Re: how to downgrade: woody -> potato ??

2001-04-04 Thread Rob Torop
Nate Amsden wrote:

> Rob Torop wrote:
> >
> > I upgraded from potato to woody (by changing sources.list and doing an
> > update then dist-upgrade).  Now I want to go back!  I replaced "testing"
> > with "stable" in sources.list, but I can't figure out what to do now to
> > get it to revert everything to potato.  Can someone advise me?
> maybe someone should make apt-get print out a big warning saying once
> you do a dist-upgrade you can't go back.. everytime ive seen this question
> asked(im not a testing/woody user or a sid/unstable user) the answer has
> always been no. apparently a new version of apt in unstable may be able
> to downgrade, but i dont think it would work unless you upgraded
> originally using that version of apt ..
> in short looks like u gotta reinstall if u want potato back..unless
> u want to grab a list of your installed packages and try to do
> a buncha dpkg -i --force-overwrite's but that is probably dangerous.
> nate

I just found this

In a nutshell it says that with apt-get > 0.5, one can create
/etc/apt/preferences looking like this:

Package: *
Pin: release a=potato
Pin-Priority: 1001

Then apt-get dist-upgrade will do a downgrade (with lots of warnings...). Or so
it would seem.  I haven't tried it yet...

how to downgrade: woody -> potato ??

2001-04-04 Thread Rob Torop
I upgraded from potato to woody (by changing sources.list and doing an
update then dist-upgrade).  Now I want to go back!  I replaced "testing"
with "stable" in sources.list, but I can't figure out what to do now to
get it to revert everything to potato.  Can someone advise me?

libapache-mod-perl / woody

2001-04-01 Thread Rob Torop
Recently I switched from potato to woody (modified sources.list and did
a dist-upgrade).  I'd been using the combination of the apache and
libapache-mod-perl packages successfully under potato.

I am by no means an expert, but it looks to me as though
libapache-mod-perl hasn't been updated to woody, specifically that it
wasnt build using perl 5.6.  When I start apache, I get an error when it
loads my mod_perl, and the @INC that's displayed contains all
sorts of 5.005 paths, and not, eg /usr/share/perl/5.6.0.

So, my first question is: is this correct; if not, what might I have
done wrong? BTW, I also tried installing apache-perl instead of these
two packages.

Second question: I decided to be brave: I removed libapache-mod-perl and

apt-get --build source libapache-mod-perl

This seemed to work but it installed stuff under ./debian/tmp rather
than the usual system locations.  I then moved to
...apache/1.3/ and did a make perl_install to put stuff in the right
place.  Clearly this isn't the way it's supposed to be done! :-)

Can someone tell me the right way to do this? Thanks.

- Rob