Re: Disable a sound card

2016-06-25 Thread Stuart Longland
On 24/06/16 03:24, Alex PADOLY wrote:
> The speaker output of my DELL laptop D430 doesn't work, I have sound
> only by the speaker of my laptop. It is impossible to desactive Intel
> sound card by the bios.
> I bought a usb sound card Terratec. I always have a sound on the speaker
> of my laptob but no sound
> on output of usb sound card. I think there is a conflit between Intel
> sound card and usb sound card.

You should be able to blacklist the snd-hda-intel driver in
/etc/hotplug/blacklist.  That ought to prevent the Intel HDA driver from
loading and thus leave you with just the USB audio device.

Secondly, most modern desktops are using PulseAudio these days, there's
a tool, `pasystray` which lets you select the sound device.

Finally, there's asoundrc to configure the default device, have a look
at the output of `cat /proc/asound/cards` to make a note of what ID the
device has, then add a line to your .asoundrc:

> pcm.!default {
>   type hw
>   card YOUR_ID_HERE
> }
> ctl.!default {
>   type hw 
>   card YOUR_ID_HERE
> }

See for more
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Building just one module against the current kernel

2016-06-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 17/05/16 06:46, tony mollica wrote:
> All of the information and guidance I've found to make one single
> modules don't work.
> The kernel source and headers and any supporting packages are
> installed.  It appears the
> syntax for getting the module built is the issue.  The module source
> code is in the kernel

> What I'm looking for is the command to compile this moduleto mcp251x.ko

By the looks of things, that's a full kernel tree, easiest way is to
just build the lot, it'll probably drag in other dependencies too:

Grab your kernel config from /boot; probably named config-$( uname -r )
and dump it in /usr/src/linux-… as .config.

Run `make oldconfig` then `make menuconfig` and locate the options to
turn on CAN support and the MCP251x driver.  (Sounds familiar; I hope
Microchip have improved on these since I last tried using one.)

Once that is done, you should be able to build modules by running `make
modules` and install them with `sudo make modules_install`.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some Flash news

2016-06-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 17/05/16 04:20, Erwan David wrote:
> Problem is not the browser. Problem is sites/Appliances which require it
> (eg. VMWare vcenter)

VMWare are allegedly getting rid of their Flash dependence.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: question package

2016-06-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 27/05/16 02:28, Gustavo Alvarez wrote:
> I have a problem with the last update. When the battery reach 30%
> the system shutdown without any warning.
> I save the "message" file for the log but i can't see or understand
> the error. I want to report but i don't know wich package is involved.

Could it be the battery is knackered and so the BMS is reporting that
the battery has more charge left in it than reality?

I've got a MacBook here that has a swollen battery (not sure where I can
get spares, the machine is 8 years old) and notice the same phenomena,
only it keels over at about 50%.  And by keel over, it goes down like a
lead balloon.  The OS doesn't get a chance to log anything.

There are some applications that can give warnings and initiate a
shutdown; I have `gkrellm` set up to do this.  Not sure if `acpid`
offers the same features.  Anything else will depend on the desktop
environment in use.  (I'm using FVWM with a few select bits of KDE4
thrown in.)

If it started happening since a software update (and thus can assume to
not be hardware), you might look at /var/log/dpkg.log to see what got
replaced in the last update, that might help narrow the field down a bit.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Hello Debian

2016-06-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 02/06/16 20:48, Pier wrote:
> http://…
> pierg75@…

Yes, that's a URL and an email address.  Well done.  Now try again with
some actual relevant (to the list) content this time.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Debian as My home firewall/router

2016-02-28 Thread Stuart Longland
On 28/02/16 18:10, David Christensen wrote:
> 1.  The pfSense installer wanted to use the whole disk.  The only way I
> could get it to use only part of the disk was to create a slice for
> pfSense and create another slice that ate up all remaining free space.
> Then every time I booted, the boot loader (GRUB2, I believe) would show
> both slices, even though I don't recall setting the boot bit on the
> second slice.

Well, to be fair, pfSense is intended as a router, and it's very rare
for a router to dual-boot.  Normally it sits in the corner and does one
sole function which needs a single OS.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Warning Linux Mint Website Hacked and ISOs replaced with Backdoored Operating System

2016-02-24 Thread Stuart Longland
On 23/02/16 05:50, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> But my curiosity is about whether i indirectly helped the hackers.

Technology is just that, technology.  With the exception of land mines,
it mostly is neither good nor bad itself, it's how it's used, and many
tools can be used for both.

Software is no different to this.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/02/16 04:22, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> You know, I've never even seen a key that doesn't have an LED on it.
> Of course, I only buy the big "thumb" drives and not the teenie, tiny
> ones designed to be inconspicuous.

I have here, and have seen, several such drives in various sizes.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: GNOME Shell can't unmount my USB key

2016-02-09 Thread Stuart Longland
On 08/02/16 09:20, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> You shouldn't have to "eject" it all.  Just plug it in and when done,
> pull it out. The system should mount and unmount it automatically. We're
> not talking Windows here.

We're not talking DOS either.

Windows 98 might've written data synchronously to USB devices, but with
flash having limited erase/program cycles[1], modern operating
systems[2] stores a cache of data to be written to the device.

This is only written to the storage device:
- if the `sync` command is run
- if the device is unmounted
- when sufficient data is in the cache to make a write worthwhile
- if mounted with the 'sync' option: on every write

Unless you've configured your system to mount the filesystem with -o
sync, assuming that hitting save in your application means the file's
written to disk right there and then is a very dangerous assumption to
make, and one that will bite you hard in the bum some day.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

1. getting better but nowhere near the longevity of magnetic storage
2. including Windows NT v5.0 (aka Windows 2000) onwards and every
version of Linux I've used since kernel 2.0.  Probably before too.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: How to build Debian-based wireless router

2016-01-23 Thread Stuart Longland
On 22/01/16 15:19, GC wrote:
> There's a lot of great tutorials on how to build your own router (wired) but 
> I can't seem to find anything that covers steps on how to build your own 
> wireless router? 
> Anyone have some advice on this topic or can share some articles, 
> step-by-step tutorials, links, etc on this?

Did this some time ago with a Prism54G card and hostap, basically hostap
took care of setting up the PCI Wi-Fi card to act like an access point
and the operating system could then bridge or firewall that interface as
needed: it behaved like any Ethernet interface.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2016-01-19 Thread Stuart Longland
On 20/01/16 02:03, Anders Andersson wrote:
> Hi, GOOGLE CERTIFIED PARTNER. The address list of your spam targets is
> outdated and affecting your outcome on prominent mailing lists.
> No regards.

Certified partner no longer, I'd imagine, if ever.  They listed an
Australian address, so well and truly in the crosshairs of the ACMA.

is where such emails can be forwarded, then the ACMA prosecutes for Spam
Act violations.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: About new mail client

2016-01-19 Thread Stuart Longland
On 21/12/15 23:59, Chris Bannister wrote:
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> Sent using mutt from my laptop!

Oddly enough, I've found mutt running on my server from my phone using
ConnectBot (for SSH) vastly superior to K-9 Mail (and the stock Android
client) in a number of ways.

The two downsides being a lack of incoming mail notification and
attachment handling being a pain.

Other than that, I find sending a quick email or replying to be easier.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Is anybody Running Debian on Acer Aspire E5-571G

2016-01-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 18/01/16 05:26, Jude DaShiell **TOP-POSTED**:
> It may be a 2003 machine, though it has to have a bios install since
> it's too old to handle uefi.

That does not surprise me, as UEFI came much later.  Apple who were one
of the first to really push EFI, were still cranking out PowerBooks back

UEFI didn't exist much before 2005, and widespread OS support for UEFI
came much later.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Is anybody Running Debian on Acer Aspire E5-571G

2016-01-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/01/16 22:04, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> It sure is, and Acer Aspire computers generally are cut down AMD Athelon
> x64 clones.  I proved this since I also have a real AMD K8 Athelon
> computer vintage 1994 that is still running (how old does it have to get
> before the Smithsonian Museum gets interested) and I have the distro
> from installed on the K8 and the Aspire 5003.  I
> ran netctl's wifi-menu -o command to find local wifi connections with
> both machines.  The AMD K8 had no problems.  The Acer Aspire returned an
> error of no valid interface and this was with the same cable and wifi
> adapter plugged into each machine.

1994?  You sure about that?  Pretty sure the Pentium was only a new chip
with major heat problems and a dodgy floating point bug back then.

I find it incredible that AMD were strutting their x86-64 stuff that
long ago.  Wikipedia seems to think they came out in 2003.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Prevent shutdown with systemctl

2016-01-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 05/01/16 06:25, Gary Dale wrote:
> Interesting. Why do they behave that way? Hard links don't (but
> replacing the symlink with a hardlink would fail if /bin & /sbin were on
> different devices. Also, I gather that systemctl looks at how it is
> called to determine the action it needs to take - would that create a
> problem if called from a hard link instead of a symlink?).

Well, /bin and /sbin can't be on different devices because the first
thing the kernel executes (unless told to do so otherwise) is
/sbin/init, and if /bin/mount were on a different device, it would not
be accessible.

Classic chicken-egg problem.

These days, even /usr on a different partition is considered a no no, at
least in the Church of udev.

As for symlink behaviour, directory entities all occupy inodes, and a
symbolic link is a special type of directory entity whose content points
to another by name.

A hard link is basically a directory entry that, rather than having its
own inode, it shares the same inode as some other directory entity.
It's the directory entity that has the metadata such as file name,
permissions and ownership.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Prevent shutdown with systemctl

2016-01-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 05/01/16 03:14, wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 12:16:03PM -0500, Gary Dale wrote:
>> On 04/01/16 10:55 AM, Floris wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> Often there are multiple users working on my multiseat [1] system,
>>> some of them are kids and they are not paying attention if someone
>>> else is logged in. They can shutdown the computer even if someone
>>> else is logged in and have an active session.
>>> Is it possible that only root can shutdown/ reboot the computer if
>>> multiple users are logged in and when there is only one user that
>>> user is able to shutdown the computer?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Floris
>>> [1]
>> /sbin/reboot is a link that allows anyone to execute it. It points
>> to /bin/systemctl that also allows anyone to execute it. The first
>> part of your problem can be solved simply with fixing the
>> permissions for reboot, shutdown & poweroff.
> Dunno about systemctl, but FWIW you can't change the permissions of
> a symlink. It's always "all on".

Changing the permissions of the "linked-to" file would be sufficient then.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Prevent shutdown with systemctl

2016-01-04 Thread Stuart Longland
On 05/01/16 06:30, Gary Dale wrote:
> Possibly but I note that systemctl is owned by root:root so that typical
> users can't execute it anyway. They get execute rights from the links.

Errm, no they wouldn't.  Not if they were symlinks.  Hardlinks, maybe.

> Systemctl seems to figure out what to do based on the link that calls it
> and the current system policy.

It probably detects this from argv[0], which by convention is always the
name of the file executed.  Since that file is the symbolic link, the
name of that symbolic link is what's passed as the first argument in argv.

Permissions, as it's usually the equivalent of a `stat` rather than a
`lstat` system call, will come from the actual binary, which is
world-executable.  The only thing that stops a user from actually
shutting the machine down is the fact that sysctl does all sorts of
voodoo to figure out who you are first before giving the nod to init.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Recommendations for a GUI video editing program?

2016-01-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 03/01/16 18:17, Udyant Wig wrote:
> On 01/03/2016 01:04 PM, Stuart Longland wrote:
> [snip]
>> Last time I did any serious multimedia stuff, I think my toolkit 
>> consisted of Audacity for producing the sound track, then a 
>> combination of Perl, GNU Make, netpbm and ffmpeg to take a series
>> of photos, do the necessary transformations then assemble them into
>> a video.
>   My own toolbox has been similar: Audacity for the audio, with ffmpeg
>   for the video, tied together with some Lisp code for extracting and
>   combining pieces.

