Re: Samba PDC + W7 pro

2010-01-26 Thread Tomek Kruszona

Tomasz Gołębiewski wrote:
Wydaje mi się, że problem dotyczy autentykacji przez Windows. Szukałbym 
w tym kierunku.
Ja też mam ten problem przy łączeniu Ubuntu 64bit z Win2k8 64bit oraz 
Samba profile mobilne - Win 7 Pro.

Na razie nie mam kiedy się tym zająć..


Najprościej szukać u źródła ;)

Tomek Kruszona

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Re: aptitude safe-upgrade in sid has several broken packages

2009-10-08 Thread Tomek Kruszona

Rick Thomas wrote:

The following packages are BROKEN:
  epiphany-browser epiphany-extensions-more libgnokii4 python-qt4


Regarding epiphany:
It seems has something in common with epiphany gecko to webkit 
transition. Try installing epiphany-webkit. It should remove obsolete 
packages and install epiphany with webkit support.

About rest of the problems I don't know :)

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: Network disconnection on lenny

2009-10-08 Thread Tomek Kruszona

Victor Guedes wrote:

my config :
- Dell R410 (intel Xeon E5504, 4Go ram)
- install lenny 5.0.3 version i386
- kernel linux 2.6.30-bpo.1-686 (upgrade needed because installation of 
network card firmware

- network card NetXtremeII BCM5716 (firmware-bnx2 - 0.17-bpo50+1)

Have you tried to install firmware-bnx2 - 0.18 from sid?

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: aptitude safe-upgrade in sid has several broken packages

2009-10-08 Thread Tomek Kruszona

Rick Thomas wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion...

But I think there's something I don't understand...

 From the package descriptions, it sounds like the epiphany folks are 
headed in the direction of epiphany-browser and away from 
epiphany-webkit.  Wouldn't installing epiphany-webkit be a step backwards?

I'm not sure. It seems you're right. Following informations from package 

$ aptitude show epiphany-browser
Package: epiphany-browser
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: yes
Version: 2.28.0-4
Priority: optional
Conflicts: epiphany-extensions ( 2.22.1-3), epiphany-gecko, 
epiphany-webkit (

Replaces: epiphany-gecko, epiphany-webkit ( 2.28)

$ aptitude show epiphany-webkit
Package: epiphany-webkit
New: yes
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 2.28.0-4
Priority: optional
Section: gnome
Maintainer: Josselin Mouette
Uncompressed Size: 53.2k
Depends: epiphany-browser (= 2.28.0)
Description: Dummy, transitional package
 This package has been made obsolete by epiphany-browser 2.28.0, and is 
safe to


From descriptions above it's clear that you don't need epiphany-webkit 
I just made a test and system allowed me to remove epiphany-webkit with 
no problems amd dependencies.

Despite of information above it seems that installing epiphany-webkit 
with all dependencies soled the problem. Not sure what was the cause :/

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: Server freezes sporadically

2009-09-06 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Adrian Kirchner wrote:
 The whole /var/log/messages can be found here:
 The whole /var/log/syslog can be found bzipped here:
It seems, that one of your disks is dying... Look at
from line 4449. There was lots of similar messages in previous lines.

Run smart tests on your sdb drive and show us results.

Maybe this causes system freeze.

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: /dev/ttyUSB0 communication - shell script - Watchport/H

2009-09-02 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Ron Johnson wrote:
 Ah.  Your original post only mentioned *monitoring* the weather machine.

Ekhm. :) You're right. I meant communication overall. My fault.

Best regards

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/dev/ttyUSB0 communication - shell script - Watchport/H

2009-09-01 Thread Tomek Kruszona

I have Watchport/H sensor that monitors air humidity and temperature. I
can get information about monitored values sending strings (i.e. TCR
for temperature value) via minicom.
How can I get values from serial port (/dev/ttyUSB0) using a shell script?
I tried scripting in minicom and it works ok, but I get output in
minicom window. I'd like to use values from Watchport for monitoring
script so it would be great to get output to stdout...

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: /dev/ttyUSB0 communication - shell script - Watchport/H

2009-09-01 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Ron Johnson wrote:
 The problem I see is knowing when new data arrives on /dev/ttyUSB0.
  There's obviously a solution, since minicom does it, but it might
 involve async interrupt handlers, which would probably require a small C
 program which reads /dev/ttyUSB0 and outputs it to stdout.
 Digging through the source code of /usr/bin/tail to see how it
 implements the -f option would also be helpful.

