Re: Issues with CD burning (invalid CDs)

2005-07-21 Thread Russell Shaw

S. Massy wrote:

Hi all,

I have a Toshiba Satellite 1110 (which comes with a cd-r/w burner) with
which I have burnt countless CDs in the past without so much as the
shadow of a problem. Now, however, things have changed for the very

Are you burning at a speed that matches the disc?

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Re: Controlling which modules are loaded at boot

2005-07-10 Thread Russell Shaw

Doofus wrote:

Dell Inspiron

Not strictly a laptop question this, but...
The last time I spent my quality time playing with debian this subject 
mostly came down to the contents of /etc/modules. I've just compiled a 
new kernel and although  it's highly modular and I've emptied 
/etc/modules, all manner of guff is auto-loaded that I really just want 
to load manually as and when needed - especially on a battery powered 
laptop (eg hw_random,  ide_cs for a pcmcia microdrive, ieee1394, and 
even the USB modules).

Can someone tell me where things have changed and what I should be doing 
to prevent auto-loading of anything I choose (or what I should be 
reading). At first glance it seems to be a mixture of the hotplug 
subsystem and some new hardware discovery utility? Does /etc/modules 
even have a worthwhile function anymore, or are we headed for a virtual 
plug and play ah - we're so clever we know what all your hardware is 
and therefore insist on spinning your microdrives until your battery is 
dead wether you're using it or not scenario? Ignore my cynicism, it 
just doesn't seem very linux-like anymore; we could have all this with 
windows 98.

I always have minimal or no modules (some pcmcia tools require modular
format tho), and compile all the required stuff in. You must remove
unneccesary stuff from /etc/modules. Use lspci, things in /proc, and
dmesg to see what hardware you have, after reading the mainboard specs.

Lastly, I'll be very grateful if someone explain and tell me how I can 
trace the failure in the following bit of boot message:

   usb.c: registered new driver hub
   uhci.c: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v1.1
   uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xbf80, IRQ 11
   usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
   hub.c: USB hub found
   hub.c: 2 ports detected
   uhci.c: USB UHCI at I/O 0xbf20, IRQ 11
   usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
   hub.c: USB hub found
   hub.c: 2 ports detected
uhci: loaded successfully
  pci  [success]
  usb  [success]
  isapnp   [success]
  ide  [success]
  scsi [success]


Try disabling some usb modules and see what happens.

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Re: OT: Why the net Sucks: Stonehenge

2004-01-13 Thread Russell Shaw
Nano Nano wrote:
Watching a program on PBS, I decided I wanted to read about Stonehenge.
Off to google, I go, searching for Stonehenge.  Didn't like the 
results.  Tried Google directory, Yahoo, and Teoma: didn't like any of 

The experience I wanted was a deep, rich, complete, authoritative, 
well-annotated, and well-accepted Library-like experience reading 
about Stonehenge: names of the best scholars, the names of the most 
influential histories and critiques on the subject, in short the sort of 
experience I would get at a University Library, only faster.

The internet is nothing like that.  I am lucky in than San Jose has 
opened a San Jose State's University library to the public: even though 
it is not a world-class university, the quality of the knowledge 
available there *blows away* what I can find on the Internet.

Help me out here.
The net is best for finding out what books to read;)

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Re: problem switching from stable to testing...

2004-01-13 Thread Russell Shaw
enantiomer wrote:
I have recently made the switch over to debian (woo hoo!) and am
definitely a newbie.  I noticed that when using the apt utilities like
apt-get and apt-cache, much of the software that I want just isn't
available in stable (stable worked fine though).  so i moved over to
testing but couldn't get it to work.  here are the steps that I
1.  first used apt-spy to get a list of testing servers 'apt-spy -d
2.  then tried 'apt-cache search firebird'
but it didn't work it kept on giving me a Couldn't stat source
package list TESTING/contrib Packages
- stat (2 No such file or directory)
error type of message for each testing source in my sources.list file
i then tried running 'apt-get update' and got the same error.  why
does this process work under stable but not testing?  I have scoured
the google groups site trying to figure this out and have read close
to a hundred articles probably and would really appreciate some help. 
Anyone?  Thanks!
What's in /etc/apt/sources.list?

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Re: kernel upgrade help (newbie)

2004-01-13 Thread Russell Shaw
James F. Green wrote:
I installed woody from a downloaded CD image (I only downloaded the first
CD, not the whole set) but alas no support for my network card.  After
searching Usenet I found that 2.4.21 or higher has support for my hardware.
So I seem to need to upgrade my kernel in order to get my network connection
2.4.18 is the latest kernel-source package available in the stable
distribution.  The testing distribution has kernel-source-2.4.19-23 plus a
couple of versions of 2.6.0.  My question -- which CDs contain the packages
I need?
Just apt-get the kernel. apt-cache search kernel

 Must I download the entire testing CD set (11 CDs)?  I found 2.4.18
on the stable CD #1 I already downloaded.  But unless I'm doing something
wrong with apt (highly possible), I can't find any kernel-source packages on
the first CD #1 of the testing distribution.
Many thanks to anyone who can either answer this or point me in the right
direction in the documentation.

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Re: hard drive install

2004-01-13 Thread Russell Shaw
Gary Thibeault wrote:
Hello and thanks for the free download of Debian 3.0 r2. I'm a newbie 
who's interested in trying linux and I can't seem to find details on how 
to install the OS from the iso to the hard drive as I have no cd-rom. 
Can you help?  ... thanks in advance...Gary

PS:If the info was in the lengthy installation instructions I suppose I'm too 
new to understand it.
 I learned that Red Hat's boot disk is capable of installing 
directly from an un-opened ISO ona Fat32 partition (ideal for 
me), so I'm sure Debian has something equal
It will take a few hours, but is educational. Read the network install
instructions on the debian site. Download the bf2.4 base system onto 25 floppies.
Starting from the first boot floppy, you can get a base debian system running.
After setting up the package source in /etc/apt/sources.list, you can apt-get
any debian package you want over the net.
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Re: switching from woody to unstable/testing

2004-01-12 Thread Russell Shaw
Goran Christiansson wrote:
Dear All,

I am a newbie to Debian, and I ran into problems today. I did just like it
says here below, but when I reboot I do not come further than LI of
After googleing a bit I found that this was a well known problem, and that
it can be solved using a boot disk.
Could someone explain to me, step by step, what I shall do when I have
booted with the boot-disk?
Boot from the rescue floppy. At the prompt, type: rescue root=/dev/hda1
(or wherever your root partition is). Fix and rerun lilo.
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Re: Ifup/ifdown

2004-01-11 Thread Russell Shaw
Michael D Schleif wrote:
Russell Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004:01:11:14:37:42+1100] scribed:
snip /
netstat -rn gives:

 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
 Iface   U40 0  0 

How do i get:   U40 0  
 0 eth0
What -- exactly -- are you trying to do?

Please, step back from this, and take a long, hard look at what you
expect to happen.  Perhaps, you will find another way . . .
The problem is that when i put or
into mozilla, it goes thru the dialup isp instead of going
direct to my own system. When i ping either address, the time is 0.1-0.2ms
which seems that routing is working correctly. Why then does mozilla
go thru the isp to get these addresses? When i'm offline, mozilla
seems to try and access the outside connection instead of the local
It seems more like a mozilla problem.
In mozilla: Edit|Preferences...|Advanced|Proxies, i have:
  HTTPProxy: 8080
  SSL Proxy: 8080
  FTP Proxy: 8080
  Gopher  Proxy: 8080
Is port 8080 what mozilla tries to access at the isp whenever i
view a URL? What does this proxy do? I have apache set for port 80
which is maybe half the problem?
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Re: Ifup/ifdown

2004-01-11 Thread Russell Shaw
Matt Perry wrote:
On Sun, 11 Jan 2004, Russell Shaw wrote:

The problem is that when i put or
into mozilla, it goes thru the dialup isp instead of going
direct to my own system.
It seems more like a mozilla problem.
In mozilla: Edit|Preferences...|Advanced|Proxies, i have:
  HTTPProxy: 8080
You have indeed found your problem.  It seems like you don't fully
understand how proxies work.  The proxy retrieves web pages on your
behalf.  Any page requests will be forwarded to the proxy, which retrieves
the page, and then hands it back to your browser.  So even if you put in, that request is sent to the proxy which then will then 
try to access a page at  Well, a properly configured proxy will 
ignore non-routable addresses such as that one and return an error.

What you need to do it go to Edit|Preferences...|Advanced|Proxies and in 
the field labeled 'No Proxy For' add localhost, without the 
quotes, of course.  That way Mozilla will make a direct connection to 
those addresses instead of forwarding the request to the proxy.
Thanks, it Works :):):) (I changed apache back to port 80 too)
However, in the no proxy field, numerical IPs don't work, but localhost
What do these isp proxies do? (apart from blindly relaying stuff)

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Re: Apache

2004-01-11 Thread Russell Shaw
Wayne Topa wrote:
Russell Shaw([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:

Nitebirdz wrote:
I think some confusion comes from mozilla 1.2.1. When i enter,
then a dialog says: connection refused when attempting to connect to
This happens when i'm offline (no ppp or any other networked PCs connected),
and whether apache is started or stopped. I don't know where
comes from. Is it hard-coded into mozilla?

inetnum: -
descr:Primus Telecommunications
descr:Internet Services Network
country:  AU
It's your ISP.

I would check your /etc/resolv.conf. 
See man pppconfig (Dynamic DNS)

While connected mine looks like this:
# resolv.conf created by pppconfig for cap1
while 'not' connected it looks like this:
# resolv.conf
search domain mtntop.home
HTH=Hope This Helps, YMMV=Your Mileage May Vary, HAND=Have A Nice Day
I fixed the problem by putting localhost into the mozilla
no proxy field.
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Re: downloading mail?

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
0debian user wrote:
I have a PPP dialup (56k modem) account to the net and get a dynamic IP. 
I am not always connected. I would like  to be able to send mail outside 
(i can send mail locally fine) to other domains besides my localhost. 
Ideally I could send message and they would be queued and automatically 
delivered once a PPP connection was detected. How precisely may I do 
this? Mail config files and detailed instructions welcomed :)
Set up a local mail server such as exim4 on your pc. The retry rules
of exim could send the mail when the link is up, or you could initiate
it using a script triggered by pon.
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Re: Apache

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
Nitebirdz wrote:
On Sat, Jan 10, 2004 at 05:08:55PM +1100, Russell Shaw wrote:

I just installed apache-1.3 from debian-unstable. In /etc/httpd.conf,
i put: ServerName
When i put in mozilla, the address isn't found.
What should i check now?

There are several things that could be wrong.  Here are a few suggestions to
troubleshoot the problem:
o Do you have a dynamic or a static IP?  If dynamic, it could obviously be
  that the IP address changed.
The dial-up is with pon and netstat -rn shows the dynamically obtained ISP
address. However, i have my pc set statically for in /etc/hosts.
This doesn't matter much,, because i did the tests offline.

o Do you have a firewall in the middle or something?  It could be blocking
  the packets.

o Try instead, which is the local loopback device.  That should
  always work if Apache is correctly set up and running (you obviously need
  to launch the daemon in order to gain any web access).
I think some confusion comes from mozilla 1.2.1. When i enter,
then a dialog says: connection refused when attempting to connect to
This happens when i'm offline (no ppp or any other networked PCs connected),
and whether apache is started or stopped. I don't know where
comes from. Is it hard-coded into mozilla?
o How about a command such as 'telnet localhost 80', does it work?  Does it
  show something?  Try 'telnet 80' then too?  This should connect
  to your HTTP daemon and display at least a banner message.  If you see
  that, then it is working fine.
Thnks. I'd forgotten about testing with telnet. This confirms apache is working.
So what's mozilla doing?
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2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw

In /etc/network/interfaces (debian-unstable), i have:

  auto lo eth0
  iface lo inet loopback
  iface eth0 inet static
netstat -rn gives:

  Kernel IP routing table
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U40 0  0 eth0
How do i get:   U40 0  0 eth0

Everything i try causes errors.