Yep, when I did it, I had considered whether it'd be possible to expand
on it, have it farm out tasks to other nodes, replace netpbm with
something that uses the GPU, etc.

Not sure if the existing software packages do that or not, that'd be a
useful feature IMO, rather than having one big hulking box that does
everything, you just have a collection of smaller boxes that take some
small piece and process that.

I recall the Perl code was just to save me the tedium of coding
everything in Make (I wasn't as proficient as I am now).  It basically
took a script, and generated Make statements that would produce the
output movie.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Recommendations for a GUI video editing program?

2016-01-02 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/12/15 21:22, wrote:
> I'm looking for recommendations for a GUI video editor for simple tasks
> (basically for cutting a video, and perhaps for fixing the audio track
> lag which sometimes creeps in).
> I have very little experience with video editing and myself are more
> of a command line junkie.
> For the user in question it has to be a GUI program. She is using
> avidemux at the moment, which more or less covers her needs, but
> forces her to have deb-multimedia as an extra package source. But
> it has a simple and clean UI, no setting up of "project files" and
> the like for just cutting a video. Something similar would be ideal.
> What could people here recommend?

There was an article on this very topic just recently:

The focus there is on Linux Mint, except for one which was tested under
Debian.  Maybe one of those takes your fancy?

Last time I did any serious multimedia stuff, I think my toolkit
consisted of Audacity for producing the sound track, then a combination
of Perl, GNU Make, netpbm and ffmpeg to take a series of photos, do the
necessary transformations then assemble them into a video.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: AP support for wl driver

2015-12-22 Thread Stuart Longland
On 21/12/15 13:01, Himanshu Shekhar wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 1:58 AM, Stuart Longland
> < <>> wrote:
> I've never tried HostAP with this particular device.
> Please make a try once. We would be pleased to have your experiences. I
> would suggest to use the hotspotd program (depends on hostapd, dnsmasq).
> It's the simplest I've known, but not in Debian repos. A Google search
> would pop it up. 

Well, the machine runs Gentoo, not Debian.  Most of my personal machines
run Gentoo Linux.

Machines I support for my workplace either run Ubuntu or, more recently,

> I don't blame the 'b43' developers for this.  They have done an
> excellent job to get it working to the level they have.  Their work has
> been almost entirely the result of clean-room reverse engineering.
> It shouldn't be that way though.
> I understand the pain for a proprietary software manufacturer to spend
> time and money on a free project with no monetary return.
> However, one should not make a software that locks the capabilities of
> the hardware, making the device function in a non-appreciable manner.

Tell that to those who make the 'wl' driver.  None of us replying to
this thread are responsible in any way shape or form for the features,
or lack thereof, of the 'wl' driver.

> Himanshu, if your chip is supported by one of the drivers listed here:
>  If one of those is
> compatible, then you've got a chance.
> Yup! That's the 'wl' driver. I've been using it right from the first day
> I installed Debian.

Nope.  Look again, 'wl' isn't listed on that page.

> I downloaded the Windows driver, but ndis suports drivers made for
> Windows XP only.
> Walking through the Windows driver made me discover multiple ".hex"
> files with no idea on how to use them.

Yeah, ndiswrapper oddly enough was Broadcom's "officially supported"
driver for Linux.  i.e. if someone asked, they'd tell people to use
their Windows driver with ndiswrapper.

This, amongst other things, is why I do not support Broadcom for WiFi chips.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: AP support for wl driver

2015-12-20 Thread Stuart Longland
On 20/12/15 19:32, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> > Thanks Stuart! I have made several attempts and almost scanned the
>> > Broadcom driver download page. No support email.
>> > They have 64 bit driver for Linux available for download. I tried,
>> > following the README file, and compilation failed with errors.
>> > Bad experience with Broadcom.
>> >
> Exactly that caused me to blacklist & leave it on the shelf or pegboard, 
> anthing with a broadcom radio in it. I don't buy headches if I can help 
> it.

Likewise.  I have one machine with a Broadcom WIFI chip, that's the
MacBook I'm typing this email on:

> RC=0 vk4msl-mb stuartl $ lspci -vnn | grep Network
> 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n 
> Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:432b] (rev 01)

That one, is compatible with the 'b43' driver in the Linux kernel, and
after a few ritual sacrifices, *does* work.  It does however frequently
drop its link (dhclient soon fixes it), and even on MacOS X, misbehaves.

I've never tried HostAP with this particular device.

I don't blame the 'b43' developers for this.  They have done an
excellent job to get it working to the level they have.  Their work has
been almost entirely the result of clean-room reverse engineering.

It shouldn't be that way though.

Himanshu, if your chip is supported by one of the drivers listed here:  If one of those is
compatible, then you've got a chance.

Otherwise your only option is begging and grovelling to Broadcom, or
voting with your wallet and buying something else.  Given the level of
contempt Broadcom has shown the Linux community historically, I
generally find it easier to avoid them and go with someone like Atheros
or Intel, who actively develop their drivers in the Linux mainline kernel.

If I wanted a proprietary binary soup I'd use Windows.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: AP support for wl driver

2015-12-19 Thread Stuart Longland
On 06/12/15 02:15, Himanshu Shekhar wrote:
> I have made several attempts on this mailing list, internet, and also
> tried various distros, just to get the hotspot work on my laptop.
> How could I request the developers to add support for the driver to
> allow AP mode on my Broadcom wireless hardware (Dell 1704 card, precisely).
> The device does support AP mode, tested on Windows 10.

Getting hardware docs for Broadcom stuff is like getting blood from a
stone, and in any case, Debian don't directly maintain the driver, they
simply repackage it.

The 'wl' driver is Broadcom's proprietary driver, so you'll need to ask
Broadcom directly, nobody else can help you.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My web site is back

2015-12-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 09/12/15 02:58, Darac Marjal wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 08, 2015 at 11:15:50AM -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:
>> Old site: h t t p : / / u s e r s . w o w w a y . c o m / ~ z l i n u
>> x m a n /
>> New site:
>> If you have bookmarks set for the old site you should update your
>> bookmarks. Some pages from the old site are not on the new site
>> because I judged them to be obsolete.
> To which, the venerable W3C replied "Cool URIs don't change":

The W3C clearly haven't considered the case of a hosting provider
pulling the plug on a customer.

The same happened to countless Geocities users years ago.

I had to change uRLs myself just recently.  I had my own hosting, but
used a free dynamic DNS service ( to provide the hostname.  That
was set up years ago when I had no income and was at university.

They started acting up this year, with failed DNS resolution issues, and
a management site that was really misbehaving badly.  I now earn an
income, so I figured it was high time for me to move.  Hence the new domain.

In my case, I was fortunate the old domain still intermittently worked
(and still does work), and so I was able to put the redirects in place.
 Had just folded altogether however, I'd be stuck in the same way
that Stephen was.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My web site is back

2015-12-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 10/12/15 01:48, Stephen Powell wrote:
> So far, I haven't
> yet figured out how to upload files via their control panel,
> but the account comes with FTP service, so I was able to upload
> my files via FTP.

Probably for the better, a superior option of course would be sftp or
rsync/ssh if they permit that.

I'm always a bit leery of web-based file upload facilities.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: OT: reply styles, family matters

2015-12-01 Thread Stuart Longland
On 01/12/15 11:56, John Hasler wrote:
> Bob Bernstein writes:
>> With that as background, here is my question/request: is anyone aware
>> of a spirited defence of our ideal method of "selective quoting," (for
>> lack of a better label) one, say, that perhaps has achieved the status
>> of a "net classic?" Surely some 'net genius has dealt these
>> nay-sayers, who seem to LIKE top-posting, a solid uppercut?
> Waste of effort.  The usual reason for top-posting (or bottom-posting
> without editing) is laziness.

I often counter that by passing my would-be reply through tac and
top-post it that way.

Then they see it from my perspective.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2015-11-18 Thread Stuart Longland
On 18/11/15 18:19, GC wrote:
> I would like to get a PGP SIGNED MESSAGE. How do I do that?

Could you be more specific?

If it was just your goal in life to have someone send an OpenPGP signed
email, you can cross that off your "bucket list".

I suspect that was not your aim though.  Are you intending to generate
signed messages or merely verify them?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Ransomware meets Linux - on the command line!

2015-11-11 Thread Stuart Longland
On 12/11/15 08:24, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> Comments. please - I'm not sure how to evaluate this or how to react.

I don't see any mention of ransomware threats on that page.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Install MSWindz 7 as Virtual Machine on Debian 8

2015-11-10 Thread Stuart Longland
On 10/11/15 04:58, D Dimov wrote:
> I need to install MS Windows 7 as a Virtual Machine on a computer that
> is running Debian 8. To do that, I'd like to use software that is not
> proprietory (I know, I know - this may sounds a bit ridiculous...). This
> Debian page: recommends
> Qemu, KVM, VirtualBox, and Zen. Does anyone have recommendations for
> which one is easiest to install for a novice? I tried the first one,
> Qemu, but didn't really find a good guide how to install MS Win 7 with it.
> Thanks!

The others have recommended VirtualBox, but an alternative suggestion:
install libvirt-bin and virt-manager.

The former is a management interface for KVM/Xen/LXC and a few others,
and handles the logic of setting up the virtualisation for you.

The latter is a GUI front-end for libvirt.  Using it is much like using
VirtualBox.  Not quite as polished, but VirtualBox isn't as nice to use
on a headless machine either.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: convert between ethernet and usb

2015-11-08 Thread Stuart Longland
On 09/11/15 04:38, wrote:
> On Sun, November 8, 2015 6:26 am, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
>> What does "ifconfig -a" display ?
> eth0:  flags=4098<BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>ether 00:a0:c6:00:00:00
> …
> usb-:00:0.3-1, RNDIS device, 00:a0:c6:00:00:00

That looks like your hotspot device right there.  You can't assign eth0
to be your "RED" interface?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: convert between ethernet and usb

2015-11-07 Thread Stuart Longland
On 07/11/15 23:59, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
>> Or does IPCop2 just not include USB drivers ?
> It does, and I have used them on my IPCop box for years; better burn out an 
> USBToRJ45 adapter than the motherboard when there is a storm strike on the 
> ISP coax.

Hang on, this is a wireless hotspot.  What coax?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: convert between ethernet and usb

2015-11-06 Thread Stuart Longland
On 07/11/15 12:16, wrote:
> In order to provide Internet access to a LAN consisting of several
> computers in a location in which DSL is not available, I am in search of a
> reliable and inexpensive way to use the USB port of a G4 Wi-Fi "hotspot"
> to feed the WAN port of a router.
> In particular, my plan is to use a VerizonWireless JetPack with a i386
> machine running IPCop2.  I envision dedicating a small Linux machine with
> USB3 capability as a Ethernet-to-USB translator.

Well, it doesn't need to be USB3, unless your Internet connection truly
exceeds 480Mbps (which I doubt).  My suggestion for a very cheap
solution would be a Raspberry Pi or similar.

Hook the USB modem up to it, use its Ethernet port to connect to the WAN
port of your router.  Since it runs full fledged Debian Linux, the
device is fully under your control.  You could even do away with the
router and have it feed your LAN directly.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: 64bit run on mips64r2

2015-10-24 Thread Stuart Longland
On 20/10/15 18:58, Mehmet CELIK wrote:
> Hi all..
> How can I run amd64 application in mips64r2 OS. I'm trying multiarch, but 
> doesnt support amd64 in mips64r2 (Octeon CPU/Standart Glibc).
> Is It possible ??

Possible, yes.
Viable, no.

The CPU will not understand AMD64 instructions, so they need to be
translated to the host's native CPU instruction set.  This results in a
reduction of performance.  Two options exist for doing this: QEMU and Bochs.

e.g. it's possible to run Linux on an 8-bit AVR (ATMega1284P) computer:

In that case, code to emulate an ARM machine was programmed into the AVR

Given that MIPS machines are generally both more expensive and slower
than modern AMD64 systems, one has to question the logic in such an
endeavour except maybe to prove it can be done.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/10/15 13:23, John Hasler wrote:
> Lie.  Tell them you're running Windows 95.

