Re: Confused about lenny, KDE4 and

2009-08-25 Thread SteveM
On Tuesday 25 August 2009, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> KDE4 libs *are* available in stable (lenny), but without specific error
> messages (preferably from aptitude or apt-get) it's impossible to help
> further. And your sources.list might help too ;)

Yes, the sources.list did help.  It read sid, not lenny.  Thanks for 
making me look a little harder.  I'm surprised some many other packages 
installed without error.


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Re: Is a Universal Desktop Experience possible?

2009-07-12 Thread SteveM
On Saturday 11 July 2009, Rob Owens wrote:
> >
> > Suggesting another DE is sort like suggesting I speak another
> > language. I've got 5+ years invested in understanding the crap pile
> > that is KDE. Better the devil I know.
> Well I wasn't really suggesting you switch, just explaining why I can't
> give any KDE advice.

Sorry, I misunderstood.
> > > Regarding the lockout problem you mentioned, are you logged in on
> > > multiple computers at the same time as the same user?  There are a
> > > few apps I know of that do not like that.  Firefox/Iceweasel for
> > > one, and I think OpenOffice as well.
> >
> > Yes, that's my intention and yes, many apps resist this, KDE itself
> > being the real thorn in my side.  I might try again watching for
> > version mismatch.
> Just curious, is there a reason why you need to be logged into multiple
> machines at once?

> I see this come up on the LTSP list every once in a while where a
> school wants to have everybody in the lab log in as "student".  The
> consensus on that list is that it isn't worth the trouble to make that
> work.  Better to tape a username and password to each monitor (student1
> / password1 ; student2 / password2 ; etc).  But I'm doubting that you'd
> want to do this.
> -Rob
I suspected there were no good answers when I posted.  I'm surprised there 
weren't more "me too" replies.  I would have thought others were 
inconvenienced by DE's one-time-one-place  paradigm.

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Is a Universal Desktop Experience possible?

2009-07-10 Thread SteveM
Fellow Debians,

I have seven systems scattered around the house.  I thought a NFS and a 
shared /home would solve my file sharing problems but it doesn't help 
with desktop app configs.

What I'd like is a Universal Desktop Experience, i.e. same kicker applets, 
same konsole profiles, same amarok playlists, same xpad postits, etc, 
whereever I login.  I'm a KDE type, but afaict the issue affects all 

My goal doesn't seem unreasonable and I expect others share it.  If that 
group includes you, what's your solution?  Is there a non-web-based UDE?


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2008-03-06 Thread stevem
On Monday 25 February 2008, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:10:53PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On 02/24/08 21:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > PLEASE HELP, when I tried printing debian told me that my printer
> > > is on fire. Upon inspection I found no signs of fire but I fear
> > > that if I do not find the fire soon my printer will die, PLEASE
> >
> >
> Cool - thanks for the link!  I had always assumed the message was just
> another of unix's quirky in jokes rather than a reference to something
> that, at one point, could have actually happened.
> --
> News aggregation meets world domination.  Can you see the fnews?

Actually, the link is incorrect.  The ribbon would stretch on the most 
heavily hammered side (left) thus causing skew.  Smart ops would flip the 
ribbon when they started getting ribbon checks.

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Re: Sarge -> Lenny

2007-12-22 Thread stevem
On Friday 21 December 2007, Sven Joachim wrote:
> Please try to find out where you got
> /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/ from.
> Regards,
> Sven
Can't answer for the OP but I've downloaded various perl modules from CPAN 
and now my /usr/local/share is no longer arch independent.  I 
mount /usr/local via NFS and I've had to create 32 and 
64bit /usr/local/share/perl libs.  Its a bug as I understand "share",  
but I don't know where to file it since its not debian package breakage.

I know some perl modules are availabe as packages.  Is there a "debian 
way" to use CPAN for the others?


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Re: How to keep a locally compiled *.deb up to date?

2007-12-21 Thread stevem
On Thursday 20 December 2007, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Johannes Graumann wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there any mechanism to be notified by aptitude or the likes if a
> > source package downloaded with 'apt-get source' has been upgraded by
> > the maintainer and needs rebuilding?
> >
Excuse me if I hijack this thread but I've long wondered about a variation 
of this question:  If I roll my own kernel why isn't the resulting .deb 
dependent on it's linux-source package?  I couldn't find a suitable 
option to make-kpkg so I hacked a cron job to compare the timestamps of 
the source dir and source tarball.  Highly inelegant.

This is surely the most common example of Hugo's dilemma.  Or am I missing 
something obvious here?


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cron-apt has lost touch with reality

2007-11-18 Thread stevem
I've used aptitude and cron-apt together for a couple of years now. on an
AMD64x2 running sid.  Lately, cron-apt prepares for upgrades that don't 
make sense.  For instance last night's run:

