Targeted Global B2B Companies emails list

2018-07-17 Thread rose . bryan


I just wanted to check if you would be interested in a list of Managed  
Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)?

We also have the data intelligence of:

•Managed Service Providers (MSP’s) – 25,000 unique companies
•Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP’s) – 7,520 unique  

•IT Decision Makers – 6million across all industry
•Business Decision Makers – 10 million across all industry
•Value Added Resellers- VARs
•Independent Software Vendors- ISVs
•System Integrators- SIs
•VoIP Service Providers.
•Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs)
•Application Service Providers (ASPs)
•IT Managed Services Providers (ITMSP)
•Storage Service Providers (SSPs)

Kindly review and let me know if I can share more information on this.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Marketing Specialist

Targeted Global B2B Companies emails list

2018-07-17 Thread rose . bryan


I just wanted to check if you would be interested in a list of Managed  
Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)?

We also have the data intelligence of:

•Managed Service Providers (MSP’s) – 25,000 unique companies
•Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP’s) – 7,520 unique  

•IT Decision Makers – 6million across all industry
•Business Decision Makers – 10 million across all industry
•Value Added Resellers- VARs
•Independent Software Vendors- ISVs
•System Integrators- SIs
•VoIP Service Providers.
•Telecommunications Service Providers (TSPs)
•Application Service Providers (ASPs)
•IT Managed Services Providers (ITMSP)
•Storage Service Providers (SSPs)

Kindly review and let me know if I can share more information on this.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Marketing Specialist

Where to report bug? Headphones must be plugged in then out after boots for built-in speakers to have sound.

2015-02-21 Thread Bryan Ritter,

I tried report-bug, but it said if I don't know the name of the package to email
this email address for assistance, if I don't know the name of package with 
this bug

Headphones* must be plugged in after boot-up before any sound is produced from
built-in speakers on notebook.

I have a Dell Latitude D830 notebook, using Debian 8, and KDE for desktop
When I boot up I don't get any sound from the laptops speakers until I plug in
and out my headphones.
I've tried playing with the volume/mute settings before the plugging in of
headphone, but changing the volume, mute/unmute doesn't have any effects until
the headphones get plugged in. Then it works normally.

If it boots up without any headphones* plugged in sound should play from the
laptop's built in speakers unless headphones are plugged in.

Thanks in advance for any assistance in reporting this bug,

*I suppose technically it could be anything plugged into that jack, just calling
it headphones here

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Nullmailer and Linux Resource Containers

2013-10-17 Thread Bryan K. Walton
Good Morning,

I've got a Wheezy box running LXC.  There are three containers running
on the host.  I discovered an issue the other day with Nullmailer.  I
had Nullmailer successfully installed and running on the host for a
few weeks.  Then, last week I installed Nullmailer inside one of the
containers and that also seemed to work fine.  However, yesterday
morning, I restarted Nullmailer on the LXC host and it failed to
start.  After a little bit of troubleshooting, I discovered that it
was failing to start because it thought Nullmailer was already
running.  But in fact, it was only running on one of the guests.  And
sure enough, once I stopped Nullmailer on the guest, I was able to
successfully start it up on the host.

So, my question is this: is this an issue with LXC?  Or with
Nullmailer?  Is this a limitation of Linux Resource Containers or
should I be able to do run daemons on both the host/guest at the same

Bryan Walton

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Re: Nullmailer and Linux Resource Containers

2013-10-17 Thread Bryan K. Walton
On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 8:01 AM, Florian Ernst wrote:

 nullmailer: PID check fails on lxc host (and probably openvz and other VM)

 Yes, this is annoying, and should be fixed in nullmailer's initscript.

Thanks Flo!  I should checked the nullmailer bug reports, first.  That
indeed helps!


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Re: wlan0

2013-01-14 Thread Bryan Magalhães
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
  unsubscribe. Trouble?
  Cuando la guática pide comídica
  Pone al cristiánico firme y guerrérico
  Por sus poróticos y sus cebóllicas,
  No hay regimiéntico que los deténguica
  Si tienen hámbrica los populáricos.
  Gunther Furtado
  Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble?
 Gunther Furtado

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Bryan Magalhães Silva

Re: Iptables: pinga ip externo mas não resolve nomes

2012-10-22 Thread Bryan Magalhães
Pingando um nome a partir do seu servidor ele responde?
Como está configurado o seu resolv.conf?
Voce tem um servidor DHCP na rede? Se sim, configurou para atribuição de


Em 22 de outubro de 2012 15:53, Marcos Carraro

 porta 53 é dns assim tu verifica se ta ou não conseguindo conectar em
 algum servidor DNS externo.

 Se conectar tem que resolver nome, se não conectar não consegue resolver

 Marcos Carraro

 Em 22 de outubro de 2012 13:41, Instruisto Jose

 Bom Dia Marcos,

 Obrigado pela dica, mas confesso que não entendi.

 Me desculpe ma sou novato em redes e principalmente iptables.

 O que você está sugerindo?

 O comando telnet 53 serviria para tentar uma conexão telnet com o
 DNS da Google pela porta 53?

 E o que você está querendo dizer com:  dns 

 --- Em *dom, 21/10/12, Marcos Carraro*escreveu:

 De: Marcos Carraro
 Assunto: Re: Iptables: pinga ip externo mas não resolve nomes
 Para: Instruisto Jose
 Data: Domingo, 21 de Outubro de 2012, 15:00

 telnet 53


 Marcos Carraro

 Em 21 de outubro de 2012 14:56, Instruisto Jose

  Bom Dia Amigos,

 Estou tentando habilitar o compartilhamento à Internet com iptables em
 uma rede pequena (6 máquinas) mas estou tendo problemas.

 O servidor conecta na Internet pelo modem USB (ppp0) e estou rodando o
 seguinte script de firewall:



 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

 iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -m state --state ! ESTABLISHED,RELATED 
 -j LOG \
 --log-prefix FIREWALL: tent. conexao ext.

 iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -m state --state ! ESTABLISHED,RELATED 
 -j DROP

 iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT

 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE


 iptables -F
 iptables -t nat -F
 echo Regras de firewall e compartilhamento desativados


 case $1 in
 start) iniciar ;;
 stop) parar ;;
 restart) parar; iniciar ;;
 *) echo Use os parâmetros start ou stop

 O cliente pinga o ip do servidor e até ip
  externo ( etc)

 mas não resolve nomes.



 ping: unknow host

 Alguém poderia me dar algumas dicas?

 Será que é alguma regra do firewall que estã atrapalhando?



Bryan Magalhães Silva

Re: [off-topic] Vagas de Programador FGV - PJ - Repassar por favor

2012-09-11 Thread Bryan Magalhães
O Helio o contato é com o Geisomar?


Em 11 de setembro de 2012 16:34, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:

 Aproveitando a deixa, procuro oportunidade como Analista de suporte,
 Analista de redes ou Administrador de redes.
 Caso alguém souber ou me indicar, eu fico muito agradecido.

 On Tue, 2012-09-11 at 16:27 -0300, Helio Loureiro wrote:


 -- Mensagem encaminhada --
 De: Geisomar Pinto
 Data: 11 de setembro de 2012 15:41
 Assunto: Vagas de Programador FGV - PJ - Repassar por favor


 A FGV esta precisando contratar três pessoas como PJ (um programador
 júnior, um pleno e um sênior).

 Para as vagas os valores (PJ) são R$ 4.500,00, R$ 7.000,00 e R$
 11.000,00 (respectivamente).

 Entrar em contato com:




 Conhecimentos em Javascript/jQuery;

 Conhecimentos em PHP

 Bancos de dados MySQL e SQL Server.

 Experiência em Zend Framework, Linux e sistemas de controle de versão
 são diferenciais.




 Conhecimentos intermediários em Javascript/jQuery;

 Conhecimentos intermediários em PHP com Zend Framework;

 Bancos de dados MySQL e SQL Server;

 Conhecimentos em servidores WEB;

 Conhecimentos em Linux e sistemas de controle de versão.

 Conhecimento em ferramentas de LMS será considerado um diferencial.




 Conhecimentos avançados em Javascript/jQuery;

 Conhecimentos avançados em PHP com Zend Framework;

 Bancos de dados MySQL e SQL Server;

 Conhecimentos em servidores WEB;

 Experiência em integrações de sistemas;

 Conhecimentos em Linux e sistemas de controle de versão.

  Conhecimento em ferramentas de LMS será considerado um diferencial.

 Adiel de Lima

Bryan Magalhães Silva

Re: Ferramentas para controle de banda e analise de gráfico

2012-04-11 Thread Bryan Magalhães
Opa, utilizo aqui o HTB ele possui também uma versão com painel de
configuração web WebHTB, funciona e atende as minhas necessidades aqui,
consigo de forma rápida e objetiva saber quem está sugando minha banda em
tempo real. Talvez conciliado ao Squid-Graph por exemplo (não sei se usa
squid ai), resolva seu problema!

Bryan Magalhães Silva

Re: Particionamento HD

2012-03-14 Thread Bryan Magalhães
Também tive este mesmo problema e só consegui que funcionasse corretamente
utilizando o particionamento guiado ou criando apenas 1 particao  swap e 1
/ , fora isto todas as outras tentativas deram o mesmo problema que voce
disse. Nao sei voce mas eu utilizei a versao 6.0.3-i386-netinstall,
cheguei ate a pensar que a iso que tinha estava danificada pq depois de
instalado com particionamento manual nem a maquina dava health...


Em 14 de março de 2012 00:44, Rodolfo escreveu:

 Seu HD é slave ou master ? o Grub pergunta se você quer instalar ele na
 MBR, você pode optar por isso, aparece (HD0,0) e ele sobreescreve qualquer
 tipo de inicializador, seja do windows ou outro SO, se não estiver
 aparecendo isso deve ter alguma coisa errada, pode ser os jumpers,
 verifique com calma a configuração da sua BIOS, depois que tiver certo,
 parta para a configuração da MBR.

 Em 13 de março de 2012 15:30, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

 Não.. ele não faz esta pergunta..
 Só é me perguntado qual tabela de partição eu quero usar e sempre escolho
 a msdos.

 Fábio de Sousa

  °v°   Seja Livre...
 /(  )\  Use Linux...
  ^ ^

 Em 13 de março de 2012 16:28, Cleriston Martinelo 

 Fábio boa tarde.

 Eu não lembro de cabeça, mas quando você usa particionamento
 manual, ele não pergunta sobre a instalação do gerenciador de boot na mbr?
 Será que não isso?

 2012/3/13 Fábio de Sousa

 Eu sempre coloco a primeira como bootável.

 *Fábio de Sousa*

  °v°   Seja Livre...
 /(  )\  Use Linux...
  ^ ^

 Em 13 de março de 2012 15:44, Mauricio Neto escreveu:

 Voce não estaria esquecendo de definir como partição bootavel ?