"Ohh sorry, we only support Windows 7 or 8"

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/10/15 12:51, Stephen Powell wrote:
> Their level 1 help desk isn't much help anyway, if you're a Linux user.
> The last time I called their level 1 help desk for technical support, the
> conversation went something like this:

Yep, familiar story.  Some can't get it through their thick heads that
you want support for the *internet connection* and not the computer
connected to it.  If it isn't in their script, they don't know anything
about it and don't want to know.

> And that was that.  They'll gladly take the money of a Linux user.
> But if you have problems, you're on your own.  That was a few years ago.
> Maybe it's better now.

True, as I said, this isn't L1 helpdesk material, I gave details of a
WHOIS look-up that gave an email address and telephone number you could

You'll probably note this is a different email address to your regular
helpdesk contact details, and for good reason.  It is for a totally
different audience: a technical one who know how to work the `whois`
tool, know what an IP address is, and know that a serial port isn't a
place for sailors to eat breakfast.

Forward them the bounce emails you've been getting, then the ball is in
their court.  I do know what it is like to deal with a clueless
helpdesk, spent many hours on the phone with a few here.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/10/15 11:53, Stephen Powell wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 04:15:21 -0400 (EDT), Jochen Spieker wrote:
>> Stuart Longland:
>>> On 13/10/15 09:58, Stephen Powell wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, I don't.  Attached below is one of the mail delivery
>>>> failure notices, which includes the headers of the original message.
>>>> But I don't understand what it all means.
>> …
>>>> Authentication-Results: 
>>>> smtp.user=thecoughingcanary; auth=pass (LOGIN)
>>> Not sure about this one.
>> It looks like the mail was delivered directly through
>> by a user who successfully authenticated
>> using the username thecoughingcanary.
>> @Stephen: is that you?
> No.  My id on this mail server is "zlinuxman".  I have no idea who
> "thecoughingcanary" is.  Nor do I understand why the SMTP server would
> allow "thecoughingcanary" to send out e-mails in my name, unless
> "thecoughingcanary" is an administrator account.

This is making a lot more sense now.  So '' is your ISPs
server, and 'thecoughingcanary' is another customer of theirs.  Likely a
compromised one.  Your ISP needs to know about this.

Why did it allow the email to be relayed?  Well, the credentials were
correct, that's all that was needed.  (Yes, SMTP is that basic.)

You'd probably find you can send email from *any* email address you
choose, provided that the email address domain permits that server to
send emails from that domain.

(e.g. my domain has SPF records that only permit a small handful of
servers to send emails with a '' domain.  Anyone else
will trigger a "soft-failure".)

This isn't level 1 helpdesk material, you'll actually need a technical
contact there.

> Registrant Name: WIDEOPENWEST LLC
> Registrant Organization: WIDEOPENWEST LLC
> Registrant Street: 1323 Bond St.
> Registrant City: Naperville
> Registrant State/Province: IL
> Registrant Postal Code: 60563
> Registrant Country: US
> Registrant Phone: +1.6305363161
> Registrant Phone Ext: 
> Registrant Fax: +1.6305363108
> Registrant Fax Ext: 
> Registrant Email:

My first point of call would be that '' as it
now appears you're seeing the bounce traffic from another customer's
compromised host.  I'd forward them a sample of the bounce traffic.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/10/15 16:36, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> On 10/12/2015 04:58 PM, Stephen Powell wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 16:53:05 -0400 (EDT), Stuart Longland wrote:
>>> I'd check the backscatter case, as this requires no skill on the part of
>>> the attacker and is the most likely case.
>>> ...
>>> It's worth knowing how to read the headers of emails in this
>>> circumstance as it can give you vital information for knowing what is
>>> going on.
>> Unfortunately, I don't.  Attached below is one of the mail delivery
>> failure notices, which includes the headers of the original message.
>> But I don't understand what it all means.  Perhaps you or someone else
>> out there can make some sense of it and advise me accordingly.
>> Remember, I never sent the original e-mail.  I just got the delivery
>> failure notice.
>> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1081 <
>> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1081
> Looks like it was mailed from MS Windows.  Maybe mailed from a Windows
> OS with a virus.  Do you run Windows too?

It's a popular client to spoof too.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: print .tex or .dvi or .ps from Windows

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/10/15 15:45, wrote:
> On Mon, October 12, 2015 11:15 pm, Stuart Longland wrote:
>> There's also a Windows port of Evince.
> Thanks, Stuart; that knowledge may be useful.  But installing Evince
> likely is beyond the technical ability of my associate.  I hope that he
> has Adobe Reader running.

Adobe Reader is harder to get going without winding up with an unwanted
guest coming along for the ride.

By the looks of things it has been nicely packaged as a .msi installer.

> Recently I was in an office and spoke with the resident Windows expert; I
> was shocked to discover that I had a far better understanding of Windows
> than did he, even though I have not had to grapple with Windows for almost
> fifteen years now.  I remember how, years ago, regular observance of the
> ritual of defragmenting the drive was essential, and consumed a
> significant portion of the system uptime; I wonder whether that has
> changed.

Not by a huge margin.  Better than it used to be, but still miles behind
the competition.  The fact that most Linux filesystem utility packages
lack a defragmentation tool is rather telling in my opinion.  About the
only one that comes to mind is xfs_fsr.

That said, we can bash Windows all we like, the fact of the matter is
that the "imposter effect" is a very real phenomenon and plenty exist in
the IT world in both the Windows and non-Windows camps.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/10/15 18:22, wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 01:54:53AM -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> [...]
>>> It's a popular client to spoof too.
>> I'm just saying that there is a possible bot running and the chances
>> are it's running in a windows environment, maybe even in a v-box,
>> just a thought.
> If I were the bot programmer, this would be the first thing I'd try to spoof.

Depending on the bot programmer, they probably send an email to
themselves using Outlook Express then view the message source and paste
that into their code.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: New User

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/10/15 03:06, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 October 2015 16:42:49 Alex Vong wrote:
>> Please use "reply to all" so you are replying to the mailing list as
>> well, and others could help you.
> I tried to read this and follow what it was about, and perhaps try to help.  
> But top-posting, in a thread, of which I haven't seen the beginning, made it 
> impossible.

Apparently backwards things read to like people some.

Yes, that's how top posting looks to me.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-13 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/10/15 08:43, Stephen Powell wrote:
> In short, I have not "handed it over".
… "wittingly".

You may not have consciously done it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't
effectively "handed over".  Some possibilities:

- Presently undetected malware intercepting the password being entered
on your client machine, from a password store, or capturing it in an
outbound connection.
- Nasties en route between your computer and your host intercepting the
password in cleartext traffic.
- Malware intercepting the password on the server end of the connection.
- Someone had a lucky guess.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [OT] Has my e-mail account been hacked?

2015-10-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/10/15 00:57, Florian Pelgrim wrote:
>> (2) Someone sent out a bunch of SPAM, spoofing my e-mail address
>> > as the sender, and the delivery failures came to me.
>> > 
>> > How can I tell which is the case, and if it's (2), is there anything
>> > I can do to defend myself against this sort of thing in the future?
> You could check the header of one email you know you send and one of the
> others.
> I guess what you are getting is simple backscatter spam like in (2) you
> described.

I'd check the backscatter case, as this requires no skill on the part of
the attacker and is the most likely case.

I've been on the receiving end of a backscatter deluge before.  Not fun.

I actually harvested the offending hosts and used the emails as evidence
of spam activity to have the site brought down.  I found there were 6
machines sending the crap, WHOIS look-ups were performed, and emails
written to those six hosts with samples of the bounces provided, along
with the host hosting the website concerned.

The dead give-away was that the initial "Received" header did not match
any of my hosts.  In fact, all they had done was put my address in the

It's worth knowing how to read the headers of emails in this
circumstance as it can give you vital information for knowing what is
going on.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Regarding R-base-core package for MIPS64 arch

2015-10-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 12/10/15 15:15, Sasikumar Kandhasamy wrote:
> I am looking for R-base-core package compiled for MIPS64. Could find the
> stable version of R package for MIPS and other architecture.
> But couldn't find one for mips64 architecture? If we have r-base-core
> package for mips64, can you please provide me the reference? Or please
> guide me with steps to get one. Thanks.

If you don't get any joy here, maybe try the debian-mips mailing list.

One thing about MIPS, is that it can be a funny beast to maintain
packages on.  I know this having done so for Gentoo in the past.  I
found some packages that JustWork on x86 and AMD64 could do some funny
things on MIPS (both o32 and n32, never tried n64).

I'm not sure what the status is of mips64 on Debian either.
Historically Debian has always been 32-bit on MIPS (aka o32).
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: print .tex or .dvi or .ps from Windows

2015-10-12 Thread Stuart Longland
On 13/10/15 14:09, wrote:
> On Debian, I have been using evince, but that is to view documents which I
> obtain from other sources.

There's also a Windows port of Evince.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sound card question

2015-10-05 Thread Stuart Longland
On 04/10/15 10:22, wrote:
>> This also lets you adjust volume levels so that you don't overdrive the
>> > input on the transceiver.  Nothing worse than a contact with a garbled
>> > station because the microphone input is being overdriven.
> All that is needed for monitoring is a VHF/UHF scanner.

True, a handheld transceiver can often be bought for the same price or
less and in this situation, performs more functionality as it allows
adjustments of transmit audio the other way too.

This is why I suggested it.

> CW is to amateur radio much as is CLI to computing.
> And a microphone is the analogue of a GUI.

Not quite. ;-)
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: KDE file copy to usb device without file cache

2015-10-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 03/10/15 18:31, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> If it is about a mounted filesystem, then your question should
> rather be how to properly unmount the device before removing it.
> Unmounting is supposed to flush pending filesystem data.

I would concur here… yanking a removable storage device just after the
host has written to it without first informing the computer that it's
about to lose said device is just asking for it.

Macintosh computers required you to "eject" the media via the OS,
sometimes achieved by dragging the icon for the mounted media to the

Windows computers (modern ones) have a system tray icon for "safely
removing" media.

Under KDE, pretty sure removable devices have an "unmount" option when
you right-click on them.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Sound card question

2015-10-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 03/10/15 01:27, Danny wrote:
> In order to hear comms coming in or out of the transciever (via an antenna) 
> one
> has to connect to the transciever with ANOTHER transciever in order to hear
> people talk (if you are tuned to the same frequency off course)
> Now ... my second transciever is fitted inside my car ... in order for me to
> hear all comms on the frequency I need to go to my car and turn that 
> transciever
> on every now and then which becomes a pain in the donkey ... ;) ...

Another option, get a small handheld transceiver that you can tune to
the appropriate frequency.

This also lets you adjust volume levels so that you don't overdrive the
input on the transceiver.  Nothing worse than a contact with a garbled
station because the microphone input is being overdriven.  (We have this
from time to time on VK4RBN.)
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Deleting i386 packages

2015-09-29 Thread Stuart Longland
On 23/09/15 00:14, Reco wrote:
> $ dpkg -I teamviewer_10.0.46203_amd64.deb | grep Depe
>  Depends: bash (>= 3.0), libc6-i386 (>= 2.4), lib32asound2, lib32z1,
> libxext6, ia32-libs
> A fine example of non-multiarch package which declared amd64 arch while
> providing i386 binaries only.

It was probably done that way before Debian became true multi-arch.

We had a similar thing in Gentoo, if you did `emerge skype`, that
required 32-bit libraries, that on the "AMD64" architecture, were
provided by packages in the app-emulation package.

