Re[3]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-16 Thread amon

 EQL, iproute.
 ewentualnie mój wykład

przeczytalem i zabralem sie do pracy, oczywiscie wyskoczyl problem.
echo 202 www.out  /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip route add dev eth3 src table www.out
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument

iproute2 oczywiscie jest, na serwerze dziala htb.
woody 2.4.18 + grsecurity

w czym moze byc problem?

z gory dzieki

Best regards,
 amonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Re[3]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-16 Thread Radosław Antoniuk
 w czym moze byc problem?

w niewkompilowanej opcji w kernelu

Radosław 'Warden' Antoniuk  | GG: 260746 ICQ:55423024
warden(at)   | #lgul #lms

route balancing vel bgp

2003-06-14 Thread Radosław Antoniuk
Tak z rana sobie mysle. Mam 2 lacza. I chce zrobic cos takiego ze jak
lezy jedno to wszystko leci przez drugie.
Standard prawda? Ale bez routingu dynamicznego. Da się? Jakiś link? :)

Radosław 'Warden' Antoniuk  | GG: 260746 ICQ:55423024
warden(at)   | #lgul #lms

Re: route balancing vel bgp

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Radosław,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 11:35:33 AM, you wrote:

 Tak z rana sobie mysle. Mam 2 lacza. I chce zrobic cos takiego ze jak
 lezy jedno to wszystko leci przez drugie.
 Standard prawda? Ale bez routingu dynamicznego. Da się? Jakiś link? :)

tez mnie to interesuje. aha, a jak dziala routing dynamiczy w takim
przypadku i co daje routing statyczny (jakie korzysci)?

Best regards,

Re: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Radosław,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 11:35:33 AM, you wrote:

 Tak z rana sobie mysle. Mam 2 lacza. I chce zrobic cos takiego ze jak
 lezy jedno to wszystko leci przez drugie.
 Standard prawda? Ale bez routingu dynamicznego. Da się? Jakiś link? :)

ja mysle nad innym problemem ale tez laczacym sie z powyzszym watkiem,

mam dwa lacza od dwoch providerow, 2 numery ip, dwie karty sieciowe i chcialbym 
taki rezultat:

1. zeby rozlozyc obciazenie przychodzace raz wybierany bylby jeden ip
raz drugi ip z DNS - o ile pamietam mozna tak wpisac aby na zmiane
byly wywolywane.

2. nie wiem jednak co sie stanie jezeli jedno z ip przestanie
odpowiadac - czy wtedy automatycznie DNS poda to drugie?

i teraz problem w druga strone - chcialbym zbalansowac ruch

3. czy jest mozliwe aby nadawac pakiety z obydwu lacz
rownoczesnie do klienta?

4. czy po awarii jednego z nich (np. pad bramki u providera) pakiety
beda same szly tylko przez drugie lacze?

tak mysle i jezeli zostanie spelniony punkt 1 i 2 to na 90% bylbym
usatysfakcjonowany, gdyby 3 i 4 to na 100% :)

Jezeli jakies glupoty napisalem to prosze mnie poprawic, ew. odeslac
do jakiegos mana czy linka. Patrzylem na google ale nie wiem po jakim
hasle wyszukiwac aby wyniki byly adekwatne do mojego problemu.

Best regards,

RE: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Radosław Antoniuk

 1. zeby rozlozyc obciazenie przychodzace raz wybierany
 bylby jeden ip
 raz drugi ip z DNS - o ile pamietam mozna tak wpisac aby na zmiane
 byly wywolywane.

EQL, iproute.
ewentualnie mój wykład

Radosław 'Warden' Antoniuk  | GG: 260746 ICQ:55423024
warden(at)   | #lgul #lms

Re: route balancing vel bgp

2003-06-14 Thread barthoosh
  Tak z rana sobie mysle. Mam 2 lacza. I chce zrobic cos takiego ze jak
  lezy jedno to wszystko leci przez drugie.
  Standard prawda? Ale bez routingu dynamicznego. Da się? Jakiś link? :)
 tez mnie to interesuje. aha, a jak dziala routing dynamiczy w takim
 przypadku i co daje routing statyczny (jakie korzysci)?
Zaletą routingu statycznego jest prostota konfiguracji. Jeżeli coś nie
gra, problem można rozwizać przekonfigurując 1 router. Mamy odcięty co
najwyżej jeden segment sieci. Nie ma większego problemu ze znalezieniem
tego właściwego routera. 
W rozwiązaniach hybrydowych lub dynamicznych problem == Duużo Nie
Przespanych Nocy :( . Wystarczy jedna nieprawidłowa informacja uparcie
powtarzana i bardzo możliwe, że nie wyjdziesz poza segment.

Spróbuj jednak routować statycznie ruch w sieci z kilkudziesięcioma
routerami i kilkoma bramkami...