 Em 13/3/2012 15:26, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

 Uma ótima tarde a todos,

 Tenho uma dúvida aqui, talvez alguém consiga saná-la.
 É o seguinte: instalo o debian aqui em pelos menos duas máquinas por
 semana, sempre em modo texto, sempre a instalação mínima.
 Em algumas máquinas, qdo uso o particionamento manual, a bios(pelo
 menos eu acho) não consegue reconhecer a partição do boot, e assim fica
 pedindo para inserir um disco bootável. Eu acho que faço certo, sempre 
 uma partição primária de 200mb para /boot , e as outras são lógicas, uma
 para /home, /swap e /.
 Em todas as máquinas que tenho este problema, tenho que reinstalar o
 sistema e usar a opção particionamento assistido(guiado) do instalador do
 debian, ai a o sistema sobe sem problemas...
 Alguém poderia me dizer o que faço de errado? Ou o que o
 particionamento assistido faz que eu não faço no particionamento manual?

 **Fábio de Sousa*

  °v°   Seja Livre...
 /(  )\  Use Linux...
  ^ ^

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Bryan Magalhães Silva

Re: mascarar porta no navegador

2012-02-02 Thread Bryan Magalhães
Um Rewrite nao resolveria seu seu problema?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/analytics/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Nao sei se é exatamente o que precisa mas teoricamente atende a sua necessidade.
Caso necessite de alguma condição para fazer o rewrite de uma olhada..


Bryan Magalhães Silva

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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-26 Thread Bryan Irvine
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Brian Ryans wrote:
 Quoting The_Ace on 2011-09-14 03:08:
 drop database Live_database;

 Restored the previous day's backup and blamed it on a bad power supply :P

 You coulda blamed it on any of the outputs of fortune bofh-excuses and
 most users would likely not know.

 My worst administration mistake? Forgetting to check asset numbers
 before sanitizing a machine -- I'd sanitized an actively used
 diagnostics computer instead of the identical-looking machine sitting
 right next to it. Though that machine was the cleanest in the shop
 afterwards. dban, dish soap, compressed air and water.

Similar story:
We once unracked and decommissioned a server because someone had
accidentally switched the face-plates.  We now label faceplate, some
point under the faceplate, and the back side as well.

What we actually unracked was a VM host.  Luckily all the guests
vmotioned elsewhere,  It was still a mess though.

I wasn't involved in that one.  :-)

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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-14 Thread Bryan Irvine
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 7:02 AM, Aaron Toponce wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 03:15:13PM -0700, Bryan Irvine wrote:
 Which brings me to another fun question.  What's your worst
 administration mistake and how did you recover?

 My worst administration mistake was rebooting a rack in our production data
 center. I thought I had typed a specific IP address to get to a specific
 rack, but fat-fingered one of the numbers in the IP, and it send me to our
 production rack.

 My job was to setup the hard drives with software RAID, and put LVM on
 them. THere were plenty of opportunities the system was giving me that
 should have warned me that I was on the wrong rack, but I continued anyway.

 Getting frustrated that I was seeing more devices than expected, I issued a
 reboot on most of the servers in that rack. Because those servers were part
 of a clustered filesystem, and running many virtual machines, a lot of our
 infrastructure went down, and we were down for about 3 hours.

 Needless to say, it was a valuable lesson, one I'll never forget. In fact,
 it prompted me to use LocalCommand in my ~/.ssh/config, and echo colored
 prompts, depending on whether or not I'm on a production (blinking bold red),
 staging (bold yellow) ordevelopment (bold green) server.

Now THAT is genius!  I'm going to have to do that. :-)

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Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-13 Thread Bryan Irvine
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
 jacques wrote:
 by error most of the binaries in /usr are erased (killing rm :-(

 Everyone has made that mistake at some point.  I know I have!

Not me!  Though I did chmod -R /usr once.  I noticed it immediately
and cancelled.  Most of the commands were broken, though luckily tar
and scp still worked, so I copied over a backup and untarred it.  This
anecdote is brought up whenever anyone suggests skipping /usr /bin in
backups is a good idea because the data doesn't change and would be
recovered by OS reinstall anyway (yes I've heard that argument).

Which brings me to another fun question.  What's your worst
administration mistake and how did you recover?


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Install redis-server on Lenny

2010-12-14 Thread Daniel Bryan

I'm running Debian Lenny on a server. I want to install the 'redis-server'
package, but I can't find it when I search with aptitude, and I can't
install it with apt-get. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Here is my

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.0 _Lenny_ - Official amd64 NETINST
Binary-1 20090214-15:57]/ lenny main

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.0 _Lenny_ - Official amd64 NETINST Binary-1
20090214-15:57]/ lenny main

deb lenny main contrib non-free
#deb lenny main
deb-src lenny main contrib non-free
#deb-src lenny main

deb lenny/updates main
deb-src lenny/updates main

deb lenny/volatile main
deb-src lenny/volatile main

#mongodb repository
deb 5.0 10



slapcat - unclean shutdown detected; attempting recovery.

2010-09-27 Thread Walton, Bryan K
Hi everybody,

So, I've got an openldap server which was upgraded last week from Lenny
to Squeeze.  It has a Berkeley Database backend.  Since the upgrade,
when I run slapcat -l dump.ldif on slapd to dump the directory to an
LDIF file, it get the following error:

bdb_db_open: database dc=i-clic,dc=uihc,dc=uiowa,dc=edu: unclean
shutdown detected; attempting recovery.
bdb_db_open: database dc=i-clic,dc=uihc,dc=uiowa,dc=edu: recovery
skipped in read-only mode. Run manual recovery if errors are

I get this error every time.  I also get this error when I run slaptest.

After doing some research online, I have installed db4.8-util and have

db4.8-checkpoint -1

These commands seem to run fine.  I have verified that my slapd instance
is using 4.8 (4.8.30).  However, I can immediately run the slapcat or
slaptest and the same error repeats itself.

BTW, the version of slapd is 2.4.23-6.

Any suggestions for getting rid of this error?

Bryan Walton

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Re: Adding Firmware to Custom Kernel

2009-04-15 Thread Walton, Bryan K
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:23:57AM +0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
  I'm guessing that when I created my initrd image (using mkinitramfs)
  that something didn't go right.  Or am I missing some step?
 I think so, decompress your initrd image and check it.
 There is a bug [2] that could give a hint (note this is in sid
 version, so perhaps is not related)

Thanks for your help.  Everything looked OK with the initrd image.  So,
I gave up on kernel and tried  This new kernel
works fine.  

Thanks again,


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Adding Firmware to Custom Kernel

2009-04-13 Thread Walton, Bryan K
Hi everybody,

I've got a new Dell Poweredge server that needs two pieces of firmware
for it to work successfully.  The first is the firmware for the Qlogic
Fiber Channel card.  The second is firmware for a Broadcom ethernet

This box is running Debian Lenny.  When I did the install of the
operating system, the Debian installer informed me that it needed
firmware for these two drivers and it prompted me to place the firmware
on to a USB stick.  I did so, and the installation proceeded without any

Then, I built a custom kernel using the stock kernel source
from  I didn't use the kernel-package, but rather a
standard, make bzImage, make modules, make modules_install, mkinitramfs
. . . as I've done for years.

However, when I attempted to reboot into the custom kernel,
Debian informed me that it couldn't locate the qlogic firmware.
However, I have installed the following debian packages:


and I see the firmware in /lib/firmware.  The message I receive upon
boot is:

Firmware image not available.
firmware images can be retrieve from
Attempting to load (potentially outdated) firmware from flash

I'm guessing that when I created my initrd image (using mkinitramfs)
that something didn't go right.  Or am I missing some step?

Can anybody help me out?

Bryan Walton

Bryan K. Walton  Division of Physiologic Imaging
Systems Administrator   University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

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Re: opposite of wget?

2009-04-08 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:43 PM, cesarino vinh wrote:
 With wget, I can download websites.

 But what can I use for giving data to a html form (eg.: giving the form some
 data on a webpage, then click ok/or send - but from command line :D )?

You want wget's --post-data option. If you want to simulate the
clicking of a button, check out perl's WWW::Mechanize or HTMLunit.

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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Re: Top posting vs Bottom posting

2009-03-11 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Steven Demetrius wrote:
 For all you posters discussing Top posting vs Bottom posting and taking
 other threads off topic here is a thread for you.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 7:17 PM, Stephen D. Barnes wrote:
 Alan B. Pearce wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:56 AM, Tamas Rudnai wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:59 AM, M. Adam Davis wrote:
 No             Vitaliy wrote:
 lAoNvDe W H A T A B O U T M I XE DWoPuOtSeTrE RvSa?n Ooijen wrote:
 for               Top and bottom posters: unite, and rally
 side             to battle against the non-trimmers!
 :,-(              Our cause is just, we shall prevail!


 ¡dn sɯoʇʇoq

 ˙(ʇıuɐɔ) ƃuıɯɯıɹʇ ǝʇɐnbǝpɐuı ʎllɐuıɯou ʇsuıɐƃɐ uoıʇılɐoɔ ǝɥʇ ʇɹoddns
 sɹǝʇsod dn ɯoʇʇoq ǝɥʇ 'ǝɹɐ ǝʍ sɐ pǝʇuǝsǝɹdǝɹɹǝpun sɐ

 (CANIT - Coalition Against Nominally Inadequate Trimming)

 Will you please stop posting from Down Under  ;

 f   h
  r   a
  o   t
     o   b
      v   o
       e   u
        r   t


Maybe it's time I start having a standard link to a standard argument
about top vs. bottom vs. side vs. diagonal vs. mixed posting.

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

Re: tesseract: ocr that works

2008-12-27 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 5:59 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 2008/12/21 Hugo Vanwoerkom
 [3] don't scan at less than 300 dpi

 And don't scan above 600 DPI!

 I forget which OCR I played with a few years ago, but 300 and 600 DPI
 yielded satisfactory results. 1200 DPI made things _worse_ not better,
 possibly because of noise. This was on Fedora, so maybe it was in fact

Back when I first got access to the university scientific publication
network, I started to get hungry for an OCR tool to do bibliographies
and references, here's the result with tesseract:

I should have recorded the specific commands, citation, and so on, so
this now squarely falls under 'anecdotal' instead of being useful to
anybody. Sorry. But clearly that's pretty terrible.

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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Re: To-do-list Application

2008-12-18 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 9:44 AM, Zaki Akhmad wrote
 I am looking for such a post it application. So that I can write my
 to-do-list and view it on my Desktop. Any suggestion?

This isn't what you're looking for, but here's my list of outliners
and todo apps:

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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Re: Confusion about legality of Linux

2008-12-10 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Tom Ashley wrote:

As a student resident in Austin, and debian fanatic, I'm disappointed.
Should I show up for some physical backup support at the school, or
send some free CDs over to AISD headquarters?

All joking aside, this does strike me as peculiar. Not because it's
yet another uninformed individual, but because it's a teacher, who
would supposedly support the values of education, free software, gift
economies, etc. But this isn't common to all teachers, I know, they
all have their odd reasons for being where they are. And some might
just end up in the job without knowing why.

