kvm - mount usb device in windows guest

2012-06-26 Thread Randall

hi all,

for a certain web application i need an IE browser with an usb device 
containing a security key (the USB is formatted as a isofs)

my idea was to simply run a windows copy on a server with KVM, logon 
with RDP and use that to connect to that dreaded website, it all works 
except that i can't see a way to mount a USB, i thought it would be 
simple to:

create an image (+- 1GB)
have it attached as usb within the guest
have the contents of the original usb copied to the image

can't get it done using virt-manager and can find little info to edit 
the xml file as such.

again, i'm not looking to mount the original USB via passthrough, just 
to have a virtual/fake usb drive mimicking the behavior as originally 

anybody has a clue?

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resize pictures received by mailserver

2012-06-13 Thread Randall

hi all,

have a question, not really debian specific, but looking for the tools 
available in debian to do the job.

as follows:

i'm trying to set up a private synchronised  mailinglist/forum. 
(thinking of a combination of mailman and tiki forum) and i want to 
avoid having huge pictures showing up on the mailinglist/forum, since 
most receivers have slow connections with huge latency etc...

one option would be to set a restriction on received sizes and do some 
training of the users sending the mails and the harmonizing the mail 
clients used etc
but nowadys everybody uses different mobile devices etc.. to take and 
send the pictures.

taking this approach will turn me into a hated drill sergeant... not my 
favorite job..

so i figured there should be a way of less social resistance and more 
user comfort.

is it possible to have all messages received by the mailinglists MTA 
scanned for pictures and have these automatically scaled to a default 
size before its being redistributed to the receivers on the mailinglist 
and subsequently the forum.

my idea was that it could basically follow the same route as spam/virus 
scanners, but i can't seem to find any available tools for this, never 
came across it by accident or my googling skills are lacking.

anybody a hint?

much obliged

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Re: resize pictures received by mailserver

2012-06-13 Thread Randall

On 06/13/2012 01:12 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
thanks for the input:

Half OT: Modern MUAs usually support options how to handle pictures.
Evolution for example provides
- Never load images from the Internet
- Load images only in messages from contacts
- Always load images from the Internet

in my case the pictures are important and should always be shown, 
blocking them renders the message itself useless

If your mailing list/forum should be for photograph or something
similar, people might prefer original pics, instead of formated pics. If
pics are unimportant or less important, than I would add restrictions to
the allowed formats and sizes and ban anything else.

the pictures are important, but not the quality of the pictures itself. 
(its about pictures of waste paper and plastic's, not family holiday 

I don't see the need that it's your task to take care about the
bandwidth of the Internet connections the users have got, this is the
task of their MUAs. IMO you only should care about the traffic for your
servers, especially if people upload pics to your forum, just to link
from their own homepages to those pics, to avoid traffic for their

it is my task, as i said its not a public service but a private service, 
have more then enough bandwidth and cpu cycles to spare on my side, i 
know the end users who don't (my colleagues on different continents) and 
a good and usable result matters to me

- Ralf

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Re: resize pictures received by mailserver

2012-06-13 Thread Randall

On 06/13/2012 01:15 PM, Lars Noodén wrote:

I'm not sure it would be a good idea to try to use mail as a surrogate
for a file system, especially not a mailing list.   You could use MIME
Defang to strip the attachments, but it has other capabilities, too:




this seems to be heading in the direction i'm looking for, or at least 
95% of what i need.

using mail does have its benefits, its a well tested and build in option 
in most devices that is platform independent and fairly secure, easy to 
use and integrate.

its not a file system, just the transfer and filing method

but that's just my 2 cents

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Re: resize pictures received by mailserver

2012-06-13 Thread Randall

On 06/13/2012 02:36 PM, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 13/06/12 12:45, Randall wrote:

hi all,

have a question, not really debian specific, but looking for the tools
available in debian to do the job.

as follows:

i'm trying to set up a private synchronised  mailinglist/forum.
(thinking of a combination of mailman and tiki forum) and i want to
avoid having huge pictures showing up on the mailinglist/forum, since
most receivers have slow connections with huge latency etc...

one option would be to set a restriction on received sizes and do some
training of the users sending the mails and the harmonizing the mail
clients used etc
but nowadys everybody uses different mobile devices etc.. to take and
send the pictures.

taking this approach will turn me into a hated drill sergeant... not my
favorite job..

so i figured there should be a way of less social resistance and more
user comfort.

is it possible to have all messages received by the mailinglists MTA
scanned for pictures and have these automatically scaled to a default
size before its being redistributed to the receivers on the mailinglist
and subsequently the forum.

my idea was that it could basically follow the same route as spam/virus
scanners, but i can't seem to find any available tools for this, never
came across it by accident or my googling skills are lacking.

anybody a hint?

much obliged

I use a combination of cjpeg, djpeg, and pnmscale to handle this.
Here is a snippet of PHP. Excuse the wrapping.

if ( !move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], $filename..jpg ) )
trigger_error( Possible file upload attack. File .$file['name'] );
if ( system( /usr/local/bin/djpeg .$filename..jpg  .$filename..pnm
2  ../errlog.txt ) == FALSE )
trigger_error( failed to decompress .$filename..jpg );
if ( system( /usr/local/bin/pnmscale -xysize 110 140 .$filename..pnm

.$filename.1.pnm 2  ../errlog.txt ) == FALSE )

trigger_error( failed to scale .$filename..pnm );
if ( system( /usr/local/bin/cjpeg -smooth 10 -qual 50
.$filename.1.pnm  ./images/users/.$userid..jpg 2  ../errlog.txt )
== FALSE )
trigger_error( failed to compress .$filename.1.pnm 

could be a very usable piece of code.
this would be called when uploading pictures to a website i assume?

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Re: Debian Testing Xfce4.8 startx problems

2011-09-22 Thread randall

On 09/22/2011 01:54 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

The xfce4 doc states to simple put exec startxfce4 in ~/.xsession so
that consolekit and policykit will be called upon, however they do not
seem to be.

i thought that for 4.8 it was changed to startxfce instead of startxfce4

but i could be misstaking, been a while since i read the release notes

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HK2B voip on debian

2010-08-09 Thread randall

hi all,

anybody familiar with this hongkong based voip provider?

they seem to have a windows only client program but i was hoping to use 
a package available in debian to use my account.

anybody tried that?



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Re: Which disk is failing?

2010-07-22 Thread randall

On 07/22/2010 02:54 PM, Michal wrote:

On 22/07/10 12:38, Gregory Seidman wrote:
I have a RAID1 (using md) running on two USB disks. (I'm working on 
to eSATA, but it's USB for now.) That means I don't have any insight 
SMART. Meanwhile, I've been getting occasional fail events. 

I don't get any information on which disk is failing.

When the system comes up, it seems to be entirely random which disk 
up as /dev/sda and which comes up as /dev/sdb. In fact, since my root 

is on SATA, at least one time it came up as /dev/sda and the USB drives
came up as /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc, though I think that was under a 

kernel version. When I get a failure email, it tells me that it might be
due to /dev/sda1 failing -- except when it tells me that it might be 
due to

/dev/sdb1 failing. When things are working, mdadm -D /dev/md0 looks like

 Version : 00.90
   Creation Time : Wed Feb 22 20:50:29 2006
  Raid Level : raid1
  Array Size : 312496256 (298.02 GiB 320.00 GB)
   Used Dev Size : 312496256 (298.02 GiB 320.00 GB)
Raid Devices : 2
   Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 0
 Persistence : Superblock is persistent

 Update Time : Thu Jul 22 07:30:46 2010
   State : clean
  Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
  Failed Devices : 0
   Spare Devices : 0

UUID : e4feee4a:6b6be6d2:013f88ab:1b80cac5
  Events : 0.17961786

 Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
0   8   170  active sync   /dev/sdb1
1   811  active sync   /dev/sda1

When it fails, however, the device names disappear and it just tells me
it's clean, degraded and shows an active disk, a removed disk, and a 

spare without any device names.

I even tried doing dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null to see if I could get the
light flickering on one and not the other, but I just get I/O errors. 

a disk fails, the RAID seems to go into a nasty state where it reads
properly through the crypto loop and LVM I have on top of it, but the
filesystems become read-only and the block devices just give errors. 
the first indication (even before the mdadm email) that something is 

is a message to console that an ext3 journal write failed.

What I've been doing (which makes me tremendously uncomfortable since I
know a disk is failing) is to reboot and bring everything back up. 
This has
been working, but I know it's just a matter of time before the 
failing disk
becomes a failed disk. I could wait until then, since presumably I'll 
know which is which, but who knows what data corruption is possible 

now and then?

So, um, help?


cat /proc/mdstat can help but you need to get the serial numbers. Do 

~# hdparm -i /dev/sda


 Model=ST31000340AS, FwRev=SD15, 

 Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw15uSec Fixed DTR10Mbs RotSpdTol.5% }
 RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=4
 BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=?16?
 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=1953523055
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:120,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}
 PIO modes:  pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4
 DMA modes:  mdma0 mdma1 mdma2
 UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 *udma6
 AdvancedPM=no WriteCache=enabled
 Drive conforms to: unknown:  ATA/ATAPI-4,5,6,7

 * signifies the current active mode

You see it says SerialNo = On each HDD you will see the serial number 
on their somewhere, often it's hard to ready, so get a lable machine 
out and clearly lable each HDD with it's serial number. When  one 
dies. do a cat /proc/mdstat to see which drive has failed, so say 
/dev/sda has failed, run that command to get the serial number of 
/dev/sda, open the case, rip it out, stick a new HDD in making sure 
you label this one with it's serial number, boot up and rebuild etc etc

you could also try smartctl -a /dev/sda to get the disks serial numbers

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Re: debian based network appliance

2010-07-22 Thread randall

On 07/22/2010 11:29 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I know untangle to be a network apliance based on Debian.
What else do you know to be?

I need a debian based system (the closest to debian is the best) that
will be optilized for tc, iptbles/l7,...

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.



sometimes i feel entangled as an appliance as well.

you could use any old hardware, but if you want something new you could 
have a look at these


if you want a debian based system i would recommend debian

otherwise, depending on your needs

or if you want some thing else from debian

i tried monowall (BSD based) several years ago and was very happy with 
it (think its still running after 4 years) so thats the only one i can 
recommend from experience.

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Re: Which remote help solution?

2010-04-29 Thread randall

On 04/29/2010 11:44 AM, Benedict Verheyen wrote:

On 28/04/2010 16:56, Anand Sivaram wrote:

You could do the following.
1. install ssh server on your friends machine.  Create port forwarding
in their router
Login to their machine as usual using ssh.  To reduce ssh brute force
attack, change the ssh port from 22 to some larger number and use the
corresponding port for router port forwarding.
2. Install openvpn server on your machine, client on your friends
machine. access your friends machine just a like a local machine.

First option is the simplest to setup, it gives only ssh access to you.
Second option takes a bit more configuration, but gives you better
security and ease of use after that.

ssh + tightvncserver is also a good possibility.
It's easy to setup and tightvnc will be run over the ssh tunnel
so it should be safe. They will be able to see what you do.


if you want graphical basically the same kind of solution would be to 
use FreeNX (free speech) or the Free NX server (free beer)

i've setup FreeNX 2 years ago for a friend and its still up and running, 
its faster then any other remote desktop kind of connection, never had 
any stability issues and it works over SSH port 22 with the option to 
use certificates for security.

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China Netcom SIP

2010-03-09 Thread randall
hi all,

i'm setting up some SIP phones in China and we have a broadband
connection with China Netcom.
i can't seem to be able to register the voip phones to the PBX in
another location but i do see the connection going out.

there seems to be some filtering going on by the ISP, does anybody have
experience with China Netcom and knows if there are any restrictions
concerning the connection type?



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Re: Custom debian installeur on DVD

2010-03-09 Thread randall
if you have the .iso already that is what i would understand as well

cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom nameofyourimage.iso
or you could use the build in tools to burn iso's in nautilus or K3B

On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 18:41 +0800, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hello List,
 my understand is that you need to know how to burn a bootable DVD.
 My 2 cents,
 marion.de...@fr.thalesgroup.com wrote:
  Actually, I try to make a debian installeur DVD but customized. I 
  explain : In my company, we used to install debian cusomized with other 
  packages. We made an ISO and put it on an USB key bootable. We add 
  preseed.seed and syslinux.cfg. It work really fine. But we want to do 
  the same thing with a DVD installeur, if it's possible.
  I looked for a very long time on the different forum but I didn't found 
  how to create my own DVD installeur with my own ISO. Would you please 
  help me ?
  Thanks for your answers.
  DELEY Marion
 Jerome BENOIT

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Re: webcam in skype ok but not in gimp

2010-01-28 Thread randall

On 01/28/2010 01:14 PM, Adam Hardy wrote:
I got myself a webcam to skype, and plugged it in the usb port and it 
works fine with skype, but i want to grab an image from it in gimp or 
with w3cam or vidcat and it doesn't work.

in gimp, i don't even think i'm in the right menu but i can't find any 
other menu option than file / acquire / xsane / device dialog which 
gives me the error failed to open device v4l:/dev/video0: invalid 

I can understand that since gimp is probably looking for a scanner but 
I see other documentation on the net showing gimp with a dialog box 
showing a mix of scanners and webcams.