Thank you for your quick answer!
I'm not programmer so I hope that there is ready-to-use program that
does the same as minicom but without interface and able to work in
one-line script :)

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: /dev/ttyUSB0 communication - shell script - Watchport/H

2009-09-01 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Ron Johnson wrote:
 I just Googled linux listen to serial port, and got several
 interesting hits.
 From reading those links, this Python snippet *might* work:
 import sys
 f = open('/dev/ttyUSB0', 'r')
 while 1:
 l = f.readline()
 print l
I'll try it, but I still need to send commands to this sensors. tty port
should be also properly configured... I've found ckermit software and
picocom which looks promising. We'll see :)

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: błąd w wyświetlaniu okien

2009-06-24 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Włodzimierz Kozioł wrote:
 Witam serdecznie!
 Po ostatniej aktualizacji pakietu x11 w niektórych aplikacjach straciłem
 belkę tytułową z przyciskami minimalizacja, maksymalizacja, zamknij.
 Dzieje się tak przy przeglądarce iceweasel, Open Office, Thunderbird.
 Na forum Debiana zdania są podzielone gdzie tkwi błąd, czy w x11, czy
 może w metacity.

Metacity. O ile objawy sa podobne jak tutaj opisane. W kazdym razie
metacity --replace
powinno rozwiazywac problem tymczasowo... do nastepnego startu gnome'a
Problem lezy w kompatybilnosci gnome-panel 2.24 z metacity 2.26.

Szczegoly tutaj wlacznie linkiem do bugzilli:

Tomek Kruszona

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Re: Lenovo IBM ThinkPad R61i i Debian

2009-06-23 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Aleksander Kurczyk wrote:
 Mam notebooka Lenovo IBM ThinkPad R61i. Kiedyś na notebooku
 zainstalowałem Debiana. Pamiętam że miałem wtedy problemy ze
 sterownikami do sieciówki bezprzewodowej (miałem wtedy neta na kablu,
 więc to mi nie przeszkadzało), oraz ze sterowniami do grafiki
 (compiz-fusion niechciał się uruchomić). Jakie mogę mieć jeszcze
 problemy ze sprzętem??? Jak rozwiązać te problemy???
 Wynik lspci dla podobnego modelu:

Z tego co jest na liscie wszystko powinno byc obslugiwane. Do wifi
intela bedziesz musial skorzystac z repozytorium non-free i tyle.
Moim zdaniem nic prostszego tylko sprawdzic.

Tutaj kilka podpowiedzi:

Tomek Kruszona

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Re: Testing update broke gnome/metacity and network-manager

2009-06-21 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Matteo Riva wrote:
 * gnome panel now does not make the desktop and windows aware of it (or
   most likely metacity does not properly interact with it): the
   panels overlap with icons and maximized windows take full screen
   ending up under the panels
The same problem here :) It seems it's already reported in bugzilla:

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Re: XFS frequent crashes on PE1950 with perc 5/e and 2xMD1000

2009-06-11 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Andrew Reid wrote:
   This strongly resembles an issue I had on a file server -- 
 I don't have my notes handy, but it had to do with an issue
 in which the kernel was interacting badly with a particular 
 motherboard chipset.
   The workaround was to reboot with the iommu=soft option
 passed to the kernel.
   My problem was with an etch kernel, and it was my understanding
 that newer kernels were not expected to have this problem, so 
 I may be off-base, but that's my experience.
   It sounds like this is at least an easy thing to try -- I really
 wish I could find my notes...
I'll try this option. I just need to wait for next crash ;)

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Re: XFS frequent crashes on PE1950 with perc 5/e and 2xMD1000

2009-06-11 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Kelly Harding wrote:
 Might be a bit of an obvious thing, but have you tried running memtest
 to rule out dodgy memory?
 usually when I see anything similar to this I run a memtest to be sure
 (on a few occasions it has proven to be the memory.
Memory is ok. Memtest passed. Moreover it's happening on more then one

 Could also be a driver bug related to multiple MD1000s? no experience
 with Dell perc hardware sadly though to be any further help.

I don't think so. I had this issue before when I had one MD1000
connected to PERC. I also happens with LSI 8880EM2 controller.