I wonder if I should bring this up at the Austin Linux User Group or
Central Texas Linux Group.

Not much to do but shake our heads.

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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ABA's Brain Explorer

2008-07-11 Thread Bryan Bishop
Hey all,

I am trying to get Brain Explorer to work under debian etch kernel 
2.6.18-5-686 plus wine 1.0 taken from the 
repos within the last 24 hours. Brain Explorer is Windows/Mac-only and 
is provided freely here:
^ it's a 21 MB download for the installer. The installer works 

There's been reports on suggesting it works:

Brain Explorer works under wine versions 0.9.29, 0.9.34, and 0.9.47 
according to appdb. Under 1.0 there seems to be an odd bug that I can't 
isolate or verbalize for that matter, so here's a screenshot:

So, Brain Builder works, and really only in wine virtual desktop mode 
(set at 800x600 in the screenshot), but when it does work here, the 
viewport for the brain is clearly to the left and completely outside of 
the virtual desktop window that wine is running on. When I move the 
window left/right, the viewport to the left of the window 'follows' 
(not completely smoothly). Moving the window within the wine virtual 
desktop window, the Brain Explorer window itself, does not change the 
position of the erroneously blitten viewport. Clicking within the Brain 
Explorer window on the buttons in the viewport still works. Clicking on 
the buttons as they are displayed on the erroneously blitten viewport 
just clicks to the apps underneath on the other layers accessible via 
the typical ALT+TAB setup. There's all sorts of graphical issues with 
dragging the window around, even when not in wine virtual desktop mode 
the ABA Brain Explorer window has issues keeping 'clean' and free of 
parts of the bitmaps of the other windows. When not in virtual desktop 
mode, the 'viewport' is no where on either of my two screens. Maybe the 
two screens are influencing things? Here's how I am configuring them:

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1440x900 --output VGA-0 --mode 
1024x768 --right-of LVDS

I doubt that's the issue. How can I go about tracking down the bug or 
fix to that is causing the viewport error? I looked into running 
winedbg, which seems to be a step-based approach to debugging but 
couldn't see how to make it work in this context.  I asked around in 
#winehq and #debian on freenode but didn't get an eyebrow, so my next 
stop (I'm guessing) should be the wine's bugzilla setup.

Thank you,
- Bryan
Engineers: #hplusroadmap
Genius is the ability to escape the human condition;
Humanity is the need to escape. -- Q. Uim

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Silly mistake in X config renders screen useless

2008-06-30 Thread Bryan Bishop
Hey all,

I was playing around with a dual monitor setup last night and found
myself editing the X configuration in an attempt to have both the
laptop's LCD and the CRT functioning at the same time from the ATI
card in the Gateway M675. Somehow I made a mistake. I know there's a
backup configuration file (an xorg conf program said so) in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080629 or something. The laptop will boot up, all
the way to the startx initiliazation, and then hang, and then the fans
start screaming like crazy and I can't CTRL+ALT+DEL or (CTRL)+ALT+Fx.
So that's not good. I was trying to CTRL+C and CTRL+X out ouf the
bootup script level when it got to the point when it was just about to
do startx, but this didn't stop gdm from running.

Any suggestions for getting the configuration back to the laptop's
liking? And after that I'd like to get the CRT functioning, apparently
adding in new sections into the xorg.conf file wasn't enough to make
it work, and I have, in fact, been running through the majority of the
links that Google has been turning up for me, so maybe I'm missing a
good tutorial on throwing up dual monitors? I was reading off of some
tutorials on xinerama, X11, the one on the gentoo wiki, and the
various tutorials available on the ubuntu forums.

I'm downloading a livecd so I can go poke my nose into the hdd in the
worse case scenario, but this will take a while, and in the mean time
maybe some debian user can help me out?

Thank you,
- Bryan

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Re: Silly mistake in X config renders screen useless

2008-06-30 Thread Bryan Bishop
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Nyizsnyik Ferenc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 14:15:18 -0500
 Bryan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey all,
  I was playing around with a dual monitor setup last night and found
  myself editing the X configuration in an attempt to have both the
  laptop's LCD and the CRT functioning at the same time from the ATI
  card in the Gateway M675. Somehow I made a mistake. I know there's a
  backup configuration file (an xorg conf program said so) in
  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080629 or something. The laptop will boot up, all
  the way to the startx initiliazation, and then hang, and then the fans
  start screaming like crazy and I can't CTRL+ALT+DEL or (CTRL)+ALT+Fx.
  So that's not good. I was trying to CTRL+C and CTRL+X out ouf the
  bootup script level when it got to the point when it was just about to
  do startx, but this didn't stop gdm from running.

 At the grub screen, press 'e' and then again after selecting the kernel
 line. Append 'single' to the parameter list and press Enter then 'b' to
 boot your system. You should get a line asking for your root password,
 then a shell prompt. Now you may do whatever you would like to.

That worked well. Now I'm finding that the old configuration isn't
working either. It's telling me that ati is not a valid driver. I've
ran apt-get install xorg-xserver-ati-video successfully, but this
hasn't solved the problem. X is telling me that there are no screens.
How did debian originally configure my screen? Running
dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg doesn't even ask me questions
about the screen, and the xorg.conf that it generates sends the fans
into the screamo mode and the machine into lockdown. Any more hints?

- Bryan

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Debian Won't Install

2008-04-06 Thread Bryan
I downloaded the latest Debin relese(4.0) from Bittorent and burned it
to  DVD but for some reason it will not boot from the CD.  I don't
think it is the CD becuase it boots on two other machines I have.  The
weird thing is this same machine that won't boot with my Debian CD,
boots with a XP installation CD.  Has anyone seen this before?  IS
there some other way to install without booting from the CD?



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Re: A New Year and New Beginnings

2007-01-18 Thread Bryan Garaventa
  Congratulations... It sounds as though you will be staying right down the 

  If there is anything that we can do to assist your accessibility needs, 
please don't hesitate to write or give me a call.

  Good luck, and best wishes,


  Bryan Garaventa
  Senior Accessibility Engineer
  SSB + BART Group
  415.624.2709 (desk)
  650.773.7748 (cell)
  415.624.2708 (fax)

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher Gray 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:44 AM
  Subject: A New Year and New Beginnings


  I'm writing to let you know of my recent decision to embark in some new
  directions which include leaving Symantec and pursuing my own personal
  business interests.  For those of you who have been my coworkers for as 
  as 7+ years, I'm sure you know I didn't make such a decision lightly or
  overnight.  However, this is something I have wanted to do for a long 
  and the opportunity seems right just now.  Out of offices in downtown 
  Francisco, I will be developing hardware/software solutions that 
  affect the health and lives of anybody who wishes such features as voice
  activation, speech/braille output, and verbal cues that assist in 
  dyslexia and other similar disabilities. If equipment like this is
  interesting to you, I hope you'll ask me to keep you informed about the
  progress Bay Area Digital makes in these areas, and perhaps even others.
  We'll be producing newsletters, local and national 
  events/demonstrations, and
  holding educational seminars in the coming months.

  I hope that all of you from Symantec can join me for lunch this Friday 
  Henry's Hunan restaurant at 11:45 A.M.  What a wonderful time we've had 
  these past 7+ years not only creating solutions that work, but solutions 
  people want and that are adopted as Number One by the press covering 
  what we
  do. I'm sorry to leave such an active and successful environment, but 
  I'm not
  going that far really, and undoubtedly our paths will cross in the 
  months and
  years to come.  I will always be proud of having worked with each of 
  you, and
  thank you for what you have shown me over these years in your 
  expertise, and care for our customers, and care about one another as

  For everyone who is receiving this message, please be in touch at my new
  email and business street address.  There will be much to share over the 
  years of development and sales of new products. I hope to continue being 
  touch with everybody on this list, please accept my best wishes now and 
  the future.



  Christopher Gray, President
  Bay Area Digital

  Promoting good health with great technology

  Bay Area Digital
  870 Market Street, #653
  San francisco, CA 94102
  Phone:  (415) 217-6667
  fax:(415) 217-6667

bandwidth and uptime graphs

2006-08-06 Thread Bryan FrŽchette
Hi i would like to know if anyone has a php app that can show bandwidth
and uptime graphs or ping graphs on a website, if anyone has an idea,
thank you

Bryan Frechette

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Re: snort question

2006-03-09 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 3/4/06, Jude DaShiell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It appears oinkmaster may not be useable.  Running it to download new
 rules fails with an error 404 in the wget-log file.  That or perhaps it's
 necessary to give it a specific rules file to download may be necessary.

The snort rules require registration now; register on and
follow the instructions to update your oinkmaster paths.

Re: mono for debian

2006-02-19 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 2/19/06, Martin Paraskevov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using Debian Sarge (stable) and searched for a mono package to install:
 apt-cache search mono.
  I didn't get any  packages related to the mono project back. How can I
 install mono and run .NET applications
  on my debian box?

  I searched the internet and found the website. However I
 don't quite understand how it functions.
  There are lots of packages under the mono directory
 (, but
  I don't know which of them to install and, moreover, how to install them.
 They are not visible with the apt-get tool.

Instructions on using are here:

public key in apt get unstable/testing not valid

2006-01-19 Thread Bryan Frechette
Hi i'm running debian testing and when i do apt-get update, i get a public
key fail when i update my database to do an upgrade of my debian server
and i the public key fails what do i do then

Thanks very much

Bryan Frechette

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Re: Is there a GPL substitute for RealPlayer?

2005-12-29 Thread Bryan G

i found this, I 
haven't installed it yet but it claims to replace realplayer without the 
problems of realplayer taking over your PC

Re: How to remove exim4 when aptitude doesnt think its installed?

2005-11-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 11/30/05, T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 17:12:35 +, Andy wrote:

  Hello List,
  How should I go about removing files relating to the exim4 package, when
  aptitude doesn't think the package is installed?