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Re: kernel 2.4.8 doesn´t recognize a 80GB disk

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
Julio León wrote:
I´ve recently bought a seagate ST380011A 80GB ( 7200 rpm ) and installed 
it in my AMD K7 ( Athlon ) 2.0 GHz and re-installed debian pre3.0 ( hsu 
from june 2002 ) using the bf24 option - kernel 2.4.8 - but it didn´t 
recognize the disk partitions. Actually, linux identifies the HD but 
tries to access the partitions again and again until it gives up. I 
tried all hd jumper setting and BIOS setting and got the same result : 
Did you format and partition it first?

But when i use the vanilla kernel - 2.2.20 i think - it runs 
flawlessly... but with no 2.4 feature ( no sound support for an instance 
) needless to say it makes me REALLY unhappy.
Any bit of advice will be appreciated.
Thank you
The specifications of the box were described, the HD is attached as 
master and a CDROM as slave on ide0 ( from where it reads the 
installation CD )

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Re: localhost - /etc/hosts?

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
Michael B Allen wrote:
Doesn't Debian have an /etc/hosts file? SquirrelMail needs to resolve 'localhost'.
What's the correct way to do this on Debian?
In /etc/hosts: localhost   mypc
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Re: How to find new url's for sources.list?

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
s. keeling wrote:
Incoming from Greg Madden:

On Saturday 10 January 2004 04:04 pm, tripolar wrote:

Recently when doing apt-get update I get failures from
deb unstable main
non-free contrib
I chose that mirror when I did the install because it is near. How do
I find other sources? Preferably  a .edu in wisconsin, minnesota or
'netselect-apt Debian version' will test a list of mirrors, and build 
an 'apt-sources.list' from the fastest ones it finds. These are not 
necessarily the ones geographically closest.
Nor are they necessarily working.  I did this this afternoon, found was the fastest non-US (from here), yet apt-get choked on
it whenever it tried to contact it.  Fall back is

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Re: Ifup/ifdown

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
Akira Kitada wrote:
On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 02:37:42PM +1100, Russell Shaw wrote:


In /etc/network/interfaces (debian-unstable), i have:

 auto lo eth0
 iface lo inet loopback
 iface eth0 inet static
How do i get:   U40 0  
 0 eth0

Everything i try causes errors.

First of all, what's the 'everything'?
Please explain what you call everything.
I tried:

  auto lo eth0
  iface lo inet loopback
  iface eth0 inet static
but ifup -av gives:

  Configuring interface lo=lo (inet)
  run-parts /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
  ifconfig lo up
  run-parts /etc/network/if-up.d
  Configuring interface eth0=eth0 (inet)
  run-parts /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
  ifconfig eth0 netmask  up
   route add default gw eth0
  SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
I see this as wrong: route add default gw eth0

I downloaded the source and read the docs, but didn't help.

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Re: Woody/stable: kernel-source-* kernel-headers-* ?!? Confused.

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
s. keeling wrote:
Could someone please 'splain to me what goes with what here?  I've
updated to 3.0r2.  The plan so far is:
  (i)  Install kernel-image-2.4.18-686
  (ii) Go for updated kernel sources and re-build.
I see there's kernel-source-2.4.18 and:

  kernel-headers-2.4.18 - Header files related to Linux kernel version 2.4.18
  kernel-headers-2.4.18-686 - Linux kernel headers 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV
  kernel-headers-2.4.18-1-686 - Linux kernel headers 2.4.18 on 
  kernel-headers-2.4.18-bf2.4 - Headers for Linux kernel version 2.4.18 (bf variant) 
on 386
Will all of those work with kernel-source-2.4.18?  Which one _should_
I be using (PIII laptop workstation box; not server)?
Probably 2.4.18-686. dpkg -p kernel-headers-2.4.18-686

  Package: kernel-headers-2.4.18-686
  Priority: optional
  Section: devel
  Installed-Size: 35284
  Maintainer: Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Architecture: i386
  Source: kernel-image-2.4.18-i386
  Version: 2.4.18-5
  Provides: kernel-headers, kernel-headers-2.4
  Depends: fileutils (= 4.0)
  Size: 3484714
  MD5sum: 5724a523d83fc4491747aea47ef0b7c7
  Description: Linux kernel headers 2.4.18 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV
   This package provides kernel header files for version 2.4.18 on
   Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II/Pentium III/Pentium IV, for sites that want the
   latest kernel headers.  Please read
   /usr/share/doc/kernel-headers-2.4.18-686/debian.README.gz for details
What's bf
variant and why should I care?  One of the google pages I looked at
said, The bf2.4 kernel is limited by the desire to keep it on
floppies during installation.  I can't imagine why I would want to do
that.  If it doesn't boot, I'll just slap a bootable CD in, boot from
that, and fix whatever's broken.  I don't think I need to care about
bf*, or am I missing something?
I'm booting with grub, fwiw.

Thanks, much appreciated.

PS Just a suggestion, but it might help, in the future, if those
   descriptions above were tightened up a bit.  Both
   kernel-headers-2.4.18-686 and kernel-headers-2.4.18-1-686 are
   described the same.
PPSFor extra marks :-), why the proliferation of source  header
   packages?  I thought this kind of thing was supposed to be
   controlled by #ifdef  friends.  I can understand having
   thirteen pre-built kernel-image packages, but why sixteen
Try dpkg -p on them all.

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Re: localhost - /etc/hosts?

2004-01-10 Thread Russell Shaw
Michael B Allen wrote:
Michael B Allen wrote:

Doesn't Debian have an /etc/hosts file? SquirrelMail needs to resolve
What's the correct way to do this on Debian?
In /etc/hosts: localhost   mypc
Ok. Strange my install didn't have it. Creating it was enough to satisfy SM.
I think etherconf handles it via debconf. apt-get install etherconf.

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Re: mozilla lockup

2004-01-09 Thread Russell Shaw
Dave Howorth wrote:
I've been running mozilla on woody for quite a while now without any
problems, but it's just started locking up for no apparent reason and I'm
looking for help to fix it.
It starts normally and I can browse web pages or view mail but when I try
to view the source of a page or to compose a mail, it locks up. By which I
mean it stops responding or redrawing the screen; top shows it eating most
of the CPU cycles. The common factor to me seems to be that the problem
occurs when it is trying to open a new window, though I can open a mail
window from a browser window or open the About Mozilla window without a
problem. The lockup occurs regardless of whether I use the mouse or a
keyboard shortcut to try to open the window.
Does mozilla produce a log file? I can't find any mention of one, but
there's no output to stdout/stderr if I start it from a terminal.
I'm running Mozilla 1.2.1
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20021213
I've found this problem on windows installs too.

Go to the directory similar to this:


Delete any large machine-generated database files. I always
delete this one (it's usuall 2-3MB or more): XUL.mfasl
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Re: problem with two same 3c905c-tx ethernet cards, but no problem with only one

2004-01-09 Thread Russell Shaw
vincent de bossoreille wrote:
I am configuring my firewall under Debian .0r2 kernel
When it is only one card intalled, I can go the Web
and surfing as I want, and so on. for that, the module
is 3c59x into the kernel and PPPs modules (using pppoe
protocol) for the ADSL modem Fast 908 with ethernet
So with one card, there is no problem. but a firewall
has at least two interfaces to proceed NAT,
Firewalling, etc...
But when I put the secand card into the PCI bus, the
modem is not only not found, but also the second
interface make an internal error so that the machine
is not processing for ever until rebooting.
When pppoeconf is searching interface to locate the
modem, the first interface doesn't respond (but it
must I think) and the second is causing the problem.
At boot, the two cards as assigned to IRQ10, so is
that ok or not?
in my /etc/network/interfaces, I put the network
192.168.10.x the the first card and 192.168.20.x to
the second. I don't know if this causes problems (but
I don't think).
Is anyone could help me to resolve the problem and
explain me why the system doesn't work normally?
For information, the PNP OS Bios is off.
Check /etc/network/interfaces. Probably getting
eth0 and eth1 assigned differently when the extra
card is put in.
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Re: Kernel Problem: cs5530_set_xfer_mode(UDMA2)

2004-01-09 Thread Russell Shaw
Kevin Boergens wrote:

I've got a nasty problem with my kernel (2.4.18-bf2.4) on Woody
I discussed a long time about it in de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware, but 
no solution was found, maybe someone over here can help, it looks like a 
Debian problem:

My southbridge is a National Semiconductor CS5530
And the IDE-Controller doesn't change to UDMA2.

I bootet with a S.u.S.E. 7.3 with Kernel 2.4.10-4GB
and there I read the following message in the kernel log:
hda: cs5530_set_xfer_mode(UDMA2)

And with S.u.S.E everything works fine.

How do I get my Debian kernel (I just apt-getted the image) to do it alike?
A guess: man hdparm, search for udma2.

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Re: Re: Missing package on mirror

2004-01-09 Thread Russell Shaw
 On 2004-01-09, Russell Shaw penned:
  Hi, I did: apt-get update from unstable, then:

  apt-get install php4-pgsql


  What do i do now?


 If you generally use dselect or aptitude, you can use '=' to put the
 package on hold, so that they won't continually try to install it.
That bug is quite old, and seems to be not precisely the thing i'm
seeing. I found that the package catalog:


  Package: php4-pgsql
  Priority: optional
  Section: web
  Installed-Size: 112
  Maintainer: Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Architecture: i386
  Version: 3:4.3.3-1
  Replaces: php4-cgi-pgsql
  Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libpq3 (= 7.3.1), phpapi-20020918, debconf (= 0.5)
  Filename: pool/main/p/php4-pgsql/php4-pgsql_4.3.3-1_i386.deb
However, 4.3.3-1 is not on the mirror. There is only:

  FTP Listing of /pub/linux/debian/pool/main/p/php4-pgsql at
  Up to higher level directory
  php4-pgsql_4.1.2-4.diff 7,091 Apr 02 2002 00:00 GNU Zip Compressed Data
  php4-pgsql_4.1.2-4.dsc701 Apr 02 2002 00:00
  php4-pgsql_4.1.2-4_i38620,900 Apr 02 2002 00:00
  php4-pgsql_4.1.2.orig.ta...   168,190 Apr 02 2002 00:00 GNU Zip Compressed Data
  php4-pgsql_4.3.2+rc3-3.d... 7,936 Sep 03 2003 02:32 GNU Zip Compressed Data
  php4-pgsql_4.3.2+rc3-3.d...   710 Sep 03 2003 02:32
  php4-pgsql_4.3.2+rc3-3_i...36,922 Sep 03 2003 02:32
  php4-pgsql_4.3.2+rc3.ori...   216,482 Aug 17 2003 03:32 GNU Zip Compressed Data
The packages file gets used in the system at:


So what do you do when the mirror is in error?

