Re: Problems with Debian PowerPC

2009-12-18 Thread Luk Claes
Frans Pop wrote:
 On Friday 18 December 2009, Philipp Kern wrote:
 While I did not take care about the fallout due to time constraints on
 my side, I did take a look at the meta-gnome2 migration back then.  We
 did not place any approval hint but it seems that the multiple arch:all
 confused britney sufficiently so that she decided to migrate those
 packages without any hint at all.

 Sadly I was unable to track down the bug in question and our log keeping
 is currently almost non-existant.

 As soon as something is copied over to testing autobuilding is
 automatically stopped, which might be another bug of its own.
 So, what can be done to fix the current breakage?

Have tomboy (and mono) migrate to testing so meta-gnome2 can migrate to



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[Fwd: Mise à jour de Debian Lenny]

2009-12-16 Thread Luk Claes

A user reported an upgrade problem to the release list, can you help
debugging and solving the user's problem, TIA?



PS: I'm not subscribed to this list.

 Original Message 
Subject:Mise à jour de Debian Lenny
Resent-Date:Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:30:08 + (UTC)
Date:   Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:12:23 + (GMT)
From:   KISMAN Man

J'ai la distribution Debian Etch et je voudrais faire la migration de
mon système d'exploitation.
J'ai modifié ma sources.list en focntion de lenny.
Les trois opérations effectuées sont:
# aptitude update
# aptitude install apt dpkg aptitude
# aptitude dist-upgrade
A la fin de la dernière opération, il m'a été demandé de lancer LILO
avant que je rédemarre. Et quand je lancais /sbin/lilo il m'a donné ce
Added Linux *
Added LinuxOLD
En rédemarrant avec la commande reboot, je me suis endu compte que j'ai
toujours l'ancienne distribution de Debian Etch au lieu de Debian Lenny.
Et quand, je veux réprendre les opérations, il me dit que c'est
impossible d'initialiser la connexion à
- Connect (le réseau n'est pas accessible.) [IP 2001:a78::1a 80]
Que faire

D'avance merci pour votre aide.

Kisangani, RDC

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Re: [stable] FWD: [paquet wxmax ima - bug critique non résolu]

2008-04-13 Thread Luk Claes
Charles Plessy wrote:
 Dear maintainer and Stable release team,
 One user on the debian-user-french mailing list noted that the bug
 432665 was rendering the package useless but is apparently not fixed in
 a point release of Etch. If the bug really originates from a single ''
 missing, is there a chance that a stable update would be accepted ?

Yes, that looks an acceptable change. Please upload a fixed version to



 - Forwarded message from Fabrice Salvaire -
 Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 01:32:55 +0200
 From: Fabrice Salvaire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: paquet wxmaxima - bug critique non résolu
 Je ne connais pas les règles de debian. Mais la version de wxmaxima
 dans etch est inutilisable :
 The bug was fixed by wxMaxima developpers on 2006-10-10 ... It was a
 '' missing in front of a variable in the C++ code, and it is no
 longer present since version 0.7.1, which is the one in unstable.
 Mais alors à quoi sert etch (Version : 0.7.0a-1)? Je suis sidéré!
 C'est à l'utilisateur de recompiler? Je soupçonne que le mainteneur de
 ce paquet n'utilise pas etch et se fout donc de la chose ... Voilà le
 genre de chose qui me donne l'envie d'insérer une netinstall fedora.

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Re: zgrywanie dysku z systemem

2006-11-19 Thread luk

stentor wrote:

  czy programem norton ghost mozna zgrac caly dysk systemowy linuksowy
  na inny dysk? taki backup/kopia systemu?


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Re: Kompilacja jako moduł

2006-08-29 Thread luk
Mam dokładnie taki sam problem, korzystałem z opisu 
na stronie, 
gdize pisało:

6. Moduł ipp2p 
Przechodzisz do katalogu /usr/src # cd /usr/src 

Rozpakowujesz ipp2p # tar zxf ipp2p.tar.gz 

Przechodzisz do katalogu /usr/src/ipp2p # cd 

W pliku Makefile ustawiasz aktualne położenie 
iptables # sed -e s/iptables-1.2.9/iptables/ Makefile Makefile.tmp# 
mv Makefile.tmp Makefile 

Kompilujesz ipp2p # make 

Kopiujesz pliki ipp2p do odpowiednich katalogów: 
# mv /usr/local/lib/iptables# mv ipt_ipp2p.o 

No ale przy kompilacji wywala pełno błędów i 
niewiem co robić :|

Re: ati fglrx and xorg 7.0.0

2006-04-18 Thread LUK ShunTim
Ivan Glushkov wrote:
 Hi all,
 I tried to install ati driver after upgrading my Debian/etch to xorg
 7.0.0. There are three ways to do that as fas I know:


Flavio posted on the fglrx list that a new 8.24 version compatible with 7.0 is available for testing.

A number of people have reported positive results.


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Apache::ASP problem

2006-04-16 Thread LUK ShunTim

I'm testing the Apache::ASP on a debian/sid box.

System info:
apache2-mpm-worker 2.0.55-4,
libapache2-mod-perl2 2.0.2-2,
libapache-asp-perl 2.59-2.

By itself, apache2+mod_perl seems to be working well.

