(toughed out) Re: reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Zhang Weiwu wrote:

I have exclude another possibility.

I am thinking:

1) perhaps the message in /var/log/messages is not produced by init,
but by reboot/halt/shutdown, and

2) perhaps init is not invoked at all.

So I run 'init 6' as root. This time, there is no new message in 
/var/log/messages, prooving 1), and 'init 6' did absolutely nothing, 
disprooving 2).

I was wrong. init 6 behave differently than reboot/halt/shutdown. It did 
shutdown a lot of services - my last post was sent a few seconds too early.

Among the services 'init 6' shutdown (which reboot/halt/shutdown failed) 

- (in /etc/rc.6.d) apache2 
- (in /etc/rc.6.d) mysql

- (in /etc/rc.6.d) exim4

The services 'init 6' did NOT shutdown are:

- portmap (manual break "/etc/rc6.d/K06portmap stop" worked)
- networking (because I can still establish new ssh connection to this server)
- rsyslogd

I have:

$ ls /etc/rc6.d/
K01apache2K02mysql K06portmap K10lvm2
K01atdK03sendsigs  K07hwclock.sh  K11umountroot
K01exim4  K04rsyslog   K07networking  K12reboot
K01urandomK05umountnfs.sh  K08ifupdownREADME
K01xe-linux-distribution  K06nfs-commonK09umountfs

My suspecision is that K03sendsigs failed, because K02* was terminated, K04* 
and K06portmap wasn't. K03sendsigs is in between. ps(1) shows sendsigs 

$ ps ax | grep init
1 ?Ss 0:39 init [6] 19299 ?Ss 0:00 /bin/sh 
/etc/init.d/rc 6

19401 ?S  0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/sendsigs stop
23319 pts/9S+ 0:00 grep init

So the task is to figure out what sendsigs does and why it hangs.

There is no manual, so I go the hard way to read its source: It does the 
"Asking all remaining processes to terminate" thing.

So I suppose some daemon refuse to succumb, and sendsigs is waiting for it, or 
failed to kill nastily and is thus confused. I look at /var/run:

$ ls -F /var/run/
apache2/  ldapi@   portmap.pidscreen/sshd.pid
crond.pid motd portmap.state  slapd/ utmp
crond.reboot  mysqld/  rpc.statd.pid  sm-notify.pid  xe-daemon.pid
exim4/portmap_mapping  rsyslogd.pid   sshd/

portmap was manually stopped, therefore, daemons don't always remove pid 
before they leave, and the remaining files in /var/run does not indicate 
daemons who refuse to die.

Did sendsigs spit any error message? There were none in /var/log/syslog and 
/var/log/messages. Another user reported seeing error on screen from sendsigs 
while not able to finding it in both log files, so it is not logged there:

I am operating a remote server, there is no screen for me to see.

His problem may be the same as mine. As he solved it, he post:

"A check forced of filesystem solved the problem."

I meditated for a while on this "check forced of filesystem", the grammar 
isn't correct and the whole sentence makes no sense. Does he mean "reboot -f" 
to force reboot? I have tried that and didn't make any difference than 
"reboot" without "-f". Does he mean manually umount all non-root filesystem? 
My /var/local is the only non-root physical file-system, and it is in use. 
'sudo lsof /var/local' hangs there for 1 hour, so it remain a mystery which 
process is using it, but accessing its files is fine and error-free. Besides, 
there are various *umount* in /etc/rc.6d/ and they are all ordered after 
sendsigs, so they are not suposed to cause problem until sendsigs finishes.

So deadend again. Now as I browse through the process tree, I found one 
process that is started 2 weeks ago and should be long dead:

$ ps ax | grep youtu
18380 ?D  0:03 python /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

I distantly remember it had been run on a NFS mount which was jammed, and 
later, because umount not possible (NFS server gone), I had done lazy umount:

# umount -l /mnt/nfs

So I believe this one the culprit. "kill -9" cannot kill it, confirming my 
guess. https://wiki.debian.org/Kill says if you can't kill with "kill -9", you 
should reboot, which brings me back to this problem, chicken or egg first?

With no way to kill 18380 but to reboot, and no way to reboot but to kill 
18380, I instead killed sendsigs with -TERM.  The result is trouble: I was 
immediately kicked out of ssh session, server stopped to responding PING, and 
half an hour later I capitulated and called datacenter for a cold reboot.

After the server is online again, I immediately did a reboot and succeeded. 
So, it is very likely the stall process 18380 that stems reboot/shutdown.

My conclusion so far:

1. If you had an NFS mount, and NFS server is gone, you cannot umount it 
unless you reboot, which won

Re: reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Zhang Weiwu wrote:

Thank you for the hint. I followed your test method and the test result 
show this problem has nothing to do with a hanging service.

I have exclude another possibility.

I am thinking:

1) perhaps the message in /var/log/messages is not produced by init,
but by reboot/halt/shutdown, and

2) perhaps init is not invoked at all.

So I run 'init 6' as root. This time, there is no new message in 
/var/log/messages, prooving 1), and 'init 6' did absolutely nothing, 
disprooving 2).

So, the problem is directly within init daemon. Now what?

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Re: reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:

So init knows that you want to shut down/reboot..

My guess is that one of the "early" init scripts are hanging.

Thank you for the hint. I followed your test method and the test result show 
this problem has nothing to do with a hanging service.

The first in asciibetic order is 'apache2'. If I stop it, it succumb easily 
without hanging. I described previously that after issuing 
reboot/halt/shutdown, the website being served by apache2 is still running, 
hence init daemon did not attempt to shutdown even the earliest service. It 
seems init knows I want to shutdown, and acknowledge it, and then ignored 

In my past years I came across many services that refuses to die, and they 
were killed after timed out, so normally init daemon knows how to kill 
without grace.

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Re: reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Brian wrote:

Possibly of help:


Thanks for the link but I am pretty sure they are talking about a different 
problem. The link you provided is among the 100+ search result I found on 
google that does not address my problem.

99.9% of the problems listed on google is about the machine failing to 
respond or reboot AFTER closed most services. In other words, the machine is 
put to an unresponsive status, OR the reboot skipped POST. Both are not my 
case, hence I addressed "reboot does NOTHING" in the email subject.  The 
difficulty of this problem is that it is too hard to filter out unrelated 
help messages

In my case reboot/halt/shutdown did not attempt to turn off any running 
system services. The reboot process is not even started. None of the 
processes are notified to terminate and none of the filesystems are 
umounted. The machine has same number of processes before and after issued 
reboot command.

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Re: video compression?

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Thomas H. George wrote:

Is there a best debian program to compress avi videos enough to send
them by email?

I have found ffmpeg and avidemux and am trying to learn to use them but
have not had much success so far.

They are both good, but even if you can get the video down to a few 
megabytes, the other (or his software) may not expect video in email 
attachment, causing trouble. e.g. their email client on mobile phone may not 
properly handle such case. (putting into email) it is unusual thing to do, 
at least for those who often send video.  Many offered video hosting, and 
any cloud service / FTP service can host videos too. Perhaps you can make 
use of twoftpd/vsftpd and other file hosting software instead?