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2004-01-09 Thread Russell Shaw
I just installed apache-1.3 from debian-unstable. In /etc/httpd.conf,
i put: ServerName
When i put in mozilla, the address isn't found.
What should i check now?
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Missing package on mirror

2004-01-08 Thread Russell Shaw
I did: apt-get update
from unstable, then:
apt-get install php4-pgsql

It gives:

  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree... Done
  The following packages will be upgraded
  1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 554 not upgraded.
  Need to get 38.3kB of archives.
  After unpacking 4096B of additional disk space will be used.
  Get:1 unstable/main php4-pgsql 3:4.3.3-1 [38.3kB]
  Err unstable/main php4-pgsql 3:4.3.3-1
Unable to fetch file, server said '/pub/linux/debian/pool/main/p/php4-pgsql/php4-pgsql_4.3.3-1_i386.deb: No such file or directory.  '
  Failed to fetch  Unable to fetch file, server said 
'/pub/linux/debian/pool/main/p/php4-pgsql/php4-pgsql_4.3.3-1_i386.deb: No such file or directory.  '
  E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?

Looking in the mirror directory, there is no php4-pgsql_4.3.3-1_i386.deb.
I tried another mirror too. I downloaded the latest package there and
installed it with dpkg -i. However, whenever i run apt-get, it tries to
install it and gives the same error.
What do i do now?

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Re: Problem Installing exim

2003-09-28 Thread Russell Shaw
Hi there: 
I am running a mixture of sarge/sid and am trying to install exim. 
apt-get install exim  
seems to fetch and install it OK, but it is not able to set it up, I 
receive the following error message: 
# apt-get install exim 
Reading Package Lists... Done 
Building Dependency Tree... Done 
The following NEW packages will be installed: 
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1019 not 
Need to get 756kB of archives. 
After unpacking 1434kB of additional disk space will be used. 
Get:1 unstable/main exim 3.36-8 [756kB] 
Fetched 756kB in 19s (38.1kB/s) 
Selecting previously deselected package exim. 
(Reading database ... 167326 files and directories currently installed.) 
Unpacking exim (from .../archives/exim_3.36-8_i386.deb) ... 
Setting up exim (3.36-8) ... 
hostname: Unknown host 
hostname --fqdn gave non-zero exit code 256 
dpkg: error processing exim (--configure): 
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 
Errors were encountered while processing: 
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 
dpkg --configure exim also gave me the same error message. 
I don't have access to any SMTP server right now (don't ask how I am 
sending this!) and so I need this MTA in order to send my mails, help is 
Please CC me as I am temporarily not on the list.
Check /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, /etc/resolve.conf, etc.
Try: hostname and uname -n
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Exim (was Re: spam software)

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 03:24:55AM +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
| Paul Johnson wrote:
| On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 10:28:49AM -0400, Vivek Kumar wrote:
| Thanks.. I got it. I was reading the docs and it seems there is no
| configuration/install help for sendmail ?? Is there any docs/help for
| sendmail configuration. I am sorry to bother you. I am new to Debian and
| linux world so pardon my questions.
| might have information.  Sendmail is a real
| bitch, I *strongly* recommend you use sa-exim and exim4, as this
| really makes life easy.
| Is exim4 any better than exim3?

A lot.

| Exim3 is very vague on header re-writing rules for dialup pop3
| accounts (it seems to be an afterthought-cludge).
How so?  The rewriting rules are very flexible, and fully explained in
the manual (/usr/share/doc/exim/spec.txt.gz).
I've read thru the O'Reilly Exim3 book a few times. I wanted to rewrite
all From and Reply-To headers only on mail that is sent out the smtp
transport to my dialup isp. However, exim3 doesn't let you rewrite
envelope addresses on per-transport rewrites. The only other option
is to use the rewrite rule in the generic section of exim.conf.
This applies the rule to every local message floating around the system,
so its effects are too undefined for my liking.
Does exim4 allow envelope rewriting on only an smtp outgoing
mail transport?
| I'm trying out postfix now.

Also a good choice.

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Re: Exim (was Re: spam software)

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Ross Boylan wrote:
On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 03:43:13PM +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:
all From and Reply-To headers only on mail that is sent out the smtp
transport to my dialup isp. However, exim3 doesn't let you rewrite
envelope addresses on per-transport rewrites. The only other option
is to use the rewrite rule in the generic section of exim.conf.
This applies the rule to every local message floating around the system,
so its effects are too undefined for my liking.
Does exim4 allow envelope rewriting on only an smtp outgoing
mail transport?
Yes.  I use this feature ini an exim4 installation.  But I see it
described in the exim3 book on p 177: a new generic transport option
called headers_rewrite was added to Exim for release 3.20.
There is more detail on P.342.

I have this in exim.conf:

driver = smtp
Then test with:

mail -s test [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Another test
The response shows that [EMAIL PROTECTED] hasn't been
replaced with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Message 1:
From MAILER-DAEMON Sat Sep 27 19:08:21 2003
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Failed-Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 19:08:21 +1000
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=1364:
host []: 553 [EMAIL PROTECTED] unable to 
verify address
-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from russell by with local (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian))
id 1A3B3s-0001Or-00
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 27 Sep 2003 19:08:20 +1000
Subject: test
From: Russell Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 19:08:20 +1000
Another test

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Re: Lots of scary segfaults

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
Hi all!

Last night, the cronjob on my main server reported this:
So, there is a segfault there too, but I guess this really doesn't imply 
there is a trojan, but that this is a consequence of the same problem 
as above.

Any ideas?
fsck the disk. Find a specific program that segfaults. Reinstall the
program. If it still segfaults, then ldd prog to find its libraries.
Check or reinstall the libraries. Run ldconfig and check for errors.
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Re: Lots of scary segfaults

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
Thanks for the quick response!

On Saturday 27 September 2003 16:21, Russell Shaw wrote:

fsck the disk. 
OK! However, physical access to this computer is a complex issue, and to 
run fsck on the / and /usr partitions (which are the most obvious 
places to look), I can't think of a way to unmount them without having 
to reboot from a rescue system. Is there a way, or is there a way to 
check without unmounting?

Find a specific program that segfaults. Reinstall the
program. If it still segfaults, then ldd prog to find its
libraries. Check or reinstall the libraries. Run ldconfig and check
for errors.
OK, so most likely, it is a damaged binary?
It could be, but it's usually a symptom of slight filesystem corruption
that can be easily fixed with fsck. If you know a specific binary that's
segfaulting, then you could copy it to your local pc and compare it
against a good one. If it's not that, you can do the same with its
shared libs.
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Re: Margins?

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Robert Tilley wrote:
I am moving some documents from M$ Word to my home computer that uses Debian 
Linux.  The document in question was saved in the RTF format from Word and 
then re-opened in OOo Writer.  The issue with the document is margin-spacing.

I wish to have a document-wide left and right margin of one (1) inch.  
Selecting All (ctrl-A) and then adjusting the margins does not move the 
margins to a document-wide setting.  I suspect this is because in Word, the 
document had many Section Break, Next Page-marks thus causing many 
different margin settings to exist.  This should be easy to correct, now that 
I know the probable cause.

Without starting a flame-war, I would like to know a good editor for long 
text-based documents.  I have a set of documents that I am, as mentioned, 
transferring from M$ Word to an open standard (corporate bylaws, corporate 
minutes, etc.) that only need basic formatting (bold, underline, heading, 
etc.) for text files.  

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Re: kernel painic, failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
kmod : failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k
VFS : cannot open root device 305 or 03:05
Pleace append a correct root= boot option
kernel panic; VFS:unable to mount root fs on 03:05
Hello, this is the message when I try to boot up with my 
compiled 2.4.21 kernel, I did not use initrd, I tried that and does not
matter. I have two other kernels 2.4.18 and 2.4.22 and they both work. 

I cant find out what I did wrong in the compiling prosess.
3:05 looks like hda5. Did lilo run right? Did you compile
the root filesystem type into the kernel?
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Re: Disabling USB devices?

2003-09-27 Thread Russell Shaw
Phil Edwards wrote:
A machine is running sid with a 2.4.20 kernel, and has some very power-hungry
USB devices plugged into it.  The devices themselves don't have power
switches, but we'd really like to be able to turn them off and save power.
Why not just unplug them?  We could, but the physical arrangement of the
machine, the devices in question, the other gear in the room, and the
pesky walls holding up the roof make the plugging/unplugging a hassle,
not to mention dangerous to the other gear (think stray elbows).
Is there a power this USB device down and ignore it command?
IIRC, power management is a big thing in the 2.6 kernel.

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Re: spam software

2003-09-26 Thread Russell Shaw
Paul Johnson wrote:
Please reply on list.  Please do not top post.

On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 10:28:49AM -0400, Vivek Kumar wrote:

Thanks.. I got it. I was reading the docs and it seems there is no
configuration/install help for sendmail ?? Is there any docs/help for
sendmail configuration. I am sorry to bother you. I am new to Debian and
linux world so pardon my questions. might have information.  Sendmail is a real
bitch, I *strongly* recommend you use sa-exim and exim4, as this
really makes life easy.
Is exim4 any better than exim3? Exim3 is very vague on header re-writing
rules for dialup pop3 accounts (it seems to be an afterthought-cludge).
I'm trying out postfix now.
Also, i've been filtering M$ spam with mailfilter by deleting anything 100kB.
Unfortunately, you can't AND conditions together like procmail.
Is there a thing like mailfilter that can AND conditions and delete
the spam in the pop3 box before download?
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2003-09-26 Thread Russell Shaw
I set this with crontab -e :
3 * * * * /usr/bin/mailfilter ; /bin/echo Mailfiltering | /usr/bin/mail -s mai
1 * * * * /bin/echo Date is `date`. | /usr/bin/mail -s cron root
I should get mail every minute, but it doesn't work. If i try:
  /bin/echo Date is `date`. | /usr/bin/mail -s cron root
in the shell, then i do get mail.
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Re: Cron

2003-09-26 Thread Russell Shaw
Travis Crump wrote:
Russell Shaw wrote:

I set this with crontab -e :
3 * * * * /usr/bin/mailfilter ; /bin/echo Mailfiltering | 
/usr/bin/mail -s mai
1 * * * * /bin/echo Date is `date`. | /usr/bin/mail -s cron root

I should get mail every minute, but it doesn't work. If i try:
  /bin/echo Date is `date`. | /usr/bin/mail -s cron root
in the shell, then i do get mail.
3 * * * * would be once an *hour* at three minutes past the hour.  Five 
stars is every minute.
Aha, man 5 crontab :

# every 5 minutes:
*/5 * * * * /bin/echo Date is `date`. | /usr/bin/mail -s cron root
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Re: Upgrade to 'testing

2003-09-09 Thread Russell Shaw
Jianan Huang wrote:
Hi folks,

I am now running 'stable' which I installed from a CDROM created online. 
Now I intend to upgrade to 'testing'. What's the easiest way to go about 
it? Can I upgrade online by downloading some approriate packages or do I 
have to create a 'testing' CDROM?
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Re: CUPS gone mad

2003-09-09 Thread Russell Shaw
Christophe Courtois wrote:
 I'm going crazy. Thanks for any idea how to solve this mess:
 * Although it worked perfectly some times ago When trying to print 
something from Gimp or KDE, Cups creates hundred thousands of files 
(000) in /var/spool/cups/. These are almost all 34796 bytes long,a d 
and file says these are PostScript document text conforming at level 1.0
 I must stop cups by /etc/init.d/cupsys stop to gain control on my 
computer back, or it swaps until death.