However, I got error messages like these
[Sun Apr 16 18:12:02 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate object method
get via package APR::Table at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line 2016.\n at
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line
2016\n\tApache::ASP::get_dir_config('APR::Table=HASH(0x81f3f20)', 'Global')
called at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line
275\n\tApache::ASP::new('Apache::ASP', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x81f3ef0)',
'/var/www/asp/eg/index.html') called at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line
183\n\tApache::ASP::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x81f3ef0)') called at
-e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n
in the error.log of apache when I tried out the examples that came with in

The best information I can get seems to be this FAQ from, which points to a
mod_perl setup error and their advice is to compile a static apache+mod_perl.
But I'm not quite sure and I'd be grateful for any ideas.

Thanks in advance,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bash, cat and EOF problem

2006-03-01 Thread LUK ShunTim

I ran into this problem which I cannot figure out. I must have missed
something. I'm using sid with bash version 3.1.5(1).

cat EOF outfile
Some words

works but when it is embedded inside an if-then-fi construct like,

if [ -z $AAA ]; then
   cat EOF outfile
   Some words

it fails with error message
script2: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file

What have I missed?


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Re: Bash, cat and EOF problem

2006-03-01 Thread LUK ShunTim
Dave Thayer wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 02:41:08PM +0800, LUK ShunTim wrote:
cat EOF outfile
Some words

works but when it is embedded inside an if-then-fi construct like,

if [ -z $AAA ]; then
   cat EOF outfile
   Some words

it fails with error message
script2: line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file

What have I missed?
 It's not the if-then-fi causing your problem, but the indentation within.
 Lose the leading spaces in the here text (unless you want your outfile to
 containSome words rather than Some words) and the limit string

Hello Dave and Andrew,

Thanks very much for the useful information.


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Re: Programmieren mit Delphi

2005-10-15 Thread Luk Claes
Hash: SHA1

Cristaino Ronaldo wrote:
 Meine Damen und Herren,


The language used on this mailing list is supposed to be English!

 ich habe linux möchte aber wie mit Delphi
 Programmieren welche Programmier sprache ist genau so
 wie Delphi und kann sie bei Linux benutzen währe nett
 wenn ich eine antwort bekommen würde und wo bekomme
 ich das programm her und es sollte kostelos sein danke

Your question is more appropriate on or the
German counterpart if you prefer...

I would try freepascal...


- --
Luk Claes - - GPG key 1024D/9B7C328D
Fingerprint:   D5AF 25FB 316B 53BB 08E7   F999 E544 DE07 9B7C 328D
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Konwersja

2005-06-17 Thread luk

Roland Czaczyk / FreeBird wrote:
 z EXT2 na EXT3 

tune2js -j /dev/hda1

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Re: Stealth Test za pomoca

2005-04-13 Thread luk
mariusz wrote:
 Test stealth za wykonany za pomoca serwisu zwraca takie oto wartosci
 TCP pingstealthed   
   TCP NULLnon-stealthed   
   TCP FIN non-stealthed   
   TCP XMASnon-stealthed   
   UDP stealthed
 Jakie reguly iptables mozna uzyc aby wszystkie powyzsze wartosci byly 
 stealthed ?

iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN,RST SYN,FIN,RST

iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE

powinno byc w necie.. jesli nie pomoze

Lukasz Pieczara

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

debian amd64

2004-12-24 Thread luk


Pracuje na debianie zainstlowanym z sid-amd64-netinst.iso  podczas instalacji 
instalator mial problem z prawidlowym obsuzeniem tej karty

VIA Networking Velocity Family Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

 i co za tym idzie przydzielenie jej ip z dhcp. Niestety nie mam na ten moment 
komunikatow bledu. Musialem ja wylaczyc w BIOSie by dokonczyc instalacje, 
skorzystalem z innej karty sieciowej. Tymniemniej po instalacji i ponownym 
wlaczeniu karty okazuje sie ze karta pracuje sprawnie. Na jakich stronach 
debiana moglbym szukac infomracji o tym bledzie, czy zostal juz zgloszony, 
jesli nie jakie informacji musze miec by go zglosic.

Sprawdzalem tutaj: jednak nie udalo mi 
sie odnalezc w gaszczu tych linkow, byc moze w kolejnej wersji instalatora 
zostalo to juz poprawione :/


ps. moze ktos wie kiedy ati ma zamiar wydac sterowniki 64 bitowe dla swoich 
kart? widze ze konkurencyja nvidia nie robi takich problemow:

Re: Alsa i SB Live

2004-10-21 Thread luk

Nie udaje mi sie zmusic Alsy do działania

probowalem na podstawie tego howto:

/etc/init.d/alsa restart
Storing ALSA mixer settings...failed.
Starting ALSA.../etc/init.d/alsa: Error: alsactl restore failed with 
message 'alsactl: load_state:1134: No soundcards found...'.


Sam sobie odpowiem ;-) moze komus sie przyda, wiec warto pamietac, zeby 
przy kompliacji kernela wkompilowac w jadro Sound card support, a jako 
modul  (ja mialem na stale) M potraktowac Creative SBLive! (EMU10K1) 
-- w przypadku

Sound Error Informational Message:

Error while initializing the sound driver:

device: default can't be opened for playback (Permission denied)

The sound server will continue, using the null output device

ustawiamy nastepujace prawa

chmod 666 /dev/snd/*

chmod 755 /dev/snd.