Re[2]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Radosław,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 12:49:14 PM, you wrote:

 1. zeby rozlozyc obciazenie przychodzace raz wybierany
 bylby jeden ip
 raz drugi ip z DNS - o ile pamietam mozna tak wpisac aby na zmiane
 byly wywolywane.

 EQL, iproute.
 ewentualnie mój wykład

super, to dokladnie to czego potrzebowalem aby rozwiazac problem ruchu
wychodzacego, ale mam
pytanie - czy jak padnie wyjscie na swiat jednego z providerow, ale
bramka bedzie odpowiadala, to czy caly ruch automatycznie bedzie
wychodzil przez drugie lacze?

Jeszcze pozostal problem z ruchem
przychodzacym - czyli (o ile pamietam) wpisami w strefe 2 numerow
IP... bede googlowal dalej ale jak ktos by mial pod reka jakis URL czy
cos to bylbym wdzieczny.

Best regards,

Re[3]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Leaf,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 1:32:13 PM, you wrote:

 Jeszcze pozostal problem z ruchem
 przychodzacym - czyli (o ile pamietam) wpisami w strefe 2 numerow
 IP... bede googlowal dalej ale jak ktos by mial pod reka jakis URL czy
 cos to bylbym wdzieczny.

sam sobie odpowiadam ;)

wygooglalem takie cos:

BIND supports load balancing between 2 or more IP addresses.
Ping postoffice will

; Name   TTL   CLASS  TYPE  RR Data
postoffice   300   IN A
 300   IN A
The order will be:, and, and back
to, and so on.

bylbym sie tym zadowolil ale na innej stronie znalazlem niepokojacy

Most clients will use the first record returned and discard the rest.

Co mnie troche wpedzilo w konfuzje bo myslalem ze po prostu DNS zwraca
JEDEN adres tylko ze za kazdym razem inny

Czy moze mi ktos zatem powiedziec jak zrobic load-balancing ruchu
przychodzacego ale dzialajacy na 100% ? Moze sie nie da?
Best regards,

Re: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo
On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 02:11:20PM +0200, Leaf wrote:
 Co mnie troche wpedzilo w konfuzje bo myslalem ze po prostu DNS zwraca
 JEDEN adres tylko ze za kazdym razem inny
 Czy moze mi ktos zatem powiedziec jak zrobic load-balancing ruchu
 przychodzacego ale dzialajacy na 100% ? Moze sie nie da?
Klient może sobie nagwizdać co najwyżej.
To DNS zwraca różne adresy.

([EMAIL PROTECTED])~$host has address has address
([EMAIL PROTECTED])~$host has address has address

  _ Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
_|_|_32-050 Skawina - Głowackiego 3/15 - w. małopolskie - Polska
(0 0) phone:+48501608340 | ICQ:46704720 | GG:726362 | IRC:fEnIo
ooO--(_)--Ooo | JID:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | RLU:172001

Description: PGP signature

Re: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Bertold

Użytkownik Leaf napisał:

wygooglalem takie cos:

BIND supports load balancing between 2 or more IP addresses.
Ping postoffice will

; Name   TTL   CLASS  TYPE  RR Data
postoffice   300   IN A
300   IN A
The order will be:, and, and back
to, and so on.

bylbym sie tym zadowolil ale na innej stronie znalazlem niepokojacy

Most clients will use the first record returned and discard the rest.

Co mnie troche wpedzilo w konfuzje bo myslalem ze po prostu DNS zwraca
JEDEN adres tylko ze za kazdym razem inny

Czy moze mi ktos zatem powiedziec jak zrobic load-balancing ruchu
przychodzacego ale dzialajacy na 100% ? Moze sie nie da?

To nie jest przeszkodą, bo:
1) jeśli klient weźmie pod uwagę tylko pierwszy wpis, to na zmianę 
otrzyma raz pierwszy adres a raz drugi, a o to chodziło
2) jeśli będzie brał pod uwagę oba adresy, ale będzie skonfigurowany, 
aby korzystać najpierw z pierwszego, to i tak wykorzysta prawie zawsze 
pierwszy, a przy nie odpowiadającym dopiero drugi
3) jeśli klient będzie tak skonfigurowany, aby brał pod uwagę 
otrzymywane adresy cyklicznie, to znaczy, że sam zapamiętuje otrzymywane 
adresy i sam rozłoży obciążenie.

Problem pozostaje tylko z tym, który jeden raz zapyta o adres, a potem 
go udostępni innym lub sam będzie częstym klientem.


Re[2]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Bartosz,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 2:41:01 PM, you wrote:

 Klient może sobie nagwizdać co najwyżej.
 To DNS zwraca różne adresy.

