Strange xterm behaviour

1999-11-26 Thread XRDLAB

I am facing some problems with xterm (3.3.3) on my slink machine. I
run icewm as my window manager. When I invoke xterm from the menu, and
run mc, I do not see the standard blue color. If I invoke xterm from
an rxvt and then run mc, I get to see the colours. The colours are
also missing when I run mc from the menu (by xterm -e mc). Another
thing I noticed is that the mouse clicks are disabled when I run mc in
an rxvt. 

How can I get the colours for mc in the xterm when I invoke it from
the menu?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Re: Debhelper for slink

1999-11-03 Thread XRDLAB
On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

What was the error message?

Script started on Wed Nov  3 11:24:08 1999
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ cd debhelper-2.0.67
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debhelper-2.0.67$ fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
sh -e debian/fixlinks
touch link-stamp
rm -f debian/substvars debian/postinst.debhelper 
debian/postrm.debhelper debian/preinst.debhelper debian/prerm.debhelper
rm -rf debian/debhelper
rm -f debian/files
find . -type f -a \( -name \#\*\# -o -name \*\~ -o -name DEADJOE -o 
-name \*.orig -o -name \*.rej -o -name \*.bak -o -name .\*.orig -o -name 
.\*.rej -o -name .SUMS -o -name TAGS -o -name core -o \( -path \*/.deps/\* -a 
-name \*.P \) \) -exec rm -f {} \;
DH_VERSION=10 perl -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests grep { ! /CVS/ } @ARGV' t/*
t/dh_linCan't locate in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl . 
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 /usr/lib/perl5 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at t/dh_link 
line 2.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/dh_link line 2.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
FAILED--1 test script could be run, alas--no output ever seen
make: *** [test] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp/debhelper-2.0.67$ exit

Script done on Wed Nov  3 11:24:38 1999

Package: perl
Status: install ok installed
Version: 5.004.04-7


Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Debhelper for slink

1999-11-02 Thread XRDLAB

I tried compiling the latest version of debhelper (from potato) under
slink and could not succeed. Is there anything that I should upgrade
before I can do that? 



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

PCI512 Card

1999-10-17 Thread XRDLAB

I am trying to use a Creative PCI512 card under slink. The
accompanying literature says that it is identical to the SBLive. So I
tried the driver downloaded from Creative site (0.2b) under kernel
2.2.5 as per the docs. But the module does not load with a message
'Device busy' and/or something similar. Has anybody used this card?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA


Strange bash prompt

1999-09-22 Thread XRDLAB

I noticed a strange behaviour of bash regrding the prompt. I have set
PS1='\h:\w$ '. With that I get both the host name and the working
directory as my shell prompt. Yesterday I noticed a strange behaviour
accidentally. The sequence is given below:

 mysxrd:~$ cd /var 
 mysxrd:/var$ prompt is correct
 mysxrd:/var$ cd ../usr
 mysxrd://usr$    prompt has 2 slashes!

I am surprised by this behaviour. Is it expected? The bash version is:
  GNU bash, version 2.01.1(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


apt starngeness

1999-06-08 Thread XRDLAB

I upgraded one of my system from hamm to slink via the apt method as
suggested in README.upgrade by following method:

1. Installed the new apt package on the cd
2. After editing the /etc/apt/sources.list to point to my cdrom,
   did apt-get update
   apt-get -f dist-upgrade

Well, everything went well and nothing was broken. I was under the
impression that apt-get update would update the info about available
packages under slink. Unfortunately it does not seem to do it. If I
run dselect (after upgrading), I still see the same packages, of
course with newere version numbers. Should not apt add the info about
the new packages that are in slink and not in hamm? Is this a bug?

Just to see if I could get the info of new packages, I ran dselect and
did 'update' (without install). Now, dselect lists all the packages
that were installed as Obsolete/local packages. Why the discrepancy?

Any help would be appreciated.



P.S: Sorry if it has already reached the list. There was some problem
during sending and hence am sending it again.

Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Printing under slink

1999-05-25 Thread XRDLAB

Under hamm, I could print plain text files with the command lpr
filename. After upgrading to slink, the printer does not print
anything with the same command. lpq shows that the job is pending.
If I try to do lprm job_num, the system does not respond. I have to
press ctrl-c, to get back the prompt. I am using a custom kernel
wherein the parallel port support is loaded as a module. I have
checked this with the lsmod command also. But for a text file, I can
do cat filename /dev/lp0. What can be done to restore the old
behaviour? Anything else to be done for lprm to behave properly?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Fetchmail problems

1999-05-22 Thread XRDLAB

I upgraded my hamm system to slink. Everything went well. The old
configurations generated by ppconfig run equally well under the new
system also. But I am having some trouble with regard to getting the
mail from my isp. This has happened after upgrading to slink. When I
do a fetchmail, I get the following error message:

mysxrd-in-haralu:~$ fetchmail
1 message for mysxrd at (1241 octets).
reading message 1 of 1 (1241 octets) fetchmail: SMTP listener doesn't
like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
fetchmail: can't even send to mysxrd!
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

With this I am not able to download the messages from the isp to my
machine. Can anyone suggest some remedy for this?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Where is telnet, ftp?

1999-04-22 Thread XRDLAB

I upgraded my hamm system (Debian 2.0) to slink (Debian 2.1) using the
cd's from Linux Central. Everything went well. I am having some problems 
with the system after upgrading which seem strange.

1. After upgrading, I cannot find the program telnet. Previously it was
   in netstd, but the contents of netstd package do not show telnet
   (found using dpkg -L netstd). Which package has this program?
   I am also not able telnet in to the system. But rlogin works bothways. 

2. Previously I had installed wu-ftpd and ftp services were enabled,
   even anonymous ftp was posible. After upgrading, all the ftp services
   have been disabled. If I try to ftp to the machine, I get a message
   ftp: connect: connection refused. What should I do to get wu-ftpd-academ 
   to allow ftp services including anonymous ftp?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Kernel compilation

1999-04-10 Thread XRDLAB

I am currently using Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.34. I downloaded the
patch files and patched the kernel source to 2.0.36. No problems
encountered during the patching. Even appled the debian patch.

Then I used make menuconfig and set up all the options that I needed
including kerneld support. Sound was included as a module along with
serial, ne, isofs, vfat. Used make-kpkg --zimage kernel_image to
compile the kernel. Kernel compilation was smooth and I had the
kernel_image.deb ready for installation. I installed it and ran lilo.
Before rebooting, I edited the /etc/modules file and commented out the
loading of modules and put auto there. After boot up I am having a
couple of problems:

1. kerneld gets started and is not able to load modules like ne.
   Doing it manually with modprobe works. Should not kerneld do it
   automatically? Have I misunderstood the writeup on it?

2. When make-kpkg created a kernel_image.deb, I found that not all
   the modules I had set were there. For example, for sound I had
   put in as modules opl3, mad16, midi, etc. All of those files 
   are there in the source tree, but do not come in the modules
   directory after compilation. Anything else that needs to be setup 
   to get them there?

3. Even though there is a sound.o file in /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc,
   modprobe sound says can't locate module sound. What is wrong?


Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Re: Q: User access to hardware peripherals - preferred method?

1999-04-08 Thread XRDLAB

IIRC, to add an user to a group, the syntax is 

  adduser username groupname

I have done that to add users to floppy, audio, etc. 

From the man page of adduser

  Add an existing user to an existing group
   If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will  add
   an existing user to an existing group.

As mentioned before, for the new permissions to work, logout and



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Help with CD writing

1999-03-27 Thread XRDLAB

I am using an ide cd-writer (HP7100i) to burn cd's. I have recompiled
the kernel (2.0.34) with scsi emulation enabled. So far I am able to
burn cd's after making an image of the files/directories I need to 
burn using mkisofs. I have some problems/questions for which I need 
some assistance:

1. When scsi emulation is enabled, how do I mount my regular cd's?

2. Xcdroast could detect both my ide-cd reader and writer. But I was
   not able to copy data/auido cd onto a blank cd. It always says that
   the cd-drive is empty. What has to be setup to get it working? 

Thanks for any suggestions,


Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Re: diff.gz file size

1999-03-19 Thread XRDLAB
On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, David Wright wrote:

No idea, but it's important not to unzip these files because the
checksums don't work anymore. If you want to browse them, either
make a copy before unzipping, or, better, use mc which will do this
magically on the fly.

