Re: Reinstall maintainer's files

2006-07-13 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Todd A. Jacobs wrote:

Doing aptitide reinstall foo doesn't seem to reinstall the
maintainer's configuration files. What do I need to do to have the
system ask me if I want to use the modified version or the package
maintainer's version?

I would just do a purge, remove any vestigial files in /etc and then 
install it again fresh.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Video conversion

2006-07-13 Thread Roberto Sanchez

J Merritt wrote:
I am looking for a good, feature full video conversion package that will 
allow for conversion between various video formats, containers, audio 
formats, etc., in the associated video file. Is there a package that can 
be installed under Debian with all the associated dependencies? Any ideas?

I would try mencoder from


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: forgot password workarounds not working

2006-07-10 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Haines Brown wrote:

I have sarge I installed on a new hard disk, and I can log in OK, but
I decided to see if I could log in without a password. I tried two

1. I booted knoppix and opened a terminal. In it I tried to do:

   $ mount -t ext3 /dev/sda /mnt/hd

   in order to then run the chroot and the passwd commands, but when I
   tried to mount the disk I got the error only root can do that. Is
   the only way out of this to know root's password?

Knoppix makes you an unprivileged user by default.  However, you can use 
sudo without a password:

$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda /mnt/hd

That should get you what you want.

2. In grub, I edited the kernel line for the disk I wanted to boot by
   appending to that line the words: single init=/bin/sh. This
   brought me to a sh2.5-2b# prompt, but when I tried to issue the
   passwd command from there, I only got the authentication token
   lock busy error. When I have trouble with lock files I usually
   just delete them, but don't know where this one is or if I can
   delete it.

Any suggestions?

If you want to reset a user password (or even root), then boot with a 
live CD, mount the partition and edit /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow 
(depending on which type of passwords were used on the system) and then 
remove the password from the file.  After you reboot the system, then 
you can log in as whatever user without a password.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Why?

2006-07-10 Thread Roberto Sanchez

S Clement wrote:

I am new to Debian - within the last two weeks - and two things puzzle me.


Why do you seem to prefer gnome over kde?  I have examined both and kde seems 
to me to be easier to use.  There must be something I am missing.

We don't really prefer one or the other, as far as I know.  I guess 
the real problem is that you sort of need to pick one or the other as a 
default since many new users don't know the difference.  I guess if they 
know enough to know that they prefer KDE over GNOME, they can probably 
figure out how to switch.

Is it worth hunting for a way to change the default?

Simply go into your package manager and uninstall GNOME and install KDE. 
 Everything else should just fall into place.

Where did you get that logo?  When it came up on the gnome desktop it 
immediatlely reminded me of something being flushed down the drain.  I hope it 
doesn't mean that!

I think the logo predates pretty much every one on this list (now watch 
me be wrong about that).  I am not really sure.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: etch vs sarge

2006-07-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez

BAGI Akos wrote:

Hi List!

I run services on sarge in two major parts:
- qmail,clamav,spop3, ssmtp,rblsmtp and
- apache2,mysql 4.1,php4

I'm considering to dist-upgrade from sarge to etch(testing)
I would like to use mysql5 and php5 if it's not a to big deal to change.

My question is:
Can the dist-upgade do it for me or the chaos is waiting for me?
I know mysql would like a full export/import.
Is there anything else?
Is there someone with experinece on it?

You may want to check out before you dive into a fill 


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: rsync weirdness

2006-07-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

I think i'm sending you down the wrong road. rdiff-backup does
incremental backups of data using rsync to transfer the data. 

but still, istm that for some reason rsync doesn't realise that you
haven't changed everything. maybe you need to go through it once and
then its alright after that? just a thought.

Interesting.  I checked the md5sums of the files on both machines and 
they are identical (except for the few modified files).  I am kind of 
stumped as to why this is happening.  Could it have something to do with 
hfs+ attributes?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Installing on a small root partition

2006-07-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Anil Gupte wrote:

Need help and advice.
I am trying to do a specialized install of Debian.  Note that I have 
done two or three before (in the past), but without knowing much about 
what was going on - I mostly accepted the defaults.
This system happens to be in a place where there are frequent power 
losses.  So, my plan is to have a small root partition (say about 
100MB), and make it a read-only partition.  This way, there will be no 
corruption on constant reboots.  The apps, logs etc will be on a 
separate partition.  The read-only partition idea was a suggestion from 
a Linux guru, as a solution for inodes etc being corrupted and the 
system not booting properly.
I tried the Debian installer, but it fails, and I am pretty sure that is 
because the root partition is small.  Is there any way to tell the 
installer where to put which files?  I am installing from a DVD 
containing Sarge.
Any suggestions will be welcome.  Also, any advice on the read only root 
partition will be helpful.

I am not sure that a read-only root partition will work.  Your system 
must be able to write to devices in /dev (which is mounted from 
somewhere else if you use udev).  As for installing on a small root 
partition, check out DSL, which I believe has something like a 50 MB 
base install.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: rsync weirdness

2006-07-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Andrew Vaughan wrote:

I've seen entering/leaving daylight savings do something similar with 
Windows shares rsynced to linux.  

It might be worth letting rsync copy a few of the files to a temp location, 
and manually comparing timestamps/permissions etc.

OK.  I'll give that a shot.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: rsync weirdness

2006-07-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Willie Wonka wrote:

JJ wrote:

Roberto Sanchez wrote:

I don't think I have lost the rsync data.  Basically, what I do is:

rsync -nave ssh ~/Documents/stuff/ remote:~/school/stuff/

Even if have changed only one or two files, it still wants to transfer

I will check out rdiff-backup.


Your command is correct for what you want.  I
think you are running into issues with differences between the
filesystems meta data. The -a options tells it to sync. up uid, gid,
permissions, etc. So  it is probably changing the uid and gid for all
your files as it goes along. Causes a slight delay, but rsync is smart
enough to not copy the complete file if the content hasn't changed.

I have a Mac which I rsync files back and forth with a debian server.  I
ended up adding the extra users and groups I needed to my mac (using
NetInfo Manager)--making sure to use the uid's and gid's from the debian
server. Many *nix systems start uid's at 500, but Debian starts them at
1000. I even changed the uid of my mac account to match the uid on my
debian account. If you do this make sure you then update all your files
on your Mac with your new uid.

Any help to you guys?

I figured it out.  Basically, I needed to use this command:

rsync --exclude '.DS_Store' -ncrve ssh ~/Documents/stuff/ 

The -c option tells it to compare based on sums (probably md5) instead 
of the rsync algorithm.  I am still stumped as to why this works, 
especially since changing the -a to -r in the original command line 
yielded the same results.  The weird thing is that transferring the 
whole directory over to my Debian machine and then using rsync between 
the two local directories makes it want to update every single file and 
directory.  In this case, using -c again results in the desired behavior.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Bash socket /dev/tcp

2006-07-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Andrea Ganduglia wrote:

How can I obtain /dev/tcp (and /dev/udp) onto debian? Bash seems
compiled without socket support. Why?

Could you elaborate?  I think that you are confusing UNIX domain sockets 
with network sockets.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: apt-get question?

2006-07-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Ishwar Rattan wrote:

How can one install a package downloaded as:

  apt-get install -d gcc-3.4

If you download it first, then a simple `apt-get install gcc-4.3` later 
will install it.  This is because apt looks in the local package cache 
before going to the network.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Is it possible to install ftp servers w/o 421 Service not available errors?

2006-07-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Dirk wrote:

I've tried proftpd, vsftpd and another one I don't remember on different
machines (all with debian) and randomly they bitch around giving me 421!

Interesting.  What steps (exactly) have you taken?  Have you enabled 
inbound FTP in the /etc/hosts.allow?  Are you inetd settings correct? 
Firewall setup properly?

Is it possible to run a ftp server with debian? Or will I finally have
to switch to FreeBSD like so many did since they've started putting
unstable stuff into 2.6.x.y instead of 2.7.x.

You seem to be confusing the stability of the kernel with the stability 
of applications.  The problem you are having is likely a misconfiguration.

Sorry for being an ass but I'm lightly pissed about Linux turning into a
bitch lately.

It happens.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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rsync weirdness

2006-07-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez
This is not Debian-specific (at least I don't think it is), but I will 
ask here regardless.  I have recently acquired a MacBook (a graduation 
gift from my parents).  Anyhow, while I was recently traveling, I did 
some work on it.  When I try to rsync back to either of my workstations 
(both running Sarge), it wants to transfer every single file and 
directory.  This is the case whether I run rsync from the MacBook or the 
other machine.  Does anyone know why this is going on?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: rsync weirdness

2006-07-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

have you lost the rsync-data on the receiving end? I actually use
rdiff-backup myself, but istm that if you lose the rsync data on the
receiving end, then it will try to sync everything. Maybe I don't
understand what you're doing though.

I don't think I have lost the rsync data.  Basically, what I do is:

rsync -nave ssh ~/Documents/stuff/ remote:~/school/stuff/

Even if have changed only one or two files, it still wants to transfer 

I will check out rdiff-backup.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: creating custom binary packages?

2006-06-26 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Kit Peters wrote:
I have a need to create my own .debs for a box at work, and I'd like to 
use precompiled stuff when I can.  How do I create a custom .deb from a 
precompiled package, a la firefox or MySQL?  I've looked at the New 
Maintainer's Guide (though perhaps not as in depth as I ought) and I 
didn't see anything there.  Can anyone give me some pointers?

Kit Peters

If your package does not require pre- or post-install steps (or if you 
can do them by hand), then check out checkinstall.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Debian package of the day

2006-06-23 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Aaron Maxwell wrote:

Something I did for fun, that you might find neat:

It's pretty skeletal right now; I'll add features to it over time.  (If 
anyone has a feature request, post on this list or email me.)


Seems pretty cool.

One question, though.  Wouldn't updated hourly! imply that this is 
really the Debian package of the hour?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Debian package of the day

2006-06-23 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Aaron Maxwell wrote:

Don't complain, or I'll make it update every ten minutes!

Then we'll all be in trouble.  :-)

If anyone's curious, the reason I did this is that there's so much 
software for debian - about 17,000 packages in i386/main - that there 
are probably some you would find interesting or useful, except that 
they get lost in the haystack and you never encounter them.  I read a 
post once in which someone bemoaned the passing of dselect, because it 
highlighted newly-minted packages.  With apt*, he rarely knew of that 
new software, unless he just stumbled across it.  I thought that was a 
pretty good point.  