Debian (and Gentoo) have since moved to true multi-arch, and so such
kludges are no longer required.  However there are still probably
packages floating around that still rely upon them.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: googleearth-package (jessie)

2015-09-29 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/09/15 10:20, wrote:
> Using synaptic, I installed "googleearth-package".  But I cannot figure
> out what to do with it.

I understood Google Earth was going the way of the dodo, so `dpkg -r`
might be the best thing to do with it.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Touchpad not working properly on ASUS T300LA

2015-09-29 Thread Stuart Longland
On 28/09/15 17:53, Arief M Utama wrote:
> Doesn't worked,
> Touchpad is not detected at all.
> I'm looking at kernel drivers now.

I'd have a look at drivers first.  Specifically the Synaptics
input driver, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is the name of the package in

I have a Panasonic CF-53 with a similar touchpad in it, connected via
PS/2, so no kernel module (other than the generic 'psmouse').

In /var/log/Xorg.0.log, I see it detected like this:
> [537692.751] (II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
> [537692.751] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/input/
> [537692.789] (II) Module synaptics: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
> [537692.789]compiled for 1.16.4, module version = 1.8.1
> [537692.789]Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
> [537692.789]ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 21.0
> [537692.789] (II) Using input driver 'synaptics' for 'SynPS/2 Synaptics 
> TouchPad'
> [537692.789] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: always reports core events
> [537692.789] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event7"
> [537692.818] (II) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: ignoring touch 
> events for semi-multitouch device
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: x-axis range 1472 - 
> 5802 (res 61)
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: y-axis range 1408 - 
> 4944 (res 90)
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: pressure range 0 - 
> 255
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: finger width range 0 
> - 15
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: buttons: left right 
> double triple scroll-buttons
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: Vendor 0x2 Product 
> 0x7
> [537692.818] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: touchpad found
> [537692.818] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: always reports core events
> [537692.830] (**) Option "config_info" 
> "udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio2/input/input12/event7"
> [537692.830] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "SynPS/2 Synaptics 
> TouchPad" (type: TOUCHPAD, id 13)
> [537692.830] (**) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) MinSpeed is 
> now constant deceleration 2.5
> [537692.830] (**) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) MaxSpeed is 
> now 1.75
> [537692.830] (**) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) AccelFactor 
> is now 0.036
> [537692.830] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) keeping acceleration 
> scheme 1
> [537692.830] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) acceleration profile 1
> [537692.830] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) acceleration factor: 
> 2.000
> [537692.830] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: (accel) acceleration threshold: 
> 4
> [537692.830] (--) synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: touchpad found
> [537692.831] (II) config/udev: Adding input device SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad 
> (/dev/input/mouse0)
> [537692.831] (**) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: Ignoring device from InputClass 
> "touchpad ignore duplicates"

It can be configured from the command line using a tool called
`synclient`, which is, I believe, what the Gnome tools talk to.  (I run

I'd check that:
- you have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed
- this driver is being loaded in your logs
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Terminal Madness?

2015-09-28 Thread Stuart Longland
On 29/09/15 06:44, Mike McGinn wrote:
> I am not an alpine user, but I would make sure that there are no
> instances of alpine running.
> ps -ef | grep alpine

Or alternatively, see what users/processes have the file open:

$ fuser -u .pinerc

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Extracting directories from an ISO image, command line tool?

2015-09-22 Thread Stuart Longland
On 18/09/15 21:57, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I'll your points in reverse order.
> The "repository merging" is handled by the -extract option of xorriso.
> Thomas Schmitt, author of xorriso, has said in this thread to copy from
> DVD using dd.

Yeah, I basically was just focussing on the mechanics of getting the
data out of the .iso image.

> Is there a way to pause your loop to swap DVDs?

Why would you want to do that, surely the DVD images are separate files?

Or have the DVDs already been burned and you've yet to DD the images of
them?  In which case, you could modify the loop:

for disc in $( seq 1 N ); do
echo "Please insert disc ${disc}"
read newline
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
rsync -aP /mnt/cdrom "${dn}/DVD${disc}"/
umount /mnt/cdrom

That will prompt on each disc.

Someone asked why rsync?  Well, cp would do the job too I guess, rsync
will resume an interrupted copy whereas cp won't.  Piping tar to itself
is another way.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Extracting directories from an ISO image, command line tool?

2015-09-17 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA256

On 10/09/15 23:06, Richard Owlett wrote:
> Environment: Using dd I have copied physical [NO INTERNET AVAILABLE
> ;] Debian DVD's to /media/distributionA resulting in 
> /media/distributionA/DVD1.iso /media/distributionA/DVD2.iso .. .. 
> /media/distributionA/DVDn.iso

Well, I can get you half-way there.

for f in /media/distributionA/*.iso; do
bn="$( basename "${f}" .iso )"
dn="$( dirname "${f}" )"
mount "${f}" /mnt/cdrom -o loop
rsync -aP /mnt/cdrom "${dn}/${bn}"/
umount /mnt/cdrom

Now you'll have in addition to the above:
/media/distributionA/DVD1/ …
/media/distributionA/DVD2/ …
/media/distributionA/DVDn/ …

I'm not sure how you'd go about merging the repositories together.
Someone else can help with that.
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: GRSecurity Closes Stable Patch to Linux Kernel. How do you feel about this?

2015-09-15 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA256

On 15/09/15 17:37, wrote:
> So if you want to do a service to humankind, stop whining, cough
> up the $200 and redistribute GRSecurity. All happy. You could try
> to recoup some of your costs by asking for some contributions.

… and be prepared for all the former GRSecurity freeloaders to come
along and start downloading the stable branch from you instead.

It's a shame they had to go down that road, but it was the companies
that saw it as a "free beer" kernel for their devices rather than as
an open kernel.  i.e. they're expected to contribute something in return.

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [Newsletter] Why does Debian not recognize my WiFi?

2015-09-06 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 31/08/15 17:04, Harilal, Ahlad (ACIS India) wrote:
> I tried all possible ways to fix wireless driver issues for my
> Dell Vostro laptop. Chip manufactures Broadcom has provided a
> debian installation file from their official website for the proper
> chipset. I tried it  but no luck

Broadcom make a lot of chips, and there are at least 4 or 5 different
drivers, some proprietary, some open source.

> vk4msl-mb ~ # lspci -k -nn | grep -A 20 -i network 03:00.0 Network
> controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n
> Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:432b] (rev 01) Subsystem: Apple Inc.
> AirPort Extreme [106b:008d] Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge 
> Kernel modules: ssb

That's a command you can run to determine which you have.  From there,
some of us may be able to help you.

> Copyright in this message and any attachments remains with us. It
> is confidential and may be legally privileged.

*NOW* you bloody tell me!  Is it or is it not confidential, and if so,
what in earth is the disclaimer doing at the **BOTTOM** of your email.

Do legal people expect us to read email messages from bottom to top?
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Dell brightness issue

2015-09-03 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 02/09/15 07:30, Clive Akem wrote:
> I have the same issue that when changing brightness, everything
> runs slowly even after restarting. Have you managed to solve it?
> Thanks

The same issue as what?
Who do you mean by 'you'?

We'd like to help, but we'll need some context before this will be

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: is google earth safe to install?

2015-09-03 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 02/09/15 08:55, Ric Moore wrote:
>> Perhaps we should team up and buy some better satellite data to
>> "free" it? Kickstarter anyone?
> I'm building "Grit". I'll let everyone know how well it works. You
> do need an nVidia graphic card though. Ric

I'll bite, why an nVidia graphic card?  I have a couple, but the Intel
GPU in this laptop would run rings around most of them.

Surely it only matters that it implements ${OPENGL_FEATURES} to a
sufficient standard to run the application.

Does this application bypass the kernel to talk to the video card
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: the IBM keyboard

2015-09-03 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 31/08/15 11:39, wrote:
> On Sun, August 30, 2015 8:18 pm, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> Oh joy!  forgive my nose, especially since I missed this post at
>> first. Still, I am typing right now, this very moment, on a real
>> IBM clicky keyboard! However the cable is starting to fray,  and
>> I was wondering if I would be able to replace this treasure...i.
>> have. had. this. for. a. very! long time. Anyway, your link to
>> this company may be a solution and I am sososososo happy! thanks,
>> Kare
> If the only problem is a cable, all you need to do is find a local 
> technician who can replace the cable with the cable from one of
> the chinese keyboards which someone has tossed into the dumpster.
> Of course, most keyboards nowadays are USB.  But most of us
> (myself included) have in the closet a keyboard or two which uses
> the old-style connector, if that is what you need.

The other thing that might work if you can't get a PS/2 keyboard cable.

Get some 5-core shielded cable and a DIN-5 connector.  Solder that up
to replace the faulty keyboard cable.  Then use a DIN-5 → PS/2 adapter
to plug it into your PS/2 socket.
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: the IBM keyboard

2015-09-03 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 31/08/15 12:29, David Wright wrote:
>> This is not supported by evidence, e.g.
>>> <>
I'm struggling to see how this reference backs up your assertion.
> The use-case is not word-processing (Word) where both hands are 
> expected to be on the keys most of the time. This study prepared
> the hands on the mouse (for the mouse method) in advance
> (penultimate paragraph). This might be sensible if you were dealing
> with Illustrator/CorelDraw etc but not word processing.

I must confess I agree with that statement.

Right tool for the job.  A keyboard makes a hopeless instrument for
free-hand placement and manipulation of objects, and a mouse makes a
very frustrating text input device.

If the activity you're performing is predominately a text/data entry
exercise, a keyboard-oriented UI is more useful.  If however, the
activity is more graphic oriented, the mouse becomes more appropriate.

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: 40 xrdp makes VM crawl (was thin client xdmcp setup)

2015-08-27 Thread Stuart Longland
On 25/08/15 23:56, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 12:40:05 PM UTC+5:30, Stuart Longland wrote:
 Hash: SHA512

 On 25/08/15 12:28, Rusi Mody wrote:
 I am teaching python (and some other related stuff) Students
 connect with a thin client that connects to the linux VM. The thin
 clients have the usual options - shell (ssh) - windows (rdp) -

 Well, you've got two options there, one is to use XDMCP, the other is
 to install xrdp on the server and use that.  I realise you're looking
 for XDMCP as the solution, but just pointing out the other is an option.
 Ok xrdp is the ticket -- Thanks!
 And now... [different question, so subject changed]
 With 40 xrdp logins the VM crawls.
 How to performance monitor it?
 ie is it disk or ram or CPUs or ... that needs to be increased?

top, iotop or vmstat may give you some clues.  It's worth noting that
xrdp uses VNC behind the scenes, which isn't the most CPU-efficient.
XDMCP may perform better, so both are worth looking into, particularly
if xrdp is performing poorly.

The places where I've been using xrdp have been in situations where
we've had no more than about 3 users simultaneously, and xrdp was chosen
because it makes life easier for the Windows users to access a box.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Re: thin client xdmcp setup

2015-08-25 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 25/08/15 12:28, Rusi Mody wrote:
 I am teaching python (and some other related stuff) Students
 connect with a thin client that connects to the linux VM. The thin
 clients have the usual options - shell (ssh) - windows (rdp) -

Well, you've got two options there, one is to use XDMCP, the other is
to install xrdp on the server and use that.  I realise you're looking
for XDMCP as the solution, but just pointing out the other is an option.

So, for XDMCP, you need a display manager running on the server that
supports it.  gdm2 , lightdm, kdm and xdm all do.  gdm3 might too, I
haven't tried.

For 'lightdm', if you edit or create /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add:


then restart it, you should find the server listening on port 177/udp.

For 'kdm', look for /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc and in there, you
should see a section called 'Xdmcp'.

'gdm2' had a similar procedure.

The thing to look for after re-starting the display manager is that
something is listening on port 177/udp.

Then you should be able to get your X terminal to query it and things
should JustWork.  A useful way to test is on another box with X:

X -query yourserver :1

You should see X start up and log in to your designated server.  At
worst you might need -from your-ip for that to work.