Alsa i SB Live

2004-09-30 Thread luk

Nie udaje mi sie zmusic Alsy do działania

probowalem na podstawie tego howto:

/etc/init.d/alsa restart
Storing ALSA mixer settings...failed.
Starting ALSA.../etc/init.d/alsa: Error: alsactl restore failed with 
message 'alsactl: load_state:1134: No soundcards found...'.


lsmod | grep snd
snd-usb-usx2y 12068 0 (unused)
snd-usb-lib 8100 0 [snd-usb-usx2y]
snd-rawmidi 13092 0 [snd-usb-lib]
snd-seq-device 4048 0 [snd-rawmidi]
snd-pcm-oss 37544 0 (unused)
snd-mixer-oss 13272 0 [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-pcm 58920 0 [snd-usb-usx2y snd-pcm-oss]
snd-timer 14276 0 [snd-pcm]
snd-hwdep 4548 0 [snd-usb-usx2y]
snd 32772 0 (autoclean) [snd-usb-usx2y snd-usb-lib snd-rawmidi 
snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm snd-timer snd-hwdep]
snd-page-alloc 4972 0 (autoclean) [snd-usb-usx2y snd-rawmidi 
snd-seq-device snd-mixer-oss snd-pcm snd-timer snd-hwdep snd]

cat /proc/asound/cards
--- no soundcards ---


# --- BEGIN: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---
# --- ALSACONF verion 1.0.6 ---
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k1
alias sound-slot-0 snd-emu10k1
post-install snd-emu10k1 /usr/lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install

# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---

insmod: /lib/modules/2.4.27/alsa/snd-emu10k1.o: init_module: No such device
insmod: /lib/modules/2.4.27/alsa/snd-emu10k1.o: insmod snd-card-0 failed

dzieki z gory za podpowiedz :D

Re: Debian Sarge

2004-09-16 Thread luk

Dnia 2004-09-16 11:02, Użytkownik Piechcio napisał(a):

Witaj debian-user-polish!

  Czy wiadomo kiedy wreszcie wyjdzie stabilny Debian Sarge?
   Jakis czas temu czytalem na debianplanet i innych stronkach, ze mial

   to byc 15 wrzesnia. Cos sie przesunelo?

Tez mialem Was o to pytac

jak ktos napisal w komentarzu do w/w artykulu:

I'm greatly looking forward to sarge but I'm thinking november/december, 



Re: Obraz dysku.

2004-09-09 Thread luk

Wojtek Pietkiewicz wrote:


 Potrzebuje zrobić obraz dysku o pojemności 30G z zainstalowanym systemem moze zadziala na NTFS nie probowalem

NTFS  Windows NT, 2000 and XP experimental

Łukasz Pieczara

Re: ikonki pulpitu w kde

2004-09-08 Thread luk

Tomasz wrote:

aż wstyd się pytać, ale mam problem z KDE 3.3, chodzi o ikonki na pulpicie,
gdzie zmienić to aby po ponownym włączeniu komputera były tam gdzie je
ustawiłem, a nie ustawiały się domyślnie, w meni są same opcje sortowania po
dacie, nazwie itp


hm, nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumialem w czym problem, do zapisu sesji:

dcop ksmserver default saveCurrentSession

Poza tym warto chyba zobaczyc w Session Manager w Control Center i 
ustawic Restore manually saved session, lub wedle gustu

Re: apache neostrada VirutalHosty

2004-09-06 Thread luk
warto wybrać opcję Allow Wildcards -- sprawia ona, że wszystkie adresy 
kończące się nazwą naszej domeny są na nią przekierowywane; wtedy do 
domeny zarejestrowanej można trafić wpisując, itp -- 
używając zmiennej $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] możemy kierować użytkownika do 
odpowiednich części naszego serwisu

Re: Program do monitoringu sprawności łąc za

2004-08-30 Thread luk

Dnia 2004-08-30 10:27, Użytkownik Marek Berkan napisał(a):


 Używam łącza dzierżawionego od Netii i od jakiegoś czasu mam problemy:
 okresowe spadki przepustowości, bardzo długie odpowiedzi na pingi,
 całkowita niesprawność itp. W razie problemów dzwonię  i zgłaszam błędy,
 oni przepraszają i całość trwa od miesiąca...

 Jednak chciałbym mieć jakiś program, który robił by stałe monitorowanie,
 tak aby pod koniec miesiąca przedstawić zestawienie, kiedy i jak łącze
 nie działało... Czy możecie coś polecić? Wystarczające byłoby robienie
 raz na 5 - 10 minut pingów, może co godzina próba pobrania dużego pliku
 aby sprawdzić przepustowość...

 Dziękuje za ewentualne wskazówki.

 Marek Berkan.

genrelanie do weryfikacji ruchu na interfejsie to:

jesli zas chcesz co jakis czas pingowac to moze jakis skrypt do crona:

Nie wiem jak to wyglada w NETI moge udostepnic swoj skrypt do SDI na 
ppp0 ktory sprawdza co minute polaczenie i zapisuje log


Lukasz Pieczara

removed /media/cdrom0

2004-08-24 Thread Luk Lalinsk
i have this problem using debian sarge: every time i boot i found 
broken links /cdrom and /media/cdrom, because of 
removed /media/cdrom0. if i create it manually, after reboot it is 
removed again. why??

lukas - najvacsi slovensky freemail

niepłacący - ostrzeżenie

2003-12-17 Thread luk

Na  servie mam virtualhosta na Apache'u. Jak ktoś nie płaci netu to na
firewall'u  przekierowuję  go  na  owego virtuala i jedyne co widzi to
komunikat   że  nie  zapłacił  abonamentu  itd...  (net  ma  odcięty).
Chciałbym  zrobić  tak,  że  za  każdym  razem gdy ktoś otworzy stronę
pokaże  mu  się strona że nie zapłacił netu lecz po ODŚWIEŻENIU będzie
miał   normalnie   dostęp   do   netu   (swego  rodzaj  przypomnienie,
ostrzeżenie).  Strona  z  ustalonym  komunikatem  pokazywała by się za
każdym razem gdy klient otworzy nową stronę.