 This is the very situation that low level command dpg comes into play. Try:

 dpkg --purge exim4

This won't work. Aptitude uses the dpkg databases to determine what is
installed. Additionally, exim4's just a metapackage depending on the
actual exim4 packages. In this case, he'll probably need to reinstall
exim4, then remove it. For example:

dpkg --force-depends --unpack exim4-base_4.50-8_i386.deb
dpkg --purge exim4-base exim4-daemon-light

installing squirrelmail with apache 1

2005-11-22 Thread Bryan Frechette
Hi i have a problem with my squirrelmail, i installed and downloaded the 
package from the website of squirrelmail  installed it in a web 
accessible place /var/www/html/squirrelmail and then when i wanted to 
open it

it give me the error

application/x-httpd-php to open it in firefox, and i added it to the 
file /etc/mimes.types so i don't really know what the problem is

if you wanna see the error, go to this site

Thank you

Bryan Frechette

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installing squirrelmail with apache 1

2005-11-22 Thread Bryan Frechette
Hi i have a problem with my squirrelmail, i installed and downloaded the 
package from the website of squirrelmail  installed it in a web 
accessible place /var/www/html/squirrelmail and then when i wanted to 
open it

it give me the error

application/x-httpd-php to open it in firefox, and i added it to the 
file /etc/mimes.types so i don't really know what the problem is

if you wanna see the error, go to this site

Thank you

Bryan Frechette

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squirrelmail + debian

2005-11-21 Thread Bryan Frechette
Hi anybody can help me, i have problem with my squirrelmail, i don't 
know why the squirrelmail wont' connect anymore to the imap database its 
give me an error 110, if anybody has a solution, i use uw imapd and 
postfix on debian unstable, but normal imap access with a client works 
like thunderbird for example

Have a good day
Bryan  Frechette

Bryan Fréchette
Consultant en Info.
12 Boucher #10
Québec, QC
G2B 3C1
(418) 261-8732 bureau
(418) 840-1289 rés.
(418) 624-7444 fax

fn;quoted-printable:Bryan Fr=C3=A9chette
adr;quoted-printable:;;12 Boucher #10;Qu=C3=A9bec;QC;G2B 3C1;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:(418) 261-8732
tel;fax:(418) 624-7444
tel;home:(418) 840-1289

Problems with kinput2

2005-11-06 Thread Bryan Donlan
I'm trying to configure kinput2 for Japanese text input, but as of yet
I've had no success. I have the following lines in my ~/.Xdefaults and
have merged them using xrdb:
*KinputProtocol.XlcConversionStartKey:  ShiftKeyspace
*ConversionStartKeys:  ShiftKeyspace
*inputMethod: kinput2

I also have the following in my ~/.xsession:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export XMODIFIERS='@im=kinput2'
kinput2 -xim -kinput -canna 

However, kinput2 fails to trigger in either firefox or gvim.

Ideally I'd like it to work with a menu key trigger, but KeyMenu
didn't work any better than ShiftKeyspace.

Re: Adding new hardware after installation

2005-10-28 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 10/28/05, Gary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is. I need to add a network 
 card to a PC with recently installed Debian (Sarge). What's the best way to 
 do it? I don't really want to sit in front of the thing again feeding it CDs, 
 so if I could avoid doing a complete install that would be nice.

On the hardware side of things, just add the network card. If it's
supported, hotplug should load the drivers automatically at boot time.
Then to configure it just edit /etc/network/interfaces in any text
editor. For information on the format, run man 7 interfaces

Re: Adding new hardware after installation

2005-10-28 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 10/28/05, Bryan Donlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/28/05, Gary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is. I need to add a network 
  card to a PC with recently installed Debian (Sarge). What's the best way 
  to do it? I don't really want to sit in front of the thing again feeding it 
  CDs, so if I could avoid doing a complete install that would be nice.

 On the hardware side of things, just add the network card. If it's
 supported, hotplug should load the drivers automatically at boot time.
 Then to configure it just edit /etc/network/interfaces in any text
 editor. For information on the format, run man 7 interfaces

Er, man 5 interfaces.

Re: QQ about apt.

2005-10-27 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 10/27/05, Scott Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to know if and how it is possible to do a non-interactive
 install of an .deb package.  The pages I have read talk only of a 'yes to
 all questions' option which is obviously useless if the package you are
 installing has questions other than yes/no and so on.

 The docs also speak of being able to set *arbitrary* options in the command
 line.  This seemed to be more related to the apt-get program rather than the

 Two examples I want to do are Apache2 and PostgreSQL which require some
 additional prompting.  The purpose here is to create a set of steps which
 can quickly install a Debian system from scratch, limit down-time and remove
 some of the human element.

 Is there a way of doing this?  I'm at about a 3 bananas out of 5 on the
 howler monkey scale.

DEBCONF_FRONTEND=noninteractive your command here

This'll assume defaults on all debconf questions. I'm not sure how
it'll interact with conffile replacement prompts however.

Re: dependencies

2005-09-20 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 9/20/05, Alejandro Bonilla Beeche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, can anyone help me with this dependencies? I can't freaking upgrade.
 This is Sid, just did apt-get update and need to update my system a bit.
 Any idea?
 debian:~# apt-get -f install
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree... Done
 Correcting dependencies... Done
 The following extra packages will be installed:
   libdjvulibre15 libpoppler0c2 libpoppler0c2-glib
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
   libpoppler0 libpoppler0-glib
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
   libdjvulibre15 libpoppler0c2 libpoppler0c2-glib
 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 2 to remove and 230 not upgraded.
 4 not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B/1239kB of archives.
 After unpacking 2359kB of additional disk space will be used.
 Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
 WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
   libdjvulibre15 libpoppler0c2 libpoppler0c2-glib
 Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y
 (Reading database ... 118083 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking libdjvulibre15 (from .../libdjvulibre15_3.5.15-1_i386.deb) ...
 dpkg: error
 processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libdjvulibre15_3.5.15-1_i386.deb
  trying to overwrite `/usr/share/djvu/osi/de/libdjvu++.xml', which is
 also in package libdjvulibre1
 dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Report a bug against libdjvulibre15, if there isn't one already, then do:
dpkg --force-overwrite --unpack
apt-get -f install

Re: Memory Black Hole

2005-09-20 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 9/20/05, S3GFAULT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 The subject of this message could have been 'Memory Leak' but honestly
 that doesn't sound dramatic enough for my problem.
 Warning, this turned out to be a longish email, for the impatient,
 please skip to the section marked SUMMARY at the bottom.
 I dumped /proc/mem into a file on a workstation and opened it up in a
 hex editor, to examine all 256 megs of data.  So, this is interesting.
  A very important clue it seems like that I am incapable of
 deciphering.  I am finding that some files from the root filesystem
 have been inserted into the memory.  A tarball from one users
 directory appears twice in main memory.  /etc/passwd appears 11 times
 in memory!

This is normal; freed blocks are not zeroed until they are requested.

 The root partition is reiserfs.  The boot partition, which is always
 mounted, is ext2.  There are no files from /boot in memory that I can
 Files or chunks of files from the root (reiserfs) partition are being
 inserted into memory at the rate of 4-16k/5 secs (2.4.18) or 60k/5
 secs (2.6.8).  This memory is never freed.  This insertion is not
 being caused by any user space program.  If the only programs running
 are kernel processes, getty, bash, and top, it will still occur.
 Memory will be eaten up until about 5k is left, and then it
 stabilizes.  Swap space will not be used.  This behaviour occured
 under Debian Woody and Sarge.  Sarge was tested with kernels of
 version 2.4.18 and 2.6.8.
 Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be causing this?  Even
 advice to other references would be greatly appreciated.

Try getting a copy of /proc/meminfo /proc/slabinfo /proc/buddyinfo and
/proc/vmstat as it's going down, this may help diagnose the problem

Re: Installing mplayer

2005-09-14 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 9/14/05, Ganeshram Iyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/14/05, John Talbut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can anyone give me or point me to precise instructions as to how to do
  this?  I use Aptitude to get packages.
  Or should I give up with Christian Marillat's package and go with the
  precise instructions given at (though
  I am not on Etch)?
 I did install using Marillat's package and once having done that
 downloaded the codecs from site and unzipped them to the
 appropriate folder as per:
 I think that the mplayer packages were compiled and packaged with
 support for the win32 codecs and you just have to place the codecs in
 the right folder to get it to work. If I am mistaken, I apologize.

You can just apt-get install w32codecs

Re: X.Org Hits Testing

2005-09-07 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 9/7/05, Oliver Lupton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason Clinton wrote:
 Well its finally happened, and I'm so happy that it has. As of now, most of
 mirrors have X.Org packages in their testing/etch repository. Before I
 perform the upgrade, I'm starting this thread to catch any and all problems
 that might arrise. Please let us know if you have any trouble with the
 upgrade by replying here.
 *crosses fingers and runs 'aptitude upgrade'*
 Am I looking in the wrong place?
 apt-get says it's lists are up to date, apt-cache search xorg returns

Scroll down a bit and you can see a testing version.

Re: I messed up - now can't log in!

2005-08-30 Thread Bryan Donlan

 Can anyone recommend a good disk recovery company?
 Thanks in advance,
 Dave Williams

You don't need one for this. Which bootloader are you using, LILO or
GRUB? You can pass init=/bin/sh using it.

For grub, select the boot menu option, press 'e', select the line
beginning with kernel, press 'e', go to the end of the line and add
'init=/bin/sh'. Then press enter, then 'b'.

For LILO, hold shift until you get a lilo prompt. Then type linux init=/bin/sh.

Either way will get you a command prompt. Then:
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -o remount,rw /
[edit, fix]
mount -o remount,ro /
umount /proc
exec /sbin/init

Re: I messed up - now can't log in!

2005-08-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/30/05, David W. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I should have mentioned, I'm the:
   Re: I messed up - now can't log in! guy
 from debian-user
 I just tried this with vi, and when I went to save, got this message:
E45:  'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)
 Is it possible to get vi to override the read-only of the file system so
 that I can remove the two offending lines of code from
 Thank you very much for any help you can give.

Did you
mount -o remount,rw /

PS, please keep the list CC'd, for people who have the same trouble in
the future

Re: I messed up - now can't log in!

2005-08-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
 Bryan Donlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/30/05, David W. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I should have mentioned, I'm the:
  Re: I messed up - now can't log in! guy
  from debian-user
  I just tried this with vi, and when I went to save, got this message:
  E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)
  Is it possible to get vi to override the read-only of the file system so
  that I can remove the two offending lines of code from
  Thank you very much for any help you can give.
 Did you
 mount -o remount,rw /
 PS, please keep the list CC'd, for people who have the same trouble in
 the future
 Yes I did.  That's what did the trick on the not being able to write to the 
 file system!
 Can anyone suggest a tutorial on writing what I think are called init scripts?

Take a look at the files in /etc/init.d, just use one of them as a
template, and symlink it in as /etc/rcrunlevel.d/S99yourservice

Re: rsync knoppix dvd download

2005-08-29 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/29/05, L.V.Gandhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have tried as follows.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# rsync
 bad response from proxy - HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
 rsync: failed to connect to Success (0)
 rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(94)
 What to do?

Your proxy forbids the HTTP CONNECT method, it seems. Without that,
rsync cannot function. If rsync is vital to you, you will have to
speak with your proxy administrator and have them reconfigure it to
allow CONNECT to rsync ports. Otherwise, just use HTTP or FTP.

Re: About chroot

2005-08-26 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/25/05, Tong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Several questions about chroot.
 - I need to chroot into an alien system. I.e., I need to chroot into a 2.6
 kernel from my 2.4 kernel. Is that ok?

chroot cannot change kernels. It is, however, safe to chroot into the
root filesystem of a system which normally runs a different kernel

 - I heard all the fuzz about un/mounting the /proc, but I can't find any
 documents on that. Can somebody explains me why it is so critical, or give
 me a link to refer to please?