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2



2015-08-23 Thread Stuart Longland
On 23/08/15 18:21, Anna Wambold| AU IT Solutions wrote:
 Hello, I hope you are well.
 My name is Anna Wambold and I work for a Search Marketing company in
 Melbourne, Australia.

A heads up people, if another pillock decided to spam this list,
claiming to be in Australia, here's what people can do:

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Re: Antivirus for Debian

2015-08-20 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 21/08/15 04:50, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Aug 2015 19:33:17 +0100 Brian
 On Thu 20 Aug 2015 at 20:24:16 +0200, Diogene Laerce wrote:
 Hello guys. I wanted to know if antivirus is required for
 Debian or for linux in general. And if it is required, what
 are the recommended antivirus for Debian? Thank you in
 Required no, advised I guess.
 You guessed wrong.
 Although I know that proof-of-concept viruses (virii ?) have been
 created in computer labs, has anyone seen one alive in the wild ?

Maybe it'd be helpful to consider what a virus is, in the context of

In a nutshell, it is an exploit for a security vulnerability, that
embeds code to try and seek out and infect other victims that suffer
similar vulnerabilities.

What does anti-virus packages do?  It's basically an intrusion
detection system, looking for anomalies in programs and files that
indicate evidence of an intrusion, combined with some knowledge of how
to disinfect the infection caused by the malware.

The approach used on DOS (inherited by Windows), is to basically react
to software vulnerabilities by trying to treat the symptoms: malware

The approach used on Unix systems (inherited by Linux) is to try and
find and treat the underlying security vulnerabilities that permit the
malware to infect the machines in the first place, with perhaps an IDS
package like TripWire and/or Snort to detect when an intrusion takes

You decide whether an anti-virus package is truly needed.
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Me vs. Qemu

2015-08-20 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 21/08/15 01:39, Dan Ritter wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 11:26:48AM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
 I am back to the list to submit virt progress (or lack thereof) 
 I have what appears to be a working OpenBSD vm running in a very 
 little tiny qemu window (have yet to launch X) on my Jessie.
 Please review the following steps I took. They may be flawed so
 much as to account for the _lack of networking_ on the openbsd
 When running the VM, you need to tell it details of what hardware
 you want it to emulate -- for example, an ethernet card.
 man pages will tell you the various options. You probably want -net
 nic,model=? to begin with.
 You will also need to read up on the various networking options 
 that you have, including changing over your main system to use a
 bridge device or a NAT.

If you're looking for a means to manage this, one very common one for
QEMU is libvirt and its frontend virt-manager.

libvirt manages some of the network/storage tasks and launches QEMU,
while virt-manager provides the console and configuration interface.

Many of the larger virtual machine platforms like OpenStack and
OpenNebula are libvirt-based.

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


systemd vs sysvinit: init script arguments

2015-08-20 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

Hi all,

I've got a silly question regarding systemd.

I'm currently writing a data collection software package which pulls
data from various sources and provides a real-time and historical data
interface for trending and analysis.  Basically the data-gathering
guts of a SCADA system.

The system is built on the Unix philosophy, so each communications
driver and service runs as a separate process, communicating over
AMQP.  So far so good.

I've used the OpenVPN init script as a template for creating my init
scripts, which allows me to not only start and stop all drivers, but
also start or stop an individual driver.  e.g.

/etc/init.d/driver-service start foo

... much the same way you can start and stop individual OpenVPN
tunnels this way.

That works fine on Debian Wheezy, which uses sysvinit.  Not so great
with Jessie on systemd.  It seems the arguments after 'start' get
discarded somewhere.  My only workaround has been to set
_SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT=1 in my environment (a big thank-you to the
people on this list who pointed this out to me), which then bypasses
systemd and permits the bash script to handle it.

Is there some way for the init script to tell systemd what subservices
are valid or do I have to maintain specialised scripts for systemd?

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: What pulls in the tray of my /dev/sr1 ?

2015-08-05 Thread Stuart Longland
On 04/08/15 17:06, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
 Stuart Longland wrote:
 Silly question, but why does re-loading a disc take more than 197 seconds?
 It comes out (intentionally) after a backup run is complete
 and went well. (See man xorriso example Incremental backup
 of a few directory trees.)
 Then i'd expect it to stay out until i remove the medium.
 It may well be that i am not at the machine when the backup

This is fair, back in the old days I recall setting a machine to burn a
disc then wandering off.

Back in the days of double and quad-speed burners which took a good 15
minutes or more, and required much of the machine's I/O throughput to
achieve the burn without a buffer underrun.

I can see though why the sudden retraction is a problem though if you
come across it randomly, then even a two hour delay would be no good.

 it discourages the tray's misuse by the illiterate (e.g. as a
 carry handle or cup holder).
 I consider myself the last remaining programmer for optical
 drives in the GNU/Linux world. Andy Polyakov does not work
 on dvd+rw-tools any more and Joerg Schilling of cdrtools
 fell into disgrace nearly 10 years ago. cdrkit (fork-founded
 by Debian) even lost its website meanwhile.
 So if not i can control a burner - who else would ?

Yeah, the implication was not yourself or anyone on this list, but we
both know there *are* users that have been guilty of the *exact* crimes
that I've described. :-)

 My initial reason to post the question here was the theory that
 one of the new desktop's automats was to blame. They changed
 with each computer i got in the last 15 years. So i hoped for
 a quick solution by editing some udev rule file or a similar
 Now the riddle goes much deeper.


 I can think of two possibilities:
 1. This is a built-in feature of the drive for the above reasons
 LG support denies. My own experience agrees to this denial.
 2. Some software on the host periodically 'polls' the drive for disc
 insertion status
 Yes, the kernel usually does issue command 0x4A GET EVENT STATUS
 every 2 seconds. But it is a harmless command which cannot move
 the drive. Further, about a hundred of these commands are executed
 before the tray gets pulled in.
 Nevertheless i disabled this kernel feature by
   echo 0 /sys/block/sr1/events_poll_msecs
 and now btrace(8) does not show any SCSI traffic when the tray
 goes in.

Is there a command that says 'retract tray after N seconds'?

Clearly the firmware has decided that it should retract the drive
without there being a command being issued at that moment, which
suggests (if it isn't an inbuilt feature) that it was told to after a
timeout by some command during start-up.

 Even more strange, i had two incidents of unexpected eject
 meanwhile. Both happened when the drive device file got operated
 by programs. Once by btrace(8), once by a run of
   xorriso -devices
 At least in the latter case i am sure that no 0x1B START/STOP
 UNIT command was issued by libburn with Load/Eject bit set.
 My best theory currently is that the drive had an eject request
 from another originator while 0x1E PREVENT/ALLOW MEDIA REMOVAL
 was active with Prevent bit set. When libburn closes the connection
 to the drive, it issues a 0x1E with Prevent bit cleared.
 This would allow the drive to perform the pending eject.

Very strange.  Not sure if it's worth switching the machine across to
sysvinit to rule out any systemd shenanigans?  Not that this is
necessarily to blame, but it tends to lay itself very close to the kernel.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: What pulls in the tray of my /dev/sr1 ?

2015-08-03 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi Lisi,
On 04/08/15 08:43, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Monday 03 August 2015 23:39:48 Stuart Longland wrote:
 On 28/07/15 22:58, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
 The delay seems a bit long for such an action though.

 My measurements were all between 197 and 200 seconds.
 With some inaccuracy because waiting 3 minutes harms my
 reaction time.

 Silly question, but why does re-loading a disc take more than 197 seconds?
 See the beginning of the thread:

Yes, I saw the initial post:
 one of my optical drives automatically pulls in its tray if it stands
 out for a few minutes. The four others do not try to byte[sic] my fingers.
 The waiting time between manual tray eject and automatic tray load
 is quite reliably 195 to 200 seconds.

To me, a tray automatically retracting itself after being open for more
than a minute sounds a perfectly reasonable damage-prevention measure.

It prevents dust from settling on the tray, thus getting drawn into the
workings of the drive causing problems.  It prevents the tray itself
being damaged from being bumped whilst being left out.

Finally it discourages the tray's misuse by the illiterate (e.g. as a
carry handle or cup holder).

195-200 seconds seems a more than generous amount of time to allow for
the loading or removal of a disc from the tray, including the time
needed to retrieve the disc or return the disc to its storage cover and
perhaps put that cover back on a shelf.

I can think of two possibilities:

1. This is a built-in feature of the drive for the above reasons, and
would happen regardless of what software stack is running.  (Maybe try
boot up GRUB, break into the command prompt, then try the eject timing

2. Some software on the host periodically 'polls' the drive for disc
insertion status, and this triggers that particular drive to retract its
tray to see if a disc has been loaded (while the others just report 'no
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: What pulls in the tray of my /dev/sr1 ?

2015-08-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 28/07/15 22:58, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
 The delay seems a bit long for such an action though.
 My measurements were all between 197 and 200 seconds.
 With some inaccuracy because waiting 3 minutes harms my
 reaction time.

Silly question, but why does re-loading a disc take more than 197 seconds?

When the tray ejects for me, it usually takes me no more than about 20
seconds to reach down, take out whatever disc is sitting in the tray,
and/or place another disc in the tray.

Even on laptop CD-ROM drives where you have to press the disc down onto
the spindle, it doesn't take me 3 minutes.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: cannot register @forum

2015-08-03 Thread Stuart Longland
On 03/08/15 20:32, Brian wrote:
 On Mon 03 Aug 2015 at 10:34:31 +0300, eeluve . wrote:
 I've no idea which e-mail to use(no info during the error occurance neither
 googling for it myself), cannot register @ . I
 states that my e-mail or IP/ISP is blacklisted, without specifying an
 e-mail address to resolve this issue. And I really need the resource, hope
 some of you guys will be able to help.
 The HOWTO contact forum moderators/admins under News  Announcements
 will help you.

Brian would seem to have taken care of the forum contact issue, but in
the meantime, there's a forum of sorts, here.

If you've got queries, by all means feel free to ask here too. :-)
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Debugging a LSB init script under systemd

2015-07-09 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi Reco,
On 09/07/15 16:43, Reco wrote:
  Is there a way to tell systemd to LEAVE the script alone while I debug
  it and get it working?
 Yes. Setting _SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT environment variable to any value
 should allow you to run it directly.

Ahh, that's EXACTLY what I needed.  Thanks.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Debugging a LSB init script under systemd

2015-07-08 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi all,

Is there any way to debug a LSB init script under systemd?  I'm trying
to write an init script for a service that starts multiple daemons, much
like OpenVPN and how it starts a separate daemon for each connection.

So I've taken the OpenVPN init script and hacked it to make it do what I
want.  One problem I had though was getting any useful debugging output.

The OpenVPN init script takes a parameter DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG.  I've
tried setting that in my environment and exporting it, to no avail.
I've also tried running the init script directly with `sh -ex`, again,
no dice.  systemd immediately swallows the DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG as well
as any useful output from the init script itself.

The suggested `journalctl -xn` provides minimal assistance.  I also seem
to lose the ability to see the script's status report when I run
`/etc/init.d/foo status`: I get systemd's view of the situation instead.

Is there a way to tell systemd to LEAVE the script alone while I debug
it and get it working?

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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2015-07-05 Thread Stuart Longland
On 01/05/15 22:44, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
 while [ $1 !=  ]; do

Another useful way to do this: $# is the number of arguments on the
command line.  You can do [ $# -gt 0 ] to test when the arguments have
been consumed.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Light web browser for old PC

2015-07-02 Thread Stuart Longland
On 01/07/15 16:21, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
 Hi all the listers.
 I have an old Hyundai Notebook too slow for Gnome, in fact I installed openbox
 as Window Manager in it and am happy with it and think I'll be using it for
 good, so simple fast and essential as it is.  As web browser, Midori was
 claimed to be light, but I see almost no difference with Firefox.

What are the specs of this machine?  I haven't tried Chromium, but on
one old laptop (PII 300MHz, 160MB RAM) I tried installing Firefox 35.