Re[2]: niepłacący - ostrzeżenie

2003-12-17 Thread luk

A  czy można zrobić to, bez dodatkowych programów, mając do dyspozycji
środki, które opisałem wcześniej ??


Re[4]: niepłacący - ostrzeżenie

2003-12-17 Thread luk

Owszem,  firewall  jest na iptables. Próbowałem już wcześniej -m limit
--limit...  lecz  nie  jest  to do konca to co bym chcial. Najbardziej
interesuje  mnie  właśnie  pokazywanie się tego komunikatu przy każdej
nowej stronie i po odświeżeniu aby wszystko było ok.


skrypty do ipfm

2003-12-15 Thread luk

Do  generowania  statystyk  uzywam ipfm (IPFMv0.11.4). Do wyswietlania
ich  na  stronie www uzywam scr_ipfm v. 0.64 (
Chcialbym   spytac   o   Wasze   opinie   (rady)   na  temat  skryptow
wyswietlajacych obrobione statystyki, generowane przez ipfm. Moze ktos
zna  jakis bardzo dobry skrpt, moze ktos ma wlasny i chcialby polecic.
Chcialbym poznac alternatywy scr_ipfm.



2003-12-09 Thread luk

czy ktos moglby mi polecic jakis program ktory po zapuszczeniu go np w
tle  bedzie  z monitorowal, sumowal itd... kto, ile sciaga (wg adresow
ip)  plik wynikowy moze byc jaki badz byle bym w nim mogl wyczytac kto
ile  sciagnal  przez  ostatni  dzien, tydzien, misiac,itp. szukalem po
necie,  zazwyczaj  znajdowalem  mrtg i pochodne. chcialem prosic o cos
prostszego.  jako  ze  niektorzy  maja  wieksze  doswiadczenie  w  tej
dziedzinie,  beda  wiedziec  ktory jest w miare odpowiedni do prostych


Re[2]: statystyki

2003-12-09 Thread luk

dokladnie o to mi chodzilo, dziekuje.


Re[2]: partycje

2003-12-01 Thread luk

no niby jest ok, ale teraz mam problem z podmontowaniem jej , jak moge
usttawic  typ  partycji  na  linux ext2 ? , dawalem na linux extended,
linux,  niestety przy montowaniu wyskauj krzaki, jakby nie rozpoznawal
typu partycji ( w jajku jest obsluga odpowiednich partycji)


Re[2]: partycje

2003-12-01 Thread luk

ok, poszlo, senkju



2003-12-01 Thread luk

mam zrobione udzialy sieciowe za pomoca samby (wspoldzielenie plikow),
katalogi:  public  i  upload.  do  upload  moga  zapisywac i przegladc
wszyscy (bez podawania hasla - share), public mogla przegladac wszyscy
(share), chce zrobic tak aby do public zapisywac mogl tylko uzytkownik
z  kompa  ktorego  adres  jest  np. - on ma prawa zapisu i
odczytu a reszta tylko odczytu.


man : can't create....

2003-11-30 Thread luk

mam  nast  problemik:  nie  dziala  mi  man,  jak  wpisuje  np man man
wyskakuje  komunikat:  man:  can't  create  a temporary filename: Brak

nie wiem dlaczeog...


Re[2]: man : can\'t create....

2003-11-30 Thread luk
Witaj pawciobiel,

W Twoim liście datowanym 30 listopada 2003 (23:54:58) można przeczytać:

ptp wydaje mi sie ze zmieniłeś gdzieś chmod lub chown katalogu 
ptp z którego korzysta man
ptp ja chwilowo nie na debianku więc niekojaże
ptp aale może 

ptp apt-get install --reinstall manpages
ptp apt-get install manpages-pl
ptp lub dpkg-reconfigure manpages ...czy coś w tym stylu
ptp może to ci pomoże
ptp pozdro 
ptp y0



mam  nast  problemik:  nie  dziala  mi  man,  jak  wpisuje  
ptp np man man
wyskakuje  komunikat:  man:  can't  create  a temporary 
ptp filename: Brak

nie wiem dlaczeog...


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-polish-
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

nie pomoglo zadne wpowyzszych polecen...


Re[2]: man : can't create....

2003-11-30 Thread luk

BFaf On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 10:50:18PM +0100, luk wrote:
 mam  nast  problemik:  nie  dziala  mi  man,  jak  wpisuje  np man man
 wyskakuje  komunikat:  man:  can't  create  a temporary filename: Brak
 nie wiem dlaczeog...
BFaf A jak masz podmontowaną partycję /tmp ?

BFaf pozdr,
BFaf fEnIo

ok, juz jest ok, po prostu sie draznil sie ze mna drugi pseldo-admin ,
po  moim  sprawdzeniu  praw  dostepu  co  chwila je zmienial, sorry za



2003-11-25 Thread Luk

chcialbym  spytac  o proxy na debiana ale nie squida. chcialbym jakies
mniejsze  , nie tak rozbudowane, prostsze w konfiguracji, potrzebuje
go  tylko  do  cashowania  stron  www.  prosze  o  wskazanie  na jakis
odpowiedni  waszym zdaniem maly proxy na mala siec lan (do 20 kompow),
zebym wiedzial chociaz czego szukac... z gory dzieki.