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Re: reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Joe wrote:

Do you by any chance have pulseaudio installed? I ask because my sid
workstation started doing almost exactly this a few days ago.

No. It was a server box. What you said does hint me that if I can access the 
physical machine there may be some clue on the screen, but then again 
anything there should be in one of /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog and 
/var/log/dmesg - yet in these I see nothing more than the previously-noted 

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reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing

2014-02-17 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Using Debian 6.0. reboot/halt/shutdown does nothing except announcing the 
shutdown and halt the ssh session that issued the command.

But beyond that it really did nothing. Among the things it did not do are:

- no process are killed or terminated. None of mysql, apache, cron daemons
  are shut down, and the website it serves keeps online just fine.
- although the ssh session whence the command issued is halted, I can still
  login with a new ssh session.
- last(1) and uptime(1) doesn't remember having any shutdown.

The only thing I can find that prooves I issued shutdown is a one-line 
messages like this in /var/log/messages:

Feb 17 07:55:30 localhost shutdown[11212]: shutting down for system halt

Or this:
Feb 17 07:54:24 localhost shutdown[11084]: shutting down for system reboot

The problem is reproducible: if I unplug the power, and start again, it 
predictablly fail to shutdown / reboot.

It is extremely difficult to google for a solution, since "debian cannot 
reboot" gives all sorts of different problems that are not like this one. 
Adding search keywords like '/var/log/messages', 'init daemon' etc didn't 

The manual of shutdown, halt, reboot and init give little information on 
troubleshooting or how it works internally (for me to start tracing the 
problem), only explained how it is supposed to be commanded.

I've been an sysop for debian hosts for 6 years, and sysop of other 
distributions for 10 years, it surprised myself that after so many years I 
still found clueless occassions.

I also thought of replacing init daemon with something else, and realized 
systemd wasn't in Debian 6.0.

Thanks a lot for hints and help!

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looking for a clock, minimum and can play sound

2011-01-04 Thread Zhang Weiwu

Hello. I am looking for an count-down clock. Features are:

   * count down to up to 300 seconds. I wish to configure my fluxbox to
 activate it by Ctrl+6, which counts down 60 seconds, Ctrl+3 to
 count down 30 seconds, thus it must be able to accept commandline
 parameter for counting down.
   * play a sound when count down to zero.
   * It's not bad to have it with X11/gui, although console app would
 do (in that case sleep(1) more or less works). It's even better if
 it is implemented as a progress bar so I can configure my fluxbox
 to put it to the bottom/side of screen and put it half-transparent.

I found only one such application in package repository (timer-applet), 
but I am on a really slow computer and wish to have minimum overhead to 
start the application, and although i really appreciate having 
opensource applications designed with a good usability concept and 
guideline,  I don't need it myself in this particular case, thus 
timer-applet seems overkill for this purpose.

Thanks for recommendation in advance!

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[SLVED] Re: how to get pid when I start the process

2010-12-25 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Several people offered advise. The trick is really how to locate and
kill the parent process, because I have tried otherwise and failed.
Following suggestion from Bob Proulx, killing all processes would ends
up with corrupted temporary files in my case. Bob wrote in detail
explanation of how thinks works which should serve great reference
material for new reader/learners on the list.

One idea offered by Chris Davies is to find the process with R tag, but
I tried and end up feeling that one isn't always the parent process.

Bill Dennen and Richard Hector together offered the advice to run the
process in foreground and sink them to background with shell '&'
postfix, and then obtaining the sunken process' ID from the shell using
special '$!', which works wonderfully for me, thus solved the case.

Thanks all for comments.

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how to get pid when I start the process

2010-12-22 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I usually start amuled and kill it after a few hours, I do such
thing once a day. Usually I do it like this:

In one console:
$ amuled

In another:

zhangwe...@mesopotamia:~$ ps ax | grep mule
13595 zhangwei 14080 R N  amuled
13598 zhangwei 14080 S N  amuled
13600 zhangwei 14080 S N  amuled
13603 zhangwei 14080 S N  amuled
13612 zhangwei  1352 Sgrep mule
zhangwe...@mesopotamia:~$ kill 13595

Note that I should always kill the least-numbered process, I tried
otherwise and always end up in trouble.

Question is, how do I script-lize this? The only difficulty is to get
the pid in script. I could use an one-liner awk script to analyses the
output of ps, but that sounds overkill. Is there a better way?

Best. & Thanks in advance!

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Re: what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-16 Thread Zhang Weiwu, Beijing
 On 11/17/2010 07:39 AM, Phil Requirements wrote:
> expand--> converts tabs to spaces
> column--> takes a list and displays it in columns
> column -t --> takes lines of data, splits each line, displays the result in 
> columns
While I see it this way:

expand--> Format tab-indented text and tab-separated tables using spaces.
column -t --> Format tab-separated tables using spaces.
column--> Format lists into columns.

Pick this scenario:

A user have tab-separated tabular data.

1. He try to format it, using expand -t 8
2. He see it's not good enough, he does it again with expand -t 10
3. He see it's okay for some columns, but is too wide for others. Then he uses 
column -t

Thought the whole process, the source data doesn't change, the purpose
doesn't change, but tool changed.

I follow the idea that usage leads to tools, that "you have tools for a
usage", while traditional column tool seems to design from tools to
usage, that "you have tools which can used for usages". I guess this is
more rational from learning prospective.

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Re: what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-15 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On 11/03/2010 10:04 AM, Zhang Weiwu wrote:


 The usage with -t is to form a table, which, although code level
 implementation is similar to multi-column layout, in fact is a very
 different usage than what is mentioned in the first paragraph.

Now I think the right move would be to add the -t parameter to the 
command it really belongs to: expand(1)

Quote from manual:

   Convert  tabs in each FILE to spaces, writing to standard output.  With

   no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

The feature of expanding field separator to an automatically calculated value 
in column as a convenient (or lazy) design, not a usage-oriented design.

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Re: not able to drive a PCMCIA harddisk, what to do?

2010-11-15 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On 11/16/2010 12:31 AM, Camaleón wrote:

What a strange name for a machine running Debian>;-P

Sorry, the machine is really debian, but in doubt of whether or not this 
is a debian-specific problem I decide to try my luck with Ubuntu live CD 
and stuck there as well (although not sure if it is 100% the same error 
as I had on Debian), so directly send the original post from Ubuntu 
live-CD. Besides, this issue feels kernel-related, I guess I would not 
have much luck in Ubuntu community as they are more usage-oriented than 
technology oriented (which IMHO is a good thing!).

Thanks for introducing me to kernel list.


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not able to drive a PCMCIA harddisk, what to do?