Out of the box config on Firefox had the thing rattling its swap
constantly.  There were some options that I could tweak that made it a
little better, but not by much, it was still as slow as a 5-day Ashes test.

I'm not sure if Webkit would fare better, I could dig up those settings
if you're interested.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Serial console over Bluetooth dongle to an android device {Will serial console satisfy my need}

2015-07-01 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/06/15 22:04, venkat wrote:
 Dear all
 I am trying to display all the boot screen information in a android
 device. For this trial ,
 I notice that serial console is one of the available option to forward
 all display information messages to serial port.
 Before starting this process would like to understand the Pro' and
 cons on this
 setup information:
 Will follow the Link instruction to setup serial console.
 (changing TTYS1 to rfcomm) **Need to know that will that work

I would love to be proven wrong, but I strongly doubt it'll be as simple
as that.

My understanding is that in addition to kernel drivers, Bluetooth serial
requires some userspace utilities in order to configure the stack.

USB Serial has a similar problem, USB initialisation happens so late in
the boot process, for a long time you couldn't use USB serial as a
console.  I understand this has been resolved now, it's worth pointing
out that USB serial doesn't require anything in userspace to work,
unlike Bluetooth.

The kernel would need to buffer output until the rfcomm connection was
established, then send its console output there.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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mgag200: Anyone seen this off-by-N error before?

2015-06-29 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi all,

I'm currently picking fights with this Dell PowerEdge R320 server that
we're setting up for an energy management project.

I found the machine would successfully install Debian Jessie i386, but
then would immediately kernel panic on the first boot.  We use the i386
version because the SCADA software we use requires it.

After trying a few things to no avail, I broke down and installed the
AMD64 version, figuring I'll use either LXC or KVM to run a i386 guest.
 That worked, and the machine successfully boots.  HOWEVER, I was
confronted by this:

The console is similarly affected:

It seems there's an off-by-N error in the framebuffer, which makes the
console pretty much unreadable.  I tried downloading this kernel package:

and installing that, I get the same problem (and lxc doesn't work).  So
I'm back on the stock Jessie kernel 3.16.7-ckt11-1
(linux-image-amd64_3.16+63_amd64.deb), and I've gotten by creating

 blacklist mgag200

That gets things working, although I notice there's now no acceleration
in X, we can live with that as its only purpose is to allow interaction
with virt-manager (for KVM).

The details of the offending video device:
 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. G200eR2 
 (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
 Subsystem: Dell Device 04f7
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
 Memory at d800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=16M]
 Memory at de7fc000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
 Memory at dd80 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8M]
 Expansion ROM at unassigned [disabled]
 Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1

Has anyone seen this bug with this driver and/or have any ideas I could try?

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Mail and POP3

2015-06-29 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/06/15 11:44, Martin G. McCormick wrote:
   I found an example for debian-etch which used fetchmail.
 Is that still the case for squeeze and newer debian releases?
   Do I need to leave exim4 alone as it appears that
 fetchmail does all the moving?

I've done this before with numerous distributions in the past.

Basically you set up fetchmail to do the mail collection, and I think by
default it tries to use the local delivery agents to deliver mail to
local users.  So you set it up as a daemon to collect mail for a number
of users.

Your SMTP server then looks after local delivery and for delivery to a
smarthost outside your network (your ISP).

I don't recall what the exact configuration parameters are for
fetchmail, it's been a while since I've used it, but there is one that
controls who email from a particular account gets delivered to.  Once
you set that, and assuming your SMTP server (exim4 in your case) is set
up correctly, things should JustWork™.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: Google Chrome and Open-Source derivative listening to me without my approval

2015-06-21 Thread Stuart Longland
On 22/06/15 12:38, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 06/21/2015 06:42 PM, John Hasler wrote:
 Tim Beelen writes:
 How do I find out which application is accessing what device?

 It's all software.  There is no hardware involved at all: they use a
 virtual device.  It works even when the computer is off.  Doesn't matter
 if your machine has a microphone or even any audio input capability.
 I would truly like to know how they could manage that.

All it needs is a little sprinkling of paranoia to do its work. :-)

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: Debian/MIPS Jessie doesn't resolve hostnames? [RESOLVED]

2015-05-31 Thread Stuart Longland
On 31/05/15 09:40, deloptes wrote:
 Stuart Longland wrote:
 I'm tempted to try a newer kernel on the thing to see if that helps,
 since the stock Debian/MIPS Cobalt kernels are still at the 3.2 series.
 What has the kernel to do with this precisely?

Rather, it's what it's *not* doing.  The UDP packet doesn't seem to be
getting to the C library.  To answer Pascal's question: dig/host do the
same thing, they time out.

 By the sounds of things, it's something MIPS specific, so I might move
 this over to the Debian/MIPS mailing list next.
 You get timeout on the nameservers you have in your resolv.conf file and Where are those values coming from?
 Or perhaps could be some ipv4/6 issue.

The settings come via DHCP.  They work for every other device in the

 To me it looks ok what its doing, you have to find out why you time out on
 your DNS servers.

Okay, it's something funny with the linux-image-r5k-cobalt package,
which is the version in Wheezy since they haven't updated it for Jessie.

When I cross-compiled my own kernel (version 4.0.4), I get this:
 root@qube:~# ping -c 1
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 
 time=15.9 ms
 --- ping statistics ---
 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 4ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.938/15.938/15.938/0.000 ms
 root@qube:~# [   94.864000] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
 [   94.868000] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky
 uname -a
 Linux qube 4.0.4 #2 Mon Jun 1 10:26:07 EST 2015 mips64 GNU/Linux

So all is well now.  If the Debian/MIPS project update
linux-image-r5k-cobalt then things should work fine.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: Inexpensive Laptop for Debian

2015-05-30 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/05/15 17:31, Reco wrote:
 If you buy a Dell with Windows 7 installed on it, you'd better try and use 
 Windows to shrink the partition and make room for Linux. 
 … You just by an extra 3.5'' form-factor disk and replace the stock
 one. Next you install Debian at the new disk, and keep the old one in
 case you need your notebook repaired.

3.5 or 2.5?  I thought only desktop replacements had 3.5 drives.

I think I did similar with the Panasonic I have, bought a new 1TB to
replace the 500GB drive and a 2.5 drive case.  Loaded fresh 64-bit
Windows 7 and Gentoo onto the 1TB drive (the OEM image was 32-bit Win7)
and kept the original disk external.

I think it wound up being reformatted and used as an off-site backup
drive for my web server in the end when one of my existing disks for
that purpose developed faults.

So there is merit in that suggestion: you get an external HDD that you
can use in the meantime and an upgrade at the same time.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: Inexpensive Laptop for Debian

2015-05-30 Thread Stuart Longland
On 30/05/15 10:03, John Aten wrote:
   Hey all, 
   I would like to see if anyone could give some advice or opinions on
   getting an inexpensive laptop to run Debian. I plan to use the machine
   for lighter duty functions; writing, web browsing, programming, etc.
   Basically, I am looking for something with a little more muscle than a
   Chromebook. Most laptops that I have seen that come with Debian or
   other distros preinstalled seem to be more expensive than I would
   like, so that of course leaves me installing it myself. I have
   researched this, and can never seem to find solid information on the
   laptops that are currently available; the information is usually a
   little dated. 
 I have some experience setting up Debian and other distros, but if there
 are problems with hardware configuration, I get out into the deep end
 fast. I would like to avoid any problems that are beyond the reach of my
 very modest skills.

I don't recall the full specifications but my father's laptop recently
started showing signs of failure so I bought what looked to be the
closest equivalent, a Toshiba Satellite L50.,%2015.6

The rough specs:
- Intel Core i5 4210U
- 4GB RAM (takes low-voltage DDR3)
- 750GB HDD

It came pre-loaded with Windows 7 Pro and had Windows 8.1 discs in the
box.  One thing I found though was that the Windows resize tool wouldn't
let me shrink the OS image down to make room for a separate D:
partition.  So I network-booted the thing into Ubuntu 12.04 to use
gParted.  This worked fine, and on rebooting and doing a disk check,
Windows 7 was happy too.

Under Ubuntu I was able to try the machine out a little:
- Wifi was Atheros-based and JustWorked.
- I think the machine features two GPUs, an Intel one and an AMD Radeon
one, the Intel one JustWorked, I didn't try any serious 3D stuff that
would call on the other.
- Ethernet of course worked too (otherwise it'd have trouble network

Everything seemed to be doing as advertised.  The worst case I'd imagine
would be having to download non-free firmware for the wifi, but it
otherwise worked with standard drivers on the Ubuntu LiveCD.  I don't
see Debian as being a particular problem.

The only downside with this machine, and it was a big disappointment was
the build quality seems to have suffered a bit with the race to the
bottom.  I bought an 8GB RAM module to up it to 12GB (the previous
machine had 8GB total, so I thought I'd either equal or better it).

There's no dedicated hatch for HDD or RAM.  To get at the RAM slot, you
have to take out 12 (I think?) screws and release 4 hidden catches to
remove the *entire* bottom panel.  Out of the box (before I opened it)
the machine rattled a bit: on opening the box I found a loose screw (!)
near one of the screen hinges.

I think the race to the bottom has hurt all the manufacturers.  Other
than that though, the machine has been performing solidly for the last
few months.  So it seems it's a cheap and cheerful rather than a cheap
and nasty laptop.

The other option might be to look at Lenovo's offerings, there might be
some Superfish-ridden ones that sellers will be trying to offload dirt
cheap: the malware being easily removed with the Debian installer. ;-)

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: jessie: need help with serial port

2015-05-28 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 29/05/15 08:55, D. R. Evans wrote:
 Re-send, with the correct subject line. I keep getting wheezy and
 jessie mixed up. Sorry.
 Prior to installing debian, I have used several releases of *buntu
 on a machine on which /dev/ttyS4 is used; *buntu always detected
 and allowed me to use the port automagically.
 Jessie, however, sees only ttyS0, S1, S2 and S3. As far as I have
 been able to determine, none of these is associated with the
 physical port that I need to use (so it's not a case of the ports
 being numbered differently under wheezy).
 How do I create an entry for /dev/ttyS4 and associate it with the
 correct physical port?

Is this on a PCI serial card or some such?  Perhaps the card needs a
firmware blob or special driver?

- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Debian/MIPS Jessie doesn't resolve hostnames?

2015-05-28 Thread Stuart Longland
On 28/05/15 07:26, deloptes wrote:
 Stuart Longland wrote:
 Now there isn't yet installation media for Jessie on the Qube, so I used
 the Wheezy installation media to install Debian Wheezy, then updated my
 sources.list and did an `apt-get dist-upgrade` to get to Jessie.

 The upgrade guide from debian tells us to do apt-get upgrade and then
 apt-get dist-upgrade
 this reduces the pain and will probably help you.

Sadly it does not:
 root@qube:~# apt-get upgrade
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree   
 Reading state information... Done
 Calculating upgrade... Done
 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

 Your note on the c library is correct ... did strace?