 * I've tried to delete the printer and reinstall it. All seems perfect 
through KDE or the web interface. But when trying to print the test page, 
it fails immediately. The jobs list indicates : Aborted.

 T've found this in my logs :...
Check the partition with fsck. If that doesn't help, reinstall CUPS.

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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-09 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
Thanks for the continued help.  Attached are the results of
'whereis python' and 'ls -l /usr/bin/python'.  The symlink
points to python2.3.  And yet, the zope pre-removal script
encounters errors in python1.5, which makes me think it is
explicitly seeking and calling routines from the earlier version.
More thoughts?
Interesting. I'd try apt-get remove python1.5 if nothing
important depends on it.
Before a package is removed, its preremoval script is run.
After removal, the postremoval script is run. These scripts
are in /var/lib/dpkg/info. You could inspect the script and,
run it, but i don't know how messy or disruptive that would be.
fsck the partition

apt-get remove --force-remove-reinstreq --force-depends zope
(IIRC that was already tried)
If that doesn't work, i'd manually delete all the zope files
and directories, shown with dpkg -L zope. Edit /var/lib/dpkg/status
so that zope looks like an uninstalled package.
apt-get install zope

Make a backup of /var/lib/dpkg/status and anything else important.

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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-08 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
Hi Russell,
  I ran apt-get update, then apt-get install python.  I did
not specify a version.  The system stated I am already at
the latest version.  I then ran apt-get install --reinstall --fix-broken
zope.  The log looks the same.  If you still have a log of the
session I sent previously, please notice that the python routines
which are run seem to be from /usr/lib/python1.5, even though python2.3
is installed.  Does Zope explicitly look for version 1.5?  I'm really
at a loss as to what is going on here.
On my system:

whereis python

  python: /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.2 /usr/bin/python2.1
  /etc/python2.1 /etc/python2.2 /usr/lib/python2.1
  /usr/lib/python2.2 /usr/include/python2.1 /usr/include/python2.2
ls -l /usr/bin/python

  /usr/bin/python - python2.2

Your system may have: /usr/bin/python - python1.5

If so, symlink it to point to python2.2.

The other way is the debian alternatives system. You can have multiple
versions of a tool, such as gcc-2.95.4, gcc-3.3, etc, but one gets called
by the generic name of gcc.
man update-alternatives

rm /usr/bin/python
rm /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz
ln -s /etc/alternatives/pythonbin /usr/bin/python
ln -s /etc/alternatives/pythonman.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python pythonbin /usr/bin/python2.2 20 \
--slave /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz pythonman.1.gz 
Now check.

ls -l /usr/bin/python

  /usr/bin/python - /etc/alternatives/pythonbin

ls -l /etc/alternatives/pythonbin

  /etc/alternatives/pythonbin - /usr/bin/python2.2

ls -l /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz

  /usr/share/man/man1/python.1.gz - /etc/alternatives/pythonman.1.gz

ls -l /etc/alternatives/pythonman.1.gz

  /etc/alternatives/pythonman.1.gz - /usr/share/man/man1/python2.2.1.gz

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Re: kdm

2003-09-08 Thread Russell Shaw

i have a problem in woody: I installed it in a ibm thinkpad A31, but xfree 
(4.1.0) wasn't working because the video card (radeon M6) is not 
supported, so i went to and download 4.3.0 version, and 
installed it (with

All is working ok, except kdm. In /var/log/kdm.log:

/usr/bin/kdm: relocation error: /usr/bin/kdm: undefined symbol:
I'm using kde with gdm, but i would like to use kdm.
apt-get remove gdm
apt-get install kdm
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Re: Mozilla and Print

2003-09-08 Thread Russell Shaw
Jerome Lacoste wrote:
On Sun, 2003-08-31 at 20:59, Bijan Soleymani wrote:

On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 05:28:22PM -0400, Rodrigo Gesswein wrote:


  I have installed Debian 3.0r1 and Mozilla 1.4, but when I try to print
a html page, CPU goes to 100% and nothing happend, I must kill mozilla
manually. LPD is installed and configured right.
  Any ideas ?

What happens if you print to a file and then run lpr on that file?
I've had the same problem in the past month.
CPU goes 100% while preparing the document.
I cannot print on my printer neither on file.
I tried creating a new profile. It worked once but doesn't work anymore.
It could then be profile related, but I doubt.
I wonder if it could be font related...
I have been on #mozillazine but nobody could help me. 
In subdirectories of ~/.mozilla, you'll find mozilla-generated files
that are modified every session. Delete them. Mozilla will forget a
few graphics preferences and other things you previously set. Don't
delete the files that contain the main settings such as prefs.js.
(make a backup of all the files if you want to hack it more)
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Re: Ctrl-Alt-Fn and Ctrl-Alt-Bksp switch to blank screens in X

2003-09-08 Thread Russell Shaw
Edward Ho wrote:
Recently I've installed Woody on my Dell CPt laptop (Mobile P2-400).
The installation was started from scratch using the bf2.4 floppy+http
(not from cdrom), so I'm sure my system has the latest stable release.
Since GUI is required for my engineering work, I used apt-get to
install the x-window-system-core and wmaker packages after I'm satisfy
with the network and apm setup in console mode. No [gkx]dm was
installed, and I typed 'startx'  manually after user login to go into
The problem is that once I am in X, I cannot go back to text concole
mode any more without resetting the system by Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Ctrl-Alt-Bksp does kill the X server, but I am left with a blank screen
without the prompt. The system is not completely hung, as Ctrl-Alt-Del
can be issued to shut it down gracefully.
Similarly, Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] does not give me a virtual console as
documented. I only get a blank screen. Ctrl-Alt-F7 would get me back to
X, and I can continue my work there.
Can someone kindly give me some clues on how to debug this?
Probably a few answers in the archives of debian-laptop.

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Re: dpkg fails after removing some packages

2003-09-07 Thread Russell Shaw
Benedict Verheyen wrote:
Op zo 07-09-2003, om 04:45 schreef Russell Shaw:

apt-get update
apt-get install -f base-files
Nope, that doesn't work. Apt-get downloads the packages, then says
(Reading database...) and shortly afterwards, i get the E: Subprocess
/usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly.
I really haven't got a clue of what is wrong.
I think i might be looking at a reinstall here.
Does dpkg succeed with anything? You could download the dpkg .deb
and install it.
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Re: where is netscape 4 in testing?

2003-09-07 Thread Russell Shaw
Alexander Mikhailian wrote:
I recently upgraded to testing and found out that netscape 4 is missing
in the list of packages. Where can I get a working version of netscape 4
for testing?
Netscape is based on mozilla, so install that instead. Mozilla has
options to stop pop-up ads, but netscape has not.
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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-07 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
Hi Russell,
  Thanks for the continued help.  I tried the command
you suggested, and the result is in the attached
script file.  Still no luck.
On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Russell Shaw wrote:

Russ Cook wrote:

 The sources.list file was OK, but it referenced a local
mirror for apt-move, which wasn't valid yet.  I corrected
that, and ran 'apt-get update' again, and then ran
apt-get install -t testing zope, as you recommend.  Attached
is that script file.  The errors are essentially the same.
Can you or anyone else offer more suggestions?  I would be
very grateful.
(Reading database ... 64003 files and directories currently installed.)^M
Preparing to replace zope 2.3.3-1 (using .../zope_2.6.1-10_i386.deb) ...^M
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 1^M
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...^M
invoke-rc.d: initscript zope, action stop failed.^M
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/zope_2.6.1-10_i386.deb (--unpack):^M
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1^M
dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq --force-depends zope
apt-get install zope
Removing zope ...
dpkg: error processing zope (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
/usr/lib/python1.5/ DeprecationWarning: strop functions are obsolete; 
use string methods
  codestring = string.replace(codestring,\r\n,\n)
Zope assumes a later version of python:


 [depends] python (= 2.1.3-1)
An interactive object-oriented scripting language (default version)
 [depends] python ( 2.2)
An interactive object-oriented scripting language (default version)

[depends] python2.1 (= 2.1.3-1)
An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.1)
apt-get update
apt-get install appropriate python  (this should auto-deinstall 1.5)
apt-get install --reinstall [--fix-broken] zope
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Re: Getting XFree 4.3?

2003-09-07 Thread Russell Shaw
Jon Haugsand wrote:
* Russell Shaw

dpkg --audit
dpkg --yet-to-unpack

dpkg --audit
The following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems
configuring them the first time.  The configuration should be retried using
dpkg --configure package or the configure menu option in dselect:
 console-common   Basic infrastructure for text console configuration
nbjhh1-laptop:/# dpkg --yet-to-unpack

Try: apt-get install -t testing --fix-broken console-common
 apt-get install -t testing --fix-broken console-common
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Sorry, console-common is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 80  not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Setting up console-common (0.7.25) ...
Looking for keymap to install:
dpkg: error processing console-common (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
(Tanks for your effort.  I must be pretty hopeless..)
dpkg -p console-common
shows it pre-depends on debconf.
dpkg -p debconf
shows it depends on a bunch of other things.
I'd either use dselect to install debconf from testing (with all its
suggests/recommends), or:
apt-get update
apt-get install -t testing all the following packages
Depends: debconf-i18n | debconf-english
Pre-Depends: perl-base (= 5.6.1-4)
Recommends: apt-utils (= 0.5.1)
Suggests: debconf-doc, debconf-utils, whiptail | dialog | gnome-utils,
  libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libgnome-perl, libnet-ldap-perl, perl
Conflicts: cdebconf, debconf-utils ( 1.1.0), debconf-tiny ( 1.0),
  apt (, menu (= 2.1.3-1), dialog ( 0.9b-20020814-1),
  whiptail ( 0.51.4-7), whiptail-utf8 (= 0.50.17-13)
apt-get install -t testing console-common

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Re: Install a dfiferent network card on debian 3.0

2003-09-07 Thread Russell Shaw
momo momo wrote:
Have been trying to install a different NIC, a Tulip card.

Tried running /usr/sbin/base-config  This does not reconfigure the NIC

Would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction.
Make sure the card driver is available as a module or is built into
the kernel. If it's a module, put it in /etc/modules.
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Re: How to tell apt-get or dpkg to forget about a package?