Good point.  However, aptitude always shows you new packages.  IIRC, 
when dselect went away, aptitude was the recommended official replacement.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Sound card issues [WAS: Re: Hello!]

2006-06-12 Thread Roberto Sanchez

KlarsDev wrote:

Hi, i have this problem:
I have debian 3.1 sarge installed on my PC, but i encounter some 
problems with my sound device. My sound card is C-media(external) it 
works ok, but i have a 5.1 EBODA sound system and i don`t know how to 
make it work with debian.

I tried with alsa but i can only use a 4 channels option.

If u could help my on this i would realy appriciate it!


A few things:

1. Please use more descriptive subject lines.  Hello! is a common 
subject used by spam messages.
2. Your question is exceptionally vague; all we can ascertain is that 
you have some sort of problem (i.e., you provide no error output).
3. This question is not related to Debian development, but rather is 
more appropriate for the debian-user list, to which I have directed this 



Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: kernel problems

2006-06-12 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:

Well, never mind, I solved it.

What was wrong was that the /boot/initrd.img symlink didnt get updated.

Why is that? Should I file a bug against this package?

Before you do that, what are the contents of /etc/kernel-img.conf?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: X 7.0 .debs????

2005-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Kevin Mark wrote:

Hi Ron and Rob,
if you follow, David (aka gravity) bloged/blogs about it.
IIRC he said he was preparing it for experimental. And if you must know
yesterday, he is sometimes on #debian.

Hi Kevin,

I understand that the X Strike Force is moving swiftly to get X 7.0 into 
Debian.  However, my replay to Ron's original message was precipitated 
by his facetious question about when X7.0 will make into Etch.  Getting 
the software into Debian (in this case via experimental) will not take 
long).  It is the migration which will cause much pain and sorrow :-)


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: compiling apache 2.0.55, undefined reference errors (BIO_printf and such)

2005-12-27 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Artur Makówka wrote:

compiling 2.0.54 gives the same results (well, at least it also stops on 
some errors)

i just want to recompile apache to match my processor architecture 
optimization and such, besides i want to change few configure options. 
Of course i havent changed them yet, now i just want to test if it is 
even possible to compile it. But if you ask about my goal, that is the 
ability to change ./configure options and optimization.

besides, i think dpkg-buildpackage is in debian to use it.

2.0.55 is official apache2 version from testing, why would i want to 
change official version

i think there is a problem with some -l option missing in compile time, 
and i dont know why. or maybe i am missing some package, that is not in 

I see.  Have you read my Debian Package Customization HOWTO?

I would start there.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: compiling apache 2.0.55, undefined reference errors (BIO_printf and such)

2005-12-26 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Artur Makówka wrote:

does anyone know why i have a lot of such messages
undefined reference to `BIO_printf'
undefined reference to `SSL_do_handshake'
undefined reference to `SSL_get_error'
undefined reference to `BIO_printf'
undefined reference to `SSL_get_peer_cert_chain'
undefined reference to `sk_num'
undefined reference to `SSL_get_peer_certificate'

and so on (the list is pretty long), when i try to dpkg-buildpackage my 
apache2-mpm-worker? its 2.0.55, distro testing

i have libssl-dev 0.9.8a-3 installed ( i reinstalled it, and it didnt help)

my dpkg/apt-get is not broken, and i have fully updated system. Also i 
did apt-get build-dep apache2-mpm-worker and its not showing any errors.

so what i could be missing? i read its -lcrypto, but i doubt debian devs 
forgot to add it to rules file, so what could be the problem?

please respond also to my mail, im not signed here (if you dont mind..)

What I can't figure out is, why are you trying to compile 2.0.55 from 
testing?  Is there that much of a difference between 2.0.54 and 2.0.55 
that you need 2.0.55?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: aspell error in sarge

2005-12-23 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Rodney D. Myers wrote:

For the past month I have been trying to get a friends computer working
with Sylpheed-claws  gaim, but libaspell has an ongoing error within

I keep getting this error message;

sylpheed-claws: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined
symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE

gaim: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:

Any idea as to when this show stopping error will be fixed?

Google was not very helpful.  However, I was able to find a report of 
another Debian user encountering this problem.  The suggested solution 
was make sure that gaim-data was installed.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: VPN client to Windows network

2005-12-22 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Bob Hynes wrote:
Is there a commonly used VPN client for Debian? I'd like to vpn to a 
windows network at work, but I'm not sure if there is something that 
works like the VPN client built in to XP (which is what I currently use).

For windows VPN, you will probably need to patch your kernel with the 
MPPE patch.  Many places that use MS PPTP VPN solutions also use their 
broken encryption.  You can also look here:

That will get you started with some good instructions and packages, etc.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: netstat output

2005-12-22 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Adam Hardy wrote:

Is this some brute force dictionary attack in progress on my webserver?

The full foreign address is

Those nasty people in Yokogawa!

 Original Message 
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 05:00:07 + (GMT)

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State   
PID/Program name

tcp0  0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN  296/mysqld
tcp0  0 *:ssh   *:* LISTEN  252/sshd
tcp0  0 *:12121 *:* LISTEN  298/perl
tcp0  0 *:smtp  *:* LISTEN  243/master
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 
tcp0  0 hardya1.miniserver:ssh 

tcp0  0 localhost:8005  *:* LISTEN  279/java
tcp0  0 *:www   *:* LISTEN  279/java
tcp0  0 *:https *:* LISTEN  279/java
tcp1  0 localhost:2948  localhost:mysql CLOSE_WAIT  
tcp1  0 localhost:4947  localhost:mysql CLOSE_WAIT  

Either that, our someone is trying to DoS you.  Try setting your 
firewall to ratelimit inbound ssh connections to one or two per minute.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: X 7.0 .debs????

2005-12-21 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Ron Johnson wrote:

So, 7.0 is out?  When will it be in Etch?  Tomorrow, right?


I know that you know better than that :-)

You've been around long enough to know that it takes a while for things 
to happen in Debian.  Now, I do know that David Nusinow (I believe that 
is how you spell his name) has been prepping for the release of the 
modularized  However, there are about a bazillion (that is a 
technical) packages that are stalled at the moment because of one or 
another transition that is ongoing.

Regardless, it will happen eventually.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Debian and VMware

2005-12-20 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Greg Madden wrote:

On Tuesday 20 December 2005 10:14, Chris Sutton wrote:

Dear Sir/Mam,

Is it possible to install VMware-for-Linux on Debian? Thx!


VMware does not ship modules compiled for any Debian, as they do for many 
other distro's. Just make sure you have a compiler installed along with 
the header files for your running kernel. 

Also, if you roll your own kernel and are using Sid or Etch, make sure 
that the version of gcc has not changed since compiling your kernel. 
VMware's make script doesn't like that sort of thing.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Firefox and XFCE4 session management

2005-12-20 Thread Roberto Sanchez

C. Chad Wallace wrote:


Is there a way to get Firefox to load automatically in an XFCE4 
session?  Most programs (specifically Gaim, Amarok and Terminal) will 
just reload with the same state if I log out and choose Save session 
with them open.  Firefox doesn't do this.  I'd like to have Firefox load 
on session start-up with two particular pages loaded in two tabs.

The two tabs can be accomplished by opening the preferences dialog and 
at the top of the general section putting the two URLs separated by a 
pipe (|) character.  As far as getting firefox to actually start when 
XFCE starts, I am not sure.

I'm sure I could write a session script to do this, but it's much more 
convenient to just be able to set stuff up as I want it, then log out 
and save my session.  My KDE-zealot co-worker informs me that Konqueror 
does this perfectly. ;-)

Yeah?  Why don't you ask your co-worker if Konquerer has a cuddly orange 
fox for a mascot?  I don't think he'll have a sensible answer :-)



Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Silicon Image 3114 and Seagate?

2005-12-19 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Roberto Sanchez wrote:

search [0], I am a bit hesitant to get that combination.  Does anyone on 
the list have any firsthand experience with Barracuda drives on a 3114 
controller?  What have you encountered?

Bad question.  You need to know exactly *WHICH* Barracuda drives you are
talking about, and which people are talking about when they reply to you.

Don't expect 7200.9 Barracudas (SATA 300) to work fine with some broken
SATA 150 chipsets (such as Intel ICH5/ICH5R).  They *may* work, or they may
fail to work (but at least if it is a 300/150 issue, it is an
all-or-nothing, so no data loss).

7200.8 have NCQ and non-NCQ versions, so you need to know which you're
dealing with as well.

You did not specify whether I should be looking for a drive with NCQ or 
without NCQ.  :-)

Anyhow, I am considering combining these:

Do you think that I may run into problems with these?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Silicon Image 3114 and Seagate?

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez
I am getting ready to purchase a system that has the Silicon Image 3114 
SATA controller.  I understand that it is well supported, even by the 
default kernel in Sarge.  However, I was also planning on getting some 
Seagate Barracuda drives.  Based on some things I found via a Google 
search [0], I am a bit hesitant to get that combination.  Does anyone on 
the list have any firsthand experience with Barracuda drives on a 3114 
controller?  What have you encountered?



Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Silicon Image 3114 and Seagate?

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Don Hayward wrote:

Hi Roberto,

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, Roberto Sanchez wrote:

I am getting ready to purchase a system that has the Silicon Image 
3114 SATA controller.  I understand that it is well supported, even by 
the default kernel in Sarge.  However, I was also planning on getting 
some Seagate Barracuda drives.  Based on some things I found via a 
Google search [0], I am a bit hesitant to get that combination.  Does 
anyone on the list have any firsthand experience with Barracuda drives 
on a 3114 controller?  What have you encountered?

I have three systems on Tyan S2875 (Dual Opteron) boards with sil 3114
chips all carrying 4 Barracuda drives.  Two have had no problems.  The
other is the oldest and has had a variety of issues.  I lately flashed
the bios to the latest version and installed amd64 etch from the beta
install image (2.6.12 I believe) and things have been stable since.

OK.  Thanks.  I am getting ready to buy a couple of GX28 (2882 based) 
systems.  I am glad to hear that they work.  Since I am getting newer 
drives and newer systems, I imagine that I should not have any trouble. 
 However, to be clear, you are running Sarge on these systems?

Also, did you run into any trouble with the installer detecting 
anything?  I was planning on doing the Sarge amd64 netinstall.  I have 
read conflicting reports about compatibility with the broadcom ethernet 
devices.  Was that an issue for you?

