Where's Apt?

1999-07-02 Thread per_adua32

I recently received an E-mail from this mailing list
in response to a question about installing netscape.

It was suggested that I make changes to:


It seems that this file does not exist on
my system. Moreover I can't seem to find 
anything to do with apt. Could someone say a 
little about where I could get this program.

I have been using dselect with a cd-dom that
I bought, and I tried to use it to find apt
but I've had no joy.

Does someone know any good sources of info 
viz the usage of apt.




1999-06-30 Thread per_adua32

I recently installed netscape 4.6 from a public ftp site.
I followed the instructions given and tried to use netscape
after starting X window, by typing 'netscape' in an xterm

The following error was printed:
netscape: can't load library 'libXt.so.6'

Can anyone help me to get netscape working/to get netscape
to load this library.



Matrox MGA-G100 and upgrading X ...

1999-06-22 Thread per_adua32


I recently installed debian alongside Win95 on a computer I've had just
under a year.

I thought I'd install the X window server today, but it seems that the
version of X
that came with my debian cd does not support my videocard (Matrox MGA-G100).

I had a look at deja.com and found the following and lots of similar info:

You should get the latest xfree86 updates. I had the same problem
and this update made 
the card work under X. Make sure you get the xfree86 itself, the
xfree86-libs, xfree86Setup 
and/or latest Xconfigurator, and the SVGA server.

Good Luck.

I am quite inexperienced and wondered if anyone tell me how I would go
about acquiring this
software, and what I would need to do with it once I'd acquired it. 

I realise that some work on my part is required and I would be happy if
someone would point
me in the direction of some source of information that I could read; in
relation to acquiring
software and installing it.

Also I was wondering what command I need to give inorder to find out which
version of X I was 
infact running.


repartitioning Windows

1999-06-15 Thread per_adua32

I have a question about partitioning.

I recently bought a computer with a 6.4gb
harddisk. At the moment it has 4 partitions:
3 x 2gb and one 0.4gb.

I want to use the last 2 partitions to (2gb + 0.4gb)
to install Linux.

Since buying this computer I have not installed anything
nor created any files in these last two partitions.
Nonetheless, they contain some files and programs 
(listed below).

I suppose my question is this:

  How important are these files? 

  Can I safely delete them (whilst using fdisk - linux version)?

  Or do I need to move them to some other directory before 
  using another program to create one partition from these

  Are there any hidden files that I need to worry about?

Partitions and their files.

Partition E:

Partition F:

Thanks Irvine

Finnish Text

1999-06-08 Thread per_adua32
When I installed debian-linux I choose the Finnish
keyboard option. 

I since used kbdconfig to experiment with fi, fi-latin1
and sunt5-fi-latin1. The first two give me a finnish keyboard
but without å,ä,ö or their upercase equivalents. The last one
,sunt5-fi-latin1' , messes my keyboard completely.

My problem I want to be to use these characters from the command 
line and with the vi editor.

Thanx (Re: EMERGENCY 'umount /')

1999-05-25 Thread per_adua32

Thank you for your E-mail.
I have discovered the root(excuse the pun)
of my problem.

I was using the rescue disk instead of the
boot disk. To cut a long story everything
worked fine with the boot disk.

I typed:

'linux init=/bin/sh'

at the boot prompt and once instead bash I

'mount / -n -o remount,rw'

However this does raise the question in my
mind about the exact purpose of the rescue
disk. I naturally assumed that I should use 
it when I couldn't get into my system.

Something else to investigate I suppose.

ThanX again.


EMERGENCY 'umount /'

1999-05-24 Thread per_adua32


I have a problem. Whilst trying to change the 
keyboard mapping my system got very messed up. 

I ran kbdconfig, choose sunt5-fi-something and 
that was that. First there was total confusion on 
my keyboard, the spacebar ,for instance, printed
r when I pressed it and R when I pressed pause
and spacebar at the same time. Then the system 
froze and I was forced to switch the computer
off and then on again.

My most immediate problem is getting into my 
system at all, so that I can find some way of 
fixing this problem. When I tried to boot normally
I couldn't login because the keyboard was stil messed

So I decided to try the rescue disk. 

After booting with linux-init=/bin/sh I was dropped
into bash. I then tried to unmount the root filesystem
so that I could mount it again as read/write. However,
when I entered the command

umount /

I got some message like can't open mtab: file doesn't 
exist or something like this.

Can someone please. I would to solve this without having
to re-install the whole system.

Thanx in advance.


booting dos and linux

1999-05-23 Thread per_adua32


I intend to add a dos partition to my hardisk.

Can anyone give me any advice about what installation 
options I should choose so that I could boot dos by default
(my kids want to play when I'm at work) and Linux optionally.

Or would I need to edit the liloconfig file after installation.

Any help much appreciated.


re:Asking for information

1999-05-19 Thread per_adua32

If you go to the debian web site you will find some useful
tutorials, some aimed specifically at debian users.


The following has a section on File permissions and using
chmod and much much more.


The mysterious '2 '

1999-05-09 Thread per_adua32

A while back I noticed that there was a number 2
in some of my directories. Initially my first reaction
was to delete them as I had not created them. Even this 
took a while as they were actually named 2space ie '2 ',
which was not obvious to me.

Last week I discovered some more of these files and 
decided to look inside one. I used 'file' and discovered that 
they were text files. I used 'cat' and the following was displayed:

/usr/bin/updatedb:  /var/lib/locate/locatedb.n: Permission denied
find:/etc/ppp:Permission denied
find:/etc/chatscripts:Permission denied
find:/root:Permission denied
find:/bin/secure-su:Permission denied
updated: new database would be empty

As I write this E-mail I seem only now to notice what the
contents of the file actually mean. I hope I am wrong.  I am a home 
user and the only network I'm connected to is the internet, and I 
haven't used this for a month or two as I intended to change my isp.