In skype, the config shows the webcam under devices as UVC camera 
(046d:09a4) (/dev/video0) so I'm at a loss now.

I tried v4l-conf but that just seems to be for settings on the camera 
itself, not the OS config.

Any inspirational advice thankfully accepted


you cloud try cheese,

i tried that ones on my laptop and it worked right away for both 
pictures and video recording

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Re: webcam in skype ok but not in gimp

2010-01-28 Thread randall

Adam Hardy wrote:

godo on 28/01/10 13:14, wrote:

Adam Hardy wrote:
I got myself a webcam to skype, and plugged it in the usb port and 
it works fine with skype, but i want to grab an image from it in 
gimp or with w3cam or vidcat and it doesn't work.

in gimp, i don't even think i'm in the right menu but i can't find 
any other menu option than file / acquire / xsane / device dialog 
which gives me the error failed to open device v4l:/dev/video0: 
invalid argument

I can understand that since gimp is probably looking for a scanner 
but I see other documentation on the net showing gimp with a dialog 
box showing a mix of scanners and webcams.

In skype, the config shows the webcam under devices as UVC camera 
(046d:09a4) (/dev/video0) so I'm at a loss now.

I tried v4l-conf but that just seems to be for settings on the 
camera itself, not the OS config.

did you try Cheese? I my opinion it is very good app. You can record 
movie with sound or take a photo from your web camera.

It would be quite amusing to set the Warp effect while skyping with 

Yes, so OK, cheese is good - but I can't see how it's configured - 
presumably though it's not using v4l. I would of course (being anal) 
like to sort out the issue with gimp though.


there's nothing wrong with anal,

but besides that, which kernel are you running and which driver? spca5 
or gspca??

believe there could be some issue with the driver with the 2.26 kernel, 
either a driver or kernel ugrade could do the trick i suppose

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Re: desktop mobo in a 19 inch

2010-01-15 Thread randall

On 01/14/2010 01:40 PM, randall wrote:

simple question here,

if i buy a ATX 19 rack case with included power supply, i can simply 
put any ATX desktop mobo it it right?
i've always used simple desktop towers but its getting a little 
crowded nowadays.

this would a 2U case since i know it can get cramped in the height.



to all the many many replies, many many thanks to all.

i don' t have any pci cards that would have to fit in, so that would 
leave the RAM which fits and i have to buy some new CPU coolers since 
the boxed ones i have do not fit.

actually i was more worried about the power supply that comes included 
with several 19 inch cases, but since nobody even mentioned it i guess 
that would be OK.


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Re: desktop mobo in a 19 inch

2010-01-15 Thread randall

On 01/15/2010 12:13 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

randall put forth on 1/15/2010 4:18 AM:


i don' t have any pci cards that would have to fit in, so that would
leave the RAM which fits and i have to buy some new CPU coolers since
the boxed ones i have do not fit.

Expansion slot - named that because you may need something tomorrow or a year
from now that you don't currently have.  Always plan a little ahead.

these are storage only machines and that is what they will be, at least 
that is my plan ahead.


actually i was more worried about the power supply that comes included
with several 19 inch cases, but since nobody even mentioned it i guess
that would be OK.

We didn't comment because you gave us zero details on the PSU.  How could we?
If only you knew before _right now_ that there are well over 5,000 different
PSUs manufactured by 100+ companies around the wold, mostly in Taiwan, China,
and S. Korea.  The PSU in your bare bones 2U case could be one of 500+ units
manufactured by 50+ different companies.

i'm not having a particular PSU in mind, just wondered if they said ATX 
if that applies to the PSU as well

Read the label on the side, read you mobo manual, and the online TDP specs for
your CPUs.  Make sure the PSU has enough amps available on the 3.3, 5, and 12
volt rails to power the mobo+CPUs and all your hard drives and optical drives.

i will check this to be sure, thanks for the tip

If you're wondering about the *quality* of the PSU, we can't answer that.  There
are maybe 5 reputable PSU brands in the white box space, and if you bought one
of the cheap 2U chassis, chances are you didn't get one of the reputable PSUs.
  That doesn't mean it sucks.  I've got plenty of no-name PSUs in many of my
machines and they work fine.

the quality aspect was not on my mind yet.

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread randall

Sthu Deus wrote:

Good day.

As I have heard that vserver package does not work well in Debian, I would like 
to hear Your opinion (if any) on what is working more stable (well for use in 
production systems):

1. vserver
2. openvz
3. something else

Thanks for Your time.

PS Please, reply to the list.

as mentioned by the others, every cool feature usually has a 
disadvantage so its what you use it for.

besides that i have been running VServer for about 5 years now without 
any big problems.

its light, stable and fast
thanks to the fact it shares the same kernel with the host and all the 
guests, but this could be a disadvantage if you need a seperate kernel 
per guest.

Openvz basically is somewhere in the same league as VServer, i started 
with VServer and it did what i wanted + a active and extremely helpfull 
mailinglist so i never looked back

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Re: Which virtualization is the best for Debian?

2010-01-14 Thread randall

Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, randall:

thanks to the fact it shares the same kernel with the host and all the 
guests, but this could be a disadvantage if you need a seperate kernel 
per guest.

One of the reasons I would like to use virtualization is security... so, how 
does using of a single kernel affect total security/separation - at my view - 
it does not help in this view. Though I do not know how openvz or xen work...

i'm not an expert but i will explain a little what i think i know.

xen and vmware can give you the best seperation/security because each 
guest will run its own kernel, this will affect the performance however 
since you are simply running several complete operating systems ( you 
could run linux in 1 guest, windows in another and FreeBSd in yet 
another etc... )

VServer and i guess also openvz are simply a very smart way of using 
chroot to isolate several services just like the jails utility in 
FreeBSD, this off course has the advantage that there is no performance 
overhead , VServer is set up by default not to allow the guest direct 
access to the kernel but for some programs, like bind, you have to 
loosen up the privileges to the kernel a little so this brings a little 
risk although most programs will run without any modification needed.

also, with xen and vmware you can run a firewall inside each guest 
itself as well which you can not do with VServer since this needs kernel 
access, with VServer i have the firewall on the host system 
allowing/blocking traffic to the guests.

Openvz basically is somewhere in the same league as VServer, i started 
with VServer and it did what i wanted + a active and extremely helpfull 
mailinglist so i never looked back

Did You compile Your own kernels for Debian? - And then ever after - on update?
some do, but i always use the vserver patched kernel from the repos, it 
never gave me any problems and i'm always assured of the security 
updates, did not have any issue when upgrading from etch to lenny.

The thing you heard was broken is the vserver-debiantools package which 
apparently is in a bad state for years already ( have used these in the 
past and still do, but i never experienced a problem myself ).
But you simply do not need this package, just follow the directions on 
the VServer wiki


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desktop mobo in a 19 inch

2010-01-14 Thread randall

simple question here,

if i buy a ATX 19 rack case with included power supply, i can simply 
put any ATX desktop mobo it it right?
i've always used simple desktop towers but its getting a little crowded 

this would a 2U case since i know it can get cramped in the height.



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Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread randall

On 01/14/2010 05:06 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

Hi all!

I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
help me with it or indicate some reference to me?

Thanks in advance for your replies.


i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for

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Re: Failover of gateways

2010-01-14 Thread randall

On 01/14/2010 05:40 PM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

Hi, Randal.

On Thursday, 14 January 2010 17:11:53 +0100,
randall wrote:


I'm trying to configure Debian GNU/Linux with two alternative gateways.
That is to say, that initially the traffic is by GW1 and if it is down
then it goes by GW2. If GW2 is again up, then it becomes to use GW1.

Somebody was able to implement some configuration of this type and could
help me with it or indicate some reference to me?


i believe heartbeat is what you are looking for

Mmm... but, according to I know, Heartbeat is for implementing HA
between two physical servers. To which I talked about with GW1 and GW2
is to two Internet providers.

Thanks for your replies.


excuse me, in that case i completely misunderstood you.

but it might still apply ;)

so if i understand correct you have 1 machine and GW1 and GW2 are both 
reachable via the same network interface?

or are both gateways on a separate network interface?

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2010-01-08 Thread randall

Sjors van der Pluijm wrote:

Op vrijdag 8 januari 2010 12:26:37 schreef Stan Hoeppner:

Sjors van der Pluijm put forth on 1/8/2010 5:13 AM:

3. Is it ok to have swap and /boot on an encrypted LVM?

Never run encryption on swap.  Doing so merely burdens performance.  I
 doubt even NSA, CIA, MI6 encrypt swap partitions on workstations.

Well, I might heave read wrong, but I thought the Debian installer warned me 
not to leave swap unencrypted while other partitions are encrypted. It makes 
sense too: sensitive content could easily be written to swap.

i maintain a few laptops with encryption and i developed the following 

/  10GB
/home the rest + encryption

these are fairly new laptops with or more then 1GB RAM, simply not 
having any /swap solves the problem and with enough RAM available i 
never had any problem.

not having the / root partition encrypted leaves some room for trouble 
shooting is the thought here since the sensitive information is in the 
/home anyway.

not sure if this is the best way to do this but its simple and works 
nicely in my experience.


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Re: jabber cliente

2010-01-08 Thread randall

Jesus arteche wrote:


Someone knows if there are some jabber client which support voice and 

i thought the latest pidgin had this finaly implemented, think i also 
heard that it was to be included in telepathy

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Re: Two computers in one: two users each with their own accounts, monitor, and keyboard?

2010-01-06 Thread randall

On 01/06/2010 09:58 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

I have a desktop computer with onboard VGA and option to add a
discrete video card. It has plenty of spare USB ports for mice and

Does Debian support using this computer for _two_ workstations, each
with their own user accounts, monitor, and keyboard? The goal is to
save space, electricity, and maintenance in a cramped desk in which
now two people must each have their own computer (home environment). I
prefer to stick with Lenny but am willing to experiment with Squeeze
or even a Debian derivative if need be. Thanks in advance.


seems pretty straight forward


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secured limited access to webaplication

2009-10-20 Thread randall
hi all,

i have a home made webapplication running for about 80 users in 8
different offices worldwide and this application holds vital information
on our operation and is of course strictly confidential.

to keep it secure it is running on https:// and the access is limited by
firewall to the IP addresses of the offices.

This works but is not extremely flexible if you want to grant
permissions to homeworkers (VPN can solve this though), also 2 of the
offices can not get a static IP so they need a manual update of the
firewall now and then.

my question in this is, are there better ways to shield a web
application from prying eyes except from fire-walling it?

would love to hear some thoughts and experiences,



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Re: secured limited access to webaplication

2009-10-20 Thread randall
Matthew Smith wrote:
 Quoth randall at 20/10/09 17:42...
 my question in this is, are there better ways to shield a web
 application from prying eyes except from fire-walling it?
 Some thoughts:
 In your situation, I don't think controlling access by allowing certain
 IP addresses through your firewall is going to work. Or, it will work,
 but it is impractical.

hence the question

 I would suggest that you use VPN (or SSH tunnels) and provide access
 based on keys from any IP address.
 If you do this, access to the intranet is always screened by your VPS or
 ssh software.  Only people with the correct keys will be able to gain

have done this for a few laptops but besides the bit of extra key
management, which is doable, it does involve setting up the VPN client
which is a bit more challenging.
have used OpenVPN so far on some ubuntu laptops but also setting it up
on remote XP and Vista laptops is where it soon starts to become messy
was my thought.

my hopes were on a more centralised management without too many configs
on the local clients, one of the reasons we made it a web application
reachable by browser.

 NOTE: this can help prevent unauthorised access (keys can always fall
 into the wrong hands - stolen laptops) but won't stop a DDoS attack
 against your server.
 As an alternative, you could just allow direct Internet access to your
 server, run the https server on a non-standard port and implement a
 strict password policy.  (This is assuming that your web application has
 a login system.)

mmm, this feels like playing hide and seek and gamble on the odds, it
does have password protection but i'm not willing to rely on this alone.

 Personally, I'd be inclined to go for the VPS solution.  That way, your
 people can get access to other network services - 

problem would only be that with VPN ALL their traffic would pass my
server (correct???), this would lead to serious speed/performance
decrease for all other traffic for most of the clients.

 they just have to have
 the right key.  Don't know if it's possible to set up a VPS where both a
 key AND a password are required - this would help get around the stolen
 laptop scenario.