2010-11-15 Thread Zhang Weiwu


I put in a PCMCIA harddisk and wait with the hope something new appear 
as /dev/sda*, until the hope vanishes. I tried briefly google without 
luck, yet finding detail howto only for 2.4 kernel (in linux document 
project). Where do you suggest me to go on from here? Detail follows:

Script started on Mon 15 Nov 2010 02:43:07 PM UTC
r...@ubuntu:~# dmesg | tail
[  834.112153] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into 
slot 0
[  834.115496] pcmcia 0.0: pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.0 (IRQ: 4)
[  834.195175] scsi5 : pata_pcmcia
[  834.208260] ata4: PATA max PIO0 cmd 0x100 ctl 0x10e irq 4
[  839.372258] ata4.00: qc timeout (cmd 0x91)
[  839.372397] ata4.00: failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed, 
[  849.536245] ata4.00: qc timeout (cmd 0x91)
[  849.536386] ata4.00: failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed, 
[  859.700259] ata4.00: qc timeout (cmd 0x91)
[  859.700399] ata4.00: failed to IDENTIFY (INIT_DEV_PARAMS failed, 
r...@ubuntu:~# pccardctl ls -v
Socket 0 Bridge:[yenta_cardbus] (bus ID: :00:09.0)
Configuration:  state: on   ready: yes
Voltage: 3.3V Vcc: 3.3V Vpp: 0.0V
Socket 0 Device 0:  [pata_pcmcia]   (bus ID: 0.0)
Configuration:  state: on
Product Name:   TOSHIBA MK5002MPL
Identification: manf_id: 0x0098 card_id: 0x
function: 4 (fixed disk)
prod_id(1): "TOSHIBA" (0xb4585a1a)
prod_id(2): "MK5002MPL" (0xe39b7163)
prod_id(3): --- (---)
prod_id(4): --- (---)
r...@ubuntu:~# pccardctl ident
Socket 0:
  product info: "TOSHIBA", "MK5002MPL", "", ""
  manfid: 0x0098, 0x
  function: 4 (fixed disk)
r...@ubuntu:~# ls -lR /sys/bus/pcmcia
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root0 2010-11-15 14:28 devices
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root0 2010-11-15 14:43 drivers
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 drivers_autoprobe
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 drivers_probe
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 uevent

total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2010-11-15 14:41 0.0 -> 

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 2010-11-15 14:43 pata_pcmcia

total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 2010-11-15 14:43 0.0 -> 
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 bind
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root0 2010-11-15 14:43 module -> 
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 new_id
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 uevent
--w--- 1 root root 4096 2010-11-15 14:43 unbind
r...@ubuntu:~# exit

Script done on Mon 15 Nov 2010 02:44:48 PM UTC

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Re: tool to benchmark CPU MIPS/FLOPS

2010-11-11 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 On 11/12/2010 10:57 AM, David Jardine wrote:
> Google will probably lead you to an explanation of
> what BogoMIPS are.

Sure, I checked bogomips before posting a message to this list. I guess
it is not too relative to the original question as bogomips counts only
the instructions that does nothing. Or am I wrong?

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tool to benchmark CPU MIPS/FLOPS

2010-11-11 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 Hello. Failed to google a result (keyword: MIPS FLOPS Linux) here I ask
in the list. Wikipedia mention MIPS (million instructions per second)
and FLOPS (similar but calculate float point) for some of CPU
performance indicators. Is there some tool to benchmark this in Debian?

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Re: what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-03 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 On 11/03/2010 01:44 PM, Phil Requirements wrote:
> I find that the column utility belongs to bsdmainutils package, so
> it's a BSD application, not a GNU one. I think it would make sense to
> file a bug, since you want to offer an improvement.

Thanks for point that bsdmainutils out. I had been using FreeBSD for a
few years before using Linux. I wonder which is the true upstream of
bsdmainutils? I might file the bug in FreeBSD project, if it is the
upstream of this Linux package, and hope the changes slip in Linux in a
few years.

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Re: what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-02 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 On 11/02/2010 08:01 PM, Chris Jackson wrote:
> You could perhaps use awk:
> http://unstableme.blogspot.com/2008/12/awk-formatting-fields-into-columns.html
this blog post re-invented the wheel of what column -t is intended.

almust...@orphalese:~$ column -t /tmp/cat 
NBSModule  Status
54670  Reg P
56783  Reg F
56784  Smk P
56744  Reg F

I guess if column(1) man page is written to quality the blog poster
might not have missed it.

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Re: what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-02 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 On 11/02/2010 08:01 PM, Chris Jackson wrote:
> -c is for the total number of columns. Having said that, I can't get it
> to actually do anything, so I could be wrong.
> You could perhaps use awk:
> http://unstableme.blogspot.com/2008/12/awk-formatting-fields-into-columns.html
> (bit fugly) or, depending on exactly what you need, look at pr(1).

Can someone dealt with gnu before tell if gnu utilities too bureaucratic
to accept any change? If they still can accept some change, I would like
to request an update the man page (I wouldn't file a bug just to wait
for it to sink in some decades).

It says:

 The column utility formats its input into multiple columns.  Rows are
 filled before columns.  Input is taken from file operands, or, by
 default, from the standard input.  Empty lines are ignored.

 The options are as follows:

 -c  Output is formatted for a display columns wide.

 -t  Determine the number of columns the input contains and create a
 table.  Columns are delimited with whitespace, by default, or
 with the characters supplied using the -s option.  Useful for
 pretty-printing displays.

This man page have 2 problems. First:

The first paragraph's mentioning of 'column' obviously means
something different than the '-c' paragraph's mentioning of 'column'.

In the first paragraph it means what we usually mean column in
typography, like on daily newspaper: one or more vertical blocks of
text positioned on a page, usually wraps at 3 to 10 words per line.

The '-c' paragraph it means what column means in man stty(1).

Second problem:

The usage with -t is to form a table, which, although code level
implementation is similar to multi-column layout, in fact is a very
different usage than what is mentioned in the first paragraph.

A less confusing version from a non-English speaker would be to change
it to:

The column utility formats its input into a multi-column layout or
to a table. By default it forms a multi-column layout, taking the
input, filling rows before columns. With -t it forms a table,
expanding the field separator to align table columns.

The options are as follows:

-c columns

Output is formatted for a terminal that has that number of
columns. Default is the current terminal's column number. Refer
to stty(1) for more info about terminal columns. A character is
as wide as one or two columns of a terminal.


Create a table instead of making a multi-column layout. Columns
are delimited with whitespace, by default, or with the
characters supplied using the -s option. Useful for
pretty-printing tabular data.

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what is the use of -c parameter of column(1), can you demonstrate with an example?

2010-11-02 Thread Zhang Weiwu
 from man column(1)

 -c  Output is formatted for a display columns wide.


almust...@orphalese:~$ echo aaa bbb | column  -c 20

expected result (17 spaces):


actual result:

almust...@orphalese:~$ echo aaa bbb | column  -c 20
aaa bbb

Confusing. Or do I misunderstand the purpose of column(1)?


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Re: scripting question: to parse data with varname=value pattern the easiest way?

2010-11-02 Thread Zhang Weiwu, Beijing
 On 11/02/2010 05:04 AM, Karl Vogel wrote:
>On the other hand, if someone sneaks something like
>result_04: dc="3" rm /something/valuable
Thank you! very informative, and, kinda fun to read.

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scripting question: to parse data with varname=value pattern the easiest way?

2010-11-01 Thread Zhang Weiwu

A program output is like this:

result_01: a="23" b="288" c="A_string" ac="34"
result_02: a="23" b="28" c="A_string_too" dc="3"

I am writing a script to output values of b if b is in the result set.

It would be rather easy to match value of with regular expression:

/b="([^"]*)"/ # \1 would be the value of b.