Can anyone throw any light this situation.

T: per_adua32

The mysterious '2 '

1999-05-09 Thread per_adua32

  Thanx to olly,

  when he mentionned a possible mistake to do with redirection
  I pretty much guessed what that the problem was. In the file
  /etc/profile I have an alias that runs the following command:

  alias upD.='updatedb --prunepaths=/var /cdrom /tmp /proc /mnt 
/dev/null 12

  This particular alias is I think OK, but I noticed that when I
  modified it slightly (by taking the '' away) and called it from a
  normal user account it produced the file '2 ' and the text I found 
  so worrying. No doubt I ran the alias in the past when it wasn't
  correctly written.

  T: per_adua32

modem/pppconfig after dselect

1999-01-31 Thread per_adua32

I have a problem but I don't know exactly where.

I installed the base system and used pppconfig to
configure my connection to my isp. It worked fine.

Then I used dselect to install the standard package 
plus a few other things. After that I could not 
connect to my isp. 

I started the installation again but this time I didn't
use pppconfig with the base package. I tested the 
modem with

echo ATDT myISPnumber  /dev/ttyS2

and all worked fine. I proceeded to install the standard
package again and after that tested the modem again.
And again it worked fine. Then I used pppconfig and once
again I couldn't connect to my ISP and the modem didn't 
seem to function using the test above.

Could someone help ? ? ?

Re: modem/pppconfig after dselect

1999-01-31 Thread per_adua32

Thank you for replying to my posting.

As I said in the letter the problems only started
after I installed the standard package 'plus' (the plus
being midnight commander and a game called luxman).
I then tested the modem and it worked fine.
Then I used pppconfig and the modem ... I won't repeat

Here's the rest of info you requested:


 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider


  ATDTedit phone number here
 ogin   put login name here
 word   \gput password here


 *  molec3  *

 guest   molec3 * -
 master  molec3 * -
 root molec3 * -
 support molec3 * -
 statsmolec3 * -

 molec3 * password
 irvine *  


 Jan 31 19:24:08debian  chat[20480]: abort on (VOICE)
 Jan 31 19:24:08debian  chat[20480]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Jan 31 19:24:08debian  chat[20480]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Jan 31 19:24:08debian  chat[20480]: send (ATZ^M)
 Jan 31 19:24:09debian  chat[20480]: expect (OK)
 Jan 31 19:24:27debian  chat[20480]: ^M
 Jan 31 19:24:54debian  chat[20480]: alarm
 Jan 31 19:24:54debian  chat[20479]: Connect script failed
 Jan 31 19:24:58debian  chat[20479]: Exit.

I also thought I'd include the results of ps which amongst other 
things shows the following just after I try to connect:

 pid   tty  stattimecommand
 ...S2  S   0:00/usr/sbin/pppd call dlc
 ...   S2   S   0:00/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/dlc

Thanks again for your reply. I hope you can help me.

It's evening here in Finland and I will soon be going to work
so  if you write I have to wait until the morning before
I can reply.

Cheers Again !!!


Dselect ...Finnish keyboard

1999-01-18 Thread per_adua32

Good Day (or night) everyone,

I recently installed the base system of Debian,
and intend soon to use Dselect to install the
standard installation.

Question 1:

I read Debian User's Guide Edition 2 and therein
it is said that after one has selected the packages
one wishes to install it may be necessary to run the 
installation step over again until all the packages
are installed.

I wonder if someone could tell me how I would know
whether or not all the packages had been installed.
In other words how do I know when to re-run this section 
of Dselect and how many times to re-run it.

Would I need to keep referring to /var/lib/dpkg or what ?

Question 2:

I live in Finland and have tried to map my keyboard to
'fi-latin1', using kbdconfig. It works pretty much as it 
should but it doesn't allow me to type the following 
ä, Ä, ö, Ö, å, Å

I have tried using the alt key and their ascii numbers but
to no avail. Can anyone help.

Thanks for your assistance.


Hei kaikki suomalaiset ! ! !

Emergency use of boot-rescue disk.

1999-01-18 Thread per_adua32

I came home from work looking forward to a few hours 
playing with my Linux box, but unfortunately am unable 
to log on.

I thought about re-installing the base system (which 
doesn't take long) but I decided to ask for help instead.

I have the rescue disk and a bootdisk but don't really know
what to do with them. I looked some old copies of the Linux 
gazette and found the following:

% If you have forgotten your root password:
%1. Use a boot disk.
%2. Login as root.
%3. Mount the partition with your Linux.
%4. Edit the second field, which is the encrypted password, of
%   /etc/passwd to show nothing. It would look something like this:
%   root::0:0:root,,,:/:/bin/zsh
% instead of something like this:
%   wimpy:GoqTFXl3f:0:0:Steve:/root:/bin/zsh
% You should then be able to login as root with no password at all.

Problem is I don't understand one logs in as root without a password.
Can someone please help.

installing cd-rom device driver

1999-01-06 Thread per_adua32
Hello All,
I am attempting to install Debian Linux and have got 
stuck.Before I began I read the installation F.A.Q.But
it's section on installing the device drivers is extremly small.

My problem started in the install device driver section:

I choose :  ”cd-rom – common routines for cd-rom drivers…”.

On pressing enter I was greeted with the following:
”parameter documentation for this module 
  is unavaible”
I pressed enter and was greeted with a page asking me to:
 ”Enter command line arguments for the cd-rom”.

Can anyone help me? I would like to know which arguments
are being requested and where I should find the information.

Thanx ! ! !