VPN i guess you ment? it can work with a key AND a password (have not
implemented this tough since the laptops already have encrypted
partitions and strong passwords)

 Hope this helps.

its surely appreciated,



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Re: install package from source

2009-10-16 Thread randall
Sokvantha YOUK wrote:
 Dear All,
 I would like to know what are packages requires to be able compile and
 install package from source in Debian5 (Lenny) ? If in CentOS5 I would only
 need to install these tools #yum groupinstall Development Tolls  
 Development Libraries.
 Thank you for your kindly help and advices.

apt-get install build-essential

have fun

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Re: custom Installer

2009-10-16 Thread randall
Tanco . wrote:
 Hello guys,
 I am working on developing a system that will be a custom distro that I
 will need to
 compile as a Installable DVD / Iso Image..
 I was thinking of installing on a system and using mondo system backup
 to make the iso images, but I don't like it since it will remember my
 partitions backup, so it will require a full HDD,
 so I need to make a custom installer and I don't intend on typing the
 code for it..
 any ideas?


debian already has an installer, why not use that one?

all you need to do is to change the defaults into what you need it to
be, i did it a while ago with Ubuntu but the same principle applies.

sure you can find more info on this but i have some old notes here that
you could use as a start.

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Re: custom Installer

2009-10-16 Thread randall
Tanco wrote:
 This is actually a good Idea, but I need to add custom software inside,
 and configurations,
 I don't need package selectors, and such, just partition
 selector/editor,  timezone, language,
 and boot selector..
 can I do this with the ubuntu installer?
 can i add custom software and configs?

well, first of all, ubuntu uses the debian installer.

but yes, partitioning can be done via the preseed file, in my example i used
d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select All files in one partition
(recommended for new users)
its basically the answer to one of the questions you might recognize
when installing debian and can be set to anything you want.

same with timezone
d-i time/zone string Europe/Amsterdam

etc... its all in the preseed file

don't know what kind of custom software you need included but you can
also have any script you want to be run in the beginning or at the end
of the installation.

i'm sure there are more ways then the one suggested by me that you can
choose from like for example FAI or even puppet to also control the
machines after installation.

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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-16 Thread randall
Matthew Moore wrote:
 On Friday October 16 2009 9:11:05 am Lee Winter wrote:
 leandro.magnabo...@fcdl-sc.org.br wrote:
 This thread *has* to stop!
 And you are adding to it in order to shorten it?
 This thread is much like any infinite set. Adding a finite number of elements 
 it does not change it's size.
 Every time someone replys to this thread, God kills a kitty.
 Who told you that?

 It's true.
 How would you know?
 2 observations:
 (1) I kill a kitty every time this thread is posted to.
 (2) you cannot prove that I am not god.
i'm not a god and can even prove that.

nevertheless i do kill kitties

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Re: custom Installer

2009-10-16 Thread randall
Tanco wrote:
 Also a great idea,
 but the problem is that the base system is a slackware (i am not allowed
 to change the base distro)
 also I need to make a installer of a already running system ,
 so the idea basically is I need to somehow make an installer of the
 system in questions..
 because i.e. it needs specific software : it
 uses postgres 7.4
 apache 1.3
 and the DB needs to have some preinstalled tables with data,
 the htdocs on the apache need to be on a specific location
 and need to have a web app running directly after install
 it will be a huge problem to make everything in the install process
 that is why I came up with the idea for using mondo backup,
 because it tars everything,..
 best regards

if i remember correctly good old slack uses tag files so you can preset
the software selection, for the rest it might give you better results to
ask this question on a Slackware specific mailing list, i know there are
some pretty knowledgeable slackers there who probably can get you better
advise on the distro specifics.

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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread randall
Mihira Fernando wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 23:33:01 +0900
 J.Hwan.Kim j.hwan.ki...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, everyone

 Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program except gnomebaker ?
Brasero is another good one

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Re: Transfer email files?

2009-10-10 Thread randall
Thomas H. George wrote:
 I have two computers with uptodate Squeeze systems, gdm, icewm and
 iceape internet suite.  On one the iceape browser and email client can
 play videos on the other they can't.  I have been unable to find the
 reason for this difference.
 I want to move the email file and address book from the system that
 can't play videos to the one that can without losing anything.  This is
 important to me as I receive emails with video clips attached, upload
 the video clips to a web site and use the browser to view the videos on
 the web site.
 Perhaps such a move is a trivial operation but I want to be certain that
 it suceeds.
 I would appreciate any descriptions of successful moves.
i'm not familair with the iceape suite but i do use Thunderbird+Firefox
on 20 desktops and have moved the mail on numerous occasions without
problems. (I GUESS, that iceape uses the same principle as the other
mozilla products!)

on my system there is a .mozilla-thunderbird (yours might be .iceape or
something) folder in the users /home dir  holds all user mails , address
books and settings, just copy these over to the other computer.

check your browser to show the hidden files that start with a . if you
can't see any files that start with a .

you might need to change the owner permissions if you run it as a
another user

in case the other computer already has a folder like this and you would
like to keep these configs you need to back that up first, in case you
would like to merge these 2 its a slightly different story but i'm not
sure if you want that.

as long as you do not delete and backup before you overwrite any folders
you can't go wrong)

have fun

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Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?

2009-10-10 Thread randall
John Hasler wrote:
 Mark Goldshtein writes:
 Looks like I am really sorry what Debian Mailing List works this way.
 The mailing list merely sends each subscriber one copy of each message
 it receives.  That's all.  It has nothing to do with cc's and it never
 sends more than one copy to each subscriber.  You are sending your
 messages to JoeHill and cc'ing the list.  Here is the relevant part of
 the header:
 Message-ID: 3eb61c3d0910100935j1cfa415dhbf93a8492effd...@mail.gmail.com
 Subject: Re: Could you recommend CD/DVD writer program?
 From: Mark Goldshtein mark.goldsht...@gmail.com
 To: JoeHill joeh...@teksavvy.com
 Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Why are you doing this?

i have the same problem,

this list sets the reply to to the original sender of the message
instead of the list itself.
this is the only list i know that acts this way, i think i saw a thread
on this or another debian list on this as well recently.

i always need to remove the TO and change the CC into TO, not sure if it
works the same on all mail clients but i use Thunderbird.

it might be more productive to send a polite request to change this
default behavior to the list maintainer instead of some other remarks
made in this thread.

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Re: local linux (debian) support

2009-09-12 Thread randall
Patrick Holthuizen wrote:
 Since a few weeks I am thinking about the idea to provide support for
 Linux in my local neighborhood for people who do not have much
 experience with mailing lists, only speak their native language
 (non-english) and/or prefer the physical appearance of a person for some
 other reason. Besides participating in a local Linux user group I
 thought of the idea to fill a google map with my contact details and
 information about which physical area I am willing to provide support
 for, for example:
 Now I wonder, does something like this already exist? What do you think
 about this idea? I for a person think this could be a good idea for
 providing something like a physical support network for Linux.
 Thanks for your critique in advance!
 Patrick Holthuizen
Great Idea,

Now and then i shop for custom made computers and loose components and i
usually go to the small pc shops (rotterdam) that build there own
systems and i have discussed with them why they don't sell any Linux
pre-installed computers, besides the couple of euro's they can spare on
the Linux license for a home desktop, i figured the money could be worth
it for them in the office suite's and something like ebox for small
company networks.

The main reason they don't do it is because of support, not that they
can provide any software support themselves for MS, but at least they
have somebody to blame (MS) if things go wrong and there are plenty of
people who provide support for it.

I think your idea could work out well if you can come up with a standard
desktop/server combination and a network of small retail stores that are
willing to join once they know that they are backed up by reliable local

The main problem will be that you will need a organized network of
admins that do things the same standardized way, i think i don't have to
point out to you what an endless discussion that will be ;)


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Re: Fast booting for a Debian system - and suggestions for said system

2009-08-31 Thread randall
Lisi Reisz wrote:
 My husband's box is currently running PCLinuxOS 2009.  A dying HDD 
 necessitates a fresh istallation.
 ***I would be very grateful for help in speeding up the boot process, and 
 suggestions for a suitable DE or WM.***  

i hate to say this on a debian list ;) but i was pretty impressed about
the increased boot speed of (x)ubuntu 9.04 and especially using the new
ext4 file system.

i use this both for beefy desktops and my tiny small netbook and
boottime is about 20 secs till the login screen.

 He finds the PCLOS very slow to boot up after the Libranet that he had 
 installed previously.
 This seems like a good opportunity to install something better and faster.
 I am thinking of Lenny.  Stability is important, and there is no call for 
 anything up-to-date - at least until his processor or motherboard dies. ;-)

Lenny is stable for sure and can provide for a great desktop, although i
guess it does require some more fiddling under the hood before you have
it as you want it probably when compared to PCLOS (never used PCLOS myself)
 It is reasonably important, tho' not a deal breaker, that the visible layer 
 should look and feel the same as his present one.  What is under the hood 
 will not bother him at all, because he will never raise said hood.
 The details of the desktop are unimportant, but it is important that there be 
 icons over which I have control.  He is used to being able to do one click on 
 an icon to open the few things that he actually uses, i.e. four or so 
 applications, a shortcut to a specific document, the lock/shutdown icon and a 
 clock.  Currently the document icon is on the desktop and the rest on the 
 panel, which is at the bottom of the screen.  It would be nice if these 
 details were the same, tho' it is not essential.

/usr/share/applications is where you find the program icons ( .desktop

 XFCE is currently looking like the front runner, but I fear that it may be en 
 route to getting bloated.  Opinions, please.  Because of Knoppix, I have had 
 a good look at LXDE, but so far it does not appear to be very malleable, and 
 support seems a bit thin on the ground.He currently has KDE, which was 
 part of a fast boot process in Libranet, but is an obvious candidate to go if 
 I am trying to speed things up.

I use XFCE myself mainly because i find it a more stable and sane
environment compared to Gnome or KDE, they say its a bit lighter on the
resources and thus faster, but my personal experience is that the speed
is much more influenced by the programs you have running in the
background like cups, HAL, bluetooth and your choice of applications you
run on top of it.

 ***I would be very grateful for help in speeding up the boot process, and 
 suggestions for a suitable DE or WM.***  

if its real speed you want you might want to take a look at the likes of
fluxbox or icewm

it all depends on your comfort level when it comes to tweaking the
system and requirements.



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ssh hardly usable after login

2009-08-26 Thread randall
hi all,

have a peculiar problem for a few months already and i can't really
understand whats the problem here.

i have a debian machine in China and i connect coming from Europe, it
used to work perfectly after some driver issues that forced me to change
the network cards.

At the moment:
i can still login via SSH and issue commands,
but when opening a file with nano or issuing top it just hangs and
displaying a black screen until it times out.

i can copy to the machine via SCP but i can not copy files from it, it
just stalls till it times out.

a website served on the site can not be reached from the outside, it
connects but keeps waiting for response.

at the moment the machine functions as a router with 2 interfaces eth1
connected the LAN and eth0 facing the internet, there are no problems
occurring for the ones using it on the LAN side.

till so far my first hunch is that it is a firewall/routing problem, i
use shorewall. although i'm not really sure what it is.

so before i start to try disabling shorewall and or others and risk
loosing the LAN connectivity that actually is functioning i wondered if
somebody here has some clue on what this could be.

anyways, thanks all


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connection issues

2009-08-26 Thread randall
hi all,

having a problem since a few months and i cant really figure it out.

i have a debian machine standing in China and i connect from Europe, so
going over there just for this is slightly cumbersome.

i did have some driver issues in the past but after replacing the
network cards it worked fine.

At the moment:
i can login using SSH and issue commands.
but when opening a file or starting top the screen goes black until the
connection times out, reset by peer.

i can copy files to the machine using SCP but i can not copy them back,
it stalls until the time out.

a website is hosted on the machine and you can connect to it but it
keeps on waiting for the server till the morning comes.

the machines acts as a router for a local LAN, eth1 faces the LAN and
eth0 faces the net, no problems for the people on the LAN

not sure what it is but my first suspect would be the firewall/routing,
i use shorewall.

so, before i try disabling the firewall etc... to see if it has any
results and risk losing the working LAN part of the story i wonder if
somebody here has a clue on what it could be.

Thanks anyways,


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Re: connection issues

2009-08-26 Thread randall
Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 04:55:29PM +0200, randall wrote:
 At the moment:
 i can login using SSH and issue commands.
 but when opening a file or starting top the screen goes black until the
 connection times out, reset by peer.
 1. Check remaining disk size
not a problem
host:~# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0  9.2G  1.7G  7.1G  20% /
tmpfs 4.0G 0  4.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M   84K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs 4.0G 0  4.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/md3  459G  255G  181G  59% /BACKUP
  433G  5.5G  406G   2% /VSERVERS

 2. Run screen so your session is alive even when connection dies.
tried screen last week for the first time, not sure where its usefulness
lies but thats probably due to my bad

 3. Run ssh with -v to see all the debug info
no problem detected there

 4. Do more investigation

mmm, its been a few months till it appeared for the first time, i did
look everywhere i could, but not being able to read log files and most
configs complicates a thing or two.

 screen -r is your friend

worth looking into i guess

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Re: connection issues

2009-08-26 Thread randall
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
 randall wrote:
 so, before i try disabling the firewall etc... to see if it has any
 results and risk losing the working LAN part of the story i wonder if
 somebody here has a clue on what it could be.
 Factors external to the machine? Like limits on upstream / downstream
 data rates, imposed by your ISP, firewall settings imposed by your ISP,
 etc. ...
 Just guesswork,

its on a shared 10mbits connection but usually it had a pretty good
connection accept for a high latency.

whatever the ISP is doing? no idea, but this is China so anything goes ;)

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Re: Debian on non-linux kernels...