Thanks very much for your time and insight.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: [SOLVED]update etc/aliases.db

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Ernst-Magne Vindal wrote:

Hmm...found it, I just run newaliases and  /etc/init.d/postfix reload.

I use a little shell script (located in /usr/local/sbin):


echo Updating Postfix configuration
postmap /etc/postfix/relocated
postmap /etc/postfix/transport
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/helo_checks
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sender_checks
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/client_checks
postfix reload

Whenever I update any of the components of my postfix configuration, I 
run this script.  You can tailor it to your particular configuration 
very easily.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Silicon Image 3114 and Seagate?

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Don Hayward wrote:

Two are etch, one is sarge.  The sarge and one etch started out as
sid before the sarge release.  The sarge was downgraded to sarge after
release.  The reinstall has always been etch.

OK.  That's what I needed to know.

Sorry, I have no experience with broadcom -- My LAN interfaces are
Intel 82541 which gave no problem.

I was under the impression that all TYAN boards had broadcom LAN interfaces.

Thanks again.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Slowing down exim4

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Clinton V. Weiss wrote:
(Posted on alt.comp.mail.exim over a month ago with no answers - hope 
someone here can help me on this...)

On my desktop machine (Debian unstable) I have a couple of different 
programs (fetchyahoo, etc.) that go and get mail and send them to other 
emails for me. These programs are nice n quick, and exim4 is mailing 
them out just as fast.

However, my internet provider doesn't seem to enjoy my computer sending 
email at a rate quicker than one email per 10 seconds. Is there any way 
I can setup exim4 to send each email 10 seconds apart to avoid too 
frequent SMTP connections to my ISP?

Or perhaps someone has a better suggestion?

I searched [0], but could not find anything that appeared to be easy to 
implement.  You may just be out of luck.

Incidentally, what braindead policy do they have in place?  Are you able 
to send mail directly?  Or do you have to connect to their mail server?



Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Kino problem - doesn't read files

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Russ Cook wrote:
I am running an AMD64 dual-core machine, on an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe 
motherboard.I'm running Debian-64, Sarge (I think).  My sources.list

file is attached.

I'm trying to use Kino to edit some video files for burning to DVD.
When I try to load an AVI file, I get the error Failed to load media.
When I try to load an MPG file, I get the error Invalid file specified.
The version of Kino is 0.7.5.  Since I'm running 64-bit Linux, I don't know
if the problem is my own ignorance, or a compatibility issue, or both.

Can anyone offer some pointers?

Thanks much,

# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:
#deb testing/updates main
#deb-src testing/updates main

deb testing main
deb testing contrib
deb testing non-free
deb sarge main
deb sid main
deb-src testing main
deb-src testing contrib
deb-src testing non-free

Actually, you are running Etch.  BTW, you can combine the individual 
lines that contain main, contrib and non-free into a single line ending 
in main contrib non-free.  I'm not sure about your video editing problem.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Slowing down exim4

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Clinton V. Weiss wrote:

It is Comcast (enough said?).  I haven't been able to find any official 
policy, but my guess is this is done to prevent malware infected 
computers from sending out hundreds of spams.  So, despite my good 
intentions, I am being limited.

I'm sorry to hear that (that Comcast is your ISP).  I had a problem 
previously with SBC (when I was still them), where they started blocking 
all outbound port 25.  I was able to call them up and (after lots of 
wrangling and arguing with an Indian guy who said his name was Mike) 
get them to lift the restriction on my account.  Anyhowm you should be 
able to call up their customer service and get them to lift the 
restriction your account.

I am connecting to their mail server directly.  I don't have the know 
how of setting up a mail server directly on this Debian unstable 
machine, nor do I really want to do that.

If you are running Sid, it is probably not a good idea to have a mail 
server facing directly out to the Internet.

All the emails do *eventually* get sent out as exim4 goes through its 
unsent emails, but I prefer to keep my logs uncluttered with the error 

I see.  Could you not just configure exim to not log those attempts?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Silicon Image 3114 and Seagate?

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Katipo wrote:

I think that Seagate would have just about anything catered for.
Might be an idea to check out the latest, though.
They may be a little expensive, but with the space they save, that's 
money in the bank, dependent on your application.

That looks good.  However, the .9 series are 3.0 Gb/s drives and the 
system I am getting has the Silicon Image 3114 controller, which only 
supports SATA-150.  I don't think I can justify the extra expense to get 
the .9 drives.  But thanks for the pointer.  I'll keep them in mind if I 
get a system that supports that speed.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: How to compile custom 2.4 series kernel in Sarge with root on LVM?

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Amal Phadke wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to compile a custom 2.4 series kernel for my
server box which has /boot as a separate ext3 partition and / (root)
partition on LVM (/dev/mapper/vg00-lv03), because I prefer to have all
the drivers corresponding to my server hardware compiled into the
kernel and none as modules. But it has been a total failure.

Apparently the latest stock 2.4.32 kernel has no built in
device mapper support. So I downloaded Debian kernel-sources-2.4.27
package, configured it with compiled-in (ie no modules) drivers
specific to my server hardware. I made sure LVM, device mapper, ramdisk
and cramfs support was compiled in. I couldn't compile in devfs
support because that option was disabled in make xconfig. This could
be the problem but I have no workaround for it. Also I am not sure
whether I would need initrd image or not, but I created one anyway
using mkinitrd -k -o /boot/initrd.img in Sarge kernel which is also
the same version. I correctly set GRUB options to point to new kernel,
and initrd images and rebooted the server. 

I get kernel panic in the boot process after it fails to find
devfs filesystem and then fails to find dev/console.

Can anyone point me to a step by step document on how to
compile a custom kernel in Debian Sarge with root on LVM? I would
really appreciate some help. 

AIUI, the only way to get root on LVM to work is with an initrd.  Have 
you tried that?  When I setup my workstation I specifically did not put 
root on LVM so I would not need to mess with an initrd.  Also, have you 
tried to Google search?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Question on backups using rsync

2005-12-18 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Brad Sims wrote:

I have a 300GB external HD that contains a current / with the
exeption of /proc/ /tmp/ /mnt/ /dev/ and /sys/...

Is it possible do a bare-metal restore using this? 

Also can you think of anything useful to add to this script?

SNIP script

Have you considered switching to systemimager, dirvish, or another of 
the very featureful rsync-based backup tools?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Error when starting apache2 (new installation)

2005-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Philippe Dhont (Sea-ro) wrote:


I installed apache2 wit apt-get and i get:

[Fri Dec 16 14:17:57 2005] [notice] mod_python: Creating 20 session 
mutexes based on 20 max processes and 0 max threads.

[Fri Dec 16 14:17:57 2005] [error] (38)Function not implemented: 
mod_python: Failed to create global mutex 0 of 20 (/tmp/mpmtx115400).

Configuration Failed

Mod_python is in available mods.
Anybody any idea ?

How are you starting it?  Is mod_python enabled?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Fresh installation: Segmentation fault

2005-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Amar P. Patel wrote:


I followed the instructions on to install heimdal kerberos, 
but when I run kinit me and enter the correct password it spits out 
Segmentation fault.

I am using berkeley db to store the keys.

Anyone experience this error before.  I have tried compiling everything 
from scratch but same problem.

Here are the build options I used:
./configure \

--prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-shared \
--enable-pthread-support --with-openssl=/usr/local --without-readline \
--without-openldap --without-hesiod --without-ipv6

Is there any particular reason that the Kerberos packages included in 
Debian are not suitable?


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Fresh installation: Segmentation fault

2005-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Amar P. Patel wrote:

The packages included in Debian are not suitable since they are
outdated.  I want the latest version of Heimdal Kerberos: 0.7.1.


It appears that version 0.7.1 is in experimental:

Might I recommend that you download the Debian sources and backport them 
yourself?  I have written a howto on package customization (which 
includes backporting):

If you like, you can then also create a package repository on your 
network so that all the machines can get your customized packages that 
you built.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: Install kernel-source-2.6.8 update

2005-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Marty wrote:

New kernel in 5 easy steps!

1) untar /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2


2) Add your .config (e.g. from /proc/config.gz)


3) make oldconfig;make bzImage

Why not use make-kpkg from kernel-package?

4) replace old bzImage in /boot

See last.

5) run lilo

Switch to grub :-)


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: OT: don't understand something about xpdf

2005-12-15 Thread Roberto Sanchez

Joe Mc Cool wrote:
cutting and pasting from a pdf - both text and image - is fairly easy 
using the tools/utils from xpdf.

Under X I can drag my mouse over the _text_ in a pdf file.  Then in an
xemacs window I can double click and the text is pasted in there.  (A
very useful facility.)

How come ?  Surely the text in the pdf file is not ascii ?  Surely
even the text is stored as a graphic in the pdf file ?

I am obviously misunderstanding something.

Joe Mc Cool

PDF is just a stripped down and compressed version of PS.  Thus, the 
text is certainly copyable.  It may not be stored directly in ASCII 
format in the PDF (as in I am not sure if this is the case or not), but 
it is accessible as some kind of text.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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Re: How to make dpkg forget a package was ever there?

2005-01-09 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Quoting William Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 vrms still lists some non-free packages on my system as purged.
 References to these are found in /var/lib/dpkg/status.
 Can I just edit this file?

I have edited /var/lib/dpkg/status to recover from a b0rked system after a
power outage in the middle of a fairly big dist-upgrade.  Just be careful,
as you have the potential to really hose dpkg's idea of what is on your


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Re: How to make dpkg forget a package was ever there?

2005-01-09 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Quoting William Ballard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 12:22:50AM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
  I have edited /var/lib/dpkg/status to recover from a b0rked system after
  power outage in the middle of a fairly big dist-upgrade.  Just be
  as you have the potential to really hose dpkg's idea of what is on your
 I'll show you the bit I want to edit out:
  present in the `icu' and `icu-locales` packages.
 Package: fglrx-4.3.0-kernel-2.6.9
 Status: purge ok not-installed
 Priority: extra
 Section: non-free/x11
 Architecture: i386
 Package: unrar
 I want to remove the middle bit, related to fglrx-4.3.0-kernel-2.6.9.
 Just chomp it out?
 It also appears in status-old.

Doesn't seem like it would be a problem.  I would say, though, that the
correct behavior for vrms is to ignore the package.  If you have purged
it, all traces a presumably gone.  Thus, the package is no longer there.
I would recommend filing a bug report.