But it still does not answer my question. Why the difference in the
size? How to get back the same if I decompress? Any maintainer who is
reading this thread would like to clarify?



Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Re: Using Procmail

1999-03-16 Thread XRDLAB
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Jeremy wrote:

Maybe an example will help... Here, fetchmail connects to ISP's mail
over to procmail.  Here are the lines out of my .procmailrc which puts
all mail from this list into it's own folder:

As mentioned earlier, the mail is received on the spool
correctly. But procmail does not seem to be doing its job.

Well, here is something which might help in troubleshooting. 

1. As soon as I dial-up and the ppp link is established, the root 
   does not do a fetchmail. I do it as a normal user. Does it in any
   way affect the behaviour of fetchmail?  

2. I am using pine to send mails directly after having redefined the server 
   in the configuration (giasbg rather than localhost). Does the
   MTA come into picture here?

If it helps, .fetchmailrc and .procmailrc are given below:


poll proto pop3
user mysxrd password 
limit 10

* $HOME/.procmailrc 




Hope I can get some answers/clues to get procmail working.


Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA


diff.gz file size

1999-03-11 Thread XRDLAB

I am facing some problem with regard to gzip. I dowmloaded the
icewm-0.9.33 files from debian archive. Netscape, unzipped the diff.gz
file while downloading. To get on with the compilation, I just gzipped
the diff file. But, the size in the dsc file and the actual size vary.
So I thought the problem might be the level of compression that gzip
is using and so set it to highest. Still I could not get the file size
that is on the archive. The exact figures are:

   icewm_0.9.33-1.diff.gz 6475  (actual)
   icewm_0.9.33-1.diff.gz 6480  (got with gzip --best ice...)

How do I achieve a higher compression? Or is the gzip version I am
using (from stock hamm) older?

Thanks for any help,


Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA


Using Procmail

1999-03-08 Thread XRDLAB

Currently I am using fetchmail and pine to get the mail from my isp
account and to read/send the messages respectively. As the number of
messages I am getting has increased, I
am feeling the need to use procmail to sort the mail into different
folders. How do I go about putting the messages in different folders
(should be readable by pine)? Much of the documentation talks about MH
folders. Are they same?



Sridhar M. A.
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


[Off-topic] Creating a print file

1999-02-08 Thread XRDLAB

Occassionally I  have to take printout on a printer (non-postscript,
like deskjet, dotmatrix, etc) connected to a machine running
dos/windows. It is in a different place and not connected to my
Under dos/win, I could do a Create print file and then do copy/b
file.prn lpt1 to get the printout. In a similar manner, how can I
create a printfile from a dvi file, etc. in linux? Would it be
possible for me to copy the resulting file on to a diskette and take
the hardcopy using the copy/b... command on the remote machine?
In the same way, how do I print the printfile under linux
(generated either under dos or linux)?


Compiling Vim 5.4c

1999-01-25 Thread XRDLAB

I tried compiling Vim-5.4c and could not succeed. When I type make
(after configure), the program aborts when trying to compile getchar.c
where it tries to access a file hangulin.c. Even if itry to disable it
by means of arguments to configure or through feature.h, it still
tries to look for that non-existent file. Where can I get it or what
is the workaround? Any help will be appreciated.



P.S: BTW, is there a deb of the above package? Could not find it even
in potato.

Installation problems

1998-12-24 Thread XRDLAB

Recently I tried installing hamm on a colleagues machine (Pentium
200MMX, 32 MB RAM, 2GB HDD). The base installation goes without any
errors. But after reboot, the problems start. The boot messages appear
normal (like detecting hdd's, cdroms, etc) and I get theses messages
(sorry I am not able to send a dmesg output or even screen capture as
I am not able to login even):

Mounting local file systems
Not mounted anything

/etc/init.d/rcS: line 56: 53 Segmentation fault (trap - INT QUIT
TSTP; set start; $i)
/etc/init.d/rcS: line 56: 58 Segmentation fault $i start

After this, login propmpt appears. When I try to login as root, it
says, cannot intialise /dev/tty1 for root. Can somebody suggest where
the problem might lie?