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Thanks Russell! I did not know about the reference you
quoted. But... I did not explain well enough!
I do NOT want to remove the kernel-image package
because it will remove my kernel which works very
well. I just want him not to try to reinstall,
because it is already installed, except for the initrd
image which does not matter because it is not used by
I cannot believe nobody else has run into this, they
must not use make-kpkg nor the booted Knoppix CD to
customize a kernel.
Reading man dpkg I do not see an option that says: do
not try to reinstall the package...
I haven't used kpkg for a long time. When you
remove a package from the system, it doesn't usually
remove the .deb file, so you can use dpkg -i to reinstall
it. You could try making a copy of it just in case.
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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
Please help.  I tried to upgrade my system, after a long period
of stable operation.  During the upgrade attempt, use apt-get
dselect-upgrade, Zope failed to upgrade, due to pre remove script
failure.  Zope is currently installed at 2.3.3-1 level, trying to
upgrade to 2.6.1-10.  It is trying to run python-base, which apparently
is no longer available, and not on my system.  I did reinstall
python1.5_1.5.2-27_i386.deb and python1.5-dev_1.5.2-27_i386.deb, from  Additional problems are
that startx no longer exists on my system, and I can't run X.  I don't
know if this is directly related, but dselect and apt-get fail during
all attempts to upgrade due to zope and python script errors.
I am not a sophisticated user, and apparently have done myself damage.
Can anyone offer some steps for me to try to restore my system?  I will
be happy to provide a copy of 'dpkg -l' or any logs to anyone willing
to help.
First, make sure you have lines for testing in sources.list.
Then: apt-get update
apt-cache search zope|sort
for a list of zope things.
apt-get install -t testing zope

if it stalls on any dependencies, then apt-get them too.
When that is complete, you can apt-get the X system.
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Re: how to fix broken package

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
john john wrote:
Hi, I messed up my xserver-xfree86 package.  I had
already installed this package and then I had some X
driver issues so I went into the directories, and
deleted a couple of files ie. /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
You probably broke another package.

dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

  libglide2, xlibmesa3, xserver-xfree86: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

(your system might have more packages than this)

apt-get update

apt-get remove libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86
apt-get install libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86 (+deps)
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Re: how to fix broken package

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Russell Shaw wrote:
john john wrote:

Hi, I messed up my xserver-xfree86 package.  I had
already installed this package and then I had some X
driver issues so I went into the directories, and
deleted a couple of files ie. /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

You probably broke another package.

dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

  libglide2, xlibmesa3, xserver-xfree86: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

(your system might have more packages than this)

apt-get update

apt-get remove libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86
apt-get install libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86 (+deps)
This should stop dependent packages from being removed:

apt-get remove --force-depends libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86
apt-get install libglide2 xlibmesa3 xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86 (+deps)
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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
  I did as you suggested, but it made no difference in the errors
I received.  I scripted the output of apt-get, which I have
compressed and attached.  Can you make sense of this?  The errors
seem to occur in /usr/lib/python1.5/* and /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/*
Thanks for any additional suggestions.
It looks like you don't have a valid line in sources.list:

W: Couldn't stat source package list file: testing/main Packages 
(/var/lib/apt/lists/_mirrors_debian_dists_testing_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 
No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list file: testing/contrib Packages 
(/var/lib/apt/lists/_mirrors_debian_dists_testing_contrib_binary-i386_Packages) - stat 
(2 No such file or directory)
W: Couldn't stat source package list file: testing/non-free Packages 
(/var/lib/apt/lists/_mirrors_debian_dists_testing_non-free_binary-i386_Packages) - 
stat (2 No such file or directory)
Preconfiguring packages ...
Fix that, then apt-get update.

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Re: Broken Zope, Python, xbase-clients, etc

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Russ Cook wrote:
  The sources.list file was OK, but it referenced a local
mirror for apt-move, which wasn't valid yet.  I corrected
that, and ran 'apt-get update' again, and then ran
apt-get install -t testing zope, as you recommend.  Attached
is that script file.  The errors are essentially the same.
Can you or anyone else offer more suggestions?  I would be
very grateful.
(Reading database ... 64003 files and directories currently installed.)^M
Preparing to replace zope 2.3.3-1 (using .../zope_2.6.1-10_i386.deb) ...^M
dpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 1^M
dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...^M
invoke-rc.d: initscript zope, action stop failed.^M
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/zope_2.6.1-10_i386.deb (--unpack):^M
 subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1^M
dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq --force-depends zope
apt-get install zope
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Re: How stable is SiD ?

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Johan Kullstam wrote:
Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 03:27:47PM +0200, Joris Lambrecht wrote:

Can anyone advise on starting to use SiD as resource for my Debian
Workstation ? Doesn't it have to many issues left open, broken
dependencies etc.
If you have to ask, sid is not stable enough for you.
Perhaps his video card isn't supported with the woody shipped xfree86?
That's why I went straight for sid last August.  (ATI Radeon 8500
needs 4.2.1.)  At work I just got some crap corporate box with i845g
graphics.  I need xfree86 4.3.  Please advise.
There's some useful posts on installing X 4.3 in the archives in the
last couple of weeks.
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Re: dpkg fails after removing some packages

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Benedict Verheyen wrote:

i reinstalled a local broken server using my own desktop backups. It's a
mixed testing/unstable system. All went well but when i tried to remove
some packages, something went wrong with dpkg. It seems linked to
base-files. dpkg is version 1.10.10, base-files 3.0.10
This is what happens when i try apt-get install base-files:
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
The following extra packages will be installed:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
 aalib1 gimp1.2 libwine wine 

1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 4 to remove and 109  not
5 packages not fully installed or removed.

Need to get 0B/32.8kB of archives. After unpacking 48.5MB will be freed.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] (Database inlezen ... E: Sub-process
/usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly
apt-get update
apt-get install -f base-files
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Re: woody newbie help

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
mnicolet wrote:
I am a newbie to Linux, but not to the *NIX world. I allways tried Debian
distros. But I had no time to go too far.
Now I installed woody ( bf2.4 ). All went ok exception of
1) My Debian box has a generic two button serial mouse. Using some utility
( don´t remember which one ), the mouse is correctly seen as attached to
/dev/ttyS0. Main parameters as shown by stty seems correct, by example baud
rate is 1200. /dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/ttyS0.
When I configure XFree86, xf86config correctly guess what the mouse device
But when X and KDE are up, I have no mouse response. Of course, I need to go
to console mode.
Is there a console mouse test and trouble-shooting utility ?
Am I doing something wrong ? Am I missing something ?
XFree86 may be conflicting with gpm. gpm works the mouse in console mode.
When the mouse works in the console, use gpm repeater mode to send mouse
events to X. Google will find lots of answers.
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Re: mixing stable and testing

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
Vikki Roemer wrote:
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 01:14:02PM +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

In same directory:

dpkg-source -x metalog_0.7beta-3.dsc
cd metalog_0.7beta
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot
cd ..
dpkg -i metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb
Ok, I did all that, but when I try to run dpkg -i, I get the following output:
neuromancer:~# dpkg -i metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb 
dpkg: regarding metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb containing metalog:
 syslog-ng conflicts with system-log-daemon
  metalog provides system-log-daemon and is to be installed.
dpkg: error processing metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb (--install):
 conflicting packages - not installing metalog
Errors were encountered while processing:

How can I uninstall syslog-ng and install metalog?  dpkg won't let me
uninstall syslog-ng before I install metalog because a plethora of packages
depend on system-log-daemon.
Maybe apt-get will work.

cp metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives
apt-get install -t testing metalog
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Re: Why held back? Command ...

2003-09-06 Thread Russell Shaw
I've a bunch of machines on unstable ... one is holding back a lot of
stuff on update/upgrade ... is there a command/switch that will tell me
what dependency is holding things up? ... I'll just kill it off if it's
non critical, as it's holding up postgres, openoffice, php and a bunch
of other stuff ...
You could apt-get install a single package and it should say what
it depends on and why it won't install.
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Re: OT: Howto get assembly of linux or windows executables ?

2003-09-05 Thread Russell Shaw
Elizabeth Barham wrote:
Joris writes:

I'm currrently learning assembly and I'd like to get more used to it
- is there a way to get to see the assembly of a compiled program,
what program(s) do I need for that 
gcc is able to show the assembly it generates with the -S option and
leaves the result in a file of the same name as the input file but
with an .s extension.
For disassembling an executable file the only thing I can think of off
hand is the debugger, such as gdb.
man objdump

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Re: Which release

2003-09-05 Thread Russell Shaw
Mario Vukelic wrote:
On Fre, 2003-09-05 at 19:53, Joey Harrison wrote:

preference would be to have the most recent packages,
but also somewhat tested, so should I use testing? 

I'v run stable, testing and unstable. In you case, I would start with
stable. Most software in Linux is so mature these days that it doesn't
really matter if it's all that recent for the most part. Desktop
environments (Gnome, KDE) are an exception, but you can get good
(unofficial) backports to stable at
You should also consider Libranet, it's a commercial distro based on
Debian, with a friendlier installer and more recent packages than
Avoid testing!! Testing is for testing /the distribution/ and is quite
fd most of the time, as packages trickle in from unstable in a quite
random manner. E.g., Gnome in testing is severely broekn, since some
packages of 2.2 are in testing, but other important packages are helb ub
by bugs.
If you use a lighter wm such as icewm, then there's no problem at all
with testing. I'd recommend that because there's less changing and less
chance of system breaks as with unstable. You can install single packages
from unstable easily too.
Unstable is ok, it's not so much the packages that are unstable, but the
package list changes frequently

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Re: How to tell apt-get or dpkg to forget about a package?

2003-09-05 Thread Russell Shaw
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Hi Debian Users!

I use make-kpkg to create a new kernel-image for
Knoppix and install it using dpkg.
The install will go all the way except for a
Failed-config because he is trying to create an
initrd.img on /boot and cannot because there is no
/etc/fstab around.
There won't be a fstab because Knoppix from CD creates
that on-the-fly. But everything is OK, he puts
vmlinuz, etc. into /boot and creates

Now everytime when I use apt-get install he tries to
re-install that kernel-image that I am already using.
He displays the prose that make-kpkg creates and wants
a continue. At that point I hit Ctrl-c and he
installs what I apt-getted.
Question: how can I tell him to forget about the
failed-config of kernel-image-2.4.21-xfs and leave it
as is. I don't want to read about kernel-image
everytime I install something... Eventually I will
purge it, but not now because it is my remastered

There's probably other dpkg options you could use too that won't delete
everything, like --force-remove-reinstreq --force-remove-essential. man dpkg.
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Re: Getting XFree 4.3?

2003-09-05 Thread Russell Shaw
Jon Haugsand wrote:
* Russell Shaw

Hmm, I still have problems:

apt-get install -t testing xfree86-common xbase-clients xserver-xfree86 xlibs

Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Sorry, xfree86-common is already the newest version.
Sorry, xbase-clients is already the newest version.
Sorry, xserver-xfree86 is already the newest version.
Sorry, xlibs is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 80  not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Setting up console-common (0.7.25) ...
Looking for keymap to install:
dpkg: error processing console-common (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
See what the half-installed package is.

dpkg --audit
dpkg --yet-to-unpack
Try: apt-get install -t testing --fix-broken console-common
or:  apt-get install -t testing --fix-broken xfree86-common
Get each package installed one at a time is probably the
easiest way. To see what a package is: dpkg -p package,
to see what it depends on: apt-cache depends/show/showpkg package,
to see status: dpkg -s package, to see what the package has
installed: dpkg -L package, to see what package a file belongs
to: dpkg -S file, etc.
Remember to: apt-get update
after changing sources.list.
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Re: deb from source

2003-09-05 Thread Russell Shaw
Colin Watson wrote:
On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 02:19:49AM +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

Ok, i started again, but i still get the md5sum error. Could the
downloaded debian package be in error?
With the errors you're getting, this seems unlikely.

