
After figuring out that my dhcpcd problems were due to a corrupted file 
in /var/run/<some dhcpceth0conf type file>, I now find I can't resolve 
hostnames/addresses _inside_ our firewall (it's fine for sites outside 
on the internet).

I know littela botu networking so am not sure where the problem is, but 
under win95 (yuk), winipcfg gives:

my hostname
the address of 2 DNS servers
a node type of 'hybrid'
The 'NetBIOS Resolution Uses DNS box is ticked
My IP address
subnt mask
default gateway
DHCP server
Primary WINS server (same as DHCP server)
Secondary WINS server

Any clues as to why I can't resolve host names inside the firewall?  It 
means I can't get apache to work (get a 'can't resolve address for 
hostname>' error in /var/apache/error.log), and to get Xwin32 to work  
so colleagues can log in via X (inside firewall), I have to put their 
hostname and address in /etc/hosts/ to allow them to log in, or I get 
similar 'can't resolve hostname' errors in /var/log/xdm-errors.

Please help a new-ishbie!


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