2009-06-26 Thread randall

Rick Thomas wrote:
What requirements does Debian put on a non-Linux kernel?  Where would 
I look for documentation on that?

There's some interest in making Minix 3 run with the non-kernel parts 
of Debian.

Thanks for any help!


i seriously could not give you any sensible answer on that question, 
however i do remember reading that there is a debian port with a freebsd 


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Re: to build a vserver guest: t ospecify a dvd source.

2009-06-19 Thread randall

Sthu Deus wrote:

Thank You for Your time and answer, Tzafrir:


Huh? why would you do that? Just use the debootstrap method.

Yes, it uses remote server. How I can do all the stuff being out of Internet?  


It can be a remote source. And it works well.

Great, how I can do it being out of Internet?


I usually do it as follows.

newvserver --hostname www --domain mydomain.com --ip 
--dist lenny --mirror http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/ --interface dummy0

but THIS IS NOT the recommended way but i still do it because i'm still 
stuck in old habbits.
THE RECOMENDED way is decribed in the Vserver wiki 

with the --mirror or -m you can specify the source where youre  packages 
should come,  i always use the network but using an install CD or DVD or 
local archive for this works perfectly fine as well.
Can't remember from the top of my head wath the exact ---mirror 
/dev/cdrom/debian or something should be but i guess thats easy to find 
out after a few tries.


Vserver has a great, active and positive mailing list that i can recommend

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Re: Acrobat Reader in debian

2009-06-15 Thread randall

Frank Lanitz wrote:

Not in main, since its non free software. Maybe you can find some
acrobat package on non-free section of debian distribution but I
recommend to don't use it due the issue with properiarian software and
a number of security issues known against acrobat reader itself. 

there are extra fonts available, i always need to add them when i want 
to read Chinese


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max sata connections

2009-06-10 Thread randall

hi all,

i'm fairly unexperienced when it comes to rackmountable hardware but i 
was looking at the cheapest way too get as much terrabytes as possible 
in a single system.

my eye fell on the Chenbro RM23212 which is a 2u enclosure that fits 12x 
3.5 disks and i obviously want to squeeze 12x 1 or 2 terrabyte disks in 

i figured that would be the most space/gigabyte solution at an 
affordable rate, however, when looking for a matching mobo i can not any 
with more then 10x sataII connections.

i think this could be solved using sata multipliers but i do not have 
any experience with these and there seem to be mixed feelings about 
there reliability as far as i can tell from a quick google.

anybody has any experience/recommendation on this?

much obliged,


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Re: can't install etch on new machine

2009-06-09 Thread randall

Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:

2009/6/9 shadesofg...@midmaine.com mailto:shadesofg...@midmaine.com

I have the CD set. It was installed fine on my old machine. I'm
trying to
install on a new pc. It is a Dell with a dvd/cd drive (TSST corp).
On the
first cd it asks for the cd, but it is already reading the cd! And
I can't
get past this, even when it asks for a list of cd's and I select none.

 mean it can read the cd - who cares if its not one on its list?
How do I
do the install?



Bob, is your CD/DVD drive cable is SATA? Last year I tried to install 
Etch, it didn't recognize my SATA DVD drive. Use Lenny installer CD 
instead like Andrei suggested.
i had the same issue with a Asus P5K WS mobo 2 years ago, it should be 
working with Lenny as i was told, but since lenny was still not stable 
then i worked around it using a USB stick to do the install

if you insist on installing Etch you could follow the notes below i made 
at that time but better to try Lenny first anyway i guess

To download the installer we do as follows

$ wget 

and we will also need the same iso file as when making an installation cd

$ wget 

The exact mountpoint of the usb can be found with

$ fdisk -l

Assuming your usb is mounted as /dev/sda we can extract the boot.img.gz 
to the usb stick.

$ zcat boot.img.gz  /dev/sda

Then mount the usb.

# mount /dev/sda /mnt

when this is done simply copy the .iso to the same usb disk

# cp debian-40r2-amd64-netinst.iso /mnt

and then unmount the usb stick

# umount /mnt

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Re: rsync and Windows backups on a Debian box and permissions

2009-06-08 Thread George Randall

H.S. wrote:


I have a Debian box (running Testing) which rsyncs some directories from
a Windows laptop (running XP on an ntfs partition) to a partition on a
local disk on the Debian box.

The Debian box uses rsync via ssh connection made with the XP box which
has cygwin and ssh server installed. The user used to do the ssh
connection is an administrator on the XP box ('root'). The script is
running from the root account on the Debian box.

The command is something like this:
rsync --delete --modify-window=10  --force -Rvaue ssh
--exclude-from=$EXCLUDESFILE --progress \
xp-box:/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user1
/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/user2 /mnt/backups/xp-daily-00;

where $EXCLUDESFILE is a variable defined with the path to the excludes
files on the Debian box.

Now, this all works very well for making the backups.

However, the permissions of the files pulled from the XP box to the
Debian box are the same as on the XP box. The same two users, user1 and
user2, also exist on the Debian box. However, the gids and uids of these
users are different on the XP box and on the Debian box. So the users
cannot browse their own directories (backups) from within the Debian box
(permissions denied).

This is a problem if a user wants to browse, or recover files from, his
backups by connecting from the XP box to the Debian box using ssh
(because then the user's gid and uid are Debian numbers, not the XP, or
cygwin on XP, numbers).

Any ideas how I get around this problem?


Couldn't you add at the end of the script to chown the directories to 
the proper owners?

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#! Uh oh!

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Re: lvm on a single big partition or just a single big partition?

2009-06-03 Thread George Randall

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 01:03:32PM -0400, George Randall wrote:

font size=-1font face=VerdanaWell for one if you used one big
partition you would loose the versatility of having a seperate /home
partition or other partitions that could stay intact during a 

This is a good point. Thanks George,


I wanted to apologize for sending my last message in html. I switched 
the list email over to a different account and setup the reply after 
quote but forgot to turn off html.

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Re: lvm on a single big partition or just a single big partition?

2009-06-03 Thread George Randall

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

Hello debian users,
Though I have used lvm for some time, I have one question that I don't
For one harddrive I often create a /boot parition that is not lvm and 
create a huge partition on the rest of the harddrive for PV of lvm. Now   
I am thinking what is the difference between doing partition like this
and just a single big partition without lvm?  
Thanks in advance,


Well for one if you used one big
partition you would loose the versatility of having a seperate /home
partition or other partitions that could stay intact during a reinstall.

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Re: best practice for lvm?

2009-06-03 Thread George Randall

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

Hi debian users,

Can I say the best practice for lvm is to create a single partition for
the harddrive and single PV on it and separate LVs for /tmp /var /home
etc? and leave enough unassigned PE for later enlargement of certain LV?

Thanks for enlightenment and I am thinking of how to best utilize lvm
for a long time.

You will need the separate /boot partition and then your lvm partition. 
For an example my 500gb hard drive. I created a /boot partition 500MB, 
and the lvm partiton which is 200GB. Inside the lvm I have a 20gb /root, 
60gb /home, and a 40gb /data(used with winblows). That's only 120gb of 
the 200gb I allotted. You can always resize them, going larger is easier 
and going smaller takes a little more work. It is all in what you need 
or want.

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Re: best practice for lvm?

2009-06-03 Thread George Randall

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 02:02:05PM -0400, George Randall wrote:

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

Hi debian users,

Can I say the best practice for lvm is to create a single partition for
the harddrive and single PV on it and separate LVs for /tmp /var /home
etc? and leave enough unassigned PE for later enlargement of certain LV?

Thanks for enlightenment and I am thinking of how to best utilize lvm
for a long time.

You will need the separate /boot partition and then your lvm partition.  
For an example my 500gb hard drive. I created a /boot partition 500MB,  
and the lvm partiton which is 200GB. Inside the lvm I have a 20gb /root,  
60gb /home, and a 40gb /data(used with winblows). That's only 120gb of  
the 200gb I allotted. You can always resize them, going larger is easier  
and going smaller takes a little more work. It is all in what you need  
or want.

so the 300G space not in lvm is not touched by

If I would like to use the 300G space, how can I do it? I am facing a
situation like this recently.

Thanks for the reply, it helped me alot.

You could still use it either as one big partition, two primary 
partitions, one primary and one logical, one primary and another lvm.

You can only have 4 primary partitions on a disk. Your /boot and lvm 
partitions both need to be primary partitions.

I dual boot debian and windows 7, which windows 7 uses two separate 

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Re: best practice for lvm?

2009-06-03 Thread George Randall

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

In 4a26ba9d.9060...@rctoolz.com, George Randall wrote:

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

Can I say the best practice for lvm is to create a single partition for
the harddrive and single PV on it and separate LVs for /tmp /var /home
etc? and leave enough unassigned PE for later enlargement of certain LV?

Thanks for enlightenment and I am thinking of how to best utilize lvm
for a long time.

You will need the separate /boot partition and then your lvm partition.

Not if you are willing to use grub2 (aka grub-pc).  Version 1.96 or above of 
GRUB can boot from Linux LVM.

That's great news, I haven't been able to stay as up to date as I would 
like. Thanks for the info.


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Re: Debian Linux

2009-05-27 Thread randall

- Original Message -
From: Johannes Wiedersich johan...@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:28:24 AM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: Re: Debian Linux

Harry Rickards wrote:
 Someone definitely needs to make a rtfm.com version, that redirects you
 to the appropriate manual page. :D

Try that for a start


love that one,

but there seems to be another program already for this

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Re: Debian Linux

2009-05-27 Thread randall

- Original Message -
From: Johannes Wiedersich johan...@physik.blm.tu-muenchen.de
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:02:54 AM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern 
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: Re: Debian Linux

rand...@songshu.org wrote:
 love that one,
 but there seems to be another program already for this

In fact both are the same 'program'. You could install that man page
with 'aptitude install funny-manpages', since it is included in debian.

didn't notice until now, guess i did not bother to see the end result of the 
google outcome ;)

It seems that there are many new users who prefer to read their man
pages with their web browser. That's why they are online (and can be
found with google).

most new users don't now the existence of the automatically installed man pages.
admittedly i also find it more readable in a browser. 

I guess after a while they will find out that they can get more accurate
information for their system in an easy fashion if they just do 'man' or
'man -k' from the CLI.


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Re: Debian Linux

2009-05-27 Thread randall

And easier to navigate when they have been converted to html, e.g.


You should keep in mind that these are likely not current or in sync'
with your system.

http://manpages.debian.net/ is pretty much in sync i guess.

the only problem with that site is that it cgi generates the pages, so its not 
indexed by google, one of the reasons that they did it differently for the 
ubuntu version.
in my turn i made the http://manpages.songshu.org basically copying ubuntu's 
site and applied it to debian, nothing special further but it was a nice 
practice material.

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Re: lvm on raid1 for a backup server or not?

2009-05-05 Thread randall

Zhengquan Zhang wrote:

Dear debian community,

I will build up a backup server which has 2x1T + 1x250G drives. the size
of the one full backup will be about 400G.

My initial plan was to install debian lenny on the 250G drive. leave
2x1T drive untouched and then make software raid1 on them after the

sounds good

I have a few questions that I have not figured out the answer after

1. Is it advised to install the system on the 250G drive as well as the
2x1T drive? Installing the system on 3 drives will enable the machine to
boot if the 250G drive fails. But in that case, will the machine boot
correctly using system installed on the 1T drive? and How can I directly
install the OS on 3 drives simultaneously?

you could use raid 1 with the 3 drives for the / system partition of +- 
5GB and create a raid 1 /backup partition on the remaining space of the  
2 TB  disks.

although you then might as well not use the 250GB disk at all since it 
only adds some complexity and most space on it is wasted anyway,
if you make it a system disk only, and the 250GB would fail you could 
always still reach the data on the disks by mounting them in another 
machine or using a live-cd or something.

it would be my idea to forget about the 250GB and just use the 2x 1TB in 
a raid 1 setup

2. I have used lvm on other systems but not on raid. I wonder if it is
advisable to use lvm over raid on a backup server. The rationale of LVM
is to make resizing easier but in this situation is it advisded to use
LVM on the raid1 array and the 250G boot drive?

