On 25 Jul 2023 18:26 +0600, from rifesourcec...@gmail.com (Source Code):
> Using Debian for PC OS is not good? Is it recommended only for servers?

Debian is entirely usable as a daily driver workstation OS. I've been
using it as such for around a decade, possibly longer; I have old
notes and Debian packages dating back to wheezy on my current desktop
system, and I'm quite sure that's not when I started using Debian

Debian will, however, _also_ work very well for servers; and many of
the choices one might make to reduce memory footprint (such as not
running a GUI) lend themselves better toward a server installation
than to a workstation setup.

> It turns out you need free firmware to use wifi? But I can use wifi, but
> only with some DE. I just can't use it just from the start without DE.

"Non-free" firmware. Often readily distributable, but does not meet
the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG).

One big change in Debian 12 was to split such firmware out of the
non-free component (where it has been provided since, it appears,
Debian 6/Squeeze) into its own component named non-free-firmware.

Do you have Network Manager installed? Try running "nmcli connection
show" and "iwconfig" when logged in. Do those work?

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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