Out of curiosity I just wonder is there an alternative way? One came to
my mind is to replace result_* with an invoke of awk, then the
name=value pattern become parameter of awk, then I can simply do '{print
$b;}' to get value of b. I tried that without success.

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[SOLVED] Re: a data rate threshold tool?

2010-10-14 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Thanks for all of you. The answer using pv(1) is what I need.

pv is a 'pipe viewer' that display the progress of a command-line pipe.
It might also able to display other pipes. It is new to me that the tool
perform data rate limit task as well.

A brief check shows trickle, as suggested, is a tool for network
bandwidth limit, that might also be useful in cases.

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Re: tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-12 Thread Zhang Weiwu

I noticed I can find out files that were never accessed after the 1st
month I installed my debian without any accounting mechanism but only by
atime. In fact, if I pick up a random file on my system, the chance it
was never accessed since after 1month of debian installation is a bit
higher than it was.

On 2010年10月08日 12:42, Tom Furie wrote:
> How do you determine the atime without accessing the file
Checking a file's atime is not considered accessing it.

almust...@orphalese:~$ find Music/ -atime +147
Music/Flamenco. Una antologia de cante y baile andaluces - Poema de la guitarra 
(rito y geografia del Toque) - Vol. 1 de 4.avi
almust...@orphalese:~$ sleep 10
almust...@orphalese:~$ find Music/ -atime +147
Music/Flamenco. Una antologia de cante y baile andaluces - Poema de la guitarra 
(rito y geografia del Toque) - Vol. 1 de 4.avi

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Re: tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-12 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年10月10日 05:45, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> IMVHO, I think at least part of the speed increase is based on the fact 
> that the head(s) *never* travel to the "back" of the harddisk.

A brief search found most of the files on my harddisks are *never*
accessed (since the Debian system installation).

a data rate threshold tool?

2010-10-09 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I found my application, which was supposed to run 10 hours,
either run and starve every other service on it, or doesn't run at all.
Even with nice and ionice, I cannot avoid other web services starved by
this application. And it has to run on the production server.

One trick that comes to my mind is to use a data rate threshold tool to
limit the data rate input is fed to the application.

$ threshold --rate 20KB/s < data_source | my_greedy_application

Is there such a tool in Debian?

Thanks. Running Debian 5.

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Re: tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-07 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年10月08日 04:03, Ron Johnson wrote:
> You'd need to add accounting complexity to the kernel (where would it
> put the accounting data?)

I had been too brief, but if you read the article I referred to, it
works best only in case you put rarely accessed file to the posterior,
not 'infrequently accessed file' to the posterior.

To find out infrequently accessed file you need accounting. To find
rarely accessed file you only need to look at atime. The difference is
due to there are two factors slows down: disk spinning speed and head
movement speed. If there is only the disk spin speed factor, then put
infrequent file to the bottom helps a lot; if counting in the second
factor, than only putting rarely accessed files at the bottom helps a
lot. Suppose you have one infrequently accessed file at the posterior,
and it's accessed, than the moment accessing it, access to every other
file slows down as the head have to travel back afterwards, that's why
the article suggest not to put any data at all to the posterior (even
infrequent ones), while I think not putting any data at the posterior
should have the same performance gain of putting only rarely accessed
file there.

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tools to improve harddisk performance by short-stroking?

2010-10-07 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Thanks to the national holiday (Beijing) I begin to read some article
marked for free-time reading a few years ago. One of them is short stroking.


The article is awfully long just to give a simple idea: by only using
the first 20% of hard disk space you get about 3 to 4 times of hard-disk
performance gain. The less you use your hard disk space, the more
performance gain you get, you can get as much as 5 times faster HDD by
using less than 10% of hard-disk.

The article says, the only disadvantage of this method is you don't use
the rest of the hard disk.

Finish reading the article it makes obvious to me that, if this
"technology" is really so powerful, it should have already been
implemented in OSes, like Linux, without necessarily abandoning the slow
part of hard-disk space but instead put rarely used data there.

Technically it cannot be too difficult to design file system tools in
the way that it tends to put rarely-accessed files to the end of the
partition that holds the file system. I am sure I have many files on my
computer with atime a few years ago (e.g. man page for hier; files I
moved to Trash a few years ago), they can be moved to the bottom of HDD
space with a performance gain.

Since the knowledge seems to be decades old (some references to this
idea are in 1990s under different names), if the article's
many-time-hdd-performance-gain is true, in the decade there should
already been harddisk performance speedup tool that moves rarely
accessed file to the bottom of file system once a week or so and get me
a 3 time boost of HDD performance.

Question is how to find such a tool? A google search for such tool end
up in vain, that seem to suggest the tool doesn't exist, which means the
article is probably wrong.

Note that I read about methods of partitioning harddisk to get
short-stroking advantage, that wouldn't be optimal, because human has to
decide what are frequently accessed files (put them to first partition)
and what are rarely accessed files (put them on later partitions), and a
tool can do this thing much better than human. Besides, human doing
partition optimization can only choose one of /var, /usr, /home, /tmp
and "swap" as "rarely accessed", the fact is none of them are rarely
accessed, while most of them contain rarely accessed files. That's a
very bad granularity compare to what specialized tool could do.

Thanks in advance for comments!

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Re: [OT] a radar-like tracking device

2010-10-01 Thread Zhang Weiwu
在 2010-09-30四的 18:20 +0100,Angus Hedger写道:
> 183M (ish) less without LoS
> http://www.babysecurity.co.uk/products/2077/Loc8tor-Plus-Homing-Tracker-Locator-%26-Personal-Panic-Alarm.html
>(UK link)

Thanks a lot, this device look like exactly what I need. Too bad the
very product, produced in China, are not sold in China. I had to try
look for similar devices.

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Re: [OT] a radar-like tracking device

2010-09-30 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年09月30日 23:34, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> # If it works outdoor it's enough. No need to use indoor.
> # If it can find the 'partner' in 150 meters it's good enough. 300 meter
> even better. Longer not needed.

In fact, consider the low requirement of the application, a simple
device like this will do:

   1. have a button on one device
   2. have a beep device on the other
   3. if I press the button it give a short beep so loud that I can hear
  in 150 meters

Then I will be able to use the nature radar: my hearing ability, to
locate the object. It's actually pretty precious, precious for my
scenario. With a single beep I have both angel information and distance
information. (To not to bother others too much, using a recorded dog
bark instead of a beep would be helpful.)

[OT] a radar-like tracking device

2010-09-30 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Being off-topic I don't know which place better to ask such question.

I want to have a radar-like device to track moving object. It should
offer me two piece of information: the angel and the distance of the
object from me. I want to have the similar thing as the radar of
"Conter-Strike" (in game it displays locations of all friendly team
members) or the "Motion Detector" as in Halo (in game it displays moving
objects near-by).

Given the technology available nowadays it's hard to believe such device
not existing for consumers, but not knowing the name of such device it's
hard for me to Google it out. Most google search lands in GPS tracking
devices that offer me a lot of features I don't need. I don't need to
see the object on a map, google map or anything, not need to know it's
latitude/longitude, and I don't need to see the location on PC, mobile
phone and color hand-held display with map on it. I particularly don't
need it to work in global scale of 510GigaSquareMeter (surface of the
earth), 300 meter coverage would do.

