a=testing
 Pin-Priority: 99

 dans mon sources.list j'ai rajouté
 deb testing ...

 Quand je fais un apt-get upgrade, ilme fait un upgrade systematique de
 libdvdnav1 depuis le site de Mr Marillat. Je pense que ça peut se fixer
 en etablissant les bonnes priorités sur le site de la personne sus-dite
 mais, pourquoi ce phénomène ?

 David Dumortier dans les joies d'apt
Installe apt-show-versions et fais apt-show-versions -p libdvdnav1. 

Re: Cups

2002-12-05 Thread Olivier Esser
On Thursday 05 December 2002 10:54, sdownes wrote:
 Struggling with Cups.

 It is installed with apt-get
 I can print a test page OK from Cups
 I can print through cups from my windows box
 Cups is updating /etc/printcap when I modify the printer

 Printing from Abiword to lp does nothing
 command line (lp -d lp@rm filename) returns:-
   lp unable to print file server-error-service-unavailable
 from a remote host or:-
   job queued but cant start daemon
 (it isn't queued in cups)

 Gotta be something simple - but less simple than me

 Cups don't use /etc/printcap. I had the problem with CUPS that dselect had 
installed both lpd and cups which are incompatible. If this is your case you 
have to deinstall lpd and reinstall cups.

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Re: Reconnaissance de carte graphique SIS

2002-12-04 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 04 December 2002 11:20, Gregory Marfjan wrote:

   Perso sur mon portable (sis 650), j'ai utilisé des drivers Xfree autres
 que ceux d'origine. je te propose cette URL (
 qui m'a pas mal aidé!

 On Wed, 4  Dec 2002 11:15:45 +0100

 Cyril Barriquault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  J'ai essaye d'installer une debian. J'ai selectionne ma carte graphique
  qui etait parmi la liste proposee (SIS). Il s'agit d'une SIS
  650-651-M650-740. Lors de l'allumage, elle n'a pas ete reconnue.
  Quelqu'un aurait-il eu ce genre de pb avec SIS ?
  Merci de vos conseils.
  Cyril Barriquault
  Université Paris 8
  UFR de Psychologie
  ESA 7021
  2, rue de la liberté
  93526 Saint-Denis Cedex
  tél. 01 49 40 64 77
  fax. 01 49 40 67 54
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Il faut charger un driver disponible sur le site de sis, voir:

(pour la debian woody stable prends le driver Sis_drv.o-410).

Re: dselect wants to uninstall everything?

2002-12-04 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 02 December 2002 17:49, Brian Kendig wrote:
 I have a fresh install of Debian Linux 3.0.  I want to use dselect to
 install some additional packages... but it appears that, by default,
 dselect wants to *uninstall* most of my Debian installation, unless I
 go through the list by hand and tell it to keep each installed package!

 I run 'dselect' from a command line and I can get it to load and
 display the list of available packages.  But if I don't change the list
 of packages at all, and instead go directly to the 'install' option,
 then it tries to deinstall hundreds of packages (including basic stuff
 like 'at' and 'adduser' and 'cpp' and 'dc').  If I go back to the
 'select' list and try to tell it to keep any of these packages, it
 complains about dependency problems and lists a lot of packages which
 seem to have nothing to do with the one I'm trying to keep prevent
 being deleted.

 What the heck am I doing wrong here?  How do I get dselect to simply
 leave alone the stuff I've already got installed, and just let me select
 new packages to install?

You have some dependancies which are unsatified. dselect try to make your 
system coherent. Maybe some of your packages depends on other packages which 
are not avaible. What is your sources.list file?

You will not be able to use dselect with broken dependancies, which is not a 
bad thing: a broken dependancy make a package unusable. I suggest you to 
check the dependancy with apt-cache unmet and to repair your system by hand 
using apt-get install to install a new package and dpkg deinstall to 
deinstall package.

By the way, what medium have you used to install your system. The default 
installation with the CD's does not have this kind of problems. When you use 
dselect for the first time, it try to install packages (and you should 

It may be also a solution to reinstall compltetly your system with the CD's. 
Possibly after having made a backup of your important file. Install the 
package you want and accept all dselect suggestions according to the 

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Re: printer does not print characters at the beginning of the line fully

2002-12-04 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 04 December 2002 12:19, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
 hello all

 i have come back with printing problem.

 when i write a text file with vi and do cat filename | lpr, i realize
 that characters in the beginning of the line disappear from the

 what could be the cause and what could be remedy? i do not know what
 more information you will need. but i am using debian woody 3.0 and the
 printer is hp deskjet 710c. i do not understand much of cups. but i have
 cups running and for filter etc it says pnm2ppa etc.

 apologies for sketchy information. i do not know what additional
 information would be useful.

Point your browser to http://localhost:631; and print the test page that 
CUPS proposes. If this is OK, the problem probable comes from the fact that 
the border are to close to the margin. Read the software user manuel (by 
clicking on the HELP in http://localhost:631; and find the option for text 
file. I have past here below the relevant information:

Setting the Page Margins

Normally the page margins are set to the hard limits of the printer. Use the 
-o page-left=value, -o page-right=value , -o page-top=value, and -o 
page-bottom=value options to adjust the page margins:

lp -o page-left=value filename ENTER
lp -o page-right=value filename ENTER
lp -o page-top=value filename ENTER
lp -o page-bottom=value filename ENTER
lpr -o page-bottom=value filename ENTER

The value argument is the margin in points; each point is 1/72 inch or 0.35mm.