It's a bit noisy, but I get this:
 root@qube:~# strace -o ping.strace ping -c 1
 ping: unknown host
 root@qube:~# cat ping.strace 
 execve(/bin/ping, [ping, -c, 1,], [/* 20 vars 
 */]) = 0
 brk(0)  = 0xa77000
 uname({sys=Linux, node=qube, ...})  = 0
 access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 access(/etc/, R_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/etc/, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=21308, ...}) = 0
 mmap(NULL, 21308, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x77e28000
 close(3)= 0
 access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/lib/mipsel-linux-gnu/, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
 512) = 512
 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=19252, ...}) = 0
 mprotect(0x77dec000, 61440, PROT_NONE)  = 0
 mmap(0x77dfb000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x3000) = 0x77dfb000
 close(3)= 0
 access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/lib/mipsel-linux-gnu/, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
 512) = 512
 lseek(3, 520, SEEK_SET) = 520
  36) = 36
 lseek(3, 828, SEEK_SET) = 828
 read(3, \4\0\0\0\20\0\0\0\1\0\0\0GNU\0\0\0\0\0\2\0\0\0\6\0\0\0 \0\0\0, 32) 
 = 32
 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1594268, ...}) = 0
 mprotect(0x77dd, 65536, PROT_NONE)  = 0
 mmap(0x77de, 24576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
 mmap(0x77de6000, 8016, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
 close(3)= 0
 access(/etc/, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/lib/mipsel-linux-gnu/, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
 512) = 512
 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=18936, ...}) = 0
 mprotect(0x77c54000, 61440, PROT_NONE)  = 0
 mmap(0x77c63000, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
 MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_DENYWRITE, 3, 0x3000) = 0x77c63000
 close(3)= 0
 set_thread_area(0x77c6e6a0) = 0
 mprotect(0x77de, 12288, PROT_READ)  = 0
 mprotect(0x77c63000, 4096, PROT_READ)   = 0
 mprotect(0x77dfb000, 4096, PROT_READ)   = 0
 mprotect(0x41a000, 4096, PROT_READ) = 0
 mprotect(0x77e31000, 4096, PROT_READ)   = 0
 munmap(0x77e28000, 21308)   = 0
 brk(0)  = 0xa77000
 brk(0xa98000)   = 0xa98000

Debian/MIPS Jessie doesn't resolve hostnames?

2015-05-27 Thread Stuart Longland
: [udp sum ok] 37564 NXDomain* q: A? 0/1/0 ns: [1m] SOA 2015050700 60 900 300 300 (93)
 18:36:51.307824 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 46316, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
 UDP (17), length 71) [udp sum ok] 37564+ A? (43)
 18:36:51.311954 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 34614, offset 0, flags [none], proto 
 UDP (17), length 121) [udp sum ok] 37564 NXDomain* q: A? 0/1/0 ns: [1m] SOA 2015050700 60 900 300 300 (93)
 18:36:56.313777 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 47925, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
 UDP (17), length 71) [udp sum ok] 37564+ A? (43)
 18:36:56.314861 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 62, id 17787, offset 0, flags [none], proto 
 UDP (17), length 121) [udp sum ok] 37564 NXDomain* q: A? 0/1/0 ns: [1m] SOA 2015050700 60 900 300 300 (93)
 18:37:01.319846 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 47619, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
 UDP (17), length 71) [udp sum ok] 37564+ A? (43)
 18:37:01.320533 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 34615, offset 0, flags [none], proto 
 UDP (17), length 121) [udp sum ok] 37564 NXDomain* q: A? 0/1/0 ns: [1m] SOA 2015050700 60 900 300 300 (93)

So it didn't get a reply just once, but 7 times, from both name servers.
 Yet the C library seems to be deaf.  There is no firewall in place
anywhere on the machine itself or anywhere en route to the DNS servers.
 I get the same problem if I force it to use as a nameserver too.

For the record: package versions…
 root@qube:~# dpkg -l libc6
 | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
 |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
 ||/ Name  Version ArchitectureDescription
 ii  libc6:mipsel  2.19-18 mipsel  GNU C Library: 
 Shared libraries
 root@qube:~# uname -a
 Linux qube 3.2.0-4-r5k-cobalt #1 Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u1 mips GNU/Linux

Has anyone seen this behaviour and/or have any ideas what I might do to
solve this problem?

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: How to boot without GUI

2015-05-27 Thread Stuart Longland
On 27/05/15 18:33, Bret Busby wrote:
 On 27/05/2015, Petter Adsen wrote:
 On Wed, 27 May 2015 16:15:36 +0800
 Bret Busby wrote:
 Or, is a way available, without causing damage, that I can do
 something like go to a console (CTRLALTF1) and turn off, from
 there, the xserver, so as to enable the installation?

 It depends on what display manager you are using, if it is for
 example lightdm then simply kill that, and X will shut down.

 Try sudo pkill lightdm.


 It is gnome.

Another option, drop to single user mode, hit CTRL-ALT-F1 to get to a
console screen, log in as root, then run `telinit s` and that should get
you back to single user mode.

When you're done, `telinit 3` to get back to multi-user mode.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: How to boot without GUI

2015-05-27 Thread Stuart Longland
On 27/05/15 18:58, Petter Adsen wrote:
 On Wed, 27 May 2015 10:50:25 +0200
 Nicolas George wrote:
 L'octidi 8 prairial, an CCXXIII, Petter Adsen a écrit :
 Well, then I would expect something like sudo pkill gdm might

 Closing services cleanly would be better advice.

 systemctl stop gdm.service for systemd.

 service gdm stop for SysV.
 You are of course absolutely correct, but I've never used Debian 6, so I
 didn't know the correct way to handle services there.
 BTW; is there any real difference in this case? Won't both approaches
 simply send a HUP or TERM signal to the PID of gdm?

Doing so via the init system means the PID files get cleaned up and thus
the init scripts *know* gdm has been stopped.

If you go behind its back, the PID file might get left behind, then
you'll have a disagreement between the reality and what the init scripts
understand reality to be.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

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Re: KVM switch: DVI-D, DVI-I or vga?

2015-05-25 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 24/05/15 01:56, Petter Adsen wrote:
 AFAIK, a DVI-D connector/cable can be plugged into both DVI-D and 
 DVI-I ports, but a DVI-I cable carries extra (analog) signals, so
 it has extra pins that won't fit in a DVI-D port.
 A DVI-I KVM will carry both the digital and the analog signal, so
 you can use a DVI-D cable to connect it to a DVI-D screen - it just
 won't carry the analog signal, which you wouldn't need or be able
 to use anyway.

Just relating to this… we've got a situation at the office here were
we have a rack full of servers.  In the beginning it was VGA and PS/2,
for which KVMs are widely available and cheap.

We're now starting to get more and more machines that are
HDMI/DisplayPort machines, with the annoying artefact of not being
compatible with a VGA KVM.  (I've tried various HDMI→VGA and
DisplayPort→VGA adaptors with no luck.)

We've since bought a DVI-I KVM, which works great.  HOWEVER.  The
monitor is DVI-D/VGA.  The KVM does no translation, and so when we
switch over to one of the older VGA servers, we have to swap inputs on
the monitor too.

Unfortunately it seems monitors that have a true DVI-I input have been
discontinued.  We tried one splitter that supposedly brought a DVI-I
cable out to DVI-D and VGA, but that seemingly missed some critical
signals, so we got no picture on one of the ports.

We also tried a DVI-I splitter box, meant to drive two monitors from
the same source.  We found it worked, if you reset the device before
switching from an analogue to a digital source or vice versa.  It
assumed that the nature of the DVI signal (analogue or digital) never

Searching for these things online is an outright nightmare, because as
far as Google and sellers is concerned, DVI-D == DVI-A == DVI-I
== DVI.  They do not differentiate.

A box that took DVI-I (in either form) and converted to DVI-D could
work here, I've not seen such a device though.  Heck, converting DVI-D
to VGA would also work.

Has anyone successfully used a KVM with a heterogeneous DVI-D/VGA
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
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Re: Running Debian with only 213MB Ram?

2015-05-25 Thread Stuart Longland
On 24/05/15 00:47, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
 Hi all.
 On my old laptop I chose Openobex as window manager because Gnome is too heavy
 for it.  I get though:
 $ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:   213207  5  4 23111
 -/+ buffers/cache: 73140
 Swap:  952  0952
 with just Openobex and Emacs and a couple of terminal emulators running, not
 else.  Do you think that is too little?  Then maybe I should gave up hoping to
 use Debian on that machine, and look for - if any exists - other systems?

My advice: don't try running Firefox (aka Iceweasel) on it.  I have an
old Pentium II 300MHz machine with 160MB RAM that I once used to use as
a main workhorse at uni (in the era of Windows Vista, so old even then).

Back then it was a usable workhorse.  The only thing it struggled with
was YouTube, and thankfully there was youtube-dl: mplayer could play the
videos just fine, just Adobe Flash struggled.  It was never a speed
demon, but it was tolerable with some patience.

This was running Gentoo Linux as the OS.  Initially I ran KDE as the
window environment, then found that got too heavy and switched to FVWM.

Recently I resurrected the machine, put on a newer release of Gentoo and
got it going monitoring AX.25 packet radio.  It works fine for that, and
can run Xastir for an APRS digipeater without issue.

I tried putting Firefox 35 on.  Big mistake.

It runs, but until you do some low memory tweaks, it'll thrash the swap
and get nowhere.  Even after tweaks, it's slower than a 5-day Ashes
test.  I had thought it'd be useful for checking on the weather radar
before I began my commute to work of a morning, but have since given up
on the idea.

I'm not sure if Chromium performs better on low RAM, but modern
applications seem to assume at least 512MB RAM these days.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Laptops, UEFI, Secure Boot and Debian

2015-05-25 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA512

On 24/05/15 19:03, Petter Adsen wrote:
 If both Wheezy and Trusty are installed in legacy mode the
 bootloader should see all of them. Dependent on your needs, an
 easier way might be to just spin up a VM or three with the systems
 you use the least. KVM is a wonderful thing.

Better yet, for some of these is LXC.  I run several instances of
Debian managed by libvirt on a Gentoo host, with much less overheads
than you get from a VM.

apt-get install virt-manager bridge-utils libvirt-bin lxc debootstrap

will probably get you started.  Use debootstrap to create the
Debian/Ubuntu instances, creating the root filesystems in
/var/lib/libvirt/images, then use virt-manager to set them up in LXC.
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
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Re: Debian jessie netboot ignores preseed?

2015-05-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 14/05/15 20:05, Sébastien Delafond wrote:
 On 2015-05-10, Stuart Longland wrote:
 What am I doing wrong that causes the netboot installer to ignore
 You need to replace -- with ---; see this comment in the release
   Due to a change on the linux kernel side, the --- separator is now
   used instead of the historical -- one to separate kernel
   parameters from userland parameters

Ahh wonderful, do the old releases recognise --- or can I do -- ---
to be compatible with both?

It's nice being able to switch between releases by changing a symlink,
it'd be nice if I can still do that without having to edit configuration
files too.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Debian jessie netboot ignores preseed? — SOLVED

2015-05-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 18/05/15 05:49, Stuart Longland wrote:
 On 14/05/15 20:05, Sébastien Delafond wrote:
 On 2015-05-10, Stuart Longland wrote:
 What am I doing wrong that causes the netboot installer to ignore

 You need to replace -- with ---; see this comment in the release

   Due to a change on the linux kernel side, the --- separator is now
   used instead of the historical -- one to separate kernel
   parameters from userland parameters
 Ahh wonderful, do the old releases recognise --- or can I do -- ---
 to be compatible with both?

Seems the newer installer at least will recognise -- ---, so that
should allow me to switch back and forth easily.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Remove subject

2015-05-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 12/05/15 17:34, Mis Ntmurth wrote:
 Ok thanks
 I will contact debian

They don't participate in Internet censorship either.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Debian jessie netboot ignores preseed? — SOLVED

2015-05-17 Thread Stuart Longland
On 18/05/15 05:55, Stuart Longland wrote:
 Seems the newer installer at least will recognise -- ---, so that
 should allow me to switch back and forth easily.

Errm, no, scratch that, the *OLD* Wheezy installer will accept -- ---,
the new Jessie installer still ignores it.  So I'll just have to put up
with changing between --- and -- if I want to swap back to Wheezy
for whatever reason.

Anyway, it's working now so I'll leave it alone.

Thanks all for the heads up.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Debian jessie netboot ignores preseed?

2015-05-10 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi all,

Just been trying to test deployment of images using Debian Jessie via
PXE instead of Wheezy.

We have a preseed script for deploying near-identical builds of machines
for appliances.  The script was based off one I initially wrote for
Ubuntu, which has been ported and extended to Debian Wheezy.