Best regards

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XFS frequent crashes on PE1950 with perc 5/e and 2xMD1000

2009-06-09 Thread Tomek Kruszona
 Policy: Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy   : Disabled

ID  : 2
Status  : Ok
Name: Array2
State   : Ready
Progress: Not Applicable
Layout  : RAID-5
Size: 1,953.12 GB (2097151737856 bytes)
Device Name : /dev/sde
Type: SAS
Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead
Write Policy: Write Back
Cache Policy: Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy   : Disabled

ID  : 3
Status  : Ok
Name: Array3
State   : Ready
Progress: Not Applicable
Layout  : RAID-5
Size: 1,953.12 GB (2097151737856 bytes)
Device Name : /dev/sdf
Type: SAS
Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead
Write Policy: Write Back
Cache Policy: Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy   : Disabled

ID  : 4
Status  : Ok
Name: Array4
State   : Ready
Progress: Not Applicable
Layout  : RAID-5
Size: 1,953.12 GB (2097151737856 bytes)
Device Name : /dev/sdg
Type: SAS
Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead
Write Policy: Write Back
Cache Policy: Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy   : Disabled

ID  : 5
Status  : Ok
Name: Array5
State   : Ready
Progress: Not Applicable
Layout  : RAID-5
Size: 1,957.88 GB (2102253060096 bytes)
Device Name : /dev/sdh
Type: SAS
Read Policy : Adaptive Read Ahead
Write Policy: Write Back
Cache Policy: Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size : 64 KB
Disk Cache Policy   : Disabled

I was thinking... maybe XFS on LVM2 requires some specific PERC VD
setup? I had same issue with gentoo 32-bit with 2.6.25 kernel and with
one MD1000. But the problem happend once a month. Now it's getting
worse. last 24 hours - 2 crashes :(

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Tomek Kruszona

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CompizConfig Settings Manager - controls not working in Squeeze

2009-05-20 Thread Tomek Kruszona

I have a problem with CompizConfig Manager. It starts ok, then I can
enable or disable plugins, but when I click on plugin button to
configure options of this plugin nothing happens.

Last lines of
$strace fusion-icon

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 1302, in ShowPlugin
pluginPage = PluginPage(plugin)
  File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 125, in __init__
sortedGroups = sorted(plugin.Groups.items(), key=GroupIndexKeyFunc)
  File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ccm/, line 374, in
return item[1][0]
KeyError: 0

Is this python issue or maybe FusionIcon is broken?
ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  0.8.2-3
ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-main   0.8.2-3
ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported0.8.2-1
ii  fusion-icon  0.1.0-2
ii  libcompizconfig0 0.7.6-1

My system is Debian Squeeze.

Best regards
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: CompizConfig Settings Manager - controls not working in Squeeze

2009-05-20 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Nyizsnyik Ferenc wrote:
 On Wed, 20 May 2009 13:33:33 +0200
 Tomek Kruszona wrote:
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-extra  0.8.2-3
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-main   0.8.2-3
 ii  compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported0.8.2-1
 ii  fusion-icon  0.1.0-2
 ii  libcompizconfig0 0.7.6-1
 libcompizconfig0 should be upgraded. Check python-compizconfig and
 libdecoration0 also!

It seems that versions I have installed are the most recent versions
from squeeze so I should upgrade them to packages from sid... Maybe I'll
wait some time for correct version in squeeze. Compiz is not the thing I
need in everyday work :)

Thank you!

Best regards
Tomek Kruszona

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Re: CIFS VFS: server not responding during shutdown

2009-05-08 Thread Tomek Kruszona
Matteo Riva wrote:
 When I do a shutdown while I have windows shares (manually) mounted, I
 get a timeout before the shutdown completes.  The message I get on the
 console screen is:
   CIFS VFS: server not responding
   CIFS VFS: No response from cmd 50 mid 15
 the shutdown process hangs for half a minute or so before completing.
 The windows host machine is responding: I can unmount shares manually
 with no problems, but if I leave them mounted I get this timeout.
 Also, I can't find mention of this under /var/log (I had to write it
 down from the console screen).
 What can cause this behavior?

Do you have network-manager installed? If you have it could cause the
problem. Init script for shutting down network-manager has higher
priority than script that unmounts network filesystems like
nfs/cifs. Solution is to not use network-manager (tested) or modify
network-manager script to require umount network filesystems before it
shuts down (not tested)

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