So if any one came across such a device can you give me a hint?

* It should come in pair, one stick/bind on the thing to be tracked,
  the other have a radar screen to find its partner. It is not even
  necessary have a radar screen, a wrist-watch-like or compass-like
  mechanical pointer thing would do.
* If it works outdoor it's enough. No need to use indoor.
* If it can find the 'partner' in 150 meters it's good enough. 300
  meter even better. Longer not needed.
* Both are movable, not fixed on the wall.
* The information it provides should be close to real-time, update
  once per 15 seconds would be enough.

Thanks in advance for suggestions and tolerance of off-topic posts.


I also went to local supermarkets, and the things they sell are all GPS
devices, usually around 100USD (not cheap in China). Yet the feature
list on such devices are everything I don't need. Even worse most of the
devices need me to do the math or use a map to calculate the angel
between me and the object being tracked, as they are designed heavily

Re: loose access control that works for dynamic IP address

2010-09-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年09月27日 18:25, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> It would help to know what software "runs the website". Are we talking
> about Apache2?

No. In fact I wanted to abstract the software running on there for a
reason: there is a http server (not apache2, but bozohttpd because I am
developing a modified version of it for special purpose), a nfsv4 mount
daemon, plus an ssh server. The last one doesn't have to be secured this
much for obvious reasons.

And VPN is not a good candidate because it cannot stand the crazy
network in Beijing where tcp connection drops after a while no matter
what. On the other hand, both http and nfs handle connection drop rather
easily (they simply re-connect).

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Re: loose access control that works for dynamic IP address

2010-09-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年09月27日 16:54, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> Would dyn-dns help?
ahhh, yes. This is exactly what I used. I know how to get dynamic dns
running, but need a way to control access to it.

Here I re-ask the question in plain language and an improvised example:

I have computer A that runs a website. I only want
myhost.dyn-dns.com to be able to access this website, others who
want to access the website should get denied. How do I configure
computer A?

Re: loose access control that works for dynamic IP address

2010-09-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年09月27日 16:19, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> The problem being the ip address of the FQDN is a dynamic one of the
> same host, changing once per three days.
In case I wasn't clear with the above explanation: with dynamic IP
address, dns reverse-lookup won't work.

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loose access control that works for dynamic IP address

2010-09-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu

I need rather loose security that the server daemon offer services on a
TCP port, allow/deny a client's tcp incoming connection based on a FQDN.
The problem being the ip address of the FQDN is a dynamic one of the
same host, changing once per three days.

I know both IP table and tcpd can manage allow/deny rule based on IP
addresses, but can they do so with a FQDN that maps to dynamic IP address?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I am totally aware of the security risk of authenticating a client
based on its FQDN, including being aware of attacks based on DNS
spoofing. If you usually insist on either solid security or no security,
please kindly ignore this post.

Zhang Weiwu

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2010-09-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On 2009年11月12日 07:53, green wrote:
> Zhang Weiwu wrote at 2009-11-10 20:36 -0600:
>> Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
>> masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
>> local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
>> remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:
>> On remote office server, in a screen session I run
>> $ ssh -R   local_server
>> On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.
>> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
>> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
>> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
>> remote server ssh -R, but should I?
> You might want to check out apf-server and apf-client packages.  I use these 
> to 
> provide access between masqueraded systems using an intermediary system.  
> Server runs on the intermediary and client on the system to be connected to.  
> System connected _from_ connects to client through a port on the server.
Thank you! Now that I tried it, te apf-client package proved very useful
in my case. I followed your advice almost a year later because I was too
busy with daily business and kept your email as "marked for personal
todo" for a year or so.

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Re: text formatting tool that can produce output like ls(1)?

2010-08-29 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月28日 12:08, T o n g wrote:
> You didn't provide a test case so here is mine: (followed by a case using 
> column)

Thank you very much indeed. I wasn't aware of "column" command. Thank
you for your test case as well!

Best regards
Zhang Weiwu

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text formatting tool that can produce output like ls(1)?

2010-08-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
The output of "ls" is pretty good because:

   1. It calculate column width from widest columns.
   2. It knows one Chinese ideograph is two letters wide.
   3. It aligns columns by flexible space character instead of tab

Is there a text formatting command that formats text like "ls" while
take user supplied input?

If a command "unknown" can do this:
$ ls | "unknown"
should have the same output as
$ ls

P.S. this is indeed a re-post of previous of my post "expand (1) not
useful enough. How about expandest?" but re-written with an example
command that more people would be familiar with, a.k.a. ls, hoping to
get more attention thus a result:)

Re: expand (1) not useful enough. How about expandest?

2010-08-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月26日 11:02, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> I always want a tool that:
> * Check the whole data file, for each column, find the widest cell.
> * expand the data file, use widest cell for each column.
> * it should know one ideograph counts two characters wide.
With awk it also can be done, in fact one line:

$ printf "ab\tcde\nf\tgh\n" > /tmp/test.tsv
$ awk -F $'\t' 'FILENAME != "-" { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {max[i] = (length($i) > 
max[i] ? length($i) : max[i]); }} FILENAME == "-" {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { 
printf("%-" max[i] "s ", $i);;} print "";}' /tmp/test.tsv - < /tmp/test.tsv 
ab cde 
f  gh  

But my awk one-liner have the fault that is the Chinese ideograph is
counted as one character, not as two character-wide. I don't know a way
to fix that yet.

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expand (1) not useful enough. How about expandest?

2010-08-25 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I often create spreadsheet in spreadsheet software (gnumeric,
oocalc) and save as Tab-separated value, convert to text format, send it
as plain text in email body. Because I hate to require the other person
to use spreadsheet software if I just want to present a simple table of
less than 5 columns to them.

This way you can imagine I use expand(1) a lot. To expand tab-separated
text table to plain-text-formatted-with-space.


   1. expand require me to know the column width
   2. and each column width must be the same

So this is what I do:

* The widest column I have is column 4.
* The widest cell in column 4 is row 3, it is 12 characters wide.
* expand -t 12

I always want a tool that:

* Check the whole data file, for each column, find the widest cell.
* expand the data file, use widest cell for each column.
* it should know one ideograph counts two characters wide.

question: is there such a tool? Or do I have to write it myself (using
awk)? If I wrote such a tool, I'll call it "expendest", because it
expends according to widest data cells in each column.


Zhang Weiwu

Re: match across line using grep

2010-08-19 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月07日 06:41, Bob McGowan wrote:
> My point is that changing only the LANG environment variable changed the
> way 'grep' dealt with the newline character.  

You are right this really look like a problem. Where should I file the
bug? The gnu projects management looks mysterious to me, unlike other
foss projects where there is a bug tracker open for every product. Or,
should I file it as a Debian bug?

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Re: match across line using grep

2010-08-05 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月04日 00:57, Bob McGowan wrote:
>  I would suspect
> the regex engine is still honoring '. (dot) does not match newline'
> convention but is OK with literals, if present.

It can be a bug in grep implementation.