-Roberto Sanchez

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Re: dhcp apparently handing out the wrong ip address

2005-01-08 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Alan Chandler wrote:
On Saturday 08 January 2005 20:25, Alan Chandler wrote:
On Saturday 08 January 2005 14:35, Robert Vangel wrote:

After releasing, make sure you clean out /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases (I
think), it may cache what IP to assign to clients (although you would
think the configuration would override this).
Process I would use to clean it: stop dhcp3-server, clean out
dhcpd.leases, start dhcp3-server.
Tried that too - doesn't seem to help
Its almost as though win 2000 has kept a record and is asking for the same
address in the
... request
Sorry clicked send to early
IIRC, though it has been a long time since I messed with Windows
networking, if the DHCP server takes too long to offer an address,
it will simply use the previously issued address.
-Roberto Sanchez
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Re: rudeness in changelogs

2005-01-08 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Quoting Steve Greenland [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On 08-Jan-05, 15:08 (CST), Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Is this really called for in changelogs? Note that the bug reports were
  perfectly polite.
 Not really called for, but I understand the frustration with people who
 have nothing better to do than nag, and (for the second bug) without
 even checking the existing bugs!
Did the maintainer bother to inform the submitter of that?  I know that
when I started with Debian a few years ago, I had no clue.  I barely knew
how to submit a bug, never mind figuring out how to see if it had already
been submitted.  I think the maintainer's words would have been more
productively employed in educating the submitter.  Granted, the Debian BTS
is much more intuitive that other bug tracking systems (e.g., Bugzilla),
but it is still a lot for newbie to grasp.

  Imagining myself as a student in this class: I complete the requested
  assignment, with luck make an A, only to have the prof post it to the
  internet and then be insulted by perfect strangers as they use my work
  to fix their problems.
 These would be the same students who didn't even have the minimum
 decency to attempt to notify the upstream authors before publishing
 the bugs? I think taking a dig at them in the changelog is the *least*
 anyone should do.

IIRC, DJB published the bugs, not the students.  Even if he didn't and the
students did, who cares?  It pains me to think that people who have a stake
in free software, as all Debian developers and users do, would stoop to such
childish antics.  We are all mostly adults, or at least close to it, we should
act like it.  Someone took the time to find a problem in one of our packages.
Regardless of how they went about it, we should thank them, fix the package
and feel happy that the goals of the Debian project have been furthered.


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APT Repository HOWTO

2005-01-08 Thread Roberto Sanchez
I know that there are several APT repository HOWTOs floating around out there.
However, none were particularly useful to me when I set out to make my own
repository.  Pretty much everyone out there focuses on the trivial repository
format.  I wanted to do it right and have a well-structured automatic

Anyhow, I spent lots of time reading the not-so-great documentation for apt-
ftparchive and the apt.conf format.  I also did lots of trial and error
mistakes before I got it right.

Anyhow, the HOWTO is here:

I welcome any suggestions and feedback.

-Roberto Sanchez

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Re: 'Virtual Private Servers' - Advice, recollections and recommendations requested

2005-01-07 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Quoting Rich Rudnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 So here are the first few questions. Direct answers, pointers to
 relevant FM's and better questions welcome:
 1.  Reputable providers: Who do you use that you would recommend? UML
 seems acceptable, since our load will be almost minuscule to begin with.
 At least one static ip is a must.
I recently took over managing my church's website.  The site is hosted
at  I think they run RedHat 7.3 with cPanel, but
they offer ssh access, static IP, unlimited subdomains and emails, etc.
Their tech support is also very good.  They have been responding very
quickly to all my queries.  Their plans are $70-$100/yr.

 2.  How do I get a grip on potential traffic volume? I'm sure there's a
 formula out there somewhere that I can plug some numbers into that will
 give me an approximation. This really is a shoe-string non-profit and I
 don't want to buy more than we really need, but if I find good deal I
 want to be reasonably comfortable I won't run into surcharges for excess
 traffic later on.
The hosting provider I mention above offers 600 MB space and 25 GB/month
(for the $70 plan) or 800 MB space and 35 GB/month (for the $100 plan).
That should be plenty for most any organization.

 3.  Instant messaging: I don't use it, have never investigated it, and
 know nothing. I will investigate, but a few signposts would be welcome.
Can't help you here.

-Roberto Sanchez

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2005-01-07 Thread Roberto Sanchez
OK. just went into Sarge today.  It is supposed to
be like the NeXT/Apple (neither of which I have used).
I must say that it is really nice.  I am seriously considering
switching from Thunderbird.  It has very nice and intuitive
interfaces, native gpg integration (no plugin necessary), and
a bunch of really nice features.  My only beef is that there
was no way to configure it for SMTP/TLS over port 25 (which is
what my mailserver is set for), so I had to enable sslwrap on
port 465.  But that was only a minor annoyance.

I heartily recommend anyone who uses a GUI MUA and is one of
the *Step environments most of the time.

-Roberto Sanchez
RFC3156 defines security multipart formats for MIME with OpenPGP.

Description: PGP signature

Re: dkpg --purge question..

2005-01-06 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Quoting Ishwar Rattan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I installed sylpheed-clasws using apt-get and want to remove it.
 # dpkg --purge sylpheed-claws
  complains that sylpheed-claws-i18n depends on sylpheed-claws
  and won't be removed
 #dpkg -purge sylpheed-claws-i18n
  complains that sylpheed-claws depends on sylpheed-claws-i18n
  and won't be removed
 Any pointers?

Sure.  Don't use dpkg unless you are installing a pacakge from a local .deb
file.  dpkg does not handle *any* dependency resolution.  To purge your
package, use: apt-get remove --purge sylpheed-claws

-Roberto Sanchez

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Re: best high performance video card for debian

2005-01-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez
dorn hetzel wrote:
Ok, I know this is a subjective question with subjective answers, but
would anyone care to venture personal recommendations on good high
performance video cards which work well and are relatively easy to
get X up and running well on.  Platform would be some flavor of
debian with 2.6.10ish kernel.  Bonus points for pci-express cards
known to work well :)

If you want to be able to game (CS, NWN, UT, etc.) then get an nVidia
card, flat out.  The reason is that most modern games utilize S3
Texture Compression, which is patented.  The binary drivers for nVidia
are far and away better than the binary drivers for ATI.  I should know,
I struggled with the binary ATI drivers for over a year.  When I finally
bought an nVidia card, the binary drivers Just Worked(TM).
If gaming is NOT a concern, then buy an ATI card.  If you want good
3D acceleration, then everything upto and including the 9200 is
extremely well supported in the current XFree86 in Sid/Sarge.  I have
had the open source dri drivers give my up to 25% better performance
than the binary ATI drivers.
Overall, the ATI card, if it is supported by XFree86, is easier to get
working.  But, if you want gaming performance, your only real choice
is an nVidia.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Kernel 2.6.8 won't boot

2005-01-03 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Muhammad Reza wrote:
Dear Lists,
I'm stuck with compiling debian kernel-2.6.8 source at Sarge, this is
what exactly i did...
debian:/usr/src# ln -s kernel-source-2.6.8 linux
debian:/boot# cd /usr/src/linux
debian:/usr/src/linux# cp /root/config .config
debian:/usr/src/linux#patch -p1 /root/bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.8.diff
debian:/usr/src/linux#make menuconfig
debian:/usr/src#make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image
debian:/usr/src/linux# cd ../
debian:/usr/src# ls
kernel-image-2.6.8_custom.1.0_i386.deb  kernel-patches
kernel-source-2.6.8  kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2  linux
debian:/usr/src# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.8_custom.1.0_i386.deb
but new compile kernel wont boot with this error...
RAMDISK: cramfs file system found at block 0
RAMDISK: loading 3620 block [1 disk] into ramdisk done..
Kernel Panic:VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown_block(3.1)
please help solved this problem..
here is .config and menu.lst in attach
Have you tried without an initrd?  Also, do you have /boot
on a seperate partition?
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: How to get Sound to work - Need step by step instructions

2005-01-02 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Syed Huq wrote:
Ditch that kernel and install another one, either kernel-image-2.2.20 or
kernel-image-2.4.18-1-386|686|k6|k7|586. If you use 2.4.18, don't
forget to configure lilo to use the initrd needed to boot that kernel.
After booting with the new kernel, try again.

I tried 'ditching' that kernel by upgrading to Sarge. It was a
nightmare and had to switch
back to Woody. So no solutions there.
IF(not a possibility), I had kernel 2.4.18:
1) How to configure lilo
2) Try again...try what ?
I am still hoping someone can provide a step-by-step instructions.
- Rathon

Before you start messing around with new kernels, do yourself
a favor and switch to Grub.  Once you get it installed, it is
much easier.  Additionally, if you use symlinks like /vmlinuz
and /vmlinuz.old and so on, you can point the symlinks at
newly installed kernels and reboot without reinstalling Grub.
This is because Grub actually reads your filesystem.
It is also easier to recover from a botched kernel install as
you can easily edit the entire kernel command line.  I know
this can also sort of happen with lilo, but it is much easier
and flexible with Grub.
initrd's are also handled better in Grub.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: mod_perl for apache insallation problem

2004-12-31 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Umar Draz wrote:
Hi Dear Members!
  i want to configure apache with mode_perl after run make command i got
this error
plz help me how i can solve it
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lamp/pkg/mod_perl-1.29/apaci'
make: *** [apxs_libperl] Error 2
thanks and regards
Umar Draz
That means that you are missing the libperl-dev package.
But why don't you just install the libapache-mod-perl
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: META: Re: When the thread wanders too far

2004-12-31 Thread Roberto Sanchez
David Jardine wrote:
On Fri, Dec 31, 2004 at 01:14:51PM -0500, Eric d'Alibut wrote:
When freedom and tolerance seem to fail, repression always is an
answer. Sound familiar? Be afraid, children, be very afraid.

