I use apt-mirror, to mirror repository locally.
Unfortunately, the software is a little buggy, not properly maintained,
lacks active packet manager.

It happens that local repository becomes inconsistent. For example, I often
get html pages in response to communication problems.

In postmirror.sh I have added a function to list all html pages:
    grep -irl -e "<! DOCTYPE html" / data / apt-mirror / mirror >>

I copy from the log and makes a cleanup script.

It takes a long time and requires manual work.
I think a script based on "file" would go much faster, both moving html
files to / data / apt-mirror / error and listing the moves in the log. But
I do not know how to write it.

I have looked at alternatives to apt-mirror, for example aptly. I  didgot
the hang of of that program.
Eventually, I can open a new thread about that.

// regards rbh
Rickard B Hansson

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