2003-11-07 Thread Luk

Chcialbym poznac Wasza opinie na temat programow monitorujacych ruch w
sieci,  jej  zasoby...Ktory  program,  Waszym  zdaniem,  jest  do tego
najlepszy ?



2003-07-24 Thread luk

witam, bede bardzo wdziecznyza podeslanie mi 
jakichs materialow (e-booki, strony www, jakies wlasne notatki, itp..) na temat 
instalacji i konfiguracji w debianie :

-samby jako serwera plikow
-proxy (czyli zebystrony www ladowaly 
sieszybko :)

prosze o dosc dokladne opisy
z gory bardzo dziekuje za 

Re: How to install a new kernel when your / partition is neary full?

2002-03-21 Thread LUK ShunTim

Crispin Wellington wrote:

On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 15:15, LUK ShunTim wrote:


Thanks for the idea and also to all people who responded.

If that doesn't make absolute sense, then don't do it. Maybe du -sh to
find whats taking up all the space.

This is the result:

	3.0 M
	1.3 M
	67 K
	6.7 M
	20 M

/lost+found 12 K
	313 K
	3.3 M
	66 K

The whole thing adds up to ~35 M. However, df -h gives 93 M for the / partition 
space and 83 M as used. Probably lots of small files each eating up 1K (the min. 
file size in ext2, IIRC)

A 100 M / partition is not large enough for present day kernels (if you'd like 
to keep the old one while installing a new one) may be the approriate conclusion?

Good day,

How to install a new kernel when your / partition is neary full?

2002-03-20 Thread LUK ShunTim


I am now on a 2.2.18 kernel (in sid already) and I'd like to upgrade to a 2.4.x 
but unfortunately I have a small (~100 Mb) / partition when I started out and 
it's already quite full. Upgrading via the usual manner with apt-get and friends 
didn't do the job (and screwed things up quite a bit as a matter fact after 

I have /usr, /var, /home etc mounted on different partitions. One obvious way 
would be to shrink other partitions and grow /, but I don't want to do that, at 
least not yet before taking a look at other (better) options.

Therefore, I am just wondering whether there is any suggestion as to doing it 

Thanks a lot and good day,

Re: How to install a new kernel when your / partition is neary f

2002-03-20 Thread LUK ShunTim

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

I have /usr, /var, /home etc mounted on different partitions. One obvious way
would be to shrink other partitions and grow /, but I don't want to do that,
least not yet before taking a look at other (better) options.

Therefore, I am just wondering whether there is any suggestion as to doing it

if /usr, var and home are on separate partitions, why is a 100mb / not

That's what I really want to find out :-). A couple of years ago, even a 50 Mb / 
partition seemed OK. IIRC, with debian 1.3 it was just a 3 or 4 floppy install.

From what I gather, when you install a new kernel image using apt-get, the old 
one is kept (which is a sensible decision) and present-day kernels (plus the 
modules etc) take up quite a lot of space after unpacking and I have to install 
the pcmcia modules at the same time as well. I'm not my linux box now so I 
cannot provide more factual information at the current moment.

Good day,

Gpm problem: Where is /dev/gpmctl?

2000-10-06 Thread ShunTim . Luk

Would be grateful to any pointers to the solution of this gpm problem .

After a recent upgrading to 1.19.3-4, gpm no longer
functioned. I lost the mouse pointer in mc. It seems that /dev/gpmctl is lost
although the gpm server did start at boot. I was told that it may be a pipe but
mknod /dev/gpmctl -p did not work. Reinstalling gpm and libgmp1 also didn't
work. I can use the mouse in X, though (with /dev/psaux as device and and ps2 as
protocol). I'm using woody with kernel 2.2.17 if that matters.


gpm no longer function after upgrading

2000-10-05 Thread ShunTim . Luk
Dear all,

After a recent upgrading, gpm (1.19.3-4) no longer
functioned. I lost the mouse pointer in mc. It seems that /dev/gpmctl is lost
although the gpm server did start at boot. I was told that it may be a pipe but
mknod /dev/gpmctl -p did not work. Reinstalling gpm and libgmp1 also didn't
work. I can use the mouse in X, though (with /dev/psaux as device and and ps2 as
protocol). I'm using woody with kernel 2.2.17 if that matters.

Would be grateful to any pointers to the solution of this problem .


Winmodem in Acer Aspire 6060?

1999-07-29 Thread LUK ShunTim
Dear all,

I'd be grateful if someone who owns/has experience with the Acer Aspire
6060 tell me whether it comes with a winmodem? I'm offered a second hand
one at a good price and would like to strip Windows off for debian. If
it is, then that would be useless. I presume that winmodem is still not
supported by Linux. I'm not very up-to-date, though. Or has the
situation changed? 


No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread LUK ShunTim

Something strange happened to my Debian system. I can login as an
ordinary user and it works normally but when I login as root, it printed
out the motd on the screen and said that root has been logged in. A
'who' from another user confirms it. It even told me no mail for root
but I don't get the command line prompt # and so I can do nothing as
root. Su'ing from an ordinary user meets with the same failure. A Ctrl-C
will give back the login: prompt. I've used the rescue disk to boot up
and checked the .bash_profile, .bashrc and /etc/passwd files and they
are all OK. 
(I upgraded to slink, kernel 2.0.35 from hamm a few days ago.)

Any ideas as to what happened and what is the remedy will be very much


Re: No command line prompt for root

1998-10-21 Thread LUK ShunTim
Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan wrote:
 Your version of sysklogd is? if it is 1.3-29 then you have the bugged up

That indeed is the case. Thanks. 