Now I've downloaded today's netboot images, unpack them, and try to
deploy with Jessie.  Checksums of relevant files (from
this morning):


obtained by running:
 wget -O jessie-i386.tgz
 wget -O jessie-amd64.tgz

No dice.  It won't even look at the preseed file.  It instead carries on
as if nothing has been given on the kernel command line.  Attached is
the kernel command line that I'm using, as seen from the console of a VM.

`wget` successfully downloads this preseed file when I manually run it.

What am I doing wrong that causes the netboot installer to ignore me?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

Re: Cool things to do with server

2015-03-22 Thread Stuart Longland
Hash: SHA1

On 15/03/15 09:11, Joris Bolsens wrote:
 Mail server,
 I thought about this, but from what i understand, mail servers are 
 notoriously difficult to secure properly.

The crucial bit is ensuring you don't openly relay all mail.  Only
traffic from your authorised users.

That's the major tricky bit.  Nothing worse than coming home to a
modem running red hot and a mail queue crammed with Viagra spam.
(Been there, done that.  On dial-up too no less.)

The only issue you might hit is port 25/tcp being blocked by your ISP.
 You may have to relay outbound email via their SMTP server.  Even if
it's blocked inbound too, you can still use something like `fetchmail`
to grab mail from POP3 and IMAP mailboxes anywhere and present all
your email as one homogeneous mailbox with as much space as you like.

This was one of the reasons I don't use Gmail: I had a 1GB mailbox
back in 2002, a time when the average webmail account offered about
10MB.  Having gotten it working, I see no reason to move.

I've been hosting a number of websites on mine (which runs Gentoo, but
the same can be achieved in Debian).  At the moment it's a shared
hosting arrangement but I'm starting to look into moving to LXC.
(The machine is an Intel Atom with no VT extensions, so no KVM for me.)

Using LXC then, your host can basically just act as a router/firewall
and reverse proxy (using Apache/nginx for http; sniproxy for https)
and your actual hosted services are on internal containers in a
virtual DMZ.

Spinning up minimal LXC instances using deboostrap is a synch and they
take very little disk space.
- -- 
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.
Version: GnuPG v2


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Re: Cool things to do with server

2015-03-22 Thread Stuart Longland
On 23/03/15 07:42, Joe wrote:
 The only issue you might hit is port 25/tcp being blocked by your ISP.
   You may have to relay outbound email via their SMTP server.
 I think that's quite rare, as I still get vast amounts of malware from
 domestic connections. What is more likely is that outgoing mail will
 not be accepted by many people for a variety of perfectly good
 spam-reducing reasons.

Not as rare as one would like, as it happens.  Telstra 3G connections
are one example where port 25 is firewalled off.  Yes, it'll connect,
but it'll be one of Telstra's servers, not yours, that you connect to.

I found this out the hard way when I couldn't figure out why my father
had trouble getting into his email when he was accessing it via 3G.

The solution was authenticated STARTTLS SMTP on another port.

 Many ISPs don't care if their IP address blocks
 are on email blacklists, and won't make any attempt to have them
 removed. Many will not provide means of setting a proper PTR record for
 the IP address. In some parts of the world, it's difficult and/or
 expensive to obtain a fixed IP address, and while some kind of job can
 be done using a dynamic address, it's not ideal and almost certainly
 the address pool will be blacklisted, requiring the use of an outgoing

Indeed, you would think they wouldn't want the bad publicity of being
blacklisted for spam.  The don't care attitude that's seemingly so
universal is saddening, but that's a discussion for another list.

Absolutely though to run a mail server effectively, a static IP address
is really a must, although you can get by with dynamic.  The only real
show stopper is carrier grade NAT, then the whole exercise becomes
rather pointless unless you only read your mail on your own private LAN.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Newbie friendly security and firewall docs (cookbook?)

2014-10-08 Thread Stuart Longland
On 09/10/14 00:12, Richard Owlett wrote:
 koanhead wrote:
 On 10/06/2014 04:20 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I'm a relatively new convert from Windows to Debian...
 I'm looking for a reference document that wouldn't scare my friend off
 Debian and also give me the required information to:
1. close the maximum number of ports.
   I see him using browser, email, ftp file downloading.
   I don't see him being a server. All incoming packets should be to
   fulfill a previous outgoing request - [correctly phrased?]. should be as much as you need to
 accomplish this.
 That page is unsuitable for the audience I wish to reach. I saw it some
 time ago and had gone looking for something I could use. It's one of
 those Debian pages that reminds me of CPM-80 manuals of decades ago. The
 information present, but ...

The hard bit about things like firewalling, is that there is really a
minimum technical understanding necessary to do it properly.

Even commercial firewall products aimed at the non-technical user, fail
miserably on this front.

The user typically gets bombarded by messages regarding some program
executable wants access to the Internet with allow and deny
buttons.  A user who can translate that filename to a program they're
using might stand a chance but many will just click Allow because
things break when they click Deny.

Windows has an advantage over Linux in that it can block access on a
per-binary executable basis.  Netfilter AFAIK doesn't provide filter
rules for blocking distinct executables.

If you can come up with a well-written guide that discusses the basics
well, great, but I suspect this is going to be very difficult to
achieve.  I suspect many are going to expect a program they can
download, which in our case could be a netfilter front-end.

The good news is that the stereotypical Linux user is generally more
technically competent than the stereotypical Windows user.

 Any service you're not currently using should be disabled. Any service
 you won't use should not be installed.
 Yeah. But ;/ The devil is in the details.
 Where is a list of services.
 How would Joe the Janitor and Mary the Florist chose?

A good start is in /etc/init.d and the update-rc.d utility, but once
again, not good in your usecase as it assumes a reasonable level of

The closest in Windows I can think of is msconfig: and I'd wager not
many stereotypical Windows users would venture there.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Downloading sources from an unsigned intranet repository

2014-10-06 Thread Stuart Longland
On 06/10/14 19:43, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 06 oct 14, 14:00:42, Stuart Longland wrote:
  Now for whatever reason, if I want to *install* those packages.  No
  problem.  It'll ask whether I wish to install them even though no one
  can vouch (digitally) for them.
  However, it fails to ask the same question when I tell it to download
  the package or its sources.
 This might be related to the recent security issues with APT, see
 DSA 2958-1
 DSA 3025-1
 DSA 3025-2
 DSA 3031-1

Fair enough that it needs to do these checks.  I think it is correct
that it should *warn* people of the dangers.  If the repository
concerned is actually remote, then there is a very real risk of files
being tampered with en route.

If however the repository is just on a local machine then you can
probably safely ignore this risk.

When one types `apt-get install ${package}` and ${package} is unsigned,
this is indeed what happens.  It asks are you sure, with the default
being no.

The beef I have, is this not what happens if you do an `apt-get
download` or an `apt-get source`: in both those latter cases, it never
asks the question, it just flatly refuses to give you the sources.

Now, merely obtaining the binary package or sources, is surely much less
dangerous than actually *installing* the package?  One just dumps the
files in your local directory (a convenience around doing a `wget`
myself), the other unpacks them and places files in my root.

Is it just me, or is something backward here?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Newbie friendly security and firewall docs (cookbook?)

2014-10-06 Thread Stuart Longland
On 06/10/14 21:11, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I intend to set it up as multi-boot:
   1. whatever Windows is on it
   2. Squeeze LTS with Gnome2 - I like it and believe he will like its
 human interface.
   3. Wheezy with KDE - Wheezy is more uptodate and I suspect would want
 some KDE specific applications.

Have you had a look at XFCE?

At my workplace I dusted off this old P4-era laptop and initially tried
running Ubuntu 14.04 with the Unity desktop but found that, in their
wisdom, Canonical had stripped Unity of its 2D mode and had LLVM trying
to make up for the rather lacklustre (by today's standards) video card
in the laptop.

I installed XFCE in place and found the machine ran a lot better.  The
UI in XFCE probably isn't too dissimilar to what you might have seen in
Gnome2, and might be a suitable alternative if Gnome 3 isn't your taste,
and it saves having to manage two versions of Debian on the same
machine.  (I'm not sure if Gnome2 is available under Wheezy, I suspect not.)

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Newbie friendly security and firewall docs (cookbook?)

2014-10-06 Thread Stuart Longland
On 06/10/14 22:38, Richard Owlett wrote:
2. Squeeze LTS with Gnome2 - I like it and believe he will like its
 human interface.
3. Wheezy with KDE - Wheezy is more uptodate and I suspect would want
 some KDE specific applications.

 Have you had a look at XFCE?
 Yes, but not for this project. I'm from the CPM-80 era and think default
 Linux installs are just *TOO* big and want to carry small to possibly an

I can recall once squeezing (desktop) Linux onto a 100MB hard drive.
You wouldn't do that reasonably today.

I'll admit I missed out on the early PC era.  Much of that took place in
the late 70's - early 80's, and I didn't exist until 1984.

That said, I do sometimes see some of the older software and it often
surprises me what people managed to do with so little.  At times one
questions whether the IT industry has really moved any further forward.

But I digress…

 At my workplace I dusted off this old P4-era laptop
 *CHUCKLE* Guess what I was sent. A Sony VAIO with 2.8 GHz P4 w/ 512 MB RAM.
 Yesterday I installed Squeeze with Gnome2 - performance not too bad.
 Today I added Wheezy with KDE - not sure I would call it acceptable.

I used to like KDE as a desktop.  Been using it on and off since 1998.
KDE3 was the golden era in a way, ran on lots of machines (unless you
had 64MB RAM) and was reasonably stable, and I appreciated its
flexibility and usability.

When KDE4 was released I noticed how much more sluggish it was.  I was
at university at the time and was limping along with a PII 300MHz w/
160MB RAM.  This machine ran KDE3 okay, not super fast as you'd imagine,
but I could deal with it.

In the end though, I retreated to a desktop environment I used when I
started with Linux: FVWM.  I found on that machine, I could get
reasonable performance if I used FVWM as the window manager and just
brought in select bits of KDE.

It is what I use today (on much more capable hardware).

That said, I wouldn't recommend FVWM for a novice.  Not with the need to
hand-edit configuration files.  I haven't looked at LXDE lately but was
pointing out XFCE on the basis that it's reasonably lightweight and
still easily configurable by a less technical user.

LXDE may well be more appropriate.  It's certainly worth a look.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Re: Problems with FAT32

2014-10-06 Thread Stuart Longland
On 07/10/14 05:19, Mr Smiley wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a Fortec Passion Plus satellite receiver that records to a
 external USB hard disk using the FAT32 file system.
 If I create/copy a file using windows, it works every time.
 But if I create/ copy a file using Debian or any Linux dist, it doesn't
 What could be the difference between what windows does and Linux does.

Does the device support long filenames?  There's a patent on deriving a
short (8.3 character) filename from a long one that Microsoft has been
enforcing, and so most Linux installations will use long filenames (and
put in garbage short names) when the 'vfat' filesystem is used, or use
short filenames if 'msdos' is used.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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Downloading sources from an unsigned intranet repository

2014-10-05 Thread Stuart Longland
Hi all,

For some time now my workplace has had an APT repository for in-house
developed packages for software we either produce or support.

This lives on an internal intranet server and is accessed over plain
HTTP.  This has worked well for some time now.  Until today I notice:

 stuartl@qube:~$ apt-get source vrtlic -y --force-yes
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
 E: Some packages could not be authenticated

Even though I tell apt-get to force download of the package sources
(which, I might add, I can personally vouch for as I put them there), it
refuses to do so because the package repository is unsigned.

Now I *could* organise a gpg key to sign the repository with.  I have
administrative privileges on the machine concerned.

I however can't be the only one to have this problem, and indeed
searching reveals that others have been bitten by similar issues, such
as a system rejecting their existing Debian installation CDs/DVDs/ISOs.

Is there some way to force apt to proceed with the download?

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...'s backed up on a tape somewhere.

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