LVM itself works fine on top of RAID, no worries. just make sure your 
raid setup is sound.
personally i always prefer to have just a small root partition and 
single large partition for the data if possible and forget about adding 
the extra layer.

you could use the lvm to stripe the 250 GB and the 1TB raid 1 together, 
but that looses the point of data security i guess

Thanks for any pointers,


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Re: [OT] loosing data

2009-04-28 Thread randall

Adrian Chapela wrote:
Imagine the next situation: one PC with windows, linux and a FAT32 
data partition. Someone tried to install a new linux distribution but 
he didn't take care about the partitioning process and selected the 
automatic creation. Now he has two partitions one ext3 for the system 
and swap partition.

We need to recover data from the deleted FAT32 partition, how could I 
do that ?

I am thinking on use photorec but How could I recover the partitions ? 
We haven't any backup, data or mbr are totally lost now.

What is your idea ?

last time i used my boss his computer to format a usb stick and 
accidentally formatted the entire drive (yes, this makes a man sweat)
photorec and testdisk for the partition saved the day (and my job), i 
installed it after booting from a livecd and copied everything over to 
the file server.

i guess you want to get the files save first and then recover the 
partition in that order

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Re: IE in lenny?

2009-04-17 Thread randall

Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:


I need to run M$ Internet Explorer in lenny. Can be a old version,
like 5.5. Is it possible? I tried with wine 1.0.1 from lenny and with
wine 1.1.19 from wine site. In both cases without success. The html
rendering was disabled...






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Re: Advice on raid/lvm

2009-04-10 Thread randall

Tapani Tarvainen wrote:

On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 08:50:34PM -0500, Mark Allums (m...@allums.com) wrote:


Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

Is there an advantage of software raid10 over multiple raid1 arrays
joined with LVM?  Capacity can be dynamically added with pairs of disks.

Only one: simplicity.  It would make it easier for someone to  
understand, in the beginning.

Curiously, I would've thought the opposite, that is, bunch of separate
raid1 arrays would be easier to understand than raid10.
Raid1 is conceptually simple compared to any other raid level,
and if you're using lvm anyway, it doesn't make much difference
whether physical volumes are disks or disk pairs.

Anybody want to claim being a newbie and having an opinion here?



not a complete newbie anymore but the memory is still fresh ;)

one might argue that at least with etch raid1 + LVM would be easier 
since raid10 was not covered by the installer.
also you might generally say that people often become familiar with 
raid1 first since it is the most simple affordable solution at first for 
the most simple scenario's
raid1 vs raid 10 i think i would say that raid1 is easier to understand 
since it is 50% less complex.

but then again, 3 points above for raid1 being easier, assuming one 
already knows and understands LVM, if not it becomes a different story.

i still remember that when being fresh on checking the difference 
between raid levels on the wiki doing things like this

seemed complex to me at first, but so did LVM with its groups and 
volumes, so i think it depends on your previous experience and comfort 
level what really is easier.


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Re: pdf - jpg

2009-03-27 Thread randall

Rick Pasotto wrote:

What would be a good way to create a jpg image of a pdf page?


if its a single one then the gimp could do it for you


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Re: Lenny + Dell PE 2970

2009-03-20 Thread randall

M. Lewis wrote:

I'm trying to install Lenny on a Dell Power Edge 2970 with little 
success. The problem I'm running into is installing grub. My .iso 
images check with md5sum correctly. With three different DVDs, I get 
the error:

Unable to install grub in (hd0)
Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed
This is a fatal error.

maybe a long shot, but his problem reminds me a little when trying to 
install from USB, the installer defaulted to install to the USB stick, 
thus not giving an error but evidently GRUB was not in the right place 
when trying to boot from the hard disks.
IF the installer would see your install DVD as (hd0) then the error 
would make sense.


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Re: specific network traffic

2009-03-20 Thread randall

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:


I'd like to see the network traffic in a detailed way, e.g., which 
process is accessing a specific address, the protocol, and the current 
network usage.

something similar to top, but for the network;

I tried ntop, but it does not seem to present these information as top 
do for CPU and memory usage... netstat only shows the opened 

any suggestion please?
thanks in advance

did you try iotop ?


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Re: specific network traffic

2009-03-20 Thread randall

randall wrote:

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:


I'd like to see the network traffic in a detailed way, e.g., which 
process is accessing a specific address, the protocol, and the 
current network usage.

something similar to top, but for the network;

I tried ntop, but it does not seem to present these information as 
top do for CPU and memory usage... netstat only shows the opened 

any suggestion please?
thanks in advance

did you try iotop ?

sorry, i ment iftop


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Re: specific network traffic

2009-03-20 Thread randall

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

randall wrote:

randall wrote:

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:


I'd like to see the network traffic in a detailed way, e.g., which 
process is accessing a specific address, the protocol, and the 
current network usage.

something similar to top, but for the network;

I tried ntop, but it does not seem to present these information as 
top do for CPU and memory usage... netstat only shows the opened 

any suggestion please?
thanks in advance

did you try iotop ?

sorry, i ment iftop


this looks nice and also dns lookups the addresses; it does not show 
process information though...  but surely looks pretty useful :-)

iftop -p will show you the port numbers, so basically the process involved


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Re: specific network traffic

2009-03-20 Thread randall

randall wrote:

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

randall wrote:

randall wrote:

Lorenzo Bettini wrote:


I'd like to see the network traffic in a detailed way, e.g., which 
process is accessing a specific address, the protocol, and the 
current network usage.

something similar to top, but for the network;

I tried ntop, but it does not seem to present these information as 
top do for CPU and memory usage... netstat only shows the opened 

any suggestion please?
thanks in advance

did you try iotop ?

sorry, i ment iftop


this looks nice and also dns lookups the addresses; it does not show 
process information though...  but surely looks pretty useful :-)

iftop -p will show you the port numbers, so basically the process 

damn, sorry all, its friday

that would be iftop -P , with a capital P.

proves ones and for all that drinking and mailing lists do not work, see 
you all on Monday ;)


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Re: Rescue Linux partition

2009-03-18 Thread randall

Johannes Wiedersich wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Mirco Piccin wrote:


Is there a bootable utility that can be installed on a CD and rescue or back
up the data in the Linux ext2 partitions on my HDD and write them to a CD
using the CD writer on my system.

you can run any live-cd and install something like ddrescue / photorec

its one of the spare times i actually found the ubuntu live-desktop cd 
useful since it provides firefox with google while doing the rescue


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Re: Rescue Linux partition

2009-03-18 Thread randall

randall wrote:

Johannes Wiedersich wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Mirco Piccin wrote:


Is there a bootable utility that can be installed on a CD and 
rescue or back
up the data in the Linux ext2 partitions on my HDD and write them 
to a CD

using the CD writer on my system.

you can run any live-cd and install something like ddrescue / photorec

its one of the spare times i actually found the ubuntu live-desktop cd 
useful since it provides firefox with google while doing the rescue

reply to ME,

please note i probably misread the e-mail, i assumed that the partition 
that needed to be rescued was broken, if the partition itself is OK 
please ignore my recomendation.


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Re: Moving to LVM

2009-03-17 Thread randall

André Berger wrote:

* André Berger (2009-03-16):

(Replying to myself and trying to sum up your AQs)

Thank you all for the helpful discussion and detailed instructions,
_much appreciated_. 

I'm aware of the significance of backups, and keep redundant backups
of 'important' data. The files in question are 'just movies' I would
miss but could live without. Not that I wanted to avoid lose them

That said, two ext3 filesystems would be absolutely OK with me, as
long as I could merge them virtually, so my movieplayer (dbox2) would
have to access just one directory, and deleting files from that
directory would result in deleting the original file (not just a
symbolic link). I could create a more... symlink on disk1 pointing
to disk2, but I really want everything in one directory,

Could mount --bind come to the rescue? But if I mounted one
directory 'over' another, it would 'cover' the original one, which
wouldn't be accessible any more, would it? 



maybe a bit far fetched, but what about AFS instead of the NFS you 

not 100% sure it would be feasible in this case, but still.


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Re: Install debian 5.0 without press ENTER key?

2009-03-16 Thread randall

my mail wrote:

--- On Mon, 3/16/09, Daryl Styrk darylst...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Daryl Styrk darylst...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Install debian 5.0 without press ENTER key?
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:11 AM

my mail wrote:

can i install leny without install key, like another distro linux, will 
automatically run installer if you don't anything in 30 seconds.

I have boot using debian dvd but after 30 s without i press the enter key, the 
installer not running.

it's possible to install leny without press the enter?




Have a look at this.
http://users.telenet.be/mydotcom/howto/linux/automatic.htm or

and http://tinyurl.com/d5ztzn

I've never tried one, but I see where it could be handy.

thanks for the link. but i just want automate the press ENTER for the first time i boot using dvd installer. 

I mean when i boot using DVD installer to install debian leny, i do not to 
press the ENTER key to start the installation, how to do it?
you need to set the timeout option in isolinux.cfg, this requires you 
to change the cd or dvd you are using.

i once made some notes on how to do is once, its ubuntu based but should 
largely also  apply to debian



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Re: reconfig network interface

2009-03-16 Thread randall

linux china wrote:

after I replace a new network card in Debian, the network interface
eth0 is not up anymore. Before the replacement, the network is fine,

if I try to ifup eth0, I got error like
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFNETASK: no such device
SIOCSIFBRDADDR: no such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
 Failed to bring up eth0,

Any suggestions?

is the old card still mentioned in 

you can remove this file and it will create a new one on reboot, my 
guess is that your new card shows up as eth3, you can simply change this 
in above mentioned file.


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Re: reconfig network interface

2009-03-16 Thread randall

linux china wrote:

There is one file named 70-persistent-net.rules, I guess this is my
old one, I didn't find any filename beginning with z in that
directory, it doesn't matter I guess.

So could I remove this file and reboot system?
i just checked and it apparently changed into 70-persistent-net.rules in 
Lenny instead of the 25 on Etch.

but yes, this file is regenerated on start up if its not there, you can 
also manually change it and then it will be read on start up.
if the new card is listed as eth3 you can just change it into eth0 if 
you like

i once made some notes on the link below if you'd like to double check.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 5:18 PM, randall rand...@songshu.org wrote:

linux china wrote:

after I replace a new network card in Debian, the network interface
eth0 is not up anymore. Before the replacement, the network is fine,

if I try to ifup eth0, I got error like
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFNETASK: no such device
SIOCSIFBRDADDR: no such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
 Failed to bring up eth0,

Any suggestions?


is the old card still mentioned in

you can remove this file and it will create a new one on reboot, my guess is
that your new card shows up as eth3, you can simply change this in above
mentioned file.


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Re: ACPI init

2009-03-16 Thread randall

linux china wrote:

While booting Debian lenny, I saw there are errors during ACPI
initiation process on console, like error inserting fan, error
inserting processor and thermap, how to get rid of these error


the messages are pretty harmless, but there is a way to disable it.
OR you disable it in the BIOS OR you disable it in the kernel

in case you want to dual boot with windows then the last option would be 
the best because windows will probably not start if its turned of in the 

to disable it in the kernel:
there is a file called /boot/grub/menu.lst where the boot options are listed

if you see a line similair like this, it is what you see when you start 
up and can select which kernel to boot

kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-vserver-amd64 root=/dev/md1 ro

what you can do is to add the following parameters noapic nolapic 

so the complete line would look like this:
kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-vserver-amd64 root=/dev/md1 ro noapic 
nolapic acpi=off

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Re: Moving to LVM

2009-03-16 Thread randall

André Berger wrote:

Hi there!

I'm on Etch and have got two external USB disks, one GB each in size.
Disk1 contains one ext3 partition and my media files, and is full.
Disk2 is empty and should take future media files. I don't have a
third disk I could use for backups.

My plan is to create a Logical Volume Group to span two partitions
located on different disks, and export that LV group via NFS. If I
got it right (please correct me), I need partitions of type 8e on
both disks. So I thought I

1 partition disk2 8e 
2 create a LV group and add disk2/p1 to it

3 create an ext3 filesystem on the LV
3 copy the data from disk1/p1 to the LV
4 partition disk1/p1 8e
5 add disk1/p1 to the LV group
6 resize the LV ext3 filesystem to 2 TB, so it spans both disks resp.
you're basically on the right track, but there are 3 things to 
understand about LVM

1 Physical Volume
2 Volume Group
3 Logical Volume

1 in this case is disk1 and (eventually) disk2
2 is (eventually) disk1 + disk2 together so they appear as one
3 is a partition you can place on 2

What happens if, for whatever reason, just one of the disks is

to make a long story short,
if you combine the 2 disks as one, you are going to wish you had a third 
disk for backups.




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Re: Print to PDF with lpr

2009-03-16 Thread randall

Matthew Smith wrote:

It would certainly be possible to write a command-line application to 
convert ODF to PostScript, PDF etcetera.  The document format is open 
so there is nothing stopping anyone from cobbling something together 
with, say Perl and XSLT.  If nobody has done this and you don't fancy 
writing it yourself, I'm afraid that you will still need to use OOo to 
render to a printable format.

i've never done it myself and can provide very little useful tips but i 
know that you can run openoffice headless to do exactly that and 
several folks do.  i think you can google for several examples for the 
needed scripts.


