bookworm upgrade report

2023-06-13 Thread hans . ullrich
Hi folks,

upgrade to bookworm went like a charm, but I got into two little issues.

First issue: kdeconnect crashed at any start - thus wondering, because on 
another computer it worked like a charme.

Second issue: Weatjer widget on plasma5 (KDE) did not find any town, but on 
another computer it worked well.

Third issue: On my EEEPC the latest kernel did not boot every time, sometimes 
it did, sometimes not (just hanged with a blank screen). The older 5.10-kernel 
always started.

Solution for all issues: As my systems are installed a long time ago, there 
are many libs and packages, which I used, but which are orphaned now (about 
240 packages roundabout here). After deinstalling all of them ( I used 
aptitude for this, there is a special section for orphaned packages), 
everything worked fine.

Note: apt autoremove does NOT do the trick!
Second note: apt purge `deborphan --guess-all`might uninstall packages or 
libs, you might want or need to keep, so it also does not the trick.

I did uninstall ell manually.

Just to give someone a hint, if something after upgrade to bookworm did not 
work as expected.

Happy hacking, best


AW: Re: Nvidia + Plasma + Keyboard

2022-08-04 Thread hans . ullrich
Nope, to understand, I want the proprietry driver, because the nouveau driver 
is too slow. Otherwise I could use the cpu inbuilt graphics chip, which is 
I915, but also slow.

My mail should also be seen as an info mail, not as a bugreport.

As I know about the issue, I am running every game or application, which needs 
speed, in XFCE or similar and not in plasma5.

However, I thought, I should tell you about the issue, because other might 
people might run into this issue too and wonder, what is responsibl.



Am Thu, 4 Aug 2022 06:51:04 +, Marco  schrieb:

Am Thu, 04 Aug 2022 06:37:31 +

> Did I miss telling it? On T520 it is GF119 (NVS4200) and in the
> Aspire it is GF-86M, both need *-340xx-* legacy drivers.

For this generation of cards, nouveau works fine. I am running it with a
GeForce 210.
Please remove the proprietary driver and make sure you have
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed.

AW: Re: Nvidia + Plasma + Keyboard

2022-08-03 Thread hans . ullrich
Did I miss telling it? On T520 it is GF119 (NVS4200) and in the Aspire it is 
GF-86M, both need *-340xx-* legacy drivers.

Best regards


Am Thu, 4 Aug 2022 04:50:22 +, Marco  schrieb:

Am Wed, 03 Aug 2022 21:56:31 +0200
schrieb Hans :

> I am talking about the proprietary nvidia driver, nouveau is dead, as
> it is not more developed since a long time.

Which is wring, see the feature matrix there:

Please tell us, which GPU you have.

AW: Re: nvidia-legacy-390xx - document not correct

2022-07-25 Thread hans . ullrich
Yes, I know. But as this is not a real bug IMHO, I wrote here, as I belive, 
package maintainers do read here, too.

Maybe I should file a bugreport, too.

Best regards


Am Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:41:23 -0400, The Wanderer  schrieb:

On 2022-07-25 at 13:12, Hans wrote:

> Dear meintainers,

Your mail was sent not to the package maintainers, but to the
debian-user mailing list, which is populated primarily by fellow users
of Debian. We can suggest and advise each other, but we have no more
ability to get package contents and descriptions updated than any other
user does.

> I ŕan into an issue with optimus and an nvidia card. Fist the hardware:
> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation
> Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)
> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119M [Quadro
> NVS 4200M] (rev ff)
> I have two graphics cards, and the nvidia card is NVS 4200Ḿ.
> Please note, that the package nvidia-settings and the description of
> the package "nvidia-legacy-*-390xx"

I do not see any packages which match this name pattern. I see quite a
few which match the pattern "*nvidia-legacy-390xx*", but nothing that
would match that "-*-" in the middle. I'm proceeding on the presumption
that these are what you meant, and that you simply wrote the wildcard
pattern incorrectly.

> is telling, that these are the drivers for this graphic chip.
> But these are NOT!
> After hours of testing with buḿblee and then examine the NVidia site,
> I disćovered, that thecorrect driver for thius chip is *-340xx NOT
> *-390xx.

What Debian release are you running against? (For example, bullseye vs.
buster, or stable vs. testing vs. unstable.)

In my case, tracking both stable and testing, I do not see any '-340xx'
packages currently available. The only results for 'apt-cache search
nvidia-legacy' are about the -390xx packages.

> Installing this version, everything is working perfectly.

What was the exact package name you installed?

What does

$ apt-cache policy packagename

report, for that package name?

> And to confirm: Also the NVIDIA website is telling, for chipset GF119
> == NVS4200, thew correct driver is 340xx.
> Just before other people step into this trap, maybe you might want to
> correct the description.

If this is confirmed, it would probably be worth filing a bug report
about this, to get that documentation updated.