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Re: video card and kde

2002-11-28 Thread Olivier Esser
On Thursday 28 November 2002 13:17, Rodrigo Agerri wrote:
 Hi everybody

 I've got an ATI Rage 128PF video card. I am running woody with kernel
 version 2.4.18bf24. According to the manuals, it seems that I should use
 the r128 driver for my xfree86 configuration. However, the xserver it does
 not work. When I try to use a desktop environment, it gives me the error 
 no screens found.

 I tried also with ati and it did not work either. Then I choose vesa
 and it worked ok, butonly gnome. I cannot load kde which is very

 The problem is that it does not return any error; it starts to load it and
 suddenly freezes.

 I've checked the whole xserver-xfree86 configuration again and I cannot
 work out why I am able to use gnome (and fluxbox as well) but  I cannot
 load kde.

 any ideas are more than welcome


If you can run gnome; the problems does not come from xfree86 but from kde (a 
good idea to test to x server is to type X in console which start only X).

I suggest you to remove all file which begin with .kde
rm -rf .kde* in your home directory. This will delete all configuration files 
from kde. You can also try to start kde from root to see if it is not a 
permission problems. By the way, I have had sometimes to problems that kde 
freeze. Usually, there were not problems after rebooting the system.

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Re: Pentium 4/SIS650 chipset

2002-11-27 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 10:29, Gary Maxwell wrote:
 Happy holidays!

 Does anyone know whether or not the latest Debian release has support
 for the Pentium 4 SIS650 chipset? I haven't found one distribution yet
 that does.



What do you mean vy Pentium 4 SIS650 ?. I have a P4 procesor with the 
SIS650 chipset for the graphic card. It works fine but I had have to load a 
driver from sis. See:

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Re: cannot open /dev/dsp (permission denied)??

2002-11-27 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 27 November 2002 09:51, D.H wrote:
 I don't know if it is appropriate to send this email here.
 Every time I start the KDE environment, it tells me that cannot open
 /dev/dsp(permission denied), so I login with root account and give all the
 users read permission to that file, but this time, it tells me that cannot
 not open /dev/dsp(device not exists), but I am sure it exists. Anyone can
 help me ? thanks!

1) You first have to load the correct module for your audio card.
2) type ls -l /dev/dsp; you should see
crw-rw1 root audio 14,   3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/dsp
if not 
mknod /dev/dsp c 14 3
chown root:audio /dev/dsp
chmod u,g=rw,o= /dev/dsp

3) You have to had the read and write permission to this file. Add yourself 
to the audio group (by editing /etc/group)

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A mixed stable/testing system

2002-11-27 Thread Olivier Esser

Does anyone have succeed to use the
option in /etc/apt/apt.conf?

I would like to keep a mixed system stable/testing. The documentation tell to add an 
entry to both stable and testing in /etc/sources.list and to add

APT::Default-Release stable;

in /etc/apt/apt.conf.

However, when I do that the system seems to ignore the 
/etc/apt/apt.conf file and always want to upgrade all packages to testing.

If anyone know the solution, could he/she gives me his /etc/apt/sources.list 
and his /etc/apt/apt.conf so that I can see how to do it.

Remark: I have the stable distribution on the official CD's. In the official CD's 
there is a testing and unstable
entry which point to woody (?!?).  This cause the /etc/apt/sources.list file to 
an entry for unstable although it refer to stable.
After a hack; I have succeed to have this in my /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-7 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-6 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-5 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-4 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-3 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-2 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r0 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20020718)]/ 
stable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main

(The hack consists to symlinking the whole CD to the hard disk; removing the bad links 
and making
apt-cdrom believes that the directory with the links is the cdrom device)

Thank you to the want who can help me!

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Re: msttcorefonts

2002-11-25 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 25 November 2002 09:58, frederic zulian wrote:
 Le Lundi 25 Novembre 2002 05:53, Philippe Glaziou a écrit :
  Cyberintox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   J'aimerais installé les fonts msttcorefonts mais lors de
   l'installation, il me demande d'indiquer un chemin ( depuis que
   Microsoft n'autorise plus le téléchargement de ses fonts ).
  Je les ai installé hier sur une babasse toute fraiche, sans problèmes
  à partir du paquet msttcorefonts. Téléchargement des fontes en deux
  minutes depuis un site de MS après avoir laissé le chemin en question en
  blanc (comme expliqué lors de l'installation), et ça roule avec une
  dizaine de nouvelles fontes tt.

 Effectovement un apt-get install  msttcorefonts et hop.
 Par contre, quelle est la procédure pour que X les prenne en compte ?
 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfre86 ne laisse pas ce choix.

Il faut télécharger les fontes (faire une recherche sur Google pour les 
trouver); les mettre dans un dossier, puis indiquer cela à Msttcorefont.
Pour que X les prennent en compte edite le fichier /etc/X11/XF86config-4 et 
indiquer le chemin des True Type:

Section Files
# FontPath  unix/:7100# local font server
# if the local font server has problems, we can fall back on these

Remarque: La première ligne a été commentée pour ne pas qu'il utilise le 
serveur de fontes. Si on veut utiliser le serveur de fonte; il faut éditer le 
fichier de configuration de xfs (man xfs) et mettre quelque chose d'analogue. 
Ne pas oublier de redémarrer xfree86.

Re: francise OO !

2002-11-25 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 25 November 2002 18:17, moon wrote:
 salut je vien d'installer OO 1.0.1 sur ma sarge avec les paquet
 un petit coup de:
 apt-get install

 ensuite je lance le soft en mode user ca marche nickel
 suaf que ya pas moyen de mettre les menus en francais, j'ai bien installer
 le paquet pourtant et regler l'option french dans le menu

 je voi pas ou je peut intervenir pour avoir les menus en francais!
 merci de m'eclairer

 za+   moon

Je crois que le language setting refere seulement a la langue du document. 
Pour avoir les menus, aides etc... en francais il faut installer la version 
francaise de openoffice

Re: X priority warning

2002-11-24 Thread Olivier Esser
On Sunday 24 November 2002 06:40, Roy Pluschke wrote:

 I'm getting the following warning on starting X:

 X warning: process set to priority 0 instead of the the
 requested priority -10

 I start X using the 'startx' command and while everything
 works fine messages like this really bug me. How do I get
 X to start at the proper priority or failing that how do
 I set the requested priority to 0 ??