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Re: man pages

2009-03-14 Thread randall

randall wrote:

hi all,

lately i've been practicing my skills a little on building basic 
websites and yesterday i had little to day so decided to re-build the 
ubuntu manpages web site and adjust it a little so it a can be used 
with debian.
we all know manpages.debian.net but that site, although useful  is not 
browseable by google since it cgi generates its pages when asked for, 
manpages.ubuntu.com on the other hand has a lot of indexable .html files.

so, one lazy afternoon and http://manpages.songshu.org was born (it 
still needs a little love though)
here's the question, the whole thing relies heavily on google which is 
not necessarily a bad thing but the build in google custom search 
engine often displays ads when showing the results.

anybody know how to disable that? or is it just a thing that comes 
when using a google app for such a thing, any advises on a alternate 
search function?


not sure if this site could prove useful to debian as a whole but i'll 
take it down after a month or two unless it receives a lot of hits, so 
let me know if anybody would want all the releases included or would 
like to see some added cool functionality and sent some incoming links 
if you think this site is useful

sorry for bumping my own post,

anybody knows a good search engine without any adds you can install 
locally your site that indexes the content of your html pages ?


how long does it take for google to index 76.000 pages ;) ?


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Re: Lenny/exim4: how to set helo for outgoing SMTP

2009-03-14 Thread randall

Joe wrote:

Kilian wrote:

Under etch, I just changed helo_data in /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
manually - not very nice, but it did what I needed. Now my mailconfig is
broken because some hosts won't accept my mails as the HELO does not
match the IP of the firewall, of course. Is there really no way to
change the outgoing HELO value in exim 4.69-9? I am using the internet
config of exim4.
i am not familiar with Exim, but with postfix i use in my config 
myhostname = mail.songshu.org

there should be something similar with Exim i guess.

another option would be to ask your isp to change the PTR record on that 
IP to the  HELO exim uses.

My exim4 installation has:

- a HELO which can be resolved by public DNS i.e. has an A record
- a PTR record and an A record in public DNS which are complementary 
i.e. each points to the other

These are also the conditions which my exim4 looks for in incoming 
SMTP connections (in addition to a lot of country code and other 

I agree with the other poster, that I'm using a single configuration 
file where HELO is set by primary_hostname in the first few lines of 
the main configuration section. This is exim4 4.63-17 on etch.

As it happens, the PTR-A pair for my IP address correspond to my 
subdomain at my ISP, and neither bear any relationship to any of the 
domains I actually use for email. I'm not aware of any email domain 
which refuses my email, though the only 'difficult' one I send to 
regularly is AOL.

It is alleged that there are some mail admins who require HELO and PTR 
to match, but to me that seems silly. While the specification for PTR 
records allows for multiple PTRs for one IP address,

the specification allows but specifically does not recommend

I think in practice there's little software which can deal with this. 
So anyone sending mail for multiple domains from one IP address will 
have unmatched PTR and HELO strings most of the time.

HELO is for identifying the mailserver, not the domain it sends for.
there is no reason why the hostname of the mailserver should match the 
domain names of the mails it sends out
if both HELO and the PTR record say mail.server.com there is no problem, 
whatever the domain of the send mail might be.

The difficult hurdle for the spammer in control of a home computer to 
jump is the PTR-A pair setup, as one must be set by the domain host 
and the other by the ISP. Neither are under user control.


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Re: Lenny/exim4: how to set helo for outgoing SMTP

2009-03-14 Thread randall

Kilian wrote:

another option would be to ask your isp to change the PTR record on that
IP to the  HELO exim uses.

I have a firewall with a public IP and a PTR record for that IP. There
are several hosts behind the firewall with private IP addresses. 

i have the same, but i have setup one of them to relay the mails for all 
of them, not sure about your setup but this would simplify your problem 
a lot.

Some of
them send mails to the internet, so I cannot change the PTR of the
firewall to one of those hostnames. I need exim to identify itself in
the HELO sequence as the PTR record for the firewall; RFC 822 states:


   This command is used to identify the sender-SMTP to the
   receiver-SMTP.  The argument field contains the host name of
   the sender-SMTP.

Now to the receiver SMTP, my host appears as the firewall, so IMHO, it
must identify itself with the hostname set in the DNS for the firewall.

correct, but note that that it has to identify with the hostname of your 
reverse DNS, it took me a while before i understood this concept myself.


HELO is for identifying the mailserver, not the domain it sends for.
there is no reason why the hostname of the mailserver should match the
domain names of the mails it sends out

I agree.


if both HELO and the PTR record say mail.server.com there is no problem,
whatever the domain of the send mail might be.

Exactly, and herein lies my problem...


maybe i mist something, but what does is it precisely use as its 
hostname at this very moment?


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man pages

2009-03-13 Thread randall

hi all,

lately i've been practicing my skills a little on building basic 
websites and yesterday i had little to day so decided to re-build the 
ubuntu manpages web site and adjust it a little so it a can be used with 
we all know manpages.debian.net but that site, although useful  is not 
browseable by google since it cgi generates its pages when asked for, 
manpages.ubuntu.com on the other hand has a lot of indexable .html files.

so, one lazy afternoon and http://manpages.songshu.org was born (it 
still needs a little love though)
here's the question, the whole thing relies heavily on google which is 
not necessarily a bad thing but the build in google custom search engine 
often displays ads when showing the results.

anybody know how to disable that? or is it just a thing that comes when 
using a google app for such a thing, any advises on a alternate search 


not sure if this site could prove useful to debian as a whole but i'll 
take it down after a month or two unless it receives a lot of hits, so 
let me know if anybody would want all the releases included or would 
like to see some added cool functionality and sent some incoming links 
if you think this site is useful


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Re: How do I Install your Linux operating system.

2009-03-13 Thread randall

caleb rodgers wrote:
Hey how do I Install your Linux operating system on my computer I can 
only access my database drive and I want to dual boot with Windows 
Vista. I have like 80 GB of Hard disk space. I installed the 
battlefield 2 game on my laptop. I have a AMD turion64 x2 processor 
and a built in broadcom wireless network. What can I do please help me 
I want to protest against MICROSOFT because the truth is I was hit by 
the downadup worm C version and I am trying to remove the 
administrator rights from system and trustedInstaller.exe person or 
something. Please help me in owning my computer again if you don't 
here from me for awhile then they literally own my computer. These 
guys who wrote this worm can take down air planes, own banks and take 
out government computers and maybe lauch missiles un suspectedly. 
Please Help me be able to solve this problem and prevent a cyber 
terrorist attack that might be launched from my computer or used by my 

Thank You guys You Devian can be a hero this time in the cyber world.

Thank you please email me back as soon as possible. thank you and I 
hope you are blessed if you do help me if not then I would have to ask 
Gentoo, Ubuntu and other Linux distrubutors. basically what I am 
saying is you have a mission to do right now.


what makes you so sure we are not the cyber terrorists who own you and 
your computer?

we would have you right where we'd want to.


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Re: Plaxo

2009-03-13 Thread randall

David Baron wrote:

I just got a notification that debian-user just joined plaxo. (Since debian-
user is in my address book, we can now connect, share photos, etc .:-)
Plaxo is an addressbook service that works well with ms-outlook, worse with 
outlook-express, NO interface to Linux.
wouldn't it be better to sign up with another option that does support 
normal standards instead of the one that never actually cared about you? 
although i admittedly have no idea what plaxo really does.
I have been bugging them for years to provide a standard LDAP interface 
instead of or in addition to their proprietary windows stuff. To no avail.

If debian-user has indeed joined plaxo, maybe we can all push for LDAP!

personally i recent those kind of e-mails that invite you to yet another 
see all your friends locked up behind a compulsory registration so we 
can sell all your data site. So i see little sense in start shopping at 
the butcher shop hoping they would start selling vegetarian products 
after me being a regular customer.


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Re: ssh connection takes long time

2009-03-13 Thread randall

Abdelkader Belahcene wrote:

Thanks for answer,
but  firstly , I am use on my machine a client ssh, the sshd is running
on remote server,
 secondly, i connect to server with IP address and not with a name,
so no dns needed.

not sure what the answer was, but do keep in mind that the server will 
check the domain name for your IP that you connect with,

unless you are sure that your reverse DNS (PTR records) are OK, it might 
be a dns issue overall, you can disable this check by the server in

and add
ReverseMappingCheck no

just see if it makes a difference


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Re: ssh connection takes long time

2009-03-13 Thread randall

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

On Friday 13 March 2009 08:41:52 Abdelkader Belahcene wrote:

If you are using the OpenSSH daemon on the remote server and that 
daemon is using the default configuration, it does a reverse DNS 
lookup on the connecting IP before accepting the login.

IIRC, It is possible to disable this reverse DNS lookup in the 
OpenSSH daemon configuration.  It is not possible to disable this 
lookup by adjusting the client configuration or version.

In general, you should make sure reverse DNS works for all your IPs.

i doubt that this is a sensible default, if i'm wrong please let me know ;)

as far as i know the only other time a reverse DNS is needed would be if 
you are running a mail server, and even then i notice that the number of 
mail servers actually checking for PTR records is very very small.

besides how would you do this with a dynamic IP, we are talking clients 
here and you never know what ISP you might use when traveling around.
also i see very little function to this, besides some extra unneeded 
info in the log i don't see any added security in this feature.

but then again, i might be wrong.


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Re: ssh connection takes long time

2009-03-13 Thread randall

Chris Davies wrote:

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

All systems should have an rDNS record to map the number back to a
name. Ideally, that canonical name should also have a mapping back to
the number.

In the case of dynamic IP ranges, the rDNS record might map back to an
entry that mimicks the IP address itself, but tagged on to the end of
that is the organisation responsible for that IP address. For example, might map to 13-12-11-10.dynamic.someisp.net, and it's
easy to see that someisp.net is in some way responsible for that IP
address. (I know you can determine IP address ranges via ARIN/RIPE/APNIC,
etc. but that is /much/ more heavyweight.)

If you don't have any rDNS entry at all, OpenSSH (amongst other subsystems
and applications) will hang until the resolver times out.

IMO the solution is not to tweak those subsystems and applications,
but to get a valid rDNS record added to the DNS.

agreed in principle, but since ssh is the only one (in my experience) 
that i ever encountered this inconvenience with, i wonder if the correct 
thing to do holds up in everyday usage.

besides how would you do this with a dynamic IP, we are talking clients 
here and you never know what ISP you might use when traveling around.

Your client is irrelevant in this scenario. The ISP should provide rDNS
entries that map its own address space.
agree again, providing that the ISP should and does, it once took me 2 
weeks to teach my provider of my 10 Mbit fiber connection how it should 
be configured after digging in to the manuals myself, assuming you would 
be a road warrior running in such an ISP the experience can turn in to a 
female K9.

once i was unable to connect at all due to the time out, admittedly this 
was an extreme scenario in inland China trying to connect to Europe, if 
it was the fault of the local ISP or simply my lack of knowledge of the 
local dialect I'm still not sure ;)

also i see very little function to this, besides some extra unneeded 
info in the log i don't see any added security in this feature.

Added secuity? Probably not a lot in this case. Convenience when trying
to work out who's thumping your box again? Possibly.


this shows the owner/responsible of my IP and it took me about 10 
seconds to find.

The theoretical principle does sound feasible to me, but its the 
practical implementation and the problems/inconvenience that can occur 
now and then that makes me wonder if a reconsideration would be useful.
my mail server myself does remote dns look up, but i wonder if its the 
only mail server that actually does.

my opinion in this case is of course biased by my specific usage and 
experience, therefore the question if  there are scenario's where it 
does make a lot more sense.





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Re: ssh connection takes long time

2009-03-13 Thread randall

Richard A Nelson wrote:

On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, randall wrote:

IMO the solution is not to tweak those subsystems and applications,
but to get a valid rDNS record added to the DNS.

Indeed, always best to have fully functional DNS, and no - for Linux
at least, /etc/hosts is not functional DNS.
depends on the usage, it functions very well on my LAN where all the 
users can type fax in the firefox address bar to reach the fax server.

agreed in principle, but since ssh is the only one (in my experience) 
that i ever encountered this inconvenience with, i wonder if the 
correct thing to do holds up in everyday usage.

From `man sshd_config`:

 UseDNS  Specifies whether sshd(8) should look up the remote host 
name and
 check that the resolved host name for the remote IP 
address maps

 back to the very same IP address.  The default is “yes”.

And there are indeed other servers that are unhappy with poor DNS
ftp comes to mind, its always the first thing i turn off when i install 
it for anything other then personal usage.

The only use to correct reverse DNS i can see is in case of a mail 
server, if you want to filter dynamic and static IP's (but even this is 
theoretical since it is hardly used in practice)
other then that i regard it as a feature that brings more problems then 
it solves.


