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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Is it possible to run Debian (or any other Linux dist. for that matter)
> on a NeXt workstation ?


The processor isn't a problem (it's just a motorola 680x0 processor) but
the rest of the system (memory controller, DMA, drive access, among other
things) were seriously lacking in the kernel.

Don't expect to be able to do anything related to putting Linux on it
until there's good kernel support.

> What about on an HP 712/100mhz Workstation ?


> What about running any of the BSD family of OSes on either of these two
> systems ?

NetBSD might work on the HP; not likely on the NeXT.  Ditto with OpenBSD.
If it's not a PC or an Alpha don't even think about FreeBSD.

The best operating systems for them will be the ones they came from the
factory with (or rather, a couple revisions behind the latest that'll run
on it).  That means the latest NeXTStep/OpenStep you can find, or find a
kind soul to provide you with HP-UX media (OpenStep runs on HP hardware).

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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