 Another nitpick -- when exiting X I get the following message:

 waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE /usr/lib/fonts/misc
 refcount is 2, should be 1, fixing

 Does anybody know what this is about and how to correct it??
 I am running testing if that matters.

 Thanks in advance

The priority can be set in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config

The priority is set correctly despite of the warning (as you can see with the 
top command). The warning comes from a bug in Xwrapper. It uses a C unix 
function nice to set the pririority which return 0 to mean succeed (as it 
is common for C program). But Xwrapper believe that the return value of nice 
is the priority which has been set and display a warning.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: i always end-up in frame buffer mode

2002-11-23 Thread Olivier Esser
On Saturday 23 November 2002 11:32, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
 hello all

 when i boot in linux, i always end up in frame buffer mode - despite
 setting up vga=normal in /etc/lilo.conf.

 here is the entry:

 # Specifies the VGA text mode at boot time. (normal, extended, ask, mode)
 # vga=normal
 # vga=9

 # Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go
 # here.  See: The `boot-prompt-HOWO' and `kernel-parameters.txt' in
 # the Linux kernel `Documentation' directory.
 # append=

 manual says normal is for 80*25 and extended is for 80*50! ask prompts
 at boot.

 what is wrong?


in /etc/lilo.conf  (don't forget to run lilo after changing the file)

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Re: Help! Debian unbootable after XP re-install :-(

2002-11-23 Thread Olivier Esser
On Friday 22 November 2002 01:29, Doug MacFarlane wrote:
 I had a similar problem and never solved it.  I posted to this group and
 didn't get an answer.  It sounds like you were running a pre-packaged
 kernel version 2.4.something - at some point the pre-packaged kernels
 started using initrd images to boot and I was never able to figure out how
 to boot via initrd via the rescue floppy . . .

 If you have a few hundred mb available to setup a partition, if you install
 from a CD, you should be able to get LILO back, and then enter the proper
 stanza for your full system.  Then re-run LILO to get it running from your
 full systems root partition with the initrd=/initrd.img directive.

If you boot linux from the debian CD (with no argumant as for the 
installation); you can then Press CTRL ALT F2) to have a shell. You can 
mount your partion chroot in it and rerunning lilo.

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Re: Pipe man page as ASCII text

2002-11-23 Thread Olivier Esser
On Friday 22 November 2002 02:03, Colin Watson wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:32:08AM +, Colin Watson wrote:
  On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 02:55:05PM -0800, Osamu Aoki wrote:
   On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 12:36:31PM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote:
How can I mail an ASCII version of a man page?

man -Tascii name of the man page you want

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Re: imprimante

2002-11-20 Thread Olivier Esser
On Tuesday 19 November 2002 22:06, Claude Parisot wrote:
 Salut à tous !

 Quelques renseignements à l'installation de l'imprimante :

 J'ai été sur le site :  pour essayer d'installer
 mon imprimante LEXMARK Z51, j'ai suivi la procédure recommandée mais qq
 chose ne va pas ..

 - j'ai généré un fichier .ppd correspondant au driver recommandé
 (lx5000), je l'ai d'abord copié dans le répertoire indiqué :
 /usr/share/cups/model/ , il m'a demandé sous quel nom l'enregistrer,
 j'ai indiqué lx5000 bien que mon imprimante soit un Z51.En ouvrant le
 fichier, je me suis aperçu qu'il était vide  j'ai recommencé en
 ENREGISTRANT  le fichier dans le répertoire indiqué, là au moins il y
 avait qq chose à l'ouverture du fichier .
 Puis j'ai exécuté la commande indiquée : chmod a+r
 /usr/share/cups/model/lex5000.ppd (adaptée à mon imprimante) mais cà n'a
 pas marché (getting attributes of /usr/share/cups/model/lex5000.ppd  no
 such file or directory)
 -j'ai fait le même parcours pour le fichier cupsomatic .. générer,
 copier, enregistrer, ouvrir   vide, enregistrer, fichier avec du
 contenu ...

 Puis commande : chmod a+rx /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic , mais même

 - j'ai téléchargé foomatic-gswrapper, lancé la commande mais  cà n'a
 pas l'air d'avoir produit grand effet

 - puis petit tour sur http://localhost:631/ et config avec qqs
 renseignements , test impression , mais rien ...

 Donc, il y a un ou plusieurs problèmes qq part   merci de votre aide


Je dois avouer ne pas tres bien comprendre ce qui ce passe. Je crois que tu 
dois avoir java et javascript active pour que ton browser web puisse charger 
le fichier ppd (c'est un fichier creer dynamiquement). Quant au nom a lui 
donner, c'est celui que tu vois au debut du fichier meme (il est marque dans 
les premieres lignes: you could save this file as: somename.ppd). Sauve 
le d'abord sous n'importe quel nom et renomme le ensuite.

Tu dois egalement charger le driver et l'installer conforment a ses 
recommandations. Les fichiers ppd et cpusomatic ne servent qu'a indiquer a 
CPUS comment utiliser le driver.

Apres tu dois relancer cups:   /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
(tu peux egalement rebooter le systeme). Ensuite seulement configure ton 
imprimante (qui devrait alors apparaitre dans la liste ces imprimantes)

Re: imprimante

2002-11-20 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 20 November 2002 12:12, Claude Parisot wrote:
 Olivier, merci ...