I've downloaded it twice from the bottom of this page:
~/SRC/GTK2: dpkg-source -x gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.dsc

   dpkg-source: extracting gtk+2.0 in gtk+2.0-2.2.1

~/SRC/GTK2: ls

   gtk+2.0-2.2.1  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.diff.gz  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.dsc  

~/SRC/GTK2: cd gtk+2.0-2.2.1

~/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot

dpkg-source -b gtk+2.0-2.2.1
dpkg-source: building gtk+2.0 using existing gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: failure: md5sum gave bogus output `'
What versions of dpkg and dpkg-dev do you have installed?
I found the problem was solved by upgrading to dpkg-dev from testing.
I had upgraded dpkg, but didn't know there was a dpkg-dev.
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Re: Newbie Hardware/Partitioning

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
TR wrote:
ATI Radeon 7500 64B/Dual Head

I use Woody with a backported X 4.3.0. My Radeon 7500 works fine. I
haven't tried it with the standard woody X though.
I have a Radeon 9800 (128mb ddr), no luck in finding what would work for it. Does anyone know of any developments?
I'm using a radeon 7000 in X 4.3.

Accelerated support is provided for Mach64, Rage, Rage 128
and Radeon chips by the ati driver, as is unaccelerated
support for all of the others except the Mach8 and some early
Mach32 chips.
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Re: Problems installing Debian on PIII using Adaptec 2400A RAID 5array as boot drive

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
Derek Chew En-Hock wrote:
Hi Everyone,

been using Debian for about 7 months now and loving every minute of
it... so far, I managed to install Debian on more than 10 machines
(some my own, some in the office and some for friends whom I'm trying
to encourage to use Linux) and so far besides some quirks, the
experience has been quite good... In fact, a few months ago, I shifted
from using my Win XP machine to my Debian Machine as my main machine
at home... while my XP Machine is just left for me to play EVE-online
Anyway, recently I was handed a PIII Machine which has a 3 disk RAID 5
array created using an Adaptec 2400A IDE RAID Controller... I wanted
to install Debian on it for use as an Intranet Web Server for the
office... Well, I booted off the Debian 3.0 Disc 1, used the bf24
option and discovered that I could not find any hard drives on
board... looking around the USENET for clues, I found out that you
needed to use a floppy to load in the required modules to get Debian
to recognise the RAID Controller.. I managed to find a floppy image at and it managed to
allow my Debian installation to happily detect the RAID Controller...
I then proceeded to partition my disk as follows:
/dev/sda0 /boot ext2  700 MB
/dev/sda1 / Reisfer FS110 GB
/dev/sd3  SWAP1.2 GB
I set a swap partition to 1.2 GB as I have 512 Meg of RAM and I think
I read somewhere that you should have a swap partition with a minimum
of twice your available RAM right?
Anyway, I made /dev/sda0 bootable and rebooted the machine... what
greeted me was a blinking cursor and a beeping sound...
I also tried to reinstall and add the some RAID5 kernel modules during
the setup but that doesn't help either...
Any suggestions any one? Apparently there isn't much people on USENET
with 2400A Linux machines as I could only find a few posting and their
situations doesn't help mine much...
Perhaps it's a quirk of booting off scsi disks. Is the scsi card bootable?
Is the bios set right? Is the card driver available at boot-time using the
initrd system?
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Re: mixing stable and testing

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
Vikki Roemer wrote:
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 04:27:36PM -0800, Greg Madden wrote:

You would need to setup a /etc/apt/preferences file, add testing to yor 
sources.list, and use pinning. Even so libc6 (upgrade) will be a depend 
on anythig from Testing. For what you want, it may be safer/easier to 
use 'apt-source' and build the few packages you want. If you are lucky 
there won't be any depends or only a couple that you will have to also 
build. You may need to run 'apt-get build-dep' in order to build your 
package, you would get an error message to this effect.
Um, ok, another stupid newbie question: how do I build a package from
source?  I downloaded metalog's source, but the package won't build if I use
dpkg -b metalog-dir -- it comes up with errors in the DEBIAN/control file.
Am I going about it the right way?  I've compiled programs before, I've just
never compiled a *package*.

Download source:
In same directory:

dpkg-source -x metalog_0.7beta-3.dsc
cd metalog_0.7beta
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot
cd ..
dpkg -i metalog_0.7beta-3_i386.deb
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Re: Getting XFree 4.3?

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
Jon Haugsand wrote:
* Russell Shaw

E: Sorry, broken packages
I think by setting up apt-get pinning or something, these
can be downloaded and installed automatically. However, i haven't figured
that out, so i resolve these problems manually (it doesn't happen very
often). Some of these errors may go away if you put this in apt.conf:
APT::Default-Release testing;
APT::Cache-Limit 1000;
Also, put an official testing source into sources.list too.
Primary mirrors:

Norway  /debian/  /debian-non-US/
Secondary Mirrors:

NO Norway
-  /debian/   /debian/   /debian/
Try in sources.list:

For stable:
  deb stable main contrib non-free
For testing:
  deb testing main contrib non-free
For unstable:
  deb unstable main contrib non-free
Then do: apt-get update

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Re: CUPS alternative?

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
Christoph Simon wrote:
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 22:53:24 -0400
Matt Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Are there any workable alternatives to CUPS?  Any alternatives that
folks actually RECOMMEND using?  It would be great to run a somewhat
leaner print system...
lpd or lprng are still the best solutions. They are modular, i.e., you
can have the functionality you wish without carrying around things you
don't need, they have decent documentation, not a repetitive prayer
like CUPS, and above all, they are transparent, i.e., they allow you
to trace down any strange situation to the very point where things are
breaking. This particular point can be extremely annoying if you first
have to set up a webserver to do CUPS configuration, as CUPS is so
authoritative to decide what you may know and see and what not. Once I
had a breve conversation with one of the gimpprint developers who
loves CUPS, but finally admited that there is nothing in CUPS you
can't also do with lpd. CUPS seems to be designed for former windows
users who need a graphical interface to set up a printcap file. For
anybody else, even with more than enough RAM I would always recommend
lpd or lprng. I use them with magicfilter, but apsfilter seems to do
an equally good job.
Which one is best? :

gnulpr - GNUlpr printing system.
lpr - BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system
lpr-ppd - BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system
lprng - lpr/lpd printer spooling system
pdq - Simple printing system for workstations
rlpr - A utility for lpd printing without using /etc/printcap
tlpr - a Trivial LPR client
Are there others? (i have a postscript laser and an epson stylus inkjet)

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Re: Linux permissions and which(1)

2003-09-04 Thread Russell Shaw
Bill Moseley wrote:
I was looking at the source code to the which(1) command (apt-get source 
which = which-2.14 ).

As you might imagine, which(1) prepends the path to a name, checks if 
it exists and then checks if it's executable by the current process 
(your uid).

In the which package is a file bash.c that contains the following 
code.  At this point the file has been found and now it's just checking 

  /* If we are the owner of the file, the owner execute bit applies. */
  if (user_id == finfo.st_uid  X_BIT (u_mode_bits (finfo.st_mode)))
  /* If we are in the owning group, the group permissions apply. */
  if (group_member (finfo.st_gid)  X_BIT (g_mode_bits (finfo.st_mode)))
  /* If `others' have execute permission to the file, then so do we,
 since we are also `others'. */
  if (X_BIT (o_mode_bits (finfo.st_mode)))
return (FS_EXISTS);
This seems wrong, if I understand Linux permissions correctly.  If you 
are the *owner* of a file, then it's the *owner* permissions that count.  
If the owner perms say you can't read it then it doesn't matter what the 
group and other perms are.

In that code above if you are the owner but don't have execute perms 
then it moves onto checking the group perms, and then other perms.

Am I crazy is is that code wrong?
After some simple tests, it seems wrong. -rw-r-xr-- and -rw-r--r-x aren't
executable while -rwxr--r-- *is*.
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Re: Shared library versions

2003-09-03 Thread Russell Shaw
Mark Ferlatte wrote:
Russell Shaw said on Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 03:42:43PM +1000:

How do programs determine what version of a shared (.so) library
they get when run?

They use whatever version they are linked against.  Sometimes they are linked
against, which is a symlink to the current default, other times they
are linked against, so they will require that specific
version to be present.
The dynamic linker worries about all of this for you, on startup.  You can use
the ldd command to determine which libs a given executable wants (ie, ldd
I'm tracking down a bug in xgettext (from gettext 0.12.1):


  xgettext: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
gettext installs:


which is a symlink to:

So, xgettext should look for the symlink.

If a program calls a shared library via a symlink, how does
it tell the linker what version to get?
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Re: Shared library versions

2003-09-03 Thread Russell Shaw
Russell Shaw wrote:
Mark Ferlatte wrote:

Russell Shaw said on Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 03:42:43PM +1000:

I'm tracking down a bug in xgettext (from gettext 0.12.1):
Doesn't matter now. Had old versions in /usr/local ;)

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Re: Traction (was Re: OT: Debian Mailinglist server slow?)

2003-09-03 Thread Russell Shaw
Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 02:19:39AM -0700, Paul Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 01:44:43AM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

..2 reason diesel-electric locomotives are popular; they are 
about as clean as your average power utility, and they dont 
put heavy loads on the power grids.
Nope, and nope.  Diesel electrics are popular because they give the
most bang for the buck.  Vastly more efficient than gasoline engines
and mechanical transmissions (it's 2003, why can't I get a diesel
electric car?, with fewer moving parts than the steam engines it
replaced.  This makes them dirt cheap and bloody reliable.  The
railroads really couldn't give a damn about how much electric they're
using since they're not having to string thousands apon thousands of
miles of overhead lines (another costly expense railroads don't bother
with unless they can get economic benefit from the typically heavier
and faster trains that electrified lines run).
Electric traction offers a few benefits:

  - Quieter.
  - Less (near zero) right-of-way (RoW) pollution.
  - Better high-speed performance.
  - Fewer ventilation issues for tunnels or enclosed operations (e.g.:
RR terminals).
  - Ability to power all axels.
The track maintenance is less with electrics because there's no
pulsing action like with steam that pounds the tracks.
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Re: Print packages.

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
David Palmer wrote:
On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 21:47, Russell Shaw wrote:

David Palmer wrote:


Which is the more stable/ efficient Debian print package?
Printtool or Cups?
I've used cups with epson stylus colour inkjets and
lexmark postscript laser printers. Works flawless (testing distro).
Regards and thanks,
One thing to watch for is when things get stuck in the
print queue. This can happen for formats that aren't listed
in /etc/cups/mime.types.
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Re: font fix found, but how to make it stick?

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw

While I was considering editing the binary font file (helvB12.pcf.gz),
I noticed a different font file in the same location:

After some inspection, it would seem that many fonts default to
iso10646, but also are available in a iso8859 versions.
What is the Debian way to give preference to the iso8859 versions?

I found that simply deleting the iso10646 version (helvB12.pcf.gz)
and then doing a update-fonts-dir does work.
BUT -- I think as soon as package xfonts-75dpi is upgraded, it will
undo the fix...
If i run xfontsel, i can pick fmly=helvetica, and rgstry=iso10646.
Can you?
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Re: Configuring HP Inkjet Printer

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
bob parker wrote:
I've just installed a HP 3325 printer.

I configured it using cups after downloding and compiling the latest hpijs 
driver (1.4.1).

It's printing OK, from web pages at least, but my problem is that it is doing 
it at maximum resolution.