That last sentence certainly sounds pathetically familiar ;-)
Yes. I believe Master Yoda said it :-)
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: pppd: CHAP authentication failed

2004-12-30 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Mauro Darida wrote:
I am experiencing a weird thing: I have got KDE kppp perfectly working
but when it comes to use pppd directly with the pon script even from
root pppd won't start. I have the following /var/log/ppp.log:
Dec 29 19:49:50 ifi pppd[1302]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Dec 29 19:49:50 ifi pppd[1302]: Serial connection established.
Dec 29 19:49:50 ifi pppd[1302]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 29 19:49:50 ifi pppd[1302]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/pts/5
Dec 29 19:50:22 ifi pppd[1302]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 29 19:50:22 ifi pppd[1302]: Connection terminated.
Dec 29 19:50:52 ifi pppd[1302]: Serial connection established.
Dec 29 19:50:52 ifi pppd[1302]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 29 19:50:52 ifi pppd[1302]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/pts/0
Dec 29 19:51:23 ifi pppd[1302]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 29 19:51:23 ifi pppd[1302]: Connection terminated.
Dec 29 19:51:53 ifi pppd[1302]: Serial connection established.
Dec 29 19:51:53 ifi pppd[1302]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 29 19:51:53 ifi pppd[1302]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/pts/5
Dec 29 19:52:24 ifi pppd[1302]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Dec 29 19:52:24 ifi pppd[1302]: Connection terminated.
Dec 29 20:40:02 ifi pppd[793]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (BUSY)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (VOICE)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: abort on (DELAYED)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: send (ATZ^M)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: expect (OK)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: ATZ^M^M
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: OK
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]:  -- got it
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: send (ATDT7020001033^M)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: expect (CONNECT)
Dec 29 20:40:05 ifi chat[798]: ^M
Dec 29 20:40:27 ifi chat[798]: ATDT7020001033^M^M
Dec 29 20:40:27 ifi chat[798]: CONNECT
Dec 29 20:40:27 ifi chat[798]:  -- got it
Dec 29 20:40:27 ifi chat[798]: send (\d)
Dec 29 20:40:28 ifi pppd[793]: Serial connection established.
Dec 29 20:40:28 ifi pppd[793]: using channel 1
Dec 29 20:40:28 ifi pppd[793]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 29 20:40:28 ifi pppd[793]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttySHSF0
Dec 29 20:40:29 ifi pppd[793]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x67fdddb6 pcomp accomp]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1524
asyncmap 0xa auth chap MD5 pcomp accomp mrru 1524
endpoint [local:]]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 mrru 1524]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x67fdddb6 pcomp accomp]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524
asyncmap 0xa auth chap MD5 pcomp accomp endpoint
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524
asyncmap 0xa auth chap MD5 pcomp accomp endpoint
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1
67ebcc8735df1478486093c19f9e869c, name = apx-na1]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: sent [CHAP Response id=0x1
8b7464067e56bd43969a6f290ef2e077, name = robert210]
Dec 29 20:40:30 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x0]
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [CHAP Failure id=0x1 \000]
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: Remote message: ^@
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: CHAP authentication failed
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 Failed to
authenticate ourselves to peer]
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x2]
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: Connection terminated.
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Dec 29 20:40:31 ifi pppd[793]: Exit.
Any clue?
Is this for a VPN connection?  When I had this problem, I was
forgetting to enable refuse-eap
The server to which I was trying to connect would, for some reason,
offer EAP and then refuse to authenticate with it.  I simply had to
disable it and then CHAP authentication mysteriously started
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OpenOffice (sid) just quit , WHY?

2004-12-30 Thread Roberto Sanchez
John Foster wrote:
I was using OpenOffice as  a web writer and it seemed to be running
sporadically, slowing way down, then it crashed and now will not start at
all. I removed it from my system and reinstalled it and it still does not
work.  Any one know of this? The only thing that I had done was involving
Apache2  PHP4 as far as altering my system. That does not work yet either,
but that's a different problem.
Try running /usr/sbin/oooprelink to re-prelink your binaries.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: PDF Form Editing.

2004-12-30 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Nayyar Ahmed wrote:
Hello All,
I want to edit a PDF form, is there any utility ?

Are you referring to a fillable PDF form, as one created in
Acrobat Professional or some such Adobe product?  If so,
try installing the acroread package from: unstable main
Substitute stable or testing if that is your preference.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Backup-software FTP

2004-12-30 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 06:04:53PM +1100, Sam Watkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 02:09:43PM +0100, Jon-Eirik Pettersen wrote:
What would you recommend of software to do simple directory-based
backups to an FTP-server?
I like lftp, it can do recursive upload / download (mirror, mirror -R).

Can you run that noninteractively?  I use lftp but haven't found a good
way to script it.  Would be useful for a few websites I manage.
Otherwise, of course, rsync rocks, but a lot of ISPs haven't caught up
with the 20th Century yet.
If you use lftp -f script it will execute the commands
in the script file.  I suppose you could write up a script
and throw the lftp command into your crontab.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Installing old tarballs on a new Debian system

2004-12-30 Thread Roberto Sanchez
cga wrote:
I am currently switching to Debian and I have a bunch of utilities,
wmaker applets,
etc.. in source format that I would like to reinstall on the new system.
a number of these are not available as .deb's.
As I see it I can either copy them to /usr/local/tarballs  do the usual
make-install dance or try to create .deb's myself. This last approach
being probably
the more dangerous.
Is there any place in the Debian literature where this issue is
discussed? Any guidelines
concerning source(non-debian) install on  Debian system? Are there any
tools that might
help automate the conversion of source packages to the .deb format?
The new maintainer's guide talks about how to build .deb packages.  It
is the most academically correct solution.  For a quick and dirty
solution, use checkinstall.  It is in unstable.  Basically you do this:
tar zxvf your-source-package
cd your-source-directory
./configure with-desired-options
checkinstall make install
Answer the few questions at the end to tweak the version and package
name to your liking and viola, you have a Debianized package that
integrates with your package database for your non-Debian source
package.  I have used successfully for several projects I am developing.
I olnly wish I had known about it sooner.
My main goal at this point is having a system that's clean to start
off with and will
remain as clean as possible for the foreseeable future - ie. not some
a-la-win95 system
that needs a complete reinstall every couple of months. I understand
that Debian might
provide exactly this but I am concerned that by the time I become a
little more experienced
with its packaging system I may have polluted this new system beyond
Please advise.
Thank you.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/

2004-12-29 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Aditya Pratap wrote:
I am getting this message when I try to upgrade KDE using apt-get install -
You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.
Is it ok if I delete the files in this directory? Or is there any other
way out.
Thanking in advance,
You are just storing previously downloaded versions of your packages.
Personally, I run apt-proxy for all my machines, so I always apt-get
clean after installing a package.  If you don't run a proxy or have
a slow connection, you may want to consider using apt-get autoclean
which will leave only downloaded packages which are still available
in the archives, i.e., packages that you can still install.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Backups - what files can safely be omitted?

2004-12-29 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Robert S wrote:
Thanks for the folks who advised me re backing up a running system.  I'm
just testing mondo at the moment.  Looks ideal for my purposes.
What files can safely be omitted from a debian system backup?  Obvious ones
are /var/cache/apt/archives (if you're like me an hold onto these files) and
/var/spool/squid (if you use squid).  Is there anything crucial in /var/log
that can't be trashed?  Is there anything else in /var?
It all depends on how much time you want to invest into restoring your
system in the event of a failure.  Linus Torvalds says Real men don't
backup.  They upload everything to FTP and let the rest of the world
mirror it.
That being said, I use two different schemes.  For my server I create
a systemimager backup.  If something goes south on me, I can boot it
from the backup image and have it restored in the time it takes to
transfer the information across the network.  I also create a daily
tar of the systemimager image and keep a couple of weeks worth.  This
way I can revert to a previous state, if necesary.
For my workstation I simply create a tar of /etc /home and /root and
of dpkg-get --get-selections.  If something goes wrong, I reinstall
with my previously selected packages, untar /etc /home and /root and
then I am ready to go.  This method takes longer, but is much more space
efficient.  I don't personally back up anything /var on my workstation,
but if you run a website, then /var/www and if you run databases or
store email then /var/lib and /var/mail, respectively.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[[offlist] Re: [Way off topic] the Quran

2004-12-29 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Syed Huq wrote:
The Muslims believe in a conecpt of nullification (I forget the
correct term) that essentially states that later verses in the Quran
that contradict with earlier verses, contradict or trump the earlier
verses.  Read the book I mention above and you will see what I mean.
The Quran directly contradicts itself and parts of Hadith contradict
what the Quran says.
-Roberto Sanchez

This is absolute bullshit to be precise. There is no piece of the Quran OR
the Hadith that ever contradicts each other. Infact, it compliments
each other in many respect. Why not read the original Quran and the
Hadith and draw your
conclusion instead of 'one man's interpretationwhich is as I said
is pure bull.
- Rathon

Then why do early verses in the Quran say that Jews and Christians
(people of the Book) or OK and can continue practicing their
religion and later say that they must be converted?  That would
seem like a contradiction to me.
Here you go:
Surah 2:62:
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and
the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the
Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense
from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
Seems to me like Jews and Christians are OK.
Surah 5:82:
You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and
the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in
friendship to the believers are those who say, We are Christian. This
is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not
Oops.  The Jews are not longer so friendly.
If that is not a contradiction, then I don't know what is.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [[offlist] Re: [Way off topic] the Quran

2004-12-29 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Syed Huq wrote:
Then why do early verses in the Quran say that Jews and Christians
(people of the Book) or OK and can continue practicing their
religion and later say that they must be converted?  That would
seem like a contradiction to me.

The Quran considers Jews and Christians as people of the Book because
Allah had given them the Torah and the Bible(which got corrupted by
man). Also, Islam believes in the same prophets as Abraham, Moses and
Jesus(Prophet Isa). There are NO mentions in the Quran to convert
anyone. Infact conversion to religion is forbidden in Islam. One may
preach Islam to any and all and it is left upto the receipient to make
his/her own decision.

Here you go:
Surah 2:62:
Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and
the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the
Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense
from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
Seems to me like Jews and Christians are OK.
Surah 5:82:
You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and
the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in
friendship to the believers are those who say, We are Christian. This
is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not
Oops.  The Jews are not longer so friendly.
If that is not a contradiction, then I don't know what is.