 Je crois que tu dois avoir java et javascript active pour que ton

 browser web puisse charger

  le fichier ppd (c'est un fichier creer dynamiquement).

 J'ai certes installé Mozilla, mais je ne crois pas que Java soit
 installé, il doit falloir aller le chercher je ne sais où 
 Je l'ai sur CD mais celà doit être uniquement pour Windows   je
 suppose. (??) As-tu un lien vers Java version Linux ?


  Tu dois egalement charger le driver et l'installer conforment a ses

 En fait, ça me faisait tiquer, cette histoire de fichier, je ne voyais
 d'éxécutable nulle part, donc il faut que j'aille chercher le driver, je
 me souviens d'une page où ça ressemblait à un driver, mais bon ici -
 sous DEBIAN - c'est un monde si différent ...

 Donc, on va se débrouiller , je vais trouver Java, recommencer et
 charger le driver , après on verra.


 Bon, tu m'éclaires tout de même ...
 - Original Message -
 From: Olivier Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Claude Parisot [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 11:27 AM
 Subject: Re: imprimante

  On Tuesday 19 November 2002 22:06, Claude Parisot wrote:
   Salut à tous !
   Quelques renseignements à l'installation de l'imprimante :
   J'ai été sur le site :  pour essayer


   mon imprimante LEXMARK Z51, j'ai suivi la procédure recommandée mais


   chose ne va pas ..
   - j'ai généré un fichier .ppd correspondant au driver recommandé
   (lx5000), je l'ai d'abord copié dans le répertoire indiqué :
   /usr/share/cups/model/ , il m'a demandé sous quel nom l'enregistrer,
   j'ai indiqué lx5000 bien que mon imprimante soit un Z51.En ouvrant


   fichier, je me suis aperçu qu'il était vide  j'ai recommencé en
   ENREGISTRANT  le fichier dans le répertoire indiqué, là au moins il


   avait qq chose à l'ouverture du fichier .
   Puis j'ai exécuté la commande indiquée : chmod a+r
   /usr/share/cups/model/lex5000.ppd (adaptée à mon imprimante) mais cà


   pas marché (getting attributes of /usr/share/cups/model/lex5000.ppd
   such file or directory)
   -j'ai fait le même parcours pour le fichier cupsomatic ..


   copier, enregistrer, ouvrir   vide, enregistrer, fichier avec du
   contenu ...
   Puis commande : chmod a+rx /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic , mais


   - j'ai téléchargé foomatic-gswrapper, lancé la commande mais  cà


   pas l'air d'avoir produit grand effet
   - puis petit tour sur http://localhost:631/ et config avec qqs
   renseignements , test impression , mais rien ...
   Donc, il y a un ou plusieurs problèmes qq part   merci de votre


  Je dois avouer ne pas tres bien comprendre ce qui ce passe. Je crois

 que tu

  dois avoir java et javascript active pour que ton browser web puisse


  le fichier ppd (c'est un fichier creer dynamiquement). Quant au nom a


  donner, c'est celui que tu vois au debut du fichier meme (il est

 marque dans

  les premieres lignes: you could save this file as: somename.ppd).


  le d'abord sous n'importe quel nom et renomme le ensuite.
  Tu dois egalement charger le driver et l'installer conforment a ses
  recommandations. Les fichiers ppd et cpusomatic ne servent qu'a

 indiquer a

  CPUS comment utiliser le driver.
  Apres tu dois relancer cups:   /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
  (tu peux egalement rebooter le systeme). Ensuite seulement configure


  imprimante (qui devrait alors apparaitre dans la liste ces


  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Pour java, je ne suis pas sur que cela soit vraiment necessaire. Assure-toi 
simplement que tu as le fichier ppd correspondant a ton imprimante ainsi que 
le fichier cpusomatic (java est de toute facon probablement deja installe 
avec mozilla fouille dans les options de mozilla; sinon utilise dselect et tu 
devras y trouver un package correspondant)

Plus embetant helas; c'est qu'apres avoir regarder sur le site du driver; il 
indiquent qu'il faut recompiler ghostscript. De plus ils donnent des 
informations specifiques a Red Hat. Bon le programme rpm est disponible pour 
debian (vois dans dselect). 

Essaye d'etre patient, ca finira par marcher! (J'ai eu pas mal de problemes 
moi aussi au debut avec linux)

Re: Postscript printer help

2002-11-19 Thread Olivier Esser
On Tuesday 19 November 2002 08:27, Gerald Livingston wrote:
 I was given a postscript (level 2) capable color laser printer (HP Color
 LaserJet 5M). What should I use as a print spool setup? I've installed
 CUPS but it doesn't seem to be offering a plain postscript dump option.
 I located a .ps file on my system
 (/usr/share/apps/kdeprint/ and just did a 'cat
 /usr/share/apps/kdeprint/' and it worked
 beautifully, color and all.

 Should I remove all CUPS related packages and simply install lprng and


You can charge a ppd file to be put in the correct diretory in order to tell 
CUPS what printer exactly you and what are its capabilities (see the 
documentation about cups on, look at the exact model of 
printer you have; the ppd file is probably there)

More simply, you can choose raw printer as the model of your printer in 
CUPS. In this case, you will not be able to configure your printer.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Documentation sur CUPS

2002-11-18 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 18 November 2002 10:58, CAPRON Romain wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,

 Je voudrais savoir où trouver de la documentation sur l'installation de
 CUPS sous Woody.
 En effet, je voudrais installer mon Epson Stylus Color 860 sous ma woody
 toute neuve !

