On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 12:02:36AM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> Is it OK to carefully modify /var/lib/dpkg/status?

It should be unnessecary.

> doesn't work.  Is there any way to modify deb packages to change their
> dependencies since some of the packages are plain stupid... they depend on
> perl for instance and I have perl5.005, so I end up doing a dpkg -i
> --force-depends... which works, but if you go into dselect afterwards it

They shouldn't depend on perl. If anything depends on Perl in Potato,
that's a RC bug. You need to do a full upgrade to Potato for everything
to work, though.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] now install and don't talk to me again!  KDE stuff wouldn't 
> go
> on because it wanted stdc++2.9, and it was too stupid to realize 2.10 was
> newer... I had to force each and every kde package... it worked too, but I

Um.. no. I don't know why it worked - you must have a copy of libstdc++2.9
somewhere around, but libstdc++2.10 is (a) not binary compatible with 2.9
and (b) wouldn't satisfy the runtime dependency of 2.9. Any program that
depends on libstdc++2.9 without it installed should have failed to run,
with a missing library dependency.

If you still have anything about, do ldd on it, and it should show you where
that erstz libstdc++2.9 is hiding.

> it.  Those of us customizing Debian to strange hardware need a bit more
> freedom with this.
> Anyone...?

If you need to modify dependencies, I mean really need to modify 
depenedencies, download the source and edit debian/control. In both your
examples, there are better ways than hacking dependencies.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The hell that is supposed out there could be no worse than
the hell that is sometimes seen in here.

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