The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

AW: Snort IDS

2019-09-18 Thread hans . ullrich
Hi Mattia,
snort is a great tool, and I am using it since a long time. I do not know, if 
snort is still maintained by debian,
but there is a successor which is called "suricata". Suricata is in the debian 
repo, and it shall better work with the ressources

(for example it is splitting into seperate processes). However, for my personal 
view, snort is easier to configure and its resuklts are better to be seen tahn 
in suricata.
Suricata has no nice reporting tool like snort (although there shall be an 
external tool, forgot the name).

Sorry, can not tell more, however, I hope this helps either.

Best regards


Am Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:46:31 +0200, Mattia  schrieb:


I have some problems with snort on debian that are already been reported
but the current maintainer seems not active.
For what I found online it seems that snort is the most used IDS, so I
find it quite odd that it's not maintained in Debian. Is this still
true? Do you guys use it? Or it's better to move to other software?
Can somebody please point me to an external source that has an up to
date snort debian package? I've found a lot of documentation online but
it's either quite old or provides instructions to build it from source.

Thanks in advance

AW: Install debian armhf on tablet "surface rt"

2019-09-10 Thread hans . ullrich

Hi deloptes,

I think, the hardware is not so important at the first time. My problem is 
more, to get grub to be able, to boot an iso-image. It is not important, if 
this is the debian installation iso (what is preferrred), or
any other iso. Even a livefile system would be ok (like debian-live, knoppix or 
kanotix, just to name three ones).

So I am still fighting with the usb-stick. The "Surface RT" is capable to start 
of an usb-stick, but it is EFI secured. However, the debian installer (on intel 
hardware) can be started with uefi, too, so why should the same not work with 

If it really does not work, I always cann sell the tablet.

But if I could get debian on it running, this would be great, as the hardware 
of the Surfce RT is really nice.

Have a good time!



AW: Install debian armhf on tablet "surface rt"

2019-09-09 Thread hans . ullrich
Hi folks,

at weekend I tried hard, but I still got not much progress. The most sucess I 
got with "multiboot". Here I managed to get it booting from an usb-stick

(I had to set a timeout withi grub.cfg like "set timeout=10").The problem is, 
that when grub is starting the keyboard is not usable. Even the "enter"-key is 
not working.

Exactly to say it does the following:

1. Booting fom usb-stick = working

2. Grub is loading = working (after 10 seconds)

3. The grub menu with choices (Install, Advanced, etc.) = working (after 10 

4. Screen going dark, then after some seconds I get an erro message

"devices not known" or sinilar

Here I am stuck.

I can not use "dd" for the usb-stcick, as the grub-version on the usb-stick is 
a special version for the Surface RT, which is not using scripts, only the 
grub.cfg is used.
Although I searched the web, I could not find any solution without using 
loopback and a grub.cfg, which is able to start an ISO-image. But grub2 shall 
be able, to boot iso-images.

Still trying hard, so any help is preciated.

Best regards


Am Fri, 06 Sep 2019 12:04:36 +, schrieb:

Hi folks,

I am trying to install debian on a Surface RT.

Being on 2/3rd on the way, I am now stuck, but an easy problem.

At the momant, I am t the ponit, that I can boot from an USB-stick. The 
USB-stick is loaded with grub (a special version for the Surface RT).

On the stick I put the installation iso-file. I want to use an ISO, because 
when thuis is working, other live-images (like kali-linux) can be installed, 

Booting is starting, grub is starting, after 10 seconds it shall boot the iso.

But at this point I am stuck.

As there is only a grub.cfg, I think there is an entry missing. When grub is 
wanting to boot, I get an error, pointing to "loopback"

What is wrong? This is the entry in grub:

snip ---

set timeout=10
set root='hd1,msdos2'
set isofile="/debian-10.0.0-armhf-xfce-CD-1.iso"
menuentry "Install OS" {
 loopback debian $isofile
insmod font

if loadfont ${prefix}/unicode.pf2
    insmod gfxterm
    set gfxmode=auto
    set gfxpayload=keep
    terminal_output gfxterm


I am not sure, if  "hd1,msdos2" is correct, windows is showing it as drive D:\, 
what let me think, hd0 is the harddrive, hd1 is the usb-stick.

If I get the iso running, I will tell about my progress.

Thanks for any help and hints.

Best regards


Install debian armhf on tablet "surface rt"

2019-09-06 Thread hans . ullrich
Hi folks,

I am trying to install debian on a Surface RT.

Being on 2/3rd on the way, I am now stuck, but an easy problem.

At the momant, I am t the ponit, that I can boot from an USB-stick. The 
USB-stick is loaded with grub (a special version for the Surface RT).

On the stick I put the installation iso-file.  I want to use an ISO, because 
when thuis is working, other live-images (like kali-linux) can be installed, 

Booting is starting, grub is starting, after 10 seconds it shall boot the iso.