 Merci d'avance à ceux qui me répondront mais aussi à tous les autres :)

 CAPRON Romain
Installe d'abord CUPS avec dselect; ensuite
pointe un browser web sur l'adresse suivante http://localhost:631; et 
configure graphiquement ton imprimante. Si ton imprimante (ou une imprimante 
compatible) n'apparait pas dans la liste, tu dois aller sur et charger le pilote correspondant. Auquel cas il 
faudra également charger un fichier PPD et le fichier cupsomatic. Vois pour 
cela les expplications données sur

Re: Documentation sur CUPS

2002-11-18 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 18 November 2002 11:45, Nicolas Massé wrote:
 Surlignage Olivier Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Monday 18 November 2002 10:58, CAPRON Romain wrote:
   Bonjour à tous,
   Je voudrais savoir où trouver de la documentation sur l'installation de
   CUPS sous Woody.
   En effet, je voudrais installer mon Epson Stylus Color 860 sous ma
   woody toute neuve !
   Merci d'avance à ceux qui me répondront mais aussi à tous les autres :)
   CAPRON Romain
  Installe d'abord CUPS avec dselect; ensuite
  pointe un browser web sur l'adresse suivante http://localhost:631; et
  configure graphiquement ton imprimante. Si ton imprimante (ou une
  compatible) n'apparait pas dans la liste, tu dois aller sur et charger le pilote correspondant. Auquel cas il
  faudra également charger un fichier PPD et le fichier cupsomatic. Vois
  pour cela les expplications données sur

 Et si l'imprimante fonctionne avec les drivers omni ? On fait comment,
 car les drivers omni ne sont pas dans la debian ?

 This mail sent through IMP: a une liste de tout les drivers supportant ton 
imprimante. Va sur ce site et suis les instructions que j'ai donnée plus haut.

Re: pilote pour imprimante

2002-11-17 Thread Olivier Esser
On Sunday 17 November 2002 18:24, Claude Parisot wrote:
 Bonjour !

 J'ai lancé la commande # apsfilter pour configurer mon imprimante
 Lexmark Z51, dans le choix des drivers j'ai naturellement choisi
 Lexmark, mais dans la liste des pilotes disponibles, figurait la seule
 Z11 parmi les imprimantes de la série Z 
 Est-ce à dire que la Z51 ne peut pas fonctionner sous Debian faute de
 driver approprié ou qq aurait-il le tuyau salvateur ??
 Qui permette d'installer et de faire fonctionner la dite imprimante


Le pilote est disponible sur Le moyen le plus simple 
d'installer un driver d'imprimante est CUPS (disponible sue debian). Pour 
installer ce pilote avec CUPS il faudra en plus un fichier PPD et le fichier 
cupsomatic. Tout est clairement expliqué sur

ispell et les lettres accentues

2002-11-14 Thread Olivier Esser

Quand j'essaye d'utiliser ispell dans emacs (21.2.1) sous Woody 3.0, Il 
crache à chaque fois qu'il rencontre des lettres accentuées. Quelqu'un 
connait-il la solution à ce problème ?

Re: taille des partitions [tristesse]

2002-11-14 Thread Olivier Esser
On Thursday 14 November 2002 16:58, Joseph ROUMIER wrote:
 mal :

 j'ai installé un bout de debian à l'instant (manque adsl et son :) )

 et que n'ai je zu la tristesse de voir cfdisk 2.11n m'interdire de faire
 plus de 4 partitions sur mon disque de 41 Go (ibm tout neuf de chez la sav)

 j'avais hda1 fat32 1500Mo
hda5 fat32  8000Mo
  et je voulais suivre les précieux conseils donnés sur cette liste lorsque
 je me heurtais à ceci:

 un fois deux partitions définies, le reste était systématiquement

 j'ai même (virtuellement ;) ) viré mes partitions fat32 pour voir si le
 problème venait d'elles mais non, même pas.

 Bilan donc: pas moyen de faire plus de 4 partitions avec cfdisk 2.11n...

 du coup j'ai deux partitions pour linux: le swap et le /

 on est loin de ce qui m'avait été conseillé :-(

 Alors donc je ne sais que faire...

 isydor qui bientôt SAURA faire.

Tu peux mettre un maximum de partition primaire. Pour en avoir plus,  il faut
subdiviser une partition primaire en plusieurs partitions logiques. Tu dois
donc changer le type de partitions de partitions primaire en partitions
logiques. cfdisk n'indique pas ceci très clairement, utilise fdisk.

Re: LaTeX and loops

2002-11-11 Thread Olivier Esser
On Monday 11 November 2002 10:42, Rupert wrote:
 On 11 Nov 2002 03:34:32 +0100

 Paul M Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone who knows how to do loops (like for loops) in LaTeX, could you
  please contact me offlist? (This is way too esoteric for anyone else to
  be interested.)

 I'm not sure this is _so_ esoteric... there was thread on this on

   How to define a loop for... with TeX/LaTeX


You have to be familir with the test construction of TeX. Here is an example 
which print the number from 100 downto 0

\loop \ifnum\a0 \number\a \ \advance \a by -1 \repeat

It loops until the condition become false and then it stop; the condition can 
be anywhere between \loop and \repeat.

You can find more details in the TeXbook (p. 218) available at ctan 

Remark: The file itself begin with an infinite loop telling you that you 
cannot compile it because it is copyrighted. To compile it anyway:

remove the first two lines (after the comments):
\loop ...
\errmessage ...

Then just below replace \pausing1 by \pausing0 and add \proofmodefalse just 
after \input manmac

LaTeX has a package ifthen which redefine the loops but you can use the TeX 
construction also.

