First an apology.
Some of us, at least myself, don't like to be confronted with our
stupidity.  Why I choose to advertize it, then, is another question.

On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Siggy Brentrup wrote:

> I apologize if you took my citing of the man page as RTFM. Please attribute it
> to my poor English. 

No, your reply was my first, and answered my question directly.  Thank 
you. I have also recieved some very helpful, more lengthy responses.

> > hmm.... does Red Hat have a mailing list or newsgroup?
> I think so, but why are you asking - some sort of (not so) subtle threat?
> That doesn't look like good style either.
>   -- Siggy

        Agreed.  I regret saying it.  It would be my loss.

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