Compiling with libc5

1998-11-24 Thread XRDLAB

I wanted to compile a program on my hamm machine and ran into some problems. 
I found that the reason for the errors were due to libc5 dependency of the
program. I installed libc5-altdev package and tried to compile the program
with the following command line:

   gcc -nostdinc -I/usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include \
 -I/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ -c xxx.c

as mentioned in the Glibc2 howto. Unfortunately, this is not compiling the
program complaining about undefined functions, unknown sizes, etc. The very
same thing compiles neatly on a bo box. Are there any other options that
I have missed?



RE: WindowMaker 0.19.1

1998-09-08 Thread XRDLAB
On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Paulo J. da Silva e Silva wrote:


I4ve posted a question about this on Saturday. You can search the wmaker 0.19

That is where I got the address of the download site (from the
maintainer, I think). 

First, I recommend you to download the Debian version of wmaker 0.19.1 (it is
in unstable section (slink) in a Debian mirror site). Better than compiling
things yourself and no fear of putting things in the wrong place.

I have downloaded the debian packages of the program. I had mentioned
the particular files I downloaded.

After that you4ll still have the _Xsetlocale problem. To solve it I was asked
to try two things:

   1) As root run ldconfig.

   2) Upgrade to xlib6g (it4s in hamm).

I have it installed.

Any other clue?



Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


WindowMaker 0.19.1

1998-09-07 Thread XRDLAB

I am running hamm. To install the latest windowmaker,
I downloaded the following files for WindowMaker 0.19.1 from (as was suggested by the

Installation was without errors. But when I do a 'startx', the xserver
crashes with the following error message:

/usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker: error loading shared libraries
undefined symbol: _Xsetlocale

What else has to be downloaded or installed to make it work? BTW, on
the same machine, I can compile the source (not the deb's) and run

I also installed icewm from slink? Why does it not put an entry in
/etc/X11/window-managers? Is this expected?



Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


Re: HELP with Sound Card

1998-08-12 Thread XRDLAB

On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

 My sound card is Aztech Galaxy (claims to be compatible
 with SoundBlaster 16, non pnp).

Didn't you read the documentation? There is no SB 16 compatible card on the
market. ..

Yes, I read the documentation and it said that some cards might work.
That is why I mentioned that the card claims to be compatible.

So, you can't blindly activating options in the driver and hope that it

Well, I tried different settings (again, the docs do mention to try
things). So, I tried and failed. 

Come back if you still encounter problems, ,but be sure to provide us with
more information about the type of your card (there are many Aztech Galaxy

I am sorry that I cannot give you more info. The cards manual does not
tell anything much. If it helps I can post the details of the IC's on
the card.

Thanks for your help.


Sridhar M. A
Department of Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


HELP with Sound Card

1998-08-11 Thread XRDLAB
I am currently running Debian bo and wanted to compile sound support.  

My sound card is Aztech Galaxy (claims to be compatible
with SoundBlaster 16, non pnp). The card works fine under dos with the
following settings:

SB 16io=0x220, irq=10, dma=1
MPU-401  io=0x330, irq=2

In the kernel (2.0.30) compile options I selected
   SoundBlaster support yes 
   MPU-401 support  yes
   /dev/dsp and /dev/audio  yes
   MIDI interface support   yes
   FM synthesizer support   yes

under the Sound options (with the same adresses as under dos).

Evrything compiles neatly and I can even boot the system with the new
kernel. But sound module cannot be loaded. During boot up I get a

   /lib/modules/2.0.30/misc/sound.o:  unresolved symbol DMAbuf_init
   /lib/modules/2.0.30/misc/sound.o:  unresolved symbol audio_init

I could not get the answer for the above problem. Can somebody help me
on this matter?



SCSI Emulation for IDE???

1998-05-22 Thread XRDLAB

I too had faced this problem when I wanted to burn a cd on my ide cd-rw
(hp7100i). One of the suggestions was to use a kernel later than 2.1.74.
Since I could not compile the kernel 2.1.94 on my bo system, I compiled
the 2.0.32 kernel with scsi emulation enabled. If you are planning to burn
the cd's, you have to get cdrecord and apply the patch given therein.

Hope this helps,



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