This subject is not esotheric. LaTeX itself (which is programmed in TeX, 
iniTeX to be more precize) contains a lot of \loops. The \begin{enumerate} 
environment is and example.

If something is unclear, please reply to this e-mail,

Olivier Esser

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Restarting X after graphical login

2002-11-09 Thread Olivier Esser
On Saturday 09 November 2002 13:06, Richard Hector wrote:
 On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 00:34, Chris Lale wrote:
  I installed Woody 3.0 from official CDs and it gave me a graphical login
  (gdm). I prefer it to the command line login, but it means that
  configuration requiring restarting X presents problems. Often, a reboot
  is the only sure way.


  4. The original instance of X is still running ctrlaltF7 and may
  be unaffected by the changes until X is restarted. The only way to
  restart is to reboot!
  Is there a better way?

in graphical mode. You can also acces the console by CTRL-ALT F1

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Re: cupsys and kde

2002-11-07 Thread Olivier Esser
On Thursday 07 November 2002 15:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I seem to have a problem in getting CUPS to be configured with some
 applications of my system.

 I managed to configure cupsys on my system to use a printer on the
 network and it works for most of the applications like emacs/mozilla.

 However applications with KDE office suite don't seem to recognize the
 configured printer. It just lists four options

 1) Mail PDF file
 2) Print to PDF file
 3) Print to file (PS)
 4) Send to fax.

 When installing cupsys a message approx equal to this was

 need to add multicast add this to start up scripts to make things

 route add -net netmask dev eth0.

 I haven't quite understood the relevance of this and I do add this route
 manually every time the system starts.

 I would appreciate if someone could point out to docs or urls to read
 about this problem and also explain the relevance of executing the above

 Thank you.

You have to have the loopbak interface correctly configured. But probably, 
you have (just type ping if you are not sure). Normally, just tell 
kde that you use cups in the printing dialog it propose. I use woody stable.

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Re: Parametre DNS sur client Linux

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 17:40, RUBI Julien wrote:
 Bonjour à tous,
 pouvez vous me dire ou doit on mettre l'IP des serveurs DNS ?
 dans resolv.conf ?
nameserver=ip du serveur dns
dans resolv.conf

Re: some german keys don't work..?

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 09:50, Pierre Burri wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 despite that I have set the keymap (with install-keymap) to
 de-latin1-nodeadkeys, some keys don't work like ö (oe) ä (ae) ü (ue) etc.
 Under Debian 2.2, I remember that I had to put the variable LANG=de_DE in
 the file /etc/environment. It doesn't seem to work anymore with 3.0.
 I would greatly appreciate some help.

You have to configure the locales first

dpkg-reconfigure locales

then put the correct locale in /etc/environment as you mention in your e-mail

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Re: some german keys don't work..?

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 09:50, Pierre Burri wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 despite that I have set the keymap (with install-keymap) to
 de-latin1-nodeadkeys, some keys don't work like ö (oe) ä (ae) ü (ue) etc.
 Under Debian 2.2, I remember that I had to put the variable LANG=de_DE in
 the file /etc/environment. It doesn't seem to work anymore with 3.0.
 I would greatly appreciate some help.

Hi me again,

I have forget to mention that you have to configure the font correctly. You 
have to choose ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 if you want the euro symbol. This 
depend of the application you use; in case of problems please re-email


Olivier Esser

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Re: Tasksel: remove packages?

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 10:32, Q. Gong wrote:

 Is it possible to use tasksel to select a task and remove all the packages
 in the selected task? Thanks in advance.

 I think this is impossible. However, you can see what packages belong to 
what task with the taskinfo...
I've had a lot of problems with tasksel (conflict problems etc...) I 
encourage you to use only dselect!

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Re: allowing remote x connections?

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
On Wednesday 06 November 2002 14:06, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

 i read this some time ago, but can't find the pointer to that docu
 anymore, and its not in the debian FAQ... :(

 i want to allow some local machines to send their displays to the
 desktop machine i know there's something to tweak with the server,
 but i don't know what

 other point does someone have allready some iptble roules to reject the
 X protocol stuff coming from outside the local net?

If I understand you well; you want to allow other machines to open diplay on 
your machine?

Some display manager lauch X without allowing this. For kdm you have to edit 


and removing the nolisten tcp option (and restart the server)

after that you have to allow other machine to connect:
login (graphically) and type
xhost +name of the machine you authorize to connect
or xhost - to allow all machines to connect



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True Type font again

2002-11-06 Thread Olivier Esser
Hi everybody!

I've still questions abpout installing true type fonts. I know I've to put
the fonts in the correct directory and tell the X server to load them. The
problems is that Xf86 also need a fonts.dir and a fonts.scale file. Is is
possible to create them automatically. I want in fact install the font I have
on my MS-Windows partition and these files are not present in Windows

Thank a lot,

Olivier Esser

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: video on laptop - Compaq Armada 1750

2002-11-03 Thread Olivier Esser
On Sunday 03 November 2002 00:25, David Pastern wrote:
 Olivier Esser said on 2 November 2002 10:59 PM

 Subject: Re: video on laptop - Compaq Armada 1750

 video=vga16:off disable the framebuffer (a mean to use the console in
 graphic mode; which allow to see the linux pinguin).
 To disable it permanently put
 just after image= ...
 in /etc/lilo.conf
 (I have also had to disable it for a laptop computer)

 Oliver (or anyone else for that matter),

 I tried this and i'm pretty sure it does not seem to be working.  This is
 how i've set lilo up...