If your theory holds true, the following should match, but it doesn't.
$ printf "a\nb" | grep -z 'a[^a]*b'

Because, if dot does not match newline, like in Java (verified in
Java-based JEdit editor), then dot is equal to


In that case a easy way to workaround it is to replace dot with


P.S. A interesting design might be: for an RE implementation where dot
does not match newline, the very RE implementation should allow [^] to
mean really "matches anything". But the java people didn't do so, they
introduced "DOTALL" mode, if you enter this mode, dot means anything,
otherwise it means [^\n]. This new mode only makes things more
complicated to my understanding.

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Re: match across line using grep

2010-08-05 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月04日 04:55, Bob McGowan wrote:
> In fact, the LC_ names all seem to be specific to things
> that would not necessarily impact the regex operation.
It is not totally true. The encoding part might. If it is UTF-8, in
theory, [:digit:] should match more than 0-9. It might, for example,
mache 一-十 (Chinese digits).

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Re: match across line using grep

2010-08-03 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年08月03日 17:53, Andre Majorel wrote:
>> > $ printf 'a\nb' | grep -zo a.*b
>> > 
>> > (The above should output something /if/ -z would make egrep
>> > not consider \n as string terminator. But it has produced no
>> > output)
> But grep -z does. This would seem to be an undocumented
> limitation of -o.

No it doesn't.

$ printf 'a\nb' | grep -z 'a.*b'

match across line using grep

2010-08-02 Thread Zhang Weiwu
I'm grepping a bunch of files each have a segment code that executes a SQL.
My problem is that the query spans across several lines and I can't
seem to make grep honor (?s) for that. Here's an example:

grep --E 'select.*from.*;' .

so that matches the following fine:

select * from mytable where id=1;

however, it does not match the following:

select * from mytable where id=1
and name='foo'";

I tried to use -z parameter for grep, which the manual says would make
grep not treating \n as line terminator. But it doesn't work neither. A
simple test shows I might have misunderstood the use of -z:

$ printf 'a\nb' | grep -zo a.*b

(The above should output something /if/ -z would make egrep not consider
\n as string terminator. But it has produced no output)

Re: change system behavior upon IP address conflict

2010-06-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年06月26日 23:16, Camaleón wrote:
> I am unaware of any specific configuration to prevent this, at least when 
> using no DHCP server and you manually define the IP address of the network
> devices.
Just for your information I heard a solution. IPwatchD is a userland
tool (in debian) that can configure a script to run when IP address
conflict detected. That should server the need. I need to try it later.

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change system behavior upon IP address conflict

2010-06-25 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. In case IP address conflict is detected, different system behave
differently. I recall in my campus days FreeBSD would ignore it as if IP
address conflict never happened, while Windows system would disable
eithernet interface for a while and try it later. Having used Debian for
a few years I wonder if this behavior is configurable in Debian? And the
reconfigurability is related to networkmanager (which doesn't exist in
my campus days) or not?



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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-29 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月28日 05:05, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Yes, and it's an interesting trick you thought of.
> But, wouldn't the CDCSS people all send mail from the same domain? This 
> way you can just filter on the domain part of the From: e-mail address, 
> or am I missing something?
But I am also in charge of the web projects of CDCSS and half of the
people I deal on their Web projects are also the people I deal with
their IT helpdesk needs. In fact, this is a usual situation if you run a
small company targeting small customers: you run several types
businesses with them, and every one from them work on several types of

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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-27 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月27日 12:32, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Email headers are the canonical solution for this type of problem.
> However, I can't discover any method by which one can add ad hoc
> headers to individual mails using Outlook, Thunderbird or Gmail.
The difficulty is not to add ad hoc header to my email software. It is
easy to understand the difficult to add ad hoc header to my users who
will send email to me.

As explained the tag in email address is to convey information from my
user to me. Since my user knows my email address, that is the only place
where the tag can be. I can ask my users to include tag in subject but
they will not always remember to follow this rule.

Imagine this:

Hi folks in CDCSS co ltd. I am Zhang Weiwu and will be responsible for
supporting your computer use. If you have a problem, please email me
(zhangweiwu at realss.com), but don't forget to add the word "CDCSS
helpdesk" in the email subject so that I can properly filter this.

And compare to this:

Hi folks in CDCSS co ltd. I am Zhang Weiwu and will be responsible for
supporting your computer use. If you have a problem, please email me
zhangweiwu+aid.cdcss at realss.com.

It is obvious which works in reality.

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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月27日 11:43, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> This is the exact opposite of what I stated.  How can you make the above
> statement, given my original post?

I feel this is an English problem. I said:
> For example, Stan Hoeppner thought the email address is designed to be 
> readable, duplicating the use of DisplayName.

The meaning of that saying is:

Stan Hoeppner thought the following:

Zhang Weiwu designed his email address to be readable, Zhang Weiwu
by doing so duplicated the use of Display name.

Stan Hoeppner then suggest:

Zhang Weiwu should make the email address simple, and use a
different display name than email address.

Off topic as it goes, please accept a simple apologize if you find me
got you wrong again and end it here:)

Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月25日 15:48, Camaleón wrote:
> Hard to tell as you are not providing many details :-)

Perhaps culture difference does play a role in this. Thanks to wide use
of cyrus-imapd and gmail among local technicians, I took it self-evident
that the plus symbol in an email address is a tag to trigger processing
rule, thus the following email address:

Zhang Weiwu the support engineer of Office IT services of ICD SS 

would trigger processing rule on the server to categorize the email to 
it_helpdesk request and to categorize it under customer company "icd_ss". When 
I leave the post, others can easily get all my previous communication context 
by looking at helpdesk support requests of icd_css. It also makes it easy for a 
colleague to search other colleagues' email in regarding to helpdesk, since, 
such emails do not have much privacy concern and are made available for all 
colleagues. Those emails who might have privacy concern is without plus and 

I am sorry for thinking +tag use in email address is self-evident, seems I 
triggered more off-topic discussions. All other replies in the thread assume I 
use plus symbol for some fancy reasons. For example, Stan Hoeppner thought the 
email address is designed to be readable, duplicating the use of DisplayName. 
Camaleón thought the long email address is used to convey information to my 
recipient instead of for the recipient to convey information to me, thus he 
suggested Organization MIME field.

One may argue we could simply use email address like
it_helpdesk.icd_...@realss.com, but the personnel's name also need to be
there for a different workflow related reason too long to address here.

I think I will just take  ...

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Re: (OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
On 2010年05月25日 15:48, Camaleón wrote:
> Hard to tell as you are not providing many details :-)

Perhaps culture difference does play a role in this. Thanks to wide use
of cyrus-imapd and gmail among local technicians, I took it self-evident
that the plus symbol in an email address is a tag to trigger processing
rule, thus the following email address:

Zhang Weiwu the support engineer of Office IT services of ICD SS 

would trigger processing rule on the server to categorize the email to 
it_helpdesk request and to categorize it under customer company "icd_ss". When 
I leave the post, others can easily get all my previous communication context 
by looking at helpdesk support requests of icd_css. It also makes it easy for a 
colleague to search other colleagues' email in regarding to helpdesk, since, 
such emails do not have much privacy concern and are made available for all 
colleagues. Those emails who might have privacy concern is without plus and 

I am sorry for thinking +tag use in email address is self-evident, seems I 
triggered more off-topic discussions. All other replies in the thread assume I 
use plus symbol for some fancy reasons. For example, Stan Hoeppner thought the 
email address is designed to be readable, duplicating the use of DisplayName. 
Camaleón thought the long email address is used to convey information to my 
recipient instead of for the recipient to convey information to me, thus he 
suggested Organization MIME field.