What you are doing is quoting bits and pieces from here and there and
trying to make a contradiction. Read Surah 5:81 the verse above the
one you had quoted:
If they believed in Allah and the Prophet and that is which is
revealed unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But
many of them are of evil conduct.
OK.  This makes sense.
Because Jews and Christians do not believe in the last
prophet(Muhammad(pbuh), they are 'not in the right path' anymore. So
even though they are people of the book, they are still the wrong
doers, evil conduct etc etc etc
This also makes sense.
So your own bits-an-pieces-interpretation is causing this contraction.
You should read the entire Surah and then understand what is being
This does not make sense.  You completely avoid the fact that Surah 2:62
says that they have nothing to fear.  So, is a Jews or a Crhsitian on
the right path as Surah 2:62 indicates if he (1) believes in GOD, and
(2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life ... OR
is he not on the right path as you say Surah 5:81,82 indicates?
Again, thank you for your explanation of Surah 5:81,82.  This clarifies
that particular point for me, but fails to address the contradiction.
Peace be upon you my friend..
And peace be unto you.
- Rathon

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
You missed on of the best:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and
a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to
heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and
a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast
away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to
sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a
time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

This quote doesn't mention a time to think, even less a time to
question... but if you started doing that, the bible - nor the quran -
would not stand for very long. Unless you start to doublethink of
course :-)
Ecclesiates 3:1-8

= bull

What do you think a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; means,
I agree that the Q'uran contradicts itself numerous times, but there is
no evidence of such thing in the Bible.  Care to back up your statement?
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Wim De Smet wrote:
On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 14:46:33 -0800, Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sam Watkins wrote:
No.  Terrorist isn't used enough.  In fact Islamic Terrorist isn't used
enough.  People who behead other people with a machete so those being beheaded

Calling people islamic terrorists is about the same as claiming that
Islam is responsible for their actions. It certainly implies it. You
can and should never hold an entire religion responsible for the acts
of a few of its fundamentalists. After all, Bush is a christian too,
but that doesn't mean all christians agree with him blowing up
children in the Middle East.
The difference is this:
1.  Muslims who commit terrorist acts do so in *compliance* with the
teachings of Mohammed and Islam.
2.  Christians who commit terrorist acts are in direct opposition to
the Bible and the Word of God.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Wim De Smet wrote:
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 09:16:01 -0500, Roberto Sanchez
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
You missed on of the best:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and
a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to
heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and
a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast
away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to
sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a
time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

This quote doesn't mention a time to think, even less a time to
question... but if you started doing that, the bible - nor the quran -
would not stand for very long. Unless you start to doublethink of
course :-)

Ecclesiates 3:1-8

= bull

What do you think a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; means,
I agree that the Q'uran contradicts itself numerous times, but there is
no evidence of such thing in the Bible.  Care to back up your statement?

Uhm many wars were fought in the OT while in the NT Jesus tells us to
turn the other cheek. Off course this can be seen as a correction or a
new development or whatever. In any case the views conflict.

You are confusing the issue.  Wars will be fought all throughout
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers
places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:6-8
The turn the other cheek verse you are referring to is this:
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite
thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39
First of all, earlier in the same sermon, Jesus specifically states
that he did not come do destroy Old Testament law:
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one
tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5:18
Not only that, but if you read all of Matthew 5, you will see that
the sermon is given in the context of interpersonal relationships
and conflicts between individuals. Governments operate under
different guidelines.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Linux Functionality?

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
dorn hetzel wrote:
On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 02:36:58PM -0700, Nate Duehr wrote:
Nate Bargmann wrote:

Hmmm, I didn't know that.  I thought I-80 always went from Salt Lake
City to Wendover, UT and on west.  I learned something new today!
The phrase I-80 strikes terror into the hearts of those who've gone East
of Cheyenne, Wyoming on it.
I thought I-80 translated to, oh look... more Nebraska.
Driving across Nebraska really must be done to be properly appreciated.

80 is the boring way to cross Nebraska :)  Head out towards Alliance
and the grasslands by way of the hand-planted forest if you want a
better time of it :)
There is *no* good way to cross Nebraska.
It is like crossing Kansas on I-35.  Boring.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Kernel installation woes on Athlon 1100: hda: lost interrupt.

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Adam Funk wrote:
Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Adam Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm running Debian testing on an Athlon 1100 and currently using the
2.4.23-1-386 kernel.  I've tried to upgrade to the following packages:
and they all get stuck on hda: lost interrupt while trying to boot.  I
thought any 386 kernel ought to be upward-compatible with an Athlon,
and a k7 ought to be ideally suited for it.  Any ideas what's wrong?
Try booting with noapic.

Thanks.  I added that to the append=... in /etc/lilo.conf and it
fixed the problem.
Just out of curiosity, why did this become necessary (for my hardware
at least) between the 2.4.23 and 2.4.26 kernels?
What motherboard chipset do you have?
-Roberto Sancheza

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
ABrady wrote:
I don't care about the OT stuff, except when it goes political. It
sickens me that so much uninformed claptrap is spewed based solely on
emotion, lack of coherent thought, and on complete and utter sheep
It wasn't that the topic had gone OT on the other list I left, it was
because it headed into areas that were totally based on opinion rather
than fact. This thread has been no different in that regard.
Good day.
Just out of curiousity, how has the discussion been based totally
on opinion?  I seem to recall most everyone backing up their
statements with some manner of reference, either of their one accord
or once it was requested.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Big Open Roads (Was: Linux Functionality?)

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Steve Lamb wrote:
Nate Duehr wrote:
Nothing like the exact same view for 8 or more hours of driving.   ;-)

I-10 across the southwest.  *blink, blink*
My favorite was coming west into Texas on I-10.  A helpful trucker
was giving his list of bears.  He ended with And one at mile-marker
3.  I quickly replied Well, I just passed marker 810, d'ya think he'll
still be there when I get there tomorrow?  :)
Yup.  Nothing quite like crossing into Texas well before sun up and
not crossing out until well after sun down. :-)
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] depleted uranium

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Sam Watkins wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 02:46:33PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
The worst terrorist is America, with your depleted uranium
dirty-bombs which you throw around at every opportunity,
   Cite?  Outside of Hiroshima and Nagasaki I don't recall a
   detonation of any atomic or nuclear device on any civilian

google depleted uranium birth defects pictures.
America and the UK made armour-piercing and bunker-piercing shells from
nuclear waste (depleted uranium).  These are not conventional nuclear
weapons, but dirty bombs.  Depleted uranium was chosen because it is
cheap (a waste product) and it is very dense so pierces armour.  It also
causes massive fallout and birth defects.  It was used extensively in
the gulf and and in yugoslavia, both in shells and in the armour of
American tanks.  It is the cause of the gulf war syndrome that
returned American soldiers have suffered from.

I am not sure that DU is cause of the Gulf War Syndrome.  However,
I think that using DU in munitions and tanks was a big boo-boo on the
part of the US military.  There were certainly safer alternatives
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the Quran

2004-12-28 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Sam Watkins wrote:
On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 09:22:30AM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
The difference is this:
1.  Muslims who commit terrorist acts do so in *compliance* with the
teachings of Mohammed and Islam.
2.  Christians who commit terrorist acts are in direct opposition to
the Bible and the Word of God.
-Roberto Sanchez

This is complete ignorance and falsehood.  I have been reading the Quran
extensively of late, it is a beautiful and peaceful book.  The morality
of the Quran is far beyond what is practised by leaders of any country
today.  Obviously you speak without having read the Quran.  The Quran
does not promote terrorism or senseless violence, the Quran and true
Islam is extremely tolerant of other religions.  The passages in the
Quran concerning war are all based on the premise that the Islamic
nation is under attack.  The Quran repeatedly says that if the enemy
wants to make peace, then the Muslim must make peace.
There is a great book called Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle
It is an easy read by a guy who was Muslim, and has a masters and
doctorate in Islamic study.  At the age of 34 he was saved and now
he uses his personal experience to expose the truth of what Islam
really is.  I cannot quote directly from the book, as I borrowed
it from a friend and have now returned, but the author provides a
clear and well-founded argument.  He also cites numerous Quranic
verses that show just how contradictory it is.
See, for example, for a readable translation of
the Quran.
The Quran is in fact far more consistent than the bible; I am able to
believe that the Quran is the uncorrupted word of God, whereas the bible
itself testifies that the scribes have corrupted it:
  How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'?
  But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.
  (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)

The Muslims believe in a conecpt of nullification (I forget the
correct term) that essentially states that later verses in the Quran
that contradict with earlier verses, contradict or trump the earlier
verses.  Read the book I mention above and you will see what I mean.
The Quran directly contradicts itself and parts of Hadith contradict
what the Quran says.
Not only that, but your scripture verse is taken out of context.
Chatpers 7 and 8 of Jeremiah talk about the Israelites having lost
their way and becoming seperated from God.  The specific verse you
quote talks about how the scribes will answer at the judgment for
their claim of brigning forth the inspired Word of God.  Clearly,
since the passage refers to people that are lost from God, it
cannot be talking about those to whom the Bible was actually revealed,
since those to whom it was revealed necessarily would not have been
lost from God.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-27 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Ron Johnson wrote:
On Tue, 2004-12-28 at 09:02 +1100, Sam Watkins wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 03:42:09PM -0500, Eric d'Alibut wrote:
I don't have any idea what Shuttleworth's politics are, but he
obviously does not hesitate to associate himself  -- even if only
semantically -- with so-called revolutionary movements known for their
terrorist agendas.
In what way does have a terrorist agenda?
Or does pacifist equate to terrorist in your dictionary?

Well, no, but they can be just as damaging (in different ways,
of course):

[SNIP: Many good quotes]
Of course, there are just as many pro-pacifism quotes.
You missed on of the best:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and
a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to
heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and
a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast
away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to
sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a
time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecclesiates 3:1-8
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Way off topic] the politics of

2004-12-27 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Benjamin A'Lee wrote:
On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 02:46:33PM -0800 or thereabouts, Steve Lamb wrote:
   Russia - IIRC, Implicated in the same scam and/or sold arms to Saddam
   for which he owed millions/billions on.  They had a finacial interest in
Iraq either way.

If I remember correctly, the USA also supplied Iraq with weapons, when
it was fighting Iran.  And to the Taliban when it was fighting the
USSR.  How does that make the USA better than the rest of the world, exactly?
Not trying to justify it, nor saying that the ends justify the means
(especially since they don't even come close in this case), but how can
you compare:
a. Trying to stop spread of communism
b. Hey, look how much money we can make if we sell guns to them!
You can debate the correctness of communism as a philosophy.  However,
you can't deny that the US was ensuring that communism did not spread.
This was one of the stated objectives of the Cold War.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OT:

2004-12-27 Thread Roberto Sanchez
cfk wrote:
On Monday 27 December 2004 15:37, René Seindal wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote (28-12-2004 00:25):
You missed the smiley face.  Still, bet you dime to a dollar that
no company nowadays, especially a national or transnational, would
name a product Apache.
There's the Apache attack helicopter, which the producer probably sells
to a few select friends of the USA.

or the Chevrolet Apache truck, the Apache Warrior concept bike or the Apache's
at Arcadia, CA hi-school (my alma mater).
Does anyone remember a few years back (or maybe more than a few)
when it was thought the Washington Redskins would have to change
their name because of the political incorrectness of it?
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Alternate OSes based on Debian

2004-12-26 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Carl Fink wrote:
On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 08:17:03PM -0200, Rogério Brito wrote:
On Dec 26 2004, Mauro Darida wrote:
The folks there should change the name: I would never use a thing
named _ubuntu_. Btw, Hurd is a name as horrible as ubuntu.
And what about using something called Debian? Is that a good name or a
commercially feasible name?