May be that's where the fun is -- you never know what interesting things
will come up. And you always got somebody willing to help. 


Re: Help need on man pages

1998-10-09 Thread LUK ShunTim
H C Pumphrey wrote:
 On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Wilson Tuma wrote:
  Plase could you give the the files I have to download to be able to install
  linux man  pages so I can get help by typing say
  man  rm  or man  cp
 You need the manpages  package (manpages_1.19-1.deb) ,
  the man-dbpackage (man-db_2.3.10-65.deb),
  the libc6 package (libc6_2.0.7t-1.deb), [1]
  the libdb2package (libdb2_2.3.16-7.deb),
  the groff package (groff_1.11a-2.deb),
   andthe libg++272 package (libg++272_2.7.2.8-0.1.deb)
 Now you begin to see why the slightly counter-intuitive decision to not
 have the man pages in the base distribution was taken: it would have made
 it bigger by several floppies.

To get some help before you install the man pages, you can try, for
rm --help


Re: Can't drag and drop in Netscape

1998-10-07 Thread LUK ShunTim
Blazej Sawionek wrote:
 LUK ShunTim wrote:
  KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1.
 Sorry I don't uderstand what you are trying to do, but 4.5bPR2 is
 already available - maybe that can help you?


May be I have not made myself very clear. 
What I would like to do is something like this. After I read a web page
in Netscape, I would like to bookmark it. There is a Location icon in
the Netscape browser window to the left of the URL dialog box and to
insert a bookmark of the page in the bookmarks file, you can (or are
supposed to) drag it into the bookmark file open in another window. What
I see is that there is some animation of the dragging process but no
bookmark entry was added to the bookmark file. So I just wonder may be I
have missed to install some library to make this drag and drop work.


Re: lilo and hdc

1998-10-06 Thread LUK ShunTim
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
 A friend of mine has a (SUSE) install on hdc, but wants lilo (or
 similar) to go on hda (which is a dos/w95 partition)?
 is there a howto/etc for this sort of thing?
 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yes, lilo comes with a very detailed user guide. Just check 
And for a start, I would recommend bootmenu. You can get it from 
Sunsite Linux under ../system/boot/dualboot/bootmenu. It is quite easy
to install and it will tell you how to configure lilo.

Hope this helps,

Can't drag and drop in Netscape

1998-10-06 Thread LUK ShunTim

When I wanted to bookmark a page by dragging the location icon into
the bookmark file, it just wouldn't work. I'm using hamm, kernel 2.0.34,
KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1. Have I missed to install anything?


Compiling apache

1998-09-26 Thread LUK ShunTim

I have to add some database support so I get the source tar ball from
apache and re-compile it. With some minor problems, I got it worked. I
found the that the size of the binary file was much larger that the
original one in the distribution. I suspect that some modules are
dynamically linked during run time. How can I do the same with my own


Re: support for AGP

1998-09-17 Thread LUK ShunTim
 Does Linux (or, more specifically, XFree86) support AGP video boards? The
 specific one in question is an ASUSTEK V3000 or something of the sort.
 Andrew Tarr

I don't know about V3000 but I have an Asustek V264GT AGP video card 
and it is using the ATI Rage 3D 64 bit chip. The ATI_Mach64 X-server
works fine in my Linux box. May be you can check out the V3000 card
information in the Asus site (

Hope this helps,


1998-09-10 Thread LUK ShunTim
Remo Badii wrote:
 Dear Debian TeX/LaTeX users,
 I have just installed the revtex library under $HOME/tex/sty/revtex, as
 in my previous Linux system (2 years old, S.u.S.E. 4.2), under Debian
 2.0. Although I have set the variable TEXINPUTS to include
 $HOME/tex/sty and $HOME/tex/sty/revtex, the system finds a file
 /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/misc/revtex.cls and stops within it at the line
 \input{revtex.sty}, saying that it does not find it (correct, since it
 is not in that directory): why doesn't latex find my revtex directory
 first? I did not have this problem with the old Linux system (teTeX, as
 in Debian).

Running texhash may solve the problem if the package you install is in
TeX tree hierarchy, which I think tetex is following.


GPL'd/free driver for Ensoniq AudioPCI sound card

1998-09-08 Thread LUK ShunTim

I would like to know where can I get a GPL'd or free driver for the
Ensoniq AudioPCI sound card for x86 architecture. I've checked out the
page and it seems that their free version does not support this (and
other PCI) card. 


Re: New files from ftp?

1998-09-01 Thread LUK ShunTim
Remo Badii wrote:
 After installing Debian 2.0 last week from CDs, I am now trying
 to install Netscape 4, pgplot, and tgif using dselect and ftp from
 the site.
 I also got the message getting ... xfntpex_3.3.2.3 ...
 Is this because there are new versions of these files?

Yes. Because the packages are being constantly updated. That's why
Debian is good.

 I only wanted the three I mentioned above and did not select anythign
 else. Should I stop the download process?

Because dselect selects these for you. You have to de-select them if you
like to install these newer versions. I think there's a dselect tutorial
at the Debian site. 


Re: 3 com(USR) modem

1998-08-31 Thread LUK ShunTim
Michael B. Taylor wrote:

 You will need ppp, net_std, and net_base packages.  I think ppp is now
 ppp_pam or something.  You will need to set up your ppp options and
 your chat script.  I think there is now a package that automates this task,
 but I cant remember what it is called.