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Re: Local mirroring How-To?

2009-03-12 Thread randall

Dennis Wicks wrote:


I remember there was a discussion sometime back about this but I can't 
locate it.

Here is my situation. I have six Debian/Lenny machines that I have to 
update/upgrade at various times, and some of these runs take hours for 
each system over my 768Kbs connection.

I have the space to install a local mirror of one or two releases of 
Debian so I can do updates over my local net at 100 Mbs and speed 
things up considerably.

But ... I can't find anything current about how to do that.

Does anybody have any pointers to a good, and current, set of 
directions on how to do this? Or have a cookbook that works for you?

Many TIA!

its pretty simple to set up your own mirror

i kept some notes on the link below on how to set up a full mirror

alternatively this is actually what i use on my LAN, it caches a .deb 
file when you download it once so it saves a lot of disk space compared 
to the full mirror.



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Re: LVM and install over existing installation

2009-03-11 Thread randall

Tim Anstey wrote:


I've recently acquired a cheap dedicated server for testing purposes 
which was shipped was CentOS, not my preferred distro. To resolve this 
I intend to install Debian from within the existing install as 
documented in the Debian installation guide.

Now, this has always worked well in the past and this is aided by the 
fact that normally servers are provisioned with normal, boring 
filesystems like / being ext3. In this instance they've used LVM and 
frankly I've never used LVM before and I don't know how it will effect 
what I plan to do.

So what I'm asking is, can I turn the LVM partition back into ext3 or 
alternatively can I just treat the LVM partition as a normal one?
it probably has ext3 already (or another filesystem) but this would be 
on top of a volume group

makes sense? probably not, you might want to consider reading in to LVM, 
it could be very useful to you depending on your needs.

in this case /dev/hda2 is configured as physical volume in LVMspeak 
(you could also make a single partition or 2 disks 1 physical colume)

now, what does that do? on top of a physical volume you can put several 
volume groups
a volume group is like a partition but you can resize them later on, 
this could be very useful.

on top of such a resizable volume group you can put a file system like 
ext3 and mount it as any other partition.

the command pvdisplay will show you some more details about you 
physical volumes.

(below is mine as an example)
 --- Physical volume ---
 PV Name   /dev/md3
 VG Name   vg
 PV Size   921.27 GB / not usable 3.00 MB
 Allocatable   yes
 PE Size (KByte)   4096
 Total PE  235844
 Free PE   10696
 Allocated PE  225148
 PV UUID   l0Jf1O-QD9C-8Ee4-6KG8-Nnv1-5ZL5-DzQeEo

as we said earlier, within each physical volume you can have several 
volume groups

vgdisplay will show you if you have any.
(below is mine as an example, you see i only have 1 large volume group 
here, i could resize this one and add others but i personally only use 
it form LVMsnapshots, another nice feature of LVM )

 --- Volume group ---
 VG Name   vg
 System ID

 Metadata Areas1
 Metadata Sequence No  34
 VG Access read/write
 VG Status resizable
 Cur LV2
 Open LV   1
 Max PV0
 Cur PV1
 Act PV1
 VG Size   921.27 GB
 PE Size   4.00 MB
 Total PE  235844
 Alloc PE / Size   225148 / 879.48 GB
 Free  PE / Size   10696 / 41.78 GB
 VG UUID   0RCDf5-hk05-TIVR-ALxj-efUU-yMc3-tzixJS

[r...@server ~]# fdisk -l;

Disk /dev/hda: 20.4 GB, 20416757760 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2482 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
/dev/hda2  14248219832242+  8e  Linux LVM

The biggest problem I foresee with the LVM configuration (apart from 
not understanding it) is that there is no proper swap partition, it's 
a logical volume and the only way I know of to do the remote change is 
to boot into the swap partition.
since i'm not familiar with the routine you describe i can not give you 
any useful advice, but you could put the swap on top of the lvm as a 
volume group i guess (would this work?) or you completely remove the 
LVM, but then i would advise to properly remove it with the LVM 
commands, i had disks remembering that they were LVM in the past even 
if they were overwritten.

Anyone got any useful thoughts?



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Re: Top posting vs Bottom posting

2009-03-11 Thread randall

Steven Demetrius wrote:

For all you posters discussing Top posting vs Bottom posting and taking
other threads off topic here is a thread for you.

First my opinion, Since this mailing list historically has been Bottom
posting then we stick with it.

good point.
personally the most e-mails i receive and sent are in a corporate 
environment and everybody uses top posting there, i clearly see it has 
benefits since it is used more as a notification to have the latest 
one (and probably most relevant) on top and thus it works fine.
also noticed that you can easily read the chain of command of an 
organization by seeing who starts the mails and who has the final reply.

on mailing lists however mails are used as a discussion between peers 
with many inns and outs instead of a notification, and then the latest 
reply is not always the most relevant.

Using both top and bottom posting in the mailing list will lead to
inconsistency and confusion especially to for new users.
agreed, just choose one and get over it, but as far as i know this 
choice has been made long time ago.

I've also seen posts about not being able to bottom post because of MS
Outlook. Last time I checked MS Outlook was not available in Debian, not
even any other Linux distribution. By the way MS Outlook does and cut
and paste features. :)

then don't use MS Outlook, any other mailer can do this.

Now the fun begins.




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Re: LVM and install over existing installation

2009-03-11 Thread randall

Tim Anstey wrote:
Ah, so if I see this right, I can configure LVM and treat it as I 
would any other partition. 

So say I had this:  

--- Logical volume ---

  LV Name/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01

I could treat that exactly the same as /dev/hdax?

yes, you can mount LogVol01just as you would mount /dev/hdax
assuming that LogVol01 is formatted as ext3 you could use the follwing 
in your fstab

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01/mountpoint   ext3

If so that's awfully helpful, I assumed LVM relied on the currently 
installed OS to function so by booting into another OS install I 
wouldn't be able to access it.
as long as the OS understands LVM there should be no issue, you would 
need to install LVM2 before you can use it.


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2009-03-08 Thread randall

hi all,

my first mail to this list so apologies if this has been discussed recently.

i have a raid 10 array and 1 of the disks is acting up according to 
SMART and i'm not sure how to interpret the logs and if i should ignore, 
repair or replace.

smartd has been sending me several mails like this, they always come in 
(the dates mentioned in the mails are sometimes match the date of 
sending and sometimes are a week or month off, but this might be another 
problem, not sure. i think however it started after a power failure)

The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/sde, 1 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors


The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/sde, 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors

smartctl --all /dev/sde
gives me the following, i've been trying to google this but some sources 
say replace the disk at once or don't wory, its harmless. Anybody can 
shed some light?

smartctl version 5.38 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 
Bruce Allen

Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

Model Family: Seagate Barracuda 7200.11
Device Model: ST3500320AS
Serial Number:5QM056TH
Firmware Version: SD04
User Capacity:500,107,862,016 bytes
Device is:In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   7
ATA Standard is:  Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated
Local Time is:Sun Mar  8 11:00:53 2009 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82)Offline data collection activity
   was completed without error.
   Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:  ( 113)The previous self-test 
completed having

   the read element of the test failed.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection:  ( 634) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities:  (0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
   Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
   Suspend Offline collection upon new
   Offline surface scan supported.
   Self-test supported.
   Conveyance Self-test supported.
   Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:(0x0003)Saves SMART data before entering
   power-saving mode.
   Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:(0x01)Error logging supported.
   General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time:  (   1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time:  ( 106) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time:  (   2) minutes.
SCT capabilities:(0x003b)SCT Status supported.
   SCT Feature Control supported.
   SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x000f   114   099   006Pre-fail  
Always   -   132023209
 3 Spin_Up_Time0x0003   093   092   000Pre-fail  
Always   -   0
 4 Start_Stop_Count0x0032   100   100   020Old_age   
Always   -   159
 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036Pre-fail  
Always   -   35
 7 Seek_Error_Rate 0x000f   074   060   030Pre-fail  
Always   -   21613621419
 9 Power_On_Hours  0x0032   089   089   000Old_age   
Always   -   9858
10 Spin_Retry_Count0x0013   100   100   097Pre-fail  
Always   -   0
12 Power_Cycle_Count   0x0032   100   037   020Old_age   
Always   -   159
184 Unknown_Attribute   0x0032   100   100   099Old_age   
Always   -   0
187 Reported_Uncorrect  0x0032   082   082   000Old_age   
Always   -   18
188 Unknown_Attribute   0x0032   100   098   000Old_age   
Always   -   4295032838
189 High_Fly_Writes 0x003a   001   001   000Old_age   
Always   -   344
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022   071   048   045Old_age   
Always   -   29 (Lifetime Min/Max 27/31)
194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0022   029   052   000Old_age   
Always   -   29 (0 21 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered  0x001a   028   021   000Old_age   
Always   -   132023209
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   100   100   000Old_age   
Always   -   1
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000Old_age   

Re: smart

2009-03-08 Thread randall

Adrian Levi wrote:

Your disc has been steadily failing for the last ~1800 hours.
Buy a replacement and swap it out asap.


Already had a spare lying around so i took the advice, the new disk is 
actually syncing with the array at this moment.




Just another collection of nuts

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aptitude segfault on UML

2008-08-19 Thread Randall Smith

I installed a UML Etch dist as described here:


aptitude segfaults on everything I've tried except update.  Here is 
example output.

ws-uml:~# aptitude install python
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
Building tag database... Done
Segmentation fault

Any idea what might cause aptitude to segfault.  BTW, apt-get works fine.


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HP support for Etch

2007-04-09 Thread Randall Smith
Anyone know how HP's certification for Etch has gone and when it will be 
official?  Also, if someone has experience ordering servers from them, 
do they actually ship it with Debian installed and will they do any 
customization like disk partitioning?


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Re: backup strategy using rsync

2007-01-19 Thread Randall Smith

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:

On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 02:08:31PM -0600, Randall Smith wrote:
I've been looking at various backup strategies in the case I need to 
quickly (within an hour or so) move to different hardware.  I like 
Linux-VServer because it makes the system mostly hardware agnostic, but 
I only need a single instance.  I got to thinking, how hard would it be 
to isolate the hardware dependent portions of a system, and simply 
backup and restore the hardware independent portions onto a new system 
using rsync?  Can someone shed some light on the subject?  A thinks I'm 
not clear on.

I'm just trying to avoid a several day restore if someone walks out
the door with the primary server or it blows up or whatever.

I'm not using X, so that's not a problem.

Thanks for the advice.


I think you have a couple of ways to go:

1.  You need hot-redundancy so if one blows up the second
will take over immediatly with no downtime.

This is a high-availability solution and you should
focus on this.

However, unless these two servers are separate, the
person who walks out with one may walk out with both.
Ditto explosions.

Remember 9/11.  Data centers in one tower backed up to
mirrored centers _in_the_other_tower.

2.  You need cold-redundancy.  A production server, and a
spare server locked up ready to go.  You can have debian
stable re-installed on it and when its needed, hook it
to the net, do an update/upgrade and tweak it.

3.  You need prepared media to be able to restore from
bare-metal to a new box that you won't acquire until
disaster strikes.

You can look at mondo.  There's also a package that
makes custom debian CDs that contain only the packages
that you have installed.  Use your current box to make
these CDs, and also keep a set of debian-testing CDs in
case the new hardware doesn't boot with stable or the
CDs made on the old hardware.  The package CDs will
still contain the packages to save on download time when
you need to install on new hardware.

Keep this bare-metal-recovery media in protected
storage, with a copy with your off-site backup.

I would suggest that whatever else you do, you implement number 3.  

Hardware specific stuff is primarily in /etc although who knows what
each package puts in /var when it gets installed.  Personlly, I back up
/etc but if/when I have to install to new hardware I do a real install.
If you have the packages locally (e.g. on CD), then it really doesn't
take very long at all (e.g. 30 minutes or so).

If you want to be able to recover from a stolen server within 1 hr, then
you need a spare server locked up somewhere, so that's option 2.

You could also set up a third box to do nothing but store backups.  It
can also run one of the apt repositories like apt-proxy so you have
locally everything you need to restore already on-line.  It can also
have all the documentation installed ready to go.  



Thanks Doug.  Great advice!


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backup strategy using rsync

2007-01-18 Thread Randall Smith
I've been looking at various backup strategies in the case I need to 
quickly (within an hour or so) move to different hardware.  I like 
Linux-VServer because it makes the system mostly hardware agnostic, but 
I only need a single instance.  I got to thinking, how hard would it be 
to isolate the hardware dependent portions of a system, and simply 
backup and restore the hardware independent portions onto a new system 
using rsync?  Can someone shed some light on the subject?  A thinks I'm 
not clear on.

1. What directories (or scattered files) are dependent on the hardware 
(minus the cpu architecture).

2. If I were to backup all hardware agnostic files, what would be the 
most efficient way to restore the system to new hardware?