Sure, and versions named potato and slink and etch sure sound
professional, don't they?  What a weird criterion to use.
Hell unix is a joke name, it's just old enough that people don't
think about it much.
IIRC, UNIX was named that way because of the system that Thompson and
Ritchie got the idea from being called MULTICS.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Windows vs Linux Functionality?

2004-12-26 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
Well, Linux is certainly less user friendly (especially if you have
difficulty with english as localization is quite poor) but if you take
Not true.  Linux is *quite* user friendly.  It just happens to be
very picky about who its friends are :-)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian sarge and production servers is it ready on 12/26/2004?

2004-12-26 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Mitchell Laks wrote:
Tim said:
If you think testing or unstable is suitable for production systems you are
one of
1. an idiot
2. have very limited needs/no experience
3. talking out of your ass
4. have no concept of what it means to be responsible for others' work
Even Sarge? I need something more up to date then woody, for my postgresql 
need the integration that sarge provides, vs backports + woody. Is Sarge that
dangerous on 12/26/2004? I want others opinions. I have 2 servers running
sarge 24/7 right now (for last 3 weeks just installed).
I think the issue is that packages are not directly uploaded to testing.
So it is possible to have version X of package A installed in testing.
Tomorrow a security vulnerability in version X is announced.  The day
after, the package maintainer has uploaded an updated version to
Now the waiting begins.  Packages must be in unstable for 10 days with
no critical or grave bugs (IIRC) before they transition to testing.
That means that for a minimum of 10 days, you are running vulnerable
software (thinkk phpBB).  If within that 10 day window a newer version
is uploaded to unstable, the clock restarts on the new version.  If
a serious or grave bug is filed, the package simply will not make it
into testing.  Likewise, if the package fails to build for *any* of
the supported Debian architectures, it will not go into testing (unless
it as architecture specific package, like a kernel).  You could
potentially be running insecure software for an indefinite period of
This assumes that the maintainer actually keeps up with upstream
development.  Many actually do this, but there are maintainers that
let their packages rot.  For a stable release the maintainers are
involved, but the ultimate responsibility rests with the Debian security
team.  Thus, updates will be made as quickly as feasible.  You simply do
not have this guarantee with unstable or testing (except when testing
gets security team support in preparation for release).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Windows vs Linux Functionality?

2004-12-25 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Ed Sutherland wrote:
Let me hasten to say this is not, as the subject line might seem to
imply, a Linux-bashing question.
I'm considering moving from Windows XP to some form of Linux, most
likely debian. I'd like to know beforehand, what functionality I'll lose
when moving from Windows to debian. For instance, point-and-click
ease-of-use in installing applications. Another example: multimedia,
such as playing MP3 audio files or downloading pictures from my digital
There are plenty of point-and-click tools.  The main thing is that you
need to educate yourself on the choices and then choose one.  As far as
multimedia, there are plenty of options.  Personally I use xine and
get the w32-codecs package from Marillat, but others prefer mplayer or
any of the other number of available front ends.
Downloading pictures from a digital camera is much easier than in
Windows.  To start with, there is no need to install extra software.
You simply plug in your camera and if it is recognized (by a program
like gPhoto), it will Just Work(TM) and you will be able to copy
directly to and from the camera just as though it were any other mass
storage device attached to your machine.
As far as installing applications, with programs like synaptic (GUI
point-and-click) and aptitude (console-based, but still very easy to
use) it is simply a matter of choosing your new application, and
telling it to go.  The debian archive has more than 14,000 packages
now.  It will probably take you a while to discover what all of them
are and you will likely only ever use a small fraction of them, but
almost every available and commonly used free software program is
already packaged for Debian.  If the event that you find one that is
not, or you have non-free program that you buy (like VMWare or Matlab),
you can use the great program called checkinstall to manage your
installation of programs that are not natively part of Debian.  This
allows you install programs and not worry about any difficulty in
uninstalling them later.  This is one program I sure wish I knew
about when I was a newbie.
Incidentally, if you are going to use Java (by installing a Sun or
IBM JRE or JDK) then I highly recommend that you look at java-package.
That is a neat little utility that will take the binary install
package from Sun or IBM and Debian-ize it on the fly so that your
Java installation can be managed like the rest of your Debian installed
I like the 'back-end' stability that Linux has, but question whether
that stability will be negated by a more difficult user interface, or
lack thereof. Windows users poo-poo Linux while fans of Linux complain
Windows is straight from h*ll -- isn't there a middle-ground truth? Thanks.
Much of it has to do with choice.  That is Linux's greatest advantage
over most any other OS.  The variety of choice.  Naturallym some
people dislike it.  Like when someone spends 30 years in prison, a
return to free society seems to overwhelm them with choices at every
turn.  In Windows-land many things are forced on the user with no easy
avenue for change.  In Linux-land everything is your choice.  If you
are having trouble choosing, then Google or post here on the list and
I'm sure that you will receive plenty of replies from people on all
sides of any particular choice.  Such as, which text editor is best
(vim, of course) or which window manager is the slickest (naturally
it is WindowMaker), and so on.
I know I have sort of flooded your request with lots of info, but I
hope you find it helpful.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sarge not showing all RAM

2004-12-23 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Darryl Clarke wrote:
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 13:54:56 +0100, Björn Abt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello List,
I have a HP DL360 G4 with 2GB ECC RAM and a P4-Xeon with 3 GHz. I installed Debian Sarge netinst on this machine and after examining the system i found out that top only shows 906MB RAM, even /proc/meminfo shows only 906MB. I tried this with both the 2.4 (kernel-image-2.4.27-1-386) and 2.6 (kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386) Kernels. After that I ran memtestx86 to see if I had malicious Memory, but it showed the full 2GB and it ran a whole day without showing any errors.

I would suggest using kernel-image.2.4.27-1-686-smp or
kernel-image-2.6.8-1-686-smp for your particular machine.
It will enable the HyperThreading on your XEON processor, as well as
support all of your RAM.
Are the -smp kernels configured for 4GB?  I was under the impression
that none of the stock Debian kernels were configured for 4GB.
-Roberto Sanchez
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Difference between Gnome and Debian menus. Why ?

2004-12-22 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Rogério Brito wrote:
On Dec 22 2004, William Ballard wrote:
You could file a bug and request an option to have Debian's menu be *the*
Gnome menu.

Now, that would be a good thing, IMO. Seeing the applications separately
isn't that intuitive for the new users that I've been using as guinea
pigs for deploying Open Source Software.
Except that those of us that do not use GNOME (WindowMaker, in my case)
Only see the apps from the Debian menu system.  That is, unless I bother
to build my own entire menu heirarchy.  Personally, I think it is fine
the way it is.  Besides, pretty much every app that has built-in GNOME
integration already puts itself into the GNOME menu.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Difference between Gnome and Debian menus. Why ?

2004-12-22 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Rogério Brito wrote:
On Dec 22 2004, Benjamin A'Lee wrote:
I think he means (optionally) replacing the GNOME menu with the Debian 
menu; that would save having two separate menu heirarchies.

I meant exactly that.

Anyone who doesn't use GNOME would be unaffected.

Exactly, I personally use fluxbox (it's something that won't make my
unfortunately old computer slow to a crawl). I would expect the integration
not to interfere with the (already) nice way of maintaining menus for other
desktop environments and window managers.
I hope that it is clear now.
All clear.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: saslauthd? I can't seem to get it installed for postfix..

2004-12-21 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Charles Read wrote:
OK, so I got the postfix-tls package, didn't know about that thanks!  
But still cant find saslauthd... don't I need to start it?  Now an ehlo 
over telnet shows AUTH and STARTTLS like expected and I created 
/usr/local/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf with the line 'pwcheck_method: pam' 
(although shouldn't it be pwcheck_method:saslauthd ?) but when I try to 
login via an MUA it rejects my system user passwords  can you please 
help me with what this means?

If you really desperately need saslauthd, you will need Postfix 2 and
SASL2.  You can get them for Woody from
deb stable postfix cyrus-sasl2
deb-src stable postfix cyrus-sasl2
As far as your user/pass from your MUA being rejected, make sure
that you either have all the appropriate files (passwd/shadow/whatever)
inside of Postfix's chroot environment, or that it is not running in
a chroot.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: NeverEverNoSanity WebWorm???????

2004-12-20 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Simon Buchanan wrote:
Hi, A little over an hour ago.. all our PHP and HTML files got changed 
to this on my little develpoment box:

TITLEThis site is defaced!!!/TITLE
/HEADBODY bgcolor=#00 text=#FF
H1This site is defaced!!!/H1
ADDRESSbNeverEverNoSanity WebWorm generation 11./b/ADDRESS
this is wierd, you cant ssh into the box. its got 
pureftpd/apache/php/mysql running on it. with only ftp/http ports open, 
all else firewalled out

I cant find any reference to this on google??
It means that you have been p0wned.  Someone has gained root access
to your box and obviously defaced your website.  Since they had root
access, there is no telling what other damage they may have done.
You will need to wipe the machine clean and start with a fresh install.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Low Power Servers

2004-12-19 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Cole S. Ashcraft wrote:
Does anyone know of any low power usage servers (110W and below)?
I got one of these:
With a 600 MHz fanless CPU, 512 MB RAM and a 120 GB Maxtor Diamond Max
it as ~$400.  Admittedly, it can't handle lots of traffic, but I only
run my personal domain on it and use it to let me ssh home from various
places.  It's also extremely quiet and draws less than 60 W (since that
is what the DC converter it comes with maxes out at.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: dist-upgrade to sarge

2004-12-17 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Jianan wrote:
I was able to use the sarge cd #1 to do a dist-upgrade. I mounted the cd 
mount /dev/hdc -t iso9660 /mnt
Then I add a line to sources.list to read from /mnt
The correct way to register a CDROM of packages is through the
apt-cdrom command.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: e-Sword under Linux?