I think you are talking about wvdial. It is available as a deb package.
Just run dselect using ftp to get it from one of the mirrors


Re: Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-29 Thread LUK ShunTim
David Wright wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, LUK ShunTim wrote:
  Thanks. I got it. This is what I observed.
  I change the Display subsection of my XF86Config to this:
  Subsection Display
  Depth   8
  Modes   1024x768  800x600 640x480
Virtual  1024 768
  ViewPort 0 0
 A frequent reason for the type of question you originally asked is when
 you have the modes in ascending order. X starts with the first (now
 lowest) mode, and newbies may not know about C-A-+.
  I got desktop = screen (that's what I want) as I start up X but when I
  change to a lower resolution mode by Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ I have a
  desktop larger than my screen. I found out that while Modes can accept
  several arguments, Virtual can only accept one pair. I've tried several
  Display subsections but then I can no longer use
  Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ to change resolution.
 What would you expect to see? If the desktop shrank, all the applications
 would have to be repainted on the smaller piece of real estate. As it
 is, nothing on the desktop changes, not even the pointer position (though
 the server has to choose the visible subsection in such a way that the
 pointer remains on-screen).
  So we can't have the best of both worlds. [...]
 Yes you can. You just treat the size of your desktop like the colour
 depth, and run an X server for each kind. (There's a package to allow
 one to cut and paste between different server instances.)

Where can I get it to have a try?


Re: Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-28 Thread LUK ShunTim
Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
 Virtual resolution is a feature of XFree86. It allows you to work
 on a larger space than the actual resolution of your display. It
 works almost exactly as if you had a display with better resolution.
 I don't think you can really disable it, but you can avoid noticing
 it by setting the virtual resolution to be the same as your actual
 resolution. Just put Virtual xdim ydim in you Display entry in
 XF86Config. (If you don't know the actual dimension of your display
 you can use xdpyinfo to find out).
 Virtual desktops if a feature offered my many window managers to
 allow you several different workspaces with the set resolution.
 twm doesn't offer this, so I guess you must be talking about the
 virtual resoultion.
 | Now back to my problem. What I see after I started X is the desktop
 | which  is *larger* than the size of the screen and I have to move the
 | mouse a long distance to get to other parts of the desktop. I experience
 | this phenomenon in every (if I remembered correctly) window manager I
 | tried: twm, fvwm95, kwm(kde) and I have a small real desktop :)
 | What I'd like to have is a desktop that has the same size as my screen.
 Yup. Just set the virtual resolution to the same as the real. If you
 delete the virtual entry (as you did), it will be set to accomodate
 all the modelines, which may not be what you want.

Thanks. I got it. This is what I observed.  

I change the Display subsection of my XF86Config to this:

Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1024x768  800x600 640x480
Virtual  1024 768
ViewPort 0 0

I got desktop = screen (that's what I want) as I start up X but when I
change to a lower resolution mode by Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ I have a
desktop larger than my screen. I found out that while Modes can accept
several arguments, Virtual can only accept one pair. I've tried several
Display subsections but then I can no longer use
Crtl+Alt+Keypad+ to change resolution.

So we can't have the best of both worlds. Is this observation correct? 


Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-27 Thread LUK ShunTim
I'm just wondering whether enabling virtual resolution is compiled
default in X servers. Even if I commented out all Virtual options in
my XF86Config file, I still get the virtual desktops. I'm using the
XF86_Mach64 server.

Any hint if I'd like to disable it?


Re: Disabling virtual desktops in X

1998-08-27 Thread LUK ShunTim
Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
 | I'm just wondering whether enabling virtual resolution is compiled
 | default in X servers. Even if I commented out all Virtual options in
 | my XF86Config file, I still get the virtual desktops. I'm using the
 | XF86_Mach64 server.
 | Any hint if I'd like to disable it?
 I'm a little unsure what you mean here. Virtual resolution is set
 in the XF86Config file. It does however seem that you problem is
 with virtual desktops. This is something that is under the control
 of the window manager. You need to tell us which window manager you
 use, if it's really virtual desktops you refer to.


Please accept my apology if I have confused virtual resolution with 
virtual desktop and didn't make myself clear. Please explain the

Now back to my problem. What I see after I started X is the desktop
which  is *larger* than the size of the screen and I have to move the
mouse a long distance to get to other parts of the desktop. I experience
this phenomenon in every (if I remembered correctly) window manager I
tried: twm, fvwm95, kwm(kde) and I have a small real desktop :)  
What I'd like to have is a desktop that has the same size as my screen. 


Re: kde missing icons

1998-08-11 Thread LUK ShunTim
BG Lim wrote:
 I just installed kde-1.0 from I believe that it is the same
 release 1.0-1 version found in slink.
 My problem is that the toolbar icons in kfm and other progs that use those
 icons don't show up. Instead, you get fuzzy pics where the icons are
 supposed to be. However the buttons themselves work find, only thing 
 is you have to sort of mentally remember what they do!

Below is a reply to a similar question I got from
Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted to this list a few days ago.