Because I got this little cheapie just so I can output text quickly and 
cheaply I need to learn how to configure it to print in draft mode etc.
man lpoptions

   When run by the root user, lpoptions gets and sets default
   options and instances for all users in the /etc/cups/lpoptions file.
   ~/.lpoptions - user defaults and instances created by non-
   root users.
   /etc/cups/lpoptions  -  system-wide defaults and instances
   created by the root user.
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2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
When i do: cp test.txt /dev/lp0
shouldn't it blindly copy the text
to the port and return immediately?
(it hangs)
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Re: /dev/lp0

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
Elie De Brauwer wrote:
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 11:39, Russell Shaw wrote:

When i do: cp test.txt /dev/lp0
shouldn't it blindly copy the text
to the port and return immediately?
(it hangs)
That depends, in some cases that could work unless you have a printer like hp 
deskjet 710, 720 etc who require additional filtering, the models mentioned 
require (cpu intensive) filtering thru a pnm2ppa filter.

It would be a good idea to mention which printer you are using

It's a lexmark postscript laser (optra R+). I was wondering if
the command should work even if there was no printer connected.
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Re: /dev/lp0

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
Pim Bliek | wrote:
I'm not sure if this will do what you expect (I'm not behind a Debian box
now so I cannot check) but why don't u try:
cat file.txt  /dev/lp0 ??
That hangs the same way too.

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Re: /dev/lp0

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
Elie De Brauwer wrote:
On Tuesday 02 September 2003 11:51, Russell Shaw wrote:

Elie De Brauwer wrote:

On Tuesday 02 September 2003 11:39, Russell Shaw wrote:

When i do: cp test.txt /dev/lp0
shouldn't it blindly copy the text
to the port and return immediately?
(it hangs)
That depends, in some cases that could work unless you have a printer
like hp deskjet 710, 720 etc who require additional filtering, the models
mentioned require (cpu intensive) filtering thru a pnm2ppa filter.
It would be a good idea to mention which printer you are using
It's a lexmark postscript laser (optra R+). I was wondering if
the command should work even if there was no printer connected.
Try catting a postscript file, i thnk you printer should understand 
That's how i've done tests before. It took me ages to figure the
latest problem. I connected the inkjet, and cp test.txt /dev/lp0
worked (obviously needs a printer attached). I forgot to change
the printer box, so when i did lp -d Laser test.txt, i got
postcript ascii text on the inkjet too. Anyway, the problem was
i just had to power-cycle the laser. Simplest problems waste
the most time chasing;)
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Re: Voodoo Graphics still supported?

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
markus koller wrote:
I've got an old Voodoo1 (Diamond Monster 3D) and I'd like to use it
with X4.2. It worked without problems with X3.3 and Mesa, but I can't
figure out how to get it to work again. I googled around a bit, and
got only more confused, so I thought maybe I'd find help here.
XFree86 -configure
will generate a config file with available options.
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Re: cups install problem

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
Tom Allison wrote:
Russell Shaw wrote:

Tom Allison wrote:

Russell Shaw wrote:

Tom Allison wrote:

Well, I tried a purge and reinstall of cups on my server.

This is one of the many problems I'm seeing.
I finally got it.

And it was brain dead simple.

After I removed the rouge libraries...

Thank you so much everyone who was willing to put up with me and my 
issues. :)

I hate this.  It's always simple when you're looking back.  I just 
didn't do a dutiful enough job stripping out all the little lost libs.

The one that I ran into didn't have any dependencies or conflicts or 
anything.  It was a little hard to chase down the exact name of at 
first, dselect didn't show it at all.

But, I can print from Mozilla, OpenOffice, and lpr.
GIMP gives me a stair-case postscript goo.
gv gives me good text
I probably need the printer driver for gimp installed.
Is that on the client and not the server?
I'd guess it goes on the X client.
Probably need cupsys-driver-gimpprint.
dpkg -p cupsys-driver-gimpprint

apt-cache search gimp print | sort

cupsys-driver-gimpprint - Gimp-Print printer drivers for CUPS
escputil - A maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers
foomatic-db - printer support - database
foomatic-db-engine - printer support - programs
foomatic-db-gimp-print - Printer/Driver database and print system - gimp-print database
gimp1.2-print - The Print plugin for the GIMP
gimpprint-doc - Users' Guide for GIMP-Print and CUPS
gimpprint-locales - Locale data files for gimp-print
gpaint - GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME
ijsgimpprint - Inkjet Server - Ghostscript driver for GIMP-Print
libgimpprint-dev - header files for compiling programs with libgimpprint
libgimpprint-doc - Documentation and example code for the gimpprint library
libgimpprint1 - Gimp-Print printer drivers - core library
libgimpprint1-dev - Header files and extras for compiling programs with libgimpprint
libgimpprint1-doc - Documentation and example code for the libgimpprint library
libijs-0.34 - IJS raster image transport protocol: shared library
libijs-0.34-dev - IJS raster image transport protocol: development files
xsane - A gtk-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
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Shared library versions

2003-09-02 Thread Russell Shaw
How do programs determine what version of a shared (.so) library
they get when run?
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2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Tom Allison wrote:
I need some help.

I've been posting all over the internet about a CUPS problem I have and 
searching the docs/google for about five days straight.  Well, almost, I 
sleep and do other things but I think I've logged about 20 hours so far.

Why is it that when there is a problem with CUPS there is absolutely no 
one to support anything and no information on the errors?

I had it working at one time and it just simply broke during the 
summer.  I didn't change anything in that time unless something in 
-testing was upgraded.  But there haven't been any messages.
Check for disk errors. tune2fs -c 10 -C 10 /dev/hda1
then reboot for a disk check of whatever partitions you have.
I find a couple of posts about the exact same error, ReadClient() 7 IPP 
Read Error!, but absolutely no one has ever responded, that I can find, 
to assist in resolving the problem.  Not just to me, but on the cups 
mailing list, suse mailing lists and a few other LUGS that I found on  Is it so obvious that the only answer is RTFM?  The 
Troubleshooting section seemed a bit thin...

It is imperative that I have a printer working by Tuesday afternoon.

I do not believe in the reinstall the OS under Debian.  But at this 
point I can only come up with two possible solutions:
purge everything that's related to cups, deleting all the config files 
and start over again.
move to another distribution of linux that has more automated and 
complete support for printing out-of-the-box.

Or are my posts on CUPS being ignored because I'm coming off as being a 
complete ass-wipe?
apt-get remove/install cups and try again. Try some more primitive
tests like ls | /dev/lp0. Check your ppd exists. Check the config
files in /etc/cups.
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Re: ide-scsi CDRW and a real SCSI CDROM

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Kirk Strauser wrote:
I'm running `unstable' on a system with a Samsung IDE CDRW and a Panasonic
SCSI CDROM.  I've followed various instructions culled from mailing lists,
HOWTOs, etc., but I'm still having problems with getting the two to play
nicely together.
If I enable ide-scsi for the CDRW, I can't find the real SCSI CDROM
anywhere.  If I don't enable ide-scsi, then the SCSI CDROM is available, but
the CDRW is only writeable via ATAPI.
Can someone point me toward some documentation on using ide-scsi on a system
with real SCSI devices?  Many thanks.
The real scsi will appear under sdxx such as sda1. There's a cd-write howto,
and a scsi howto. scsitools is also useful.
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Re: Some odd comments and questions for all

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Joris Lambrecht wrote:

I've been re-installing Debian after an over-courages attempt at getting
used to Windows, again. I'm really pleased with what has changed in the
meantime. The 2.4.21 kernel is really something to keep a good eye one
and Gnome2.2, slurp. Mozilla-xft package ! Greaaat! 

It surely won't be long before this platform starts really-really
kickin' ass now. Compliments to all the people who put in their time and
Well, Debian GNU/Linux surely looks much more yummy. I've got plans for
looking into,with the help of a musician, the DEMUDI debian-branch as
well. People who can advise on commercial as well as
OSS-midi-software/softsynths/sequencers, VJ-software etc. Please let me
know. I'm also building a site wich will be partly focused on Linux
What i had also been wondering about is all the wonderfull repository's
wich can be found at ... what if ... someone put
some malicious code into these repository's. I wouldn't know why and
this would probably soon be found out about but still, i wouldn't want
to use these repository's when running a production-server or something
similarly critical. What's the catch and what's the way to go ? I'm not
really fond off recompiling stuff since i get pretty confused doing that
Some of the packages on are maintained by official debianites.

Is there any safe way to run unstable with woody ? (Given unstable is
still sid)
Install testing and get unstable packages whenever you need one.

Also, rolling back versions of software to previous versions. How is
this done, if doable at all.
Download and unpack a source package. Modify the autoconf, debian
packaging files, and program source to use older standards, build-tools
and libraries (not trivial). Rebuild the .deb and dpkg -i.
 And why are there that many dependency
issues with backports ? Are it only the poorly backported applications
wich show dependency issues ?
Interfaces with various tools and libraries are different, so you
have to adapt.
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Re: font fix found, but how to make it stick?

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Hi to all,

I have an old X client that requests this font:


  ( /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/helvB12.pcf.gz )

Unfortunately, iso10646 encoding causes this client to show only boxes.

I've found that I can fix it by manually editing
/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/fonts.dir like so:
   helvB12.pcf.gz -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso10646-1
   helvB12.pcf.gz -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1
... changing the encoding to iso8859 for the font in question.

My problem is that 'update-fonts-dir' completely un-does my edit!  There's
probably a defoma tweak that I need to make, but I can't figure it out.  Is
there a global setting to always prefer iso8859 for all fonts when possible?
Any help is be greatly appreciated!
Change the name of the font in the font files. update-fonts-dir will
regenerate fonts.dir from that info. man update-fonts-dir

The kernel has language settings you can select for things like 8859 etc.

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Re: CUPS admin web site errors

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Kevin McKinley wrote:
On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 16:23:36 -0400
Tom Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've been staring at this for a while yet and haven't found anything to
help me here. shows me that this happens with a lot of people out there (or
has in the past) but I haven't found anything to show me a solution or
even a potential cause.
I had the same problem when I tried to set up a pure-Woody machine as a
print server. For this reason and another (paper size issues) I gave up
after trying the and message boards.
Defaults such as paper size can be set with lpoptions (user or root), or
by editing the ppd (/etc/cups/ppd), or by editing /etc/cups/lpoptions.
CUPS 1.1.18 solved that problem for me on another machine, but I don't know
if that's a reasonable alternative for you.

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Re: Dual Parallel Ports and a PLX 9052 chip

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Jody Grafals wrote:
I just bought cheepy PCI dual Parallel Port card with a PLX 9052 chip 
for my home linux server so I can add a second printer and a Old school 
Connectix Web Cam but I can not get it working. I already have a Zip 
drive and a printer working with the onboard parallel port with kernel 
2.5.69. The PLX 9052 chips is in all kinds of wired stuff so I have not 
had much luck on google looking for answers. Has anyone used this chip 
before to support parallel ports or can anyone point me in the right 

I get nothing about the card in dmesg but I do get this output from lspci
# lspci -vv
00:0f.0 Network controller: PLX Technology, Inc. PCI - IOBus Bridge 
(rev 02)
   Subsystem: Unknown device d841:0012
   Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster- SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- 
ParErr- Stepping- SERR- FastB2B-
   Status: Cap- 66Mhz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=medium TAbort- 
TAbort- MAbort- SERR- PERR-
   Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 10
   Region 0: Memory at e8002000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=128]
   Region 1: I/O ports at b000 [size=128]
   Region 2: I/O ports at b400 [size=8]
   Region 3: I/O ports at b800 [size=8]
   Region 4: I/O ports at bc00 [size=8]
   Region 5: I/O ports at c000 [size=8]
Look for an option when you build the kernel.
See if something prints. Connect a printer, then: ls | /dev/lp[0|1|2]

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Re: cups install problem

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Tom Allison wrote:
Well, I tried a purge and reinstall of cups on my server.