CRON-APT ACTION: 3-download
CRON-APT LINE: /usr/bin/apt-get dist-upgrade -d -y -o 
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gnuchess gnuchess-book guile-1.8-libs libgnome-desktop-2 libgnomecups1.0-1
libgnomeprint2.2-0 libgnomeprint2.2-data libgnomeprintui2.2-0
libgnomeprintui2.2-common libgtkglext1 libgtksourceview-common
libgtksourceview1.0-0 libgtop2-7 libgtop2-common libmetacity0
libpanel-applet2-0 libpoppler-glib2 libpoppler2 libstartup-notification0
libtotem-plparser7 libwnck-common libwnck22 libxres1 metacity-common
python-ctypes python-gnome2 python-gnome2-desktop python-gtkglext1
python-opengl python-pyorbit python-setuptools

gnuchess?  Why?  Here's the state of these NEW packages:

prompt#: dpkg -l `cat NEW-pkg-install` |cut -c1-74
No packages found matching libpoppler-glib2.
No packages found matching libpoppler2.
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase
||/ NameVersion   
rc  gnuchess5.07-4
pn  gnuchess-book   
rc  guile-1.8-libs  1.8.2+1-2 
rc  libgnome-desktop-2  2.20.1-1  
rc  libgnomecups1.0-1   0.2.2-5   
rc  libgnomeprint2.2-0  2.18.2-1  
pn  libgnomeprint2.2-data   
rc  libgnomeprintui2.2-02.18.1-1  
pn  libgnomeprintui2.2-common   
rc  libgtkglext11.0.6-2.1+b1  
pn  libgtksourceview-common 
rc  libgtksourceview1.0-0   1.8.5-1   
rc  libgtop2-7  2.20.0-1  
pn  libgtop2-common 
rc  libmetacity01:2.20.0-1
rc  libpanel-applet2-0  2.20.1-1  
rc  libstartup-notification00.9-1 
rc  libtotem-plparser7  2.20.0-3  
pn  libwnck-common  
rc  libwnck22   2.20.1-1  
rc  libxres12:1.0.3-1 
rc  metacity-common 1:2.20.0-1
pn  python-ctypes   
pn  python-gnome2   
pn  python-gnome2-desktop   
pn  python-gtkglext1
pn  python-opengl   
pn  python-pyorbit  
pn  python-setuptools   

This started about a week ago.  Any idea how to bring cron-apt back to
earth? Its not fatal, aptitude still knows what to do on upgrades but
its an real annoyance and I'm downloading useless files.

thanks, stevem

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Re: 32 & 54 bit shared libraries -- how to?

2007-05-12 Thread stevem
On Friday 11 May 2007, Joe Hart wrote:
> While the 64-bit processors can run 32 bit code, the way it works, AFAIK
> will not allow one to mix 32 bit code and 64 bit code in the same
> userspace.  That is why 32 bit libraries don't work.  They work fine if
> the program that is calling them is 32 bits, but a 64 bit program needs
> 64 bit libraries.
Precisely my problem.  The question remains, how to I maintain two different 
libraries using NFS?  Are you suggesting I can get perl to distingush between 
them?  I saw this as an NFS or $PATH problem but I'm open to a perl solution.


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32 & 54 bit shared libraries -- how to?

2007-05-11 Thread SteveM
All the machines on my network mount /usr/local/lib/... using NFS.  This has 
worked well for me until I added 64 bit boxen.  64bit perl chokes on 32bit 
compiled libraries.

I feel there must be a simple solution.  How have others solved this problem?


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best practice: mixed 32/64 bit?

2007-04-29 Thread SteveM
On my local network /usr/local is common to every system via NFS.  This method 
has served well until I added 64bit machines.  Now /usr/local/lib and .../bin  
are problematic.  The dilemma is common to all multi-platform shops, so I 
figure its been solved long ago.  I bow to the wisdom real sysadmin's 

Adhering to the FHS, the only concerned is bin & lib.  My 1st reaction is 
mounting nfs .../lib64 on top of nfs .../lib IF !32 bit, (ditto bin) but this 
seems a kluge.

Who uses the slick trick I seek?

impeachment IS compassionate conservatism

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1996-08-08 Thread stevem
I recently posted a problem I was having installing a "special-kernel" with
the boot disk during the installation procedure. Gilbert Ramirez responded
indicating he had the same problem (error in format archive) with these
kernels, and the culpret was the "modules.tgz" file on the boot disk. It is

I can verify that. I needed to do what Gilbert did, and that was to 
gunzip, un-tar, re-tar, and re-gzip the file, and put it back on the
boot disk. The install went fine after that. (I did remove a module or two
I wouldn't need to be sure it would fit back on the floppy). 

Of course if your computer is in the state of installing debian, you won't 
be able to do these things on THAT machine, and if you don't have a spare 
linux/unix computer, your ingenuity skills will be challenged.  

You can test the modules.tgz file on the boot disk by doing a 
"tar -tzvf /modules.tgz" looking for an "unexpected EOF"
error message at the end of the tar list. 

   Steve Millard   Harrisburg, Pa. USA
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
   It ain't what you don't know that hurts you, 
   but what you do know that just ain't so. 
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

PPP initial connection

1996-06-13 Thread stevem
I have had for the longest time the problem of never being able to
get PPP to connect with a server the first time (off af a boot). I used
to think it was the provider, but now believe it is me, since I can 
connect and reconnect flawlessly as long as I don't reboot. Has anyone else
out there had this problem? 

Also, while I'm on the subject, has anyone crafted a perl script that 
replaces chat, or know where there is one? I tried it and gave up and now
have a hybrid perl/chat script. Pure perl would be preferred.

Thanks, Steve Millard


1996-05-03 Thread stevem

I think I've got all the files now to upgrade to 1.1, but before I start
I have a couple of questions. When I initially installed the stable version
I managed to get it done, but I stumbled a bit with dselect. Does dselect
expect the Packages file to reflect what files are available, or should it
left intact?

When removing packages with dselect are the selected packages removed or 
retained?  I had a bad experience with this. Dselect evidently worked 
differently than I thought it would, and took a large bite out of my 
system before I could get to the control C. 

Steve Millard