2004-12-17 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Freddy Freeloader wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
I just submitted a feedback on the e-Sword website.  I encouraged
Rick to consider making the software available under an open
source license and even offered my help to port the software.
Hopefully this will pan out, as I also have been looking for a
good Bible-study tool in Linux.
Wow.  Excellent Roberto.  It would be great to have a tool like e-Sword 
available in Linux.

It's been a couple of days and I have not heard anything back from Rick.
If you are interested in seeing this software one day made free and
ported to Linux, I encourage you to visit the e-Sword feedback page
and let Rick know how you feel:
Maybe if he received feedback from more than one person it might
cause him to consider it more seriously.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Thunderbird style search in Firefox

2004-12-17 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Steve Lamb wrote:
Michael Z Daryabeygi wrote:
what is the select-all keystroke in... I guess gnome? don't tell me 
it doesn't exist.

CNTL-A.  Problem is that we're talking X style selects.  Select 
something it is automatically coped into the CP buffer.  So you can't 
do a Windows style CNTL-A, CNTL-C, click, CNTL-A, CNTL-V since the 
CNTL-V would yield the contents you're trying to get rid of.

   Firefox setting CNTL-U to upload manager was pretty dumb since 
CNTL-U is unix' default for clear field.  :/

I seem to recall that older builds of Firefox and Thunderbird used
the Unix-style (I believe the same shortcuts as used by GNU readline)
when run in Linux.  For example, if you started typing something in
the address bar, a CTRL-U would clear what you had typed.  If you
were entering a serch query on Google's homepage, a CTRL-W would
delete the previous word.  I get really irritated now and then because
I still forget sometimes.  I will type in a 10-word Google query and
hit CTRL-W to delete the last word I typed and wham.  My tab is closed.
If anyone knows how to get Firefox and Thunderbird to default to the
old keyboard shortcuts, I would like to know about it.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sarge Betting Pool

2004-12-17 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Ron Johnson wrote:
On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 15:32 -0600, Eric van der Paardt wrote:
May 12th... its my bday!

My birthday: 19-November.
My goodness.  If we have to wait until November, Lord help us all.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: yeah yeah it's OT as heck -- Re: OT Cool Bibles and Porn [was Re: e-Sword under Linux?]

2004-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez
kurtz wrote:
El jueves 16 de diciembre de 2004 a las 16:34:36, Roberto Sanchez escribe:
Then on his list of top 10 tips for developers he seems to
think that the only reason to write software is to sell it
and make money.  No concept of Free software.

Let us not forget, of course, that it is perfectly posible and legal
to sell Free Software and make money from it.
Very true.  However, from reading his list, it is quite clear he
is discussing non-free software.  I should have made that clear.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: apache apache-ssl

2004-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Matthew Joyce wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Roberto Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 17 December 2004 11:49 AM

You can either use apache-ssl or apache + libapache-mod-ssl.
These are two different things, but I have used both and they 
work.  As a matter of preference, I would choose the mod-ssl 
route.  That is primarily because then there is only one 
apache config to mess with.  With apache and apache-ssl, 
there are two configs, two services, and so on.

-Roberto Sanchez

If I want HTTP and HTTPS have different host names, does this lend
preference to either apache-ssl or the mod-ssl ?
If you will be hosting from the same box, it does not matter.
You configure apache as to what hostnames it will answer to.
You also specify for each virtual host where the root of that
host resides.   You can also specify a port for each host. a is accessible via both http and https
I think that it can also be done via Listen directives. - b is accessible only via HTTP c is accessible only via HTTPS
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: yeah yeah it's OT as heck -- Re: OT Cool Bibles and Porn [was Re: e-Sword under Linux?]

2004-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez
William Ballard wrote:
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 02:02:39AM -0500, William Ballard wrote:

This is just bizarre.  Zaine Ridling, Ph.D. is listed as the editor 
in the PDF file.   This same twit who put together this list of his 
favorite Closed Source applications and linked to the porn image, *on 
the same site.*  Apparently he has requested and received permission to 
put give away a copyrighted work (the NRSV) and copyrighted commentaries 
(the Oxford annotations) -- for Free.

The text appears to be legit.  Who this Zaine Ridling is, and who the 
Access Foundation is and why their corporate sponsors seem to be hosting 
this site, is a big can of worms.

Anyway, we'd better educate old Zaine about Debian.  He loses 10 cool 
points for his stupid list of software.  But the Bible's cool as all get 

I don't know what to make of the guy.  On the one hand he seems
NetCaptor is the original tabbed browser, ...
On the surface,  Avant Browser is similar to NetCaptor, but its
standards compliance is consistently lacking; Avant doesn't share
the same lean interface, instead it opts for bloat; nor does it
share NetCaptor's speed and font rendering abilities.
Puhleeze.  Don't all IE skins use the IE rendering engine for
pages and fonts?  Don't they all look the same?
But then:
... I recommend Mozilla and NetCaptor ...
[Mozilla Firefox] gets better with every build, and once a user gets
hooked, they usually think of Internet Explorer in the same league as
Outlook Express  Grade A crap.
Further down on the page he talks about a program called NoClone
which finds duplicate files.  The screenshot is apparently one of
him looking for dupe jpegs in his pr0n collection.
He also seems to be a fan of Trillian, Thunderbird, Ad-Aware
and Spybot Search and Destroy.
He is also a fan of Word 2003 and a bunch of other text editors
which couldn't hold a candle to vim.
I don't want to start on his page of recommended image viewers/
editors.  Take a look if you have any doubts.
Then on his list of top 10 tips for developers he seems to
think that the only reason to write software is to sell it
and make money.  No concept of Free software.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: apache apache-ssl

2004-12-16 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Matthew Joyce wrote:
Dear debian-users,
I have 2 woody boxes, one has apache+php and the other has apache-ssl+php.
Physical space is tight, and neither of these boxes are ever very busy, 
I'd like to combine them.

Are there any problem with these apps co-existing ?
Do they need to have the same hostname ?
Certificates aside, are there any pitfalls I should watch for ?
You can either use apache-ssl or apache + libapache-mod-ssl.
These are two different things, but I have used both and
they work.  As a matter of preference, I would choose the
mod-ssl route.  That is primarily because then there is only
one apache config to mess with.  With apache and apache-ssl,
there are two configs, two services, and so on.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: acroread key bindings do not work.

2004-12-15 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Francois Cerbelle wrote:
Le Wed, Dec 15, 2004 at 04:52:13PM +0100, Francisco Borges ecrit :
» On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 09:47PM -0500, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
Francisco Borges wrote:
Acroread control based key bindings (e.g. C-q or C-w) do not work on
my sarge box.
Do you happen to have NumLock on?  If so, try turning it off and
see if that fixes it.
That indeed fixed it. Thank you very much for the help!
---end quoted text / fin de citation---
If you use fvwm as window manager, just add the following line in the
config file :
IgnoreModifier L25
I use it, but I can not help you for other WM.
Just out of curiousity.  Anyone know how to make this work
for WindowMaker (or generically through X)?
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Limiting Disck Cache

2004-12-15 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Ron Johnson wrote:
Operating on huge files will always cause the kind of problems
you describe.  Why?  Because when you run the cp (or dd or what-
ever) command, the OS takes and starts loading that file into
cache, while writing it out to the destination.  So what?  The
Last In, First Out algorithm used to determine what stays in
RAM and what goes in swap sees this brand new file being used
right *now*, and sees that Tomcat and Eclipse are *not* being
used now.  So, they get pushed aside, to make room for the file
that *is* being used now.
Actually, the algorithm used most commonly now is Least Recently
Used.  There is a distinction in that newer memory pages may
get swapped out if it has been longer since they were accessed.
Unfortunately, that one file takes up all of cache.  So, the next
time that you want to use Mozilla or Eclipse or whatever, it has
to be taken back out of swap, and put back in RAM.
In this case, though, the difference is not apparent.  The result
is still as you describe.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Hardware hassles: Linux vs. Windows

2004-12-15 Thread Roberto Sanchez
Robert Parker wrote:
On Thursday 16 December 2004 04:28, Christian Convey wrote:
But to be fair, that hasn't been my experience with Windows XP at all.
So I'm doubtful that the users' simplicity offered by Windows has
crashiness as a necessary consequence.

To be equally fair, Windows XP is a lot more difficult to install on modern 
hardware than just about any recent version of Linux. I make that statement 
based on several dual boot installations over the last 2 years. 

And of course your non-techie Windows user just comes with intuitive 
knowledge of how to protect his installation from the internet by installing 
virus scanners, firewalls, and keeping his virus signatures up to date?

About the only thing Windows really has over Linux when you take the 
respective hassles into account is that knowledge of Windows is spread wider.
That is changing.
Games.  Most games are still written for Windows.  It is changing
somewhat now (with UT, NWN and others being made for Linux as well).
But, it will still be a long time in coming before that aspect changes.
-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What will happens when sarge becomes stable?

2004-12-15 Thread Roberto Sanchez
feanor7 wrote:
Hi, I have some Debian Woody servers running in production environment.
All is going fine and I'm very happy with Debian. I'm following the
sarge progress and that is the reason of my question.
Actually my servers have cron-apt installed and every night they do
apt-get update. At morning I check the possible changes and decide
which packages should be upgraded. Most of time I do a apt-get
dist-upgrade and life continues.
Same here.
My /etc/apt/sources.list points to stable.
A few months ago I changed all occurrences of stable to woody.  That
way I would not be caught by surprise.
But when the great day arrives, and sarge becomes stable, what will
happens when apt-get dist-upgrade runs? I'm afraid that all systems
will be forced to a massive software upgrade (kernel-image, mysql, exim
...) and some incompatible configuration could break my applications.
If you have changed your sources to point to woody then nothing will
happen.  You can change them to sarge at your leisure.  If they still
point to stable, then you will get all the new packages.  The only
mistake in your thinking is with regard to kernel-image.  IIRC, that
is not upgraded to a different version unless you explicitly tell it
to.  I.e., if you have kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686.  You won't get
a 2.4.27 kernel, unless you tell it to install that version.  Naturally,
updates your kernel will still be installed for security patches.
Additionally, the Debian security will continue security support for
Woody for 6 to 12 months after the release of Sarge.
There is any suggestion or documention to follow in that case?
Not sure about specific documentation regarding the dist-upgrade,
but rest assured that the release team is hard work making certain
that the dist-upgrade process goes as smoothly as possible for
I never saw a debian branch change, so I don't know what expect.
Neither have I, but I am anxiously lookig forward to it.
Thanks for help!

-Roberto Sanchez

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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