 # restricted
 # alias=1

 # restricted
 # alias=2

 Now I did a kernel recompile last nite to try and get my soundcard working
 on my machine (separate issue) and that seems to have fixed the video issue
 from what I can see/test.  I had the vmlinuz and a vmlinuz.old kernel in
 lilo.conf, so I edited the new image details (as above) to include the
 append details for vga...I then booted into it and video worked fine.  So I
 tried the same with the old kernel image (vmlinuz.old) - resultant attempt
 to boot into that linux kernel ended up with the same white screen much to
 my angst - leading me to think that the append isn't working.  I then
 tested it further by removing the append details from the vmlinuz in
 lilo.conf and it still booted up ok.  I find that really odd, since I
 didn't touch video cards at all during recompile.  Really odd.  New kernel
 recompile should not work without the append.  The only thing I can think
 of is that i've put the append in the wrong place.  If so corrections much

 Now onto the 2nd part of my post...don't get me wrong guys i'm not bagging
 Debian here - i'm offering constructive criticisms here.  Surely, if a much
 older version of Redhat (version 7.0) can successfully autodetect and
 pickup both my video card and soundcard on this laptop then surely Debian
 should be able to.  Debian did NOT auto detect either video or soundcard. 
 I'd say this is the sort of thing that sparked the debate on those 2 debian
 reviews a week and a bit ago.  The ATI rage pro light is a commonly used
 card on laptops and has been supported since v4 of XF86 I believe.  It
 SHOULD be autodetected and setup during install of Debian IMHO.  I
 shouldn't have to manually tell debconf etc to use the ATI module.  Sure I
 knew to select that, but a lot of other people would have gotten caught out
 by that.

 Why is it some distributions can autodetect hardware better than others?
 Surely linux is linux and if they're using the same kernel/kernel tree then
 it shouldn't matter what distribution you are using.  Sure you can argue
 that i'm a newbie and therefore shouldn't be using Debian as it's not
 intended for newbies (and therefore should go back to the Redhat circus et
 al) but then you're going to lose a lot of new people to Debian (I make
 reference to the article is debian losing mindshare last month with this
 point).  This can only lead back to there being problems with the Debian
 install, ie. if it's not the kernel, or XF86, then it can only be the way
 they are being utilised and probed by the install process.

 As an example, with my soundcard, sndconfig (which has always worked on
 Redhat) wouldn't work (ie no sound) with the ess1869 sound chipset (which I
 KNOW works with this soundcard).  So...I recompiled the kernel, adding
 support for OSS.  Out of habit I installed OSS into the kernel (as opposed
 to a module).  I tried sndconfig again and it warned me that OSS needed to
 be configured as a module.  So...back to compiling a kernel again...I made
 OSS a module, did all the necessary stuff.  Tried sndconfig again - and
 what does it tell me?  It can't work because it can't find soundcore.o. 
 This is the sort of thing that frustates a new user.  sndconfig work/s/ed
 perfectly with Redhat (out of the box), why the hell can't it work with
 Debian?  Why all the mucking about?  It makes me feel that Redhat installs
 things *properly* and Debian only half installs things (which if this was
 the case is NOT satisfactory).  There *should* be NO variance between
 distributions in terms of hardware detection/configuration.  As an
 example...if Windows 95 detects a piece of hardware, I can almost guaranted
 that Win98, Win98se, Win ME, Win 2000 pro, Win XP will also detect it. 
 That is not the case with linux in general and it is a extremely
 frustrating issue - and a very bad point of linux in its current
 development cycle.  There is absolutely no use in saying linux supports
 heaps of hardware if it doesn't auto detect it!

 For those that want to jump and bag me, I did take the time to read the man
 pages for lilo, lilo.conf, the BootPrompt-HOWTO, and did various google
 searches (reading

Re: video on laptop - Compaq Armada 1750

2002-11-02 Thread Olivier Esser
On Saturday 02 November 2002 11:08, David Pastern wrote:
 Hi guys,

 Hopefully simple question that sort of has me stumped.  I have a Compaq
 Armada 1750, that i've installed Debian Woody bf24 kernel onto.  I've
 chosen the ATI module for Xfree86 (which is the correct module I believe).
 Interestingly at bootup the LCD screen flashes white, making text or
 anything for that matter impossible to read.  I shut the laptop down at
 this point as I believe it will damage the video card/LCD screen.  Now i'm
 not sure why it does this, and would love an explanation (or a pointer to a
 website etc that specifically explains it).  I end up booting linux as:

 linux video=vga16:off

 That fixes the issue.  I'm not sure what all of that line actually means, I
 can guess the vga refers to vga = 16 bit, I have no idea what the off
 means. My question is how do I automate this?  It becomes tiresome to have
 to do this each time I boot the machine up.  I've had a look at lilo.conf
 and it has a line for vga=.   I've read the man pages for lilo, lilo.conf
 and also read the BootPrompt -HOWTO, and also a few linux books I have
 lying around here at home, but none of them clearly indicate what I should
 do, or how.  As far as I can see, if I set vga in lilo to vga=ask it will
 prompt me for video settings the next time I boot up.  I'm not sure if
 that's what I want and i'm hesitant to try it without some good
 confirmation that i'm heading in the right direction.

 My lilo file is a standard lilo file on a fresh debian install.  Laptop is
 not on the network and will not easily be placed on the network here (I
 seem to have lost the dongle for the pcmcia network card and despite 6
 months of looking have not found it).  I've had a look at the XF86Config-4
 file and it looks OK to my eyes.  Here are details of the monitor section
 from said config file:

 IdentifierGeneric Monitor
 HorizSync 28-48
 VertRefresh   43-72

 Here are screen details:

 Section  Screen
 IdentifierDefault Screen
 DeviceGeneric Video Card
 Monitor   Generic Monitor
 DefaultDepth  24
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   1
   Modes   800x600  640x480
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   4
   Modes   800x600  640x480
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   8
   Modes   800x600  640x480
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   15
   Modes   800x600  640x480
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   16
   Modes   800x600  640x480
 SubSection  Display
   Depth   24
   Modes   800x600  640x480

 I hope that helps, if anyone wants more information let me know and i'll do
 my best to provide it (above was typed out not copied/pasted).