Hmm...this actually looks like a bug in the packaging KDE.  The toolbar
pixmaps live in /usr/share/toolbar, and the problem seems to be that
they're installed as part of the kdelibs0g-dev package.  If the pixmaps
are loaded at runtime (as they obviously are), then they should not be
part of the dev package! If you install that package, you'll get the
pixmaps.  I'm gonna send a mail to the maintainer and inform him of the

Hope this helps,

Re: Missing toolbar icons on KDE for Debian Linux

1998-08-10 Thread LUK ShunTim
Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
 On Sat, 8 Aug 1998, LUK ShunTim wrote:
  I installed KDE 1.0 on my Debian Linux 2.0 with the .deb packages from and it worked find; except one thing: I get blurred
  images instead of nice looking icons (i.e., the Up, Home, ... buttons)
  on the toolbar in kfm. This problem occurs in some other applications,
 Hmm...this actually looks like a bug in the packaging KDE.  The toolbar
 pixmaps live in /usr/share/toolbar, and the problem seems to be that
 they're installed as part of the kdelibs0g-dev package.  If the pixmaps
 are loaded at runtime (as they obviously are), then they should not be
 part of the dev package! If you install that package, you'll get the
 pixmaps.  I'm gonna send a mail to the maintainer and inform him of the

It is as you say. Thanks.


Re: Netscape: Can't open display

1998-08-10 Thread LUK ShunTim
Kent West wrote:
 Whenever I try to run Netscape it returns an error to the effect of
 Can't open display Any clues? (Please be as specific as you can because
 I don't know what I'm doing.)
 Kent West
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Netscape must be run in an X environment. Therefore, assuming your
system is
set up correctly and your are at the command prompt, try


If you succeed in getting your X environment, then you will see the
window (looks like the command shell), then you can try 


to start Netscape.

Hopes this helps,


Missing toolbar icons on KDE for Debian Linux

1998-08-08 Thread LUK ShunTim

I installed KDE 1.0 on my Debian Linux 2.0 with the .deb packages from and it worked find; except one thing: I get blurred
images instead of nice looking icons (i.e., the Up, Home, ... buttons)
on the toolbar in kfm. This problem occurs in some other applications,

The .xsession-errors file showed the following message:
KToolbarButton: pixmap is empty, perhaps some missing file

I have tried copying .xpm files around (I don't know the exact file
names for these icons) in the /usr/share/app/.. directories but the
problem persists. 

Has anybody come across this problem? Are the icons file really missing
from the packages? Or do I have to set some environment variables?

Have a nice day,  

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Re: Simple requests

1998-08-08 Thread LUK ShunTim
C. Hatton Humphrey wrote:
 Hey there, I've gotten Debian installed and running, but I have a few
 problems I need to get taken care of.  First off, I accidentally uninstalled
 dpkg-ftp, but managed to use dftp to get dkpg-http, but it asks for a proxy
 address or URL and I have no clue what it is.

I think you can use ordinary anonymous ftp to get dpkg-ftp (or any
package you want) from a Debian distribution site and then just install
it by 

dpkg -i WhateverPackage.deb

 Also, my e-mail and news are messed up something bad.  I've installed smail
 and it's working, I can send e-mail internally but once I get to sending
 e-mail to the rest of the world it goes kaplooie and I can't get anything.
 I am also getting permission denied errors on /var/spool/mail when I login.
 Also, what mystical trick to I use to get my backspace key going in
 XWindows, for some odd reason I can use CTRLH to do a backspace, but the
 actual delete and backspace keys don't work.

Include this in your .xsession or .xinitrc file

# Makes BackSpace do backpace
xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace

 Thanks in advance,
 Hatton Humphrey - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hope this helps,

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Re: dselect problem...

1997-10-27 Thread LUK ShunTim
David Puryear wrote:
 Hi all,
 With deselect, I have the Access with ftp with right directory and all then I
 pick update which download new packages files from dists/unstable/main,
 non-free, and contrib like the way it should. But when I do Install I get this
 Processing status file...
 Processing Package files...
 Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/main distribution (re-run 
 Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/contrib distribution (re-run
 Couldn't find packages file for dists/unstable/non-free distribution (re-run
 Constructing list of files to get...
 Approximate total space required: 0k
 Available space in /debian: 109334k
 Nothing to get.
 I don't know why dselect is not see he packages file, which is in
 /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/* with names Packages.dists_unstable_contrib,
 Packages.dists_unstable_main, and Packages.dsts_unstble_non-free. I can't
 figure out why this is happening since I have used same steps to update in
 another machine without this problem.

I got this problem as well when I upgrade from Debian 1.2 to 1.3. 
I overcame it by turning off the passive FTP tranfer mode when selecting
the access method.

Hope it works for you as well.

|  LUK ShunTim  |
|   |
|  Civil and Structural Engineering Department  |
|  Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
|  Kowloon  |
|  Hong Kong|
|   |
|  |
|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  phone: (852) 27666064|
|  fax:   (852) 23346389|

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Installation problem: unable to open an initial console

1997-10-24 Thread LUK ShunTim
Hi all,

Please point me to the location (and forgive me) if this question has
already been asnwered. (I have tried to search the mailing list archive
but apparently it is down.)

My problem is like this:
I recently upgraded from Debian 1.2 to 1.3 and it worked fine. Yesterday
there was a power failure and I try to reboot using the Boot Disk
created during the installation but the system just kept on rebooting
itself. I then use the Rescue Disk and boot using the option 
rescue root=/dev/hda5 

(I had the / partition on an extended logical partition named hda5.)
and the message unable to open an initial console appeared. I then
tried the default boot option in the Rescus Disk and I was able to 
mount my previous partitions on the directory /target. However, I cannot
do anything else. (I would like, at least, to save my data files!) There
does not seem to be a hardware problem because I get the virtual
consoles (1 to 4) from the Rescue Disk boot.   

I would be grateful for your help.

|  LUK ShunTim  |
|   |
|  Civil and Structural Engineering Department  |
|  Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
|  Kowloon  |
|  Hong Kong|
|   |
|  |
|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  phone: (852) 27666064|
|  fax:   (852) 23346389|

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e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .