
  For some strange reason wmakerconf now crashes just after
the window appears.  I WAS running wmakerconf 1.7 and everything
was working OK.  I didn't run it for about a week.  All of a sudden
it would crash complaining about a GTK style copy problem, and a
NULL cast to a GTK widget.

  Earlier today I installed gtk-engines-pixmap, and something
else it neededm in order to get GTK themes working.

  I just removed all of the wmaker stuff, and when I reinstalled it
via "apt-get", it put wmakerconf 1.2 (older) on my system.  But
this crashes also, no info, just a seg fault.

Has anyone seen this problem?  My wmaker is working OK, but I
can't configure it any more!  I have included what I have in my
/etc/apt/sources.list , in case I have something stupid.  Is this
indeed related to the recently installed gtk theme support I added?
Am I trying to put stuff on slink that I shouldn't?

deb http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ slink-update main
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US
deb http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ xfree-update main

Again, any info is welcome.  I couldn't find any place at the
wmaker site for such discussions...


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