This is one of the many problems I'm seeing.

I also ran into a wonderful conflict between hpjis (something like that) 
and it's foomatic-db-hpjis cousin.  They appear to have a circular 
dependency upon each other and I don't know that they will actually 

But first things first...

Unpacking libcupsys2 (from .../libcupsys2_1.1.14-5_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/libcupsys2_1.1.14-5_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in 
package libcupsimage2
I have both of them installed ok. Did you purge *both* of them
before reinstalling? Are you running stable or testing? (i'm on
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Re: Print packages.

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
David Palmer wrote:

Which is the more stable/ efficient Debian print package?
Printtool or Cups?
I've used cups with epson stylus colour inkjets and
lexmark postscript laser printers. Works flawless (testing distro).
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Re: cups install problem

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Tom Allison wrote:
Russell Shaw wrote:

Tom Allison wrote:

Well, I tried a purge and reinstall of cups on my server.

This is one of the many problems I'm seeing.

I also ran into a wonderful conflict between hpjis (something like 
that) and it's foomatic-db-hpjis cousin.  They appear to have a 
circular dependency upon each other and I don't know that they will 
actually install.

But first things first...

Unpacking libcupsys2 (from .../libcupsys2_1.1.14-5_i386.deb) ...
dpkg: error processing 
/var/cache/apt/archives/libcupsys2_1.1.14-5_i386.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in 
package libcupsimage2
I have both of them installed ok. Did you purge *both* of them
before reinstalling? Are you running stable or testing? (i'm on
I purged everything I could find under dselect that matched /cups/
I'm running a spread of trees(*), but the installation was all -stable.
I use apt_preferences to select different trees, but default to -stable 
when I don't identify it in 'apt-get install -t testing'.
If you can tolerate testing, i'd highly recommend installing everything
from there. CUPS might have stopped working previously due to packages
from testing being installed with stable. I'd run fsck before doing
anything else tho (do it when the partitions are read-only).
If you still want to install from stable, then i'd search for package
debris now. updatedb, then locate cups. Manually delete any leftovers.
Then reinstall CUPS.
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Re: ide-scsi CDRW and a real SCSI CDROM

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Kirk Strauser wrote:
At 2003-09-01T11:12:07Z, Russell Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The real scsi will appear under sdxx such as sda1.
Except that it doesn't.  In fact, it's not even detected in dmesg.

What I've done so far:

1) Added this to my grub boot parameters:

hde=scsi ignore=hde

2) Created an /etc/modutils/cdrw:

# First, get the ide-cd drive to not latch onto /dev/hdd
options ide-cd ignore=hde
# Set up an alias for /dev/scd0 to load sr_mod
alias scd1 sr_mod
# Now get ide-cd followed by ide-scsi loaded before the SCSI drivers
pre-install sgmodprobe ide-scsi
pre-install sr_modmodprobe ide-scsi
pre-install ide-scsi  modprobe ide-cd
3) Ran update-modules.

4) Added `ide-scsi' and `sg' to /etc/modules.

5) Rebooted.

Anything I missed
Does lsmod show the low-level driver for the scsi card? If not,
put it in /etc/modules. Does lsmod show the rest of the drivers
you've attempted?
Drivers for card and scsi system in: cat /proc/scsi

Before doing all that stuff in /etc/modutils, i'd try the
driver install sequence by hand one step at a time, then
duplicate the working sequence with /etc/modules and
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Re: Mozilla and Print

2003-09-01 Thread Russell Shaw
Andreas J. Guelzow wrote:
On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 10:09, Bijan Soleymani wrote:

On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:54:11AM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:

Bijan Soleymani wrote:

On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 05:28:22PM -0400, Rodrigo Gesswein wrote:


I have installed Debian 3.0r1 and Mozilla 1.4, but when I try to print
a html page, CPU goes to 100% and nothing happend, I must kill mozilla
manually. LPD is installed and configured right.
Any ideas ?

What happens if you print to a file and then run lpr on that file?

Is this the CUPS version of lpr or the real lpr?

I'm asking because I am running into the same problem under cupssys-bsd.
cups-server logs, under debug, show a problem, but I can't seem to get it 
working yet, IPP Read Error
I recommended that he use lpr (the real lpr) because he said lpd was
working. If you have the same problem with mozilla but you're using cups
then you should probably try it with lp. On the other hand I don't see
why lpr (the cups one from cupsys-bsd) should be failing.
Okay, some thoughts on this issue:

Tom is unable to administer his cups server with server:631. He seems to
get the web pages but committing his changes doesn't work. This looks to
me like a misconfiguration of cups on the server (not client).
lpr works from the command line but not when called by Mozilla: I
suspect that there are in fact still 2 binaries on the system: An lpr
from the regular unix printing package and an lpr belonging to
cupsys-bsd. Differences in path cause Mozilla to use the cups version
while on the command line the regular version is used. If the server
also runs an cups lpd compatibility daemon, you could then print from
the command line but not from cups.
To check this (wild) guess: on the client we should search for binaries
with name lpr. We should look at the cups configuration file on the
server to see whether the client has appropriate privileges.
whereis lpr

  lpr: /usr/bin/lpr /usr/share/man/man1/lpr.1.gz

dpkg -S /usr/bin/lpr

  cupsys-bsd: /usr/bin/lpr

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Re: Hot-plugging USB storage devices.

2003-08-31 Thread Russell Shaw
Iain Georgeson wrote:
Roberto Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

--- Iain Georgeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: 

I would prefer it
each device was always mounted in the same place - /camera for the
camera and /keychain for the keychain, for example. Is there any way
of doing this with usbmgr or something else like hotplug?
I don't get it.  Why not just do something like:

# ln -s /camera /keychain

[...] The only downside is that you would not be able to mount both
devices at the same time.
That's a problem. I want to be able to plug the devices in in
whichever order and be able to
  cp -a /camera/dcim /keychain

for example

I could have a /storage0 and a /storage1 and remember which order they
got assigned, but it just isn't as nice.
scsitools solves the ordering problem by giving scsi devices a
unique name based on its hardware.
dpkg -p scsitools
apt-get install -t testing scsitools
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Re: X problems with unstable

2003-08-31 Thread Russell Shaw
R Ransbottom wrote:
In installing xserver-common (4.2.1-10) on unstable I get a
Note: not updating /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config; file does not exist.
This is followed by xserver-xfree86 (4.2.1-10) noting:
Note: not updating /etc/X11/X; file does not exist.
Note: not updating /etc/X11/XF86Config-4; file does not exist.
What should I read/do to get X going?


man dpkg

Try the confmiss option.

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Re: Sound Blaster Audigy and ati radeon 9800 not seen by kernel 2.4.18

2003-08-30 Thread Russell Shaw
Antonio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a sound blaster audigy card and an ati radeon 9800, none of them seem to be 
visible to the kernel 2.4.18 (woody source) that I compiled.
According to what I have seen, emu10k1 should work with this card, but insmod is not 
working for the reason that the card is invisible.
Any ideas what could be the reason?
I am attaching some info hoping for some help. Thanks.
Seems like you need XFree86 4.3 for the radeon.

Install 4.3, then XFree86 -configure to generate
a video-card config.
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deb from source

2003-08-29 Thread Russell Shaw
I'm trying to build gtk2.0-dbg .deb from source.
I downloaded:
  tar -xzvf gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
  patch -p0  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.diff

  cd gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig

  ~/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig/dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot


dpkg-buildpackage: source package is gtk+2.0
dpkg-buildpackage: source version is 2.2.1-6
dpkg-buildpackage: source maintainer is Akira TAGOH [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture is i386
 fakeroot debian/rules clean
/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 126: debian/rules: Permission denied
So i do:

  ~/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig: chmod +x debian/rules


  ~/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot


dpkg-buildpackage: source package is gtk+2.0
dpkg-buildpackage: source version is 2.2.1-6
dpkg-buildpackage: source maintainer is Akira TAGOH [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture is i386
 fakeroot debian/rules clean
sed -e 's/@SONAME@/0/g' -e 's/@VERSION@/2.2.1/g' debian/  debian/control
# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
/usr/bin/make -f debian/ source.clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig/debian/scripts'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig/debian/scripts'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig/debian/scripts'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig/debian/scripts'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/russell/SRC/GTK2/gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig'
rm -rf build-tree/gtk+-2.2.1-shared
rm -rf build-tree/gtk+-2.2.1-static
rm -rf debian/stampdir
 dpkg-source -b gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig
dpkg-source: warning: source directory `./gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig' is not 
sourcepackage-upstreamversion `gtk+2.0-2.2.1'
dpkg-source: warning: .orig directory name gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig.orig is not 
package-upstreamversion (wanted gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig)
dpkg-source: building gtk+2.0 using existing gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: failure: md5sum gave bogus output `'
I tried changing the tree from gtk+2.0-2.2.1.orig to gtk+2.0-2.2.1,
but i still get the last line saying md5sum gave bogus output.
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Re: deb from source

2003-08-29 Thread Russell Shaw
Colin Watson wrote:
On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 11:26:13PM +1000, Russell Shaw wrote:

I'm trying to build gtk2.0-dbg .deb from source.

I downloaded:
 tar -xzvf gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
 patch -p0  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.diff

 cd gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig
That's a ... convoluted (and wrong) way to extract a source package.
Remove that gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig directory, and try this instead:
  dpkg-source -x gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.dsc
I thought there was an easier way! So i tried:

  ~/SRC/GTK2: dpkg-source -x gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.dsc

  dpkg-source: extracting gtk+2.0 in gtk+2.0-2.2.1

  ~/SRC/GTK2: ls

  gtk+2.0-2.2.1  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.diff.gz  gtk+2.0_2.2.1-6.dsc  gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz

  ~/SRC/GTK2: dpkg-source -b gtk+2.0-2.2.1

  dpkg-source: building gtk+2.0 using existing gtk+2.0_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
  dpkg-source: failure: md5sum gave bogus output `'
Should this step generate a .deb file?

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Re: Getting XFree 4.3?

2003-08-29 Thread Russell Shaw
David Z Maze wrote:
Jon Haugsand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My Dell Latitude needs XFree 4.3, but I'm not sure how to get it for
my Woody laptop.
IMHO, you'll run into too many problems if you try to go the backport
route; lots of things depend on the X libraries (which, fundamentally,
haven't changed in 10 years) and there have been reports of people
mixing backports and running into huge dependency problems.  All you
really want is a newer X server.  So find your favorite XFree86
mirror, download Xxserv.tgz and Xmod.tgz, unpack those in /usr/local
(or a subdirectory of /usr/local/stow, if you use stow), repoint the
/etc/X11/X symlink to point at /usr/local/bin/XFree86, and edit your
XF86Config-4 file.  You're still using the XFree86 4.1 libraries, but
this shouldn't make a difference to anything (aside from maybe dpkg).
An easier way to get Xfree86 4.3:

Put this unofficial from into sources.list:

  # XFree86 4.3:
  deb ./
(i have sources for testing distro too)

apt-get update
apt-get install -t testing xfree86-common xbase-clients xserver-xfree86 xlibs
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