I hope somebody can give my some advice. My problem is that my 
cd-rom drive is not always recognised by the BIOS when my 
machine starts up, I have the bios set to auto configure. When 
this happens it does not appear in the Debian startup screen. 
and when I try to mount it I get a message like invalid block 

I had this problem before and the bios seemed only to recognise 
the drive when on a cold boot or a warm boot when a data cd was 
in the drive. However as Win95/NT both managed to use the drive 
irrespective of wether the Bios found it I did not bother about 
it to much and was told that it is just a qurk of ide. I am a 
little disappointed that Debian (hamm) has problems.

I have just reinstalled Debian, as i made a complete mess of my 
last instellation, everything worked well the machine booted 
from the CDrom but when it came time to run dselect it would not 
recognise the drive. Fortunately I have a HP 7200i CDRW so I was 
able to use this to finish the instellation. Since then i 
sometimes can read the Cdrom and sometimes I cannot.

This problem with the BIOS has not been happening for quite some 
time and I don't know why it has returned as i don't seem to 
have done any thing to coincide with it.

I have a P200MMX, Abit TX5 ATX mboard. 3.2 Gb hd as primary 
master. Phillips 24X CD-Rom as Secondary Master and HP7200i as 
secondary slave. I have flashed the m'board bios with the latest 
updates but to no avail. BTW I am running hamm

Thanks in advance. and sorry about the spellin


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