 Interestingly i've had Redhat 7, 7.1 and 7.2 and Suse 8 pro on this said
 laptop previously without a single issue with X or any need to edit the
 XF86 config file.

 One other thing and this perplexes me - Linux will either NOT run 1024*768
 on this laptop (Redhat 7, 7.1 and 7.2) or will run it (Suse 8 pro) but the
 display is larger than the screen size (sort of hard to explain).  Now i've
 had Windows 2000 and Windows 95 on this very same laptop and have ran
 1024*768 without a single issue.  So it's not a hardware limitation.  I can
 only think it's a limitation of X.  I have told the machine to use 1024*768
 (with Redhat it just caused the X server to crash, in fact linux wouldn't
 even boot into a working system as it crashed as well [until I killed the X
 server with ctl alt backspace]).  Suse 8 pro will do it, but the display is
 larger than the screen size as mentioned before and makes it very awkward
 to navigate around the desktop.  Anyone got any ideas (please no go back
 to windows replies)?


video=vga16:off disable the framebuffer (a mean to use the console in 
graphic mode; which allow to see the linux pinguin).

To disable it permanently put


just after image= ... 

in /etc/lilo.conf

(I have also had to disable it for a laptop computer)

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Re: blank LCD monitor

2002-10-31 Thread Olivier Esser
On Thursday 31 October 2002 04:55, Rick Berger wrote:

 I just bought a Proview model 780 17 LCD monitor and can't get it working
 with Woody.  It goes blank durning boot and the messages go by so fast that
 I can't tell if it is happenning durning the Kernel initialization or at
 the start of the system initialization. I'm running the 2.2.20-compact
 Kernel and am just booting into console mode.

 Any suggestion?

 Rick Berger

Try booting with the following parameter at the prompt:

linux video=vga16:off

This will disable the framebuffer. (I have had also problems with the 
framebuffer with a laptop computer)

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kde2 and Xresources

2002-10-28 Thread Olivier Esser
kde2 (in debian woody) seems to overrides some of the resources I have put in 
.Xresources.  The particular resources 

xterm*Font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15

is overriden by

xterm*Font:  -monotype-courier new-medium-r-normal--*-110-75-75-m-*-iso8859-15

Any ideas to solve the problem?

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Euro symbol

2002-10-09 Thread Olivier Esser

The Euro symbol does not work in KDE application altough I have 
specified ISO-8859-15 as the default font set. Also the symbol oe (o 
and e together, this is a symbol used in French) is missing. All this 
work fine in emacs.

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USB problem

2002-10-05 Thread Olivier Esser


I use Debian Woody 3.0. I've a USB printer. Sometimes in a 
unreproductible way I have the following error message cannot open 
/dev/usb/lp0.  I have the same kind of problems in MS Windows 98 
with two different computers and also with a digital camera. Has 
anybodyelse experienced the same kind of problems.

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point and click with latex

2002-10-05 Thread Olivier Esser

Dear LaTeX users,

I have configured emacs and xdvi for forward and inverse search:
C-c C-s willl open xdvi in the place you were in your tex file and 
reciprocally hold the CRTL key and click in xdvi to put the cursor in 
the corresponding place within emacs.

If you are interestred please read my mini howto available at

Have fun!

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Re: Debian login

2002-10-05 Thread Olivier Esser

You can delete the root password in the following way.

Boot from the first debian CD;
Just after the boot Press CTRL ALT F2 and then enter
to have the command line. make a new empty directory
mkdir qwerty mount your linux partion into this
directory mount /dev/hda1 qwerty (you may have
to replace /dev/hda1 by the actual linux partition;
you can use fdisk to see these). Edit the file
qwerty/etc/shadow (with nano) find the line which
begin with
root and delete what is between the first and the
semi-colon (:) so this line begin with root::  rest
the line. then cd /; umount qwert; reboot the
system. You can now log in as root without password
and add a new one with passwd. 

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keyboard in KDE

2002-10-02 Thread Olivier Esser


I use Debian Woody with kde 2.2.2. I want to define a new keyboard 
layout and to integrate it kde (I want that my new keyboard appears 
in the control center in the section about keyboard). Do anyone know 
how to do this. The best solution I've found up to now is to use 
xmodmap and to disable the handling of keyboard by kde.

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2002-09-30 Thread Olivier Esser


I've a CD burner which is identified by the kernel at boot time as something like 
ATAPI CD R/W. I have no idea how to use it to burn CD. Do I need a driver? a 

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connect 2 computers with USB

2002-09-12 Thread Olivier Esser

Is it possible to connect two computers with a USB cable?

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stopping the printer

2002-02-10 Thread Olivier Esser


I cannot remove printing jobs I have submited. lprm apparently dequeued
the job (after having lprm'ed the job, lpq reports that there is nothing
anymore in the queue) but the printer continue to print. Turning off and
on the printer does not solve the problem. Does anyone can help me.

I've got Debian 2.2r4 and I use a local printer (HP Deskjet 815) locally
connected to the port /dev/lp0 which I have setup up with
magicfilterconfig (with the dj550c filter). I use the BSD lpr package.

sise of the panel in gnome

2002-01-12 Thread Olivier Esser
Does anyone know how to customize the size of the gnome panel (at the
bottom of the screen)  (I use Debian potato 2.2r4). In Red Hat there is an
option avaible by right clicking on the panel by I see nothing similar