Super :) Dzieki za wyjasnienie :)

Best regards,

Re[2]: route balancing vel bgp - chyba troszke inny problem

2003-06-14 Thread Leaf
Hello Bertold,

Saturday, June 14, 2003, 3:03:54 PM, you wrote:

 To nie jest przeszkodą, bo:
 1) jeśli klient weźmie pod uwagę tylko pierwszy wpis, to na zmianę 
 otrzyma raz pierwszy adres a raz drugi, a o to chodziło
 2) jeśli będzie brał pod uwagę oba adresy, ale będzie skonfigurowany, 
 aby korzystać najpierw z pierwszego, to i tak wykorzysta prawie zawsze 
 pierwszy, a przy nie odpowiadającym dopiero drugi
 3) jeśli klient będzie tak skonfigurowany, aby brał pod uwagę 
 otrzymywane adresy cyklicznie, to znaczy, że sam zapamiętuje otrzymywane 
 adresy i sam rozłoży obciążenie.

Dzieki! Dokladnie o to mi chodzilo :)

Best regards,


1998-02-27 Thread Igor Grobman

Just a note:  AFAIK does distribute gated .debs
Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation

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1998-02-25 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Stephen == Stephen Zedalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stephen On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:
 Nope.  You need to sign a licence to distribute it at all
 (including in non-free) and Debian isn't willing to sign the
 licence (and you can't just have someone else sign the licence
 and then upload it to non-free).

Stephen Hmm... Isn't it for things like this that the Debian board
Stephen was created? And if the license is free, why don't they want
Stephen to sign it?

How can you say the licence is free? It seems abaout as
 restricitve as they can get without getting commercial. (free is not
 for no cost in this context)

Stephen The current bo distribution has several packages
Stephen of software that is just as dubious in licensing and of
Stephen possibly less usefulness.  merit-radius is just such an
Stephen example.  As far as I know it is commercial-ware put out by
Stephen Merit.

If this is the case, this is a major bug in the distribution. 

Stephen This is starting to smack of the same problems that
Stephen the various BSD flavors have, ie. a particular committee
Stephen slowly making decisions for the public good but seemingly
Stephen out of touch with users needs.

Well, since this committee is doing all the work, and you know
 what they are getting paid for it, I think they have a right, don't
 you? (the committee in question is the set of people who work on
 Debian, and public good has nothing to do with it) 

 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the
 blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is its natural manure.  -- Thomas
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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1998-02-24 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Joel Klecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 20:23 +0100 1998-02-23, Peter Paluch wrote:
I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.

gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
available at

There are 2 more packages under development that speak bgp:

1. MRT, see
2. Zebra, see

Both are not as mature as gated but look promising.

I am still waiting for both of them to get OSPF support, but that will
probably take a lot longer ..

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  The dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac lay in his bed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  awake all night wondering if there is a doG

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1998-02-24 Thread Jeff Noxon
On Mon, Feb 23, 1998 at 02:36:16PM -0800, Joel Klecker wrote:
 At 20:23 +0100 1998-02-23, Peter Paluch wrote:
 I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
 BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
 doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.
 gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
 talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
 available at
 [1] The gated consortium requires that groups who wish to distribute gated
 apply for a distribution license, such a license is free, but the DFSG
 requires that a license not be specifically for Debian.

Could we then apply for a license and put it in non-free?  It makes sense
to me...  People keep asking for gated.  I'd like to play with it myself.

Otherwise, perhaps some individual could apply for a license and then
redistribute a .deb via FTP or HTTP.


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1998-02-24 Thread Joel Klecker
At 19:22 -0600 1998-02-23, Jeff Noxon wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 23, 1998 at 02:36:16PM -0800, Joel Klecker wrote:
>> At 20:23 +0100 1998-02-23, Peter Paluch wrote:
>> >I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
>> >BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
>> >doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.
>> gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
>> talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
>> available at>.
>> [1] The gated consortium requires that groups who wish to distribute gated
>> apply for a distribution license, such a license is free, but the DFSG
>> requires that a license not be specifically for Debian.
>Could we then apply for a license and put it in non-free?  It makes sense
>to me...  People keep asking for gated.  I'd like to play with it myself.

I mentioned this on IRC (; #debian) and here's the response:
17:44:58:  * Espy notes that someone on -user asked about something capable of BGP, I mentioned gated(along with the distribution license stuff), someone else mailed me wondering why someone doesn't get a license and put a gated package in non-free. Should I bring this up in -devel again?
17:45:55: netgod> Espy:  because a key part of gated has a license that you have to sign, to distribute it
17:46:17: netgod> Espy:  this is what prompted debian to form a formal board of directors, who then decided debian wasnt going to sign any such document -- 
Joel Espy KleckerDebian GNU/Linux Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
God shows his contempt for wealth by the kind of person He selects to
receive it.  -- Austin O'Malley (1858-1952)

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1998-02-24 Thread Stephen Zedalis
On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Joel Klecker wrote:

gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
available at

[1] The gated consortium requires that groups who wish to distribute gated
apply for a distribution license, such a license is free, but the DFSG
requires that a license not be specifically for Debian.

Ok, but then it belongs in non-free right?

gated is too important to NOT do it at all.

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1998-02-24 Thread Stephen Zedalis

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Peter Paluch wrote:

Hello, friends,

I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.

gated, but there doesn't seem to be a debian package for it.  RedHat is
packaging gated now in 5.0.

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1998-02-24 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Stephen Zedalis wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Joel Klecker wrote:
 gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
 talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
 available at
 [1] The gated consortium requires that groups who wish to distribute gated
 apply for a distribution license, such a license is free, but the DFSG
 requires that a license not be specifically for Debian.
 Ok, but then it belongs in non-free right?

Nope.  You need to sign a licence to distribute it at all (including in
non-free) and Debian isn't willing to sign the licence (and you can't just
have someone else sign the licence and then upload it to non-free).

 gated is too important to NOT do it at all.

While gated is important, it is more important for Debian to adhere to its
stated policies and goals which are located at:

Gated source is out there, if you need it you can compile it and install
it yourself (or build yourself a Debian package of it for your own use).


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1998-02-24 Thread Stephen Zedalis
On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:

Nope.  You need to sign a licence to distribute it at all (including in
non-free) and Debian isn't willing to sign the licence (and you can't just
have someone else sign the licence and then upload it to non-free).

Hmm... Isn't it for things like this that the Debian board was created?
And if the license is free, why don't they want to sign it?  The current
bo distribution has several packages of software that is just as dubious
in licensing and of possibly less usefulness.  merit-radius is just such
an example.  As far as I know it is commercial-ware put out by Merit.
This is starting to smack of the same problems that the various BSD
flavors have, ie. a particular committee slowly making decisions for the
public good but seemingly out of touch with users needs.

 gated is too important to NOT do it at all.

While gated is important, it is more important for Debian to adhere to its
stated policies and goals which are located at:
Gated source is out there, if you need it you can compile it and install
it yourself (or build yourself a Debian package of it for your own use).

Good suggestions, but not having a robust routing daemon is gonna hurt in
the long run for many applications.  If Debian is dead set against gated,
they need to look into incorporating alternatives with less onerous
licensing, and/or supporting the development of alternatives.  Maybe
a GRD Project, (GNU Routing Daemon) or some similar alternative.  Lets 
face it - routed sucks even for RIP and if we want to do cool things with
IPv4 and IPv6 in the future, a routing daemon is going to be invaluable in
the long run.  Another problem is that the policies of the current Gated
Consortium suck.  They certainly are catering to big business, the only
versions that are available without substantial contributions for source
and distribution rights is the 3.x versions.  And whenever you report a
problem in 3.x, they recommend a newer version.  This is one of those
things that cries for a GPL'd alternative.

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1998-02-24 Thread Scott Ellis
On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Stephen Zedalis wrote:

 On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:
 Nope.  You need to sign a licence to distribute it at all (including in
 non-free) and Debian isn't willing to sign the licence (and you can't just
 have someone else sign the licence and then upload it to non-free).
 Hmm... Isn't it for things like this that the Debian board was created?
 And if the license is free, why don't they want to sign it?  The current
 bo distribution has several packages of software that is just as dubious
 in licensing and of possibly less usefulness.  merit-radius is just such
 an example.  As far as I know it is commercial-ware put out by Merit.
 This is starting to smack of the same problems that the various BSD
 flavors have, ie. a particular committee slowly making decisions for the
 public good but seemingly out of touch with users needs.

Debian and SPI have made a deliberate decision to NOT sign any licence.
Did you read the social contract and Debian Free Software Guidelines
(DFSG)?  Signing a license is against everything we stand for.


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1998-02-23 Thread Peter Paluch
Hello, friends,

I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.

Thanks a lot.

  * Peter Paluch  *
  * Kukucinova 939/35 *
  * Kysucke Nove Mesto*
  * 024 01*
  * Slovakia, Europe  *
  * - *
  * tlf: +421 826 421 2542*
  * e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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1998-02-23 Thread Joel Klecker
At 20:23 +0100 1998-02-23, Peter Paluch wrote:
I would like to ask - is there any package which enables routing using
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ? I know that there is routed, but it
doesn't seem to be able to use BGP.

gated, but there is no Debian package for it due to licensing[1] (there was
talk of doing an installer package, but nothing ever came of it). gated is
available at

[1] The gated consortium requires that groups who wish to distribute gated
apply for a distribution license, such a license is free, but the DFSG
requires that a license not be specifically for Debian.

Joel Espy Klecker Debian GNU/Linux Developermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good.
-- Mohandas Ghandi

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