/proc is a virtual filesystem which many programs expect and/or need
to be mounted. If you don't have it mounted, things like 'ps' will
fail. You can mount it by running in the chroot:
mount -t proc proc /proc
And to unmount just:
umount /proc

If you don't unmount /proc, you won't be able to unmount the
filesystem it's mounted under.

 - I need to apt-get from the chrooted system. but on my 1st attempt, I
 was not able to connect to outside, even ping. But all the documents I
 read (I'm remastering a live CD) didn't mention anything about the
 connection problem. Have I neglect something, or there is something to do
 before I can connect?

Try copying /etc/resolv.conf from your host system to the chroot's

Re: How to compile in Debian?

2005-08-25 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/25/05, Teilhard Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Suppose you want to compile your drivers for your wireless adapter, which is
 what I actually want to do. If I am not mistaken, I need a build symbolic
 link in uname -r to the kernel-source, and I need a linux symbolic link
 from /usr/src where to the kernel source too, which also resides there.
 Now, uname -r is for me: 2.6.8-2-686-smp, and the kernel source for a 2.6.8
 in the distribution only is found with Debian version 16 (2.6.8-16). Are the
 kernel source and my kernel compatible?
 Well, I am a newbie in Debian, and I am translating the little I know about
 Mandrake. First think that called my attention was that after a fresh
 install of Debian, the directory /usr/src, was empty.
 I would appreciate any help you can give me to compile my drivers. And yes,
 I have Googled but without luck.

apt-get install module-assistant
m-a prepare

That'll install the right kernel headers for you.

Re: Switching to Debian (from Fedora)

2005-08-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/23/05, Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hendrik Boom wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 08:43:23AM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 I would recommend duplicating the Stable lines, rather than replacing
 them. Then replace the stable or sarge in the first (top) set with
 your release of choice.
 This way, the system can fall back to packages in Stable if it (or you)
 need(s) to.
 If you do this, it will pick the stable package is there is no testing
 package available.
 Yes, this is what I meant. If package 'foo' in unstable is dependent on
 'bar' which is not in unstable but is in stable, you may still be able
 to install 'foo' using stable's version of 'bar' as the dependency.
   But taking out the lines containing testing
 won't give you a downgrade if you decide you want to go back.
 Downgrading isn't so easy.
 This is not what I meant, but I'm glad you mentioned it since I failed
 to make myself clear.
 Also, don't change the security line; leave it at stable.
 testing doesn't get the so-called security upgrades, which are
 carefully chosen upgrades for stable to maintain security while
 changing as little as possible.  Testing gets lots and lots
 of updates instead.
 It's my understanding that because of their high-priority nature,
 security updates go into Stable even before they sometimes make it into
 Testing (or perhaps, Unstable?). So a Testing system with the stable
 security line is more likely to get patched more quickly than waiting
 for the normal influx of packages into Testing.
 My understanding may very well be amiss, however.

No. Say that stable has foobar version 1.0.4-1, and testing has foobar 1.0.5-1.

Now there's a security fix. Stable-security gets 1.0.4-1sarge1 or
similar, unstable gets 1.0.5-2. However, testing still has 1.0.5-1,
which is newer than 1.0.4-1sarge1. It will be at least two days until
the unstable fix gets into testing.

Re: hard related

2005-08-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/23/05, Rodney D. Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had a lightening strike take out my other computer. Everything seems
 fine, and I have moved over to another box, same specs.
 Everything, except the cd's , work as advertised.
 When I plug both the cdrom, and dvd-writer into the ide bus, the
 computer will not get to the check memory check bios phase. Yet when
 I unplug either the cdrom or the dvd-writer the system boots, and
 functions as it should.
 I have both cd devices set to cable select.
 I've tried another IDE cable, same result.
 Any other things I may be missing

The IDE controller may be fried. Try with a known-good IDE drive
(hopefully one you're not too fond of, just in case), and if that
fails get a PCI card to replace it.

Re: Switching to Debian (from Fedora)

2005-08-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/23/05, Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bryan Donlan wrote:
 On 8/23/05, Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's my understanding that because of their high-priority nature,
 security updates go into Stable even before they sometimes make it into
 Testing (or perhaps, Unstable?). So a Testing system with the stable
 security line is more likely to get patched more quickly than waiting
 for the normal influx of packages into Testing.
 My understanding may very well be amiss, however.
 No to understanding... or No to My understanding may very
 well be amiss...?
  Say that stable has foobar version 1.0.4-1, and testing has foobar 1.0.5-1.
 Now there's a security fix. Stable-security gets 1.0.4-1sarge1 or
 similar, unstable gets 1.0.5-2. However, testing still has 1.0.5-1,
 which is newer than 1.0.4-1sarge1. It will be at least two days until
 the unstable fix gets into testing.
 Say that stable has foobar version 1.0.4-1, and testing also still has
 foobar 1.0.4-1.
 Now there's a security fix. Stable-security gets 1.0.4-1sarge1 or
 similar, unstable gets 1.0.5-0. Testing still has 1.0.4-1, which is
 older than 1.0.4-1sarge1. It will be at least two days until the
 unstable fix gets into testing.
 In your case, if the 1.0.5-1 version in Testing does not have the
 security issue (which is doubtful), all is fine for those two days. I'm
 unclear if you're saying you've got two days of vulnerability, or if
 you're saying that Testing's newer version than Stable-security's
 mitigates those two days of vulnerability.

Testing's newer version means the security fix is considered an older
version, so it won't auto-upgrade. If the version in testing is
vulnerable, you either have to manually downgrade to stable-security,
or manually upgrade to unstable.

 I don't think leaving the Security line at stable hurts anything, and I
 think it makes sense to leave it there.

It doesn't hurt anything, no, but it won't help in many cases, except
perhaps at the start of a release cycle.

Re: Newbie: How do I defrag my drive?

2005-08-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/23/05, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 23 August 2005 08:49 am, Tim Ruehsen wrote:
  I did the last thing (after using my system for ~2 years for ~10 hours a
  day, making updates every day) and my system booted about 30% faster. Now,
  after a year or so, it seems to be time to do it again (booting became
  slower and slower).
 That may have more to do with exhausting what you can do performance-wise to a
 serial init process like sysvinit.  I can't wait until someone packages
 init-ng already...

It's already in experimental.

Re: When should I consider installing suggested packages?

2005-08-21 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/21/05, Elmer E. Dow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When should I consider installing suggested packages? During my limited
 experience using aptitude in Sarge I've always installed depends and
 recommended packages, never suggested. Do most users just ignore suggested
 packages, only installing them if something doesn't work?
 Please cc me since I'm not currently subscribed.

'Suggested' just means they'll enhance the functionality of the
package in some way; install them if you intend to use their

Re: All kde menu entries gone

2005-08-21 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/20/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sigh. I know that there are likely to be problems with with unstable,
 especially at the moment, but could anyone tell me how I could get back my
 kde menu entries. The whole application menu system in the kicker (I think
 thats what it's called - the equivalent of the start button on windows) has
 vanished. At the moment I have the logout, run command, lock and quick browse
 entries but nothing else.
 I really don't have a clue where to start on this one. KDE configuration seems
 to be a bit of a black art :o)

Downgrade kdelibs-data to the same version as your installed kdelibs,
and hold it.

Re: replacing failing system disk

2005-08-19 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/19/05, Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 or as you say ( to do stuff and pray ):
 dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb count=1 bs=448
 power off ..
 than move hdb to where hda used to be and it should
 work as a replacement for hda

Note that this will break if the new hdd is smaller than the old, and
might break if it is a different size or has a different geometry.

GNOME Wants Internet V6

2005-08-18 Thread Bryan Batten
I'm running Debian Sarge 2.8.1-6. Every time it starts, I get the 
following messages in .xsession-error:

_IceTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6
_IceTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/Pentium90:
_IceTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6

I've compiled my kernel without internet v6 support, and do not want 
to have to add it in just to make this message go away.

Anybody know what gnome setting I change to make it not try for v6?



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sda disapering

2005-08-15 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/15/05, Enrique Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Bryan Donlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/12/05, Enrique Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   i'm using sid, kernel image 2.6.10:
   # uname -a
   Linux quetzalcoatl 2.6.10-1-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Jan
   03:03:11 EST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
17:08:44 up 160 days, 23:47,  1 user,  load
   0.27, 1.02, 1.77
   My usb memory was working flawlessly (all 160
   until today.
   Then i realize it is no the memory, anything i
   in usb (flash memory, mouse, hard drive, etc.).
   lets take the memory for example:
   When i inser it:
   usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd
   address 46
   scsi50 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage
   usb-storage: device found at 46
   usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before
 Vendor:   Model:   Rev:
 Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI
   revision: 02
   SCSI device sda: 1024000 512-byte hdwr sectors
   sda: assuming Write Enabled
   sda: assuming drive cache: write through
   SCSI device sda: 1024000 512-byte hdwr sectors
   sda: assuming Write Enabled
   sda: assuming drive cache: write through
/dev/scsi/host50/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
   Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi50,
  channel 0,
   id 0, lun 0
   usb-storage: device scan complete
   #ls -alh /dev/sda*
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  0 Aug 12 17:06
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  1 Aug 12 17:06
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 10 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 11 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 12 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 13 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 14 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 15 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  2 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  3 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  4 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  5 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  6 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  7 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  8 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  9 Mar 14  2002
   but, when i disconect it (umounting first):
   #ls -alh /dev/sda*
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 10 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 11 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 12 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 13 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 14 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 15 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  2 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  3 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  4 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  5 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  6 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  7 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  8 Mar 14  2002
   brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  9 Mar 14  2002
   sda and sda1 are gone!!
   i have to recreate them (whit mknod) each time i
   disconect someting (flash memory, external hd,
   Any ideas why is happening this? kernel bug?
   bug? too much time running? hardware failing
   Any ideas how to fix this? reboot? (like
   remove the module and reload it? update kernel?
  buy a
   new motherboard?
  Looks like you're using udev. udev automatically
  deletes and creates
  /dev entries when the hardware is removed and
  attached - try
  reattaching the hardware, the /dev entries should
 It's not reappering!
 i tried to restarted it, but don't want to start
 (needs 2.6.12 kernel, and i'm running 2.6.10), so i'm
 not running it.
 Any other ideas?

You may have upgraded to the wrong version of udev. Newer versions of
udev require linux-image = 2.6.12, but there was a version at one
point which failed to properly check. If you're running that broken
version, you'll have problems until you upgrade your kernel.

You can try disabling udev with something like:
killall udevd; rm /dev/.udevdb -rf

Hopefully that'll stop it from running, so your dev entries will stick
around. Otherwise, try downgrading to latest testing udev, or
upgrading to 2.6.12 kernel.