But at this point I am stuck.

As there is only a grub.cfg, I think there is an entry missing. When grub is 
wanting to boot, I get an error, pointing to "loopback"

What is wrong? This is the entry in grub:

snip ---

set timeout=10
set root='hd1,msdos2'
set isofile="/debian-10.0.0-armhf-xfce-CD-1.iso"
menuentry "Install OS" {
 loopback debian $isofile
insmod font

if loadfont ${prefix}/unicode.pf2
    insmod gfxterm
    set gfxmode=auto
    set gfxpayload=keep
    terminal_output gfxterm


I am not sure, if  "hd1,msdos2" is correct, windows is showing it as drive D:\, 
what let me think, hd0 is the harddrive, hd1 is the usb-stick.

If I get the iso running, I will tell about my progress.

Thanks for any help and hints.

Best regards


kmail - several issues

2019-07-29 Thread hans . ullrich
Hi folks,

in the latest version of kmail (debian/stable) I discovered several issues. As 
it might be possible, they belong together, I am just describing it here. Maybe 
these are already known.

1. It is not possible, to print an email any more. When I want to print an 
email , I just get an empty sheet. Also the preview of the print is empty.
This behavior appears in amd64 as well as in i386.
This bug appeared already in 2017, was then fixed and now is appearing again. 
As far as I understood, an email to print is first transverted into HTML-form, 
then sent to the printer.
Knowing this is leading me to the second issue:

2. The vertical HTML in the message view on the left is no more working as 
before. In prior versuions of kmail it was possible to change the view of 
emails between HTML and NON-HTML by
clicking the HTML bar with the left mouse button. This does not work any more.

Additionally it is no more possible, to deactivate this bar completely. In 
prior versions of kmail there was a button in the configurations of kmail, to 
deactivate this bar. This option is gone!
Accidently or wanted? I do not know.

With this bar there appeared a new issue on netbooks with its small resolutions 
(1024x600): As the HTML-Bar is too long, it is not possible to make the message 
view so small, that kmail fits
completely into 600 lines. The problem is (in the German version), that the 
shown text "K e  i n e  H T M L - N a c h r i c h t" is just too long, to 
shorten the message window. When there is a
HTML-Message, then it shows "H T M L - N a c h r i c h t", which is shorter, 
and then it fits into 600 lines.

It would be nice, if these errors and issues could be fixed, maybe with shorter 
text in German. As for the printing problem, maybe there is a problem with the 
html-transfer, do not know.

I would file a bugreport (for the HTML-bar I already did), but maybe soemone 
knows more about the relationships and can report better than me, who is just 
showing the effects, but not the cause.

Thank you for reading this and any hints.

Best regards


kmail and reportbug problem - error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small

2018-10-30 Thread hans . ullrich
Hello list, 

I am runnng into a big problem since some days. It is not possible to send any 
mails using kmail (receiving is working well) and
also reportbug is not working any more. I am using TLS. 

When I want to send a mail I get this message:

error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small 

As far as I understood, this is a problm with a Diffie Hellman key, which might 
be too small (1024 , 20148, 4096 bit???)
And as far as I read, this is hardcoded in the related libs. However, I do not 
know, which package is related to this, otherwise I 
could and would send a bugreport. But whih packlage is to blame? It would be 
nice, if someone could  inform the responsible package maintainers. Thanks 
already for this.  

It would be nice, if this could be fixed or if someone would point me to a 
solution, so I would downgrade the related packages.
Thjis message had to be written via a webinterface, as sending directly from my 
computer is not possible at the moment (and maybe by many other users, too).

Last but not least, it maybe importast, that I am running 32-bit 
(debian/testing, i386)
Thank you for reading and any help.

Best regards



Re: KDE4.4 desktop customization for multiple users.

2011-07-14 Thread hans . ullrich
Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011 schrieb Sthu Deus:
> Good time of the day.
> How I can customize the KDE4 desktop so that it can be then transferred
> to other users.
> For example - I login under a user, make my preferences, save the
> session, logout. Then, super user copies the (which?) files/dir.s to
> another user, chowning it for the user.
> Or, may there is another much better solution?
> Thanks for Your time.

Try this:

Create a default user and configure it to your needs. Then copy everything of 
your settings to /etc/skel. When a new user is created, everything from 
/etc/skel will be transferred to the new user profile. 

If you have to install this on different machines, you mighjt want to have a 
tarball available. I would do it so:

- create a tarball from /etc/skel
- write a shell script, which does
 a) unpack the tarball to /etc/skel
 b) then creates a new user (i.e. starting adduser)

Doing so, it is easy to have a default profile available. 

Another way might be, to write a script, which logs on every machine, changes 
/etc/skel, creates user, unlogs. Doing so, you can easily change thopusands of 
default profiles in this way, even afterwards (in that case, do not change 
/etc/skel but /home/youruser/)

Hope this helps


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