Broken Mail after moving from IP network to dial-up

2000-11-06 Thread Tony Curzon Price


I moved my machine from the office to home - I now dial-up with a ppp
connection. I would like to fetchmail from the same server as before, and
have the same procmail running through it.

This almost works - fetchmail does get the mail OK, but then I get:
11/05/2000 16:16:38: [m13sSTG-000uBeC] Received FROM:+ PROTOCOL:bsmtp PROGRAM:smail SIZE:1265
11/05/2000 16:16:38: [m13sSTF-000uBYb] Failed TO:|exec
/usr/bin/procmail DIRECTOR:dotforward TRANSPORT:pipe
ERROR:(ERR144) transport pipe: child returned status EX_127 (127)

11/05/2000 16:16:39: [m13sSTG-000uBgC] mail moved to

ie - all the mail ends up in my error bin.

Can anyone decypher/explain the problem from this.


PS - Please answer to me personally.

Tony Curzon Price
Fax/VoiceMail +44 (0)70921 27178
Cel +44 (0)7711 757 137

Real time video streams over IP in Linux?

2000-09-28 Thread Tony Curzon Price


My colleagues are all getting excited at the idea of setting up a
real-time video stream facility to allow them to work from home more

Are there any Linux solutions at server and client ends? I have seen
companied like INETCAM offering Win software for this; I'd love to be able
to tell my colleagues that we don't need to migrate en masse to Win just
for this application 



Tony Curzon Price   
University College London
Fax/VoiceMail +44 (0)70921 27178
Cel +44 (0)7711 757 137

Re: Installing Problems with 3com PCI Bus Master 3C590 Combo Network Card

1998-01-26 Thread Tony Curzon Price
Dear Martin,

Thank you for your help.

 First of all: I may be wrong, but aren't the vortex and the boomerang
 cards supported only by kernel =  2.0.32 ?

My old Slackware distribution was of Kernel 2.0.12, and had support for
the card.
  The errors reported are:
  SIOCADDRT:network is unreachable
  SIOCADDRT:network is unreachable
 When do this errors occur?

I get this error at boot-up, but also as a result of:
/sbin/route add -net my IP netmask my mask
 1. check if the card is really used by Linux
  cd /proc
  cat ioports
  cat interrupts
  cat modules

The card has entries in ioports and in modules, but mot in interrupts.
Does this point the finger to anything in particular?

 2. check the networkconfiguration
  route -n

These produce values for a null network, although the addresses etc in
/etc/init.d/network look correct to me.

  4.Any suggestions as to how to further debug this (my Slackware system
  was running identical hardware barring a SCSI card that Debian seems to
  have recognised very nicely).
 Hardwaredetection is IMHO nothing distribution, but kernelversion specific.

Does this mean that improvements in the kernel have made this bit of
hardware detection more difficult (eg, the 2.0.12 installation never, as
far as I remember, required any parameters to be passed to the 3c59x
module ...).

Still in the dark, and dreading the thought of doing my TeX on W95,


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Installing Problems with 3com PCI Bus Master 3C590 Combo Network Card

1998-01-25 Thread Tony Curzon Price
Dear Users,

In deciding to upgrade my Linux, I decided to change distribution 
re-install the whole thing.

It's gone smoothly apart from the fact that the network is not
recognised. This is, unfortunately, on the critical path to full

The errors reported are:
SIOCADDRT:network is unreachable
SIOCADDRT:network is unreachable

In reports about the card, I get:

eth0:Initial Media Type is 10baseT
eth0:vortex_open() InternalConfig 0120010
eth0:media selection timer tick happened, 10baseT
eth0:media 10baseT has link beat 8800
eth0:selection timer finished, 10baseT

I have a 3com PCI Bus Master 3C590 Combo Network Card. I use the Thin
CoAx BNC Connector for this. At Debian installation, I load the 3C359x
module, entering the following:
in the Debian screen for command line options. The 3 option specifies
10BASE2 as the medium-type.

Things I've tried:
*I have tried most other 1/2 sensible options in the module loader;

*Someone on comp.os.linux.setup recently reported a similar sounding
problem relating to a conflict with a SB card. I took my SB card out 
re-installed, but this makes no difference.

A few questions:
1.Do you know the solution?
2.Why do the boot messages seem to indicate that the card is configured
for RJ45 (10BaseT) when I specified the options in the module loader
that I wanted BNC?
3.In what file can I find the modules _with parameters_ being loaded (my
slackware system used to have /etc/rc.d/rc.modules for that, but I see
nothing equivalent in my debian /etc/)?
4.Any suggestions as to how to further debug this (my Slackware system
was running identical hardware barring a SCSI card that Debian seems to
have recognised very nicely).

Thank you


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