Re: installing from somewhat broken 3.1

2005-08-12 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/12/05, Sam Rosenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After installing Debian 3.1 I have found that a whole bunch of apps were
 not installed at all.  I would like to reinstall a fresh distro, but want
 to ensure that I don't have the same problem of missing apps (e.g., almost
 all the man pages).  I think that I must have misinterpreted the
 installation instructions during the install process.  Is there a baby
 version for those of us who are missing a marble or two from the old set?

The base installation of Debian has very few applications. Normally
one installs them later with apt-get, aptitude, or one of the other
apt frontends. For example, to install all of KDE, type as root:
apt-get install kde
aptitude install kde

Aptitude is recommended, as it can remove unused packages later.
However, if you decide to use aptitude, start early, as otherwise it
can misclassify some packages as unused (just use aptitude install on
them to fix it)

You can also do apt-cache search keywords to find packages to
install, and apt-cache show package for details on it.

Re: dpkg query table ??? dhcp3-client dhcpcd ???

2005-08-12 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 12 Aug 2005 01:43:45 -0700, hakim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ns:~# dpkg -l '*dhcp*'
 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
 ||/ Name  Version   Description
 un  dhcp-client   none(no description
 rc  dhcp3-client  3.0.1-2   DHCP Client
 ii  dhcp3-common  3.0.1-2   Common files
 used by all the dhcp3* packages
 ii  dhcpcd1.3.22pl4-21sarge1DHCP client for
 automatically configuring IPv4 networking.
 un  dhcpcd-sv none(no description
 What does rc mean in the line of dhcp3-client?

Removed; configuration files remain. Use apt-get --purge remove
dhcp3-client to fully remove it.

 I have installed dhcpcd. Before that was dhcp3-client installed, but
 know I can't find the binarys and apt-cache remove dhcp3-client says
 that the package is not instaled. Is there somewhere a explanation for
 that query table. I haven't found anything in man...

It's at the top:
 |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
 ||/ Name  Version   Description

Desired=(R)emove, Status =(C)onfig-files

Re: sda disapering

2005-08-12 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/12/05, Enrique Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm using sid, kernel image 2.6.10:
 # uname -a
 Linux quetzalcoatl 2.6.10-1-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Jan 18
 03:03:11 EST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
  17:08:44 up 160 days, 23:47,  1 user,  load average:
 0.27, 1.02, 1.77
 My usb memory was working flawlessly (all 160 days),
 until today.
 Then i realize it is no the memory, anything i insert
 in usb (flash memory, mouse, hard drive, etc.). So,
 lets take the memory for example:
 When i inser it:
 usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and
 address 46
 scsi50 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
 usb-storage: device found at 46
 usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before
   Vendor:   Model:   Rev:
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI
 revision: 02
 SCSI device sda: 1024000 512-byte hdwr sectors (524
 sda: assuming Write Enabled
 sda: assuming drive cache: write through
 SCSI device sda: 1024000 512-byte hdwr sectors (524
 sda: assuming Write Enabled
 sda: assuming drive cache: write through
  /dev/scsi/host50/bus0/target0/lun0: p1
 Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi50, channel 0,
 id 0, lun 0
 usb-storage: device scan complete
 #ls -alh /dev/sda*
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  0 Aug 12 17:06 /dev/sda
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  1 Aug 12 17:06 /dev/sda1
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 10 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda10
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 11 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda11
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 12 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda12
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 13 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda13
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 14 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda14
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 15 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda15
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  2 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda2
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda3
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  4 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda4
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  5 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda5
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  6 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda6
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  7 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda7
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  8 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda8
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  9 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda9
 but, when i disconect it (umounting first):
 #ls -alh /dev/sda*
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 10 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda10
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 11 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda11
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 12 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda12
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 13 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda13
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 14 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda14
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8, 15 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda15
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  2 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda2
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  3 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda3
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  4 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda4
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  5 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda5
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  6 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda6
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  7 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda7
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  8 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda8
 brw-rw  1 root disk 8,  9 Mar 14  2002 /dev/sda9
 sda and sda1 are gone!!
 i have to recreate them (whit mknod) each time i
 disconect someting (flash memory, external hd, etc.)
 Any ideas why is happening this? kernel bug? module
 bug? too much time running? hardware failing (intel
 Any ideas how to fix this? reboot? (like windogs?),
 remove the module and reload it? update kernel? buy a
 new motherboard?

Looks like you're using udev. udev automatically deletes and creates
/dev entries when the hardware is removed and attached - try
reattaching the hardware, the /dev entries should reappear.

Re: script copy files based upon content

2005-08-07 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/5/05, Michael Martinell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to figure out how to come up with a shell script that will cat
 or grep a file and if it contains the word SPAM it will then move it to
 another folder.
 I have been trying combinations of grep SPAM * | mv * ../spam however I
 don't know what to put in for * since the filenames are always changing.
 I am guessing that I need to create an array by doing something with ls,
 however I am having trouble puzzling this one out.
 This job would then run out of cron.

Try this:
find -exec grep -l SPAM {} + | xargs -I mv {} ../spam
If the filenames can have spaces in them:
find -exec grep -l SPAM {} + | tr   \0 | xargs -0 -I mv {} ../spam

Re: Personal Debian mirror

2005-08-04 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/4/05, Preston Boyington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have come to the point of needing / wanting my own partial Debian mirror 
 (amd64 and i386).  I've been reading about debmirror but when I tried it my 
 mirror didn't look quite like what I thought it should.  All the packages 
 were dumped into folders under pool/ and folders it created such as 
 stable, unstable, and woody were essentially empty.  (Now I am trying 
 an rsync string to see what the difference will be.)

This is normal. Since distributions often share packages, they are
stored only once, in pool/, and the distribution directories refer to
the pool packages.

 I was wondering if other people could give me some feedback on how they did 
 their mirrors.  What commands did you use and where are there some good 
 howto's on doing it as efficiently as possible?
 Also, since I don't want to mirror the ISO files I was wondering how 
 difficult it would be to use something like jigdo to create the disks from my 
 own mirror?

If your mirror has all the packages it needs it should be easy - just
give jigdo-lite the address of your own mirror instead of one of the
main debian ones.

Re: sarge, kernel, and sound

2005-08-04 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/4/05, Steven Pasternak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi! I have sarge, with kernel 2.4.27-2-k7. I upgraded to a
 using sarge's 2.6.8 config, but now I don't have sound. /dev/{dsp,mixer}
 are gone. I have the use OSS API set under Device
 Drivers-Sound-Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Is that bad? I
 installed alsa-base and alsa-utils and ran '/etc/init.d/alsa start', but
 still no devices. What's up? Thanks!

I've heard something about sysfs format changes requiring a new udev -
perhaps you could try installing the udev in sid, if you've got an
older version installed? Note that this new udev will not work with
kernels older than 2.6.12, so if you downgrade the kernel you'll need
to downgrade udev as well.

Re: Installing a new kernel on Debian.

2005-08-04 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/4/05, Redefined Horizons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm currently running Debian Sarge with the 2.4.27 kernel. I would
 like to update to a 2.6 kernel. I don't have an internet connection to
 my Debian box yet, so I can't use apt-get.
 Is there a place I can download the debs for a 2.6 kernel on the i386
 architecture? What files do I need?
 I appreciate any assistance, as I'm new to Linux and this will be my
 first time performing a kernel upgrade.

The latest 2.6 kernel in stable can be found here:

This version works for all x86 platforms - depending on your CPU,
there may be a faster version available.

Do make sure you have all the dependencies listed there, if you're not
using apt-get. You can check with dpkg:
$ dpkg -l coreutils initrd-tools module-init-tools
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  coreutils  5.2.1-2The GNU core utilities
ii  initrd-tools   tools to create initrd image for prepackaged
ii  module-init-to 3.2-pre8-1 tools for managing Linux kernel modules

Also indirect dependencies (I've listed only the ones you might not
already have here):
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   VersionDescription
ii  cpio   2.5-1.2GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of 
ii  cramfsprogs1.1-6  Tools for CramFs (Compressed ROM File System
ii  dash   0.5.2-6The Debian Almquist Shell

The version numbers might not be exactly the same as mine; I'm on
unstable. If one of these packages is missing, be sure to download it
as well, following the links from the kernel package page. You might
also want to install udev, but this is optional.

When you have all the packages, to install them manually, do:
dpkg -i /path/to/packages/*.deb

If dpkg reports a dependency error, you probably missed one of the
needed packages.

If you installed off a cdrom set, some or all of these packages might
be on them - try using apt-cdrom and apt-get to install them.

Re: openssl has 2gb limit ?

2005-08-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
 today I tried to encrypt a 3.2Gb file with openssl:
 openssl enc -aes256 -e -salt -pass file:filename.pwd -in filename -out
 It aborted with the error:
 Die maximale Dateigröße ist überschritten = Maximum file size is
 filename.openssl is then exactly 2Gb big...
 I thought the 2gb limit is a relict ? Should I report a bug ?

If you can reproduce this with the version in unstable, it sounds like
it merits a wishlist bug, yes.

Re: ISO Images from fully installed hd?

2005-08-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Ewart wrote:
  I have Sarge successfully installed in a machine, using just the
  netinst CD.
  Now I want it on another machine... I can of course use the netinst CD
  once again and wait for all the packages to download, but I was
  wondering if I can somehow create a set of ISO images using the machine
  were debian is already installed.
 If you kept copies of the downloaded packages (in /var/cache/apt), then
 you should be able to use jigdo to build an ISO.
 Ok, I see about 864 items there, so I take that apt kept the downloaded
 (They sum-up about 593Mb which fits 1 CD, and that's unexpected because the
 official distribution has lots of CDs)

Most of the CDs have rarely used packages, so it's no surprise you
don't have most of them installed.

 Anyway, how do I use jigdo to build an ISO? I've never used jidgo before so
 I've _scanned_ the jigsaw site, the faqs and the list archives but found

Install jigdo-file, then run:

When it asks for a directory to scan, give it /var/cache/apt/packages

Note that this builds the whole first CD - I don't think jigdo is
available for the netinst images.

Re: an update to testing broke my nvidia driver (from nvidia-installer)

2005-08-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/3/05, Brice Méalier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I upgraded today from sarge to testing and all went well!
 But I found afterwards my graphics a bit slow and then I decided to
 reinstall the last nvidia driver from the source as I do usually.
 It refused to build! telling that the kernel-headers package has not
 been found! So I must admit that I run my own kernel ( compiled
 the debian way under sarge).
 Could the fact that this kernel has been build under sarge responsible
 for the impossibility of building the nvidia driver? or what can be the
 matter and how can I solve that issue??

I don't think the kernel build process has changed that much yet. Try this:
apt-get (or aptitude) install module-assistant nvidia-glx
m-a prepare
m-a a-i -k /usr/src/your-kernel-source nvidia-kernel

Re: ISO Images from fully installed hd?