One may argue we could simply use email address like
it_helpdesk.icd_...@realss.com, but the personnel's name also need to be
there for a different workflow related reason too long to address here.

I think I will just take  ...

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(OT) suggestion on terse wording of "IT Helpdesk"

2010-05-24 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. In our company we use a email naming convention like this:

Zhang Weiwu on Holz Project 

Problem being when a special email address is needed for Office IT, it
become too long for many web forms and email clients:

Zhang Weiwu the support engineer of Office IT services of ICD SS 

So what would a *nix Guru make this shorter?

I ask here because Debian people, or especially those who find unix
style homy, likes terse names. Who else than unix folks that can make
such short name like "ls" and "etc"?

I thought of "zhangweiwu+ihd.icc...@realss.com", ihd for "IT help desk".
I would take that if none better. Chances are the email address will be
used for years, thus I think I should be so prudent that I ask on the list.


Best regards

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device node not created for usb DVD/CD drive

2010-03-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu
When device is plugged:

$ dmesg | tail -n 9
usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
usb 1-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: device found at 4
usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
scsi 2:0:0:0: CD-ROMPLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-716AL  1.02 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
scsi 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 5
usb-storage: device scan complete

check device node:
zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ ls /dev/sr*
ls: cannot access /dev/sr*: No such file or directory
zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ ls /dev/sg*

Trying to use /dev/sg0 instead of expected /dev/sr0 in "thoggen" (DVD
ripping software), I was told /dev/sg0 is not a block device.

The following doesn't help
# /etc/init.d/udev restart

I suspect some kernel module is missing, but being a amateur I don't
have a clue how to check which is missing.

The box is

$ cat /etc/debian_version

Kernel is compiled by other amateurs who shared it on the Internet as
deb package, as OEM shipped crippled kernel YET standard kernel in
debian package wouldn't work thanks for special hardware:

$ uname -a
Linux casablanca #1 PREEMPT Wed Mar 11 07:22:32 CST
2009 mips64 GNU/Linux

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Re: remove an HTML tag and all its children from commandline

2010-01-31 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Zhang Weiwu 写道:
> Sure. libwww and sgrep are tools, while xpath is a language. I believe I
> should try xpath because I might use use it in other places too, but
> what tool to use for xpath?
Now I think I can answer my own question, partly at least. There is a
good tool for xpath that is named xpath. In debian it is in this package:
$ apt-file search /usr/bin/xpath
libxml-xpath-perl: /usr/bin/xpath

An example of using the tool: print the "advertisement" is:

$ tidy -q -asxml -utf8 page_07_zh.html | xpath -e 

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Re: remove an HTML tag and all its children from commandline

2010-01-31 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Steve Kemp 写道:
>   You might enjoy my "html-tool" command which would do the
>  job for you via:
Thank you very much for mentioning this tool. A first glance it seems
this tool is just too wonderful, it is just designed to solve problems
like mine. However after I try it what I worry most happened:
> The
> thing I worry a bit about xpath is: if it normalize or correct HTML
> errors, or align it differently, in the output, after I have done the
> removal, it would be big a problem for me, because I am a link on the
> corporate workflow chain where others rely on poorly made tools and
> incorrect and turbulent HTML to do their daily work and I must not break
> them by improving the HTML, unless I do not want to keep current
> peaceful and lazy life and save time for more valuable sane projects.
Unfortunately it does. The output HTML no longer work with the stupid
drag-and-drop-html-edit-for-idiot my "web design guy" is using. I am in
position of delivering a signed contract, not in evaluating if a
contract can be done, this situation means I cannot take html-tool as an
option. But I will well keep it in mind to use when feasible!

As time is tight I guess I just use the most turbulent solution: adding
the following to all HTML pages:

.advertisement {
display: none;

It is a silly solution that punishes web visitor for web designer's
fault. But on the other hand, I think the web designer who made the junk
HTML really should not enjoy too much help from me. Maybe I just let it
go this way.

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Re: remove an HTML tag and all its children from commandline

2010-01-31 Thread Zhang Weiwu
T o n g 写道:
> For not-so-simple tasks, you need not-so-simple tools. Depending on how 
> much time you'd like to investigate into such not-so-simple tools, take a 
> look at lib?, sgrep or the xpath language. 
Sure. libwww and sgrep are tools, while xpath is a language. I believe I
should try xpath because I might use use it in other places too, but
what tool to use for xpath? Is there a handy commandline too for it? The
thing I worry a bit about xpath is: if it normalize or correct HTML
errors, or align it differently, in the output, after I have done the
removal, it would be big a problem for me, because I am a link on the
corporate workflow chain where others rely on poorly made tools and
incorrect and turbulent HTML to do their daily work and I must not break
them by improving the HTML, unless I do not want to keep current
peaceful and lazy life and save time for more valuable sane projects.

I am pretty sure sgrep can solve my problem after glanced the manual,

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remove an HTML tag and all its children from commandline

2010-01-30 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I believe this is a common case and must have been discussed
before on various other forums like awk/sed/regular expression group.
However I could not google them out. You would be helping me a lot if
you simply point to a reference to a solution.

I want to remove all advertisements in my 100 html files. They are
pretty neatly classed, like the following:


However I could not simply do this:

Because it is too greedy, that matches the "" till the last, which
is almost always after the advertisement.

If I set it to not to be greedy, it also fail because it stops at the
first  inside the advertisement.

Consider this case that both greedy and non-greedy fail:

Our product is the best
Contact us now!

Greedy output:

Non-greedy output:

Contact us now!

Expected output:

The only way to make it right seems to be able to give the replacement /
remove expression the ability to "count" the number of 
it encounters. I could program such thing in C thanks to my college
education, but it sounds overkill for such a common task. What would you
do in this case?

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Re: de-stunnel possible?

2009-12-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
在 2009-12-26六的 19:14 -0500,Celejar写道:

> IIUC, stunnel can indeed do what you want:

Thank you very much. You are right. I underestimate the tool and didn't
go detail enough on it. Thanks a lot!

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post script file display differently in /every/ viewer

2009-12-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Postscript is always a pain, you can hardly expect it behave the same
way. However I had more luck with PDFs. Usually PDF opens the same in
all viewers.

Here is an example postscript file I fought with it for half a day. It
displays differently in every viewer, and print wrongly from every
viewer (including directly print using lp(1) of cups, which generates
worst print).

Here is how it expected to look like, look at the right side small


The screenshots of different viewer viewing it (file name is the viewers
command line executable name)


And the original postscript file:


In most of the time when I have trouble with postscript, the trouble is
incorrect side (upside down, rotated etc) and incorrect bounding box /
page orientation (landscape especially), both among the ps I generated
or received. However I hardly remember any time I receive a PDF and it
opens with such problems, in both xpdf and evince.

What should I do to get a right "proff sheet style" output? The effort I
spent on solving this doesn't worth, making it seems most efficient way
is to layout pictures /manually/ in software like inkscape or OpenOffice
Draw and print from there.