3. Is it feasible to keep a second system synchronized (with some lag 
time) so that it could come online very quickly.  I have an idea for 
this.  Keep two operating systems on the secondary machine.  One is 
bare-bones while the other is the production mirror.  When production is 
OK, the bare-bones system is running and synchronizes the filesystem(s) 
for the mirror OS.  In the event of production failure, simply reboot 
into the mirror instance.

I'm sure there is more than one good way to do this.  I'd love to hear 
your ideas.


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Re: backup strategy using rsync

2007-01-18 Thread Randall Smith

Stephen R Laniel wrote:

On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 01:20:37PM -0600, Randall Smith wrote:
I've been looking at various backup strategies in the case I need to 
quickly (within an hour or so) move to different hardware.  I like 
Linux-VServer because it makes the system mostly hardware agnostic, but 
I only need a single instance.  I got to thinking, how hard would it be 
to isolate the hardware dependent portions of a system, and simply 
backup and restore the hardware independent portions onto a new system 
using rsync?  Can someone shed some light on the subject?  A thinks I'm 
not clear on.

Yes, doing this with rsync is fine, but that is a bad idea.
The main reason it's a bad idea is the following use case:

1) You're backing up SourceMachine to DestMachine.
2) You back up a good copy of SourceMachine to DestMachine.
3) You mess up a file on SourceMachine.
4) You back up that file to DestMachine.
5) Only later do you notice that the file is messed up.

Consequently, the file is now messed up on both
SourceMachine and DestMachine, and you're hosed.

This is why rdiff-backup exists. rdiff-backup is the right
tool for the job you're looking to do.

This is not my main backup strategy, which consists of an rsync/hardlink 
method that keeps several weeks worth of backups.


Since you mentioned rdiff-backup, I plan to compare the two.  I'm just 
trying to avoid a several day restore if someone walks out the door with 
the primary server or it blows up or whatever.

As for which files are system-dependent: there will be lots
of scattered files all over the place that are, including
lots in /etc/X11 . However, isolating these one by one and
excluding them is probably not the best idea.

My approach would be to exclude wide swaths of directories
-- e.g., don't back up /sys, /proc, and /dev .

I'm not using X, so that's not a problem.

Thanks for the advice.


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How do I completely reconfigure my network connection?

2006-02-19 Thread Randall Schuh

If you don't want to read the whole story, I'm curious about how I can
re-set all of the settings for the network (for instance if everythign
was broken that you debug going through the list from the HOWTO -
Basic Network Troubleshooting / Understanding):
  - Is the interface configured correctly ? (lspci, lsmod, dmesg,
ifconfig /etc/network/interfaces)
  - Is/Are DNS / hostnames configured correctly ? (Bind, /etc/hosts,
  - Are the ARP tables correct ? ( arp -a )
  - Can you ping the localhost ? (ping localhost / *try both*)
  - Can you ping other local hosts (hosts on the local network) by IP
Address? How about hostname? (ping)
  - Can you ping hosts on another network (ala internet) ? (ping)
  - Do applications like ssh, firefox, sftp, etc, work ? (chosen application)

If there's no good way to do that or if it's a huge task, then here
are the symptoms for my problem(s):

I have an HP Pavilion with what seems to be all nVidia cards inside
it, which has been giving me trouble since last week when I decided to
install Debian.  I struggled for hours with the net install and
finally remembered that I had a spare network card in my garage. 
After plugging that in, the network install worked fine, but eth0 has
been inactive.  Last night I decided to get the nVidia nForce card
(nVidia Corporation nForce Ethernet Controller (rev c2)) up and
running.  I don't even remember what I did, but I stumbled across
enough information advising me to upgrade the kernel to 2.6 (from
2.4.27-2-386) that I gave up on whatever I was trying.  Now my short
term goal is to get the 3com ethernet card working again (3Com
Corporation 3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone] (rev 30)).  Then I can apt-get
to upgrade the kernel.  The merits of Debian quickly disappear when
I'm stupid enough to hose my network connection, disabling apt-get.

I would be content to run the network configuration that I ran when I
first installed Debian.  I searched for a while on the internet to
figure out how to do this, but then gave up.  Otherwise, it would be
fine to fix the actual problem if that can be done easily.  I'm nearly
ready to format and re-install, but I have actually done some useful
things on the computer, including backing up my Mac (which is
concurrently on the fritz).

I have run dpkg-reconfigure etherconf multiple times, both setting
up the 3com card with DHCP and statically.  Currently, under DHCP my
system is capable of getting an IP address from my router -- or at
least it leads me to believe it is:
   Listening on LPF/eth1/00:01:02:36:6b:ef
   Sending on LPF/eth1/00:01:02:36:6b:ef
   Sending on Socket/fallback/fallback-net
   DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to 255.255.2552.55 prot 67
   DHCPACK from
   bound to -- renewal in 43200 seconds.
Note that is the host -- I changed it from .1 after
reading something that seems not to have applied.  I am able to ping
all of localhost, (which is localhost), and
(which is also the same machine).  I am able to broadcast ping, but not (the same is true with .255 instead of
.0).  When I try to broadcast ping I get:
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
Not only can I not broadcast ping, but I cannot ping the host by
number -- with the exception of testing localhost, I have been
attempting to ping using ip addresses and not names (the same is true
with the setup through dpkg-reconfigure etherconf).  Here's what I get
when I try to ping the host:
   /home/rls# ping
   PING ( 56(84) bytes of data
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
   From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
   ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

I read somewhere that this may be caused by iptables or other
restrictions imposed on the network, but I did not intentionally set
anything since it was working yesterday.  Again, I'd be content to
blow away much of the settings.

With static configuration, after bringing the card up I get the
message SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable and when I try to ping the
host I get connect: Network is unreachable just once this time.

I have this computer with a floppy drive or if I need to download
serious packages, my fiancee has a dvd/cd burner on her laptop -- in
fact maybe I should just download the packages.

Your help is much appreciated!

Re: Cannot start CUPS

2005-12-15 Thread Randall J. Parr

Florian Kulzer wrote:

Hi Gabriel,

Gabriel wrote:

I made an apt-get upgrade today, and now I cannot run the cups daemon.
This is the output when I try to start it:

localhost:~# /etc/init.d/cupsys start
Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsdcupsd: Child exited with 
status 98!


Or executing the daemon directly:

cupsd: Child exited with status 98!

The problem is caused by a redundancy in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. The
daemon tries to bind to port 631 twice, finds it already occupied the
second time and exits with an error.

You can fix the problem by downgrading the package cupsys to version
1.1.23-12 (the rest of the system can be left as is) or by manually
editing /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to comment out one line, i.e.

Include /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf

has to be changed to

#Include /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf

More details can be found here:
(It seems to have been fixed already anyway in version 1.1.23-14, so you
could also simply wait a bit and upgrade again.)


Thanks Florian.
I had the same problem this morning, which, thanks to you, turned out to 
be trivially fixed.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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2.6.14-1 ok but since 2.6.14-2 hardware not detected and thus modules not loaded

2005-12-14 Thread Randall J. Parr
I have a sid based system which runs fine with kernel 2.6.14-1 but which 
will not find/initialize the network card with any 2.6.14-2 and above 
kernel.  I have updated the 2.6.14-2 kernel through version -2, -3, -4 
and now -5 with similar results.

I think the problem may be with the hardware detection. The boot.log for 
2.6.14-1 shows e1000 NIC (and other hardware) detected and modules 
loaded.  The boot.log for 2.6.14-2 does not seem to detect most of the 

Does anyone know what changed between 2.6.14-1 and 1.6.14-2 which may be 
causing this?

When booting from 2.6.14-1 the same segment from /var/log/boot looks 
like this:

Wed Dec 14 16:48:18 2005: Detecting hardware...Discovered hardware for 
these modules: agpgart parport_pc e1000 via82cxxx aic7xxx emu10k1 usb_uhci

Wed Dec 14 16:48:19 2005: Loading agpgart module...
Wed Dec 14 16:48:20 2005: Loading parport_pc module...
Wed Dec 14 16:48:20 2005: Loading e1000 module...
Wed Dec 14 16:48:21 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m Skipping already loaded 
module via82cxxx.

Wed Dec 14 16:48:21 2005: Loading aic7xxx module...
Wed Dec 14 16:48:40 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m emu10k1 disabled in 

Wed Dec 14 16:48:40 2005: Loading uhci_hcd module...
Wed Dec 14 16:48:41 2005: Setting sensors limits: done.
Wed Dec 14 16:48:41 2005: Running 0dns-down to make sure resolv.conf is 

Wed Dec 14 16:48:41 2005: Setting up networking...done.
Wed Dec 14 16:48:41 2005: Setting hostname 'n3'...done.
Wed Dec 14 16:48:41 2005: Configuring network interfaces...done.

When booting from 2.6.14-1 it appears hardware is detected and modules 
loaded ok

When booting from 2.6.14-5 the segment of /var/log/boot related to 
hardware detection/module-loading looks like this:

Wed Dec 14 16:43:21 2005: Detecting hardware...Discovered hardware for 
these modules: ide_scsi
Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m Skipping unavailable/built-in 
ide_scsi module.

Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: Setting sensors limits: done.
Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: Running 0dns-down to make sure resolv.conf is 

Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: Setting up networking...done.
Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: Setting hostname 'n3'...done.
Wed Dec 14 16:43:22 2005: Configuring network interfaces...SIOCSIFADDR: 
No such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Wed Dec 14 16:43:33 2005: Failed to bring up eth0.
Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: Failed to bring up eth0:1.
Wed Dec 14 16:43:34 2005: done.

I can load the module manually but still get similar eth0 / SIO... 
messages when tryting to reinitialize the network.

Any help greatly appreciated.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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Re: 2.6.14 kernel woes

2005-11-28 Thread Randall J. Parr

mikepolniak wrote:

On 12:21 Sun 27 Nov , Randall J. Parr wrote:

David Baron wrote:

I now get /var/log/boot messages like
Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m /etc/network/options is 

Just remove /etc/network/options

This made the deprecated message go away but did NOT fix the problem.

I still get the following messages and no initialization of the e1000 eth0

I can load e1000 manaully without error messages and confirm loaded with 
but restarting networking still gives the messages below (even with 
e1000 loaded).


Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: Setting up IP spoofing protection...done 
Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: Configuring network interfaces...SIOCSIFADDR: 
No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: Failed to bring up eth0.
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: Failed to bring up eth0:1.
Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: done.

and my Intel e1000 will no longer initialize. 


and restart networking, should bring your eth0 up.


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Re: 2.6.14 kernel woes

2005-11-27 Thread Randall J. Parr

David Baron wrote:

Here is a snipet from a logcheck booting this goody:

Nov 27 17:18:38 d_baron kernel: Inspecting /boot/System.map-2.6.14-2-686-smp
Nov 27 17:18:38 d_baron kernel: Loaded 21450 symbols 
from /boot/System.map-2.6.14-2-686-smp.

Nov 27 17:18:38 d_baron kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.6.14.
Nov 27 17:18:38 d_baron kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not 

Something strange going on here. So stuff like alsa, direct rendering, etc., 
do not work.

Here is another--trying to load realtime-lsm, compiled against this kernel's 

Nov 27 17:18:43 d_baron kernel: Failure registering capabilities with primary 
security module.
Nov 27 17:18:43 d_baron kernel: Realtime: is kernel configured with 


This is a stock kernel off Sid. All this stuff used to work. Bug? Fix? Wait 
for 2.6.15?

I have been running 2.6.14-1 for a bit with no major problems.

BUT the latest kernel updates to 2.6.14-2+ all have major problems for 
me too.

I now get /var/log/boot messages like
Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m /etc/network/options is 
Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: Setting up IP spoofing protection...done 
Sun Nov 27 08:01:27 2005: Configuring network interfaces...SIOCSIFADDR: 
No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFBRDADDR: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No 
such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: Failed to bring up eth0.
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:38 2005: SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: eth0:1: ERROR while getting interface flags: 
No such device

Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: Failed to bring up eth0:1.
Sun Nov 27 08:01:39 2005: done.

and my Intel e1000 will no longer initialize. 

Previously, I got /var/log/boot messages like:
Sun Nov 27 08:07:17 2005: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m /etc/network/options is 
Sun Nov 27 08:07:17 2005: Setting up IP spoofing protection...done 

Sun Nov 27 08:07:17 2005: Configuring network interfaces...done.

and messages in /var/log/messsage showing the e1000 successful startup.

This began with the first update to 2.6.14-2.  I waited for updates but 
the problem continues with the most recent updates.

This is with the stock unstable kernels; IE I am not (re)building my own 
kernels or anything.

Any insight/help appreciated.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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Virtual Drives for Testing

2005-11-01 Thread Randall Smith
I'd like to test different drive configurations virtually without having 
to resort to something like vmware or qemu.  I know how to create a 
virtual filesystem using dd and wonder can I create a virtual drive that 
I can partition with fdisk, etc.  For example, I'd like to set up a 
virtual raid 5 array.  Can this be easily done?


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