2005-08-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bryan Donlan wrote:
  On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dave Ewart wrote:
  I have Sarge successfully installed in a machine, using just the
  netinst CD.
  Now I want it on another machine... I can of course use the
  netinst CD
  once again and wait for all the packages to download, but I was
  wondering if I can somehow create a set of ISO images using the
  were debian is already installed.
  If you kept copies of the downloaded packages (in /var/cache/apt),
  you should be able to use jigdo to build an ISO.
  Ok, I see about 864 items there, so I take that apt kept the
  (They sum-up about 593Mb which fits 1 CD, and that's unexpected
  because the official distribution has lots of CDs)
  Most of the CDs have rarely used packages, so it's no surprise you
  don't have most of them installed.
  Anyway, how do I use jigdo to build an ISO? I've never used jidgo
  before so
  I've _scanned_ the jigsaw site, the faqs and the list archives but
  Install jigdo-file, then run:
  When it asks for a directory to scan, give it /var/cache/apt/packages
  Note that this builds the whole first CD - I don't think jigdo is
  available for the netinst images.
 I suppose I shall repeat that with binary-2 and so on for any CD that
 matches some of my local packages.

If you do that, any packages you don't already have will be downloaded as well.

Re: ISO Images from fully installed hd?

2005-08-03 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bryan Donlan wrote:
  On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bryan Donlan wrote:
  On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dave Ewart wrote:
  I have Sarge successfully installed in a machine, using just the
  netinst CD.
  Now I want it on another machine... I can of course use the
  netinst CD
  once again and wait for all the packages to download, but I was
  wondering if I can somehow create a set of ISO images using the
  were debian is already installed.
  If you kept copies of the downloaded packages (in /var/cache/apt),
  you should be able to use jigdo to build an ISO.
  Ok, I see about 864 items there, so I take that apt kept the
  (They sum-up about 593Mb which fits 1 CD, and that's unexpected
  because the official distribution has lots of CDs)
  Most of the CDs have rarely used packages, so it's no surprise you
  don't have most of them installed.
  Anyway, how do I use jigdo to build an ISO? I've never used jidgo
  before so
  I've _scanned_ the jigsaw site, the faqs and the list archives but
  Install jigdo-file, then run:
  When it asks for a directory to scan, give it
  Note that this builds the whole first CD - I don't think jigdo is
  available for the netinst images.
  I suppose I shall repeat that with binary-2 and so on for any CD
  matches some of my local packages.
  If you do that, any packages you don't already have will be
  downloaded as well.
 Ha Ok... I don't want that...
 I suppose that there will be packages in the 1st machine that won't make it
 to the other.
 But of course those will be installed from the internet IFF not on the CD I
 guess, which is OK since I do have a good internet connection and I just
 want to avoid a lenghtly download.. but if most of the packages come form
 the CD and the rest from the net that's OK with me.+

If you have a LAN you could configure apt-proxy, and load into it any
packages you've already downloaded.

Re: Aptitude erroneously thinks many packages are unused and wants to remove them.

2005-08-01 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/1/05, Clive Menzies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On (01/08/05 12:32), Adam Funk wrote:
  Inspired by the advice on this group and the -s option, I'm trying out
  aptitude.  But I'm surprised by this:
  $ aptitude -s upgrade
  Reading Package Lists... Done
  Building Dependency Tree
  Reading extended state information
  Initializing package states... Done
  Reading task descriptions... Done
  The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:
  followed by a long list of packages, some of which I'm running right now.
  How does aptitude determine this list, and what's the best way to correct
 There've been a few posts on this over the last few days; have a look at
 the d-u list archive.
 Briefly, run aptitude in interactive mode - ie # aptitude
 If you press g (only once), the proposed actions will be displayed, you
 can then 'h' hold packages you don't want removed.

A better option is '+' - 'h' will disable updates.

Re: Aptitude erroneously thinks many packages are unused and wants to remove them.

2005-08-01 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/1/05, Bryan Donlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/1/05, Clive Menzies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On (01/08/05 12:32), Adam Funk wrote:
   Inspired by the advice on this group and the -s option, I'm trying out
   aptitude.  But I'm surprised by this:
   $ aptitude -s upgrade
   Reading Package Lists... Done
   Building Dependency Tree
   Reading extended state information
   Initializing package states... Done
   Reading task descriptions... Done
   The following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:
   followed by a long list of packages, some of which I'm running right now.
   How does aptitude determine this list, and what's the best way to correct
  There've been a few posts on this over the last few days; have a look at
  the d-u list archive.
  Briefly, run aptitude in interactive mode - ie # aptitude
  If you press g (only once), the proposed actions will be displayed, you
  can then 'h' hold packages you don't want removed.
 A better option is '+' - 'h' will disable updates.

Correction, '=' will disable updates, 'h' doesn't do anything afaik

Re: Aptitude erroneously thinks many packages are unused and wants to remove them.

2005-08-01 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/1/05, Christian Pernegger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Briefly, run aptitude in interactive mode - ie # aptitude
  If you press g (only once), the proposed actions will be displayed, you
  can then 'h' hold packages you don't want removed.
 Since this is basically the issue I brought up a day or so earlier...
 Why should users have to wade through a (potentially long) list of
 packages and tell aptitude to install [+] or hold [=] the packages
 they don't want removed? After all it's been told to install the
 package at some point, and without an order to the contrary shouldn't
 even consider removing it. Maybe an explicit upgrade order for a
 single package should have this effect, but not the standard bring me
 up to date sequence ([u], [U], [g], [g]).
 Again what's the advantage over the old don't auto-remove a package
 under any circumstances behaviour? Especially given that this could
 easily be adapted to don't auto-remove a package unless it is marked
 auto (A).

Aptitude shouldn't remove packages you've told it to install - but it
doesn't know whether packages installed through other means (apt-get,
dselect, dpkg -i, etc) were manually or automatically installed. Also,
if you're on sid, there are a lot of uninstallable packages due to the
C++ transition - the only good solution in that case is to temporarily
hold them as needed.

Re: Changing to British (or Canadian) English

2005-08-01 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/1/05, David R. Litwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've looked all over the place: KDE, I've googled it, the help files
 in KDE. Nothing seems to tell me how I can change my language in KDE
 to British (since they don't seem to have Canadian, not there there
 really is a difference).
 Could some one please point out how to do this?
 And, if possible, for Debian (and, in fact, every thing) in general.?
 It would be Much Appreciated.
 None the less, I thank you Kindly in Advance.

(as root)
dpkg-reconfigure locales
# enable the en_GB options
(as user)
echo 'export LANG=en_GB'  ~/.profile
chmod u+x ~/.profile

Re: Changing to British (or Canadian) English

2005-08-01 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 8/1/05, Bryan Donlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/1/05, David R. Litwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've looked all over the place: KDE, I've googled it, the help files
  in KDE. Nothing seems to tell me how I can change my language in KDE
  to British (since they don't seem to have Canadian, not there there
  really is a difference).
  Could some one please point out how to do this?
  And, if possible, for Debian (and, in fact, every thing) in general.?
  It would be Much Appreciated.
  None the less, I thank you Kindly in Advance.
 (as root)
 dpkg-reconfigure locales
 # enable the en_GB options
 (as user)
 echo 'export LANG=en_GB'  ~/.profile
 chmod u+x ~/.profile

Actually, en_CA is for canada - you can use that instead of en_GB.

Re: Image for 2.6.12 kernel in Sid?

2005-07-31 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/31/05, Rick Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 [KS] wrote:
  Recently there was a thread(link below) about renaming of kernel package
  for debian as there are other projects having their own kernels e.g. Hurd.
 OK... got that. So, as yet, there is no prebuilt package for the linux
 kernel, correct?

Sure there is:

  Installed: 2.6.12-1
  Candidate: 2.6.12-1
  Version table:
 *** 2.6.12-1 0
990 unstable/main Packages
990 unstable/main Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Re: KDE 3.4 on Debian

2005-07-31 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/31/05, Michael Satterwhite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know some people here are running KDE 3.4. What method did you use to
 install it.

Re: How to report a broken package ?

2005-07-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/30/05, Thomas Lecomte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm new in the Debian community, and I'm running Debian Sid on my
 I would like to know what should I do when I get a broken package. Report
 The broken package is libaspell which disable me to install kdelibs4.
 Please, answer at my email address because I'm not on the mailing-list :-)

You would report a bug by running `reportbug packagename' - but this
brokenness is probably caused by the C++ transition in unstable right
now. I suggest waiting a while - things will be hectic until all the
C++ packages in unstable are rebuilt.

You can see more info on the status of the transition here:

Re: installation of a package requests removal of a lot of packages

2005-07-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/30/05, Kevin Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 11:55:43AM +0200, Gena Batyan wrote:
  When trying to install a package using apt-get, it says among other
  things 'following packages will be REMOVED: ...' and this list is HUGE!
  I'll give an example. I'm trying to install gaim, which depends on the
  package libaspell15c2
  What in the name of god is going on here??? How can a package request
  deinstallation of almost a complete system, most of the packages
  scheduled for removal have NOTHING to do with the library.
  below I include what apt-get shows me when trying to install this library.
  Any suggestions are appreciated...
 1. Don't Panic!
 The choice is:
 a) do not 'apt-get update' for a while
 b) 'apt-get update' until it does not want to remove lots of stuff.
 option B can happen in days, weeks or longer (ask here for how long
 folks think it will take)

Or hold packages (= in aptitude) at their current version and upgrade
what you can, checking periodically to see if the newer packages are
installable without much breakage.

Re: Need iso images of Woody, Debian 3.0r3

2005-07-30 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/30/05, Paul E Condon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently discovered that it is not trivial to reinstall Debian
 on a somewhat old box that I have. In order to be prepared for
 another disk failure, I would like to have, in my CD library,
 copies of the first two CDs of Debian 3.0r3, but I can't find
 the images on the web. I'm sure they are there, but where?

3.0r3 doesn't seem to be available, but r6 can be downloaded from

Problem with apache2 and SSL

2005-07-30 Thread Bryan Arenal

I've got apache2 installed, configured for all of my virtual domains
and everything is running fine.  Well, everything except for SSL.

I've created my cert with 'apache2-ssl-certificate' as well as by
hand.  Nothing I do ever seems to work, because as soon as I hitting
port 443, I get an error and in the logs, this:

[Sat Jul 30 16:43:52 2005] [error] [client] Invalid method
in request \x80j\x01\x03\x01

I've googled this but can't come up with anything very informative. 
Can anyone please help me?



Re: Problem with apache2 and SSL

2005-07-30 Thread Bryan Arenal
On 7/30/05, Adam Aube [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is the SSL module enabled ('ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl*')?

Yes, the ssl.conf and ssl.load modules are both symlinked over from
mods-available/.And in case it's any help, the firefox error
message is:

   The connection to MyHost has terminated unexpectedly.  Some data may
   have been tranferred.



