(originally sent to -devel-announce....-publicity folks, that could
deserve an entry in the DPN, maybe?)

> As the bug #500000 mark was turned on September 24th 2008, Debian
> developers and contributors need a new challenge.
> So, again, a small contest has been set up. The principle is very
> simple: please place a bet (one per person) about the day bugs #600000
> and #1000000 will be reported. 
> The winner(s) will be the person(s) placing her|his|their bet as close
> as possible to the real moment bug #600000 and #1000000 are reported.
> There is nothing to win but the pride of being the person who
> predicted our bug report rate for the next months|years, just what
> René Mayorga won by winning the bug #500000 prediction game
> (http://people.debian.org/~bubulle/500000.html).
> The bet page is a wiki page: http://wiki.debian.org/600000thBugContest
> It will be closed on November 30th 2008. Bets will be kept statically
> until bug #600000 is reported.
> Then the page will be reopened with a new list of bets for bug
> #1000000.  Thus, we will have four sets of bets for bug #1000000 with
> even more suspense and fun!.

So far, we have quite few bets.

As a consequence, I will keep the bet wiki page opened up to December
31st. So, for those people who have played this little game, please
feel free to do so. There is nothing to win but your name being
mentioned in the official announcements in a few years...:-)

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