Just throw-out for some thoughts I was musing on.

In the windows world of old, you had your domains, each with a SID, and
thus your users ended up with unique SIDs as the domain SID is prefixed to
their user SIDs. Domain trust accounts could be established to enable users
from other domains to authenticate to the local domain. All very easy to
set up, though I've no idea how easy the arrangement is with the (to me)
newer Active Directory way of doing things. Not really something I've
played with thanks to Samba.

I've also never fully had the *nix/Linux way of achieving the same things
explained to me either, but I'm guessing it involves something else I've
never really played with (i.e. NIS) in some way. My current single-domain
setup has side-stepped the issue (aka. cheating) by using LDAP for SSO
through the use of PAM modules and the like, so in effect just sharing the
backend between my independent machines. I might look into having full
OpenLDAP installations on the machines replicating the server to make
things a bit more robust, as currently it all falls apart if the network
and/or server go down.

However, I planned on setting up a second domain at another site, and
whilst I'd like them to be fairly separate entities, I planned on bridging
them with a VPN and being able to access them as easily as if they were in
a similar setup to the Windows trusted domain arrangement; in effect just
splitting the overall network rather than having two disjoint ones, though
both would need to be able to operate should the other be unavailable.

This raises a number of questions for me though, as having separate Linux
"domains" raises the prospect of UID clashes that you don't get with the
Windows way of doing things (and in Windows you can specify the domain part
for situations where the same username is in use in both domains), and I'm
not sure of the best way to arrange my LDAP tree to support lookups across
multiple subtrees. I guess I could just make sure whatever I was using to
add users was operating in distinct UID/GID ranges to avoid clashes.

I kind of imagine I'd have to set up global lists of references (i.e. for
the users) at the new higher tier in the LDAP tree, as I'm not sure how I'd
specify multiple valid subtrees in the filters otherwise. There's always
the option of just doing a full subtree search of the top level, but I have
my users OU sub-categorised into various mutually-exclusive categories
currently...which I guess is a sign I should be perhaps figuring out how to
make my client software play nicely with proper LDAP groups instead. Might
have a play with simply searching the whole tree and see how things go...it
does kinda seem the only way to go, but I can't for the life of me find
anything that tells me how to specify a group in a LDAP search filter.
Plenty MS-specific stuff using a "memberof" attribute, but that's not how
anything I have works currently. *sigh*

Anyway, any random thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

- Jamie

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