Re: aptitude : how to merge the new packages directory

2005-07-29 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/29/05, Guillaume TESSIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a question about aptitude.
 I use to run debian testing sarge and stick to sarge when it got stable.
 I usually manage packages with aptitude.
 Of course their was a new packages directory as new packages were
 introduced on a regular basis to the debian repository.
 But now, since sarge is frozen, i don't understand why this directory is
 still there.
 I was just looking for a gnome package and couldn't find it. I know
 alphabet, so i just went : where is this package?
 It was neither in the installed and uninstalled directores but in the
 new packages directory.
 The directory isn't usefull to me anymore. i'd to merge it.
 There is this option forget new packages...

New packages will remain in the new packages list until you select
forget new packages. So hit `f' and it'll merge them for you.

Re: any sleek way to downgrade sid to sarge?

2005-07-29 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/29/05, phyrster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi debianers,
 After upgrading to sid, I reget and thinking how to roll back to good old
 sarge. I searched related topics and found this guide: (How I Downgraded Testing to Stable)
 The procedure here is a bit complicated plus it's posted two years ago.
 There is also guide about pinning but the author says: downgrading is 
 complex and cumbersome.
 How do you guys downgrade? Are there sleek tools out there that can handle
 this job better?

Suffice it to say, downgrading is hard. Very hard, in some cases.
There are no automated tools; if you want to downgrade, it may be
possible, but you're mostly on your own.

Fortunately, sid and sarge are currently using the same C library, so
it's probably not as hard as sarge-woody. If you're not an expert in
how APT works, it'll probably be easier to just reinstall.

Re: new packages

2005-07-28 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/28/05, Nils-Erik Svangård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Heh.. I thought it was just my selection of packages. When I run apt-get
 update; apt-get upgrade, I usually get atleast 10 upgrades per day, but
 in recent days none of the packages I use has been updated. A first I
 thougt the mirror I used stopped updating, so I changed to the main
 archive, but there havent been any updates there either.

ftp-master.d.o was down until just recently. As it is the master
debian mirror, none of the other mirrors were updating during that
time. Package updates should resume soon, hopefully.

Re: C++ ABI change in sight?

2005-07-28 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/28/05, Steven Pasternak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi! I know that currently debian is undergoing the C++ ABI Change
 (, which is why kde isn't
 being upgraded (is C++ code). I was just wondering if this will be
 finished anytime soon. KDE 3.4 is head and shoulders above 3.3. Thanks!

If you can't wait for KDE 3.4.1, add this to your sources.list:
deb ./

Please note that while these are made by the same people who do the
regular KDE packages, they are unsupported. Wait until they're in
unstable or experimental before complaining they broke.

Re: Debian Sarge to Etch

2005-07-27 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/27/05, Fred OGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a small question, (as a newbe). 
 Just how Unstable is Unstable? 
 I enjoyed the (accidental) upgrade to Sarge. (I updated and, when I logged
 into the GUI, I was suprised to find everything changed.) 
 Even in Unstable,  I wouldn't expect my system to be crashing every day.
 Would I? 
 I would expect to see a gradual change in the capabilitys and features of my

I wouldn't exactly expect it to crash. However, right now there is a
major transition affecting all C++ programs. If you try to upgrade to
sid, expect lots of errors with missing dependencies, some broken
packages, etc. Be prepared to hold packages at a pre-sid version until
things shake out.

etch (testing) isn't so bad - dependencies are guarenteed to be sorted
out before packages reach it. But there can still be other kinds of
bugs in testing.

 I have been playing with Linux for a number of years now,  Caldera, Redhat,
 Lindows (now Linspire), and most recently, strait Debian.  I got sick of
 Technicians telling me they had to re-install the OS everytime some files
 got corrupt.  

 It seems that anyone running Unstable is actually on the cutting edge of
 Debian's capabilities (and limitations).  

 I hope these qustions are not to off topic.  I didn't want to risk Top

*cough* you did, actually :) Top posting is replying before the quoted
text of the previous message.

Re: Packages not authenticated - why?

2005-07-27 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/27/05, Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On my laptop, whenever I try to install/upgrade packages I get a message
 saying that the packages cannot be authenticated and asking if I want to
 continue. I say I do and things then proceed normally.
 This does not happen on my desktop.
 Any way to fix this?

Are you on unstable, by any chance?

Take a look at this:

If you just want to silence the errors, make sure gnupg's installed, then do:
apt-key add /usr/share/apt/debian-archive.gpg

Re: Unstable (sid) packages

2005-07-27 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/27/05, Song, Victor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are the Unstable packages being updated? I've received several security
 updates but the packages doesn't seem to have been updated on 
 For example, Webcalendar should be 0.9.45-6 according to the advisory but
 there is only on the server.  Am I doing something wrong? 

The master mirror site server's down; mirrors might not update until
new hosting's been found.

Re: apt-get update problems

2005-07-27 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/26/05, Jan Schledermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am getting this sort of messages a lot the last month or two, while
 running apt-get update:
 Ign sarge/main Packages
 99% [Packages bzip2 0] [Query]
 bzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;
 perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.
 bzip2: Inappropriate ioctl for device
 Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)
 It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
 You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.
 You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
 data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.
 Err sarge/contrib Packages
 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
 The next day the update may work well or result in similar error messages.
 Am I the only one having such problems or what?

I've been having some problems with I suspect some
mirrors weren't fully updated when ftp-master was shut down, resulting
in some of the systems that ftp.* redirects to having a
corrupted or incomplete copy of the archive.

Re: Synaptic claims deb files not at debian

2005-07-26 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/26/05, Edward C. Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use a PC with Debian unstable. synaptic has been giving me many
 messages like:
 W: Failed to fetch
 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 My browser showed the file and wget downloaded it. What is the problem?

I've been having similar problems with aptitude. It may have something
to do with ftp-master being down - some of the mirrors might not have
been fully up-to-date when it shut down.

Re: Hyperthreading

2005-07-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/23/05, Andrew J. Fields [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am in the process of building a new computer, and was wondering if Debian
 3.1r0a is capable of running on a P4 3.2E Ghz processor with HT Technology.
 Also, if the OS doesn't support HT, could it still work anyway. Lastly, if
 this wont work, could you recommend any distributions of Linux that support

Any SMP kernel on Debian or virtually any other Linux distribution
should work. On Debian, once you finish installing, you may need to
manually install a kernel-image or linux-image package with `smp' in
the name. I'm not sure whether the installer will do this for you -
check with uname -a after installing.

Re: gdb not able to display the contents of source code

2005-07-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/22/05, kamaraju kusumanchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David E. Fox wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:00:18 -0400
 kamaraju kusumanchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (gdb) list
 1   ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S: No such file or directory.
 in ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S

 I get the same output you do on a different small test program but it
 seems that the error doesn't cause a problem. For instance I can do a
 'break main' and then step line by line and am able to view the source,
 check the status of variables and so on.

 Thanks. Now I at least know that it is reproducible. Just today morning,
 I reported it to the BTS.

list is probably breaking because the program's not running your code
yet - it's in the fortran library's initialization code, and hasn't
reached your code yet. Since you don't have a copy of the fortran
library sources available, it breaks.

Re: debian-31r0a-i386-netinst.iso

2005-07-23 Thread Bryan Donlan
On 7/23/05, Matthew Lenz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wasn't the original installer called debian-31r0-i386-netinst.iso? .. was
 the 'a' added recently? if so what changed?

The installer without the `a' doesn't add to

Help with broken Aptitude

2005-06-30 Thread Bryan Jackson

Hello everyone.

I have a Debian Sarge box that was working fine until Sarge went stable.
 Aptitude has started acting very strange,  in fact apt in general
seems broken.  The symptoms are as follows.

1.  I have had no upgrades when when I run aptitude update, aptitude
upgrade since sarge went stable.

2.  When trying to install a package from the command line using
aptitude install package I get a No installation cantidate error.

violator:~# aptitude search apt-file
p   apt-file   - APT package searching
utility -- command-line interf

violator:~# aptitude install apt-file
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
No candidate version found for apt-file
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.

The same happens using apt-get.

3.  When using the gui in aptitude, when I search for a package I can
see the package but in the version colums I see none none.  But if I
double click the package with the mouse I can see a version number in
the section Versions/ and if I double click that version number it
will then appear in the version colums.  This causes problems when a
package needs to install dependencies because the dependencies do not
have a version number until until I do the doulble click, select version

My sources.list

deb sarge/updates main contrib non-free
deb sarge main non-free contrib

Does anybody have any advice on how to fix this ?

Many thanks in advance.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help with broken Aptitude

2005-06-30 Thread Bryan Jackson

Hello everyone.  I have lurked on this group for a while but this is my
1st post.

I have a Debian Sarge box that was working fine until Sarge went stable.
 Aptitude has started acting very strange,  in fact apt in general
seems broken.  The symptoms are as follows.

1.  I have had no upgrades when when I run aptitude update, aptitude
upgrade since sarge went stable.

2.  When trying to install a package from the command line using
aptitude install package I get a No installation cantidate error.

violator:~# aptitude search apt-file
p   apt-file   - APT package searching
utility -- command-line interf

violator:~# aptitude install apt-file
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
No candidate version found for apt-file
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.

The same happens using apt-get.

3.  When using the gui in aptitude, when I search for a package I can
see the package but in the version colums I see none none.  But if I
double click the package with the mouse I can see a version number in
the section Versions/ and if I double click that version number it
will then appear in the version colums.  This causes problems when a
package needs to install dependencies because the dependencies do not
have a version number until until I do the doulble click, select version

My sources.list

deb sarge/updates main contrib non-free
deb sarge main non-free contrib

Does anybody have any advice on how to fix this ?

Many thanks in advance.

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A computer is like an air conditioner: Once you open windows, it stops
working. - THE unofficial newsgroup of F1

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Help with broken Aptitude

2005-06-30 Thread Bryan Jackson

Hello everyone.

I have a Debian Sarge box that was working fine until Sarge went stable.
Aptitude has started acting very strange,  in fact apt in general
seems broken.  The symptoms are as follows.

1.  I have had no upgrades when when I run aptitude update, aptitude
upgrade since sarge went stable.

2.  When trying to install a package from the command line using
aptitude install package I get a No installation cantidate error.

violator:~# aptitude search apt-file
p   apt-file   - APT package searching
utility -- command-line interf

violator:~# aptitude install apt-file
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
No candidate version found for apt-file
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.

The same happens using apt-get.

3.  When using the gui in aptitude, when I search for a package I can
see the package but in the version colums I see none none.  But if I
double click the package with the mouse I can see a version number in
the section Versions/ and if I double click that version number it
will then appear in the version colums.  This causes problems when a
package needs to install dependencies because the dependencies do not
have a version number until until I do the doulble click, select version

My sources.list

deb sarge/updates main contrib non-free
deb sarge main non-free contrib

Does anybody have any advice on how to fix this ?

Many thanks in advance.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Help with broken Aptitude

2005-06-30 Thread Bryan Jackson
Sorry for the multiple post major Windoze problems.  Thats why I run 
Debian on all of my home machines :-)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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