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Re: Help Please !

2009-12-26 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Kwaku Obeng 写道:
>  I therefore wish to make an appeal to any of you who can send me a
> copy of the Debian 5.0 DVD Pack.
I can imagine somewhere went wrong during the burning process. However
instead of fighting the burning problem it may be easier to skip the
problem by just starting with a well-made CD. So I took it as a
reasonable request.

However Africa is too far away from me. Do you know if you have a Linux
user group locally? Just try google "Linux user group" together with the
name of the city you live in. They might have plenty Debian CD in stock.
Here in Beijing Linux user group distribute a lot of CDs to other people
if you just ask them. They don't have it in stock, they just burn it on
the sight, but most burns in the right way:)

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de-stunnel possible?

2009-12-25 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I have a case when the client software only speaks non-SSL
protocol and wants to access a server that only offer SSL protocol.
Image a case when a sensitive server admin only offer IMAPS access to
the emails where the email software can only talk plain IMAP, a frequent
case in mobile phone IMAP clients. That case is close to my current case.

I imagine a daemon listening on imap port (e.g. of localhost) and upon
hearing a connection, connects to specific IMAPS server, and forward
traffic between both. That kind of daemon should solve my problem.

However googling the Internet I only found stunnel, the software that
does the opposite, listening on imaps port (e.g. of the server) and upon
hearing a connection, connects to specific IMAP server (usually of
localhost) and forward the traffic between.

Is there a tool does de-stunnel thing? Thanks in advance.


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compiled tsocks not working, how to debug

2009-12-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu

Hello. I've installed tsocks from package repository and is working
fine. Except I had to resolve domain name on the remote end, which is
not satisfied.

Reading tsocks man page I realized I had to compile tsocks on my own
with configuration options --enable-socksdns and --disable-hostnames in
order to make tsocks resolve domain name remotely, so I did it, after
removed tsocks package. However then I keep getting time out error:

$ tsocks wget http://www.g.cn
--2009-12-13 23:43:08--  http://www.g.cn/
Resolving www.g.cn...,
Connecting to www.g.cn||:80...23:46:18 libtsocks(7687): Error 
110 attempting to connect to SOCKS server (Connection timed out)
failed: Connection timed out.
Connecting to www.g.cn||:80... ^[Oc23:49:27 libtsocks(7687): Error 
110 attempting to connect to SOCKS server (Connection timed out)
failed: Connection timed out.

--2009-12-13 23:49:28--  (try: 2)  http://www.g.cn/
Connecting to www.g.cn||:80... 23:52:37 libtsocks(7687): Error 
110 attempting to connect to SOCKS server (Connection timed out)
failed: Connection timed out.
Connecting to www.g.cn||:80... 

netstat -t shows this:
$ netstat -t | grep socks
tcp0  1 localhost:42899 localhost:socks

Naturally I doubt the socks server is broken (it is actually "ssh -D
1080 ..."), but it works fine with Firefox configured to use socks
proxy, it also worked fine with Debian-packaged tsocks. And, if the
configuration is in effect, being able to resolve domain showed
connection to socks server is OK.

I am not experienced in networking stuff, so I wonder what would you do
from here. Overhearing socks traffic? Or report a bug?

I should have discussed this on tsocks forum but having noticed there
are about 2 posts per year and some questions gets unanswered (e.g. "is
the development stopped?") for years, I think I might try luck at
OS-distribution's list.

Thanks in advance.

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font available in fc-list but not in xlsfonts

2009-12-09 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I recently installed Droid font from Google Android project. The
font is then usable in most recent applications except traditional x11
applications. I then found fc-list can list this font but it does not
appear in the output of xlsfonts.

I first tried to install ttf-droid_1.00~b112+dfsg-0ubuntu1_all.deb and
then tried the manual way: to unpackage the font to
/usr/share/truetype/droid and add this path to FontPath in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf. In both way I got the same result.

zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ xlsfonts |grep -Ei 'droid.?s'
zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ fc-list |grep -Ei 'droid.?s'
Droid Sans:style=Regular
Droid Serif:style=Bold
Droid Sans Fallback:style=Regular
Droid Sans:style=Bold
Droid Sans Mono:style=Regular
Droid Serif:style=Italic
Droid Serif:style=Bold Italic
Droid Serif:style=Regular

What could be the cause and what should I check next? Thanks.

By comparison Dejavu fonts works fine:

zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ fc-list |grep -Ei 'dejavu.?s' | head
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed:style=Condensed,Book
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed:style=Condensed Bold Italic,Bold Italic
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed:style=Condensed Bold,Bold
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed Oblique,Oblique
DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique
DejaVu Serif:style=Bold Italic
DejaVu Sans:style=Bold Oblique
DejaVu Sans:style=Oblique
DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Oblique
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed Bold Oblique,Bold Oblique
zhangwe...@casablanca:~$ xlsfonts |grep -Ei 'dejavu.?s' | head
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso10646-1
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-1
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-15
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-2
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-7
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-iso8859-9
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-c-0-koi8-r
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso10646-1
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-bold-o-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-15

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-10 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Alex Samad wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:36:20AM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
>> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
>> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
>> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
>> remote server ssh -R, but should I?
> have you thought about openvpn and iptables?
I am a clueless guy in regarding to both. Would be better if you are
more specific which feature of the two software are useful, then I can
be more specific when RTFM. Knowing it is possible with certain
technology makes better use of time as I have too much pressure at the
time to deal with all problems that try to make best use of learning
time.. Sorry...

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what exactly is resident set size in /etc/security/limit.conf and ulimit -m?

2009-11-10 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Having read the manual and examples on the Internet, still confused.

Some suggest it is the limit of a session (as

* Was it the size limit of a single process?
* Was it the size limit of a single session?
* If it is for a session, what counts a session? Is a single login
  to gnome-session a session? Is every terminal window I open in
  xterm a session? Is it a login session or a shell session? or a
  screen session? So if I set rss to 1GB, does it mean I can use 2GB
  if I run two 1GB-sized program each in a separate xterm window?

I believe those who knows how kernel works has the right assumption of
what 'session' is, but that is not obvious to users who use command line
mostly on user-space. Please hint! Thanks.

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port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-10 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:

On remote office server, in a screen session I run
$ ssh -R   local_server

On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.

The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
remote server ssh -R, but should I?

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run ssh as service for port forwarding

2009-06-14 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. We have a great firewall that scans keywords on tcp connections'
raw data, thus I could not use my http proxy server outside of the
firewall because both direct connection to the web server and in-direct
connect to the http proxy are scanned by the firewall.

My trick is to run 'ssh -L' and configure browser to use http proxy
server that runs on localhost, which forwards to the real http proxy
server. However runs ssh -L several times a day is against basic
principle of using computer: let computer does the repeating task.
autossh helps but it also occupies a console session which I don't like.

I thought about wrapping the proxy server with stunnel, but then I could
not configure Firefox to connect to http proxy using https protocol.
Then I think running autossh -L as a system service (not possible
because it doesn't detach from console).

What would you recommend then? (TOR is already being used but hardly
acceptable for very low bandwidth it offers)

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